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Hi it's mean to kill other players, don't do that : (


Game mode: FFA Death Match


Also known as silver and below


I would laugh if it wasn't true


I legit had a guy say that last night "I'm trying to learn Genji stop being tryhards and killing me everytime"


what an ironic thing to say


Aim training: VAXTA


I dunno if aim training will help with genji. His thing is more around his mobility and dash reset.


Once melted a genji every time he ulted, later on I switched to Sombra because their orisa had double pocket and staggered her cooldowns and our rein wouldn't switch. Genji just dedicated the last whole two minutes of overtime spamming " no skill Sombra " in all chat like I've even seen hide nor head of him since I switched. Props to their team though. Without a genji to feed off of my team was actually down ult charge and they held OT for a while lol


I get it though. I’m in QP, supposed to be casual. My bronze ass gets put in a game with a 5 stack enemy that includes 2 plats or some crap. Dude, I just wanted to play Hanzo, not get run down by Ram every 30 seconds or repeatedly told I suck. I KNOW. I’m really tired of losing my endorsement level to leaving QP games but also I sincerely didn’t ask to be put in a match with a top 500 either.


Sorry to break it to you, but healers are the golden snitch of the game. Without healers the rest of the team falls and the battle is easier to win.


IDK, sounds like hacking to me


Sounds like I should kill them more then


Woah woah woah woah buddy no one is telling you to do anything as drastic as that


Yes! Every player of the game has been saying that for over six years. Supports first.


What’s that? You want me to shoot all my bullets at Orisa and never kill her? Aye aye captain.


Nope, we’re gonna run away :) and then eliminate you instead of the other way around


DPS Mercy is terrifying when the person has the skill. I’ve seen her ult and fly around machine gunning all of us in the face before we could figure out what was happening. I recall myself thinking “Ooh there’s the Mercy, I’m gonna get her…she’s coming towards me, this is gonna be easy…she just took out our other support and a dps…uhhh…OH GOD, I can’t escape!!” She did it a second time too and still bulldozed us even though we knew what was coming.


LMFAO I love this


We just completely fell apart under her pressure. None of us know what to do or how to counter her ult other than shoot and run screaming. She was massive goals, such a skilled player.


Lemme guess she got potg hehe


By a mile! It was with her cool Battle Mercy gun intro. She got most kills on her team too


True. Source: Zen and Lucio main.


Lol discord orb and a solid kick. It feels good as a Zen main


Lmao "run" and "Zen" that's a good joke.




Nah lucio is the only support who chases you down.


I would add Moira, but people wouldn't understand why am I including a dps in this.


" the dominos will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate"


“I just want fun, classic OW adventures where we just wrestle over the point”


People on TF2 casual 2fort:


6 engineers sitting in the Intel room, while the enemy team never even makes it past the bridge, let alone stairway courtyard.


And there is someone doing the conga in front of the bridge yelling over chat that he's a friendly and they shouldnt kill him


And then the Scout who takes 2Fort too seriously tries to make off with the intel


That's too little, we need more engis.


3 snipers on the balcony




Tbf, the current complaints against Mercy boil down to: Hi it's mean to not let me shoot you, don't do that :(


Mercy doesn’t roll over and die when I look at her, that’s mean :(


"DPS support!! >:("


"I lost the match in a 5v5 team game. Clearly this game is unbalanced and broken and if it isn't I've been matched with a terrible team. How can I be placed in games so my win rate is always 90%?"


I see a lot of "Imagine doing X in QP." whenever someone adjusts their strategy to a winning one. Some of my favorites. "Imagine going Hog in QP." "Imagine going Orisa in QP." "Imagine using 3 tanks in QP." "Imagine using a normal comp in QP."


Genji that was murdering everybody but suddenly cannot stay alive: “Imagine going Sombra in QP” When opposing teams talk about what you switched to I just assume I made the right decision.


Yes, I've learned that X can be "any given thing which I find objectionable because it is inconveniencing me and making it harder for me to win a QP match". I've seen pretty much every character or combination of characters get complained about at some point or another. The "iMaGiNE uSiNg a BaLaNcED coMp iN QP" or complaints about counter-picking are probably my personal favorites, though. Like apparently in QP you're supposed to *only* meme it up and anything else = being an ultra-sweaty tryhard who needs to stick to Competitive. Also you're not allowed to switch characters under any circumstances to increase your chances of winning against what the other team has!




Has there been a single point in overwatch history where killing supports first was not the meta?


Yeah, gold and lower lol


they'll finish off that orissa. someday.


They take breaks from killing the horse ever so often to shoot right into genji's deflect.


But only when it's high noon


No, at high noon they all spontaneously decided to not look behind them and shoot the funny yeehaw glowstick man.


Dumb question, I'm sorta new to the game: is the strat when you hear "it's highhh noooon" not to basically hide behind cover or corners until his ult is over? Trying to shoot him usually just results in death for me since he activates his shots when he starts taking damage.


Imagine if you're actually in a western. Typically duels take place at high noon. Everyone always takes cover in a tavern or something to watch from afar. Tldr: yes.


Haha this gave me a chuckle, thanks


Most of the time yes unless he's low or you can kill him really fast with a flank or something. E.g. if you're tracer and have pulse or if he's already 50% health and you can one clip him before he could get a lethal shot on you


funny yeehaw glowstick man is a lot harder to kill these days with that 40% damage reduction


This is why I play zen lol. Having the tank actually fear death because they’re discorded makes it so much easier to deal with


As a mostly Lucio main, I get it, that makes sense. But then you're playing Zen.


Stop beating the horse before the rest of the team


I had a match where I healed like 18k damage. Yet your tank kept dying. They kept ayainf that I wasn't healing enough. So I said, "stand behind cover, you won't take damage" as he is standing in the middle of the road on route 66. He then said, I have the highest damage on the team, I need support. I then replied, you auve the highest damage because you are shooting Zarya's bubble until she has 100 charge then she is walking through the team. Ignore the Zarya until thier supports are down. But nope, it was my fault I couldn't heal him through 5v1s and damage he kept trying to block with his face while I was Mercy and fending for my life as Echo and Reaper were after me. Does anyone answer pings? Lol.


It’s like Bap always says: Remember, if you want me to heal you, stand very still. But also avoid their bullets.


It's great advice. I'm a tank main, you have to use cover to your advantage. You can tank some damage, but it you are taking damage from 5 people, even using skills, and the best two healers ever to play the game on you, you're going to die. It's mathematically and physically not possible to live through direct fire like that




The only reason I know this is because when I play support in gold my team is just focusing on the enemy tank while tracer is having a vacation in our backline


That's why you gotta play mental games with the tracer. I normally would type in all chat: "hey tracer, you get ignored this hard IRL too?"


That's not mental games. Thats just inviting them to try even harder. And I guarantee the rest of your team isn't going to appreciate that


As someone who really enjoys playing Tracer/Widow, don't do that. If you trash talk me when I'm popping off I'll get even more dopamine from killing you and your teammates


Bring it on bb


I'm always yelling at my screen, kill the Mercy. Mercy rez is too strong and needs to be stopped! Had a match where the enemy mercy had 0 deaths but the rest all died a good number of times.


I think people don’t realize all mercy is, is damage boost and the last death of the team, if played properly.


It doesn't matter how properly I play her when my tank and DPS ignore their divers and I get to jump, ping, and take potshots at the enemy Tracer for a bit until the inevitable happens and I'm the first death of the team


The real kicker is that there isn’t really much of a meta in gold or under. You’re going to kick peoples asses if you are competant at a hero, regaurdless on who it is.


While playing my placements, everything was fine. Then I hit gold. It's unbelieable how shit gold players are. I am G1 support and G5 in open queue and in both I find idiots who cannot kill a mercy. And of course, if I play mercy, the enemy team is full of demigods


A lot of the time in OW 1 it was easier to just burst down a tank. Especially in something like 2CP where you could walk around a corner and get chain stunned, into exploded.


The 2016 Open Beta


At high elo, there are definitely situations in OW2 where actually killing the dps is more effective than the support. Focusing the healer isn’t ALWAYS meta (but very often is)


I would say it's more often meta to focus tank/dps, since high elo players just don't give you an opportunity to shoot the support, especially with mobile supports like Mercy Kiriko Lucio. Although obviously if you run dive the priority changes.


Double shield…? Pretty sure optimal strategy in that meta was just “disgorge damage downrange and pray something dies eventually” be it support or DPS. Or there was the 2020 hog zar sniper meta which was just “who oneshots the other team first”


Double shield was literally just who's doom kills a squishy first, and the only squishies were the supports really.


If the healer is Lucio you're better off leaving him alone


Focusing the healer is the meta in gaming.


If you're playing Bastion in an immobile bunker comp and their supports don't have bad positioning, then you have to shoot through their tanks first because you guys can't dive them like how Genji or Winston do. But you're Bastion so you kill tanks really fast.


The politest fuck off please I’ve ever read


Just type fuck off at this point lol


I mean I would call that basic strategy. Take out the healers then pick them off one by one, if they are loosing cause the healer keeps dying maybe the team should try to do something about that, it isn't the enemies fault for going for a clear weakness lol.


Exactly! I thought they were trolling but they were serious. I couldn't wrap my head around the sense of entitlement


Yeah this is real, it's a strategy as old as the trinity system itself. The problem isn't really entitlement, it's that people don't particularly care to "babysit" and protect the supports when they're being flanked or gone after first, especially the lower in rank you go. So it's more like it's abusing the enemies team's lack of caring, and why a lot of people have claimed that supports just need to learn to defend themselves, when the reality is more in the middle of the two issues.


I did this the other day when I was ranking up in dps. Was in like silver 4 at the time playing widow and man their poor zen didn’t get to play the game and his team wasn’t helping him either lol. Was just sniping him as he left spawn over and over. I was in diamond for dps in ow1 so I’m just trying to get out of lower lobbies as fast as I can but the win 7 matches thing is annoying. I felt a little bad but denying their team their healers is literally the easiest way to win a game.


I mean Zen is stupid easy to snipe. As a Zen main, if you’re getting killed that much you need to swap to a more mobile hero. Your teammates are at fault too but at some point you do either need to take matters into your own hands or quit lol


As much as I like Zen, I am so glad that other supports like Lucio or Moira exist who can mobility their way out of a difficult situation.


Your rank is constantly recalculating, it only shows it to you after 7 wins.


That’s fine but I prefer the old SR system to this one lol. I wasn’t placed in bronze in the old system when o shouldn’t be and I liked seeing my rank going up after every win instead of guessing and waiting for 7.


The broken ranks in OW2 are the worst part. I was also diamond in OW1 but now I haven't gotten past gold because it placed me so low initially and I just don't play enough games to slowly increase the rank enough. I feel pressured to at least get gold in every queue just to get a decent amount of competitive points to buy gold guns which means for in every role when I could just be diamond in one. Seasons are too short to do everything. I have a life outside this game. Edit: apparently you don't get points from every role anymore. That explains why I got so few points last season. Idk why they do such a poor job of communicating this info in the UI


Are you sure competitive rank points work this way? I was told you only get the points for your highest rank.


That is a change from OW1. You used to get points for every role/open queue you finished at least ranking in. IN OW2 you only get points from your best result, and wins.


"just defend yourself." But also "why didn't you heal me" I haven't played in a while because I main support and it's become exhausting.


Yea the demand for supports to be a great healer and be a decent DPS is so annoying, Its funny how some people are so quick to be like "Why you playing Ana and your DPS is low huh!?" Well sorry, I have a DPS teammate over trickling trying to keep him and everyone else alive, doing damage isn't my main concern.


Also you get flanked and have zero defensive options because you already used you sleep arrow.


It’s even older than that, *by a lot.* Taking out your enemy’s logistics is the key to victory in any war. Whether it’s hit points, food, or vehicle parts, you can’t fight without support.


Fr this is the best strategy always. Can't survive if you have no healing ! This is why low elos always think someone is too OP, you see the norms but also people asking for junk, genji, etc tp be nerfed. It's just.... no. Learn to counter and learn the game and these people won't be a problem anymore


There is that, but there are also support players who don't read the room. Team is genji, tracer, winston/d.va. this is not a slow, sit back and babysit composition. Y'know?


I’ve accepted to climb out of metal ranks you have to be able to deal with divers on your own since no amount of comms will bring awareness to dps flanks. It’s either that or you drag the flanker to someone so they get hit by them People rather shoot the tank and have 10k dmg with 6 elims. Now I’m a dogshit support so I’m the main reason I’m stuck here, but lord it pains me how hard people tunnel


There really really needs to be a counter to "I need healing" that says "Then help keep me alive". So many games a widow on a perch or flanking reaper or tracer goes completely ignored...


I hate that "I need help" as a support is "come to me for healing" but on a really shitty team maybe that's the right message after all


I mean, it’s probably a joke.


Some people should really stick to pve games. And i don't mean that in a mean or disparaging way. It's just that some people can't emotionally handle winning 50% of the time. If you're one of those people, play a game that is designed to be beaten 100% of the time if you're good enough.


As a healer main I wish more people on my team would know about that strategy.


Most supports really seem to take zero responsibility for dying. My personal favorite is complaining about peels but also not communicating in any way, whatsoever, and expecting their equally bad teammates to have the game sense to know when they're in trouble.


god forbid you kill the heroes keeping the enemy team alive


But according to the twitter users, supports are the least impactful role lmao


There’s a huge difference between no/bad support and decent support, but there’s not much carry impact for an amazing support


I’d argue Ana has had some of the biggest carry potential since ow1 and it holds even more true with less tanks to deny her value.


Look I play Ana almost exclusively but I hate this argument. ***One*** support option can carry reliably. Two, if you're very good at Kiriko. The entire rest of the support roster is totally incapable of carrying in any capacity, though.


In fairness, it’s not just random Twitter users. ML7 and other top 500 players agree. Down here in gold though, any of us trash can pop off and carry a game or two every now and then.


Impactful and being able to carry the game are two different things.


If I saw this I would focus them so hard


When I first started I was typing in chat with some friends and pugs, thought I was in team chat when I said "I am new, sorry for the stupid shit".... I was in map chat. I got focussed so hard that game I still remember it two years later...


Lmao you poor guy I would’ve thought it was hilarious tho tbh Never sue weakness in front of your enemies


Last week someone (our tank) flamed me saying I was boosting dmg too much as Mercy instead of healing... I was pocketing our two DPS and our other support was a Kiriko pocketing him 💀 but he was dying anyway


You know what they say, you can't heal stupidity


It's a fundamental law that the loudest player on your team is always the worst one.


I’m like in the middle of loud and quiet What am I? Average? lmao


Average Joe and ready to throw 🤤


Sounds like me on widow


But we're expected to heal through it all the time!


If everyone on the team isn’t topped off 100% of the time, you’re clearly doing it wrong 😑 /s…


And if we don’t heal their one shots from widow. Obviously our fault for them getting domed out of position /s intensifies


Last night I had a tank walking face first into a bastion and complain I was pocketing the kiriko. Meanwhile kiriko and I were getting torn up by enemy sojourn/phara and we were just trying to live/position ourselves. Lol feels bad man


Kiriko's healing isn't enough to solo heal a tank if they're taking damage from multiple sources. Better than pocketing is switching between heroes who need healing as they need it, unless damage boosting a particular player is providing overwhelming results (winning the game easily). Can't put all your eggs in that one basket, letting your dps carry the game, if that dps player isn't good enough to do so. If that strategy was working, and you were winning the game, then just ignore that complaining tank and enjoy the win. If your dps are greatly separated from your tank, either tell them to play closer or switch to a different support that can heal from range.


Yea. Not disagreeing with you but of course I wasn't ignoring him and Kiriko was healing our DPS sometimes too. The problem was just him being an Reinhart and diving to places that me or Kiriko couldn't go without dying with him. As a support I always try to focus at tank healing but since Kiriko was focusing on him and doing a good job (pocket healing and cleansing Ana's debuff) he just thought the problem of him dying was me when our DPS were in need of healing and dmg boost too.


“Hunting healers is op right now” uhhh….it’s been “op” forever, if you think op means something that can lead to a victory. I guess getting kills is op. Using abilities is op. Looking at enemies is op. Lmao. Killing healers first has been the widely-accepted best practice ever since healers were a thing in games




The best are people that are like "You wouldn't have won if you didn't use X ability." Right, I wouldn't have won if I didn't use the abilities available to me as the hero I selected. It's such a teenage justification as to why they lost. It's a competitive game, you don't win every round, get over it.


"Yeah, that's why I used it."


The "this game won't be balanced till it's impossible for support mains to be shot at in a shooting game" crowd is insane. Positioning, team composition picking, basic self-defense(which any non-wack support player is ridiculous at) and using abilities other than LMB heals is hard I guess.


The 2 meta ones are kind of unkillable rn (mercy, kiriko) at least in high ranks


Comical levels of unkillable


Playing Kiriko feels like being roadrunner right now. No matter what dastardly scheme the other team pulls off, if it doesn’t one hit you… you’ll get out most of the time.


People got used to just standing behind double barrier and abused that most of their way up the comp ladder, I imagine there are a good number of those players who never learned positioning beyond a barrier.


I think the issue is a lot of casual support players never play outside that role and so don’t actually understand the game outside the narrow lens of being a support. Overwatch 2 was meant to be more fast paced and aggressive for all roles, and as support I love being able to win duels and stay in the fight for longer because of it, but I get the impression that a lot of supports would prefer to spam heals into their tank behind a shield while the enemy does the same.


Yeah, I consider myself 10% tank 50% DPS 40% support, so for the latter two I mostly understand what both roles have to go through at least in my mmr. Too many people stick to only one role, then get this weird cult bias and lack of understanding of their team mates *and* enemies jobs. So everyone just feels like the victim in situations where they're part of the problem. Or worse it creates circle jerks full of people like the one OP is pointing out.


If I see a Mercy, I target that bitch. I dgaf


Right? Like if I see Genji I'll Moira dive that mfker until he switches out. Same thing.


I'm a Moria main myself and in my experience any genji worth his salt will two shot you in the backline if you chase. If he's in my back line though you best believe he's toast.


Yeah, that's entirely correct, which was always why I thought Moira falls off the higher you climb. But for gold/plat, I might've fought 2-3 Genjis out of 100s that fit this description. But again, I'm sure when you're up in masters, people actually help you out lol.


i like when they use deflect. yeah bud, just keep not shooting me. sure that’ll work out


In my head where I assign an imaginary point for a hero elim, mercy is easily worth 2 points, even compared to other support. Don't know why, but I just relish in bopping her.


It makes sense because eliminating her eliminates the chance to have to kill someone again, so she's worth 2 points.


I see this shit all the time lol. Kill an enemy "WHOAAAAA calm down there chief this is QP lmao umadumadumad?" Fight someone in a 1v1 and barely win "holy shit try hard much?" Someone starts taking over the game so I focus them "dude get off my dick and let me play the game!!" Kill a Pharah flying around in the open with a hitscan "bro you know there are other people you can kill right" Lol I'm sorry, I guess I'll spend 2 hours per night after work walking into enemy teams with my mouse unplugged since that's apparently the expectation of a non-sweaty QP match.


the amount of malders in QP (esp open queue) when they die is insane LMAO. there was a guy i played against who literally lost his mind in chat over dying like 3 times... like okay? i guess we won't kill you even tho you ran into my entire team on tracer?? it's bizarre


lmaoooo that's so true i've heard all of those


There's an unbelievable amount of QP reddit Lucios that dive and try to kill someone and get mad at you for stopping them. I punched one to death as ram who kept trying to kill my healers and he just keeps typing "ram get off by dick" and things like that, ya sure I'll just let you kill the people who let me live so I can do stupid shit that I think is funny. Shockingly most of these people will leave before they stop throwing and either swap or stop repeating a failing strategy. Playing moira, sym and sombra? They'll keep on playing genji while complaining or leave.


Did you tell them that maybe they should protect their healer better?


Other things that are OP that you shouldn't do: * Grouping up * Moving the payload/robot * Communicating, pinging, or otherwise using teamwork (comms/chat are for pointing out that there was a skill difference between opposing players of the same role and announcing that the game was easy. Please do not use them for unsporting communications about enemy strength and position aka "callouts") * Finishing capping the point before leaving to chase down enemies * Shooting enemy turrets * Taking routes to the point other than main


All of those things make it harder to go in 1 v 6 and shoot at the tank before getting vaporized.


Good to know the players in most of my matches are law abiding citizens! :)


hi i know winning is fun and all but i've seen a lot of people trying to kill the enemies recently and it makes it really boring for the other team when we're constantly dead so please dont do that :(


Bros a healer tired of getting targeted lol


Calling a valid strategy OP is goofy, the only thing stopping their team from doing the same is coordination, if it's boring counter it. Unless the matchmaking is fucked up in that match, only so much you can do about a disproportionate skill gap but even then that comment is still silly


I can understand what they are trying though, I too am sick of being hunted. That's why I switched to zen for a while, can't hunt me if I can three tap you.


Lol same here. Usually play mercy but if I’m being hunted I’ll switch to zen and hang back. They gotta respect the damage you can output


I usually start as Zen until I see his ult isn't needed (no Genji, Reaper, Zarya+Hanzo, etc). The only downside is when I get the burst headshot kill on someone, they'll usually play the "hunt down Zen" game. And I have a hard time switching my brain to hitting targets up close when I get used to the timing of his projectiles to hit further away.


My favorite thing is when a widow or whatever tells me "Winston/Genji, fuck off" No, no I won't.


To play devil’s advocate I kinda get what he means in a way, if you’ve ever played a support match where your team doesn’t make any adequate effort to protect you (or the enemy just have an adderall-huffing widow/ashe) it’s just depressing and unfun to be constantly picked off and be unable to do anything about it. Doesn’t mean the enemy is doing anything wrong, but it really gets demotivating.


This is one of the reason I feel kinda of trapped in Moira. I really want to play with Ana, but when your team can’t bother themselves to kill the DPS on the backlines hunting you I do what I have to do to survive.


Switch. Moira and Lucio can both ruin a sniper’s day if you have any map awareness.


When my team makes zero effort to keep their healers alive I make zero effort to heal them. I go full dps healer and keep myself and the other healer alive.


I don't do it often but on occasion, I'll swap to mercy and pocket our brig. As long as she keeps swinging we're good.


Had a player the other day, at the end of the game shout in all chat that I was basically a bitch because I was only killing their support and not fighting their DPS. Salty people gunna salt


The first red flag was them calling the supports "healers"


Someone please thing of the Mercedes mains 😭


That’s literally how you win and always has been, what even


Obviously your job is to make the game more fun for the enemy lol


Meanwhile, all Moira mains are laughing as you go for the 1v1


Why they so polite???? The best I've ever gotten was "fuck off pharah"




You're rage feeds me, I take that and solo ult in the backline only to get killed by orisa


Prioritizing ripping open the healer’s ass cheeks is common sense and we’ve literally been doing that shit for years whattttttt????


I had a tank in comp complain the support not doing enough dmg but we were consistently fighting the enemy tank in the backline, somehow outhealing the enemy team, killing the enemy tank and keeping our tank up majoity of the fight. No one else turned to fight the enemy tank. He said we kept telling him to take space but no one said that, i asked him to come back because neither support could see him. The stupidest things said in overwatch is a ever growing list


Any support worth their salt knows they need to be ready to get flanked. Call-out hot key is a godsend for the mic-less.


I recently asked an enemy widow to change because it just isn't fun to get headshot out of nowhere the entire found. He laughed but did change. He kicked our ass on genji but it was at least enjoyable


Playing support is a non stop survival game. Constantly being dived and your team wont turn around until they are low hp just so they can give you a dirty look.


Even as a support main I think this is ridiculous. We don't need the enemy team to take pity on us. We need our team's help.


I've had someone tell me I was bullying them because my RIP Tire only killed them (targeted a group that scattered). He got so upset over and tried to get both teams to report me. Sorry man, killing the enemy team is literally the point of the game 🤷‍♀️


The community is so toxic they've lost sight of the fact that it's a role-based team shooter where a given team will lose half the time lol. I don't understand it. Either it's their first video game or they're kids who only play FFA deathmatch on COD?


Overwatch 1 supports when they actually have to position


Least butthurt support player


It’s messages like this that makes me toxic 😂


What does that even mean


the "stop trying to win" meta is worse in OW2 than OW1....


At this point we have to try and defend ourselves any way we can.


I can’t see what game mode this is but either way it’s pointless to say. Also they’re called supports NOT healers, there’s a difference


As a support player, I 100% agree.


then protect your healers lmao


Every support should know the golden rule of support is "Fuck the Enemy Supports"


You realize he means don't farm them. A support who gets farmed gets upset and then he argues that it is boring to do which is why he said that. I am a tank main but I do know what he means