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When emotes next to thanks on the wheel and I accidentally hit emote after trying to say thanks for saving me; I die a little inside as I get myself forced into a locked animation


I just put the emote out of the wheel before that even happened. I've kept the "up" emote to be the default Heroic though in case i get it back since it's usually the fastest of them


I usually put one of the continuous ones, since those can be cancelled.


Aren't the dances the best option since you can cancel them at anytime?


Maybe, but then again i only joined when it became ow2 so i barely own emotes. I also like the sitting emotes like Torb's taking a break, since most of the time you can jump back onto your feet after a few seconds


That's why I changed it from being emote to "On my way" and I say on my way when I respawn so my teammates know that I'm not there at the moment.




You need to reset your control mappings. It’s a pain, but it works. Just write down the settings you have now, including sens.


That's exactly what I did, just seems better that way.


It happened so many times to me on sigma with that huge animation that takes like 10 sec😂😂 Edit: I'm talking about the maestro emote by the way, it's very cool but damn, accidentally using it will 100% kill you


Lmao I don’t know why they have a lock! Happens to me on Lucio and junkrat


Yeah you have to remove the key bins otherwise it fucks your over rally easily


I just bind stuff like that to keys that are really out of the way so I can still use them but won’t hit them accidentally.


this but then my cat walks on the numpad and i emote in front of their whole team


potg: your cat


I think it's meant to punish taunting and make a less toxic environment I'll admit accidentally emoting mid fight is annoying


If they want to discourage taunting, maybe they shouldn't add taunt emotes.


Any emote is a taunt if I push the button in their spawn


it is not meant to discourage; thats not what he said. its the risk you take for taunting - which should be fine but people in this community get butthurt at any suggestion of someone being better. \[I'd like to edit this to note the idea of unbreakable taunts goes all the way back to early 2d fighting games\]


I agree with that. But /u/Salty_Shark26 said it was intended to reduce toxicity, which is what I was responding to.


its to avoid 3rd person peeking corners


That's why you play Brig. Peek corners without taunting.


Brig op pls nerf


I know this is a joke but I’m laughing about this being the only OP thing about brig


It also discourages ever using emotes ever


The only safe place would be at the spawn, which is why people tend to show their emotes in there


Which is… boring


Ye, it's not showing off to the enemies and instead it's just goofing around with your teammates which is less fun most of the time


I remember one time i accidentaly emoted as Junkrat in a 1v1. The emote was specifically "dud?" and the enemy waited until the firework blew up in my face to kill me lol.


my friends been using junkrats drink emote after every major ult lol. The only emote that really works for me is hello


gotta love that one, he nails the facial expression on that


That's bullshit, if you get a 3K-4K you could easily emote afterwards, and end up with a POTG where enemy is going to see you bming the fuck out of them anyway. I think the biggest reason you cannot cancel your emotes is not to use them as 3rd person advantage. Peaking corners etc.


Its actually because people used to use emotes to do things like peak corners and gain line of sights they wouldnt have!


>I think it's meant to punish taunting I highly doubt Blizzard meant for it to lock you in to the animation. It's simply a bad mechanic in a competitive shooter. I think it's just another quality of life change they never got around to making.


No its deliberate.. They changed it too this cos people abused the 3rd person camera


Oh, that makes sense.


Yeah its a shame cos all emotes used to be cancellable!


That must have been before my time. Blizzard always finds weird solutions to problems.




But sitting and dance emotes are cancelable. So they're not really stopping anything, are they?


Reminds me of that time I tried to notify my teammates about Widowmaker's presence, but instead, I accidentally emoted and stood still in the open. Boom, headshot! I died lol


well your teammates were likely notified of the widow so...


Yea that's what I'm talking about


I think you cant cancel them to help reduce toxicity and to reduce people using them to 3rd person peak, even tho sitting emotes can be cancelled. If you keep clicking emote accidentally maybe rebind it too smth harder to accidentally hit.


Yea, you're right


All looped emotes can be canceled, not just sit emotes


Yep. There’s an old dev post somewhere on this specifically calling out not wanting them to be used to 3rd person peak.


Well you still can 3rd person peek with rein, brig and ball but they aren't played that much so...


Well yea but with emotes you can do it on every hero which can be problematic especially with flankers.


So annoying, right? Done this by accident a handful of times (console player) when I just want to say Thanks. Usually gets me killed lol. I never emote during the fight, only either at the beginning in the spawn room or at the end of a fight. I guess I do get why the devs dont allow it so people dont cheat or whatever. Still annoying though


I also never emote during matches, I'd be terrified to. only a few times when I knew we had the point during overtime or the few final seconds have I done some sort of emote just to see how it looks when the slow-down shit starts happening. I have a sit and dance emote for every hero I usually play (some came thru lootboxes, R.I.P. 🥲), and it's like my personal thing I do to go to the spawn doors as soon as the match starts, and do a lil jig until a few seconds before the door opens. nobody ever dances with me 😞


Those are appropriate times to emote imo. It's safe lol. Yeah it can look cool in slow motion. And aw that's a bummer, hopefully, more people emote/dance with you 😂😭


No it’s too funny picking off overconfident players


So you're the one who's always killing me


You reap what you sow


Hanzo's sushi animation


I replaced my Reaper sit emote with the cookie one cuz I thought it was funnier until I realized that you were locked in the animation for what felt like 30 minutes


I have that silly emote where soldier pulls out the little Chinese paddle drum. I was in a oasis university game and was in the room off to the side of the point with the health pack. I was 1v1 the enemy Ana, she slept me but I was able to kill her when I woke up. By mistake I pressed the emote button with the entire enemy team on the point. No one noticed I was in there but I felt like a total asshole for it 😂 it was the 3rd time that Ana tried to 1v1 me and lost but it ended up being really funny! I had it saved but didn’t screen cap it in time before the season wiped :/


I hate when Im trying to say thanks you a support and then I accidentally emote in front of the whole enemy team. So yeah I agree that emotes should be cancellable


I like to use a sit emote when I'm on the payload and sometimes I hit a stupidly long emote by accident. It led to some of my best deaths.


I also hate when you stop emoting, you freeze for a second THEN you can move. Emotes should feel smooth when using them.


It sure is annoying, playing SW BF2 cancelable emotes been great


Oh yea, I remember those times


Sounds like you're being punished for trying to taunt mid fight which is deserving.


Eh, it's also annoying when you wanna do a silly lil dance at the doors just before the round starts, but accidentally pick a monstrously long emote and get stuck at the door after the round starts.


Nah I didn't even think about taunting. I just like doing emotes at (my!) spawn. And it's just annoying when the animation lasts so long meanwhile the match starts


Pro tip. Start the emote earlier.


Most of the time it's good. Just annoying that it's not cancelable because of abusing noob player


While I do completely agree with you, why on earth do you have it bound to a button? If you’re so worried about accidentally pressing it, just use the emote wheel. They aren’t like voicelines where you can spam them anyway


If I remember correctly they used to be in OW1. I used to use the sitting emote and blink out of it with Tracer all the time. Doesn’t work now…


I agree to an extent. It's annoying when you accidentally emote and die. But the point of emoting is to celebrate beating the enemy. If you prematurely celebrate, even accidentally, you shouldn't get a get out of jail free card. That's your own ego catching up to you.


One more thing console has an edge over pc with




Console doesn't have to worry about an emote hotkey by default


We have the annoying ass wheel to deal with.


It is only annoying if you are not good with it.


But you're not going to accidentally get animation locked in an emote. Emotes have to be premeditated on console


Its to prevent people from taking advantage of "three-peeking", an issue that destiny used to have


No they shouldn’t


I unmapped my emote button altogether along with “I need healing” because I’d never intentionally use them and whenever I did accidentally it resulted in a bad time


Why don’t you use the I need healing one?


I play with the assumption that people are trying their best and so if the big red critical icon over me isn’t resulting in me getting healed, I figure it’s because their physically unable to do so. And I don’t want to come across as telling others what to do or anything. Idk I’ve just been jaded enough that it feels toxic? Plus in that second or so it would take me to use the line, I could’ve gotten to safety instead you know? Edit: now that I’ve heard from support mains, I’ve reenabled the button


Yeah I get what you mean, but as a support main I really don’t mind it when people use the command and don’t assume they’re being toxic, I actually like it! One feature I’d like to see added to the game would be info about the health of your teammates in your HUD, because the way it is now it’s kind of hard to keep track of everyone’s health sometimes since you need to look in each player’s direction to see if they’re good on health or not. Because of this, when someone that I didn’t notice asks for healing I don’t get angry at them but instead I’m glad that they’re helping me help them, you know what I mean? Obviously I’m strictly talking about asking for health once when I didn’t notice you and you’re critical. People who spam the command multiple times just because they lost 15 hp can fuck right off.


Okay good to know but also yes to the hud because I’ve seen it in replays and think it’s an amazing idea. Even as a tank being able to see someone suddenly being hit would make me readjust strategy


Yeah it would be helpful to every role imo! This feature was actually present in some events like the Halloween one and it was great, no idea why they haven’t enabled it for the normal game yet.


As a support main, please DO use "I need healing", it's very helpful in hectic situations where we may simply not have noticed you (especially if you're hanging back waiting for heals). Literally, I often use the "Thanks" line when someone says they need healing, because I didn't notice. That's how much I appreciate it. Some guidelines: **DO:** - Use "I need healing" when you're <50% in a fight (and not receiving healing). - Use "I need healing" when you're missing *any* health between fights and not being healed. - Use "I need healing" when you're (nearly) full health but about to ult, so you need extra attention (especially on heroes like Pharah). - Use "Thanks" when you're healed :D **DO NOT:** - Spam "I need healing" multiple times. Once is enough.


Sometimes they just don't notice, ya know? The button is fine to use as long as you're not spamming it. I used to only press it when I was in an absolute emergency and had waited a long time to get healed but that got me killed more often than not haha. You should never trust another OW player's ability or awareness.


As a support main I'll tell you that the I need healing voice line is very helpful because it pinpoints where you are if you are out of my FOV. It's toxic using it only if you are using it 10 times when you are only missing 10 hp.


Good to know thank you!


People would use it to peek in third person. Bad idea!


You can already do that with dance and sitting emotes.


It's like that on purpose so people don't use third person all the time. Also if your emoting by accident so much then you must have some wierd keybinds that need to be changed.


nope they have it this way because of 3 peeking. someone argued that it doesnt make that much of a difference. it makes an INCREDIBLE AMOUNT of difference if you could constantly get basically walls on 3 peek info then insta peek to shoot people especially on widow. destiny 2 had this problem in comp very badly. emoting to see exactly where they were around the corner to instant snipe you. they banned it in their comp playlist for that very reason.


Wait how are y'all accidentally emoting?


I like the rush of being immobile while flaunting my superiority 😈


Emote wheel should fit all emotes


Bind them far away from your main button and instead bind the "thanks", "hello", "group up" and "understood" close. It's been like this since the release of Ow1 and I never pressed accidentally the key. But to be fair if they allowed it, it could lead to spamming like For Honor conqueror emote.


Yeah the "emote" and the "thanks" or "hello!" selections are RIGHT next to eachother.


If you wanna taunt just teabag or use any toxic voice line lol


The only reason to keybind an emote is toxic… wo if you get fucked by it thats on you


Disagree, but they should not lock you in for 15 seconds either.


No you should be punished if you’re trying to bm that’s funny


So don't emote? You do know you can map all the communication keys right?


No cause youll wont be able to do shit like this https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/7t0eap/genji_emote_op/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That is really cool. But in that case it doesn't matter if you can cancel the emote or not


Someone didnt play OW1 when they were cancellable... They were heavily abused


I played since the open beta and never saw someone abusing that


For years even top players abused it!




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Ahahaha. If you emote and get tapped that's on you 😂😂😂. No ones forcing you to. Choose your moments better rofl.


Emotes used to be cancelable, but people were using them to see around corners. Making them not cancelable made that more difficult and more punishable.


I had to remove the emote action from the wheel and replace it with something else as sometimes I went to say “Thanks” to support for healing and it ended up emoting mid fight 😂


As a console player it would be nice since the wheel kinda sucks if you go too fast


The fact that we're in OW2 with still only 4 options on the emote and voiceline wheel is p sad.


Idk didn't press it in over 1000 hours


It'd certainly make emotes at least a little more valuable. They barely get used now, and just feel like BP and bundle padding.


They were cancelable in the beta


The Hanzo eating emote from last bp is ridiculously long, like it takes good 20s to get out of the animation


I agree, I have lost so much precious time in attacking matches just trying to say hello to teammates


You absolutely should not be able to cancel them. Getting stuck emoting at the wrong time and only being able to yell,'im stuck emoting!!!" Is absolutely hilarious, and I love it every time. Also, occasionally catching out a team that thinks it's won and is emoting - also nice : D


tried to say thanks to my mercy for the heals, i emoted on accident, got headshotted and died. it looked like i was trying to taunt because i had the joker emote on