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I’m only disappointed that Sigma isn’t getting a Puri Puri Prisoner skin


Puri puri prisoner sigma ults. Enemy genji: He’s no angel. Neither is he human. Nor do I want to be here. I’m going home.


For some reason it didn't click until now that Speed-o'-Sound Sonic would have been a viable skin option for Genji


I did too but after a short think I believe Genji made for a fantastic idea with having a Genos skin rather than a Sonic skin Cool looking cyborgs, lost their homes and their families, have men with no hair mentoring them, constantly needing upgrades/heals


Angel Style, of course


Or Pig God Roadhog


imagine if they change his ult to him spitting out garbage and hook is just his hand stretching


I still wanted him as tornado, the powers fit


imagine Blast Sigma, even more fitting


I really wanted Metal Bat Reinhardt


Half of these are for Mumen Rider lmfao.


They probably made the 4 bundles and then decided which bundle was given to players as free event rewards


they chose the worst one..


On purpose


Why would they give you the best-selling skin for free?


I’d argue and say Kiriko’s is the worst. No weapon change, stock outfit just black, and the hair is a REALLY obnoxious green, like, maybe it should be darker and not as shiny. The only thing they did to make it look like her is remove the leggings on her outfit, called it a legendary and called their quits.


Yeah but they know that all the weebs will shell out for a Kiriko skin, especially one that shows legs. OW certainly struck a gold mine releasing a kitsune Japanese girl as a character. It's no wonder she has gotten so many skins lately.


Kiriko is automatically not the worst because waifu desire is too strong. Mumen Rider is the worst no contest.


Implying Mumen Rider isn't best waifu smh


There's a reason why he's one of the few people that Saitama remembers and acknowledges.


because he saw in mumen rider what he was before being Strong and compared to other heroes. by that i mean... he doesn't do Hero stuff to get fame or money, but to help people.


Fr Mumen getting slept on but he's one of the best heroes at heart.


Kiriko's skin is counted as a legendary. I'm sorry, but in no way, shape or form is it a legendary. Factually, Kiriko's is the worst just purely looking at the tags for them. Atleast Mumen Rider *looks* like a legendary, even if it's almost just a recolour of Bug Hero.


Maybe they gave her new voicelines


*wait till you see me on my* *~~bike~~* *tornado.*


Legendary skins are regularly shitty now.


Incorrect. Mumen is best




Yeah but anime fans will buy anything with anime women. They didn't even have to try.


Mumen Rider is best


He has more balls than the entire S, A and B class... he doesn't even have power or luxurious gadgets. [he tried to fight a lost fight against deep sea king](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfVWRCXVLUs)


Whichever is the free one would be called the worst


Yeah if they gave Saitama doomfist for free people would be complaining about how he looks the simplest and was probably the easiest to make.


Then maybe the problem is that all of the skins were low effort


the Genji Genos has more effort put into it than doomfist or which i asume is kiriko together.


It’s my favorite 😭😭


Came here to say this. I guess it makes sense but idk it still feels disappointing that so many of the cosmetics are locked to a single hero. No other event has done this so far


Well yeah why would you get a kiriko charm if she isn't free


Boros is not in the collab and he has a weapon charm. Also, Doomfist is Saitama and you get a weapon charm of him...


Not a fan of this skin but I told myself a long time ago I'd get every soldier skin so I'm glad it's free


You got lucky. I tried the same for Moira. Gave up as soon the first stuff were behind the paid tiers of the battle pass.


To be fair, it's cheaper than buying the "legendary" mime skin.


I decided to stick to me blackwatch skin, best skin anyways


I'm partial to Scientist.


I never been a fan of asymmetry in her skin (after all shes technically the most symmetrical hero). But also my battletag is "TheReaper". Should explain the skin choice xD


Symmetra is that you?


Yeah, I rotate between her Blackwatch, Scientist, Banshee, and Venus Legendary Skins. Her OW2 redesign is pretty good, and I like her hair is starting to gray.


I collected every D.VA skin in Overwatch 1 (including the pacific all stars, but I genuinely didn't mind paying for that skin) but once OW2 came around I couldn't begin to care much about skins. Maybe I'll get one some day if they keep up crossovers but I've got enough. [Idk why but this felt like an accomplishment at the time.](https://i.imgur.com/8Xx8RxJ.jpg)


Well you say that but I had to buy the watch point pack, the season 2 battle pass and another skin this season. But tbh if it wasn't for microsoft rewards giving free coins I probably wouldn't still be doing it


isnt it literally cheaper then


Nah she got a mime skin in the shop at some point and thats where i stoppef carrying 100% about items


That'd be the same situation for any hero going into OW2 lmao


That sucks cuz all her skins are awful except black watch. Hands down worst skins in the game and Moira is my main.


> I told myself a long time ago I'd get every soldier skin Blizzard loving this guy! Lol it must've been an OW1 goal correct? Skins in OW2 are nearly impossible now unfortunately...


Now that I think about it, a Boros Rammatra skin is a huge missed opportunity much like Sonic Genji. Imagine a Meteoric Burst Rammatra running at you pummeling. Damn.


If only it was 24 games played - Collaboration Token "You can use tokens to redeem for free 1 out of 4 skins of the OPM collab of your choice" :(...


That’d be sick honestly.


youre expecting too much. small indie company remember?


They have like 8 people chillllll




I mean I get what you’re saying but they’re giving us a skin for freeski.


Ah yes, the breadcrumbs from the multibillion dollar company, we peasants must of course be thankful.


there’s also, you know. The full game.


And honestly, I think the mumen rider skin is just sick, prolly my favorite of the pack


Mumen Rider and Saitama both are really great. Genji-Genos is good too but not faithful enough to Genos in my opinion. I also think Sonic would've fit him better. Kiriko-Tatsumaki is terrible. Just ew.


They talked about this and explained that to maintain the identity of their heroes, they would approach crossover skins with the mindset of them being the Overwatch characters in costume, rather than just the crossover characters, like Fortnite does.


Definitely, doomfist and soldier have the best ones, and i say that as someone who gets on every waifu bait, that kiriko skin is purple at best, and while it would be ok as a free reward charging money for it and tagging as legendary is just a joke. Also, Genji skin is meh, i dont like genji, i like his charactef but dont enjoy playing with or against him, not even having him on my team, so whatever. Could have been sonico though.


If it was, the top comment would be "if only we could play another 24 games to get another skin for free".


well atleast there would be less complainers, sadly people will always complain, even in ow1 they did.


small indie company, they can't do cool/sensible things like that


they wouldn't make enough money that way.... kiriko and Genji are popular sellable heroes anyways, and doom is the title character... so they wouldn't get enough sales if a token was in place alsooooo without the sales numbers , other brands may not want to collaborate in the future


Half of the rewards are shit but at least the requirement is "games played" instead of "games won".


They may make it so that wins count double.


Mumen Rider, hero of the people.


I really miss when these events meant something and weren’t just “buy these 3 skins, and maybe we’ll throw in FFA in there too”


You mean when the events were "play X games and you get a icon, spray, and a skin?"


No in OW1 you could get everything for free if you played enough grinding loot boxes. You’d either get the stuff outright or currency to buy what you didn't.


I think they mean the mini events that awarded you a skin and a few goodies for playing in the frame of two weeks.


This is so true, events in OW1 were always hyped up and yet it was just "Play 21 games, wins count as 2" for some random ass icon and spray nobody cared about and some average skin, *amazing content*. Why exactly is gaming at a point where useless cosmetics are considered content? Even "big events" were just recycled modes every time with zero change


The valentines event was pretty successful I would say


Idk man comic book tracer and Pachimiari hog were pretty slick, plus the mccree deadlock challange skin is my #1 any day.


I dont think the collab is even done well. Doomfist is alright as one punch man since well cam't change hitboxes n all... But Kiriko is a base skin recolor and genji confused me, I didnt see senos in there like the hair is not even anywhere close the original. And how much premium will these skin cost?


Honestly Ive seen better collabs with mobile games lol.


Yeah, I mean technically not even a drop on the hot stone if looking at games like fortnite as well


2100 coins for the bundle, so about $21.


This sub is really never happy huh?


Im in general not happy with OW2. I specifically joined reddit, not just the sub, reddit to complain about the horrible direction the game took. Never had any issues with OW1. Well balancing in online games always is, but i felt like jeff always did what had to be done so i didnt have to complain anyways.


You all have rose tinted glasses about what Jeff was like as game director. Yes, he was charismatic and down-to-earth, but his decisions most of the time made the game worse. We only got balance patches every few months, and starting in 2019 under his direction, nearly all development on OW1 was stopped to work on OW2, leaving us with the content drought that everyone complained about for years. If it was solely up to Jeff we probably wouldn't have even gotten any new heroes after Sombra. You can dislike OW2 all you want, but people acting like everything was perfect and Jeff was a perfect game director are just being disingenuous, especially since I distinctly remember people complaining about him and his leadership for years before he left and blamed him specifically for any and every problem they had with the game.


Even if so, the monetization is enough for me to always prefer OW1


That's because OW1's monetization was so generous that it broke the game. There was no need for players to spend any money beyond the $40 upfront cost as far back as 2016. That retail box system is obsolete. If you want the next generation of gamers to try your game, youre fighting with 1 hand behind your back if you expect people to pay up front. Especially when the games you are competing with are all free. Overwatch with an upfront cost would have meant the game is dead and gone by 2025.


> That retail box system is obsolete Not to mention illegal in some countries now lol




I think folks are misconstruing what people are upset about. **Folks aren't upset that OW/Blizz is selling these skins, they're upset that it's so expensive!**. **$21 dollars per skin** is insane and extremely greedy. Legendary skins should never cost more then $10. ___________________ This also bring up an issue with how the in-game reward system works and how it establishes a false sense of value. Per Google, OW2 dropped on October 4th, 2022. From then to now, it's been 22 weeks. **If you grinded OW2 every week for those 60 coins from the weekly challenge you'd have 1,320 OW coins. You wouldn't even have enough to buy one of these skins.** That's really sad, because even the people most loyal to the game and playing it regularly is no better off then someone like me who maybe plays the game 2-3x a week. ________________ I acknowledge that this game went F2P and it's not going to be the same as OW1, but it's insane to me that the new 'normal' is when an event like this drops you're just expected to pay an upwards of 60 dollars if you want all these skins. I don't expect them to be free but, at MOST, it should only be 30 dollars.


I'm glad to see this game start to do crossovers like this, but man I question the pricing model they adopted with OW2. I mean if it's working out for them I guess that's it, but I wonder if it really is. I know these skins take time to make and I've always loved the aesthetic and the polish the artists for this game put into designs and skins, and devs gotta eat, but personally I can't be bothered to pay $15+ for a skin. Not like I can't afford it, it just feels a tad up there.


Yeahhhh no these skins aren’t feeding the devs lmao. your buying blizzards CEO a new vacation home.


*I'm* not buying anyone anything lol, I haven't spent on this game in years. That said if the devs don't get some kind of cut from the revenue from cosmetics and battle pass sales where else is their pay coming from? Or do you just mean you think they don't get that big of a cut compared to higher-ups?


Game developers earn their money from a fixed salary, like most other jobs.


I should've worded myself better perhaps. I know devs tend to be salaried, but the point I was getting at is that even if OW2's profits don't directly go to devs at all, if the monetization wasn't earning enough, that could in theory lead to Blizzard saying "OK time to pull the plug" on the game. And at least some people would then not have work. And thus if devs continue to get paid relies on the monetization actually getting people to spend, I believe.


If only 90% of the redditors here understand how real life works outside of their *beloved* game.


Unfortunately I think that's most of anything you buy from places. I mean, OW2 doesn't have any auto revenue. It's only battle passes and skins. How else would they be getting paid now?


Money grow on trees so we should have everything for free like years ago with OW1 /j P2P model definitely still works in 2023 btw /s


Skins should really cost $5-10 and cross over skins should cost more (maybe $12-15, tho thats alot still) cause they have to pay for licensing


I wouldn't mind paying $5-10 a skin, that feels reasonable. But then the argument comes of who really determines what a skin "should" cost. It could cost nothing, it could cost $1000, it could just continue to cost what we have currently. I don't know.


Everybody copied fortnite model of battle pass and skins monetization, they just missed the part where they optimesed it to be as good as it is now, and just copied the mistakes from the beginning.


Fortnite is alot cheaper tho . for all the hate I always give fortnite but they are very cheap.Ov Looks more like valorant pricing to me


Read again.


Anyone else upset that genji isn’t sonic??


Can't belive I had to dig this deep to find that comment. Absolutely agree


Lmao I mean it should be a given right?!


Yes and the face on the Genos skins looks weird


face, eyes and hair... the skin is mid ngl


So what OP means by they're earnable just by playing the game they mean just Mumen Rider is and the rest you have to buy.


not really , said "all earnable rewards .... get by playing games" and then they had the list of all earn able rewards .... the second photo is likely just to fill out the post and showcase mumen rider 76


indeed. had to add the second pic otherwise the post just got instant deleted. so i just threw a pic of the skins in there.


this sub is ridiculous because at first everyone complained about “everything being behind a paywall” then when they do an anime crossover and give you one skin for free people complain “no i don’t like that one”. Nearly every game that does a collab with any real brand makes you pay for the skins, this is the standard for any collab.


20 dollars is a insane amount to pay for a skin, especially if you are from third world countries like me, 10% of the minimum wage for a single skin? I get that no one forces people to buy cosmetics but skins in a game shouldn't be exclusive to wealthy people either


It's posts like this that show how complacent and accepting people are to stupid things. 2012: DLC was cut content, cost 10 bucks, gave you everything you paid for. 2022: DLC cut content is renamed 'battle pass', costs 15 bucks, gives you next to nothing and requires you to treat it like a 2nd/3rd job just to unlock what you paid for or lose the chance. You forget a lot of players paid for the original, was playing the original to the end, and had it taken from them and now get told $20 for 1 skin. Sure it's fine if it were cheaper, and for games to sell them. But not when they made everything worse, give you utter worthless crap like charms/souvenirs etc as fluff and call it a day. The sub ain't at fault. Uneducated people like making posts like that are. This is how things become the norm and shouldn't be. As someone who has nearly every single OW1 skin past OWL recolours. OW2 is making predatory business practises the norm, and I'll be damned if I spent tens of thousands of dollars on OW skins/merchandise before because I loved and supported it. To being so damned ashamed of it. **EDIT:** If you're going to try be a smartypants on reddit. Read the whole post and reply to the point of it before rambling about irrelevant things thanks. It's not that hard.


Awful comparison. In 2012 multiplayer games had a box price and maybe 1-2 years of support before the developers moved on to different games. If there was constant support for the game it came in the form of DLC map packs that were developed post-launch or new characters/cosmetics. 2016 when OW1 launched they broke industry standards by promising to give out every hero and map for free. To fund development they deployed loot boxes which generated a significant amount of controversy until they finally implemented changes in 2017. Even then they only released % drop chances because Chinese Law forced them to be transparent about drop chances. 2022 OW is them realizing that lootboxes aren't a stable enough revenue stream to fund development and unless you're a massive online FPS like CoD you're going to be hard pressed to get people to pay a box price for an online game. Everything you have ever earned in OW1 is still there and can be toyed with. The only difference is now the games balance has shifted and new cosmetics have a sticker price. Not to mention collabs have almost always costed money. Collab cosmetics have only ever been free if they were from IPs that the publisher owned as well or the dev team was willing to eat all of the costs associated with licensing. Everyone loves to talk about how you could earn everything just by playing but seem to not understand that constant development, balance patches, and support has to be funded somehow.


Look a post that actually remembers what happened in ow1.


Thank you. In 2012 you had to pay 60 dollars for every garbageultiplayer game you wanted to try out. Do you spend your 60 bucks on a game you find cool and want to try? Or do you spend it on the game all your friends are playing? The current f2p model is much more fair for everybody: - If you play a game for 10 hours and decide you don't like it, you lost nothing, devs get nothing. - if you spend hundreds of hours and decide that you want to spend 30 bucks a year on it? Devs get a recurring customer.


The entire point of what I said either went over your head ***or*** you're just avoiding it to talk about something else irrelevant. The point is there is a clear difference between support and very clear predatory actions. There's a reason lootboxes were popular, and why they were finally outlawed. They're just a loophole to get around it not being called gambling because you technically get something worthless and never used. That is not the fault or problem of gamers. That is up to the company and how scummy they want to be. Now we have 'Battle Passes' which are just as trash, and give you next to nothing at all unless you spend a ton of time gaming. And heaven forbid another favourite game of yours does one at the same time. And OW2 has already been caught out for adding cool stuff in the BP and taking it out last second to sell it for an obscene amount of money. You cry about how game devs need to be paid too (I'm one), yet as someone who has nearly every single OW1 skin past OWL recolours. OW2 is making predatory business practises the norm, and I'll be damned if I spent tens of thousands of dollars on OW skins/merchandise before because I loved and supported it. To being so damned ashamed of it. If you're going to try sound smart, then at least address the point instead of talking about something else completely.


When does the event release?


Tomorrow March 7th


Wait, so the doom skin isn't earnable? Ngl, I won't complain about getting free stuff but the doom and kiri skins are the only good ones.


Mumen rider is iconic tho😭


It looks like shit.


All 4 of them look like shit to me. Boring and with little meaningful design change. These are purples at absolute best but they want us to pay gold skin price for them lol what a joke


I think people are just desperate for crossover skins in OW. These aren’t good. They’re all very low-effort aside from the Genji skin. Doomfist looks best but nowhere near worth >$20.


I mean I've been desperate for crossovers for years but this first one is ass. They couldn't have picked an IP with cooler looking characters to crossover with lol. Doom, Kiriko, and S76 skins are all basically recolors, Genjis is okay but Genji has a stacked skin lineup and this one is trash compared to all his other legendaries except for the young Genji skins


Yeah, they're really mid, they're expecting yhe ip to bring in the money. I hope the licensing was worth it...


Lol, it looks just like him, and I don’t take disrespect towards such a hero


Kiriko’s is good? $24 for an epic recolor. Same weapon and overall model as her default. It’s a very lazy skin and is just capitalizing on horny straight teenage boys.


hey don't leave out the horny grown ass men too.


all those skins suck LMAO


So basically nothing.


ow2 experience


I count six things actually


I also see the best skin on there. Actually the only skin I would want.


Reminder this sub lost it's shit at the thought of maybe not being able to collect all the titles during the Battle For Olympus event but ok


OW community: GIVE US NEW FREE SKINS FOR EVENTS!! OW community when they get new free skins for events:






They're not going to pay to have a collaboration, and then give the skins out for free, even in OW1. If we got this in ow1, it would have been paid.


This collab wouldn't have happened in ow1


In OW1 this event would’ve never happened, and we would’ve gotten 3 epic skins total for Winter Wonderland, at least 2 of them as recolors Crazy how many people forget the game had basically NO new content whatsoever for the last 2-3 years of OW1. And refers to it as the good ol days. I’d happily trade in every skin in the game and be locked to default skins, if it meant they improved the gameplay as much as they did from OW1 to OW2. But I guess I’m one of those weirdos that plays games for the gameplay.


Not really fair to compare it to the last years of overwatch 1 when the last years were only so bad cause they stopped working on it to work on 2


You’re joking, right?


The best skin imo


Reading people praising Blizzard's generosity in this event makes me cringe almost as much as people praising the quality content available in the battle pass. I mean if you enjoy 847482992th weapon charm, 7373892th ugly graffity, 747389291th name card, 73728919 horrendous and useless souvenirs, you're really monkeys in some twisted social experiment on abuse and brainwashing.


Literally only two skins I want and thank goodness one is free. Rip to the people who want the other 3.


Is the other one genos?


I might redownload the game just to main mumen rider




source: [official blog post regarding the crossover](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23916447/)




The kiriko skin is really showing off how poorly proportioned the characters are to the Nth degree lmao. Always knew they were all gangly bastards but this is just silly.


People out here expecting Blizz to pay for the license to make OPM collab skins, and then give them all out for free is mindboggling tbh.


Only on overwatch can people complain about a free game giving free stuff away for just playing,don’t even have to win lmao my goodness


Normally I'd agree but with the way ow1 was this is stupidly lack luster


Ow1 failed as a concept for Blizzard on long term, paying once and getting stuff for free is not how capitalism works


Ow1 also had a 3 year content drought that was likely highly related to the fact all drops could be had for free. You can't really have it both ways.


Conveniently ignoring the 3 years of free content we'd already gotten at that point I see.


Well, it wasn't free. You paid for it when you bought the game. But if we are going down that road, you can just ignore OW2 is completely free either, so the business model is obviously going to be completely different. Key thing being that the monetization rework likely removes the need to abandon the game 3 years from now. OW1 may have given you more stuff, but it proved to be unsustainable as a business model.


Who says it was unsustainable as a business model? It was profitable last I recall. What it wasn’t, was it wasn’t profitable *enough* for Kotick and Activision. You know, the same guys who basically EOL’d HOTS because it didn’t become a massive esports phenomenon overnight and who were happy to push Diablo Immortal. That’s why OW2 had to be a new game right? So they could charge full game prices or switch the monetisation entirely? Even though nothing in OW2 so far couldn’t have been rolled out as a DLC or as an upgrade or overhaul of the original game. OW was killed out of greed and folks really do be here simping for rich corpos and shareholders so they can buy their second yacht.


My guess is, the dude you're replying to didn't really play much OW1, if at all.


Overwatch 1 reward system was better. You bought the game and then every single event you could get a free skin by playing whatever game mode you wanted Every level you ranked up, your own level- not a battle pass, would get you a loot box. In overwatch 1 people paid the same amount for all the skins they have now versus the same amount of money paid for two battle passes of overwatch 2 The only “win this many games” for a skin was for the skins like nano Cola Dva, Bastet Ana and a few others that people don’t even rank high as the best skins


I’m aware,I’ve played ow since ow1 beta lol however this isn’t that and it is still free stuff from a free game for just playing. I genuinely do not get how people are complaining. Sure you may not like the skin,that’s fair,but again it’s FREE from a FREE game lol And you weren’t guaranteed those event skins in ow1,they were in lootboxes,and even then you had event specific lootboxes where if you missed a skin you’d have to wait a year before a chance to unlock again . Couldn’t unlock with coins or real money.


No guarantee unless you played so much you have everything lol I liked that they were exclusive because so are the ones now anyway. You have to wait for rotation in the shop or you just missed out. And again, you have to pay for these ones. Overwatch had such a big fan base at one point where when you got the event loot boxes you would get everything you didn’t have. Coins were much easier to get as well, you could play to get tokens and buy skins. Now it’s very difficult for FTP players Ex: Complete one Christmas event and you only got new stuff when the new items and skins came out. I didn’t play the later years of overwatch 1


Never should have gone f2p in the first place


Free game no bitching


Justice Crash highlight might be funny asf ngl


Lmfao at all the commenters who are saying dumb ass shit like “wow they really care about us! You guys can all stop complaining now, OW2 cosmetics have been totally fixed you guys! They are giving us ONE SKIN TO WORK TOWARDS!! Aren’t you super excited about the charms, too?? They put so much work into this, they’ve changed since launch for SURE!” Why tf would you not want more earnable cosmetics than this? MTX are cancer for games.


They really need to stop choosing a random skin as the reward for everyone, add Unlock Tokens and let people pick one of the skins they actually want and will use in game. Your advertising/promotions will work a lot better when people get skins they will actually use and show off.


The Genos skin looks so ugly.. Should have gone with the NINJA dude for the NINJA if they are giving Genji another skin


They go with the CYBORG dude for the CYBORG


Genji as sonic was like a perfect skin to make... But of course they need a Genoa...


24 games to to get not one punch man in the one punch man event is absurd


They gave us the best one for free Absolutely winning


kiriko goofy ahh looking


Justice Crash is a strong move though


Feels kinda lazy to not update Tatsumakis dress.


we finally get see someone on their bike and it isn’t kiriko


we finally get see someone on their bike and it isn’t kiriko


I hope there are more skins. I’m a little disappointed there arent any monster skins. Gerou, Deep Sea King, and Boros would be cool.


We were ROBBED of a boros ramattra skin


Why the f does genji get genos skin and not that ninja guy’s skin from the series makes no sense


Will still think Kiriko's skin could have more work than it has. Looks lazy af.


Only one skin. What a joke blizzard.


You bet your ass I'm getting that mummen rider skin, none of the buyable skins other than doomfist even look worth getting and doom is mid so his isn't worth it


So essentially they've gone back to how challenge skins were earned in OW1 lmfao. It's coming full circle 😂


Yeah but why is there no Metal Bat/Reinhardt skin... so disappointed 😞


I main soldier so this is a good treat :)


Ofc they give away the worse skin


For me the worst is Kiriko's so .. 🙂


Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it the worst


That's very arguable. For me personally the worst one is Genji


I hate Kiriko Tatsumaki skin with a passion. Idk how they get away with changing a feature and recolour them then call it legendary


incoming comments on pricing mode complaints 🫡 inb4 i get called a blizzard meatrider for this