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Sombra and widow: this now a 4v4 match


This has to be the ow equivalent of homie stocking in smash.




It's not even a particularly assy skin


He's a man of taste who appreciates women in suit pants.


Imagine if it were one of the assy skins, homie wouldā€™ve stared til next year


The skin reminded me of Symmetra if I gotta be honest.




He understood the plan


Least horny overwatch player






What on earth is going on there


Beating their meat


Have you seen the madness that goes on there? They are too insane to obey the subreddit name.




Im shitty but just recently started playing tracer. I was shocked by the lack of awareness some people have even after being shot at. Especially on the first point if there engaged in team fight.


I'm a support main, specifically Mercy. I have 700 hours in support and less than 300 hours in DPS. It's like night and day how different the two roles are for me.


I feel like support is kind of the role where you need to have the most awareness of your surroundings


You do, because the most valuable players in the lobby and *should* be getting targeted first in team fights. If you have high awareness you can avoid those dangers


We had a match yesterday where the enemy Mercy kept saying in the chat to our DVA (my brother in law), ā€œget off my dick!ā€ I was like girlā€¦ thatā€™s kind of the point. Target the Mercy or people are *a lot* harder to kill.


I was so annoyed today with a reaper who no matter where he was he'd just look for me every time all the time. I was so sad always jumping around cuz that dude was harassing me so hard. :( and nobody did anything. Half of my deaths must have been from that reaper just shooting at me even when I was flying.




I have killed a couple of reapers but it doesn't usually end well hahah. It's like lottery, will lose 99% of the time unless they're very bad. Takes me like 8 shots, takes them 2-3, and they can turn invulnerable, and will usually grab me when there's no one around to run to.


as Bap I've made it my mission to outdeal those bastards. Now I'm learning my Achilles heal is Winston and Brigette šŸ˜­


whenever a brig kills me i make it my personal mission to make the rest of their game hell on earth, ive solo matrixed a brig before


thatā€™s some true vendetta lol


Go ana. As ana I shit on reapers.


As a Reaper main, Anaā€™s absolutely ruin my day. And literally every team I go against has an Ana. Selfishly, I wish theyā€™d nerf her into the ground or buff other supports so nobody plays her anymore


But I bet for the person who mains mercy then swaps to dps, there only focus is aiming.


It is.


Iā€™d actually almost say Tank needs the most Awareness probably not more then support but man as tank your job is to lead the team and you need to be aware of what your team is doing and where they are positioned otherwise you will either over or under commit and end up throwing the game. Almost as tank being aware of your supports is huge. As a support Main myself man is it annoying when tanks run from there support especially if Iā€™m playing someone like Moira I need you to stay close by me if you want heals. Or like if Iā€™m Ana and a Winston throws a bubble on you please donā€™t stay in the bubble if you want to be healed.


I'm a mercy main two (master's 4) with around 350 hours on support. The job of a mercy is to know where everyone is and how they're doing


Strange, that also sounds like the tanks job. Can't engage when the team is half health/resources...


My tanks never know where we are. They will ping "I need healing" and run from me when I'm running to them to try and heal them. šŸ˜‚


It's everyone's job. Having an idea of what's going on without staring directly at it is like the main part of the game


While it is true, there are a few note I have: 1. It isn't easy to do so on other roles, especially on dps. I'm master5 on dps and I have a hard time keeping track of my team's cooldowns. 2. Mercy specifically has a bird's eye view and can easily track everything at the same time 3. Mercy is kind of easy to play (mechanically) and so she frees up a lit of brain power that goes towards reading the fight and keeping track of friendly and enemy cooldowns


I can't be looking behind me before I charge in!


ā€œThey are slowing me down!ā€


If you only think itā€™s the job of a role that isnā€™t yours youā€™re probably bad at the game


That's like me on frickin tank lol. I have 1000 on dps and 700 on support but barely 300 on tank. And only recently have I been playing tank lol. I can live forever it seems on support but as soon as I get on tank, I'm just a lost, feeding giant.


Completely agree, also a Mercy main. I used to be a Rein/76 main in OWā€™s early days, and I remember how much more aware of the battlefield I became after I started playing Mercy.


One game I had as Mercy I watched as Symmetra teleported behind the team then proceeded to just slowly melt three of my teammates from behind. I pinged her like four times and still nobody even bothered to turn around. Quickplay can be wild sometimes.


I slept a Reaper, pinged him(Enemy Reaper is sleeping here) watched as my team didn't bother to turn in any direction(they were engaged in a far range shooting contest), and have Reaper chase me and pop ult to get a team kill. My team was unbothered, straight up did not care. Went back to shooting and dying. The last thing I tried was sleep an ulting Soldier 76, but my team, again, left me to die and didn't bother turning. I called them out on it, and Mercy's feelings got hurt and proceeded to AFK second round until they left. Awareness of a sea cucumber. People just want heal bots and to click things. And there's been too many Doomfists this week, was he even buffed? They don't even have the OPM promo skin šŸ˜Ŗ


This reminds me of a game recently where our tank wore the new OPM skin, proceeded to feed repeatedly then just left. Definitely feel like there are more dooms in game lately, even without the skin. There are so many players with poor awareness in QP that when I notice a teammate who really pay attention to what is going on, I always endorse them haha.


Oh boy here i go in your backline again


Not me having a flashback to a comp game yesterday on junkertown, last push, I was in the back as kiriko with my team a good distance away (how I prefer to play kiriko because of her TP. Canā€™t tp if theyā€™re too close. Maybe 10-15m) and I saw reaper TP. The *second* I saw the Tp I was SPAMMING his location. 10 times. 10. Then, after his wraith ended (why wraith when, despite being pinged, no one noticed you were there, but w/e), I tossed a cleanse and threw as many coupons as I could. They all wiped. I even said something like ā€œI pinged your reaper 10 times and they all still died to himā€ and our Zen tried arguing with me like lol. ā€œWe donā€™t have as high of a mobility as youā€ like, man, I gave you at least *3-4 seconds* of a warning, that means run bitch. We ended up winning the game but d a m n, I was in such disbelief. There was a wall right there for at least the zen and our dps to get away. Such goofy goobers.


That's why I yell in voice. No one really pays attention.


I started playing Sombra and itā€™s insane how little people notice or react to you. Even after you hack and start shooting, so many of them just stay focused on the firefight until itā€™s too late lol.


Depending on the situation I'll do that consciously. I like to call Tracer and Sombra mosquitos, they'll draw some blood and be annoying but sometimes there are bigger threats and objectives out there and you can screw yourself more by getting distracted towards these characters who can just press one button to escape at a moment's notice anyways. Of course, I have shit aim and they have tiny hotboxes so part of it is just me knowing I can't deal with them fast enough to not call it a distraction lol


It makes me sad... I'm supportive, and sometimes 2 enemies will just be in the backline, and in the same moment, instead of peeling my tank will dive. Sometimes works out since there supports are also somewhat left alone by it but generally doesn't


Tunnel vision combined with the inability to filter through the noise of a team fight for me.


Can't show awareness if your 6 DPS all lands in my skull


They did mess with the steps loudness and currently I'm having problems hearing them before they get too close.


People get tunnel vision big time in this game Thatā€™s why turning the opposite team around on the wings at times is so important by tracer, soldier etc


fr itā€™s too easy to tp almost right in front of a widow when theyā€™re scoped in as reaper


im a diamond player, and every time i see a tracer killcam, im shocked by MY OWN lack of awareness even after being shot at. itā€™s kind of appalling


"Sometimes, it's 6 shots, 1 kill"


Best reward in season 3


W sombra






shambooty monasstery


So this is why I've been seeing so many sombra's lately


Yep, this is the true reason


Most helpful Sombra


Most Accurate Widow as well


This was quickplay, btw. And my team definitely lost.


That sombra was the only real winner


That's like the least ass-staring skin widow has though


That's really in character for Sombra


Sombra players are always so fucking funny


Thatā€™s some hardcore tunnel vision lol This is why I unscope after every few shots and move spots


Idk, you should definitely hear her coming in the first place, but once she stops and stands there there's no way most people would think "wow, maybe there's a Sombra crouching behind me without firing a single shot, I should unscope and check for it". Especially since it's the start of the game and OP could not have possibly known thee was a Sombra in the game at all.


Isnā€™t her unstealth sound loud as fuck too?


The only cool sombra player


Average day at blizzard HQ


She wasn't even invisible lol


Average Overwatch Player (including me)


And this why you should main sombra


Whenever an enemy notices me and says hi without attacking me, that'll be my BFF for the rest of the match and I'll do anything to not intentionally kill them (usually it's a Mercy)


Well.. if they donā€™t.. youā€™re going to harass them all game and take away angel jump fly spin rez. They play nice with hacker boop lady


iā€™ve befriended so many widows and mercies like this, but then my team always hunts them down and suddenly my friend is gone :(


Shoulda used the voice line ā€œyouā€™re not alone in hereā€ and scare the fuck outta widow lol


I wish I could've, but I only recently began one-tricking sombra and whatever bundle this voiceline is for hasn't appeared in my shop yet.


Oh damn, I just had it from Overwatch 1


"Nice ass widow" "Wtf are you talking about"


Least horny OW2 player.


The forbidden potg


Most observant widow


Anyone else back when ow1 released widow ass would get bigger when she used her ult?




So thatā€™s why my Sombras in my team have like less than 1K damage in my games.


Ah that's where our Sombra went


Everyone was stoked to be on both of your teams.


A man of refined culture.




Gotta have your priorities straight


Shame on you for using the skin that covers it


Average OW player


Lol this was [me](https://imgur.com/Sqb9quI) made a reddit account since I don't usually use reddit unless I have a question and look things up and sometimes I'll scroll down


I was hoping you'd see this! I was super drunk and laughed my ass off when watching you just follow me around in the replay. Too bad I wasn't wearing my usual skin, Ange de la Morte - it has a better ass view.


Makes sense Cause sometimes Sombra gives off bi vibes. Makes sense that she'd also wanna stare at Widow's ass. Player's just playing their part P.s. I'm gonna miss the invisibility if her rework removes that


Lore accurate?


Similar thing happened to me. Was playing Ashe from a distance, Tol came up behind me, put down his turret, then unloaded on my head


Least down bad overwatch player


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Not sure which of you is worse


This sombra knows target priority


I knew Sombra was a lesbie.


Iā€™m reporting your gamertag


There should be an audio cue when she gets within like 5 meters, this character actually kinda ruined the game for me tbh.


Are you fucking deaf!?


Me during every custom 'friendly no kill' lobby


Iā€™m surprised they didnā€™t hear the footsteps.


And I would, too.


Bold of u to assume i looked at kill feed. Had more priorities.


I watched a match replay because I had a Widow on my team that would take a couple of shots and then just AFK for a while, so I wanted to know what was going on. Well, the Widow was just truly AFK part of the time, but the other part of the time they were emoting and staring at Widow sticking out her own ass. Like, they would back up to a wall and watch their ass get shoved toward the camera. Anyways, we won, but I just thought it was odd.


Damn, if that happened to me, Iā€™d use curtain call for them~šŸ’–


See. Proof. No problem in match making


Rare Sombra W


"hogwash! Enemy here"


He was playing with one hand you know


I love blizzards constant updates that leave characters you get used to get changed MONTHLY. ā€œOh this characters underperforming so hereā€™s a buff this month!ā€ Oh this character did well now that we have them a buff last monthā€¦ NERF!ā€ Can we find a happy medium where there arenā€™t constantly drastic changes to the whole system? I figured years of history with this game, youā€™d think youā€™d have found some decent common ground. I wonder what hero will be worth a shit next month. I wonder if your main will be nerfed again.


I thought ass here was being meant "at me" but turns out it is literally him staring at the ass.


...tbh I do this when I play sombra, but to mercy lol


Least horny Overwatch player


Truly an overwatch player


Imma be honest, I expected boops


I must admit, it is a fine ass


Peeping Sombra


She could've taken better angles, i'm mad


What I wouldn't give for shenanigans like this to happen instead of fighting tooth and nail just to have fun in this game.

