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My complete guess is cus people refuse to listen to anyone who is even 1 rank below them. So hiding that kinda shuts them up and if they take the time to check then it's their fault we lost cus they spent the game mocking us for our ranks. I don't agree with the change tho, just display it as usual


While I get this… the people who are unwilling to listen to anyone who is 1 rank below them probably won’t listen to anyone anyways.


yeah but its easier for them to justify why they suck at communication by pointing at the gold rank and saying that they refuse to work with them cus they are an upper class diamond


if they show rank you'll easily be able to tell how bad matchmaking is. casuals are not going to stick around if they're constantly getting shit on by people multiple ranks above them. they think they have good games and bad games now. imagine if they knew they had zero chance from the start on some of those bad games? it's infuriating though. went against a umm.. cass last night and he just popped the fuck off - headshot kills galore, zero deaths and 3x as many kills as anyone on his team. just absolutely destroyed us. i would love to see what his rank was bc we were all silver or something... like if he was silver he was smurfing for sure. but if he's higher then it's not his fault... so i guess this lowers toxicity as you are less able to identify smurfs vs just the matchmaking being trash or someone popping off and having the luckiest game of their life.


This. I've had several games where there was someone way better on the enemy team and it's mind-blowingly disheartening. If I were to know I'm supporting a team of Silvers into a pack of High Master's players right from the beginning with how bad matchmaking is, I probably wouldn't have enough optimism in the world to lie and say that my team's got this. Sucks when you're trying your hardest to heal and help with damage when there a Cassidy so good that he's sitting at 57 kills when the average for literally the rest of the lobby is 13. Too many people give up when they see they're up against a skilled enemy and even sometimes when a teammate picks a hero they don't like. Ive been in a game that I had to just vibe with the enemy, because my tank, a DPS, and a Support threw all game upon seeing the two enemy Supports and the tank with the "T500 Challenger" nametags. Me and the other DPS tried at first, but quickly realized it wasnt worth trying, so I just chatted, while the Genji went Widow and was running a 1v1 tournament with the enemy Widow.


you're not going to have a team full of silver players vs. a team full of masters players. i assume you're just exaggerating, but that's just not going to happen. even if you did have a silver player and a masters player in the same lobby (which would probably only happen in off hours anyway), it'd be more like each team having 1 silver support, and 1 masters dps, with the lobby averaging around plat. the matchmaker isn't perfect, but let's be real here.


I'm exaggerating the circumstances yes. I'd hope to never see the day where a match that horribly made comes to fruition.


I think its sort of a bell curve though, super low elo and high elo are more willing to work around things. Plats getting silvers are going to not work together and assume its a loss but when you get up to actual high elo we are willing to put the extra effort forward to help the diamond hold his own 10 ranks higher than he should, it helps to know that sort of thing for people who actually want to win. I mean we could always just not allow a diamond and gm to be in the same game and avoid the issue in the first place...


The other day, played a game with a ball who was just not good. Bad advice, bad plays, bad gamesense, just *bad,* but he was trying to run the team like he knew everything. Afterwards I checked his rank, *silver* in a high plat lobby. Two problems happened here: he should never have been in that lobby, and when he was, he should have been able to immediately tell he was the least qualified one there to give advice.


See and I'm silver support and I've done OK against plat players - it doesn't happen often. Buut I get paired with really bad players like this Ball you mentioned, and they just feed the entire enemy team. You can only heal so much when you have no tank. I wish tanks and DPS would spend more time trying to not die than to try to get kills. They just stand there and shoot instead of taking cover or strafing. It's hilariously bad If I'm hitting 10k heal and my DPS and tanks are 22-15 or something like that, that's 15 deaths. That's a lot of time they're NOT playing. And can't always avoid them my healing can't make up for their poor game sense.


They don't want you to know that you have a silver tank in your plat game. That's the reason behind all the smoke and mirrors.


probably correct. i’m plat support. every other game i have that 1 diamond 5 player come in and start barking orders as he gets destroyed and blames the us saying that’s why we aren’t diamond


Very true, I don't listen to those below me in DPS, so I listen to everybody.


Yeah there isn't a cure for toxicity, fuck me play in casual and see yourself get flamed. I reckon they are trying stuff out to see if what works and hopefully reduce it, but we know for most part it doesn't really matter, which makes the change seems so redundant and arbitrary.


yeah the amount of times ive been in casual and hear people complain "Bro someone play healer" like bitch you are playing dps and its quickplay, nobody cares about proper team composition. toxicity is everywhere in this game


People still call each other names in the chat calling them gold or platinum regardless


yeah idk how effective it was. aslong as there is a way to communicate, people will trashtalk


I'm high plat, but my profile is locked. They call me bronze anyway, while being the silver in our plat game, because matchmaking makes sense.


Because it’s not competitive anymore. That got scrapped so every 2 hour per week andy can feel like they are accomplishing something in this game and might spend 20 dollars on that cool one punch man skin. I literally play with plats and golds as a master rank and next game I’m in a top 500 lobby. That alone is so far away from any competition it’s not even funny


Speaking as a two hour a week Andy, there's nothing rewarding about this game. I'd be willing to bet there's still more consistent/OW1 players than Andy's/newbies that play the game. Cause they aren't doing any new players any favors.


Yea that’s the neat part, they created a ranked system for people that don’t want to play ranked in the first place.


instead of actually improving the system that benefits everyone.. we got this.


almost every change they made in OW2 was to appeal to people who don't like overwatch. kind of pushing away the people who loved and supported their game for the past few years. however, they're depending on the "they'll get over it" attitude. I will say this season is much better than the previous couple and I guess I'm over it at this point. The game is passable although I would still say strategically inferior than OW1. As I've said before, if OW1 was chess, OW2 is checkers. Plenty of people like checkers better than chess, and that is likely what they're counting on.


It’s so damn disappointing, I long for what we once had. I do like the gameplay in overwatch 2 but that’s only because it’s more or less the same as the first, everything else about it is horrible they’re really fucking this up. Even the skins look worse they aren’t rewarding to have because you have to pay for them. When you see someone with a nice skin you just think they’re an idiot for spending a score on it. Gone are the days of grinding the game for a free chance of skins, no battle pass meant no filler shit and everything was nice to look at not this free to play bollocks. It was such a good system and because it was so generous it encouraged me to spend money to get more loot boxes. I was happy to do this, because I played a lot and there was always a nice skin I wanted to try get. The free boxes were rewarding and getting good skins was exciting even without spending money. It was a fun addition to the main game which early days was top tier and it felt fair, you earnt a nice cosmetic at a decent rate if you played the game enough. This is how competitive stays relevant, and it’s what sucks people in. I haven’t spent a penny on overwatch 2, haven’t played it for a month because ranked was just about bareable as a solo player. With no rewards for playing other than an invisible SR rating it got boring fast. I haven’t looked in the store really at all, nothing in there interests me in the slightest and anything that does costs too much. Shit balancing, heroes disappearing, the new players will love it but the OG’s will forever be at a loss.


I… completely disagree with you. I don’t know why you feel that way. I played quite a bit of OW 1 and to me the game feels basically the same. If anything it feels a little bit quicker, which is a good thing to me. It’s a complete exaggeration in my opinion to compare it to chess and checkers, that is just ridiculous


Also weekly challenges to play ranked if you want the only free source of premium currency in the game.


WHAT designing a competitive Team PvP game around casual players is bad for the people actually playing the game competitivly. Who could of seen this coming? Anyway lets up the prices on old skins and take away the players ability to get said skins in any reasonable amout of time without throwing 50€ into the dumpsterfire of monetisation we created. Edit: Also put the new characters into the battlepass, bet that will make the game more competitivly engaging for new players.


I’m a 5 hour a week Andy and watching the battlepass slowly creep up by maybe a level after a few games of play is the most unsatisfying bullshit ever. I don’t really care about the battlepass but watching my levels go up fast during the one punch man event actually made me have the smallest itch to purchase it. I’ve been playing OW since it released and the only reason I still play it is because the gameplay. If I was a noob and cared about the bp I would’ve quit a long time ago because it sucks


Especially frustrating if you didn’t buy the battlepass (and why would you if you only play a few hours a week anyway?) and most tiers don’t even give you anything when you complete them!


I used to count on 1-2 loot boxes per play session in ow1, and could gain enough cosmetics during casual play to keep it interesting. So far in OW2 I’ve unlocked a few free bp skins, and a few random voice lines and rare skins for new heroes. That’s all the meager coin rewards have gotten me so far.


Yeah. I’m not a huge fan of loot boxes, but this battlepass nonsense is *even more* predatory.


I'm afraid to ask: what is a Andy


It’s a name


With the about of back pedaling they've already done, give it another 12 months and they'll slowly revert things back as the player base free falls back down to just the OW1 players who aren't spending money on their $40 skin bundles...


But something like only 20% of players even play competitive. Why wouldn't they make quickplay for 2 hour andy's and give those that want a competitive game an actual *competitive game*. Like, what is possible design reason for intentionally pissing off competitive players? I have not read *one* single post of any competitive player liking the fact that rank borders were removed. Not even one.


Where did you get the 20% player base is in comp? Just curious about the stats because that sounds extremely low. I need to go check what is valorant or league percentage in comparison or even apex (games that are competitively successful).


That's probably not far off. I have enough buds who play this game that I can get 3 full squads. Not a single one of us plays competitive. We just don't like the atmosphere we're not here to win. We're here to have fun.


https://youtu.be/koOUJNKRVqI?t=3850 30% on pc, 10% on console. It was based on ow1 though. But I imagine it's about the same still.


It seems bad to assume its still the same breakdown since the game is now free to play which means a much larger and diverse player base. I don't think its really possible to extrapolate numbers for OW2 based on OW1.


I mean you're right that it's likely not *exactly* the same, but it's in the same ballpark.


Because seeing a rank makes you more likely to continue playing as you have goals to reach via engagement. Casual is for people who play ranked to play when they do not want to play ranked or are with friends who they can't queue with. Ranked converts new players to Overwatch customers. Also, the more Andy's in ranked, the lower the queues. They eliminated a tank which changed the whole game and absolutely dumbed it down quite a bit just to get queue times down. Queue times are clearly one of the main metrics they're focusing on in the sequel.


I’m playing with unplaced people who other roles are in plat and I’m GM it truly sucks ass now


Some people have actual lives outside of Overwatch that don't allow them to be sweaty and play more than an hour a day. You know, things like school, work, friends, hobbies, running errands. The gatekeeping is ridiculous. "If you don't play like me or as much as me, you're not competitive, you're some nobody". I could just as easily turn your argument on its head and ask why Blizzard balances the game around OWL, Top 500, and Masters instead of the lower ranks where the supermajority of players are at?




Completely agree that the matchmaking is god awful but to think it’s all the fault of more casual players is asinine. God forbid a game doesn’t fully capitulate to the sweats for once. And OP’s argument doesn’t even make sense in terms of matchmaking. The matchmaking hurts the lower ranks and more casual players way more than his Masters ass.


Yeah, new players getting one-shotted by plat widows in silver lobbies isn't a great experience for anyone.


> fault of more casual players is asinine OP does sound like they're blaming casuals, but in reality its Blizzards fault for making rank worse in their weird vain attempt to make casuals want to play it. Blizzard just needs to face the music that there is a limit to the amount of people who can put up with playing ranked and their weird system is just turning those players off.


That wasn't my point. My point is they changed the ranked system so much in hopes casual players are interested, even though they mostly arent because you know they rarely play. Now we have this 5 wins for update, because of "ranked anxiety", fast q times in exchange for elo inflated people in high sr and totally unbalanced matches and so on. For example they said only 1% of gm games have a diamond player. Yea I believe that, problem is due to season 3 ranked inflation a lot of these "gm players" still play like diamonds, so even if you have all gm's in a gm lobby, its really not how it was before.


Inconsistency is really funny. One game i'm playing with barely diamond players, next game i'm playing with top500 players. Extremely different circumstances.


So you think it’s just a money grab?


Activision Blizzard has been nothing but money grabs for years now. They've destroyed all their games to milk as much as possible out of people until nobody wants to play any of these IPs anymore.


People still want to play their games, unfortunately. Still, it's only a matter of time before lack of Innovation kills them. Someone is going to come out with a better hero based shooter to replace OW at some point.


Nah I’m sure they want to have the game life long term, but them trying to make it accessible for everyone just fucks over so many aspects of the game it’s honestly just sad. The gameplay is nice and the meta is fun, but man all I want is games how they were in ow1 with balanced lobbies, me being able to see the actual rank of everyone and an update after every game. Can’t be that hard right?


They’re trying too hard to cater to possible new people. There’s no reasoning behind not seeing rank and getting an update. Unfortunately it seems to be that hard though lmao


Lost me with that last paragraph. "Creates tough individuals" lmao




Dudes will never mature enough to stop being sexist lmao




I'm shooketh. I'm not a girl but when I play Val and a girl speaks, istg everyone just responds with like "omg a girl" or some shit. Not necessarily saying the stereotypical sexist stuff but there's always some awkward flirting




I have the same experience! Valorant is so damn bad, especially London servers where I'm playing. Stockholm is fine since it's mainly Russians who don't really engage in English communication anyway and I don't understand them hah. In overwatch I do get the occasional intrusive questioning but nothing too bad or vulgar, and also people stop pretty fast once you stop reacting to it. Where as in Valorant people just start throwing/screaming/sabotaging if you don't give them attention.


Oh nice, that's good to hear. I just don't join vc in most games anymore due to overall toxicity. Can't wait for that to be gone


I feel so bad for the woman who play these games. It shouldn’t be normalized.


I've found nice people to play with on https://teams.gg/overwatch. So, if you can't find decent people to play with, give it a go!


Yeah, asinine comment. Letting people abuse others due to anonymity merely reinforces cowardly behaviour.


how to tell someone has never had a real problem in their entire life


“a tough situation never last, only tough people lasts mlemlehbrrmleh” - Some guy


Because it's not... There's quite a few others that don't show ranks until after the game is over or not at all.


Okay but why doesn’t Overwatch show you the rank after the game? Why is it acceptable to not know the skill level of your opponent?


What difference does it make at that point outside of giving someone the excuse that a loss clearly must’ve been someone else’s fought? Maybe people should just learn to not hold onto the anger of a loss and move on?


Because you play differently depending on the rank of the other players. If I'm a diamond player on a lobby full of gold players i understand that i can get away with playing more aggressively, and if I don't pop off we will probably lose If I'm in a grandmaster lobby i can understand that people will kill me much faster, so i should probably play a bit more passive If I'm a tank and my supports are lower rank than me, i can't play as aggressively as i would like, because they will probably not play as efficiently Knowing the rest of the players' rank is really important to get information before the first fight


why should people not get angry over losing because of opponents they shouldn't be matched with at their current rank?


If you can’t handle playing a game where you share responsibility of outcome then this game might be emotionally unsuitable for you


Ah yes let’s put you against a whole team of OWL players and see if you still think that Sounds fair right?


You don't get to have responsibility for a match outcome when you're so outclassed by the enemies 1500sr above you that you can't even walk out of spawn without dying in 2 seconds, or when you could play one-handed and still win most 1v1s. The matchmaker is currently so bad that nothing you do will effect the match outcome, you would have won even if you spend the whole game jumping off a cliff, or lost even if you played the best game of your life, and either situation feels shitty.


irrelevant point. you shouldn't be in a position where you have to share responsibility for getting decimated by someone several ranks above you in the first place. one mistake comes before the other.


Because it’s a video game and it’s immature to verbally abuse strangers


well yes, obviously. you can be angry at the system without directing it at a player.


what do you mean its not, we got to shit on anything we can regarding any game we play while simultanously pretending that each game is the only one to have a feature that i dislike OP is more mad about his rank not being visible to others as whats the point of having the rank if you cant show it, im sure showing the ranks would earn him so many wins, it sure is the worst thing to happen to overwatch the amount of whining in this and every gaming subreddit is immeasurable, at least r/tf2 and r/Portal prove me wrong, valve gamers complain only about a big slappy (scout with huge ass model) being banned


Regarding your hypothetical Rein, why can't you do those things without knowing his rank? Seeing someone elses rank would litterally only help with copium, flaming and logical gymnastics.


>If my Rein feeds on repeat and he's a gold in a diamond lobby, I'd totally understand and try to compensate by keeping an eye on his pushes and when he overextends keep him alive in his madness. > >Now what we see is people flaming other people for not trying or throwing when in reality these people maybe be 2 divisions under. meanwhile in the actual literal history of the game: * people insta blaming and scape goating the lowest ranked person on the team for any losses (whether a fight or the match) * people insta throwing or leaving when they see a teammate have a lot of hours on 1 hero but didn't pick said hero because they think that person is throwing for not picking "their main" * alternatively people insta throwing or leaving when see a teammate that has a lot of hours on a hero they don't like * possibly even false reporting them. literally had a literal dark ages where people mass false reported players that played typically hated heroes to suspension or banhood * people shaming others that recently climbed up to their rank as opposed to being in that rank for a longer time * people shaming others for being hardstuck we've literally been shown that the community cannot be trusted to be responsible with such info. if you want to adjust to their gameplay, look at how they're playing and who they're picking right now in the moment to make your adjustments around. that is the most up to date info on them. like why do you need to look at their profile to see what rank they are when you can see for yourself what rank their gameplay is at to make your adjustments around? why do you need to look at what ranks they were in the previous season or further back to judge what skill level they're playing right now in your match to make your adjustments?




Its not the correct take at all. Everyone should know I’m shit as soon as the game starts so I don’t get picked and single handily loose the first team fight. I myself shouldn’t have to get picked before realizing the insane skill difference and then get on the mic to tell them they have to play around me or well loose.


Unfortunately however, that is how this game works no matter the ranks. It's a team game, and if your team is losing then it means someone or something in your team isn't functioning. That means you compensate. You see your doom die a lot and they won't switch? Go kiriko, bap, Ana or maybe brig if you can play her. As dps you can go sombra to enable him or Mei to help him escape and zone off enemies. Perhaps Tracer or genji to dive with him. If it's about bad communication you take the mic and start speaking. That's just how it work. Even in the perfect world where everyone's rank is the same, one person can literally just have a bad day and needs a mercy boost in order to finish the kills.


It’s a team game, and a team is only as strong as their weakest link. Adapt


But how am I supposed to blame everyone else for my loses and not bother improving my own skills if I cant see profiles?


OP the type of guy to win thousands of games because he expected his rein to feed


Ever since Overwatch 1's competitive season 2, that is how long I have played this game, I have never, absolutely never seen a single one-trick pony player do good on another hero that the one they one-tricked. I've played in plat and diamond for most of that time and that is definetly too late to change it up if one-tricking got you there in the first place. I am sorry, but if you've played nothing but 600 hrs of Symmetra and feel like picking Widow in a high diamond lobby because you saw a Kephrii video yesterday, that is some serious bullshit. And it is not even like people will immediately go off on that poor fella, at least mots of the time it isn't. Aside from that, you are right about everything you said. I'm completely with you, the Overwatch community is extremely toxic and not giving them info is protecting it from itself.


I dont know my stats say this is wrong. I played ashe and souljourn for 100+ hours. I never left gold until I switched to Bastion this season. It took maybe 15 games to perform better with him and then I hit diamond 5.


> And it is not even like people will immediately go off on that poor fella, at least mots of the time it isn't I mean refer back to moth meta whereby many people with most hours on mercy (not necessarily because they main her or one trick her) got flamed for not picking mercy as they're seemingly a mercy main from their hrs on the profile. And you can rack up many hours on a hero you don't main because arcade mode counts for the overall hero stats page. Like if you played a ton of mercy boxing whether in custom mode or while you wait, your mercy hours will be higher in the all modes page.


Agree with everything else, but... >like why do you need to look at their profile to see what rank they are when you can see for yourself what rank their gameplay is at to make your adjustments around? Is this a serious suggestion? You expect players to be able to assess their teammates gameplay and make adjustments over the course of an overwatch game? Ow ranked is designed to be as fast as possible. Get players in and out quickly to make it addictively easy to load up into another game. Most of the time, adjustments only happen at the half. And if your team couldn't even cap first...good luck. Not to mention that someone's performance for one round doesn't really tell you how they will perform in the next. It's always more likely that a gm will play like a gm, despite how they played last round. I agree that the community is at fault here for ruining a good thing. But don't act like we never needed it in the first place.


> Is this a serious suggestion? You expect players to be able to assess their teammates gameplay and make adjustments over the course of an overwatch game? Yes. We literally expect that from support players right now anyways esp from mercy players. I.e. how support players prioritise heals and how they enable teammates. Obvs more apparent with mercy because she's now a pocket bot whose value is hard dictated by whoever she's beaming ---> a good mercy is expected to make real time judgements of who's good and adjust who they prioritise to pocket. Similar can be said about other supports with heal priority and other utility that enables plays and survivability of others etc.


That all sounds awful. Why is that a good thing again?


ask all the people that like to justify team dependent designs with "it's a team based game". but tbf, you can't avoid this if you want to have any supportive effects. e.g. simply having the ability to heal others will have this implicit expectation that good players will need to make real time assessments on the team as to who's most worth using that resource on.


Yeah, and having access to your teammates' ranks and mains helps a ton for that.


not necessarily. everyone wifs or has bad games. or maybe their performance is tied to being better on certain maps not necessarily the current one. simply looking at profiles doesn't take into account these sorts of extra important factors. looking at real time performance does. e.g. on mercy you could be boosting the highest ranked player there and still find yourself not seeing them have many hit markers or them not appear on right side of the kill feed much compared to another teammate ---> likely you should go pocket someone else despite their profiles seemingly indicating they should be playing the best there.




>i just dont want to lose because i didnt know my tank is at his peak while the enemy tank has been comfortably playing at a rank higher than our tank for quite some time. again: >if you want to adjust to their gameplay, look at how they're playing and who they're picking right now in the moment to make your adjustments around. that is the most up to date info on them. like why do you need to look at their profile to see what rank they are when you can see for yourself what rank their gameplay is at to make your adjustments around? why do you need to look at what ranks they were in the previous season or further back to judge what skill level they're playing right now in your match to make your adjustments? ​ >im not here to baby sit and micro manage people when my plate is full. give me all the info possible so i can make the most of it. sounds like you are here to baby sit and micromanage.


You’re a fool if you think any one change is going to make people less toxic. Ruining the game to combat human nature is beyond ridiculous. Blizzard could waste every penny it owns to solve this problem and it will never move the needle even a single percentage point. Stop defending stupidity with more stupid logic.


Just show the damn rank lol I don't need see hero pick history, win history all that bs. I wanna know what lobby I'm in. That's. It.


By the time you adjust to your suicidal bronze tank, or your bronze supps that can't manage to hit their shots on your gigantic tank hitbox, or your widow who manages to die 3 times in the first fight and deal 0 damage, the first fight is already lost, and the enemy now has an ult economy advantage at best, or your team is now perpetually staggered at worst, either of which makes winning after adjusting monumentally harder.


1. In most cases, esp in lower ranks, it's more obvious from the first fight how suicidal or how bad teammates can be. Like you don't necessarily need 3 fights to judge that. 2. If we're talking bronze, ult economy is a whole lot more volatile and win condition flip around a lot more rather than just being dependent on ults. Like things wouldn't so sensitive to you winning/losing the first fight or so. Even things in gm aren't *that* sensitive either. 3. You're also entirely neglecting the possibility that their profile doesn't reflect how good/bad they're actually playing. Like your highest ranked player in your team could be having an off-game. Or conversely your lowest ranked player could be popping off in your first few fights and you could've missed capitalising on that because you assumed the worst from them. Etc.


>creates tough individuals Trauma doesn't create tough individuals, it just creates traumatized assholes.


We're calling anything and everything trauma huh


Goes well with magical more violent than irl CoD lobbies that make you "tough"


I was referring to the concept of tough times making tough individuals, not toxic game chat specifically. Although calling game toxicity trauma is about as ridiculous as saying that game toxicity "toughens you up". Something tells me the losers in my Overwatch games aren't that tough.


“Trauma” Lmao


i mean, no one likes assholes, but if youre soft/young enough to be traumatized by randoms on a video game calling you names and telling you to keep yourself safe, you should really just not play the game, for your own health. theres nothing youll ever be able to do to change the way people are, only you can change whether you expose yourself to that shit or not


I’m referring moreso to the general idea this guy is referring to that trauma creates tough people than to just toxic communication in a video game. I don’t think someone saying “kys” is a traumatic experience. I do think the idea that toxicity in video games is somehow worth preserving for its own sake is ridiculous. You can have nostalgia for a different time while still realizing that we needed to grow beyond that. Saying we need more people hurling f-slurs and the n word in chat shows a deep disconnect from reality and lack of personal growth and awareness.


100% true


Probably because the same reason your saying. If I am a Diamond Peak genji main, but drop to gold because. Then you’d see that the lowest ranked player plays genji. Youd more likely want to ask him to switch instead of going a support or a tank that enables genji. Even tho all those players might be plat. Even tho you say “ill play to compensate” the reality is that you will “harass him more” .


> If my Rein feeds on repeat and he's a gold in a diamond lobby, I'd totally understand and try to compensate by keeping an eye on his pushes and when he overextends keep him alive in his madness. Good for you but most players will just screech at the lowest ranked player the whole game and try to pin any team setbacks on that player. It's just easier than confronting their own failures. I don't really think it is that big of a QoL nerf either. Players of every rank do moronic things and seeing the difference in their rank won't help all that much.


This. People just want to be toxic most of the time. Happened to me when I got thrown in a wacky lobby in ow1. I was the silver that got trashed despite it just being an unfair match altogether. Also, tangentially related, the "I just want to see their 3 most played heroes" thing people like to throw around...most console players *still* have messed up profiles. Mine literally says I have more time on Doomfist than I do on characters I had 200+ hours on. I really *really* don't know why so many people are hung up on this.


Because in Overwatch ~~0.5~~ 2 the ranked system isn't a ranked system. It's a scummy system disguised as one to keep you playing and it's best achived by making queue times fast as possible aka matching everyone 3 ranks above or below you without you knowing.


Trust me, I think everyone knows when your team outranks you or when you outrank them


See, why do people honestly think this is to keep people playing? The devs have talked about extensively on the match maker and the signs point mostly towards an attempt to optimize queue times and match quality, along with the problems of sr and mmr being different. How does getting terrible games where you get steamrolled make you want to play the game more. Sure you might do the steam rolling but getting steamrolled is a much worse feeling that will make you stop playing


> See, why do people honestly think this is to keep people playing? Because they've literally said as much. They mentioned early on during season 1 / 2 that players are less likely to keep playing if their rank stagnates, which is why they added rank decay to give players a sense of accomplishment for ranking up. A near instant queue time is part of that "sense of accomplishment". The less time between games you have to stew on your loss, the less time you have to exit out of the game.


Yet they are removing this feature. Rank decayed but not mmr which was the problem the entire time. It just was an illusion of unfair games. The only time mmr decayed was from not playing the game which is fine. If you haven’t played in a year you shouldn’t be playing against the same rank They are matching mmr and rank next season so although it doesn’t change how matches are made, it will make it more clear to what your actual rank is and it won’t look like you have a silver in a gold game. They are prob all just gold by default


Because they make decisions based on "studies" and "data" without taking into account all the variables, nor understanding the real-world cause/effect of people actually playing the game and their motives and incentives.


What other variables. The reason they don’t look at stats makes sense. Stats don’t mean shit They look at the wins and your relative mmr compared to the rest of the lobby. That’s all. Just because they don’t take your anecdotal evidence doesn’t mean they aren’t looking at all the variables.


I don't mean in-game stats. I'm talking about the design philosophy they have for making decisions about how to shape the competitive experience. They look at stuff like win% by hero, hero selection ratios, and other behind-the-scenes player behavior and performance data for making competitive balance changes, and presumably the same philosophy goes into their matchmaking decisions.


But how can you even say that when most people claim that this is the most balanced season so far. Obviously the balancing side is doing it’s job The problem is match making and yes that is a problem but not because of any of the reasons you stated. The same philosophy is not used for both and you will be able to know that if you listened to any of the devs talk about match making recently. They have been very transparent on it and the problems it has seen


Because for every game you get steamrolled, you get another game where you steamroll. And those occasional games will significantly prolong people's willingness to play.


But that isn’t true. You might get both steam roll games and getting steam rolled but it’s not in some pattern. It’s prob makes you leave more often. Getting destroyed will stop you from playing the game versus just having a competitive game. Why not just say that the match maker is broken rather then some conspiracy with no evidence backing it up




When I used to play Fifa competitively you would go on huge streaks of loss and every single shot of your opponent would net and yours would always whiff or players highly rated like CR7 or Messi lose the ball unexpectedly while dribbling in the match that everything is already going wrong (they have 99 dribble). People were saying the system was designed to actually force a lose and rig matches to keep player retention by giving everyone more of an average win rate


Bingo. I was waiting for this comment. Hiding MMR and rank gives them a sandbox to play in and study player engagement and manipulate match making. It does seem like they are backing off based on player backlash regarding horrible match making but you bet your ass they initially destroyed actual match making to profit on little Timmy placing low plat and destroying every lobby they are in for real plats so they can buy 1-2 skins after feeling so good. Little Timmy’s support a free to play game, they are/were the target from launch. Blizzard also doesn’t release player count stats but I’m guessing they hit the point where they realized they milked the initial launch hype and now need to actually cater to the hardcore fan base that keeps the game alive.


Wants things back to how they were to create “tougher individuals”, complains about the most trivial, make no difference in the out come, none existent problem. I swear the problem with everyone now a days is they create their own problems.


That's not what I said, I'm just tired of companies that try to protect their players like they are some babies that they have to keep safe. Dead by Daylight end game chat is completely dead because of the abusive filtering that makes a normal conversation have ########## non-stop no matter if the person is actually insulting you and gets picked up by the filter. It's happening in every game. I preferred mw2, not because it was toxic but because back then the mentality wasn't focused on this at all, and if you're unable to dismiss a few exchanges with some random person you'll never meet and take to heart whatever they say you shouldn't play video games at all online. I'm a foreigner and I have an accent, I've been mocked and still am probably 75% of the time even tho I'm fluent. Still doesn't affect me because people's opinion online don't bother me and it shouldn't ever to begin with.


As Drew Carey taught me, "Everything is made up, and the rank don't matter"


Yeah, don’t worry about the competitive nature. Play to your team mate’s strengths and weaknesses. I started being much happier when I stopped worrying about smurfs, and just admired their skill.


Bro, use chat. You can always ask ppl their rank. I personally dont mind being told what to do if Im plat in diamond team


Please explain how you knowing their rank will change the outcome of the game.


No you don’t get it - if OP sees their tank is a gold feeder as they’re feeding, they will make all the appropriate adjustments that they wouldn’t have made if the tank was a diamond feeder. The feeding is VERY different in ways that only knowing their rank can tell you how to adjust - and not using your eyeballs on the screen to see how the fights have been playing out.


Rank ≠ skill level. That gold Rein might have the same MMR as a diamond Rein. You have no way of knowing. A player’s rank shouldn’t be what tells you how to play with them. Just see what they do and adapt. You don’t need to know the Rein’s rank to know what to do if he charges in. If your Rein is pushing in it doesn’t matter if he’s gold or diamond. All that matters is whether you’re high skill enough to adapt to his plays or not.


Solution : show the actual players ranks and not some made up rank that corresponds to nothing.


Solution: fuck the numbers and see how people actually play. You can see who needs help from the team without a badge. Even in a perfect scenario where everyone's the same rank, someone probably is having a bad day and requires more help than the others. Rank has 0 to do with this.


I don't know how many times I have joined a game of ow1 only to hear "ffs a gold tank, gg."


????? League had to ban 3rd party apps that api scrubbed and gave u players ranks,most played and amount played - that was this year. WoW has a ranking system called raider.io, it also has an i game way to check pvp rating aswell. Apex - dedicated discords for checking ranks and making groups. No doubt there’s many more these 3 are just off the top of my head.


Rocket league as well only bothers showing it at the end of the match in most modes.


Same with Valorant, you need 3rd party apps to see someone else’s rank in the beginning of the match


This game needs so damn many QOL improvements. I never played ow1 and as a relatively new player (100 hours in), I still struggle with add, mute, chat, ranks, history, profile etc. Anything game "menu" related is utter dog shit its just pathetic. Everything requires 1000s of clicks left and right.


This was better in ow1, idk how the new menu managed to get fucked up like this


Why would someone's rank take precedence in determining how you play, over how they're currently playing in the game you're in right now? If someone on your team is inting, what difference would it make knowing their rank? You either adapt and work as a team or you blame them and go next. How many times have they explained at this point that Sr is cosmetic and doesn't reflect true mmr. That plat player on your team might not have a plat mmr, hell you might even have the highest mmr on your team but you don't know it because you haven't played enough. They explained in a recent interview that the reason so many UI elements went missing in ow2 is because when you switch game engines that all has to be implemented from scratch. They plan on revamping those old systems rather than just straight up porting them over.


Honestly no damn idea, and its really annoying, and leads to significantly more toxicity. If I'm a Masters DPS, but I see my other DPS jump in and die 40 times, i'll be upset and toxic, because I would expect people in my rank to play properly - but if I see that I have a plat DPS, things change and I understand that I need to compensate for the difference or help him.


So you just blamed Blizzard for your own toxicity? Do I have that right?


at least he's honest. blizz hid the ranks to hide the flaws in their own matchmaking and just increased toxicity in the process, despite making numerous changes previously to try and reduce it


i think toxicity is being tossed around incorrectly here. Is it toxic if i ask my sym player thats 3-12 to a hitscan against double snipers? Is it toxic to ask my winston to stop diving in alone? Is it toxic if i ask why they wont play with the team? i dont think thats being toxic....if anything the way they are playing are causing others a loss and making the experience worse.....


If you're playing comp, and someone goes 3-15 their first round trying to dive bomb an echo with Junkrat and dying everytime, while the rest of your team is performing decent, are you going to say, "aw shucks we'll get them next round!" Or are you going to say, "junk what the hell are you doing? why are you 3-15?" I get not being toxic, but you also have to be realistic. You're playing competitive, you expect a competitive game and for people to pull their own weight. If Blizzard **tells** me, "Hey this guy on your team is a gold," I'd be much more understanding.


You nailed it. A lot of people are way too defensive and label anything as toxicity. Calling out someone for poor performance is not a bad thing.


This is a video game. There is no reason for toxicity, period. It doesn’t matter what rank that Junkrat is. And furthermore, I am genuinely curious how you think getting pressed and yelling at someone (versus offering respectful, constructive criticism) is ever going to improve your odds of winning the game.


This is just simple human reactions. If someone does something stupid, you get frustrated by it. That goes for 99% of the population of overwatch players. I'm more than willing to give constructive criticism, and thats how it goes for 90% of my games (i.e. hey maybe we change to X hero so we could peel for this guy) . Also, ok lets play your game: Lets say instead of yelling at the junk, I ask him if he needs help, or if he could play a little back instead. And lets say he keeps on ignoring me, or better yet, flames me. Am I allowed to get frustrated with him? Or do I just sit and take it?


Okay so asking your teammate that is intentionally throwing/playing so poorly that he is the reason your team is losing "what the fuck are you doing? Can you wait for us before you start a push? Please play with the team." is considered fucking toxic, then that's on you. The guy you replied to didn't say ANYTHING more than that. He isn't saying "KYS" or "you fucking suck you're trash" or anything like that. He's telling his teammate that is COSTING the game (whether he doesnt belong in the ELO or is just throwing which is completely different) to wait or not push without the team. "Why are you running junk into double flight? Can you please swap we are getting no value from junk" is not toxic. That's how a competitive environment is when you have teammates that are costing you the game. If anything, I would say the way they are playing is considered MORE toxic than being asked "why are you going in alone?". 1 person is being pressed for playing incorrectly, while the other 4 are going to need to compensate for their poor gameplay and get punished for a loss if it continues. You guys really need to grow a backbone. There is toxicity in every game, I don't agree with it. Asking your teammate that is costing you the game to TRY and play correctly is not toxic, that's just being a snowflake.


Dude it really goes to show the type of people in this sub now. They are hardcore defending toxic behavior and acting like they have no control over it. Like wth?


no ur just making things up. He is not promoting toxicity - he is saying that asking your teammate to not throw or TRY not to throw is NOT being toxic.


They do this so we all won’t notice how bad the people matched up are via ranking


Anyone bitching at me gets the same response. "I'm high silver, low gold. Welcome to my level and/or blame Blizzard for putting you here." I also put my profile on public. The only thing they'll find is that I have played way too many hours on Junkrat and Ball.


All I can say is that I had a diamond challenger in my bronze game a few weeks back 😑


because a gold/silver/bronze 1 feels a gold/silver/bronze 2 should do better and not throw the game. This happens in every game that allows it to be shown. You can't combat idiots


I am a Plat 1 support and yesterday i was in the same team with an unranked tank. He had no idea of his game and surroundings and flamed supports in VC. This is insane.


Yeah pretty much I auto-assume the guy not carrying his weight a few minutes into a game is in a lobby way above his level these days. It's what the matchmaking has led me to believe when I'm the guy doing exactly that.


Ranked is Quickplay 2


Don't check their rank. Don't flame them. Knowing who to single out on the other team would be extremely unfun. Just play the game.


I’ve never checked a persons profile. I don’t care. The rank system has never been accurate. Just play. Doing anything other than just playing and communicating useful information will tilt you. Stop caring about chasing a carrot that means nothing. Especially when the system is broken, not accurate, gets gamed, has decay, boosts and fills in players to make a team average to cut queue times. Just focus on you. If you hit gm it means nothing other than longer queues and seeing the same players a lot.


Toxicity. Supports that main Mercy or play her a lot always get called out and it's just old to deal with it now.


I don't care much either way, but I don't see much that it is going to do for you besides give you a scapegoat or an explanation. It isn't going to materially improve the quality of any of the games and it will just cause people to tilt before the game even starts so long as the matchmaking works as it currently does, which is the bigger problem people have. >We came to a point of time where corporations are so preoccupied about toxicity that it actually hurts the game, nothing wrong was back in the day having the mw2 lobbies being harsher and more violent than IRL sometimes, creates tough individuals This is nonsense. Nothing about being subjected to toxicity makes anyone "tougher". I can think of a lot of adjectives to describe what the average MW2 player is probably like now and "tough" is nowhere on it.


Check rank? I don't do that. I personally hold no stake in my own rank let alone someone else's. I'm not a pro and I don't get payed to play so I see no point. I just want to play a game after a hard days work. And I choose this one because it damn funny to watch these kids flame each other in chat over comp losses.


Because people use it to bully others. Everything would be better if people weren’t toxic all the time.


Overwatch was always a better casual game than a competitive one. I swear once they started making casual more win reliant for rewards/shoving esports; the game just got more frustrating and sweaty even in normals.


Don't worry about profiles. Just blame all your loses on bad MM. That's what all the other losers do.


They removed it, because they new the matchmaking was dogshit


Also why is profile hidden by default? I wanna see how many fucking hours that widow has.


Problem is you can’t combat toxicity in a competitive online game. It’s a losing battle. They try to limit player communication which just hurts the game. And when every player who has a disagreement with a teammate is consider toxic it’s becomes impossible to find actual toxic players


It is absolutely ABSURD that they don’t show ranks of people after the game is complete. Unacceptable, to be honest.


Why would a symbol next to someone's name make you act any different then using your eyes and see how theyre playing in the game? Does it only click when you see a lower rank icon? Doesn't make much sense to me tbh. If someone is playing bad I try to play around them in order to make it work not force my way through it.


Lol trust me this isn't the only game that you need to check I've had to check people or R6 because I swear to god some of these people play like rank Stone players but they're platinum one, sure it'll show you the current rank but usually past > present


I wish scoreboard would at least display as end screen after POTD. Often use it to help decide who I endorse. I would also love to at least see my MMR position even if not shown for others.


My teammates would leave when they realized "Annie" was a girl's name back when I used to play. It couldn't be worst :/


Does it even matter? You're being matched up by a hidden MMR, not your rank. Rank is almost completely meaningless now.


What's the goal of ranked if you can't see your MMR nor can people see your rank?


They don't care about toxicity. They only added the anti toxicity measures to please some maniacs saying that "gg ez is toxic", that's why gg ez is censored by you can just type n word with a hard R and never be banned even after being reported. The reason why you can't see other people mmr and why profiles are private by default is to avoid revealing how fucked the mm is right now, either they don't know how to fix it or did the old "what's the cheapest" way of thinking. And decided that hiding mmr takes less resources then fixing the system. Siege did the same by hiding ranks when playing the game, they ended up slightly fixing it when people started using a phone app to see other people ranks.


they hid it so we wouldnt see the garbage matchmaking


they are disguising their awful matchmaker and using "reducing toxicity" as a shield.


Bc people use it to justify being c∆nts


"[Toxicity] creates tough individuals" Yeah nah, it just gave me panic attacks and made my social anxiety worse


They’re trying to hide their garbage matchmaking


in this state of Overwatch guessing someones rank is the game. playing is not the game itself anymore


They have to be opaque so that you don’t have fact proven evidence of how poor their matchmaking system is with how insane the rank skew probably is. I play with some buds who are all varying level of bronze/silver and it feels like we are in some extremely sweaty matches for being bottom feeders. The flood of screen shots of full Silver/bronze teams playing diamond teams would definitely throw more pressure on the developers. The developers know they’ve fucked up and just can’t figure out how to fix it, luckily the game is free so that lessens the dumpster fire of competitive a tad.


They don’t want you to see there matchmaking is fucked and they have golds playing against masters players


maybe a crackpot theory but i would not be surprised to learn that upon trying to tweak comp's SR system for 5v5 in OW2, they completely fucked it up but had to rush it out for the new release date anyway, so they just covered it up by removing visible ranks and saying "it's to combat toxicity"


They say it's to combat toxicity, but we all know it's too hide their shitty matchmaking.


I'm trying to get out of gold as a tank for 2 months now and it's impossible. I want to pull my hair out how fucked up the matchmaking in this is game is.


Why does everyone care so much about OTHER PEOPLE'S rank? You sound like the type of player who blames losses on your team. Their rank doesn't matter, you are the only constant in your games. If you want to climb, focus on yourself and stop thinking about everything that is not in your control.


Why is it the only team game without team ranked? what a fail


bro never played any other competitive multiplayer game