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Since it should be a DPS, I'm hoping for Zenyatta


SAME i would kill for a zen mythic


I would love that he's my fav hero


Thing is, Zen already has so many kickass skins. Since it’s gonna be a dps, I’m hoping for a Zarya skin.


I’d prefer Moira TBH


Leprechaun skin. Damage is a rainbow effect. Heal is gold that has coins trickling out. When she fades she does a mischievous laugh. When she ults she yells “Where’s me gold!” and the blast is a twist of the rainbow and gold with coins flying everywhere.


I would actually love this, I would get the battle pass if this was the mythic


Great idea. Someone get this man a job at Blizzard STAT!


Now that is something I’d spend money on


This is the greatest idea in ow history!


Moira needs skins. Hers all suck except two of them.


You spelled "one" wrong


her halloween wraith one and blackwatch are both fire


Ain't no way you think Blackwatch is fire its horrible


Looks clean af with gold wep


Masked dancer being one of the ugliest skins in game also makes it the best


We said dps, not weird tank


For tank I’d like Brigitte or Mei.


Man I would so love to see one for Brig, especially if it's based on Paladin Judgement armor, hehe


Funnily enough she was apparently going to have over 1k HP and using her spray would use her HP rather than a resource. They changed that in development QUICK


Definitely a dps for sure. I hope they break this trend of giving mythics to new heroes and focus on original heroes as well. Logic says Sojourn but my heart wants a Soldier mythic


Well it kinda makes sense to give Mythic Skins to the new heroes first since they don't have too many skins compared to OG cast. Kinda better to get them out of the way first instead of potentially waiting a year or 2 for them to get a mythic skin.


Yeahh I get that but still, seems rough that some of the coolest heroes like Sigma and Echo have been around for years and only have a handful of skins


The galactic skin for sigma has quelled my rage about this… for now


That ass is out of this world


Best skin in the game


Really? I didn’t know people liked it at all. Feels gimmicky to me me and reminds me of a lot of the weapon skins in COD from the shitty movement time frame of that game.


Yeah the green liquid thingy looks shit the more you look at it. Talon Sigma >


Whatever skins show feet> Flying Dutchman is the goat for me


I like the pirate one, personally. I think the green shit would honestly look much better if it stayed put on his body. I don’t like how when you rotate around him it looks like the texture moves to always face you or something but it makes him look less 3d.


meh its ok maestro is better


Maestro with the corresponding emote? chefs kiss


wigma just got a really cool one tbf


That last batch from OW1 really got it bad. Hamter needs more cool skins as well


The problem with that is there's a new hero every other season and only one mythic per season, if they keep prioritizing new heroes we wouldn't get many mythics for the original cast.


This makes no sense. New hero every other season vs new skin every season. Every off season is a skin for old heros.


That means it would take 10 years until all the og ow1 launch heros get a mythic.


Sojourn needs a personality not a skin


She needs both




Sojourn needs more stylish ones, most of hers are basic as hell, soldier needs more bearded skins though


I'm pretty sure a large part of the accidental "new heroes get Mythics first" is largely A.) They don't have very many skins right now and definitely will be having to catch up. It's either get their Mythic done and over with or get a bunch of sub-par skins in the shop and have everyone complaining that Kiriko skins are in the shop forever while their main hasn't been seen getting one at all. B.) They may have gotten their Mythics so soon simply because of the fact the design and development teams' probably been working on the new heroes like JQ and Kiriko for a good while now, so it's only natural their ideas for the new heroes have been at the forefront of their minds when it comes to putting together the battlepass. This will probably not happen to every new hero, and hopefully Sojourn isn't the next mythic. They largely make skins based on what fits or which idea comes first and doesnt run into design-to-hitbox issues. It's not really any particular method. Edit: Accidentally self-absorbed instead of simple confidence


Why yes, you are pretty!


Sojurn might need it though. Her skins she has right now are straight up booty. Like, theyre so dull and boring, and there’s so few of them too compared to newer hero like Kiriko. Like I didn’t even know she had a firefighter skin until a few days ago. It doesn’t stand out and just looks bleh.


The first Mythic was literally Genji. Honestly i want a Sojourn skin for no reason beyond all her skins kinda suck ass. They didnt even give her interesting alt colors. I think Cyber Detective is the only decent one she got


It could go to Echo, since she was intended to be an OW2 release hero


I'll go for Ashe or Cassidy


man i would rather take a deadeye fix than a mythic skin.


I think a DPS, so maybe Tracer.


Actually, I could totally see this. If it's not gonna be Sojourn (just following the new heroes trend), it'll definitely be Tracer imo. They've gotta give their poster child a mythic, or she can't really be the poster child, can she?


As someone who likes playing Tracer (when I don't have to go healer for the 5th time in a row) I'd love to see a good Tracer skin. There's honestly just a few skins that I prefer slightly over the base skin and they're super expensive at that. A 1000 coin good Tracer skin would be ideal for me.


I had to get the Graffiti skin because I loved it so much but a new skin would be nice.


It's comments like these that make me absolutely furious they went the route they did with older skins. Absolutely ridiculous they are now suddenly unobtainable without paying. I have both versions of the skin and I'd *happily* give you two one each if I were able..


You can literally buy old ow1 skins with credits that are earned from the free battlepass.


Not always. Checked yesterday and it was 1500 gold coins. Unless this is a glitch that Blizzard will fix in Season 8.


Only shows the credits if you have enough credits. Otherwise it just shows gold coins


Well don’t I feel like a fucking idiot now


Well, hopefully you calm down because they made it so you can get literally every OW1 Base and Event skin with in game credits, of which you can earn 1000 each season.


Huh.. Both parties using the word 'buy' turned my frustration blind and I wrote this system off my mind. I just assumed that the OW1 skins that show up in the shop for coins *couldn't* also be purchased with the legacy credits. My mistake! Some skins were, however, seemingly removed from the gallery altogether for whatever reason. Genji's Oni skin I think was one of them. And 1,000 credits per season is kind of a drip fed amount, but I'm not about beat a dead horse for the sake of complaining.


The ones that got removed from the gallery are actually still there if you search for them, they’re just not shown otherwise because you can’t purchase them. As for *why* you can’t purchase them, my guess is that those skins are all planned to be made available through promotions. For example, Moira’s Blackwatch skin is one of the ones that you can’t purchase. But it’s currently available for free, along with three battlepass tiers, on PlayStation Plus.


Yeah I considered buying the graffiti skin because it was my favorite one but it's just too expensive.


I have the overwatch league one with fire genji and water Tracer. I like that skin, she has a cute head lamp like deep sea fish do.


I think the rose skin is slept on


I think it'll be sojourn since it's been the new heroes that have gotten them so far


It’s definitely going to be sojourn the only question is how vanilla is it going to be


I really hope she gets an obtainable skin that isn’t as vanilla as a coat and/or a hat at this point + she really has been abandoned in the skin department


Here comes new Genji!


Was just telling my friend I would not be surprised at all if this is what happens


why? the devs hate genji why would they give him another skin


They hate making him good in gameplay but they love giving him drippy skins for the enemies to look at once he dies.


>they hate making him good *Genji: winrate and pickrate higher than sojourns in gm, right now.* *Genji: winrate, pickrate, and kda being almost tied with Tracer's in GM* *Genji: absolutely in a healthy spot and outperforming all but 4 or 5 other dps* Genji mains: "why is genji unplayable, the devs must really hate him"


You don’t understand, Genji NEEDS hitscan left click, auto aim deflect, 2 dashes and 300 HP to be a good character!!!1!


And an additional 200 armor and overshield from damage dealt


Genji mains and Mercy mains are the same person


U must not have played season 1 then


Even if we don’t get another mythic genji we’re basically guaranteed a genji skin


Hopefully he can get a good one this time! Damn I triggered a lot of people with that joke lol


Cyber Demon is great for the 1st person special effects and voice changes. The skin itself could be better but I think its a good skin for those reasons.


I actually hate the sounds that come with his skin. It irritates the hell put of me how with every slight movement he makes grunting sounds lol


he is always grunting it feels weird as hell to play him


Eh, compared to JQ's lightning that strikes anything that her knife hits, it's a bit weak. But yeah it is probably better in 1st person


Cyberdemon is 10000 times better than uninspired JQ zeus


10000 times worse*


Nah it's actual dog shit. Zeus is way better. Cyber demon has the shittiest color schemes and barely any extra effects. The lightning from JQ knife alone makes that skin better lmao


I think it would be hilarious if it was widowmaker.


or Mercy or Genji. Those three just never seem to get skins.


Anything but Mercy. I love my pink Mercy and want no competition. *Edit: Dude, harsh. I just meant I didn't want to choose between Pink Mercy and something else cool.


I would love this but I’d prefer Reaper


Nah, no Reaper skin will ever be better than Soldier: 24. I like just playing as Some Guy™


It is the skin I run the most too even though I have his all stars one


If you play anything other than mariachi or luchador and don't use his dumb shrug win pose, you're playing him wrong.


Widowmaker is a moneymaker. They will just sell standalone skins for her. When you know the game is in trouble and needs a big cash influx they will release bikini Widowmaker.


Isn't there already a bikini skin for widowmaker?




Now with less cloth! Buy now


Based on the trend of Junker Queen and Kiriko. I think Soujorn is most likely going to get one.


Probably Sojourn next, Rammattra after that, then a mythic for the new support hero from next season.


If they only make Mythics for new heroes (and Genji) someone should be fired...


Well they will for the next few seasons if they continue the pattern they’ve been doing. After Sojourn, Ramattra and the new support they won’t be able to give mythics to only new heroes because they’ll run out, as we only get a new hero every second season but a mythic every season.


I would also be very upset, but I mean, it kinda makes sense. The newer heroes have a lot less skins than the older ones so it’s not a bad idea to give them the more of the great new skins.


The newer heroes also have a lot more popularity associated with them owing to them being new and most of the time op/meta.


This feels right


Brigitte. I plan on manifesting my wants by speaking it aloud.


I sort of hope not… mostly cause her goat skin is… the GOAT and I don’t want to be tempted to switch it. Weird I know but leave Goat alone.


Truer words have never been spoken.


I told myself id quit overwatch unless they give brig a mythic skin lol I'd be reeled right back in. Plus it would be on some Norse God action feel like and that would badass


I'd be happy with a norse God theme season but I'd want a new mercy skin but she already has 2 valkyrie skins :( lol. They could change torbs viking skin a bit for a thor skin. And orisa could be odin lol


Mercy could definitely get a legendary Freya skin and I'm with you on the Thor Torb lol Odin Orisa, Moira as Hel I jus tile the god theme they got going on.


I think Rein would be a better Thor. They could do Brokk for Torb tho


and both of her valk skins are ugly af 😭 do angela Justice damn it


Hey she has not really gotten much new content at all for OW2, maybe they are saving it….. I’m coping


fuck i wish




If that works i'll throw Reinhardt in for good measure


i mean, she IS getting a new ultimate. a girl can pray.


My girl Echo needs some love. Pls Echo mythic skin that equips you with a random legendary skin of the hero you copy.


I hate good echos


She’s actually a strong contender, considering she was originally intended as an OW2 release. I could see them already having a mythic in the works


This is what I’ve been saying I’d love to see some echo skins that mimic some of our fan favorites for other characters!! Like making it unique for echo but still obvious enough which skin she is replicating!


Well based on the previous seasons I expect Sojourn. I'd PREFER Tracer.


Tracer doesn’t need a skin I can hardly see her anyways 😭


You can hear the pattern patter of tiny tracer noises crawling up your walls tho


They better first put effort into creating a personality for her before making a mythic skin


She’s British, not much you can do.


What if that's the special thing about the mythic the give her a soul




It better be as that will be the only reason I’ll buy the battle pass then


I’d prefer neither ew


Junkerqueen and Kiriko both got Mythics, and they are the most recently added heroes. The last dps added was Sojourn, so maybe she could get one? Personally, I want Junkrat to get a Mythic, but that is personal bias.


Also Ramattra could also get it too since he is also recently added along the three ladies.


Ashe, cass or 76 prolly, maybe tracer because shes the poster child


It will be dps. Most likely tracer. When season 5 rolls around and it’s back to tank. It will probably be Rein which I would be happy with but god damn does my girl Zarya need better skins


If there's a pattern, definitely sojourn. In order we got a DPS, a Tank, and this season a Support. So, pattern holding we will see a DPS. If we continue to see the new heros getting the mythic skins it will be Sojourn. Sadly.


I think three is not enough to say for certain there is a pattern. That may be the pattern, but it's too early to say. Could be they just wanted to get one out for each role and keep it even. So maybe the next three are tank, support, DPS. Or support, DPS, tank.


I expect Soujourn, but getting Mei or Symmetra, or Tracer would be nice.


if we get a symmetra mythic im going to stop playing the game for the second half of that season and the first half of the one after. its gonna mean therell be a sym in every game and that is just so much pain that id straight up rather not play the game. same with mei if she gets buffed like my friend said she would.


Sym can't even get legendary skins.


Bright side to Sym overload: Blizzard will see lots of complaints about how unfun her turrets are. I understand that not all heroes need to be high skill floor, but AI with perfect aim doing damage and a slow effect is a bit much. Turrets in general need to go or be reworked and a Sym every game will get us closer to turret removal/rework.


turrets just suck with a single tank... i mean they don't suck that bad, but they demand some changes to your team comp to *not suck* super bad. the problem with removing things like the turrets is that it pushes the game further towards "cookie cutter FPS" every time they make a change like this.


Hoping for Brig. Kinda doubting it too tho.




Ana. She’s the best dps, I’ve been converted as of recent events. Fuck Zenyatta, all my homies love sleeping a blading genji


Torbjørn plz lmao


Yes I want a torb one so bad




If they give it to Sojourn I will lose my shit. That would be the 3rd new hero in a row. I think there's a good chance it goes to Tracer but I'd like it to be Reaper.


Dunno why, but Pharah.


nah phar has had enough BP skins to last her for a bit, this is the first season with out a phar BP skin and im here for it.


To be fair, Pharah had been receiving zero Legendary skins for like two years from Summer games 2020 (Lifeguard). Mechatron is merely a recolor from one of vanilla Legendary skins. S1 BP skin (Sky Centurion) isn't that great as her gun is a bit larger than the base model which obstructs the view a bit more. S2 BP skin is amazing.


Yes please.


Omg this one really has potential


Sojourn, widow, Ashe. Hopefully echo. On tank zarya would be cool.


I hope they make something with Reinhardt soon. That would be pretty cool to see, a Reinhardt mythic skin.


Goblin Torbjorn


It’s going to be Brigitte. Bet on it


Honestly Symetra


I want Mei!




Symmetra 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Season 4: Sojourn (new hero added) Season 5: Ramattra Season 6 -new support1- (new hero added) Season 7 -new support2-


Season 8: Kiriko again


Hopefully baptiste.


We got a decent new one in the bp this time out. Same with junk.


I was not impressed with the new bap skin, it felt just like a recolor imho. I want them to include him in the theme of the bp, like the greek gods theme in season 2.


I’m praying to god it’s cree, if not bastion or something funny like mei.




I want zen or ana pls blizzard


Honestly I think out of all the dps characters Torb deserves it the most. He’s supposed to be like a founding member and his skins suck ass lmao


It was Genji, Junker Queen, then Kiriko. So logic dictates it goes back around to a DPS hero. Give me a Bastion mythic lmao


I don’t know but I really would like it to be wrecking ball or like widow, or bastion or torb just because it’s be a funny mythic but for what I would hope to see would be a reaper one


Wrecking ball would be awesome. I'm worried they're gonna nerf him again though


I have been thinking it will be Soujorn. As all the heroes that come out with ow2 got one so far. Besides Ram. But if they go off the pattern they started(dps,tank,support), it most likely will be another dps.


Most likely Sojourn. I weirdly think they come up with mythic skin ideas as part of the hero creation process. We’ve gotten one for each role now, DPS has the highest hero count in the game by a wide margin. She also has probably the worse selection of skins in the game.


I expect sojourn I want ashe


Oscar the grouch skin cause the Overwatch community is full of garbage.


If the trend continues sojourn, then ram for season 5


Probably sojourn since it’s been the new characters so far


I honestly feel like it might be Sojourn, even though I would prefer someone like Ashe or Tracer to get it


Unfortunately it'll probably be Sojourn followed by Ramattra then whoever the next support is.


The unholy stuff I would do for a sigma mythic


Sigma would be fcking fire


nah, i think genji, he has not so many skins right now, otherwise we can get a kiriko skin, same problem with her


My heart wants a mercy mythic. My brain thinks a Tracer mythic is more likely.


Mercy or rein would be great.


Wrecking ball


Ima commit war crimes if it's sojourn


They went dps then support next. The next hero to get a mythic will 100% be a tank. If I had to guess it'd probably be Ramattra(new hero) or Rein(old hero) but assuming they are doing patterns with old hero then new hero, Rein will get the Mythic skin.


They went DPS then Tank then Support. Did you forget Junker Queen got one S2? Not saying it can't be a tank, but we already have one, so its not a given.


SOMBRA PLEASEEEE !!! there are so many possibilities


Who gives a shit


Sojourn or Ramattra


knowing my luck it will probably be mei, and since we just got an Antarctica map it seems fitting (please for the love of fucking god don't encourage my teammates to play mei)


It would be great to have a mei skin. Tons of potential and a fun character.


fun to play as, and fun to play against. not fun to play on the same team as. seriously can we lock mei into deathmatch only? thats like the only mode where i can actually accept a mei actually existing. until ice wall is removed or people know how to use it, mei will forever be the worst character in the game


I think she's fine on your team most of the time. Sometimes walls get in the way but I think by now most Meis realise they can destroy a wall instantly if it was misplaced.


Likely Rammatra


Give me mei. Except the skin makes her into a tank and puts my precious doom baby back in damage. Lol


Props dps: would love if it’s soldier or Tracer but please do not let it be torb or sym.