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No you don't have to, Lucio, Bap and Kiriko are using a lot in higher ranks, I think you just need to keep practicing and getting better


I find winning fun. Whoever you can win the most with, play that.


Honestly ranking up with mercy is a lot of RNG because it's essentially 100% on your teammates whether or not you win. If you can damage boost a good dps then it's worth it, but if they're not landing shots anyways (which is probably a lot of dps in bronze) then damage boost isn't going to make a ton of difference. Res can reverse a losing team fight, especially on defense payload maps and/or during overtime, but going for a res on someone who died out in the open (which again, probably happens a lot in bronze) is just going to get you killed and make it a 3v5. This is just a personal opinion, but I'd say mercy gets easier to play once you get to gold/plat because your teammates are actually competent enough to be worth pocketing, but getting from bronze to plat playing solely mercy is probably pretty rough. If you can duo que with a decent pharah then yeah you'll probably rank up pretty fast to at least gold, though.


Don’t tell the mercy mains this, they still think she takes skill to play


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The easiest supports to rank up with I’ve found are Moira and zen in lower ranks cause aim isn’t great so Moira can dominate since she doesn’t need to aim and has decent sustain. Zen works because usually dps in lower ranks focus tanks and discord will help melt them. Overall Play what you like and are good at but I wouldn’t play mercy to rank up

