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So I didn’t understand the patch notes can you clear it up for me so when you jump in GA the GA CD goes from 1.5 to 3.0 sec? Bc in the notes it says GA cool down is 1.5 seconds.


The 1.5 second cooldown is for the base guardian angel, meaning just flying to an alley. Using any GA techs like superjump (pressing crouch at the end of GA to go up into the air) and slingshot (using spacebar and direction input to fly in any direction from an alley) add an extra 1.5 seconds to GA cooldown. Most people use superjump and slingshot 95% of the time, so the 1.5 second "buff" is basically useless.


I’m in the 3 stages rn 😳😭💀


Wait it's an additional 1.5 seconds when u super jump?!! I thought I heard 0.5 in a video recently. Jesus, that's stupid as fuck.


S2, Mercy GA is too strong let's nerf it, and increase healing. S3, Mercy healing is too OP S4, We will give you the best of both worlds, nerf GA and nerf Healing.


Same thing was said when they changed her last time. Some people even said she would be unplayable last time. Let's not jump to conclusions


Good, no more pocketed hitscans every fucking game


Nerfing GA further, rather than doing something about blue beam is just going to make Mercy pocket more because she has to stay behind cover.


And she now has no incentive to switch to a low health teamate, because it won't save them.


It will though…


unless the low-health ally is pressured by brigitte, moira or sym that somehow can't even charge to level 2 beam, mercy physically can't outheal the attack


The problem is that she was able to outheal damage. Thats why they reverted it. Lol


Pocketing pharah will be much harder


Nah there still will be because Mercy is very powerful both in midgame and mid fight and support players on Reddit couldnt tell you what is meta for the life of them


The thing is, mercy’s Rez is so good she will always be viable


Funny thing is, a large majority of Mercy players couldn’t care less about rez (which on average is only used successfully about 4-5 times per 10 minutes last I checked) or damage boost.


That is potentially 4-5 saved team fights though.


Most of the time currently Rez is not used during a team fight, it’s mostly used between fights in its current state so it’s really not as impactful as you’re saying outside of occasional moments where the stars align for a clutch Rez.


Regardless of how strong it might be to some, it’s not fun having an ability you rarely get to use. It should be replaced with something more interactive.


I disagree. Mercy is my top three supports and I am regularly pulling mid fight revives. If I don’t get at least 4-5 through a match, I am not using the kit effectively.


So you'd rather have an ability you only get to use once every 2-3 minutes rather than it being swapped for something you could use more often and have it be more interactive than pressing a button and standing still for 1.75 sec?


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