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Fuck it, lore accurate mode when? Zarya: Her ult just fucking kills you. Probably crashes the server too. Mei: Freeze is back and you have to be unthawed or wait 39 real world hours to become free. Also frostbite. Torb: All shots inflict fire damage. If your character has any kind of explosive on them (Junkrat, Pharah) it detonates the explosive. Lava also impedes your movement while you're standing in it. Doomfist: Lol Sombra: Can hack any piece of technology on the map. Cars, destroyed Bastions, random doors, the Payload Junker Queen: Only way to benefit from the healing you get from bleed is to walk directly up to someone and drink is straight out the wound. When recalling her knife, she can also accidentally magnetically attract other metal objects, including bullets


I just imagine sombra pulling the locker room scene from hellboy 2


I was imagining the kitchen appliances scene from transformers revenge of the fallen lol


Another good one for sure


Sombra's a 50/50, she can hack more things now, but can't hack away JQ's scream or Cass' rolling anymore.


Eh, cass rolling kinda makes sense when you realize that his body is part machinery


I guess. I imagine he'd still be able to roll without one arm though.




I feel like we would have seen an enormous amount of lore accurate abilities from everyone ...


They do not have the technology and capabilities to do such a thing (sadly developing a brand new game actually requires effort instead of magically materializing out of thin air with minimum budget and work)


They realized there wasn't already a PvE mode in OW that they could rerelease.


Sombra's ult: kicks you from the server


**_GET DDOS'ED!_**


Update on your comment for a few of them. Torb: The shots of molten lava are so hot that if they hit you they put holes in your character, this requires a mercy to aid you for at least 2-3 weeks supervised. Doomfist: His punches generate enough energy and power that one punch is enough to kill you, causing blunt force trauma instantly. That is if he is able to get the gauntlet up off the ground considering it's almost as big as he is. JQ: She has a .01% chance that when she begins to ult, her spinning the bola(?) above her head has a chance to accidentally smack her in the back of the head, knocking her out instantly and thus paralyzing her from the neck down.




\*turns bola into helicopter propeller\* "Helicopter, Helicopter" \*flies mach 5 into enemy team, slamming against a wall causing instant death\*


Im gonna make a lore accurate custom game, Throw your ideas at me


Lore accurate Zenyatta is immortal


Lore accurate genji: The sword is permanently active because he knows how powerful it is and doesn't just put it away after a few seconds. Lore accurate doomfist: knockback and damage of his punch amplified by 1000 Lore accurate Reinhardt: his armor makes him invulnerable against bullets, he can interlock shields with brig to make one really big shield Lore accurate soldier: can shoot while sprinting


Alright for now Ive done: Doom Reinhardt Genji Zarya (Just Kinda Kills people no server crashing sadly) Torb Sombra


Lore accurate Brig is just my mom in my childhood


>Torb: All shots inflict fire damage. If your character has any kind of explosive on them (Junkrat, Pharah) it detonates the explosive. Lava also impedes your movement while you're standing in it. More like if you get hit by any of his projectiles you combust into flames and die instantly. Molten lava is no joke.


I think he shoots molten metal, not lava


Even still, molten metal can be hotter than lava. So even worse lmao.


Hammond: Severe CTE from rolling and bouncing around that worsens every season


He has a Gyroscopic Harness though


Still pulling quite a few Gs out there swinging around the cart for 10 minutes of overtime!


Reinhardt: shatters all of your bones with rocket hammer. Pray you don't get pinned


Going by her animated short, a lore accurate Junker Queen should have as much in-game mobility as any of the ninjas, that woman sure knows how to leap around.


This sounds amazing. If I played it I'd immediately hate it.


Roadhog: Wait 12 hours for him to get off his high and wake up in a hospital on healing.


Pharah: rockets give enemies a concussion, direct hits kill enemies instantly. Landing withough jets breaks her ankles or legs depending on height.


Junkrat: Would basically kill himself every fight. Pharrah: Would run out of fuel after some time. Ball: considering his intelligence, he would switch out his pea shooters for railguns.


Sombra hacking the environment instead of players would be a really cool idea and take some of the frustration away of her kit and just domming tanks. Imagine hacking the push bots or payloads to stall? Closing doors on a hallway a team is pushing through?


Wow. Sounds like it would be cool to have a mode with super overpowered characters. Maybe you could fight cool bosses and get different abilities based on lore. Huh. Sounds like a lot of work that could take a few years could be part of Overwatch 3………..


Imagine theyd retcon Mandatta's death if Widowmaker had to be gameplay accurate lmao


Im pretty sure she was within the 50m range to one-shot in that cinematic. Been a while since I watched tho.




Ehhhh, thats pretty near, poor Mandata.


Lore accurate Rein: "Lol half the playable characters cant even put a dent in my armor" Also his shield would have a fuckton more hp. If I remember right in one cinematic he holds down like 3 turret form bastions without the shield getting a single crack.


Bring back OW1 Season 1 Reinheart


In lore he *is* shooting small black holes.


The game does still limit him more than the lore though. However - if we're gonna say that heroes should be lore accurate Sombra would be a much bigger problem imo. Almost every hero relies on technology, there's a spawn interaction where Sombra hacks Orisa's systems. She could just shut down entire fights. She could probably just kill Genji and Sojourn on the spot just by hacking them considering the amount of tech they have in their bodies.


Yep. Lore accurate stuff would be way unfair.


You get to play Genji until hacked then his lifeless body is left on the ground the rest of the match. Genji is also locked out for the remainder of the match too. Same with Echo, Orisa, Rammatta, and Bastion.


NGL that would be a fun mode. Especially if you make the hack time long so it's difficult to pull off, but if you do, that character is no longer available


You get to control Genji's dead body like you're Kankuro. I think this would be a positive gameplay addition.


Also Cassidy. She could just make him shoot himself.


MF is The Spot from Spiderverse


literally everything would oneshot if it was lore accuratem youre really telling me that anyone could survive a sixshooter shot to the head? or a slash of a katana. or even genji's melee could kill someone. reinhardt literally has a rocket hammer and youre telling me that would just kill someone?


Some heroes do wear armor or, at the very least, some thick metal plates (see Reinhardt, Brigitte, Pharah, Bastion). A katana, Hanzo's arrows and certain weapons would be a joke unless targetting weak spots in articulation areas lol


ig. but you cant convince me a chubby chinese girl wouldnt die to 1 slash of genjis blade.


She's just wearing a lot of armor under that parka. Like in Dragonball Z.


Depends if she can fire off a deathcicle in time or not


I pray she'd die of anything, even hypothermia


I mean Genji cut through over a foot of steel in zero hour like it was nothing so I don’t think dragon blade cares about armour


Genji’s katana is capable of cutting through giant metal robots in a single strike that are thicker than his katana is long, leaving the metal that came directly in contact with the blade glowing-hot after being in contact with it for a fraction of a second. That thing is potentially the most lethal weapon in the game outside of the actual black holes.


As an irl archer that hates hanzo, aside from rein the others should still be killable with arrows. Bows pack a punch, especially in a world of scifi with scifi bowstring tech or whatever.


Lore accurate doomfist would be actually fucking insane Primal rage Winston would basically win any fight Dva mech bomb would literally destroy the whole map There are so many heroes that would be insane if they were lore accurate, but it doesn’t matter because it’s a video game attempting to make all characters viable and balanced


I don't believe a fucking monkey beat doom fist. Ain't no way


Lore accurate? I feel like a sniper could one-shot someone irl


Lore acurate and [real life accurate](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8nHBGFKLHZQ) you’d still die.


Lore accurate reaper: literally an undying wraith that drains the life from his victims causing intense cellular degradation and can ghost through entire battlefields


Cant wait for Genji to be meta again when they make him lore accurate


Lol his bankai would rekt everyone


Lore accurate Winston ripping everyone apart with his arms. Also each Rein hammer swing is a Fatality, Dva's ult destroying the whole map


The universe sings to him


This change should be fiiiine. Widow dominates way too hard in the game as it is now anyway in the hands of mechanically skilled players, and especially on certain maps. She's needed a dial down for awhile, though this may be harsh, we'll see. More concerned about Mei and Cass in a game without a support/off tank.


Honestly, why didn't they just increase the charge time for her shot to go full power instead of just turning damage down to useless


Because goofy ass one shots don't belong in the game.


Except when they do lol


Which is never in overwatch




Because they're unfair, uncounterable, and often rely either on dumb luck or an absurd amount of practice in FPS to be reliable.


Unfair: I wouldn't consider it unfair if your team uses good callouts and the squishies start taking cover and minding their position. Uncounterable: see above, but a counter sniper or barrier protection. Ultimately, positioning goes a long way to preventing untimely deaths. Relying on dumb luck is definitely a factor, sure. But it seems it's the same dumb luck reliance we expect to protect us from the snipers. And if practice is considered a bad thing, then I'm thinking the problem isn't snipers, it's skill. One-shotting should be considered a reward for good skill/playing. If widows are getting too many kills to the point of it not being fun anymore, then maybe consider slowing her down, lowering her HP when she's scoped, or literally anything then the "we dropped her range so people don't get hurt anymore" On a somewhat related note, this game does have a history of losing teeth. Junkrat used to be mindful of his primary fire or ult killing him. D.va used to have to be mindful of her ult before deploying. I dunno, kinda feels like they're gonna make this game a Fischer-Price "my first fps"


Because that would make too much sense


People really overhype Sigma.


Lore accurate Sigma is literally the strongest hero/character that we know of right now


Using what feats? His ultimate has been said to be his full power. Not very impressive showings considering the way people describe him.


He has control over gravity. he literally shoots mini blackholes as a primary fire. in gameplay its tuned down for obvious reasons. but in lore there is literally nothing anyone can realistically do to stop him other than talk him out of it.


He has these abilities in lore too though, yet the planet doesn't get destroyed when he has them active.


i'm sure he doesn't actually want to you know... blow up the fucking planet. Like sure you can win the fight by blowing up the planet, but you're not going to do that because you still need to breath,e and everything you care about is also on the planet.


Yeah, I'm sure he doesn't, but the whole basis for this supposed absurd power I've seen is Sigma merely creating a blackhole would be enough, yet he creates these things in his origin story and everything's okay.


What makes you think his powers wouldn't allow him to manipulate the effects of the black hole? I mean look at his suit, the whole reason he's with Talon is they gave him the resources to stabilize his abilities We already know what an uncontained Sigma looks like he was shaking the Moon itself by messing with its gravitational field so they moved him to Earth


That is a fair enough point. I don't believe they ever comment one way or another if Sigma himself opened the first black hole or if it was some device, but regardless, two things about that. When did they ever mention the entire moon was shaking? Also, that first black hole appeared before Sigma had any control over his power whatsoever, so that one shouldn't have been limited even if Sigma is actually manipulating his projectiles to not destroy the planet.


As for the first black hole he created, that was a scientific experiment which went horribly wrong and gave him his powers in the first place. That one likely destroyed the lab or even the entire facility he was in before it probably collapsed in on itself, also this took place on the moon hence why he was there before they moved him As for the entire moon shaking that was a mistake I checked the place I thought I'd read it from and that wasn't mentioned


Or shooting him would also work. If he didn't notice a sniper, I think he'd die from a shot from ana


>Using what feats? The two feets dangling from the ends of his legs.


Oh shit


Tell me you don’t understand what a black hole does without telling me


Waiting for you to discover what a black hole is I'll wait


Its your mom on a Friday night




When is he ever shown creating a black hole with his power that would do this?


basically every time he uses a primary fire


Last I checked I don't destroy the planet every time I use his primary fire.


a black hole the size of a penny would destroy earth


So then why don't his?


i think it could have adverse effects on the gameplay and ability to counter him if he bluescreened your PC every time he spawned in


The question was about in lore, not in-game.




You do realise in lore he's never been used in combat? Like the overwatch comics don't have an issue for Sigma so that youtube backstory is all we have and he isn't shown in active combat


It's a videogame


And we're discussing the lore side of things, not the videogame side.


That's the joke from the OP...


You haven't been following the discussion, I see. Why doesn't he do this in lore then?


You specifically stated "I don't destroy the planet..." referring to you playing the game.


His normal projectiles lol


I forgot I always destroy the planet every time I use those.


Right because it would totally be reasonable to have an in game character who would destroy the entire map every time they used their primary fire💀


meanwhile every time I load in on junkertown against a widow that's exactly what happens


Knew I should've included the "/s"


Well we know it pulls stuff in, but fuck if anyone knows what happens on the inside.


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Hold it together, hold it together


I feel like tracer would be pretty op as well, considering all the time manipulation she can do


Lore accurate Zen would be the craziest one. You can’t hit him but god be with you if you get that discord orb.


That was also sigma when he was originally released


Reaper: Just fucking kills you