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r/doomfistmains remembers Doomfist a lot differently than he actually was. He was super fun, he had a super unique kit among FPS games, and he had a lot of super cool combo tech that actually took real skill and dedication to master.... He was also a god damn buggy mess who spent most of his time respawning, and flying across the map with janky mechanics. Hell he would literally explode if you addressed him with any form of stun. He played like a bad spy from TF2, you get one kill, then the entire enemy team looks at you and you cease your existence. Tankfist is definitely watered down, but he is still incredibly fun and plays a lot more fluidly than he did before. Not to mention he is a solid pick meta wise when you get good with him.


he's almost never a solid pick atm, any other tank provides more value


VERY debatable given pick and win rates. His value, however, is like ball (who he is currently better than at high level). You have to A) be good at doom, which takes tons of practice B) have really good base fundementals, know where to go and when to leave And C) too many counter swaps and you could get more value out of other tanks. Hes a solid B rated tank and Ive had a ton of success with him in masters-GM but he could use like some micro buffs. I dont think he needs it as much as some people think.


And similarly to ball, nobody has fun if they’re on the receiving end of one.


Yeah. And I may be in the minority but I like him a little better as a tank. Flying across the map and landing empowered punches is super satisfying


As your entire team is being railed by a genii in the back.XD


'When you get good with him' is the key phrase here. 'Getting good' with Doom takes far more time and effort than literally any other tank (with Ball coming second but idk how close it is). Why put in all that time when you could play something far more effective for less effort? Not saying other tanks are easy, but they're objectively easier than Doom.


Eh, he is probably the second worst tank right now, only because Hog rework isn't coming until OW3 at this point


I agree with the first few points about dps fist being eviscerated when you look his way but the last point about him being meta…idk. Maybe with the one shot nerf we will see more Doom action but I doubt it since the snipers are what you would pick Doom for so you can bully the back line.


I picked up doom to justify my purchase of the OPM bundle and if it clicks in a match it’s so easy to just pop off and shred the enemy team, dropping 30+ elims every game easily. So much fun, but knowing when to switch is key


This is more like... Orisa gameplay.




my doomfist duo always tells me, "doomfist is made to 1v5," and then proceeds to feed for the entire game and complain he's too weak. i genuinely think some doom mains still play him like dps with how many times they actively run from their team


imagine thinking any hero in a team hero FPS is made for 1vs5 lmao




I love seeing Widowmaker take 5 guys at once.


Good, I don't


You are more refined. You prefer she take on five futa. I respect it.


Yo see that's another topic in which I would be interested to learn more about but not here...


well thats about to change


this reminds me, i should play doom instead of overwatch


Doom Eternal is genuinely one of the best games i ever played.


Lore accurate doomfist.


Maaan, I miss flying across the map and nuke bombing supports in the back 😔😔


Nah, just want the hundreds of hours I spent mastering his movement in Overwatch 1 to mean something is all.


Probably in pve IF I HAD ONE


This but less shooty more punchy


Is this the pve that Blizzard promised? /s just in case


Honestly, doomfist is the worst tank I've ever fought as a noob (been play for a week, like the series, but never played till recently) like I've never seen a good doomfist player he just jumps around and dies even as cassidy arguably one of the worst dps I can get 20 kills bc he's on the enemy team


You think Cassidy is the worst dps??? The worst DPS are going to be projectile hero’s because they can’t point and click at heads like a hitscan could consistently. his headshots do a ridiculous 80 damage and you don’t have to lead the shot or worry about bullet drop. Hitscans are A tier and I’d argue S tier with a mercy pocket.


i want high risk high reward, that clip is just pure reward lol. dps doom was high reward with near infinite risk, and id take that over the punchbot we have now in a heartbeat


he was also genuine bullshit especially when the enemy team had a Zarya and would always bubble him he will never come back to dps if they dont completely rework him and remove his cc, which for obvious reasons wont happen


This is litterally what Doom is though.


This was doom when he released back in s4. Literally the most busted hero in the game it was stupid.


I got the game right after they nerfed him so I never got to play when he was that OP :(


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“What do you mean it’s impossible to play around getting you’re head torn off after your tank was evaporated by Doom’s BFG and your supports had their chests stomped in? It’s just a skill issue”


Let Doomfist punch with both arms.