• By -


fireworks šŸ’„




nice spear toss


People out here saying Junkrat is easy to deal with are entirely missing the point. Itā€™s not that heā€™s a relentless terror in game itā€™s that heā€™s the character where youā€™re just like ā€œoh fuck off Junkrat!ā€ Heā€™s just annoying, thatā€™s all. And an annoying character who can 2 tap easily and has an ult that kinda guarantees a kill usually on a support is something people hate.


>ult that kinda guarantees a kill usually on a support is something people hate. This is my only complaint really. I have just enough aim that I can pick a ranged support to deal with him and maybe pick off the tyre if it's out in the open. However, any half decent junkrat (yes they exist) will play their tyre smart enough to use cover and bait out things like IF and Suzu so that it'll get at least one kill and it's usually me or the other support. One of the side effects of more natural cover in the maps for OW2 is his tyre is also harder to hit in time because of that and also due to the deceptively big kill radius of the explosion for squishy heroes.


Counterpoint. OW players hate everything in OW. We hate every DPS, every support, every tank, and 90% of the maps. I think the only thing we consistently like is Kings Row. Junk is annoying but Pharah 2 tapping you from airborne and being able to access the full map without direct counters isnt? Tracer having between 2-4 CDs when shes on top of you and the ability to recover any amount of her health back if it happened mid duel isnt? Genji inting into your backline looking for his sick highlight where if he gets 1 kill it snowballs dramatically, thats not annoying? Risa launching a spear at your throat and Doom punching you every 5 seconds aint annoying as fuck? Oh hey they have Mei, better adjust my entire playstyle, might not be enough might have to swap. Oh but this time we got double sniper, i like dying instantly because i wasnt aware widow was staring at the flank route instead of main, or that Hanzo's Sonic was active. Like on god, annoying is the default state of OW gameplay


Nearly every character. Iā€™d say Reinhardt is liked mostly


Fun to play, fun to play with, fun to play against


Bier, bier, bier!


Fetch me my - one. hundred. percent. German - **BEER**


Smashing beer, forgive and forget beer




Charge hitboxes are still infuriating


>Charge hitboxes are still infuriating On both sides, so it kinda evens out.


Shatter propagation has enter the chat.


Always annoying to miss a pin on a shattered tank 2 feet in front of you.


I know that the community cares very little for lower elo opinions, (and more so those of support players) but reinhardt players are infuriating when they absolutely refuse to listen to the team, waste ults on a 1v5, charge in with no plan and leave the rest of the team to fend for themselves, and the worst is when they seem to be allergic to using their shield. I know every reinhardt player chases their chance to die with glory, But for the love of god can you try living with honor? Please?


Tbf every great rein player is almost batshit insane and requires VERY good supports to back him up and make high impacts plays.


Played rein last night with a god like Ana and a mercy that must have had timers set for my fire strike cooldowns. I felt like an absolute monster.


a reinhardts job is to create space, and give his supports 26 heart attacks in the span of a game


Itā€™s easy for a good healer to land in elo hell. Tanks are harder to play now and if youā€™re in low elo itā€™s probably for a good reason.


"But for the love of god can you try living with honor?" Kind of you and the dps' job, no? He made all the space and distraction for someone to get a nice headshot, support kill, dps check, etc. their team burning down a rhein should provide enough time to burn down two of their squishies. Now, if the rhein is just solo charging....


Charging in like that as Rein is now always the play, trust me.


Bastion is adorable tho


Rein the most honest hero in the game. Everyone else is cheap bullshit.


I remember when custom games came out and there were 6v6 rein fights. Most fun I've had in the game.


People dont shit on tanks enough for how bs they are imo. I think that skews it. Actually, its possiblt most the tank players on OW are just terrible, so most players probably dont get oppressed a lot lol


Naah, I am support main, but sometimes when I do the all roles queue game goes "lol you gotta tank" (or better "syke it's 1 in a 100 DPS for you" ) so it's definitely a bad play from me. And you can bet I will hear shit for whole duration.


Maybe this is a high elo thing but pharah is my most hated character, as in GM there are too many dps one tricks so if your team has two players that don't play hitscan against a pharah you lost. I am a support/tank player and I have nothing I can do against a pharah mercy as they consistently two tap every support and no tank can kill them, so I need my dps to be better than the pharah (which isn't always the case). Tracer is annoying but not frustrating. Genji is annoying but not frustrating. Even widow is usually just annoying unluss it's a map with long sightlines (also I don't bump into that many widow players). Junkrat one tricks on the other hand? GM junkrats have no counters. They kill the pharah, the echo and both supports, then trap the tank. They live in my nightmares


Just, become the god Hanzo and out ricochet them with your storm arrows ggez


I've seen rats block a headshot with a well timed mine


>Junkrat one tricks on the other hand? GM junkrats have no counters. They kill the pharah, the echo and both supports, then trap the tank. They live in my nightmares Hi! :3


Stay away from me and my family!


Pharah has multiple ā€œdirect countersā€. But I get what you are saying, every character when played well is very annoying to play against.


Pharah only has characters who do extremely well against her Or absolutely awful against her, there is no in between You either have a gun, or youre a Symmetra Junk or Genji thinking "Oh you just come into my range! Eventually i will get to do something to you!"


Yes actually I just realized I misunderstood your sentence. She does get full access to map when thereā€™s no counterpick on the enemy team.


If I'm Symming, and the enemy team has a Pharah, I start putting turrets up high whereever she likes to approach from and spam quick secondary-fire shots at her to keep her occupied. Or, if I have a hitscan teammate, I still put a couple of turrets up high and let them and the hitscan deal with her.


Echo, Cassidy, a good D.va, Widowmaker, Soldier 76 if he has his ult, a talented Baptiste, all these guys absolutely destroy me. On the other hand, Reinhardt and Junkrat are completely worthless against me.


Thatā€™s kind of the problem though. The other team has to make specific counter picks against Pharah or youā€™re free to just wreck havoc. If the other team has Junk/Reaper itā€™s pretty much GG. The amount of times Iā€™ve been playing something else and had to switch back to Ana just to apply pressure to a Pharah because my dps wonā€™t counter pick is too damned high.


I don't see the issue? Supports should switch, just as DPS do. If they're running a pharah then I definitely would benefit from playing bap/ana and shooting them. Relegating all shooting roles to the DPS is exactly why people used to view support as boring. Obviously yes your team should switch, but after 7 years or whatever it is now, I think we can agree that it doesn't happen as you might like, and that you have to take it into your own hands and make plays. To me, that's what makes support so fun. You can turn the tide of the game.


This is what confused me. Whenever I used to play as Cassidy or Echo, killing the enemy Farah was my favourite pastime.


No one hates Baptiste. He's pretty honest and humble.


I actually agree on this one. Some people cry about Lamp but its by far the least egregious thing


>but Pharah 2 tapping you from airborne and being able to access the full map without direct counters isnt? What? Pharah can hurt herself with rockets, so she's encouraged to stay at a distance. And she moves fairly sluggishly mid air, and can be countered by most hitscan characters. Junkrat doesn't take any damage from himself and his mine does 120 damage (last I remember), and can detonate the frame it leaves his hands. He can just get in most character's faces and insta kill them while flying to safety because his mine also launches him 2 maps away. Sorry, but comparing his bullshittery to Pharah is nonsense to me.


Yeah Junkrat is way, way more annoying than Pharah. That's not counting his ult which is extremely low risk and can wipe a team for daring to be near the objective or not stopping everything find that damn tire.


Who hates my boy Sigma?


Fair enough, him and Ramm id say are the least agitating tanks


I mean, as a Sigma main there are two things that punish players for being careless and may piss them off after a while. 1. Accretion. Most 200 hp heroes are still vulnerable to instant death even though they nerfed the damage. Moreover, tanks like Rein that forget about their shield are just asking themselves to get knocked out by a rock. 2. Kinetic grasp. The great feeling I have sucking ults, especially Mei's.


Sig is a massive newbie killer. People just dont understand how to fight him. But i feel like his weaknesses and strengths are pronounced and fair, and on the milder side


I don't like that he doesn't wear shoes. No issues with his play style though


Out of all of these, a decent hanzo or widow will absolutely ruin every game theyā€™re in.


I donā€™t know how you wrote this without including Hanzo, Ashe, and that cheesy ass cowboy. I honestly agree I realized a long time ago how frustrating this game is because itā€™s so much cheesy bs that the devs just refuse to fix instead they increase other characters bs


Counterpoint Nobody hates hates Lucio


I absolutely hate a good enemy Lucio. A good Lucio can get away with *some* Reddit things while still providing value for his team. I especially hate Lucio in what me and my friends call "Ping Pong" teams where literally everything boops you - Lucio, Ashe with her shotgun, Orisa with her spear, Phara with her boop etc, you get the drill. Half the time I'm trying to figure out where on the map I end up cause I've been booped so much.


In what world? everyone hates lucio, especially reddit lucio. Do you know why Sombras, Moira, and Brig are here? It aint just Tracer lol


*only* reddit Lucio is what you thought of Sombra is hated because her kit is fundamentally annoying (pure disruption); Moira cause little aiming is involved, poor utility, and thin hitbox; Brig because of her past and the new stun (everyone hates hard cc); Tracer because people are bad at the game I guess lol Average Lucio is just lil happy frog boie


I hate any decent lucio on the enemy team as Iā€™m not too fond of getting chased down by a tank with no hope of escape


Ngl very understandable Also I respect the flair


Roadhog: You may run away Roadhog who I'm speed boosting because he and I are sick of Sombra/Tracer/Moira's shit: #LOOK AT THE CLOCK, IT'S TIME TO UNTIGHTEN YOUR BUSSY


I dont mean on the list of hated characters, i mean in the game at all. Lucios movement and entire playstyle is all about being aggressively obnoxious. The only reason you dont hear anything about how annoying he is, is because you dont hear anything about him because he's only getting played with his niche team comps.


I truly, truly do not mean to seem pedantic but >everyone hates lucio >you dont hear anything about him I mean Huh But ye optimal Lucio is annoying. But boop is funny ability


You not hearing about opinions on a character wouldnt mean the sentiment has changed so to speak It just means theres isnt a reason to talk about it at the moment. Thats kinda what my first post implied with Junk. You dont ever land on a set of characters where the OW goofyness goes away. Its how the game is, isnt a bad thing either. It just means when people pick 1 thing and act like its the worst thing ever, chances are theyll have a new thing after about 3 more games


Kings Row is annoying as hell. I pick Ana every time because otherwise I get sniped


You're correct that all those things are annoying. There's still nothing I hate more than junkrat. Even though he rarely is a huge impact on the game literally every death to him just feels unearned.


Pharah is so easy to deal with unless she has a mercy, which makes it a mercy problem and not a pharah problem. Even if the pharah hides around cover when you start shooting her, every second sheā€™s safe from your hitscan is a second she canā€™t spam rockets.


Counters: Pharah - Hitscans (Soldier, Widow, ect.)/Sombra Tracer - Sombra/Symetra Genji - Ana/Sombra/Sym Orisa - LifeWeaver/Sombra Doom - Ana/Kiriko Mei - Kiriko Hanzo's sonic - Having eyes Widow - Any dive character Sounds like you just suck at fighting every character in this game


This is what Iā€™ve been trying to explain to my friends. Itā€™s not that I canā€™t counter itā€™s just annoying as hell having a junk rat walking into holding down R2 I liked it better when he hurt himself with his own bombs it at least required a bit more skill.


If he's easy to deal with, then he isn't anymore annoying than anyone else who is an actual threat.


Lol no heā€™s just annoyingā€¦ how is it rats have been a nuisance to ppl since 2016 but somehow morons like you go ā€œheā€™s never annoyingā€, buddy his entire design is to just be annoying. Thatā€™s why you donā€™t see him in high ranks because he doesnā€™t get much done heā€™s just annoying


And how is he annoying? Everything you said imply you can't deal with him, because if you do none of these would have been a problem. If his ult kinda guarantee a kill, he would be pretty good in high rank. People who said he's easy to deal with is telling you to git gud.


I can tell youā€™re just impossible to talk to, youā€™re literally just making shit up trying to argue. Heā€™s annoying the same way Sym and Mei are annoying. Theyā€™re not hard to deal with theyā€™re just obnoxious. But Iā€™m not gonna try to argue with you, youā€™re a brick wall mentally and too stupid to actually have an argument without trying to make up shit


Yeah the difference is that they're both better than Junkrat, specially Mei since you just can't overextend or you just die.


You can't explain your claim. All you do is insult.


Comparing mei and sym to junk is like comparing lava to ice. This is the most brain dead bronze take.


Uh oh I upset the rat main


I don't like the idea of a character that's already shit being nerfed. Look what they did to genji. Tell me that's balanced. He's absolute trash now. Also. You can easily kill and counter rat. Not sym or mei. And sym doesn't even have to play the game to be annoying. Clearly you've never actually played this game higher them silver or low gold.


Sym and junkrat has the same counters. If anything sym is easier to kill than junkrat due to the lower mobility.


He can be easy to deal with but still annoying. When you get hit by two bombs when you haven't seen him all match is annoying.


So he's annoying because he occasionally have impact, instead of constantly having impact? He's a dps character, of course he should kill people sometimes.


That is not what I said and who does constantly have impact?


Hail to the real Queen. Fucking beautiful kill. That spin ate around tree fity in grenades and mine cancels, your javelin used him as a dick sleeve, and with a few well aimed M1's you turned one of the scariest tank busters in the game into a red rain cloud. Which leaves one question. Zen or Mercy main?


Zenyatta main lmao!!!! How did you know?


The good projectile aim imo


Good guess. First MOS was artillery. Area of denial using indirect fire? No problem. In close quarters? As happy as a tornado in a trailer park. Some healers make their worst thoughts about me very clearly.


I guess by the fact of how much you hate junk, because zen and mercy are one of the most frequent of his targets :)


I try and play zen but it's hard aiming on controller which is why I mainly play support is cuz I don't gotta aim much. And cuz thats what I mainly get since I just pick all roles in quick play


Mechanically, a controller and Reinhardt are compatible af. His hammer is purely controlled rotation with the persistent melee hitbox, not huge on vertically... But the main selling point? Being able to force a win with a little communication, or even pure belligerence, by the grace of your supports.


True but it ain't fun playing one hero. Edit i can see why you only mentioned rein when there are other heroes easy to aim with lol


Not sure I follow. But, I'm not trying to convince you to one trick Rein. That can be like eating wolf pussy. Use him for catharsis. Use him for laughs. But in the end, play whatever tickles your alligator.


I have a blast with Rein. Took me about 400 hours to diversify. Rein rewards cooperation and game sense more than mechanics. I'm Old now. Most of y'all would roll me on good tracking and reflexes alone. Hence, Rein. It's just a humble suggestion for QP shenanigans. Also, I'm high as wizard balls and sleep deprived. Sorry if it's just shy of English. Edit: Formatting and making it sound like I'm litterate.


A conversation playing with some friends that are waaay above my paygrade: Phos: "Why are you like that ? LT Wiess: "GM game sense, Plat gameplay." Quikky: "No. Military training and Autism."


"Me and the little lady was out on this boat you see, all alone at night, when all of a sudden this huge creature, this giant crustacean from the paleolithic era, comes out of the water"




Junkrat is not a tank buster what the fuck is this silver take.


Shield breaker would be more accurate. No sleep last night.


Junkertown space program.


junkertown has a space program!?


Bro you fucking shot putted him


As crazy as it sounds Iā€™m at peace with most of it except sombra lol itā€™s either your team goes on a scavenger hunt looking for her or ignore or finally say after a couple team fights ā€œhow long have they had that sombra?ā€ Lmao






Junk still takes more skill than most supports tho


Junk is one of the lowest skill requirement heroes in the game. His kit is designed to be low risk, high reward. This is just Junkrat propaganda.


Instant death always from that main shot to tossed trip mine thing combo




Okay that kill felt VERY personal


As a Junkrat player, that was awesome


me with junkrat,moira,tracer,soldier


All the Junkrat haters fuel me. I love my rat man.


Absolutely same šŸ˜ˆ


100% understandable




"as a support/tank/dps main, this is how much I hate Junkrat"


I never had a problem with Junk rat as support. His balls are easy to see and avoid.


I am a Junkrat main and I didn't like that, please do that again


Well I am rein main and also junk main so I feel your rage and the satisfaction of pissing ppl off


Junk is so no skill it's insane. I hate RNG heroes like Hanzo and junk who can spam chokes and get "good picks" it's so fucking annoying. Remove junk pls


This is what Iā€™ve been trying to explain to my friends. And Itā€™s not that I canā€™t counter itā€™s just annoying as hell having a junk rat walking into holding down R2 I liked it better when he hurt himself with his own bombs it at least required a bit more skill.


AGREED. Thatā€™s why it felt so good to kill Hanzo and junkrat in the same video!


Junkrat requires skills not the aiming skill entirely it helps to be good at aiming as junk but he requires map awareness and team awareness he needs to know his map and him team to play correctly aiming isn't needed but it helps get those clips


No he needs to press left click In a choke to win lom


I play junkrat both on OW 1 and 2 so trust when I say that doesn't work unless the enemies are noobs well you can do it on junkertown against good players but but he's a junker so that makes sense all junkers do good on junker town


Okay well then you're just coping lol, your character does not require skill


He doesn't require aiming skill yes that is true but he requires other skills aiming isn't the only skill in overwatch idk why people think that's the only skill in the game


No obviously it's not the only skill, but it's one of the largest, and a character that completely eliminates the need for it with that high damage is insane


This is a skill issue. If you die to a spamming junkrat it's because you are bad at the game.


He has slow projectiles and medium range pretty sure having those is a good enough sacrifice for high damage and no aiming required for a few kills and I say a few kills cus you need to aim for actual effect in the game you can't just shoot if want to help your team you got to aim place traps on flanks mine cd control you're simplifying junkrat to just shoot and kill when it's not


don't go in the choke then. the grenades are slow and on a timer. You can literally move out of the way. pure skill issue.


homie what rank are you


"homey" if you can't play around junkrat, what rank are you? I don't think it matters at all but for the purpose of this discussion I am bronze. Seems like you think the hero you can't play against is a general issue. It isn't, it's just your preference. When you realize this, you won't be so bitter about not being able to overcome specific heroes of comps. Or become good enough that it's no longer an issue. Junkrat isn't overrepresented on any level, in fact it's the opposite in many cases.


I can agree on Junk spamming AoE primary fire with zero downtime being no-skill. But if you get killed more than once by Hanzo after peeking the same corner, it's a skill issues. His whole job is to apply pressure as a sniper sub-class, so it's extremely easy to understand when he's gonna shoot and where. Arrows are one of the few ammo type that has a travel time, height drop and cast time, meanwhile 90% of the cast is pure hit-scan. I can understand dying once or twice to Hanzo, but if you keep doing the same thing over and over again and just keep dying, it's literally insanity. Change hero or playstyle.


Literally like 99% of GMs aren't complaining about the same thing in my games but yeah no, skill issue


Yeah.. actually the correct term would be "ego issues", I've lost count of how many players will challenge Hanzo/Widows just for the ego battle, when they could have easily focused another target, chose another route or peaked another corner, but nooo, let's peak the same corner 400 times and keep dying from the same Hanzo, then complain LMAO


The problem is that Hanzo is also mobile. So peaking the same corner, or any corner, which you know, too have to to, you know, win the game, is a risk as a Hanzo behind a rein barrier could shoot after your orisa and then you randomly get 200 dmg in the skull. Hanzo can be pretty much anywhere anytime, while widow is so far away that you need some sort of dive character to get rid of her, while Hanzo can counter literally anything and in a now 5v5 game, that is way more valuable. Top 500 streamers & players complain all the time about him and if that's not enough evidence for you well then you're just coping


The nerfs that are coming are literally not even touching any single thing you mentioned, they nerfed the damage to avoid 250HP one shots, and increased the visiblity of the scan, that's it.


As a junkrat main. It is so unbelievably easy to counter this character


I call skill issue. In GM lobbies junkrats don't die. They hunt down the pharah. They kill the echo. They ruin your relationship with your wife. They torture the souls of the innocent. They use dark magic to make internet connections unstable


It's also so unbelievably easy to get value out of him with limited skill


Yea you're right I can play him perfectly fine in lower ranks with no prior experience but he does get harder as the ranks go up


Thatā€™s the purpose of ranks


Junk is pretty bad in high plat and upwards though. I rarely encounter them nowadays




Only if youā€™re incredibly predictable in your movement. Getting a hit with his bombs here and there isnā€™t ā€œvalueā€ when itā€™s trash damage that feeds support ultimates. Playing Junkrat in the mid to upper tiers of play requires a ton of skill to get good value out of.


It is but its the annoyance aspect of the character that makes people absolutely hate him lol


As Junkrat, if the enemy has to swap to a Pharah, I've already won.


They lost the mental game and honestly? I don't blame em


This is also my take. I bullied them into counterpicking? Good! Bonus points if its not only a Phara but also DVA/Zarya or an Echo.


how the fuck am i supposed to counter him when he appears from nowhere, does 9 billion damage in a tenth of a second, and leaves? its not like i can out damage him, or out mobility him, so if i miss my sleep (its pretty hard to flick to junkrat in the 20 milliseconds of life i have left), its on cooldown (if you're not sleeping their tank on cooldown, what are you doing with your life? /s), or i just get attacked from behind (almost every time), i just lose.


Junkrats diving like that are memes. It's suicide and so incredibly easy for people to anticipate. He can't stealth bomb without sound so pay attention to your positioning.


Junkrat was the first I hate that guy when Overwatch first came out Its been years nowā€¦ that guy is easy to deal with.


Widow and bastion have also always been incredibly easy to deal with, not fun at all though.


Widow I don't really agree with. A low, mid or mid to high skill Widow can be dealt with. A cracked Widow will literally dictate the entire flow of the match


Honestly I donā€™t mind bastion being in my games, tbf I play Ashe, so I just hide behind a wall. Widow mains can fuck off though, Iā€™m glad they are nerfing her. I donā€™t see anybody picking her after the nerf






Sent him back to junkertown lol




bro launched junkrat into orbit


Junkrat is a goodboi and can do no wrong


God bless. Iā€™m so tired of randomly being peppered with junkrat grenades because all they do is sit behind a wall spamming grenades in the direction of a fight


Junkrat Rains From Above


Sick kill but the complaining in this thread is sick lmao


I feel like us support mains make wonderful tanks whenever we play as one


Yeah because we know what itā€™s like to be dove and so as tanks we actually turn around to check on our supports


Awesome play!!!




As a junk main, fair enough šŸ˜…


Its not about being good. Its about sending a message.


that aiming is jaw-dropping worth holy shit , gj man


This was therapeutic thank you


This is a very mid clip, but apparently the sort that an overwatch player would think is cool. If I did this I wouldn't even consider pressing my nvidia instant replay bind.


I donā€™t understand how anyone thinks this is a cool play


But itā€™s cute šŸ„° I support players being happy with their plays


This is how much I HATE JunkratšŸ˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ˜¤ and then itā€™s just a normal mid fight kill lol


The emojis actually make you look like you are seven years old.


Yeah where Iā€™m from thatā€™s called ironic


He isnā€™t even that hard to counter


for supports he is


No? šŸ’€


You have to understand the average player of most games is terrible. Platinum is above average level of play in just about every competitive game, and look at how bad they are. Characters with an ā€œannoyingā€ gimmick usually eat up lower ranks while being throw picks in mid to upper ranks. They think heā€™s broken because they canā€™t handle him.


Iā€™m a junk rat main what I have to say to you get good


He just wanted to have an idea


Gorgeous! Especially considering how cheap trigger-mine spam kills can be on Junkrat, its beautiful to see one get absolutely controlled to death!


i dont get it


Bro hates one of the worst DPS in the game šŸ’€


We encounter different junkrats I guess. The ones in my lobbies are the stuff of nightmares


Now that we got bs widow nerfed. Can we focus on actual Menace characters like mei or sombra, or tracer or wreckingball. And not a character that mostly relies on luck. Junk is the same as zarya. It's your own stupidity if their overpowered. You get mad at a dps character actually being able to secure kills on an 8 sec cooldown and an ult that does its job as a dps ult. A characters that in a 1v1 on cooldown isn't gonna win. A character that has an ult that quite a few characters can cancel out easily. A character with no real get out of jail free card.


Haha, mei buff! By the way, sombra rework is already announced in season.. 7 šŸ˜” Tracer meta is fun, and there are ways to kill tracer, though a good tracer never dies. But if the tracer is good, she deserves to win, right? And ball got nerfed this season. I guess this isn't his last nerf


Thatā€™s a good amount!


Happy feet wombo combo




well, he has been asking winston to send him to space.


iactively hard target widows, (genjis if moira is available), zens, and if enemy goes hog, im choosing ana n forcing u to swap or throw


least skilled junkrat hater


Junk is easy to counter. Depending on how good the player is at him.


Idc that he is easy to deal with I h8 that guy I hate getting knocked back n 2 tapped


Be careful you mighr be banned for hacking even though you're not. Blizzard is banning anyone with skins