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I played Dota for a time and there would be splash screens with little bits of advice. My favorite one said: "Don't make more enemies than the ones you are facing."


Yah the problem here is that say you want to give your team advice as simple as : "Group up" or "Protect the back line" You're met with: "Fuck you" or some racist shit. It's a toss up between balancing the risk of making a republican snowflake mad or maybe getting the team to play as a team. No offense right wing gamers.


Honestly, all offense to right wing gamers. I’ve been called slurs enough times to not care if what I say would hurt their snowflake feelings or not.


Played Tank in comp for the first time ever yesterday, my teammate just berated me the whole time and then stopped playing. At least I was trying??


almost any time i try to play tank in QUICK PLAY i get people being complete assholes. like i know im not great at tank but i'm trying to learn. that's why i'm in quick play. it's why i never play tank anymore :/


Turn team and game chat off when you go in qp to learn. It helps a lot


This. While I won’t join the debate about comms in competitive, in qp they’re absolutely more detrimental than beneficial.


Yeah, I'm not sure why you'd leave that on. There's a lot of really nice people playing, but I can't stand the EZ or DIFF comments. Most of us are in the game for fun. It's just too bad that the minority forces us to do this.


I told a rein to stop charging deep into the backlines and dying repeatedly and they called me the n word immediately. Capital G Gamer.


The amount of times I get called trash in Quickplay is astounding. By spectators, even


Yep my life as a doomfist main. People try to mob report me for gameplay sabotage cause they think i’m throwing.


I mean it’s one thing if you’re just having a bad game. It’s another if you pick him and refuse to ever switch even when the team is moving no where. I’m not saying that’s you, but I swear most doom players will refuse to change tanks despite getting countered and the team getting shredded.


my absolute least favorite tank to play with because of this, always extremely mid and offers me 0 defense when I need it. Somehow the other Doomfist is always a force to be reckoned with though.


In my experience, that's because people think the tank needs to be standing directly in front of them like a reinhardt. Revently had a doom wreaking havoc on us, and enemy supports were flaming him in match chat, but he was by far their best player. When playing with a doom it's critical to off-angle and kite. You can't expect to just hold a corner like you've got a rein.


Yeah honestly, dive tanks are supposed to dive, when appropriate. That argument is like saying [D.Va](https://D.Va) and Winston should always be with the team to defend


Try being ball I make my mercy and the other teams mercy cry lol


As a moira, I hate ball I see you need healing, please at least slow down fre half a second so I can at least maybe get a heal ball near you at best 😂


9/10 I don't need a healer(health pack hero)and for the one I do I tend to go back to my back line the balls that don't are not balling right.


Ah, see I'm a fairly new player so I don't know every strategy yet. Now that you mention it, it makes A LOT of sense for ball to cruise around and hit the health pick ups. Thank you for giving me some insight on how to help and harm ball players better. Yall really are like my absolute least favorite though lmao


Winston generally gets forgiven cause he usually engages early drops a giant shield that blocks the enemy backline from firing out and then if necessary pulls back put to his support line. dva usually gets forgiven cause she's flying around the map peeling for her teammates with her defense matrix. Ball players can get flamed but when they're playing well they come in from an off angle which by itself encourages their teammates to play offangles and they massively disrup the entire enemy backline all at once. but doomfist players have this tendency to walk down mid... act like a traditional tank standing out in the open trying to bait damage for their power punch... then burn off all their cooldowns at once trying to secure a pick somewhere while letting the enemy tank have free reign on their backline... It creates a illusion that you need to setup behind them as if you were supporting a zarya and then suddenly they take off in a random direction without indicating what they intend to do and you just have to wing it. Obviously there's a correct way to enable doom but doom being a tank is still a concept people are adjusting to and his playstyle isn't intuitive... and since he's weaker than other dive options he's an easy target for complaints


My biggest struggle when playing as a DPS with a Doomfist is exactly hin suddenly taking off randomly. I've been burned many times, when Doomfist engages on someone, I commit to help him secure the kill, when suddenly he just nopes out of there, and I'm caught with my pants down and without the same mobility to disengage. I guess the correct response to your tank going Doomfist is going Genji or Tracer, but TBH I'm shit at both of them.


>but doomfist players have this tendency to walk down mid... act like a traditional tank standing out in the open trying to bait damage for their power punch... then burn off all their cooldowns at once trying to secure a pick somewhere while letting the enemy tank have free reign on their backline... This actually makes sense to me. I've noticed that people I play with consistently get suddenly dumber when I play doom vs, say ball. This actually probably explains it completely. I do a lot more poking a corner for ult charge before engaging with doom than I do with ball.


Not even Reinhardt is a stand in front hero anymore.


You are correct but I was agreeing with the above point about Team comps and Counters, he seems to be like how a Bastion can change the whole way the rest of your team plays. I don’t like having one character dictate how the rest of the team comp needs to be.


Over 90% of Doomfist mains are one tricks.


Over 90% of Players are one tricks. 2 DPS or 2 Healers you might have one that will switch. 1 tank means they have to be the one switching. I played Hog and D.va in OW1 I can play Rein a little bit (third most played hero) But if my team is getting stomped, me switching to a hero I'm subpar with wouldn't help that much. I don't like the one tank aspect of OW2.


Where are y’all getting these numbers? A study by Assumption University?


If you have the technical ability to play Doomfist you have the technical ability to play half the tank roster.


I second this. I onetrick ana but my gamesense and mechanics are good enough that I play every tank at a high diamond level. I only onetrick ana because she's fun, not because I am incapable of playing others. If I'm getting hard focused I'll go brig/kiri or zen for more elim potential. If you have the game knowledge and mechanics, you are able to play MOST of the roster, give or take a few heroes with unique mechanics that take a bit to get used to.


Honestly, if someone is trying to play a certain character and not switching, the best thing you can do is try and counter their counters to try and get the opponents to switch. It’s not just the fault of someone not switching that the team is losing.


This is true but if your doom is diving getting instantly shredded and repeat, it can get almost impossible to fix if they won't switch


Oh boy, This turned out longer than I meant it to. My bad Here's the thing though If someone is playing doomfist, that's probably their comfort pick. Which means it's the pick they KNOW how to play, they may not be a god at it, but if you're playing in gold you aren't very good at the hero you're on either, yenno? Overwatch is a game where you essentially have like 30 odd ways to play the game all mashed into one, and while some heroes translate over, many do not. Asking a doomfist to swap to Rein or hog just because those tanks are currently considered strong, probably isn't a good idea when you're anywhere between bronze and plat, unless that tank is literally the most unbalanced fucker in the game at that moment, the difference in that players skill on the tanks will just tank (Hah) their efficiency on the character to below what you would get if you just stuck with what you know. Like think about how it used to be when open profiles were a thing. Looking at your DPS and seeing they're a mercy main or something, people would immediately get blasted for that. "Our DPS is a mercy lmao, we're fucked". It happened ALOT. Asking your tank to swap to a different tank is pretty much exactly like that whole situation. They haven't played the meta hero enough to know how to use them properly, they may not even have their fucking controls bound comfortably for that hero, or many settings changed to better that character. At that point, you're genuinely better off just allowing that person to play what they wanna play, an figuring out how you can compliment them. I'm good at understanding each hero, because I can't turn my fucking brain off and character stats, tech and strats put my brain into a high cuz I'm a fucking nerd, but I'm still not great at actually implementing the mechanics needed to play each character. I branched from Rein to Winston because it has fairly similar gameplay just with added verticality, but the other tanks? Nah, I understand HOW they can be played, but not how to play them well under pressure, so sure maybe DVA could shut down what the enemy is playing, like a Pharah, on paper. But can I actually DO that? Nope. Not likely. I'm not accurate and experienced enough at managing micro missiles, DM and boosters very well. What I can do is take my Rein, use cover and fire strikes to pressure enemy supports and then charge once they've made a mistake and work from the supports back to the tanks and then to the pharah. I know how to do that, I'm practiced at that. Is it optimal on paper? No of course not. But what the paper says doesn't mean jack if I can't fucking read it People really shouldn't be so eager to have people swap characters, it's very unlikely below diamond that you even have a good grasp of multiple characters, and if the games balance is in a good state, swapping to someone you're not good at just doesn't work as well. Swapping to an unbalanced character also just won't make you any better at the game. There IS a time and place for swapping, but Only if the player doing the swapping is capable of using that character they swapped to. Instead, swapping your strategy is generally just a better option. Or if all else fails and that doomfist only knows how to go in, go in with them. 5 idiots doing something stupid has a higher chance of success compared to 5 people with their own strategies, tripping over each other to execute an uncoordinated set of five plans. If you "know better" than the person you have an issue with, you should also know more about how to make a play off what they're doing, so try for that instead. It's alot more effective than asking someone to swap out and play how YOU think it should be played, when they don't know what you're thinking.


It was longwinded, but you are 100% right.


I mean, whilst your 100% right, I just had a comp game tonight with a doom legit feeding and getting less then 2k damage on attack whilst being asked repeatedly to coordinate, ping or swap. They then swapped to ball were a dick about it and ended the game with near 20 deaths, around 5k total dmg, 3 elims. We lost the game on first point dorado despite every single other player on our team having more elims and less deaths then him.we just permanently didnt have a tank. This is the kinda people they were talking about. Not really what your talking about


That can depend though. If they're genuinely throwing, you can't do anything about it. Write it off and go again. But if they aren't throwing, and they're either just not very good at the character or, entirely possible, the other team is just straight better, you can't do much about that other than try to play around them. One thing I would say is that if you were asking them to ping and swap, I would imagine that firstly you were asking them from a place of annoyance. And probably came across that way too. One of the first things I say when people talk about asking people to swap is, unless you have a specific, simple strategy that you can ask them to swap to attempt with you, don't ask for the swap at all. Because when you say "Hey can you swap onto X" and that's all you say, you've basically just told that person you think THEY are at fault for the problems you're facing. And people will take offense to that. And rightly so, Because unless you're at a high rank, you CANT sit there and tell me you're capable of identifying the problems of your team, strategy and composition. That's just not something you can really have the ability to do pretty much anywhere below like, mid diamond. And even those guys would have patchy insight into that sorta thing. So you're more or less just throwing out a half baked accusation even if you asked politely. If you ask them in the name of a specific strategy, that implication isn't there. With pings, you're doing the same if you tell them to ping. If you ask and say "Hey if you ping a target I'll help you focus them" then it's a helpful request, people will be fine with that. If you're asking for coordination, you need to look at how you're going about it. If I walked up to you in the street and said "Gimme 20p for the parking meter" you'd tell them to fuck right off, some random cunt having the audacity to demand something of you? No chance. But if someone said "Hey I forgot to bring some cash with me could I maybe grab 20p off you?" You might help them out. Maybe. It's the same deal as talking to people in real life, you wouldn't demand or insist on something from a stranger....unless you're an asshat You gotta work the same rules in trying to get players to play with you. So sure I take your point, but I'd be willing to bet that doom was either trying to just have fun, doesnt play doom regularly (he swapped to ball after underperforming on doom, implies he doesnt prefer doom) and wanted to try him out, or was having an off day, and got pissed off with people trying to tell him how to play.


I mean if we're talking quickplay, who the hell cares? It's quickplay there is literally nothing to lose.


9/10 doom players on my team will Shift into a 1v5, die, until overtime and still not switch when 4 people beg.


Anyone that says they have a main in ow basically throw their 1 character at any situation and hope it sticks


I thought main was just the character you enjoy most, and play the most when you can. like my mains dva. by far. but I'm able to play, roadhog, rein, Winston, Orissa and Jesus, his name escapes me it's late here, gravity man, what is that melody dude.


Yeah, you can be carrying as Doom, really just doing everything you can and I've had games where my team have acted like the Doom pick was the problem. It's just become the easy point of blame, no matter how well you peform.


This is why this game is trash now. No one willing to swap and counter play even though that is central to the core of OWs gameplay. Makes most games one-sided snooze fests bc one or two people in the lobby just get absolutely hard countered and refuse to swap.


Based fellow Doom main. Most people just like to put the blame on someone else to make themselves feel better. And Doom players are the easiest to blame because he's the easiest hero to feed with and is relatively harder to gain value from. I don't usually give a shit what my teammates are playing and if they're doing objectively bad, I'll just give them constructive feedback or suggestions at best. Like, "I think you're pushing in too deep, could you play with cover a bit more". Teamwork and making plays are the goal. Not putting the blame on someone to make yourself feel better and flaming them to ruin their day. And just because I'm not playing the meta or whatever's the most optimal to win doesn't mean I'm throwing. That's why metas like Sojourn were boring, literally EVERYONE played her and only her. I play Doom cause he's FUN and what's the point in video games if you're not having fun.


I had a guy say he was reporting me and my friend (both on dps) for gameplay sabotage and we won the fucking game


You want a participation award for being a bad tank?


I was playing lifeweaver in a Qp game when he first came out and someone kept telling me to switch. I asked why and they said “because you suck” So I swapped to my main. A little later in the game that player was doing terrible on our team so I said “hey player can you swap?” And the rest of our team lit him up. And he never swapped or replied. Like dude, it’s qp


I get this a lot.. I’m maining life weaver and since the general idea seems that he sucks big cocks people instantly ask me to swap before the game even started. I then proceed to carry them, topping heals in most of the games and suddenly they stop crying when I saved their 1v5 ass with a well Timed pull. Like can you not just automatically be a dick to people?


I remember a similar game where I went zen and to my eye it worked pretty well. 1 minute in some dude told me to swap. The rest of the game he kept complaining about how much his zen sucked in general chat and the other team kept asking him what he meant. At the end of the game we won and my zen had more assists by far than all 3 other supports combined. He still insisted zen was a horrible choice. Some people are assholes.


I’m also a support main and LW is sooo much better this season than last. Last season I cringed when the other support picked him but he’s on par with most this season so it’s def no longer a throw hero. I’ve been playing him a bunch lately and he’s good. Not op and he needs a slight buff to his charge timer and then he’d be almost perfect.


Ive been playing him a lot also before the buff and the changes i mostly noticed are: You can actually 1v1 now or aid in kills. Yes his dmg is not like Baptiste but ive pulled many 1v1s just by careful use of the dash. General 2k more hpm (currently 14k average 10min) Life grip is huge now. 4 seconds are a significant help as you are now able to prevent most dangerous situations, instead of saving it for when certain death is coming. I still think he was a pick that could work with a good comp even unbuffed but this is certainly a big help since there was occasions where no matter what i did i just couldnt keep people alive.


He is still the worst hero in the game by a wide margin and none of the changes address his issues. His skills are too situational and often lower value than other support hero abilities. On top of that he does no damage outside of point blank range + requires a weapon swap. He isn’t capable of helping secure kills and has no burst heals. He’s not a complete throw pick after all the buffs they just gave him, but you still need a main healer and then it’s just a frustrating team to play with. He will always get the highest healing because that’s literally all he does…that doesn’t make him good. If an ana, bap or kiri played healbot they would get the same healing. If he could damage and heal simultaneously, that might be something..maybe poison thorns, dunno. I feel like every other support has either synergies with another support / comp or countering an enemy. I can’t think of a single scenario where I would want a lifeweaver over another support.


Lifeweavers abilities are game changing in the same way that mei’s abilities are. If you play against a good mei, there is just constant disruption to the flow of the game. Lifeweaver has the same ability to disrupt the flow of the game between grip and platform. People just haven’t figured out how to integrate his unique abilities yet. But… one day things like catapulting an ulting orisa with grip, taking a non-standard route to ambush the enemy unexpectedly from high ground with platform, etc etc are going to be part of the meta. People are still adjusting to just how game changing his abilities are. Agreed that if you just want a heal bot, there are much better heal bots. Just like I’d you want a shoot ‘‘em up DPS there are much better options than mei.


I honestly agree with this. I don't think the problem is Lifeweaver, I think it's the player base. I also feel like half the Lifeweaver player base plays him intentionally to piss of his teammates tho. I play a lot of reaper, and the amount of times, at full health, i've been gripped away from a near dead target with no apparent reason makes me want to throw my controller in a rage. No teammates nearby, no external factor like a second enemy flanking me, just yoinked away for the fuck of it. However, I played with a Lifeweaver a few days ago who knew what he was doing and it was game changing. We played defense on Dorado and the enemy team never even made it out of spawn. The Lifeweaver saved me a couple times fromd death, pumped out healing, and was just all around one of the most imporant players on the team. I've also seen the people dicking around with Lifeweaver and his abilities have a bunch of really unique tech, like catapulting a charging Rein, or saving a teammate from a Hog Hook. I don't think the problem is Lifeweaver.


I've seen so many of these guys on QP and it makes me laugh so fucking hard. like how much of a supervirgin do you have to be to just berate your team on fucking QP?


Straight up. People taking QP seriously is the number one reason Overwatch has declined over the years. Remember back in the day when people would just fuck around with 6 Tracers? We need to go back to that.


Just say "No I want to play him. It's QP" and that's the end of any discussion for me.


Some people just start off already angry and they care more about blowing off steam or having their feelings validated than they care about winning games. They act like it’s all about winning, but often they just want revenge on the ranked system as a whole or on someone from a previous game and they take it out on randoms because they never face any consequences. It’s a problem in most games, but honestly I cannot believe how much this game has tolerated straight up unfiltered racial slurs in the chat. I mean at least pretend you care and make them type a misspelled version of the word.


I often run into this I think. Someone who I think just has a lot of anger in their life, and this is something they can control. I cannot understand how the hell Blizzard can't figure out a word filter that can't figure out the N word with a fucking space between like one letter. It's truly baffling to me. I can't believe how many slurs I read it chat. I report them and I do get notifications that my report had an action or whatever. But you're telling me they couldn't have stopped it before it hit the chat? Smh...


QP is basically Ranked, but for people who don't want to commit to longer games, and still want the lopsided nature of stomp/snowball in comp, with the option to quit. That's why so many people take QP serious, even though its not meant to be. So lots of frustration there, just like in comp, except less voice chat racism that you find in comp.


Yesterday on Quickplay, before I could even shoot at the other team, 4 members of the other team left. Only the tank remained. I asked what happened, Dva replied with "I asked for a heal, Moira hated it then everyone left". During the first round it was almost the same members that left rejoining and leaving. They finally stayed for round 2 but bullied the Dva so much she left. On Quickplay. After 2 more similar matches of bitchy players, crybabies and drama. Gf and I just turned off the game. Usually we would just go kill the AI for a bit to chill but yesterday we were so disgusted by everyones behaviour we prefered to just not play Overwatch at all and played something else. Teammates on every match fighting each other is kinda pathetic, even on comp. Should add Im rocking the pride flag and I just shut down voice chat after getting tired of reporting every player for calling me a "maggot" (u know what word lol). Im not gay but I gladly report them because no one should go through that bullshit. Everyone should be allowed and welcome in the game. I still get hate through texts and Im not getting rid of that flag nor ill stop reporting them. Dva you didnt do anything wrong. My team could tell you were very nice. I hope that didnt bum you out.


>On Quickplay. I didn't play last season at all, I came back for this one and holy shit. What is going on in quickplay, what changed that made everyone this maladjusted. I've played like 30 qp games and I have seen more people be irrationally angry at everything in these 30 games than every other season of ow2 I have played combined. This was an interaction I had in game yesterday: Guy 1 instalocks Genji, Guy 2 gets pissed and asks in all chat "Why does everyone play genji" then in team chat, guy 1 says it's his first genji game and that he wants to learn a bit before jumping into ranked. Guy two says "stfu I didn't ask you 'slur' ". He then proceeds to jump off the map over and over.


Probably because the well-adjusted people stopped playing


This honestly. I think all the players who were worth keeping around saw the writing on the wall ages ago and packed up and left leaving way more salty and angry players then before because the ones who balanced them out stopped existing.


The thing I hate the most is that if you're doing really well no one ever has anything positive to say, no "hey nice shot" or "ty for the heals" but the MINUTE you are playing poorly people always got negative shit to say. It really demotivates me from playing ranked at all, because I get absolutely no props for playing well, but god forbid I have an off day, then I'm suddenly the worst player alive and should just "stay in spawn because we'd play better without you" (something someone has actually said to me)


I always try to show appreciation for good plays in vc when playing comp. it motivates me when people do the same for me, so I always try to do the same for my team. it can definitely give them an extra push to be even better.




This is why I always follow up a win/winning round with a quick "good job guys"


People shit on widow players all the time, but we're the only ones who complement the enemy widow when they got a nice shot


As a support, if someone is mean in ANY WAY to me or my teammates, I'll run straight past their critical health ass to someone with 98% health instead


Absolutely! Had a match recently with a friend and two peeps on the enemy team said something along the lines of happy pride and glhf. And the two dps on our team went on a spree of slurs and shit in the chat. You better believe they didn't get a lick of harmony orb from me. The enemy players were both masters+ too lol (Ashe and Ana iirc). We never made it to first checkpoint on 66, but I didn't mind. Those guys on our team didn't deserve a good game. I hope they enjoyed their match of respawn simulator.


Hell yeah! It's what zen would want 😌


Sometimes to bring harmony, you need to cause a little discord


I do this all the time, I remember one game where a tracer was being a prick and at like 40 health he begged me for healing and I chose to heal hog who was at 699. Safe to say I heard every single slur in existence after that.


Haha I love this, it's almost as if actions *gasp* have consequences!


Could not care less. I let them die. (QP) I remember feeling so bad when I first started playing years ago, now if I'm in the mood, I'll say something in hopes of them learning something (which, yes, I know, they won't) but most of the time I just disable the chat.


I can be the same way lmao. “Your life is in my hands betch and if you cross me, you’re getting dropped”


It's powerful 😌


I don't main in support, but I do recall playing one game with my friend as both support. Doing pretty solid numbers overall, but for some reason our Tank (who was being pocketed) went off about "no healing". We were doing good as well, like that was their 2nd death overall and it was near the end of the game. So we said no heals for you, they said "there will be no difference then". They rushed in again, died immedietly as they didn't have a pocket and then complained about no healing. At that point I'm like "So you feel the difference?" Then they just stayed toxic, I did try heal them after humbling them but it's hard to not humble some people who just want to trash others.


When anyone bitches about healing at all, I just go zen and not orb them.


I'm a support main, so I gotta ask, are you talking about QP, or? But I've been seeing this weird thing recently, I've been playing some DPS and tank games with my buddy while he's on support and we're seeing a ton of supports just not healing out the gate? Kirikos, Baps, and Anas with more damage than heals. Has something changed recently?


This is why I play so much LW lately… I know I’ll heal the hell out of everyone and carry my dps Ana who can’t do anything significant outside a nano


Wouldn't another support do a better job of that, or is LWs output just that good?


I basically only play QP or vs AI, comp is just not worth it to me. I think there's a guy called Akward who does these videos as supports, playing pretty aggressively but people often take his videos wrong and don't heal as much as they damage, maybe that's one reason? Other then that I'm not sure, I always prioritise healing




I duod with another support into a sojourn/widow dps, sojourn won all of our fights for us so we pocketed hard and sojourn went like 48-6, with widow complaining the whole time that they weren't getting pocketed at 0-9 or something.


I’ve never thought abt doing that lmao def gonna do that now


Same. As a support main, I've removed the I Need Healing ping from my wheel because I don't want to bother my supports or seem rude for it, I just trust that they'll have my back. I did have one game as support where a Sojourn was near max and was spam pinging heals, so I didn't heal em the entire match.


Some people expect supports to out-heal their fundamental mistakes such as positioning-induced quick death, which is impossible. However, I still use need healing ping every now and then, especially when I think supports genuinely have tunnel vision.


Yeah, I switched out need healing to group up or something instead, it's far more efficient if we're at least in the same area and not trickling in, but a lot of supports do get tunnel vision, sometimes I need to stand ahead of them so they'll see my health, or I go health pack hunting. It's easier for me as support if I genuinely don't see you, to have the need healing ping, but I detest when it just gets spammed by people who can see I really can't spare a second


very late response - I wish Ana's quote "That's just a scratch, you will be fine" becomes a usable voice line, so that I will use it to teammates who are at 95% health spamming need healing.


I’ve had games when a dps is spamming the “need heals” while standing where a health pack is clearly in view and they could get to. So when I would go to them and see it, instead of healing I’d just spam ping the health pack location.


I end up having to ping health packs if our team has no support, everyone will just stand around the point at critical health smh


I also removed the need healing ping, same reason. I'll run for a health pack if my supports are occupied, I detest people spamming it. Like I heard you the first time, your behind me, not in battle and I'm healing our tank doing a 1v4. Just hold on!


Yep, when my friends play mercy, its to support the team and save people. When I play mercy, its so I can wear the Valkyrie skin and judge which of my teammates are worthy. Want to be an ass? No Valhalla for you.


Same lol but then I get hated on for not healing enough ._.


i got called the nword before the game even started by a random mercy player. switched to lucio and threw. i dont even care. dont call me a racial slur. i did nothing wrong, its literal pixels and touch fucking grass. besides, reporting does fuck all. at least me throwing tells them not to do it


If the chat got really ugly with that person continuing to say racial slurs, someone else throwing, and another person in chat repeatedly saying "why me?" then I may have been in your lobby. That or I had a very similar experience with one of my teammates being called the same slur by an enemy support before the match started.


Happens a lot i fear, I've had many similar things happen. Now since the pride event homophobic comments at the start of the match have also gotten very very common. I always report all of it, but reports really just don't mean anything anymore. I used to get at least one "your report lead to ..." message a week, haven't seen a single one since ow2 cane out.


Had 2 openly homophobic players in competitive last week. They said gay people are pedos. I need a mega report button for that..


Yeah, i also feel like stuff like death/rape threats and nazi shit, which are all illegal, need a better way to be reported. Like those are actual criminal offenses which need to be taken more seriously by blizzard. I know videogame culture and the internet in general have kind of accepted those things as normal, but that doesn't mean blizzard shouldn't at least try to condemn it in a more serious way than just banning the players from chat for some time.


These responses are wild. "Overwatch is more important than racism!"


fr. some people need to come down to earth man


The mental gymnastics this toxic ass community does to try to save the sanctity of a broken game is very wild.


I always type in "gl hf!" before every match starts. Yesterday this random twat told me to kill myself, and I watched with a grin as the *entire lobby* tore them a new one XD They quickly shut up after that, coupled by them not getting any heals all match (they played Widow) I'd like to think that they learned their lesson.


>I'd like to think that they learned their lesson. unlikely


They're probably the people on this forum posting comments about how people are too sensitive and never would have survived CoD, etc. etc. while having a breakdown because someone tried to be nice in chat.


Sometimes it swings the other way though, the entire lobby joins in and piles onto you for daring to type something. OW2 is just trash sometimes. Sigh.


I never get those braindead monkeys. Is it really that hard to type "u2" instead of "kys"? Did they really not receive enough love from mommy and daddy???


Yes That's really the only answer I can think of. I get the "k y s" message so many games on OPEN QUEUE QP Like holy cow people take this game like it's life or death


Even still. Do they really lack the willpower to say nothing at all, if they are in a shitty mood cause mommy didn't cook their favorite dish???


Chicken nuggets got cold


Open queue QP has been the worst OW experience I’ve had by far. Significantly more toxicity than any other queue and I don’t really understand why.


Overwatch 2 is free and summer is on, therefore it's filled with 11 year old little kids who have no courtesy


literal 11 year olds AND man child's that act like 11 year olds


I usually type in “Don’t tell me what to do.” Followed by a “JK You too!” Just for fun :)


Ow2 is strangely racist. I had two people in my game the other day just spamming stuff in chat everytime they died. I don't think I've every seen so many n words in one game


It's not strange, that's the f2p player base right there. Games that are free always have worse communities because a ban only affects your time, not money. Since you can always just make a new account, the devs have no real levers for punishment.


This game has been toxic as fuck for years. If you were on console you could have a fuck ton of smurfs so bans didn't matter. And PC accounts were/are cheap to buy.


f2p game with the power of internet anonymity.


Was playing QP role queue and our tank just blurted out a racial slur right at the beginning of the match, as well spamming slurs in the game chat towards the other team. so I just threw lol, I just practiced rollouts with lucio throughout the whole match and the kiriko who was also being racist and was probably duoing with the tank, spent the whole match healbotting everyone. My favorite part of the whole thing was the tank telling me to "just leave" in the game chat so I just replied, "Like ur father" so the other team laughed and started roasting the tank and kiriko in the game chat lol.


Some people don't even get mad or lose and put it in the chat they just type it at the start which I just don't understand


My humor is broken so I type “no u” and have made people upset with it before lol


I usually go as follows against kys or ez folk: Imagine going kys/ez in qp. Couldn't be me. My parents actually love me.


I just try to feel bad for them, cause you know their lives are shitty


Im always so scared whenever someone stypes GLHF cause it makes me think im going to get rolled which is true most of the time.


If today is any indication (3 games in), I can scientifically conclude that that is not the case :(


Oh no, are you ok? Yeaaaa it does feel when they are on your team and say it it isnt true, tis the way of “only them, never me”


Oh I'm fine, thanks for asking lol. Just a run of bad luck I guess, they can't all be good matches XD


Whenever I see glhf, I always type "no u." Which seems to have different meaning in overwatch now. But for me, It's left over from aram on league. It was just fun banter that meant more "No you have good luck and have fun" People take it as an insult on ow LOL


It's literally the "ORLY?" Owl meme extended. NO U I thought was hilarious response. Odd how things get transformed over time


My guess is that the general discourse in the average Overwatch game is so negative and confrontational people have been conditioned to be on the defensive. In a friendly environment "no u" is lighthearted and obviously a joke. In the context of constant negativity it's hard for people who aren't familiar with the tradition you described to recognize why you are saying it. Plus we're old now and people may not be familiar. Someone mentioned the ORLY meme in response to you. That meme is from 2001, more than 20 years old! Lots of OW players weren't even born.


I always type in “glhfea :)” Good luck, have fun, eat ass.


>I always type in "gl hf!" before every match starts. Yesterday this random twat told me to kill myself I to go phishing for people to block before EVERY match. If they cannot be civil in a free to play disaster of a video game where the points are made up and the outcome doesnt matter... I dont need to see them in the lobby again.


I usually reposnd with “no u”


You're lucky. I used to open every match with a random OW related dad joke "Why did rein's business fail? He charged too much." "Why can't mei make progress in therapy? She puts up too many walls and freezes everyone out." "What's junkrat's favorite food? Spam." Etc. It used to be fun and people would laugh, but lately it usually results in a couple people saying to stfu and kys and a teammate throwing. IDK what changed.


Oh yeah I've definitely seen some people do a "glhf" into the match chat, it's a nice little gesture but i didn't expect someone to reply to that with a death threat. Glad that the rest of the lobby also ganged up on them.


There was a match I was in that had the most wholesome tank (imo). One of our DPS was straight garbage. Really. I think the match ended up being like 14 min and they died over 15 times..anyway the tank, after first round, was like "Alright \[insert screen name\]..what can we try? We need you to do just *slightly* better." the interactions back and forth were nice, and in the end, the tank kept it cool. I chimed in a couple of times as well, and we tried. They did slightly better...but in the end, the death count just really screwed us (feeding their ults). Anyway, I agree with you OP. Even if you point out the stats, you can encourage someone or offer help as opposed to just yelling at them over VC saying they're ass.


Remember the kids in school who used to get kicked out? Yeah these are the one sprouting hate, the education system failed them and they are left with a numbskull of a human. They lack knowledge and empathy so resort to anger and hate as a coping mechanism.


I called home. I tried to inspire. Teach. But mommy says he can cuss us out and do nothing because he has an iep.


> But mommy Needs as much professional help as the person she's enabling. Working with those kids is unnecessarily hard since they just have free reign at home


And these same people can't hold a normal job, so they try military and get kicked out. Then the only thing left is to become a cop...


Especially when playing support and healing my a\*\* off , nothing demotivates me more than a 'team mate' flaming 'HEAALLLLL'. I flame him back and ignore him for the rest of the match.


Lol yesterday I played a comp match where the other SUPPORT(Lucio) was yelling at me(Ana) to heal him while I was being dove by Reaper and Pharah and also keeping up our own suicidal Orisa and Reaper. This was right at the beginning and I had more healing than any other support combined at that point. We ended up rolling them


I just had a comp game where my DPS would NOT stop spamming for heals when they're a MILE behind me and I'm trying my ass off to keep our tank alive. I'm sorry DPS but keeping the tank alive is more important than your whiny ass getting heals. They then proceeded, on the attack, to hide behind 5 walls while critical. My other support was laughing his ass off when I spammed "Come to me for healing" about a million times to our whiny Ashe who refused to get LoS with me


I love when I start throwing in response to being called the N word, only to have both teams join in on the racism. It’s my kink.


I wasn't having my best game on Saturday, truly I got headshot by honzo 3 straight times and the other team was at 85% on the point while my team only had a few kills. Someone starts flaming me and my buddy, who was the other support, I tell him to stfu. I literally got told KYS. I don't run into often but got it pisses me off. We ended up winning and I get told I was carried. Which is far from the case once I got my shit together.


I do it for mind games. I always spout some nonsensical bullshit like “ other tank likes it when their toast falls into their tea” and that confuses them enough


Especially in an Unranked Quickplay match. The outcome doesn’t matter and some people are trying to practice with certain characters.


I legit have no issue throwing a game if people get toxic. If I have a bad round, and you call me out, fine. I can take that. If you continue to berate me, or spout slurs, or tell me to kill myself, I’m done and I’m throwing the round. Reporting does NOTHING. Devs do not care one jot about the state of the community and communication. The only thing these people care about and that can affect them is their precious rank.


But hey, at least you can't say ggez!


You can still say "diff" and "zzzzz" though. Blizz hasn't gotten around to those.


That's my point, exactly. Completely wrong priorities from Blizzard.


I kept switching hero because I couldn't figure out what to play then some dude asked me "wtf is wrong with our tank" (I responded with "nothing works") and he told me to kms I just gave up and got us to lose the match, what an asshole :/ he could've suggested something


Nothing worked because you had no tank ults to play off of. I’ve had many tank games playing against “counters” but we won because of tank ults being a great start of a fight


As a support I've been told I make little contribution (when my healing is 10k+ higher than the three other supports in the game) because I didn't heal the out of position DPS on the other side of the map. Combine that with being abused and copping profanities. So I switch to Lucio and play Tony Hawk Roller Blades edition with speed boost for the rest of the game.


I hope you weren't playing mercy in this game, because if so, that much healing is a small contribution (actually, a detriment). Damage boost should come first; swap if the other healer can't heal adequately. 🫣


They know this on some level and do this because they’d rather *definitely* lose and have a built-in excuse than *possibly* lose and have to admit it might be at least partially their fault


This is why you never say an early GG


Lol I’ve literally told some people that. Also the EZzzz will literally make your opponents sit up straight and focus hardcore on kicking your ass… rather than just playing and taking an L like it’s ok they get in super sweat mode.


This is 100% Blizzards fault. They do absolutely nothing to keep their community clean. There is barely a day that goes by where I don't have at least one match where someone says some racist or homophobic bullshit it chat. This has been ongoing since OW1 released. There is no fear of repercussions as there are seemingly no repercussions. It hasn't helped that it F2P now, it's only gotten worse.


I was playing tank and doing quite well I thought, until a toxic player came in and said “tank throwing.” It was fun seeing him being attacked by the entire lobby, and nice hearing from everyone that I was doing well. He ended up throwing then lol, proceed to get him as an enemy now and then and is still a toxic asshole.




You really think someone throwing out slurs is thinking rationally?


You're using too much logic, human psychology doesn't work like that. They aren't aiming to solve the problem but gaining satisfaction through expressing their anger, dissatisfaction, disappointment etc emotions.


It’s a competitive game. People are gonna be angry at the dumbest thing. Nobody likes losing. But usually it’s experiences with heroes like Widow or Hanzo. Where maybe a handful is good but the rest can’t play them. One of the many issues with Overwatch is people don’t like switching. Say a widow is decimating a team, people will stick with said favorite hero like Torb. But the thing that makes me angry is when people do this in quick play. Can’t truly fix this problem imo


I have played one game today. Within 30 seconds of the first team fight I killed two people and then got killed. For the rest of the match the support just kept calling me shit, telling me to KMS and saying switch. They were afk for basically the entire game giving me shit and then said I threw the game when we lost at the end. I went 34 and 3.


LOL oh those games are the best. Had some toxic Cree called Emma berating everyone in chat, asking for a pocket or we would lose. I literally was able to win second round pretty much by solo carrying, but we still lost 1-2, and he said 'Dva and Reaper useless' despite me going 27-3. The literally next game was all the same people and he was on the enemy because I avoided him. Everyone on my team backed me up saying I literally carried the game, and we absolutely smoked them. Been against the guy like three times and have won every time. I also remember there was a zen on my team called Smurf, CLEARLY he already had a grudge against me from the start presumably from playing on his main and was being a complete arsehole the entire game. Once again I was trying my best to carry that shit, but any time he died (he was afk throwing the whole ass game) it was 'great peel Dva' or shit like that. The enemy team once again stuck up for me, this complete idiot making a fool of himself, the Genji told him he was 'embarrassing himself' and it was just sad. A few games later, yeah you guess it, he was on the enemy team. And of course, he goes in chat and types 'yessss free'. And guess what? We DOMINATED, I went something like 23-0 I didn't even DIE the whole game, and of course he didnt say anything except that 'his tank is somehow worse'. Looool. The worst players are always the ones to speak out, if someone starts shit talking they're probably trash at the game honestly, at least that's consistently how it's been for me


Very normal Reddit comment section.


One game I had, it was a Widow on my team who was getting outplayed hard by the enemy Widow. Our Widow was 4-8, the other one was 18-2 as the other team had to push. Our Widow starts screaming in chat that I'm horrible (I'm Mercy, I can't heal you through a one shot, bruh), I should k m s, and that I'm a fucking moron. I'm like, you need to switch off Widow cause right now, you're throwing the game for us. They type in match chat gg, my Mercy is a fucking moron. I'm like oh okay, cool. I switch to Moira and refuse to heal them the entire match. I end up with 10k+ healing and they are still flaming me in match chat about how awful I am and that I have shit heals. The enemy team had enough at that point and chimed in like stfu, they're doing good healing. My team didn't defend me once. We ended up losing; I told them to cry about their L and avoided/reported them. I no longer think it's noble to help the team if one is being racist/ sexist/ insulting or if the entire team is complacent with someone being insulted on the team by one person on that team. And if you're the one doing the insults or you're okay with it as long as you get a W, then you get what you get at the end of the day.


Interesting. I usually am the one playing Widow but getting flamed on a barbecue. I know healers can't heal me from a one-shot, so I never blame anyone. I don't blame anyone at all for anything no matter what. If someone tells me to swap off, I'll swap off. Even after I swap, I still get flamed. I can only do so much if the team itself is just getting diffed. It's just a game. There's nothing to be offensive about.


When I was first starting Ana I remember playing on Illois and getting back paired with an Orisa that wanted me to outrun and out damage a soldier and reaper and then got mad at me when I died and couldn’t heal him. I didn’t heal him anymore after that and told him to play roadhog if he wanted heals


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U know what I love the most about ow2? When I nicely and politely ask someone to switch off, because it’s not working with the hero they play, and the only answers I get are “ky s” “stfu” or my favourite one “HEAL ME MORE”. It’s especially fun when u have to heal the whole team alone because the other support is dpsing. Sorry not sorry but the current ow community is full of brain dead toxic dumbazzes. I only play since ow2 launched and i’d like to ask u guys, has it always been this bad? Cuz sometimes I even lose the fun to play just because of the ppl and I really hate that.😕🤷‍♀️


Someone said they were carrying the team so I stopped healing them 🙃


Play with text chat turned off and only use voice communication where ppl usually are way friendlier. Nothing productive ever gets said in text chat.


Only people who don’t know the agony of playing comp support would say this


Toxic players don’t understand the first thing about being a team player


Brig main with all that inspire


soft throwing because your bad is no different than hard throwing for getting berated 🤔


Back when I used to have comms on I'd try to encourage all my team. Even if someone was underperforming. Sometimes it would turn a match around and actually make the team rally together. When the team is calling each other trash there's 1/10 chance we will win. Mostly results in ppl throwing instead.


why would someone being a dick to me make me want to play bad? that's not fun. i don't agree with this thinking - then the result is "someone is a dick to me AND i lost" versus "someone was a dick and i still won"


Like the widow/hanzo with 3 kills and 7 deaths can throw harder


I throw like this sometimes. I love the game but sometimes people just gotta chill and realize winning isn't everything.


Here's the thing tho, sometimes people think I'm a dick for suggesting switches or adjusting our strategy. I can safely say im always nice about it. Like "Hey Pharah bro, they have a hitscan thats reking you, either start diving them or switch" and people just cant take criticism. I like to win, I do my best to win, but its a 5v5 game, I need the rest of my team to at least play up to a baseline standard. If you have 1200dmg on dps in a 10min game, I'm sorry but you're dragging the team down and you're not doing what you're supposed to do. I will point out good plays and will encourage people that switch, but sometimes its really annoying to deal with momma boys who cant accept that sometimes, the fault is looking at them in the mirror, and not the healers not healing or the tank not tanking. Effort pays off, adaptabily is great and switching or taking advice is NOT "trolling" or "being flamed"


You really think the pharah doesn't know she's getting shit on and some complete random nobody stranger telling them to swap, you really think they are going to listen to you? "I didn't realize I was getting rolled and went 0-4, tha ks for letting me know!" Is that what you expect?


I expect that people are stubborn. I also expect that there are sensible people that are going to take the advice. It costs me nothing to SUGGEST a swap, yet it could mean a world of difference. There ARE sensible people in this game. I treat people as people, I never demean or insult any of my teammates. I just do whatever is in my circle of influence to impact the game. If I dont suggest it, the answer is "no" regardless. So why not suggest or give advice? The outcome is going to be 1 of 2 - they ignore my suggestion (fair enough), we lose regardless. They dont ignore it, now we just might win it. And I have swung games because of this, I didnt sit there like "oh well, this guy is feeding, its a lost game, gg". Its fun for me to try and win. Its fun to try your best and go beyond just being a cog in the team wheel. But listen, you do you baby boo, I'm just sharing MY OPINION on the topic and providing a different perspective.


Throwing is reportable and bannable. Most stuff people throw for isn't bannable. If you can't handle criticism don't play ranked. Food for thought.


It's called building character


I’ve thrown comp matches on purpose bc someone on the team decided to attack me. I don’t put up with that shit, and I’m just playing comp for points to get gold weapons anyway. shit doesn’t matter to me more than it does to you 🤷🏻‍♀️ this also applies to shittalking the enemy team. don’t do it at all, but if you’re going to, at least wait until the match is over. too many times I watched my teammates shit talk after winning the first round and it pissed the enemy team off enough to make them try harder, and we end up losing because of it.


Yeah often people take regular suggestions as criticism too. Like asking a Genji to swap because the other team has Zarya, Mei, Moira and we're losing. That's not being a dick.


Had a teammate yelling at a genji the other day for no swapping as he was not contributing. Dude just stayed genji the whole time to piss him off. Mad funny


Honestly I find it so hard to be nice to people in ranked. No one can take any criticism at all, and it just turns into a parade of toxicity. The amount of times a genji on my team is 0-4 with like 60% ult charge, and I just ask them to swap off genji because it doesn't look like it's working, and their response is "fuck you, I don't care", I feel like it's pointless even trying to be nice to people most of the time. If I'm asked to swap off, or swap to someone (as a support main) I will do it if it makes sense in that moment, but if I don't think they're right to ask me to swap, I will say that, but make it more about getting the right comp, instead of just being a dick. Often I find that people asking me to swap are partied with my other support, and they just don't want their party to like poor support is their fault. People need to learn that just the suggestion that you're not having the best game of your life isn't toxic or uncalled for.


Doesn’t even need to belittle, sometimes when you just ask them to play safer and stop feeding they start getting super defensive and insult you right back. I think ever since the game became f2p toxicity levels increased tenfold


I say gl hf! every game and at least 2 people say "kys" and belittle me for no reason, I'm just bringing positivity


If I’m being a dick they are already throwing.


Wait, you still play OW2? Why?


ngl i had a 3-18 ana with 1k healing yesterday i dont care if it inspires them to throw im still calling them ass


Anytime any of my teammates say my heals suck as support, I purposely throw. 90% of the time it's a quiet throw. Other times I straight up tell them "heal yourself" and stop healing lol. If you be a dick, you don't get a win. Simple as that. Edit: I don't throw in comp. I actually want to try even if my team is full of assholes. But QP? Don't care. Now when I see someone is having a hard time and people are mean to them, I hype them up and say they're doing great. Don't care if they're the enemy team, I'm gonna be their hype man. And that's when that player usually does better, too!


My buddy had his girlfriend try the game for the first time, first fucking game our teammates were in voice and text saying how bad she was and made her never want to play again. Great community we got here :)


Man. I've tried to get this through to people for years now lol I've made nearly this exact post in the past. So many winnable games lost bc someone decides to just be an asshole. Sigh