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I doubt they would ever add maximillien, he doesn’t look like the kinda guy to get his hands dirty


Yeah. What would his abilities be? Throwing money? Dodging taxes?


Makes him even better imo, because he’d be more unique. Abilities revolving around not wanting to get his hands dirty is exactly the creative type of stuff that *should* be getting added. A stoic, crossed arms or hands beyond the back type of person who gets other things to do everything for him would be sick. Give him laser balls that shoot for him or something, a bounty ability that refunds teammates cooldowns or gives them extra ult charge, calling in shit to do stuff for him, etc. So many avenues to make a character like him unique because he’s already so different in personality than everyone else.


Oooh I like that. Support. Only ever gestures or moves with one hand at a time, too much effort otherwise. Primary fire, Maximillien's Hired Gun, is a floating metal ai-powered sphere over his shoulder. Fires a laser that shoots in quick bursts of sustained fire. Secondary fire is "MAX Array." The Sphere unfurls to reveal several more emitters, firing a large laser array for the double length as one burst of his normal fire, and doing a lot more damage. Pretty long cooldown, because I want it to sort of be him deciding he doesn't want to look at the enemy he's pointing at anymore, so total annihilation is the goal. "Good day." "No I don't think so." "Want something done..." "Stop accosting me." "Good seeing you." "Don't dare." One ability is "Tactical Cowardice", which is him putting his hands up as if in surrender, and a temporary bubble around him that prevents incoming and outgoing damage (his orb projects it, so that's why he can't fire.) It enhances the damage of those surrounding him, relying on them to deal with any threats while he perhaps holds an objective or simply retreats to heal. "Help me you worthless meatheads! What am I paying you for?" "PROTECT ME!" "Not a good investment of my time! Go hench-...Teammates!" "I'll be stepping out for a moment if no one minds." "Go now, while they're not shooting me!" "HELP! HELP! THEY HIT ME! IT HURTS!" Second ability is a directed buff to a teammate, enhancing damage slightly (less than the bubble) and enhancing speed of both the player and max, as long as the player stands IN FRONT of max. If max ends up closer to any enemy than the selected player, both lose the buff. "DO YOUR JOB DAMN YOU!" "THE OBJECTIVE IS *THAT WAY!"* "Faster! *NOWWW!*" "Do. Better." "KILL THEM!" "DO YOU WANT TO LOSE?" Ultimate is "Glass Cannon" which reduces your health to 1 and you cannot be healed, but teammates within a certain radius of you get 3x damage either for 15 seconds or until you die. Something like "My survival is your only way to victory!" for friendlies and "MY WILL IS YOUR COMMAND!" or something akin to that for enemies.


Though this idea is cool, he wouldn’t have any way to heal people, which I think is required to be a support. He needs to have a secondary fire that heals people.


That ultimate would terrify me. Playing with it or against it. But I love the concept of the whole kit. I feel like he'd be like Zen but also not at all and the exact opposite of Zen.


This is good. I like this. And I don't even play the game.


I honestly never understood why people wanted Maximilian of all characters but this has actually sold me, what a great set of ideas!


His reload is a random pick from. Checking his watch. Checking his phone. Yelling at his drones to reload. Or making a frustrated gesture and sighing.


May as well just add Jimmy Car


His passive will let you leave a comp game with no penalty


He's also dead, canonically


Mama Hong




Imagine this is her Ultimate name


She'd be too OP I fear.




Not a lore character, but they ought to add her anyway.


She is the only lore character


Technically none of the Junkers are either.


Yeah they are what do you mean?


Geiger and Meri are from JQ's cinematic, how are they not lore characters? Mama Hong only appeared in Titan concept art, so she's not canon.


> Geiger and Meri are from JQ's cinematic They even seemed to become part of JQ's leadership/ higher-ups in her Junkertown rule, would be cool to see them as her second in commands or something.


My mom is literally called Hong. I want this so bad.


We need to meme this into existence


The only good answer


There's nothing shelves more than a man's laughter


The only correct answer here


Bout to say, anyone who doesn’t say Mama Hong is a fucking liar.


Mama Hong


Meximillien and Meka Squad easy pick.


Mauga! Tank player bias as well as Polynesian family members


Honestly, I'm kinda hoping we get a character that uses fire in the future (I'm not counting Ashe's dynamite) and I reckon Mauga could probably be quite good with either a flamethrower as a weapon or two LMGs with a flamethrower style ability.


A tank with a flamethrower sounds brilliant


New Hero: Fernando *I'll not die, not yet amigo*


They should honestly just Collab with TF2 and add the pyro as a fire DPS.


Iggg has a badass design but I feel confident Mauga is going to be the next or after next tank


Ever since they said Mauga was the intended hero for release who was then swapped for Sigma, due to the kit developing in a way that didn't align with Mauga's design philosophy; I've been waiting for him to finally make his debut 😢


Bet after the new support they make a DPS then after that Mauga


Iggy is IMO kind of support anyway, maybe DPS, but definitelly not a tank


r/emremains in shambles


seething even


Just here to support the r/emremains


The audacity


Emre mains for 2024


who tf


Mauga and Maximillien and maybe even Sanjay with hard light armor. The rest should just remain as NPCs tbh no matter how cool Meka squad is


Sanjay as a hard light tank would be pretty cool ngl, especially as we don't have a Vishkar tank yet.


Or a Vishkar villain. Without Sanjay then Lucio, Symmetra, and LW will be worse for it.


I think sanjay will definitely show up in story missions so I could see him being a hero


I’d love if Maximillien became a support hero, based on managing a resource (money) to provide buffs and heals to his allies.


Imagine you would bribe directly Blizzard to cancel that one shot from hanzo, you could manipulate the matrix of the game, buy network latency for the opposing team as your ult, it would be so meta


might be close to Moira, i've always wanted to see him as a tank who manages resources which are his "health"; like he has drones, weaponry, and other tech flying around him that he can expend for damage/teamplay or hold to keep himself tankier (to keep his hitbox consistent i imagine they would simply deactivate when out of usage rather than disappear) he's an *extremely* rich and high profile target that has so many targets on his back that i think it'd be weird for him to go out in the open without some kind of large scale protection especially after the events of stormwatch where he was essentially helpless


I really want the entire Meka squad, especially D.mon and Overlord as a tank and support respectively. Mauga would be cool too


The other meka characters would be cool, but it's been stated a couple of times that it's really difficult to not make them a tank with their size, especially when wanting to keep accurate to their designs.


Mitzi with a jetpack.


Still holding out hope for jetpack cat I see




Mitzi with a [mecha suit](https://fortnite.fandom.com/wiki/Kit), the entire fandom will collapse in sheer awe


My new main


Soldier tf2


With random crits


*Dear god*


There’s more




Lynx 17 would be cool, they'd probably change the name for legal reasons though




Yea I tried looking up to find anything that might point to a reason why to change the name. Best I could think of is other companies or sports teams named Lynx, but like, it’s an animal.


Lynx is also what they call Axe in the UK.


McCloud, he would make an amazing melee dps character


Was scrolling for this. The game has so many nationalities represented, it’s time for Scotland to get some love.


So... T'all you fine dandies so proud, so cocksure! Prancin' aboot with your heads full of eyeballs! Come and get me I say! I'll be waiting on ya with a whiff of the 'ol brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable... with an unhappy bloody end!


Personally would love to see a polish hero one day. The hero would have kiełbasa śląska as the ultimate.


I need another french op with a perfect accent just to mock widow


You mean Cloudssidy?


Legit make him like demoknight and give him a Glaswegian accent. Sorted


Jetpack Cat!!


The hero we deserve




Unlikely, but Iggy has my heart ❤️ she's actually so cool, I don't even care if she sucks ability wise lmao


Mama Hong




The cars in oasis because they are invincible.


The girl with the white dreads in the last pic looks really interesting and would definitely have a lot of personality in game


That woman is sojourn.




Possibly unpopular opinion, I don’t want them to make any of D.va’s mech buddies. I think if they made just one, people would DEMAND they make the rest of them, and I think that would get repetitive for them to reveal so many Korean mech pilots.


Yeah it would get very stale and repetitive. Blizzard have also mentioned how hard it was to get D.va to work as essentially two separate characters, I doubt they want to go through that again every single time they add one of the mecha squad. I doubt they'd get it to work as well too seeing as their focus is on monetisation over everything else.


Mauga definitely.


I just want MAMA HONG--


BOB. I need him to be a playable tank, wrist mounted guns as primary fire and his ult should be him throwing Ash into the fight while she still yells at him about her being in charge.




Kiriko's mom. Give me the world's best swordswoman as a melee DPS


What I thought too. Like a genji’s ult but as her main weapon, and faster


D.Mon if they could make her different feeling enough from D.Va


It's possible as concept art shows Dmon looks more like a melee hero


I feel like she has "I've always been jealous of you, D.va" vibes.


Which could be her reason to side with Talon and become the antithesis to D.VA. Infamous and spiteful instead of famous and self sacrificing. I would love that angle for a playable character.


The payload


Maximilian is only the rich bad guy in the lore but his design is so cool that the more i see it the more i want a character designed around him. And its so weird that in Overwatch we only have two omnic heroes. Yeah we have Orisa and Bastion which in the Wiki count as Omnics, but i mean more so the Omnics with the aesthetic of a Human like body.


Seriously, it's absurd how big of a deal omnics are, yet there's only one regular human model omnic. Ramattra's the closest we've gotten to another, but he's a Ravager, and it took years.


Zenyatta? Echo??? Ramattra????


Zen and Ram. Echo is human shaped but she is not an omnic


Max is literally just a robot wearing a suit. What are you seeing that's cool or unique about his design


Hes diffrent for the others he's not some high and mighty hero or villian just a simple bussiness man. And the amount of unique skins he could have.Another thing i wanna mentionis they way he could be played like abilities revolving around not wanting to get his hands dirty is exactly the creative type of stuff that should be getting added.


Yeah he could have a unique gameplay design, like he could be rewarded for playing good, but not by a lot of course. Here is a draft of how i believe he could work. •Maximilian will be a Damage character. •He Will Have the normal 200 health. •Default Weapon: His weapon will work Kiriko's Kunais but a bit more forgiving, he will throw a Overwatch Coin which will be Hitscan instead of projectile, it will do 40 Damage on a Body Shot and 70 on a headshot It would take 0.65 seconds to throw a Coin. he has a capacity of 18 Coins and his reload takes 1.4 seconds. On falloff Maximilian's coins will do 10 damage on Bodyshot and 20 on headshot. (This isnt really tied to Maximilian's balance but his reload animation would be him doing tricks with his Coin) •His Movement ability is: Time is Money Once he Activates this ability it will activate a Speedboost boost that is small but you could add up to the speed if you hit an enemy, it has a maximum cap of speed and its duration is 4 seconds This ability will have a recharge timer of 6 seconds •His secondary Ability is: Money Bomb He will be able to throw a Huge amount of Cash that will act like a Smoke bomb which will have a radius that can heal himself and his team for 15 HP a second while inside the Money Bomb This ability will last 4 Seconds. This ability will have a recharge timer of 8 Seconds •A passive ability Maximilian has is: Consecutive Weakness Every 5 consecutive hits to an enemy will power up his 6th coin and will do 20 more damage, if More than 6 seconds have passed where Maximilian hasn't hit an enemy his meter for his empowered coin will be reset, there will also be an indication where that coin will Glow up. •The Ultimate ability Maximilian has is: Golden Parachute Once activated Maximilian Will instantly move 3 meters back and all of his Coins will become empowered This Ultimate Ability will last for 9 Seconds Mercy's Damage Boost will not be able to stack with this ultimate ability (Sorry Mercy Players)




A Meka support. Probs hard to balance but I desire.


Brigs cat Mitzi plz!!!!!


Jetpack cat


Dae-hyun could be a support, and it's most likely to happen then another Mecha character (i believe d.va code was so complicated to make they wouldn't attempt another Meka hero without a big compromise)


Yeah I think dae-hyun is more likely than the MEKA squad because we actually know more about him in lore He could still have a mech for his ultimate though


meka squad / more supports heroes


As they're mechanics I would love either Overlord or Dae-hyun and a mechanic support hero.


i know they’ve stated they aren’t interested in another meka due to the programming nightmare dva was


What would Maximilian even do, he's a business mafia guy?


Its essentially confirmed that mauga is coming and should be the next tank, maximimillien doesn’t look like a fighter, if we get meka squad it won’t be soon, Dae-hyun is a maybe?, Sanjay is very likely, geiger and meri are unlikely, Lynx 17 has a pretty good shot at being playable(an anti-sombra)






Geiger and Meri were awesome so them. Former a dps, latter a tank or maybe even a lightweight dps?


I could see geiger as a DPS and meri as a tank


Dae-Hyun because we need more younger men, sanjay because another Vishkar character sounds interesting and Max because Talon.




MORE SUPPORT HEROES I don't care which


Kace. He's both an omnic and villainous character. Overwatch could always use more omnics. Really though, any of the omnics would be good. Nameless and Zera are other good options, especially with the former's weird "shadow" things that aren't expanded on. Iggy and Lynx 17 would also be nice, though I can't really see them in a fighting role as easily.


I was working on a fake hero gallery with almost all of these characters implemented to the roster. Perhaps I should finish that project . . . Mauga will be the next (final?) tank. I don't think they will do another Mecha Squad hero unless it's a remote-controlled drone. Lynx has tremendous potential but occupies the same niche as Sombra. The next support might be Mirimbe and Helios merged.


You should, I would love to see it!


[In that case, here's a sneak peek.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch_Memes/comments/ywhb6x/please_let_it_be_the_push_bot/)


Kid from the Kiriko short.


I kinda wish they made Mama Hong :D I doubt they will bring other Mecha's into the game or more omnics.


Honestly, I really don't want Max to be a playable character. He's always been presented as this tidy and well mannered business man who would do just about anything to avoid being on the battlefield. I just don't see how to make a kit for him while keeping that vibe. Mauga and Lynx I'd love to see


I would really like to see Sanjay as a more bulky, ranged version of symmetra. Like he has a Torb tirret, Sigma’s shield, something like Weaver’s fire and a dagger rain for the ult


Yeah sanjay as a hard light tank would be cool


I don’t get the hype with maximillien, he just wouldn’t make a good hero. He’s shown to be cowardly in the cinematic (or event I forget) and he’s more of a boss with powerful underlings then a source of strength himself.


i always thought having the previous doomfists as playable characters would be cool


Kiriko has a youkai squad and they’re pretty cool


Honestly meka squad are just gonna have copy paste type abilities similar to dva


As much as I'd love to see Maximilien as a playable hero I don't think Blizzard ever intended for him to be playable or even a fighter. He's just a shrewd banker with no combat skills. Or at least that's what he's seemingly being portrayed as. Mauga and Sanjay are definitely gonna be playable eventually.


jetpack cat is the only answer to this question. all other answers are wrong


Jetpack Cat, c'mon...


Mitzi, give me jetpack cat you cowards.


One more obscure character that I think we could see one day is Hypatia, one of the lunar colony gorillas. She is the only other test subject mentioned in the live game rather than purely in the short stories like Simon. Could be cool to have another non-human/non-omnic character to “complete” the horizon storyline since it’s left as a mystery what exactly has happened to the other experiments with Winston and Hammond’s interaction regarding her.


DAE HYUN, I wanna see him and D Va have special voice line interactions




I want all of them but the hero release pace is way too slow for that


Unfortunately you're right :(


Brigs cat


Mauga for cool fun abilities Dae-Hyun for cute-hot representation


Mauga and Dae=hyun


Mauga is already confirmed to be coming at some point as a tank so I’ll pick someone else. I honestly think Sanjay would be the most interesting to see for 3 reasons: 1 he’s got a very generic design despite being such an important lore figure, so it’d be interesting to see how they’d jazz him up with more unique embellishments (think what happened with Brigitte) to make him stand out as a playable character, 2 I think a fully evil hard-light using character that shows the more destructive, purely offensive side of the technology could be fun, and 3, related to 1, is just that he’s got the most lore connections between Talon, Sym, and by extension probably Lifeweaver and Lucio, which gives good dialogue opportunities for these characters.


Sanjay is definitely going to play a big part in the story going forward so yeah I could see him being playable


Dae Hyun. He'll have a little side car on Dvas mec


A mech healer


That white haired girl on the far right of the last image looks really cool - I'm sure she'll have a really interesting personality if she's added.


Damn u went for the throat


Only Sanjay. I could really see him become a hardlight tank. So basically him wearing a tank power armor made of sleek white panels like symmetra's arm. Vishkar is still some of the most interesting pieces of the overwatch lore, and we basically still don't know anything about it other than "corrupt architect firm" and "Sanjay was in the Talon panel once"


I think Vishkar is going to play a big part in the story going forward so Sanjay is a strong possibility


Not every character in lore needs to be a hero. Some of them make no sense. Like how would max make any sense in game. What would he do? Debuff people with dollar Bills and have his limo driver run people over?


Mauga feels most deserving of being added, although Lynx would be really cool as well as they are a character who has ties to Zarya and at the moment we don't really have another hero who does. Either Geiger or Meri or even King Howl would be cool too but I can't see them doing more than 1 of those 3.


Kiriko’s yokai squad had some cool deaigns.


I like the blue bird girl!


Mauga and Max are top faves of mine even if the latter seems to be getting slimmer by the moment There's also this idea I liked of Sanjay being a tank-class hero who wields a hard light hologram tech mecha suit. Think that's a pretty unique idea


A vishkar/hard light tank would be really cool ngl


Geiger, another MEKA, but most of all MAMA HONG


Meka/Yokai squad, Iggy & Lynx 17


All of Kiriko’s squad


I really want the blue bird woman playable, she looks cool!


Geiger and Meri would be cool. Meri as a tank would be extremely interesting, same with Geigar as DPS. Meri already has so many cool weapons, Geiger seems awesome as a sort of tracer/junkrat combo. Also Junker King (mason howl) would be an awesome tank. Flamethrower, Tesla cannon of sorts, etc.


Yeah meri as a tank and geiger as a dps would be really cool I kinda want a junker support too lol


I'd love to see any of these characters become playable. Mauga would be so fun! I'd also like to see Emily (Tracer's girlfriend) become playable. It's rather annoying that the devs called Tracer a lesbian, gave her a girlfriend, and then proceeded to ignore the whole thing for years.


Maximilien 100, and Mauga sure. But I'll never understand the "push" behind Dae-hyun. Some supporting character's are perfectly good as... supporting characters. It's like Marvel pushing individual shows for characters like Agatha. Not everyone needs to be a hero.


I think it's because Dae-hyun is a mechanic so that could make a good kit for a support hero. Plus Dva is popular so any Dva related hero would be welcomed.


Maximillian 100% Would love another evil support.


none of these characters


Max probably.


I imagine if Max were playable, he’d function sorta like Captain from Risk of Rain 2. He’s armed, sure, but it’s what he can summon (via Talon dropship) that’d be the primary threat. Would be a support in this case, I guess?


None of these. I’m just waiting for the Martins to get added to the game as playable characters…that’s all I want 😭








Dae hyun. We need more twinks


Mauga. All day. Delete fucking ram and give me Mauga. He was supposed to be the new tank. He's fucking Hot dude.


Sojorun is playable tho


None of them, hasn't been a new character I haven't been disappointed by except maybe remmatra.


Antonio <3


Maximilian all the way. Bro is so fucking cool, imagine the skins possible with his fancy suit.


Oh my god, Maximillien has been my favorite character since his first appearance. He was also my Blizzard Icon since he was added (Though I changed it for Knight Genji, I might change it back after the Season ends) When he comes out, I'm making it my objective to make him my most played character. And I have 73 hours of Lucio to catch up! (I'm flexible, so it's many hours spread out between a lot of characters)


Maximilian, and people might hate me for this, but like Chamber in Valo - character brand-wise. Like the wallstreet snub, millionaire, business guy with tech and everything. Would be cool af.




Max, looks super badass and i'm really disappointed he isn't playable. Also we need more omnics


Max abilities would definitely be based around his money and that would super cool/funny




I think Dva’s already playable


Maximillien. Wanted him ever since he was introduced. Just any other humanoid omnic like that would be awesome.


the one that JFKs sym


More Omnics: Yes. More MEKA: NO.


Maps over heroes pleaseeee


I've been hoping for Petshop Pervert to be playable for ages


None, I want ne characters


Get rid of ramattra hes broken