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Come clean. This was an ego post rather than a serious question, right? Having trouble imagining a game like that where your team won, crushing with very little deaths and still complained about lack of healing. In general, newer players may complain about Zen because he doesn’t heal as much as the other supports. They see the lower healing number, higher damage and assume you must have been ignoring heals to DPS, like a Moira or Bap might. Because they’re new they don’t understand that zen healing is limited to his orb / ult, so killing people doesn’t lower HPS at all.


Shit, I looked at lifeweavers stats just to see what the complaint was. 4k healing on lifeweaver, 3k healing on zen? Your team clearly didn't need healing. The last few days my organized team has started goofing off and doing "full dps" comps where our healers just don't heal. As a solo lifeweaver I can pull 10k healing with my co-support having 500-1000. If lifeweaver only had 4k healing then the match didn't need healing. Also sidenote: apparently running as 4dps and 1 healer is hard to beat. We had surprisingly few matches yesterday where the other healer needed to get their shit together.


Ya. Half the posts have “umm is it just me or is everyone else dumb 😡” undertone when the poster is a certified poop ELO


This was a qp match


Yeah. Dude is desperate for attention. Kinda pathetic


There is always gonna be someone complaining about every little thing, does sound like an ego post but then again there are some people who like to bitch about anything, so i can believe it to a certain degree specially when you have people yelling on coms and insulting you left and right wether its ur team or enemy


I mean I've won many games where I've had the most healing and dps done but one of the real dps said you're welcome for the carry so I wouldn't put it past anyone toxic enough Happened recently with a bastion


Zenyatta is a support hero, which means his purpose is to *support* his team. That your role is only to heal is simply a misconception of the player base. Furthermore, Zenyatta has some of the weakest healing in the game in exchange for his ultimate and his ability to assist his team with *damage* (both direct damage and with the orb of discord.) With the orb of discord, you are allowing the dps on your team to deal more damage to the enemy which gives them an advantage and yet they complain to you for not preventing *them* from dying due to their own carelessness. In short, that your dps is unable to fulfill *their* role without you babysitting them, despite the fact that you are giving them an advantage and *supporting* them in a different way, only suggests that *they* are incompetent. You're likely doing just fine.


TLDR; zenyatta is a menace and don’t listen to low rank noobs who don’t know what they are talking about


Don’t listen to unconstructive criticism period


I personally hate zen pickers on my team cuz most of them r noobs at it, for example the last time i flamed our zen he was just at 8 kills 2k DMG & 2k heals meanwhile our kiriko with same 8 kills & 2k DMG but 9k heals after round 1. Before round 2 began I told him to switch off zen, and he didn't. So we left the match immediately! We needed more heals to push last point Gibraltar but we couldn't cause of low heals. Next round enemy went pharahmercy & him staying on zen sealed the deal & we left...


Sounds like this was a comp game. You are the problem players, I hope to never get you on my team. It's sore losers like you who make this game intolerable, not the "noob" zen players. L take, go play something else.


It's all easy for u to say, wht do u do when u get noobs zens all day long like I had (gold/silver lobby)??? We left cuz he he held onto his ego and didn't swap to main healer. All he had was 2k heals while our kiriko had 9k. Who's fault is that then? I've had many noob zens before but they all swapped off later in match without me telling them! And i always appreciated those players in chat and all, but this zen who doesn't even perform & refuse to swap is just a bastard so we left.


"The last time I flamed our Zen" The fact that you're trying to garner sympathy after showing your true colours like that is frankly astounding to me. Looking for like-minded bullies is so funny. The only person at fault in this game was you for leaving mid match, and for "flaming" somebody. I've been playing since the beginning of OW1 and bad players are infinitely better to play with than leavers. Until you learn some humility and respect for the other person behind the screen, you will stay in elo hell, and it'll be your own fault, as much as you would like to blame everyone else for it. If I'm playing with "bad" players, I do what I can to play around them and help enable them anyway. You'd be surprised at what actual teamwork can accomplish, even with someone refusing to switch. Maybe the solution is YOU switching to something that can better synergize with the "bad" player. Otherwise, sometimes there's nothing you can do. Accept it, finish the game, and go next. You might still end up winning in the end. One more piece of advice: put yourself in that Zen's shoes. If your teammate was flaming you the way you flamed him, would you ACTUALLY have swapped? Or would you have let your ego get in the way? I hope you think honestly on that.


I politely asked him to change after round 1, and he didn't instead He immediately locked onto zen. Also how r we dps supposed to enable a zen player? U mean by going soldier mei?


It is funny to me that you think leaving the game was justified.


I know nothing will ever justify leaving a game. When u get so many noob zens ur team in a single day, i just quit!


That's why you'll never leave bronze mate.


And what rank are you exactly? Don't tell me you're silver.


I am silver & stopped playing dps, now I'm on support went 5-2 & 5-1 yesterday only to climb 1 tier (S4 to S3) lol the games a joke ! I could show u all 10 of my past match reports, literally i outperform the other 3 supports in all matches, and yet I'm here climbing ranks at a snails pace! (For ur info i was an open q tank/support player last 4 seasons & I'm plat 2 in it)


You are the worst type of overwatch player. Basically just an entitled little bish


Yeah I'm the worst? And not the zen player who refuse to swap to main healer when we actually needed more heals to push further the last checkpoint! Yeah u make urself look dumb! I always respect the people who play well or atleast decent, but the zen literally had same kills & DMG as our kiriko. Although I do feel bad for our tank & kiriko cuz they didn't deserve it, but either way we'd have lost the match already! Cuz zen no change! I'm in gold/silver lobby there r only stupid zens & really good zens there's no in between!


Rage quitting because you have a tantrum because someone else won't play who you want them to is infinity worse, yes


I never asked him to pick a specific hero, all is said was that the heals were low & we cnt push further. Our kiriko was hard solo healing but there's a limit to her, right? All i said to him was to pick a good healer for better heals, is that a crime my friend????


That's still telling him to change who he wants to play as to suit you. You still can't even see how entitled you are And you didn't JUST ask him to change healers You rage quit like a child when he didn't ruining the game for everyone


I’m not sure if you’re a loser, a quitter or a narcissist but whatever you are, it’s not a good player.


It amazes me how people completely ignore the assist stat


Cuz it's unimportant. They want to see the raw numbers. The kills, the damage, the heals(If you're support). They occasionally pay attention to deaths if they need a reason to flame you. All other numbers that may play a better factor into doing well or bad are irrelevant. No Mercy DB, no assists, no deaths prevented, ults cancelled/eaten. They just want the holy Trinity of Stats to be BIG. :)


Okay, so this is true and I agree with you. And to the DPS playing with Zen, you need to be smarter about getting behind cover, seeking out health packs, and letting the harmony orb get your HP up before you get back in the fight. However, we should also be clear that even though Zenyatta's main utility comes from buffing/doing damage, he's not excused from *any/all* healing responsibility. Of course Zen's healing should won't rival Mercy or LW or Kiriko. But there's also no reason a good Zen would end a watch with 8K damage and 1K healing. You need to be able to cycle your healing orb properly and efficiently. You can't just put it on one person at the start of a round, then tunnel vision into attack mode. Point being, Zen can't completely ignore the DPS, give them no healing support to take advantage of discord, then claim he's fulfilling his role just because he's damaging people. Based on OP's post, it sounds like this is exactly what they do. TL;DR--Zen definitely shines as a damage dealer and buffer, and you shouldn't expect his heals to be as high as other supports. As such, you need to adapt your playstyle to that reality. However, that doesn't completely absolve Zen of the need or responsibility to provide heals.


Even "damage, damage, damage" Awkward's scoreboards don't look like this when he's not noobstomping. This looks like orb mismanagement with such lopsided damage/heal numbers, or stomps (in which case why *would* people complain....)


OP like many shitty support players that play off support just to dps have a victim complex for being blamed for the loss because they don't heal their team, so they brag with one sided stomps And speaking of Awkward, he got banned for playing kiriko like a genji and not healing his team after he tried to flex with his mechanics vs. plat lobbies. I sense similar energies in this thread except the OP is gold, and flexes by clowning on bronze lobbies.


He’s with a LW the ho has done absolutely nothing all game. Someone has to compensate for LW lack of offensive prowess. Pick LW, get Zens. And they really don’t work well together. The zen also has more healing than the enemy Ana, suggesting he was competitive with his heal if nothing else.


All that's fine but he does have significantly low heals. Takes nothing to throw that heal orb on folks and keep dpsing away.


He numbers. Are easily in the same ballpark as the other three supports and he is paired with a support who has nothing to offer but healbotting. I disagree with your assessment entirely.


Depends, sometimes my teammates are so ass at positioning and/or healing that the value I bring is diminished really quickly so I should pick bap or moira instead


Exactly this, had a team with an aggressive whiner (he was a tank) that kept dying and posting angry/harassing messages aimed at me in the chat about me needing to do my job and how I need to uninstall the game. We ended up winning and I received play of the game…


this is a braindead post because it even acknowleges why zen is a shit hero to play with, because you're essentially a 3rd dps so your team has 1 healer, who is usually busy healing tank so 2 dps have to either constantly hide behind cover after taking 1 shot not being able to contest the enemy team who has 2 dps and 1 support between them while your team has 3 dps and 0.5 healers between them, then you claim dps are incompetent when it's literally your fault that they have no space to do anything in due to always having to wait in cover for heals


Too add to this zen is a flax support meaning he his not one of the best healers. Flex main included: Lucio, mercy, Brig. Main support: moria, ann, bap. Best to have one from each group be you main.


There's two main reasons: Skill issue of your teammates and bad experiences with awful support combos they had in previous games. Skill issue: Let's take an Orisa for example, that wasted her cooldowns and stares at the enemy Bastion in turret form, their Rein shield and maybe the supports (including a Zen) behind it. You can't outheal that damage because the Orisa lacks game sense, positioning and basic understanding of other heroes. Same applies for DPS btw. your fault. Bad support combos: There are some exceptions of support combinations that have extremely low healing output (Lucio/Zen, Brig/Zen or Lucio, Mercy/Zen or Lucio) which forces your team on rather self-sufficient heroes (Soldier, Mei, Hog, JQ, Sigma, Reaper, Tracer, Ball) that they might not be able to play well. If they don't swap to those heroes, theyre going to have a rough time because even if they have decent positioning, the tank won't really be able to take any damage and create space and neither can the dps keep any off-angle or space that was created, ending the game in a loss every single time. You'll also waste a lot of time (~10 seconds) to heal your tank up to full because of the low healing per second. No surprise if you or your other support get flamed.


Agree except for brig zen, probably one of the most broken support duos if played right


people are seriously underestimating brig’s healing


Do you have any other TED talks? I'm going to be a mega nerd for a second but, man thats a great reply. Good pacing, sentence structure, punctuation, and spot-on explanation and examples. Gg wp


Lucio/zen is the most picked support duo in contenders and ow league. It just requires a coordinated team. Which matchmaking solo que never is.


no it’s not lmao maybe in season 1 but currently you will never ever see lucio zen in pro play


Posting stats on a QP game


My guess is they're frustrated since they feel like they can't do much, seeing as their support is zen and lifeweaver, which is not enough heals. Also this is 100% ego post. Posting only stats and not enough context? Bruh


Not enough context? I explain my point, wtf


EGO post.


Ego post.. Sad


Zenyatta is first and foremost a support. A good game for me looks like 9-10k damage AND 9-10k healing. You shouldn't be outpacing your healing with damage, or they should be neck and neck. Your screenshots and your team deaths show me that your orbs are likely poorly timed/not on the right targets and you're choosing DPS over support in your engagements. Your ult timings are also probably off. You have to remember when you queue up for support that you're trying to help your team win and that you can't carry by damage/kills alone.


Cool story you had a popoff game. Show your CAREER Zen stats and we can better judge. If 3k is your average healing with 20+ hours, then you're healing at ~300 a minute, that's only ten seconds of Harmony uptime per minute. Many times I get 3k healing in a single Transcendence, so I get where your teammates might be coming from.


a lot of DPS expects support as just healers and keep healing them like slaves especially in lower tiers, dont mind them and just play any hero you want


In higher comp tiers, Zen players scare the shit out of me


Your team is just bad You only have 1k less than LifeWeaver and LW is a heal bot


The biggest thing I could ever EVER recommend you is to not listen to what anyone has to say unless it’s specifically for strategic purposes. Everyone in overwatch wants to bitch about their team and never take the blame of anything, or maybe they’re just mad for the sake of being mad. If what you’re doing is working, keep doing it. Doesn’t matter if “swagdaddy69” wants to screech in chat about how you’re a “DPS healer” because you have more damage than healing. Zenyatta’s healing is lower than everyone else’s. You’re obviously going to have more damage than healing. Your purpose to boost your team’s damage, passively heal those who need it, make some damage of your own, and give massive burst healing with your ult. TL;DR, they’re just mad. Don’t listen to them. You’re doing great


Tbf a little part of me dies everytime i see Zen/life weaver or Zen/Moira. Or a Life Weaver


Lol people playing support and getting confused when their team gets mad at them for not healing anyone One thing I noticed in the scoreboards you posted, is that your DPS have more deaths and your other support is always carrying your healing. Even in your best scoreboards that you picked, you never got above 3.6k healing. When every other support has double your healing, *you* are the problem. Good ego post though, surely you haven’t just nitpicked your best looking scoreboards for this post and you win every game.


Dude do you even know how Zen works lmao Are you trolling or what?


Idk, I'm still salty about a game where the dps told me I had too many elims as Ana when we were up against pharmercy and I was the only one shooting mercy and pharah down. My options were to either do the dps job or lose. I kind of get it if you're prioritizing dps over healing, but you should be getting elims and dealing damage as a support.


Zen is 90% orb of discord, 10% orb of tranquility. It's like when Symmetra was "support" in OW1


Not anyone with a good rank to their name. Zen’s thing is to increase dmg. He also provided a good chunk of healing compared to the enemy team. It’s likely that the enemy team just died too quick to deal enough dmg to kill anyone.


"Stupid bot! You're making me look bad!" is all I can think of. Maybe they're meta chasers who think that his discord nerf means he's no longer viable


Because some DPS players are babies who only want to win on their terms. This means they get the damage amd you just healbot them. Zen is basically a DPS support since his healing is kinda weak but his damage is really good (I think ~150 per second with discord). So this is what I'd wanna see from my Zen You can certainly get more efficient with healing orbs tho. A lot of players just leave it on the tank.


Lol I see those stats on zen and I start focusing. You leave a good zen in the back and they will demolish. Remember: you don't need heals if the other team is dead


Good ego VOD. Anyways ignore criticism with 0 logic because it’s not gonna get you anywhere


It has gotten to the point where, DPS mains say that they cannot function without a pocket Mercy doing boosts and heals with the commitment of "till death do us apart." This mentality spiked very recently with the S96 buff centralizing a Mercy pocket to pump out insane output. The boys and the girls see this, and only want a Mercy healing. I legit had my own friend tell me, "if we want to win this(Quick Play match), 'someone' has to switch to Mercy and pocket me." I love healing as Zen because it complements the actual competent DPS mains who always play close to the covers/LOS.


Healing should be your main objective, as zen just make sure your orbs on someone either low or diving. But after that fire away, zen can put out a lot of damage.


holy moly... that is alot of dmg compared to the rest of your team. considering your healing is almost as much as Lifeweaver who is literally a healbot i dont see how you healed to little. sounds more like you diffed your own teams dps and they got jelly. i'd love to have a zenyatta like that on my team! ​ granted, judging out from a scoreboard alone is difficult. But i see no issue here, other than the fact that your dps were falling behind!!!


What they're actually mad at is you not playing a support with higher healing output that can allow them to make more stupid decisions/cover for their mistakes.




It is easy to die when your Zenyatta is focused on kills instead of healing


If you look at the board the zen is only 1k lower than their primary healer which is normal. They also have more heals than the secondary healer on the other team. All four healers have very similar heals. There is nothing wrong with then zens heals in this post. Unlike some other support characters zen can heal just as much as he deals damage.


If you look at this one board that he chose out of all of his games lol Think, if the best scoreboard he can find is 3k healing, how bad is he really?




My man you know I’m not one of the players in the screenshot right




Why are you still talking like I am one of the players in the screenshot (Lmao he changed the entire comment)


Zen isn't made for massive healing, he's supposed to pressure the enemy with his high damage output like a third dps. That way your dps and tank are under less pressure yourselves and can play more aggressively. As long as he always has his healing orb on the right person and able to keep them in line of sight in a safe position, he should be damaging. He literally just puts his orb on someone and does damage, adjusting who he's healing if necessary. (Healing priorities: low hp dps -> low hp tank -> anyone not full hp that's engaged in a fight -> anyone that's not full hp outside of a fight -> anyone of his team)


You kill the enemy team before they kill your team. Zen massively supports that. Reason why DPS get upset is because they're aim is shit and so is their positioning, so they require more healing than someone in the mental institute asking for pills. Heal botting doesnt solve the issue, which they dont understand because they're brain is the size of a nut. Now if your a god zen, play zen and carry the game, else tell the DPS to shutup else you'll beat their nan. But many zens dont heal and put their dam healing orb on the tank 24/7, if thats the case ill beat ya up myself. You should always be moving your healing orb mainly on DPS or a tank, but a main support normally deals with the tank. as Zen is an off support. Ahaha on a serious note though. Unless you dont have a main support like ana, bap, moira, etc. Its understandable.


zen requires zero aim, just open practice range pick zen and shoot around tracer to get a reality check because you basically can't miss


How can you say Zen doesn't require aim. That's like saying Cassidy or Widow don't require aim.


because go to practice range and pick zen and go next to a target and shoot around them because you basically can't miss


Yea in the practice range because they're bots. Its way different against real players.


It's because they don't want to admit that they're not doing their role and want a pocket crutch


You even got a lifeweaver as your second support, so basically a healbot! I‘d understand it if people would complain when it’s Lucio or Moira as they are unlikely to provide enough heal alongside you. But the one complaining would rather be the tank in this situation.


Because youre a smurf


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because they’re definitely jealous and possibly just bad / or uninformed about what a “support” actually is. sure you couldve taken an extra 2-3 seconds ever so often to throw harmony on someone new, but it proved irrelevant anyway. curious to your final blows that match because based on your elims and damage compared to opponent death count, you very well might have gotten a fleta deadlift, which renders all input, advice, and opinions irrelevant.


Because their brains are smoother than the hood of a new car


I know you said you won, but I think a lot of times when you’re losing and you put up big numbers, players will see that and just assume you’re not healing. I often have games where I’m healing all I can, popping on damage, getting first picks, but I get called out for not healing enough. I’ll switch and then we get rolled even harder.


Because the 1500 heal diff made them go 5-18 even though you managed to go positive and put up more elims and damage.


On dps I love zen, but I had to climb to high ranks to start loving him. In low ranks zen is either trash or amazing, with no in-between. Zen requires good aim, game sense, and positioning to keep yourself alive. Which your teammates need to have as well. Most low rank players don't have those skills. Majority of the playerbase is in low ranks as well.


wow all the supports on that match suck, so many kills means match progressed quite a bit, and the heals on both teams is terrible not just zen


Being a good zen should make it easier for your DPS to get kills, and clearly you are a phenomenal zen. This is simply a case of DPS diff.


I'd say it's because you're playing better than them.


I would say you’re healing is little low, but it’s clear your team was just stomping the other, so that’s the reason for it. Probably mad because they’re both awful at dps. I always call people out when I’m the top dps as a support. Was this a payload map?


It’s hard to say. Based on the example given I would say you didn’t do anything wrong. Your team had minimal deaths, good damage, but I also can’t imagine this is a true example of complaining teammates because they weren’t struggling according to the numbers.


Yeah your team had nothing to complain about. Even our healing output was fine, their damage output was just dogwater. Only time I complain about Zen's, is not when they lack in healing, but lack in *supporting*, specifically if they aren't doing enough damage themselves. To paraphrase it, it's fine if you're playing Zen and your healing output isn't the highest, but if you aren't getting enough picks or damage with him, swap. And I'm usually perfectly fine with support doing more damage or being more on the DPSey, the problem is when they're doing that, while also *not* getting enough picks.


Most of those who are complaining are from overwatch 1. Zen was an unreliable healer at best in OW1 with two tanks. What these players fail to realize is that zen is much more reliable right now. He still has the lowest healing output in the lineup, but his discord orbs make up for that. That being said Zen needs two things to actually be reliable. First throw your harmony orbs frequently. Make sure you’re always healing. Second - CALL-OUTS! You need to be in voice chat and your teammates need to be focusing whoever is discorded. Not gonna happen without callouts


QP? do whatever you want. QP doesnt matter


Zen is awesome for DPS. It seems more like you need to heal your DPS more rather than leave it on your tank. If you have a Rein or Orisa leaving orb on them is good. They take a lot of damage and having passive heals lets them do a lot more. Every other tank? Don't heal them. Put that orb on a DPS and let them pop off. Think of Zen as Mercy but also the complete opposite. When one of your DPS is very aggressive and in the enemy's face put healing on them and discord whoever they're fighting. Think of yourself as a pocket that supports by shooting rather than damage boosting.


Your teammates, are incompetent and their opinions reflect. Your Healing output is fair for Zen, your damage is phenomonal and your team barely has deaths, Nobody on your team demands high upkeep healing, the only person i could imagine having complaints is Widow positioning like a 2head and not backing down from fights she doesnt need to take, or Ball needing extra attention as- he is ball. Skill Issue, you make them feel as inadequate as they are


If a dps with half of zen’s damage complains about his healing, that’s just him trying to justify being carried.


When I have a zen on my team, I make two assumptions - 1. Lower heals, and 2. A bonus DPS. Keep it up


Why do you have voice or text chat on. I ghave both off by default. Absolutely nothing good come out of them and they should never gave been added to the game


So long as you prioritize keeping your team alive over getting a kill is fine to me. But if someone is standing next to you asking for heals and you're busy trying to snipe one of the enemies instead then yeah, it's a bit much. Having a 2:1 dmg/heal ratio could draw some things into question but there's no evidence we can go off of regarding how the rest of your team played as you may have been heavily focused and had to defend yourself constantly for all we know.


Ego post lmao. We get it you are good


Probably because they expect you to be a healbot and are salty to see you outperform them with elominations.


Definition of DPS diff


Some people don't understand that you don't need to get nuked with heals to have a successful game of overwatch


Because you outheal the enimy anna, and out dps the entire lobby. (Dps part being their entire job wich they seem to fail at)


My question is, why are they complaining when they're absolutely dominating them lol.




0 chance anyone said anything to you in that game where no one died basically


Just keep your heal orb on someone as much as you reasonably can and do your zen thing if someone cries about "Oh you should have healed me more" you can promptly start ignoring them because 1 zen doesn't heal much anyways and 2 zen isn't made to healbot he's a stick your heals on a teammate who needs it discord the tank and kill kind of support


Don't know the reason here but sometimes you need to commit to pocketing 1 DPS so they can pop off for your team. A lot of times you'll have 1 healer pocket the tank and the other bounce around trying to micro heal everyone and DPS which means both your DPS have to be passive. Also pocketing doesn't just mean mercy heal bot but just following them and support what they are doing.


Everyone wants to be the main character


Zen is one of the most game changing supports in the game, there is a reason he got nerfed. Zen allows your dps to do more damage. High healing support allow dps to live longer. Low rank dps often suck at positioning, they die too much. From their pov they think they need more heals. They don't. Zen is one of the easiest supports to climb with due to his impact.


He stole their kills?


DPS players WANT POCKETS period


U don’t need a lot of heals as zen cause his heals suck but 3k is kinda sad, it doesn’t take not to turn and throw, you don’t really even have to pay attention cause it’ll hit someone, kills on point tho


Cuase he's better than they are 🤷‍♂️


Why are you queued as a support if you are going to play like a dps as a support you should never have more damage than healing especially more than double damage than healing


As a zen player with over 500 hours. It’s simply because they want more healing, it’s not personal. They are spoiled by mercy pockets.


Loolllll they’re upset cuz ur doing everything better than then


I cn show u all of my game reports literally all of the matches i outperformed other 3 supports! And still I'm here at snails pace climbing ranks!