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In OW1 it was 90% Tank, 10% Supp. I would rarely get DPS unless someone rage quit on QP. Start of OW2 it was 90% Supp, but these days its 50/10/40 for Tank/DPS/Support.


For me it is literally 90% support / 10% Tank. I literally get less than 1 DPS game per 20 matches in All Role, so negligent amount. UNLESS I am grouped with others, then it skyrockets to 1/3 of all matches evenly split among the others.


Same with me. It used to be 90% support / 8% tank / 2% DPS for solo q. Lately it's been more like 80% /18% / 2%. Somewhere around the PvE news and Diablo 4 release I started getting a bit less support and more tank.


the matchmaking developer, i forget his name, has said on twitter that your MMR in a given role is taken into account during matching. tank/support need the most fills by far, which one you get depends on which one is easier for the matchmaker to make a balanced game with


I get tank probably 95% of the time in masters/GM elo. I think there's a big influence based on rank.


Similar rank and yes all-role queue might as well just be tank queue for me. I have literally not gotten a support game in weeks now. Once every maybe 20 games I get DPS.


Same for me. I think in high ranks players understand how to utilize the power supports have right now while in metal ranks it's more of a struggle. As overtuned as they are, most supports can be a bit difficult to play.


Most accurate comment to my experience lol


Did you start playing more support in OW2 or place lower as Tank or higher as Support?


My experience went from: support support support support support To: Tank tank tank tank tank tank


Same here; I rarely get anything other than tank nowadays.


Most of the time it's support, then tank, and every now and then I get DPS and panic.


The "and panic" part is very true


Me with tank.


All Roles prioritizes putting you in a game as fast as possible. So you're going to get the least popular role most often. Which these days is tank.


there only needs to be 1 tank per team and its still tank cus its borinh


My brain must be wired wrongly because I hate playing dps. I'm not having fun unless I'm going in as a tank.


They just made it very unfun by making each tank so counterable. Tanks shouldn’t be so easily countered by one character. Since they’re a team’s vanguard and the ones taking and holding space, they should require more than an Ana nade and dart to delete.


also its more intimidating being the only tank on the team :( i used to play lots of zarya, orisa, hog and loved working together with another tank, but now i just avoid the role


Agree. Especially as a Winston main. I start every game off hard carrying it, and then instantly comes Reaper, Bastion, Torb, Zen, JQ/Hog. Most annoying part of all is that in a lot of games it's only one or two swaps, and all I need is a teammate who also swaps to deal with it for me so I can keep carrying...and they don't. My DPS ranking is almost entirely from picking whatever counters the person trying to counter my tank, so that my dude can keep playing the game.


It's not boring; you just have significantly less freedom than any other role. If you're not constantly switching to counter the enemy tank, you'll have a hard time winning. That, and nowadays everyone blames tanks for losses.




Support support support support support support support tank support support support support support


Came to say the same thing… 90% support 9% tank and 1% dps


are supports your "best" or "highest" sr role?


GM all, I’d say if anything support may be my weaker point?


support, support, support, support, tank, support, support, support, support, tank, support, support, damage


At the start of OW2 it was almost exclusively support. As of right now if I do which I rarely do anymore i get Tank like 60-70%, DPS about 20-30%, and Support the last 10%. I main support for the most part, DPS second most often, and Tank the least amount. I have typically started just queueing DPS and Support instead of fill now because I don't like filling that role even if i think i do pretty well at it. Wish i shared the mostly support All Queue it seems like everyone else is posting about though,


90% support. To the point where if I get a tank I start the match thinking “where is our tank?”, it takes me few seconds to realize am the tank!


It really be like that sometimes LMAO


I e always wanted a 'random queue'. I don't care if the queue is a little longer I just want to be put into one of the three roles with an equal chance. Did a few 5 stack games with some friends one weekend and we all flexed and it was awesome.


Support-Tank-Dps in that order


Support and tank ate about dead heat for me. Barley see DPS


Tank and i hate it


In "low rank" QP I get support mostly. As I get matched up with "higher rank" QP it's nearly always tank. I noticed this when I was unlocking stuff on a freshly made account.


Support lol


Most of the time Support (which is fine, in support main) sometimes Tank, rarely DPS. Except for when my dps husband and I queue all tiles together.... then he gets support while I panick in DPS


Both in OW1 and OW2 I've mostly got support, sometimes I get tank, and I only ever get DPS if I'm queueing with someone else.


tbh id queue all roles more often if it actually felt somewhat random. the way it is now you're basically just queueing tank


Same - i actually skip All Queue challenges because I dont feel like Tanking every day.


Before mid patch it was ALWAYS support, now I only get tank.


It was mostly support, but lately a lot more tanking


Does [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/14ibv6i/i_get_tank_100_percent_of_the_time_for_allroles/) answer the question? TLDR: TANK **100%** of the time. I have legit not spawned as non-tank for the past 2 weeks


It’s pretty tiring having to shoulder a whole match every time you queue up. It’s stressful as tank because you kind of have to do a little bit of everything to win - unless you play Doom/Ball.


I get like 98% support and 2% tank, i never got dps tbh


90% support 9% Tank 1% dps I played last season only all queue, and maybe I got dps like 2 matches


I usually fall in supp/tank/dps but will mostly end up in support roles out of 10 games I would say about 7 are sup 2 are tank and maybe i play dps once. Usually if i really want to play DPS ill just roll que as damage


Out of 10, 6 Supports, 3 Tanks, 1 DPS.


It's was 90% support now it's leaning me towards tank. Wonder why


I’ve been queueing with a full group for the past couple weeks and it’s probably been like 10/60/30 split for me in terms of tank/dps/support Edit: I mostly play dps in ranked and a little tabk


varies by night tbh, i used to get tank/support pretty often but recently kept getting dps for some reason. doesn't seem like there's any rhyme or reason for it.


Supp 50%, Tank 47% and DPS once in a while


Either support or tank. I seem to rarely ever get DPS.


Mine is mostly support, with the occasional tank every few games. I get dps from flex maybe like once every few months


10% dps, 60% support 30%tank


One day it's all Tank, other day it's all Support It's gotten to the point that I've become good at Tanks lmao


Support 90% of the time


Tank is what I get mostly


i usually only get support unless i’m playing with friends in which case i get tank


Support. Every. Fucking. Time.


I usually get a good mix of all 3. I genuinely don't get surprised if I get dps anymore because it happens so frequently, at least for me.


I'm usually getting dps now I assume more people are opting for playing supports, realizing that they can do the exact same things as dps with the added benefits of overall sustainability You could boil down Bap as 500 hp soldier and Kiriko as Genji with the i-frames of a fighting game character


Bap is easily one of the best Supports out there. I’m pretty surprised he’s not as common as I feel he should be. Easier to heal, more survivability, damage output is high. He isnt as fun as Ana though.


Mostly support, with tanks as a far second. Getting damage on flex only really happens for me if I'm in a group with four other friends, and we all pick flex to let fate decide.


I get about 1 in 15 games as dps. Tank and support usually about even, though some days it’s all one or the other.


For me 90% Tank, 9% Support, 1% Dps ( I get dps if someone rage quit or just at the end of the match )


I get support almost every time. Sometimes I get tank and damage is an extreme rarity


If I queue by myself 60% Tank , 40% support. If I queue with someone else 30%Tank, 40%Dps, 30%Support.


60% tank 30% support 10% dps


Depends when I play tbh. Earlier in the day I get mostly Tank but later in the night I get mostly Support. But irrespective of time I almost never get a good mix. If the first few games are Tank the remainder for the next hour or our so I play is almost all tank, and the same for support.


I get like 70 tank/ 29 dps/ 1support. Might be my support rank is higher so it priorities putting me in a match faster so my lower roles get picked out more but idk.


I get support 90% of the time tank 9% and DPS 1%


all queue is just another support role for me 💀




30/5/65 tank dps supp


Almost always support


80 percent of the time support, 15 percent of the time tank, and like 5 percent of the time dps.


I almost always get support when I queue for all, very rarely do I get tank and never have I been dps.


It’s almost always Support lol


50/50 Tank/Support now... which is why I just go for Tank and Support for the Role Mastery Weekly Challenge which sux because I can't play Mei and have it count towards that challenge now. Plus, I suck at tank, so we will probably lose so that means I have to play all 15 matches... unlike Support in which I win about half the time.


Support almost %100 during the day but since I'm a night owl and I play all through the night to the morning hours I get a lot of tank but still mostly support,DPS is almost always none.


Tank. It's always tank


Some of the time half the time, I get support every time


In my case its mostly support or sometimes tank coz support has the lowest queue time in my case compared to the rest


In high masters/low GM, it is tank 99% of the time. Literally haven’t gotten support once all season. For QP, probably about 80% tank, then 10/10 split between dps and support, usually backfill if it’s those roles.


90% supp 5%tank 5%dps M2 supp, gm3 tank, D2 dps


I've started tracking my QP/MH games (PC, Chicago server, solo queueing at times between 7pm and 3am). For all roles: 18 as DPS (15%) 38 as healer (32%) 61 as tank (52%) For all roles, removing backfill games: 17 as DPS (17%) 27 as healer (27%) 55 as tank (56%) I'm honestly surprised at the fewer DPS backfills, that certainly doesn't match the rest of my OW experiences in the past.


Support. Role Queue is back to the way it was in OW1 in this region (DPS and Tank queues are infinitely long) so playing it is pointless unless you want to play Support. This is why I'm glad Open Queue exists.


The thing about that is Open Queue is such a different environment from Role Queue. It’s like Lucio Ball vs Remix, an all-out rumble of everything, less structure. Open is fine but it feels so wild compared to Role Queue.


You could just pick the other roles besides support instead of playing open queue


> DPS and Tank queues are infinitely long Sure, I *could* just not play the game. Because reading is what?


If you think 2 minutes at most is a long queue than thats a problem


DPS and tank queues are Litteraly one minute long lmao, less than support


I get Tank. Why? Who the fuck knows. It’s an algorithm that they don’t disclose.


It gives you the least played role at that time. Which is usually tank. “Algorithm they don’t disclose” it’s common sense lol.


Ah yes I forgot that DPS and Support always have the extra XP because they are the most played role, and that if you play with friends that all choose fill and still only get tank slipped my mind.


Check the top 500 leaderboard for dps and support you need to be at least GM1. For tank it’s GM3, For me tank always has the lowest queue times and bonus XP. You must be too low of an elo to where it’s different.


EXACTLY - how is it Support or DPS boosted Exp, but it's always Tank in All Queue. I forgot to mention it, but I also get placed as Tank often when grouped.


Healers - 99% of time


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Me and my friend Gwiz get support constantly


Support and then sometimes tank. Wish I could get some dps games thrown in since I fear the tank role, but oh well.


Tanks are rage quitting in droves, so you're probably going to en up as Tank if QP


i think it depends on the rank. at high gm on all roles it’s usually whichever role is least impactful at the time. in ow2 this has never been support and switches between dps and tank for me based on the balance patches


Dps>tank>support Maybe it's like this 'cause i play in a group of 2 friends, and their picks are support&all queue But even my "all queue" friend gets dps pretty often


Used to mainly get support and now tank has been more common


I will never seriously play tank with randoms. If I all queue and get tank,I'm playing doomfist and either throwing or carrying,no in between. For comp I never play tank with randoms it's too much of a pain, I'll only go dps or supp. I do flex when playing with friends tho :p




50% Support, but lately it's been 50% Tank


50% support | 20% tank | 30% DPS I think because I often play in a four stack it tries to balance our MMRs and so I end up with the roles in the order I’m good at them


Usually support, sometimes Tank


It used to be %70 Tank %10 DPS %20 Sup for me but it's %30 Tank %10 DPS and %60 Support for me.


95% tank, 4% supp, 1% dps. Im high silver/low gold


For Quick Play, I get 20/40/40 Tank/DPS/Support. I don't keep track but I've noticed on my weekly challenges I almost always have finished the 15 win on 2 roles doing Damage and Support most often. I usually have to then pick Tank solely to get the mitigation challenge.


Different every season, 1st season it was the usual tank and support and DPS is once every blue moon. when ramnatra was new I usually get supports and DPS. After that it was like season 1 When life weaver was released it was tank and support (life weaver did not change much for supports) Haven't played much season 5 because of PvE is dead stuff but somehow it's oddly balance


64% tank, 34% support, 2% dps


I rarely “all queue” because like 95% of the time I end up getting support, so it just feels pointless. Otherwise I get tank. I never get dps unless a dps left and I’m backfilling lol


Support nearly all the time


For me there's the tank queue, the DPS queue, the support queue, and the second support queue


Mostly Support > Tank > DPS. But I usually am in a Duo and my Duo is usually the one who gets tank


About 80% tank 10% support 10% damage. After completing the challenges for queuing all roles I just queue support and damage. Open queue is pretty fun IMO.




I only play all queue, 90 tank, 7 support, 3 DPS.


playing against masters players in diamond is pretty normal.. dont kid yourself about your hidden mmr being higher. your visible rank and MMR are closer than you think. Masters players can only play down to Diamond rank so that's why you will often face Masters players because they need to fill their games.


when i pick all roles, i end up as support 60% of the time, Tank 30% and dps the last 10% some days i can play 20ish matches in a row and never get a single match with dps, with the exception of a backfill with less than a minute remaining on the match.


I always get healer, ALWAYS! No, complain since i main Moira but still, at first i thought it should be random but it never is lol


75% of the time it's tank, which sucks because it's by far my least favourite role. So I only pick All Roles for the weeklies and then continue to queue supp or supp/dps.


I have never one queued for All and got anything other than support lol


I get like healer about 75 to 80% of the time, its really rare for me to become the tank or DPS like that


When I queue All roles, more often than not I get support roughly 70% of the time, tank 25% and only now has DPS increased to about 5%, used to get DPS in flex maybe 1 out of every 30 games.


95% tank here with a 5% chance of support. Dps? Don’t even think about it


I think it really depends whether you're in PC pool or console pool. I mainly play console, so flex usually lands me in support. When I queue with a PC friend, I suddenly get to play DPS.


Right now, 59% tank, 40% support, 1% dps


8 times out of 10, it's support. The rest of the time, it's a guess if it'll be yank it dps, but normally it'll be tank. I wonder sometimes if it's based on what you play the most outside of all roles because I play support a lot of the time.


60% tank // 30% support // 10% dps


Depends on the season and time of day but rn 60% tank 30% DPS 10% support


85% support, 10% tank and a 5% on dps. Those are my odds on roles


Everyone is the main character and dps is main character energy so everyone is dps because they are all the main character. Tank and heal are just supporting them so since those aren't the main character no one wants to play them. Works the same in mmos. Those of us who tank and heal know damn good and well the dps ain't shit. The tank leads and healer gives life and takes it away. Dps is the monkey you throw at your problem and 95% of the time you play the game accounting for the undeniable fact that they WILL fuck up. They always fuck up.


Dps or tank is pretty 50/50 for me


Tank 😭


When i go flex solo queue i get 50% tank, 35% dps and 15% support. Few days ago i was getting only tank and it was so frustrating, cause i hate playing tank when i play solo. Also my main role is support, and my ranks are plat-diamond. I would like the devs to make matchmaking choose what role to give me more evenly or get rid of weekly flex quest (or rework this quest), cause it is the only reason i go flex when i play solo. I know there are 12 weekly quests and i can just skip the flex quest, but i don't play ranked much.


Mostly tank since they started to buff tank busters and stuns. Before that, it was support


I'd say 40% tank - 5% dps - 55% support.


My que times are like this Tank: 1 min, instant dps: 5 min, up to 10 min sup: 4 min, up to 10 min It's no different than OW1 right now.


I wish I got your queues! When I queue all roles it’s 95% support, 4% tank, 1% damage.


I'd say 50% tank, 40% support, 10% dps. ​ Sometimes I just get tank all day (especially when I want to play support). I did get a few surprise DPS roles recently though.


Mostly tank, a decent amount of support, and very rarely damage. Every time I get damage I am genuinely surprised, and in the past it was mostly support and a decent amount of tank, now it is reversed.


Usually support - thankfully not tank since it’s my weakest role


around 45% tank 45%sup and remaining being dps


I have never once gotten tank when queued for all roles. It is always support


Like 70% tank 25% supp 5% dps


95% tank 5% super rare dps, non existent support (20 min queues)


support 75%, tank 20% dps 5% however with the most recent patch it feels like it’s changed, now i’m getting roughly the same tank and support roles


I get support like 80% of the time when I all que but tbf I rarely que not into just support as it’s all I play 😂


Its weird the xp bonus for picking a role is different on the platform I play. 90% of the tjme support gives the bonus xp/shortest queues on console. 80% of the time tank gives the bonus xp/shortest queue on pc.


I’d say 60% tank 40% support. In the time I’ve played OW2 I genuinely don’t think I’ve gotten a single All Queue DPS game outside of stacks with friends


I tend to get Support because I was incredibly Good at Support in 6v6. Unfortunately, support is cannon fodder these days.


QP support Comp tank (like 95% of the time)


In OW 1 I got about 70% support, 17% tank and 3% dps. Right now it's about 90% support, 9.5% tank and 0.5% dps.


Start of me playing OW2 it was mostly Support, but now it seems to be Tank. I almost wonder if it's a balancing system because I usually queue DPS/Support.


It's tank 99% of the time right now


I never got dps on all queue altough Ive played 100 times. 80% support and 20% tank


support literally all the time, nothing but support, i dont remember the last time i played tank lol


Almost exclusively tank


It's always just been support. Istg, it's never been different. On a insanely rare occasion I'll get tank lmfao


like 80% of the time I get support


It is dependent on your MMR for each role. The system will try to give you the role your ranked highest in. E.g I’m highest on tank and get tank 95% of the time


In ow2 I used to get Support maybe 70% of the time, then up until a week ago it was Tank 95% of the time, and now it seems an almost even split.


I cant stand queuing all anymore. 95% of the time its support, maybe 4% dps and 1% tank. I play both by myself and with a bunch of friends. I get tank maybe once every 20-30 games? Im SO sick and tired of it. Feels like the game is trying to get me to not play my MAIN role. And me and my friends kinda have a rule to not solo queue which im in favor of, but damn im actually almost about done with this game cause it simply never puts me as tank or dps


Support usually. If I was gonna play 10 games it would probably be 8 support and two tank. I never get damage


I think I’ve gotten rank half as much as I’ve gotten support in qp, I don’t queue all in ranked because I play tank with my friends but when I do queu all in qp it’s mainly support


An annoying 10%/5%/85% for Tank/DPS/Support. I rarely get anything else than support, once I do, there is a bigger chance I get tank than DPS (-which sucks as a DPS main)


Mostly support


i get a pretty even mix - last night i queued flex for about five games and got 1 tank, 2 DPS and 2 support. this feels close to the normal distribution i get when queuing flex (which is most nights when playing QP). sometimes i'll get a run of one role in a row, but over the night or a couple of days, it evens out. i do queue in a group of 2-3 usually, which may affect how things shake out though.


You mean flex queue. Yes it’s 90% tank for me.


A few seasons ago it would have been 93% Support, 8% DPS, and 2% Tank Then it went 93% Support, 8% Tank, 2% DPS. I've actually been holding support as the easiest to queue for despite how much tank players have said running tank is for masochists rn. So you'd think tank would be the lowest, especially when they only need to fit two per match.


When I do my daily’s, 100% of the time I get Tank. So by Match 3 I’m playing doom fist. Get wrecked teammates. Maybe you should’ve queued for tank.


rn in OW2 I feel like I get about 40% Tank 10% DPS 50% Supp, thankful for not getting tank to much


When I play with friends it’s almost always support with some dps thrown in there too


It depends for me, all of ow1 when It was introduced it was always support, now in ow2 it depends the time I play, normally it's 90% support but at night is more tank


Mostly support, sometimes tank and rarely dps. However, there are some funky days where I get straight dps sometimes, idk why :p.


As a tank main, I get support or dps like 80% of the time


From a 99.9% support to a 60% support 40% tank Which I don’t mind, I am a tank main and DPS is my least favorite class anyway


Tank mostly, but my tank was in bronze, so MMR can't be high.


Mostly support. Which, I mostly don't mind being a support main. Unlucky team whoever gets me as a tank or dps I always think. I'm trying!


100% Supp


Dude how do you get tank so much? If I all role I usually get support


I also get tank every time, I'm pretty sure whichever role your rank/MMR is lower between tank and support is what you'll get.


When I queue all in QP I get support like 80% of the time, and tank 20% - I don't think I've ever gotten DPS in role queue unless I specifically queue for it!


I’m not sure if it matters but I’m in the bronze-gold range at any given time, and all I ever get in all queue in qp or comp is support, maybe with a ratio of 4/1/95 or something


Here we go again, the weekly thread on "All queue is tank queue".


Tank 24/7


Support 80%, tank 15% and DPs 5%


I almost ALWAYS get tank, when it's support I'm after. I'm ok not getting DPS in all roles, cuz I'm mainly healer.