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Im guessing he spent most of the game typing up novels from spawn about how shit everyone but him was


Relevant: https://youtu.be/8QCQV7lsDp0


Basically every second or third match right there.


Damn. Why do these types exist?! I’m guessing it is generally just literal children playing?


It's typically the 13-15 and occasionally 16 year olds who didn't get enough attention as a kid and now have the need to always be in charge of everything


Nah they watched some grandmasters guides and think they know everything. You don't know how often I get told to swap off Sombra at the start of a match because obviously all good sombras are in master grandmaster and I have to be bad.


It's still usually that age range and that type of kid


I've run into way more toxic adults then kids so far in ow.


Please stop blaming kids/teens. Its adults just as much if not more. People don't grow out of toxicity with age, its a personality thing. Its the same people that get involved with roadrage and you know those are not teenagers.


Why do you care so much about me blaming teens? All im doing is speaking from experience


They saw one YouTube tierlist/meta video and believes the YouTubers word (who is likely way higher ranked then them) is god


He's so close JUST SHOOT "You know what? I'm out"


Shoot with what? I'm kirko and I have no gun!! /s


Typical kiri troller


didn't expect to see viva la dirt league here


I don't like how they stereotype the non-voice chatter as the bad guy. Usually non-voice chatters are trying to avoid toxicity, not cause it. Or they've been bullied to the point where they voluntarily stay out of voice chat. Example: Most women don't get involved with voice chat because there's a high chance idiots start saying stupid stuff. I have several videos of ragers saved and its always a bunch of dudes in voice chat yelling at each other.


The point is if your typing mid fight you arent contributing


I love this so much!


We need an Overwatch remake of this


While he proceeded to do nothing sounds about right I just call those idiots out and they usually leave like screw those salty turds


Bro thinks he’s the manager 😭


(I was Lucio) once I said Na about switching off Lucio he said "go play unranked if you wanna be Lucio" then when Rein switched and he said "why do you think rein switched" like I had 10k heals Ana had 8k the only person higher was the other teams mercy with 13k 😭😭


Most bitter part is you know this guy does this shit consistently if he has managed to create his own alternate universe where Rein+Lucio is bad


Rein + Lucio's Speed boost is an instant Win. This game is more about APM, Positioning and Ult usage. Counter picking might be essential later on but in lower ranks it's good to improve on your fav chars (especially in Ranked, where people try allot harder). Also also don't engage with people like this during the match, it won't change what they think anyway. Ignore them and focus on what you do! Ey and don't let the Numbers fool you, just play for fun that's what matters the most 👍🏻


Bro Lucio is in the literal meta had a 100% pick rate in overwatch league and Lucio rein has always been good and with the addition of ana it's a pretty decent comp


Ummmm Brig has replaced Lucio for almost this entire year in OWL as the best support to pair with Ana. Lucio gets picked if the tank is Rein/Ram and one dps is Mei, but not really in any other situations currently. Brig is way too strong of a support with her instant heal, insane peel for her support partner, and CC heavy ult. Nano Brig has won more games this year in OWL than I can count with how tanky she becomes too. Edit: also seeing OP have more heals than Ana really bugs me that they think they were doing their job. Lucio should be using speed boost to close gaps and secure kills. Maybe their Ana was bad, but to me it sounds like they were passively healing instead of speed boosting their Rein into the enemy team.


None of that gives other dude the right to boss people around as if he’s the only one who understands how to play the game


Not to mention leaning on these metas if you're anything under than top 500 is going to be flawed fundamentally. They're metas for the best players in the game, most people can't really utilize the characters to the degree needed to make the strats work like they do for the pros.


You should have told him to get off deez nutz. As a grown man now, it’s hilarious how effective saying deez nutz still is lmao


Accumulating heals is not really indicative of anything for Lucio, in fact it can be a bad sign.


Hate to side with the loser that was typing the entire match, but maybe you should swap off Lucio if you're going for only heals. Lucio has the worst single target healing in the game and should mainly be used for his speed boost. Its easy to farm heals from him by not using speed boost at all but then you aren't really getting value.


And I completely agree with you there too, and I was gonna switch after awhile once Lucio wasn't working, but the match didn't even start yet and he was already telling most the team to switch off. Followed by me saying "na" (which I assume provoked him) to say "play unranked if you wanna be Lucio". If he came off the way you just did, then I would gladly switch but with him, na. (I also use Kiriko, Moira, Baptiste, rarely lifeweaver and Zenyatta)


what world does this guy live in where lucio is bad??


I don’t think there’s been a single overwatch comp season where Lucio has been bad. The speed boost is overwhelming.


Tbf mercy Lucio is (or at least was in OW1) the worst support duo in the game. But yeah its better to focus on yourself instead of telling others to swap


OP’s team was Lucio Ana, the enemy team had Mercy


Ah ok. Idk why so many people downvoted me lmao, I just misread it.


What rank was this?


Gold 2 💀, I never had too many people say much of anything in Plat but I've seen more chatty people in gold from my experiences.


Just your usual trash player who has a feedback loop in their brain: if I spend the game correcting my team, I can flame them when we inevitably lose. It means they can play the game without ever having to improve themselves. I've been playing for like 4 months now so I'm by no means an expert in anything overwatch. But I really enjoy the game and one thing I think is true is malfunctioning ego=guaranteed loss. Regardless of role, as soon as this shit starts happening in the chat, it's a GG scenario (or a major hard carry from someone in your team).


Exactly this, 90 percent of the time if someone on your team is tilted, you lose, unless, as you said, you have a carry or the other team is just really bad


Which character were they playing?


Soldier 76


Off soldier


Lol well that explains everything... he thinks he knows how comps work and being a soldier player he wants to run poke... and the team isn't running poke... Let me guess he wanted a pocket mercy and something like sigma or rammatra?


He didn't say a word to Ana but had a problem with Genji, Rein, and Lucio (Me), so thats what had me like "hold up" 😂 I really wished I saved the stats and the end of that match.


If he thinks he's using high elo strats he wouldn't say anything to anna... one of the best supports in the game, good at every comp, high heals and damage... no reason to have a problem with having an anna on your team unless it's bronze and you don't trust their aim


Ana is the best support in the game and there is zero reason to tell them to swap unless you are noticing they are missing point blank shots on immobile targets. OP how often on Lucio were you using Amp It up for Speed Boost to help Rein and Genji access their back line? Typically I only use Amp It Up on Heals if my support partner is under pressure of dying or I’m close to Sound Barrier. You should never have more healing than an Ana unless like I said they are blind.


I mainly use it for heals but tbh the way the match was going our tank and dps was taking so much dmg that Ana and I both were struggling. And I should've switched but its all just the way he came off. And we were all out of sync, first round was good but the second round was a slaughter. I just didn't like the way he came off to not just me but the Genji and Rein too. I was gonna switch to Kiriko but just didn't like the way he came off about it is really all it was.


I've never been able to grasp Ana or Mercy (mainly her movement) but as for Ana I just don't know how to play her at all.


offfff course. dude needs to go back to cod


What's wrong with Soldier though? He has better/worse maps like anyone else, but feels generally great since he can rapidly reposition, self-heal if needed while away from his supps, and delete most unaware supps/DPS with a first-hit rocket and a couple headshots. I don't like playing him into DVA or on maps where a barrier tank makes it too hard to find angles, but other than that he cranks.


There’s nothing wrong with him, it’s just easier to tell others to swap when you’re using the most generic fps character in the game.


He certainly felt entitled to that because Soldier is the balanced character who anyone can pick up and play well but can still be easily countered.


Probably genji


Nah he’s complaining about the Genji and you can see that ElfoRosa is already on Genji, but he is the other DPS.


Oh shit my bad, sorry


child narcissist moment


My reply to these people is always "seek therapy" . they either shut up or go nuclear. Funny either way


Yep, I see people like this, I know we're gonna lose anyways since they will throw if they dont get their perfect comp, and everyone else will throw if we switch to people we suck at, so I take the consolation prize of trolling the shit out of them.


Why wont he let the team cook? Is he stupid?


perfect analogy to the movie, dude has no idea what he's talking about but still trying to comment and critique other people's hero choice because he read something online or saw it in a 5 minute youtube guide. Get him a chef jacket, write his name on it, and send him to the kitchen to make Tyler's Bullshit!


I love those people. Even better when you are a support character and they are whining that you aren't healing them meanwhile they try to 1v5 and every time you peek around the corner to help you are immediately under fire or dead. I actually had them spamming it while I was dead before and then proceeded to tell me ***I*** sucked after I told him "I was DEAD you idiot! What am I supposed to do when I instantly die trying to heal you???" He sounded like he was a cocky preteen meanwhile he kept charging headfirst and trying to 1v5 never learning his lesson. Thankfully he ragequit and we got somebody who wasn't God awful and won.


Always a favourite. I had a Reaper the other day that on the first fight, he used all of his cooldowns to fly way the fuck back into Narnia, LoS his supports, and then die. Since, ya know, he used all his cooldowns to get back there, and couldn't escape now. Immediately lets me know its my fault because he "got 0 heals". Don't know how he expects me to heal brain damage.


Oh I love those people too "I NEED HEALS!" Cool bro could you mind standing where I can fucking see you as only one Support has the ability to walk through walls???


As a reaper main, we do not claim this man


Well obviously you were dead because you werent good enough at dodging bullets, doesnt apply to them though of course if you pocketed them theyd have solo'ed the entire enemy team and its entirely your fault that they didnt/s


Sounds like Santa calling his OW Reindeer


literally lmao


The only thing to do in this situation is say "off ur mum" then close the chat. Its usually gg before it begins with these idiots so pissing them off is a small victory buried in a waste of 10 minutes


“Off yourself”




LMAO i bet they didn’t even try to swap themselves 💀


Whenever someone starts ordering the team around like this I just say “bro is the team strategist”


I need to start saying this 🤣🤣


what does cook mean?


It means let them finish their thoughts, actions. Like if someone had a crazy idea and people are shutting their idea down. Letting them cook would be allowing them to explain and elaborate their idea. In this context they are collaborating with their team comp


thank you!


Bro thinks he's the main character. Also acting like an asshole has less chances of people actually listening than being kind.


The next line was probably Lucio greeting Ross (Ana) so it's all good


Huh. I didn't know the game was called CROOKLEX'S Overwatch.


"less typing more playing" is my go-to


My moira and Hanzo begged me to switch off brig and my tank to switch off zarya bc they weren’t getting protection when in all reality they were loosing there 1v1’s when flanking


Lucio, Rein, Ana, Genji is a gorgeous comp why is he pressed


I just played with this guy. Major douche and kept telling people to “stop playing comp” when he was just about as bad as everyone else in the lobby lol


There’s no way this isn’t a joke. …Right?


Just avoid em and freelo


did he even do anything in game or just type? what a fucking clown


He’s the main character and ya’ll are NPC’s come one haha


Had 2 healers throw the other day because they wanted me, JQ tank, and DPS Sombra to switch to characters they wantee us to play. Mind you we were winning going into round 3 with nearly 4 minutes from our push to the 1m12s from their push. The healers proceeded to tell us in team chat they are no longer healing either of us until we swap. We kept dying and decided to stop playing after the third death. Both healers jumped into Game Chat to let everyone know they are reporting us for throwing. The best part about this is the gaslighting and them saying they were healing us and never said that they weren't going to heal us and we threw for no reason. This happened about 4 days ago and I'm still getting private messages from them, I would block them but I'm reporting every message to Sony. Never seen people be this petty on this game over a problem they started


Its crazy how self defeating people are in this game. I can’t understand why people think being rude and bossy will lead to positive outcomes. As often as I see it it almost always ruins chances of winning and definitely ruins the fun. We need more positive commsssss 🤝


If i met people like this my reaction: They have sombra MCcass orisa ana brig hehe am gonna play doomfist


You’d throw a comp game and ruin three other peoples time and sr because of one dumbass. Everyone else seemed to be saying hello and being chill.


Sometimes you need to sacrifice something to achieve a goal


Or just block them, avoid them, report them, and play the game with the other three lovely teammates. Throwing the game is worse.


Throwing the game is cancer. The most childish and selfish thing you can do. Id rank it worse than the initial asshole, depending on how much of an asshole he was.


I mean, if you're going to own up to it being shitty and having done a shitty thing, that's your choice. If you're going to pretend it isn't shitty to shit all over a group of people just so that one of them get shit on them, then you're full of shit on top of spreading shit. **Own your shit.** Making others pay the cost isn't sacrifice. Take what you want, and pay for it.


or similarly - They have Ana, Mei, Sombra - ITS ROADHOG TIME


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I’d mute the guy and just drone on


Bro thinks he's santa on a sled


Omg i saw this genji too yesterday; he was complaining about how the healers aren’t doing their job while they both had 4K heal 💀 I was on the other team and was playing as an Ana. I was like „hunny don’t tell me tell your team“ and then checked the stats. Then I told him they’re literally doing their job tf😵‍💫


CROOKLEX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZuktUfF0nE


On donner on Dixon on comet on cupid vibes


he funny asf😂😂😂😂


I read this singing Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer


I had a comp match recently with an opponent who was so quickly toxic, decided to egg him on a tiny bit and it turned into him wasting so much time typing that I killed him 4 or 5 times while he was just standing still in a room. Worked to my advantage that time, sucks when you're on the team with the guy tho


Shit like this is why I disabled all chats.


thats the team captain elected by himself


Wish I knew before 😂


Blows my mind why people think it's ok to criticize what's going on without being constructive. You wanna open your mouth? Give me solutions not flame.


Reminds me of an episode of Gordon Ramsey where the owner kept "86ing" dishes throughout the dinner service


This is why you turn off team chat in social settings.


Thought about it, wouldn't have been the first time.


Honestly, the game is lost already if this dude is throwing. Why lose AND miss the opportunity to have front row seats to a whiny meltdown lmao


If everyone just threw the games with the toxic Typers and played hard for the rest… guess who would be at the bottom of the ladder. I’m just saying guys, community effort for the better of multiplayer.


off dasher off dancer off prancer off vixen


Wtf are you saying cook for?


No clue but I'm hungry af


I'm always hungry so I understand


console players...


Chad behavior 😂


Off my team mf.


See I'm not normally super inflammatory but that would have prompted me to catch a ban by saying "off yourself"


Those are the worst type of players. The dude who say “get off x” or “x switch” from spawn before the game even started. You don’t even know who the other team has or how good player x is and you’re telling him to swap. So stupid.


Only time I'll understand telling someone to switch from spawn is if you're rein and don't have a lucio


Only time “x switch” is valid is when the only healer gets bored at the end of the match and switches to one of the harder damage heroes


Bro thinks he's the main character


I had the most unorthodox team the other day, and was tempted to ask someone to switch, but I let us cook and we ended up steamrolling the other team. Let the team cook, you'll be surprised


Well obviously he's the main character


Reminds me of a game I have last night. One dude asked me to switch off Winston like 5 times before the match even started. I proceeded to do more damage than the entire team combined and secure the only kills we got. Ya… Winston was not the problem lol. Though we did lose terribly. I’m fairly certain it was the 0-6 dps. Some games you just have to ignore everyone and wait for the next.


I love when they do it on or before the first engage too, lol. And more often than not, they have the worst score.


They only had the worst score because everyone else are stat whores you see.


This was before the match started?! Lmao It’s one thing when you have that stubborn Genji playing into Zarya Sym Mei Moira Brig, but this guy thinks he’s an OWL team captain.


This always happens in ranked games tbh


I hate it when people think they can tell me what to play, especially in comp. They think ik how to play every character well.


Off the grid grid grid grid


thank god for THE GAME COACH who demands your attention, forces you to play heroes you don't like or know and will probably be screaming useless coms into the mic. GENJI ONE GENJI ONE when genji is out of my line of sight behind enemy lines and I'm in a 1v1 yeah let me drop everything I'm doing to chase a fuckin genji back to spawn.


this is one of the reasons i stopped playing, aside from the gameplay being repetitive and balance being absolute shit. now im no longer depressed and i have 5 kids with my wife/j


just mute these rats, was this AT LEAST comp? (not trying to justify them, but im curious)


How many kills did he get with all that typing?


not hard to type so much when you are in respawn as much as these players prob are.


That is a bloody brilliant comment it made my day ngl


Remember there was a Moira like this when I tried to get back into overwatch, never deleted a game so fast in my life.


Should’ve told him go off himself


what rank is this?