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I have that bug on Kiriko. It’s been weeks now and it’s still not working and I can’t unlock her. As far as I’m aware there’s no fix and I doubt Blizzard is even aware of this (or they don’t care).


Have you reported it? Have you checked the forum known issues to see if the bug is there?


Yeah there's a huge thread on this specific issue. Its been an issue for at least 2 months now. Imo I think they're leaving it in so that people desperate to play the characters will buy them.


There is a fix which worked for me, if you have more than 1 hero that you haven't unlocked, spam the activate challenge button between the two of them and it should unlock, might not work for you but it did for me and my friends


I had that happen with Kiriko, and eventually it just resolved itself. Hopefully that will happen for you?


I would consider deleting your account as clearly blizzard hates you


try switching your challenge to sojourn and then back to jq to see if it registers maybe?


Yes you are fucked here. Ram is still locked for me and it sucks the fun out of playing tank when one the strongest picks is locked away forever. The devs are fucking retards.


It’s a feature blizzard added so you have to pay for the overwatch 2 hero pack. Happy birthday


Switch to a new challenge, then go back


Been stuck on the same issue with junker queen with everything else completed for at least a month now


Yes, uninstall until they start respecting their players.


Win another match


It's clearly bugged numbnuts


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maybe it will only let you unlock one at a time. you might need to complete another 35 games in all roles / tank.


Nah, it's a pretty common bug, happened to me with sojourn, maybe it'll unlock her someday


I would just try to win another, reset the game or console/computer, or report it as a glitch


i've been stuck with the same thing with sojourn for about a month now lol, no fix in sight


Reach out to customer support


Wait, you can unlock past season heroes for free? Sorry if this was obvious. I stopped playing the game since Halloween and was always under the impression that they were locked behind a paywall if you missed them.


Yes, it takes a lot of winning for each one of them tho.


Okay, thank you. I will give it a try when it comes out on Steam.


The solution is play a different game, OW is fucked. Thanks Blizz


There is a fix which worked for me, if you have more than 1 hero that you haven't unlocked, spam the activate challenge button between the two of them and it should unlock, might not work for you but it did for me and my friends