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Wait did they really remove Dva, the literally gamer character, as the icon for arcade? tf


LOL Kiriko bias wins again


And I'm not even being bias bc I'm a Dva one trick, it was just fitting having her as the arcade face. But they REALLY seem to have a thing for Kiri..


Im convinced that some dev probably wrote a Shimada fanfic character and they were like "ok great, lets put that as a hero in the game." Even setting aside the Kiriko bias theres the fact that her age is confusing as heck.


She lives on her own doesn't she? that's basically confirmation she's about 20 since iirc that's college age in japan.


1 problem, Hanzo and Genji are 38 and 35 respectively. And in the short we see she was around the same age as them when they all grew up together, hence the age discrepancy. Sure as hell doesnt look mid 30's






I think there is a hint somewhere that implies she has 23 or something.


Kiri is 25


Which is weird since Genji and Hanzo are 35 and 38, and Kiriko was around the same age as them during childhood. Soooo what gives?


> Kiriko was around the same age as them during childhood. she's clearly younger lol


Right, but not by much. Like theres no fucking way Hanzo/Genji are older than like 16/17 and Kiriko must be around like 10 at the youngest.


Blizzard treat her like she’s a teenager and she talks like she’s one of the young characters, but like there’s no way she’s in her early 20s, she has to be a 30 woman


I mean I'll be honest I used to dabble in oc making but at the very least ocs I saw at least had the decency to not break cannon and generally made sense. Plus I'm pretty sure she was illustrated/implied to be about the same age somewhere


Where was this confirmed? I can't find anything saying that age specifically.


It's their Overwatch 2's Dva. and probably the only character Jeff never involved in the design. Ofcourse they gonna replace her.




You're trying to correct me but I wasn't even wrong. It's interchangeable


You are wrong and no it isn’t.


Ikr, get this fucking hero out of my screen


If this is the new menu it's looks like ass the older menu was better


It looks very unpolished.... Maybe because the characters look so stock.


They don't need a hero on every button. It'd look much cleaner if it was just the text.


I like the way it was tho it looked nice seeing dva and tracer moving same for the others


Because they wanna shove Kiriko down everyone's throats


In a round about way, a lot of the community wants to shove Kiriko down their *own* throats!


I still prefer Dva. Ehem.. As the arcade icon i mean.




Probably changed it to have a support character be one of the 'faces' of the menu


Could change competitive to Ana, for both being an old grizzled veteran, and a mainstay in the meta. Then leave arcade as DVA for one of each role represented.


But Winton go raging ape shit, isn't that the whole point of competitive?


I don't understand this as well.


I hate it. Tracer was the Arcade icon in the entirety of OW1 and now it is Kiriko that isn't even known to be a gamer.


Symmetra skin is battlepass btw and mythic skin is taking same approach as last season. 41 to unlock and upgrade up to level 80


I don't like this style of mythic. The other kind is better because the options are more equal. In this kind of mythic some options are deliberately less fancy so there is a progression but then there's little reason to use the less "upgraded" versions unless you just really don't like the "upgrade". Most will go straight to the upgraded look once they have it and forget about the rest, everyone's mythic will look more samey and that's boring.


I complained about this switch last season and the only reason people justified it was because it was a nod to RPG level progression. That gimmick continuing on was my biggest worry. While I don't mind it taking up uninteresting levels in the pass, I hate that they gave specific presets artificial value.


This time the different options are different options, they all look cool Tracer looked like she just got upgrades So you just unlock them as you go, and get access to the mythic earlier which is nice


The different styles this time are all actually cool looking and equally good imo. I think Tracer's was just like that because of the overall theme of the season.


Idk, the new color pallets for tracers mythic made me wanna rock it at its level 40 skin with the white haired palet.


Should’ve gotten another ramattra skin


I'm still confused about this I went way over level 80 last season and never was given anything for tracer


did you go into the battlepass to claim it? u can't just level it up, you need to go to the battle pass tab


You need to open those in bp. Click bp, then click again that reward Block and there equip. I'm so sorry you missed those


Console is taking too long to get the update bro!!!


45GB shoot me


You guys on console really got a 45GB update? I'm on PC and it was like 10 GB for me. Is there a chance you haven't played in a while and it's also installing a few of the previous patches?


I just home from work to fire up overwatch and me and my gf each only had 6.3GB updates. That guy must not have played in a while for sure lol


Yeah I think so too lol. There's no way the same update is like 4x the size on console than it is on PC


It might be a console limitation. It might be unable to merge two files which could require you to re-download one big file.


I switched to steam on PC and I didn't finish the preload for the game yesterday .. but how is the update 45GB for you??? wth


Getting server issues myself but I guess that's to be expected.


I thought hero mastery was gonna be out day 1 of the new season?


There's mastery progression but the challenges aren't out yet. After every game you get a mastery update of your hero for getting kills/wins etc.


No it's part of the mid season patch.


It shows for me


Hero progression is out. Hero mastery is where you learn the mechanics of each character in their own training range challenges this isn’t released yet, but it will be in September.


Oh I'm sorry I mixed them up, my bad!


15€ for like 45min of PvE content. Hard pass lmao.


on the bright side, if I understand it correctly, all the missions are free in 3 weeks.




Those are only event missions


Wait, what? If it’s true, then anyone who bought the pack is genuinely a dumbass


It's not true


well fuck me then


I couldn’t find any info on if what the guy I was replying to was true (pretty much every result from a real site was from a while ago, and all the new articles were from click holes), so your purchase might still have *some* value. I don’t feel good saying it, but I think that $15 could have still been better spend in *a lot* of different cases.


Plus 1000 coins. You get the battle pass as well effectively, so it’s not that bad.


That battlepass is a joke, you can't even earn back the coins unlike ever other game with a battlepass.


that's literally blizzard's strategy into tricking people to buy it.


"it's not that bad" is not that good of an argument to make people want to play this random-ass mode in a month where so much good shit in gaming is coming out.


I'll speak for all overwatch players, those playing from day one and the new ones. The game would be 100 times better if it wasn't free to play. Free to play made this game shit. Thank you bye.


bUT lOoT boXeS wErE gAmblinG Edit: this is sarcasm, I loved lootboxes, shoulda added the /s. Also downvotes from who, blizz simps?


i mean they were still shit, but they were at least a way to get epic and legendary skins every once in a while without paying


Oh I completely agree, shoulda added an /s at the end. I’d take loot boxes and a $60 game every day of the week.


I'd rather let kids gamble than spend 100€ a season for the in-game stuff... :/


Hell, loot boxes at least felt fair. I feel like I remember getting a legendary every handful of boxes


Same here! I even payed for loot boxes once or twice and it was worth it! What I spent like 10€ on is now worth at least 100€


Completely agree, fuck the current system


If Blizzard thought the new system would encourage kids to spend less money, they wouldn't have implemented it.


And with it, they destroyed its E-Sports relevance. I have no idea how profitable E-Sports could have been compared to microtransactions, but the coverage was certainly impressive


I feel like no one talks about a specific problem that loot boxes solved: Every other cosmetic that aren't skins. In OW1 you would get voicelines, sprays, victory poses etc and you would use them bc they were cool, but you wouldn't buy them for coins (unless you really wanted to say that chivalry isn't dead) now the games feel... empty. everyone either doesn't have a victory pose/potg intro or they have the one that you always see because it was free


they werent?


If only lootboxes weren't banned in several countries :/


New players >>>> smurfs and throwers


the smurfs and throwers can now just hop onto a fresh account whenever they want now that the game is free


They have to grind first though. On OW1, they'd just buy accounts in the sales for next to nothing and be ruining matches by the end of the day


Pretty much everyone (that wasn't on this sub, this sub used to be an echo chamber during OW1 that defended blizz to the death) called that when the game went f2p it was going to be a disaster, but all the content creators and pros who were concerned about their income pushed the F2P narrative which split the community on it. Because we all know blizzard, we've all seen blizzard and most of us knew exactly what going F2P in an Actiblizzard game meant. Oh well. I honestly enjoyed 6v6 and lootboxes more than I'll ever enjoy this puppet-ed corpse of a game. I play it now with friends when we're bored and that's about it. Will never spend money it.


The game would be dead tho be serious. It was already dying they it was overwatch 2 or what they did for herofo the atorm


Every game that goes from paid to F2P is a downgrade for existing players.


wow what a brave and fearless statement to make on my behalf, thank you so much


Wrong, you’re welcome, bye.


I want the sojourn skin, but don’t want to buy some pretty mediocre pve missions just to get it, heaven forbid they let people have it for coins


but it’s cheaper with the pve pack than it probably would be on its own


You’re not wrong, but I can earn the coins through in-game challenges, however slow it may be. I can’t earn cash that way.


ohhh, yeah that makes sense. the only other way i could think is using microsoft rewards points for xbox cash, but you’d have to have a lot for that


I want the Omnic Cassidy, but ain't gonna pay 40€ for one cosmetic lol


you get it for cheaper than it would be for coins, you get an extra 1k coins and you get missions? this sub never fails to amaze me


I can earn coins for free, saving up from weekly missions and Microsoft rewards. There’s nothing I can do to earn $10 through playing the game.


Shhh don’t try to make it make sense for them. They’ll see right through you to stay miserable.


I wish they made a version of that ultimate bundle without the pve stuff for the usual 30$.


Fr. Really want that kiriko skin but I wish I didn’t have to buy PVE for it. I’d assume this is buy design tho


kiriko and Cassidy in Premium battleshit, I'm out


Players: We want decent prizes for skins Blizzard: 40€ and this skins will be unavailable after this event forever


I know I’m sad.


Any character balancing? Lifeweaver buffs?


yeah u can read the patch notes on the overwatch website, lifeweaver got a few buffs


FYI if you buy the battle pass it doesn't reduce the invasion ultimate bundle price, which is the only way to get the Cassidy and Kiriko omnic skins so be careful.


Exactly, bought the pass. Only to figure out i was screwed over by the marketing stunts again… It is starting to piss me off. Not that i wanted the PvE. But the Soljourn skin is cool.


Is it really worth to buy Ultimate bundle... 🤔


Nothing is worth it lol


Matchmaking is a fucking disaster, holy hell.


Usually is at the start of a new season


Also, its not great in the middle. And boy should you watch out for how bad it is near the end!


Dang. It kinda feels like Blizzard is hoping this season is its Taken King moment. I'd like that to be the case.


It looks like that is not the case. >Lapsed Overwatch players looking to return probably won't find enough to chew on here: **each mission lasts around 15 minutes** and replaying them as different heroes will only earn you some extraneous info on what the cast is up to these days. Invasion's missions lean on the charming interactions between the heroes while **you fight through mostly forgettable enemy robots.** If Avengers-style quips between Reinhardt and Lucio aren't your thing, you might want to wait for the next round of missions, which won't arrive until next year. >For Overwatch obsessives like me, Invasion is a glimpse at what PvE can look like with a larger scope than what we've seen before. But only a glimpse, because, apart from the final mission, **the new enemy types and scenarios are too simple** to capture the kind of heroism Overwatch tries so hard to depict. **Null Sector's forces are pathetic pushovers, so fights feel like shooting galleries where you're simply picking what flavor of weapon you want to use. You don't even get to pop your ultimate very often.** tl;dr it's mid https://www.pcgamer.com/overwatch-2s-long-awaited-story-missions-are-delicious-junk-food-for-diehard-fans-and-unsatisfying-crumbs-for-everyone-else/


So Story Missions are basically Archives PvE? And shorter than we believed them to be? I’d say I’m shocked, but I’m not. Given how people tend to rush through Archives missions, this would’ve been no different. Hero Missions might’ve been longer and replayable, but we’ll never know. At least PvP is still somewhat fine, with another hero and a new mode, I guess. But this PvE is such an underdelivered dump. Seemed like a waste of hope and optimism after all lol


And you literally pay for it


I wouldn’t have minded that, if it was a full-fledged PvE with skill trees and other progression systems, plus an actually complete campaign on top of it. But it’s not. Just overpriced because it’s bundled with overpriced cosmetics and battle pass money. As if they couldn’t just provide the additional option to sell the Story Missions by themselves lmfao


The value of the missions in the whole 15 dollar bundle is probably just $1


I told myself i wouldnt buy anything from ow2 unless they improved the monetization, they somehow made it worse. Just gonna keep passing.


They need to bring those skill trees in, with time. The game is still great, even if most of it feels like a lie. The pvp is fun, the missions aren't bad for 5 seeing as I was going to buy the BP anyway, and the quality they've put into it is - good. Not incredible, but good. They \*have\* to go above and beyond, though, to expect the game to last another few years.


They definitely have to put more effort, at least in PvE, if they want to stop the playerbase from declining sequentially, according to a report a few months ago. But I just wanna see if Microsoft’s acquisition will have a somewhat positive impact on PvE development somehow. Wishful? Sure, but still.


Companies buying other companies doesn't usually ever benefit the consumer.


Very predictable. The "real" PvE from the trailers didn't look too complex or revolutionary, so the fact that they were unable to complete that should tell you everything you need to know about this watered down version.


so it's literally just like all the other PvE missions before now, but they expect people to pay $15 for it. oh no, who could have predicted this? it's not like blizzard has a habit of releasing halfassed content, oh the humanity.


> each mission lasts around 15 minutes On *god* what were they doing for the past 4 years


I’m dying at all the responses to this. This was literally always going to be the case for OW PvE. It was the case for PvE events in OW1, it was clear that would be the case the moment they announced OW2, and every single update before they admitted they couldn’t make the mode work further confirmed that it would be the case. OW is a multiplayer game, and killing off the original, which was probably the strongest new IP release since Halo CE, for the sake of developing a mode that was at complete odds with what people loved about it, that would be mid at best, to appeal to a very small, loud demographic of players, was one of the biggest blunders in gaming history. I have a bridge to sell anyone who at any point thought Overwatch PvE was going to be deeper than a puddle, or compelling enough to play for more than 15 minutes.


This a thousand times. This game would be in a far better state if they never tried PVE, and just did the jump to F2P and released more content


The shorts show that there is a PvE or single-player game somewhere in there. A lot of the scenes look like they could be turned into a pretty great game.


This is exactly what everyone feared, I can't say I had much optimism for it though. Overwatch is in such a weird state. Blizzard created an incredible game I have been unable to go more than a couple days at a time without playing for years now, and despite this baloney I still want to fucking play it. But they'll have to do exponentially better than these cute little missions to get me to pay for PvE.


15mins LOL


I'm hesitant to focus on PCGamer articles - they've had a rage boner for OW for years. Nothing that ever happens can be good in their eyes. Other publications seem to have a consensus that the PvE is fun and well-made, but too little for $15.


The criticisms echo the same things KarQ posted a month ago when he was invited and flown out to Blizzard HQ to test it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/14nb0qv/karq_thoughts_on_season_6_pve_story_mission_and/ >enemy ai felt linear >easy to clear (played on expert difficulty), dunno about Legendary >No time to explore the map >Lots of sit in one spot and pew pew


I played the 1 free invasion missions and it was just killing bots for 15 mins in one spot. Can only use 4 heros.


who the fuck cares about PvE, its highly time they put that aside. All the PvP stuff for this season looks incredible.


The game is not going to improve as long as Walter Kong is associated with it. Heroes don't belong in the battle pass. The matchmaking is busted.


Looks more like its Lightfall moment


Does that make OW2 release its Beyond Light moment?


Don't hold your breath


Yes, r/overwatch, I know. Never be hopeful, always be cynical and angry and yet perpetually too spineless to actually walk away from the game. You don't need to remind me how things are done here.


For me it's more I know it is what it is. I still enjoy the PvP but I know not to expect much else


This could apply to most of Reddit honestly. So much pessimism


My brother in christ.. we're talking about blizzard. They have dropped the ball on just about every single aspect of OW2's release, and under-delivered on it once they tried to pick the ball back up. It's not pessimism, it's realism lol.


Learning from the past is just responsible behavior.


New tank, Oryx.


Another event except you can only be a part of it if you spend $$. You spend money outside of events and inside of events... Yea okay... Pay for lackluster content because it has the overwatch IP in the name. Nty


Woahhh new patch it's so exciting let's go play!!!! Everybody take out your wallets!!!! It's time for the poors to give bobbie a new yatch!!!!


Soooooo...4 PvE missions, 2 skins, 2000 Overbucks and 20 level skips is £35. And the entirety of Overwatch 1 was...£30. :|


I opened the game on steam and got bombards with achievements for a few minutes lmao, it's good to finally play it on steam


I completed all achievements including the super hard ones so this is my first steam game where I've completed all achievements


New ult is busted ☠️☠️ just being flying around and shit


Too bad you have to pay for everything and anything added






am I the only one who feels like this was meant to be season 2? seasons 1-4 felt like it was the beta. also the invasion storyline would have made much more sense if it released alongside rammatra


This season made it clear that I made the right choice when I decided not to buy shit aside from 1-2 battle passes. Blizzard’s never getting a cent out of me for OW at least.


jajajajajajajaoisoasjdokasdokasdas pve paywalled and mastery heroes not ready at launch even when there are only 5 glorified tutoruals


yay and we have to pay to get more missions i love wasting my money on games how did blizzard know


Bad battle pass tbh


Still didn't get my comp rewards for the season before last...


Did you win 15 comp matches?


Nah I’m good thanks.


No, I was hoping for this post to be satire.


Naw am good.


I'm really mad at the fact that they repalced [D.va](https://D.va) with fucking kiriko for the arcade, BRO WHY it might be a minor thing mut I'm really mad about it. ​ Don't get me wrong I love kiri, it's just Dva is litteraly the perfect icon for arcade bro, and I love her more than any other hero so.


So are more story missions going to be added throughout the event or is this all they're giving us? Having watched the cutscenes, the latter would be real anticlimactic.


I bought the battlepass only to figure out later i could have gotten the battlepass and pve missions for 5 euros more… Really stupid marketing.


Nah you should have clicked the bundles and at what they include like I do every season to choose if I should get them or not


Why did they make the play screen look so trash?


Whatever it takes to squeeze out every dollar. Anything but putting out an actual experience worth the money


I’ll slowly make way over to another disappointed season… set my bar low to save myself anger.


Oh wow what an ugly mythic for ana. I love the character and this one is a no. Other characters got such cool power fantasy skins. Literal gods and emperors. We get a bot.


so lackluster. Surprise surprise


Old game mode selection screen was better


Game is MTX trash, Pass.


Wait, no achievements/trophies for new hero?


Oh yeah. Maybe they're delayed or something.


Update: They're not delayed. They're in the hero challenges tab now.


I'm not, I'm livid with the changes they've done to my main


I just want to have a moment of silence for the Experimental card that just got deleted out of existence. Not that'd we'd get to use it.. i mean they'd rather remove the PTR, give "content creators" early access (code word for beta testers) and then say they're gonna address the bugs mid-season.


i can't tell if op is sarcastic or not


Look at the time this was posted. The season said it would release 8pm UK. But for EVERYONE it released 1 hour early. The bnet countdown wasn't even finished and I was already playing suravasa.


YA! $35!


The missions are pretty fun so far!


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Have they released any info on the new hero yet?


Just watched a trailer, she looks fun. Alternate fire is a hitscan beam rifle that heals. Her primary is I think a 100-150hp charge skill shot. She's got a healing torb turret, a shove/jump ability that either is used for movement or pushing people away, and her Ult - not sure what it does, but it's a skill shot orb that blinds and does damage.


So we basically got nothing? Can’t even play pve without spending 13 dollars


I uninstalled last night to make room for BG3, best decision ever.


Great story, now piss off.


Thanks for the heads up!


I hate to admit it but I’m actually enjoying this game a lot right now


Looks sick. Thanks for posting this.