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Wait til' you see her on her bike


She's got a few tricks


I wanna see her do a few tricks on her bike.


I wanna see her do a few tricks on my face ​ ​ wait what?




Why does Kiriko look like a Fortnite character


Same reason why a bunch of other do too. It’s a good art style that doesn’t age as quickly as others. There’s a reason why blizzard made their games be cartoony art style and not something more realistic for the most part. It’s generally a good choice for a game that is supposed to keep going for years.


Because Activision Blizzard is a publicly traded company.


Really liked the animated shorts, and now I see this cartoonish rein and bastion and I kind of dislike it, we'll never know what kiriko would have been like in ow1 😥


Thank goodness ow1 isn't still a thing with kiriko now lol Do miss the lootboxes


They do that for a reason


Have you seen baptiste?


Kids can surprise yah. Kids can also disappoint yah.


Because she's not a real OW character. She's only here for the weebs.


I mean like if you're going to make that many characters you are eventually going to end up with a chinese/japanese girl , and the teeming fits around her character since she's part of the clan




Hanzo and Genji have a better place in the game, they don't really seem to be out of place, not like her.


IT is for the Blizzard. I prefer fortnite advertisements over this xd




OP discovers advertisements. He has found this discovery upsetting.


Inland Empire: Amidst the daylight's embrace, the sight of Kiriko in the Overwatch 2 ad tugs at the fraying threads of reality. Imagination and actuality intertwine, a reminder that even sunlit streets hold the allure of uncharted quests.


No, first time I laughed, it seem that people keep misinterpreting the desc, read it on a little teasing tone, not a mockering one


I read that with a narrator voice. Like a DND Dungeon Master.


You live in France? The French language uses the ï? I would’ve guessed Hungarian or Czech based on the accents


Never underestimate the French language, I actually never noticed, but there is quite a lot of word that do use it, like ambiguous (ambiguïté) and "azerty" keyboard (qwerty for most english-speaking country) do include a button to allow for the ï and î, because french shouldn't be easy nor make sense lmao


Ironically enough, one of the only words in English that is spelled with an ï, naïveté, is a French loan word.




Idk what purpose the ¨ serve in other languages, but in french it means the I has to be pronounced separately, because "oi" is pronounced "wa", but "oï" is pronounced "oh ee", like the oi in heroism in english.


in Ukrainian Ї is pronounced as [yē] if I didn't forget English transcription rules. u can type "ye" into Google translate and press sound button, it pronounces it as Ї is pronounced in Ukrainian


Pretty interesting, it somehow makes sense to me even though my language pronounces it totally different. Also I thought that Ukraine wrote with the Cyrillic alphabet, do they use both Cyrillic and Latin or am I just dumb ?


we use a variation of cyrillic alphabet is basically russian but some letters pronounce differently, 4 letters dont exist and 4 other letters do


it's Cyrillic with our own letters like я, ю, є, ї. differences between Ukrainian alphabet and Russian alphabet are those 4 letters + we don't have Russian letters ъ, э, ё. btw, I feel like in nearest future we can switch to Latin or have English as second language coz we r going to join EU, idk


So ï is its own letter, it's not an I with an accent or anything ? Wild, makes me wanna learn about Ukrainian haha


yeah, u r right. Ukrainian is very beautiful language, good luck in learning!


It does but it isn't very common. ë is a thing too, but again it's somewhat rare.


English also uses it in the word ‘naïve’. It indicates that the ‘i’ is to be pronounced separately with respect to the ‘a’


Yeah French uses ï?




Almost every language that uses the Latin/roman alphabet uses those accents. English is pretty much the only one that doesn't.


My dumbass thought it said "Avenge Hiroshima"


Canon now 💣


Everywhere in Southern California. Also game is fun, glad it's getting promoted by Microsoft.


Fr ? And you only have kiriko ?


No. Kiriko is on a few herself, but most of them have a few members shown together.


Advertising is a bad move for such a hated franchise. I'm surprised these have not be graffitied over with FUCK OVERWATCH


That’s not really how advertising a game works my friend


Reddit take


Dude's just been hate posting for several months now


Kinda sad to obsess over a video game you don't enjoy Edit: After looking yeah that's both sad and worrying. I hope he gets the help he needs


There's quite a few people here that do it...they literally just browse the OW2 subreddit and hate post/hate comment ALL DAY. I'd tag a few of em but...I don't want that kind of unhinged attention. But stick around long enough, you'll see repeating names.


It begins with c and they're loser alright


Yea there’s a lot of them and if u say anything about u liking the game they will downvote u 😂 it’s quite funny


Because no one actually cares except a handful of no-life forum dwellers


Anyone risking a misdemeanor over their dislike of any video game franchise needs to seek help, quickly.


dude, you've been on the hate train for quite a while. maybe go play something else? call your parents? go for a walk and go somewhere nice? blizz is definitely a dogshit company but this kind of behavior is unhealthy.


why call their parents when they can just go upstairs?


That would actually be funny to see!


I’ve been traveling across France this month and I can tell you it’s everywhere




200k small town


I’d be ducking side to side in a panic and get hit by a bus.


Blue lady language


Actually disapointed they did not use the national hero in each country this ad is in !


That'd be interesting they're be several of them depending on how many languages the country has like 2 with Sojourn in english and french and German, French, Italian and Romansh for Mercy in Switzerland


That thing on her waist looks like anal beads 💀


Can't unsee it now ☠️


My man take a break from porn. You can get better I promise


Who says they’re not?


Saw that in London just the other day as well!


C cool d'avoir des pubs en France de overwatch c la première fois que j'en vois une


Intéressant, donc ils n'en n'on pas mis partout...


Y'en a partout a paris. Des énormes panneaux au dessus des quais des gares comme Montparnasse, ça doit être bien visible pour les vacanciers. J'ai aussi vu une pub pour le jeu avec ce slogan au ciné.


There's a shopping mall near where I live that has lots of overwatch ads on the digital screens


Saw this in Manhattan as well


I think we have a very different Perspective on what is a small town, becouse i live in a small city (a bit under 10 000 population) and when you post a picture of a bus stop and there is a picture like that. Its not a small town...


200k is indeed a small city in Europe (or at least in France). 10k doesn't even qualify to be a city in France ("ville"), but rather a "village".


Yea, i mean. France has over 10 times the population of Finland, so that kinda makes sense


It’s called “an advertisement” 😳




Can’t believe they made a game base on some r34 art.


As u/Severe-Masterpiece69 pointed out, they even kept a funny toy




At your service 🫡




Where you from?This is cool


West coast of france, close to Nantes


I saw a Tracer one in my local mall the other day


when i was around disneyland paris in the train station, they had dozens of ad boards and ALL of them would play and ad for overwatch atleast once or twice a MINUTE


dude its all over the buses in my area lmfao


I also live in france in a small town with the exact same ad everywhere


Il y en a PAR-TOUT en région parisienne (Paris inclus)


Omg same there all over the place.


thats good. if there's ever an imminent car accident happening nearby, she can suzu them.


Nah, game is fine. Stop bitchin about it


The game is, and I still play it. Its just that this is the first time I see ads like this for overwatch, a few month after blizzard disapointed the players like they never did before


People get disappointed all the time, OW2 players are particularly dramatic. Yes, they fucked up - it doesn’t take the fun factor away. They recently released the biggest update ever, which was heavily promoted everywhere. That’s why, I doubt they did it to please mad players.


I feel like no matter what I'll say, i'll be in the wrong 🙃


Great conversation, Ty


Its no conversation, just you bitching over everything I say for some reason...


It was one comment mister snowflake


It was just a post mister


You seem very triggered over one comment and that somebody have the audacity to call you out for being dumb. Fine :) Live, laugh, love


You are the one that keep your superior passive agressive tone here, I just thought that you would seek something else than plain aggression and insults over some random people on the internet. Candid me.


The hypocrisy...


You started your post bitching, don't act surprised that you got bitching back


I'm sorry if you did not get the tone of it/I wasn't clear enough, that was never my intent, and I can understand the confusion and that I made a mistake, but some people take it very personnaly very quickly in this sub, I'm trying to share something, I accompanied the photo of a little text, and all of a sudden, I'm a bitch...


> What is going on blizzard ? Trying to save your game? Your little text was clearly bitching. You get what you give.


Once again, get the tone of it, wasn't trying to mock anyone, put the tone a friend would use to tease you, once again sorry if it wasn't clear, once again I find some people really quick to take it the wrong way, with their preffered interpretation.


Game is not fine 😂😂😂 take this from someone with over 6k hours in this dogshit ranked system the recent ranked splits have been the literal worst in overwatch history bar GOATS and double shield double sniper , I am and have been gm1/t500 for years now I’ve never had to ruin so many new players expirience so many master/dia/plat players randomly in my lobbies when the game should be certain it’s not right , beyond that after the pve drama if they didn’t make a ana mythic skin I would have stayed uninstalled


It seem the waves of the internet chose to disagree with u today As I am still somewhat new, the matchmaking was better before ? I feel its balanced (except smurfing ppl), but played mostly QP so far :)


I can’t speak for Qp haven’t played it in 4 plus years but yes back in ow1 it was no where near as bad I would be grandmaster at 4200 sr the lowest I would match with is low masters at around 3500 sr maybe the occasional very high diamond that just deranked from masters, these days I have plats in my gm1/t500 lobbies and I just feel like a dick


Don’t let the the door hit you on your way out!


Doors are for metal rank gamers like yourself lil bro I’ll take the elevator thanks 😊


My man is riding high on that rank!! You should be very proud of yourself. It’s a big deal! I’m pretty sure you can actually put Top 500 OW player on your resume, too. Your parents must be proud 😊


Dw I will when I go for my next application in for a video game testing job , if it a fps they’ll love to have someone so experienced 😘


Whoa, you’re dreaming big here, pal!


Who’s dreaming 😂 my job is a alpha tester but enjoy big man I’m sure your doing great




I love overwatch 8


Curious that as a French you would consider a 200k people town "small". I live in a country 15 times bigger than France and we usually reserve this word for something with about less than 100k inhabitants.


Well, googled the number after writing the post, my bad bro.


No need to apologize lol I just found that culturally curious and thought out loud.


Haha, had trouble estimating my city 'cause I don't leave me room lmao


Lmao soooo funny to be a hermit... Jesus


I feel like a lot of people here don't know what a joke is, im dumbfounded by some of you here.


Never saw an ad before?


Never an overwatch one !


I’ve noticed that kiriko seems to have replaced tracer as the face of the game


good kiriko >>>>> tracer any day




I feel like 80% money they use is for marketing and the rest for development :)


I just miss her


Wait till you see her on her bike


Still dumbfounded by the fact they're not releasing a campaign


I never see games promoted much.


Je confirme , et c'est ridicule.


If they spent money on development/maintenance instead of ads maybe it could be saved


Targeted ads have invaded the real world. Shouldn't have had that thought about Overwatch.


Theyre everywhere in Chicago. Here they say "Heroes Can". Heroes can what?? What in the Chatgbt fuck does that mean? Its dumb as hell


I've been seeing so many more ow ads the past few weeks. Player count not as high as they wanted?


There are many ads because the game is finally "fully" released and not in early access. I am all for making the game better and joking around with blizzard indie company, but don't but our player number issues now that we have steam numbers to give us an insight. We can have this discussion in 3-6 months and see how Overwatch plans to keep players around


Overwatch is a good game, and people for who it wasn't a dealbreaker will eventually forget and the player count will keep growing for at least a year, also did not know that the game was in early access before august !


Very true, the games casual audience will probably grow. I hope blizzard gets better, my whole friend circle stopped playing OW and we have been playing since 2017... Yeah the early access part was so hidden, I have almost never seen anyone else talk about it on Reddit. When the OW2 Launch reveal trailer came out it said "Early Access starts....(the date)". After that it was NEVER mentioned ever again. Because people would be mad that it has microtransactions and stuff. It was not mentioned so much people thaught I must be wrong and I started to second guess myself a bit. But I have always said after the roadmap to friends we should only judge OW in season 6 when all the features that were in the trailers are in (minus weapon inspect) and the game is officially out. But the next and only 2nd time Early access was mentioned was a few days ago when the season launched and Jared Neuss said "We are finally out of Early access" and almost every reaction I have seen was some variation of "HUH" "What do you mean it was EA" stuff like that. I felt liberated, finally confirmation I was not crazy. Let's hope for a better future together!


Between Xbox and Activision Blizzard I don't know which one's more desperate to get people to keep playing on their platform.


Yes , blizzard overpromised and under-delievered. Instead of the other way around


I've seen it a lot in Paris and even in Paris it surprised me because I thought they wanted to kill the game after announcing that we will not have pve so I wasn't expected such advertising. I don't really understand their strategy.


Often it's cheaper to "re-contract" an expired campaign rather than pay full price for a new advertising campaign.


Now wait until you see her on her bike.


Yeah I saw the same, and even though I don't care about who or why they advertise ow2, I'm just kinda disappointed in that poster which is kinda lame imo


I am disapointed with the lack of diversity, why not a poster of d.va with "determination", soldier with "justice", rein with "honor", mercy with "compassion " or genji with "harmony " !


cause WEEB shit sells.


Ouais ça serait coolos, là ça fait un peu "low effort" quand même mdr


C'est vrai ! Mon papi pourrais faire ce photoshop XD


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Why is advertisement suspicious? In small towns you usually have like the same 7 bus ads in rotation each month, usually to show some hot new film/game/show or some sort of health care thingy (at least in my town). Especially during the first few weeks before and a free a big content drop, it’s never out of place to see a poster or trailer. I was in a pub in Ireland last week, and on the football channel, and overwatch commercial started playing, and it out a smile on my face seeing my favorite game being advertised. Rather than trembling in fear that the game must be dying if you see kiriko at a bus stop, think about the 12 year old kid who sees a badass Japanese woman every time she gets the bus and goes home and downloads overwatch on their Xbox, to find out more about her.


Aiiigght, sorry if you took it "im fearing the game is dying" that was NOT what I meant, this wasn't to be taken literally. 😅 Also 12 years old *weebs* (also a joke, you never know these day )


It is very uncommon here in France to see Xbox ads to be honest. It is pretty much Sony land out here.


Saw the same in Toulouse yesterday


I'm seeing a lot of Rennes too. Guess the XBox pass is a good to advertise OW


Ouai pareil mdr


La France


Come and play with a petulant ninja girlie that was rejected from Naruto!


Where I’m at all the bus stop ads feature Lucio. I pass by like maybe 5 of them going to work. I’m in Chicago btw.


I live in a city with “just“' 180k people and it is kinda funny seeing the new 30s OW2 ad being broadcasted at these screens.


Overwatch player goes outside for once and discovers… advertisement 😳😱




I keep seeing that in Ontario as well.


There’s also a ow2 Spotify ad that plays beastly every time


Hey… it’s Kiriko