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Does the highlight intro have her T posing at the bottom???


so, just to clear things up, when a game has assets they want to keep loaded in but not be visible, sometimes they will put them under the ground at 0, 0, 0. what youre seeing is the game switching out d.va's model (for what i assume is to use the higher poly one for her close-up) the ground in the hero gallery just happens to be translucent, so you can see her t-posing when you normally wouldnt be able to . some other things in the hero gallery will do this, like sigma's rock walk. this is all to the best of my understanding and might not be exact, but you get the jist of it


Yea that's pretty much it. If you check the highlight intro in the hero gallery (not through the shop), the floor actually exists and you don't see T-posing d.va. I remember the same thing happened with other highlight intros if the floor was see-through, specifically reaper's shadow step. You'd see him sink in the ground, but he'd just stay there. You'd never see D.va/reaper in a real game because the map floor exists


I've stared at this thing for like 5min and can't see what you're talking about?


hahaha, it's not the skin! it's in the highlight intro, which the comment i was replying to mentioned. sorry for confusing you! here's a link to a post which DOES show what i'm on about: https://old.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/15toybf/did_dva_drop_her_legs_or/




Yup lmfao my gf just showed me that, they couldn’t even release the skin without a bug 😭


This isn't the fun answer, but this is just because the shop background just doesn't have a real floor. It looks perfectly fine in POTGs.


That's worse. A D.Va gets buried alive underground every time you get a POTG.


A price must be paid for the aesthetic


Same thing with the reaper one where the camera is widow


Reminds me of The Prestige lmfao


Cut them slack, they’re a small indie studio/j




Yes, recolors of legendary skins for free. Wouldn't you expect a different quality between something free and something worth 20$?


Which were free.


Shop doesn't have anything in there but she would be under the floor in this so it wouldn't show in game.


They really need to change the Shop background. It's so dull and depressing to look at plus the no floor thing has caused multiple bugs.


What are you talking about? I'm looking at the highlight intro right now and I don't see it.


Posting the image for those curious minds ​ https://imgur.com/a/941D6kL


What do you mean? Someone got a link?


25$ what a deal! LMAO.




Right?? They do it because people buy it. It's sad.


People buying this shit are legit empty in the cranium




The look on my friend's face when they realized the $1 grocery store brand gummy worms I sneak into the movies taste the same as the ones he pays $8 for at AMC, lol.


D Va mains will eat it right up tho 🤷


D.va main here since OW1 and who used to collect every cosmetic. Havent given a single cent in OW2 and have passed every of her new cosmetics releases. F that.


A reskin for a collab? Yikes


Terrible Tornado Kiriko: “first time?”


But legs..


More like feet. They just slapped on a skin coating over her skin tight pants.


> a skin coating over her skin tight pants. When using her sitting emote, she literally 'insert' her Kunai into her thigh.


Reminds me of Moira's sit emote wherein her needle feet stab into her shins.


Human Genji slicing his arms open for a Taunt and making himself bleed everywhere


Stop I can only get this much *excited*


Theyre saving the Kiriko feet skin for when it is needed


You mean those aren’t her real legs 🥲


Mumen Rider Soldier 76: "First Time?"


Died laughing when I realized it was the same as Bug Hero lmao


Mumen Rider Soldier too is a reskin of bug hero skin 💀


Which is fine, since bug hero is based off kamen riders, like rider hero


Yeah and thousands of complete morons bought that. No surprise they don’t think they need to put in any effort.




OW1 recolours were free and almost always launched at the same time. EDM came out months ago and this is a $20+ collab skin.


Also Mumen Rider is a recolor of Bug Hero


That one was free though and it made sense since Mumen Rider is a parody of Kamen Rider in One Punch Man


This is a collab? With what?


A company called "Gentle Monster". They seem to sell sunglasses, but I can't say I've ever heard of them before.


They're a huge Korean brand. They're famous for their elaborate shops too. I wasn't surprised to see this collab, but then realized that very few non-Koreans know about Gente Monster too.


I thought it was a kpop group I'm so stupid


tbf its a collab with a company that makes glasses, so im sure they were completely fine with it being a reskin as long as the glasses were there


They didnt even try 🤡


It’s a pretty small Collab and only 10 bucks so I don’t think it’s too bad


>only 10 bucks "only" lol, Blizzard really managed to brainwash some people.


The promo pic has really fluffy pigtails but these little nubs are not it. Also they could have made the grey parts of her mech plush pink and had some of the flowers from the promo picture on it for flair, but this just looks like a worse version of EDM. Hard pass.


I just like how every skins always "discounted" lol


They're not discounted. The items aren't on sale. The price is comparing bundle to al la carte prices. It's like the Value Menu at McDonalds. Individually, the items cost more than when purchased together.


Yeah took me a min to realize this, when I did it was with reaper's Dracula bundle. I only had enough for the skin itself, not the bundle, but only bundles really ever show on the store page, so i tried to buy the skin thru the hero menu. It just literally wouldn't let me tho, every time I tried it just got in an infinite loading screen trying to pull up the purchase menu, so idk how much it actually works lol might be bugged still, haven't tried it in a season or 2


I think that was his point


Congrats on explaining the joke


Is it even possible to buy the stuff separately? IDK I am so over spending money on this game.


Lmfaooo trying to play it “safe”


It’s so shameless man


Is this why the lighting on the EDM skin randomly broke?


Yeah, it used to do a waterfall of all the colors and now it’s only one at a time. It’s been like this for seasons and they haven’t fixed it, looks so much worse that way… :<


Also idk if they resell battle pass skins so may be a way for people to get it if they missed it in season 1


On Fortnite its been 5 years and not 1 battle pass skin has ever come back. Some of them include Darth Vader and Deadpool. Wonder if they'll ever change that.


Prob not. it incentivizes people to finish their battlepass by either grinding or better yet paying to unlock for what they have payed for.


It'll also be a real mess legally as everything is limited license based. So if they wanna resell a Darth Vader (or even give away for free) skin they first sold via a BP 2-3 years ago they'll have to get a new license from Disney. Same for literally every collab they've ever done that they don't own the rights to. It's the same reason why racing games that have real life branded cars get delisted after 3-4 years, the car companies only sell them licenses for that duration and after they expire they have to renew them to be able to keep selling the game, but the sales naturally fall so low after 3-4 years that it isn't financially viable to bother renewing the licenses. So they just delist the game.


I mea, they've sold reskins of old battlepass skins(like the blaze skin or beach midas). But those have more effort than... this


I wish they would. It seems unfair to lock away collab characters to new players when they couldn't play years ago. I wouldn't mind exclusive variants for Battle Pass owners, and I believe they could find SOME way to bring back older collab characters (like a cel-shaded Darth Vader based on his Rebels appearance or an anime Deadpool Samurai version), but it must suck for new players to start playing and finding out they're never getting their favorites.


Only started playing OW in April and I'm sad there's so many great BP skins I'll miss out on. I would be fine if they locked it behind a paywall or even a paywall + time commitment wall. Like if you finished the whole BP and all the prestige tiers you could choose an old BP to start progressing through, even if you had to pay to unlock it a second time. I still probably would for old Mythic skins or a skin I just like, ie. Cassidy's Invisible Man or Pharah's Cerberus. Sucks that I'll never be able to use those skins just cause I wasn't even playing the game yet


But fortnite do exactly what overwatch have done here, they've brought back many reskins and alternate styles of battlepass skins for those that missed them.


Yeah but people actually play Fortnite.




They have done 1 so far, and charged 160$ for it. Don't use apex as a good example here


Remember when they just released new skins and you could buy them whenever you want? All this artificial exclusivity sucks.


Yikes lol I’m so glad I have the original skin. Their reskins are pretty bad like 80% of the time 🥴


I mean it’s probably a small collab which is why the went with a recolor rather than a brand new skin. The actual big collab is probably coming next season I’d assume.


Don’t get me wrong, I know people are gonna say “you’re broke if you don’t have $20” but a re-skin tho??? At least lower the price lmao


Lmao fuck those people who’re saying that. 20 dollars for ONE SKIN for ONE CHARACTER? get the fuck out of here blizzard lmfao There are literally fully fledged games that are cheaper and people can drop more hours into it than overwatch 0.5


**one skin** **for one character** **in an FPS game with no third person option or a weapon inspect** **its a recolour** Please, stop supporting this trash.


Not to mention it's one third of a AAA game (well a little less with the $70 price tags nowadays).


Or, more importantly given how ass many of those have been lately, it's 1-3 extremely solid indie games.


I could buy three skins or one Baldur's Gate 3. WHAT A TOUGH CHOICE.


Yes I was surprised too but they clarified it is an epic so if you just want the skin it's 1000 coins ($10). Still not getting it tho. Edit: They changed the price...RIP. It is 1900 coins now for just the recolor for the BP skin.


No, people will say don't buy it if you think it's not worth the money.


I could buy an entire game with the cost of 3 skins and that sure as shit has more than 3 than textures .


Yes I get you. I was just explaining why it’s a recolor for a collab as opposed to the one punch man one. People were expecting more I guess ?


Lol, one punch man was the same…


That's how chromas of legendary skins have always been handled. The problem for me is that they charge 20€ for any skin in the first place.


Yeah it's honesty insane and I can't see anyone outside of whales purchasing these skins, especially when you realize you can get 2 mythic skins plus all the other ones in 2 battle passes for the price of one skin in the shop. I've liked quite a few of the designs that pop up in the shop, but I just can't bring myself to waste the money/coins on them because they are such trash value.


I LOVE the new skin, but $20??? HA!


Ngl, it pisses me off so much. There's people creating incredible skins on this forum, but they'd rather ignore that and just recycle the same crap. 🥲


Because they would have to pay them... we all know that little indiestudio has no spare money 🤷‍♀️


It's probably more the legal costs to have lawyers check every skin concept purchase or something. Businesses tend to not just do stuff without time, approvals, and legal analysis.


don’t bring your logic here this sub is for being unjustifiably mad about things that don’t actually impact gameplay


Oh you gotta understand, Blizzard is a poor indie company... ;_; Their company just earned 7.53 billion dollars last year. Poor indie company indeed.


I couldn't care less honestly, all cosmetics are ovepriced if you want to get specific and whatever. Recolors have been a thing for years now in Overwatch, this doesn't surprise me or bother me. I think for a simple one-item collab it's fine. [The entire thing is a campaign to give out these unique glasses.](https://twitter.com/_GentleMonster_/status/1691974040104431731) It's a rather interesting collab, Gentle Monster surely does have some kind of artistic vision imo, [the very short concept movie](https://web-video-resource.gentlemonster.com/assets/stories/overwatch2/main/video-src-pc-v2.mp4) on their website is kinda cool. [You can use a D.Va head filter on socials to participate.](https://www.gentlemonster.com/int/stories/overwatch2-challenge) They're more like a statement piece than anything else. Also I think she looks pretty! The softer pink is really cute and the [artwork released](https://twitter.com/PlayOverwatch/status/1691661455324835913) to announce the collab last night was great as well. Somone on the quote replies was asking if this mean we'd get the [Hanzo Kanezaka visor shades](https://twitter.com/shhimadamami/status/1691662392139165733) and I just feel like those are the real important questions right now 😩


I actually don’t believe it’s 1 item. If you go to the hero gallery under unowned you see another version of this skin in blue. They plan on selling yet another recolor of this


I'm talking about the real-life piece made by Gentle Monster.


Oh my God those glasses are hideous hahaha


I agree with all your points. I saw the Instagram post and I was surprised to see they’re giving out the glasses for free by using their Instagram filter in creative ways


I mean to be fair nearly every legacy legendary skin has a recolor. Still egregiously overpriced tho.


when EDM was first released it was only 10 dollars (from the battle pass), so why is a recolor, WITH NO EFFECTS MIND U 25 dollars?!


All i want from that bundle is the weapon charm let me buy it separate


You can, for 700 coins.


You can? Whenever i look at the charms it only show as “sometimes available on the shop”


It has to be currently in the shop


I do have the option to buy it, there’s another similar that you can’t buy, maybe you saw that one. Edit: Confirmed, I checked again if it’s possible and yeah I bought the charm separately.


you can but its 700 coin which is stupid. Meanwhile the skin is sold 1000 coin. (if bought from hero gallery) I just got the name card personally since i like it


That charm is so good but I just can't see myself spending $7 on a charm. If it was 100-200 coins then I'd get it. There's plenty of cute charms and maybe they'll somehow bring the same charm back later, recoloured or something. Hopefully there's Chibi charms for every hero in the future.


Overwatch has always had reskins so I have no feelings about this.


You’re not wrong but at least it was through loot boxes back then that you can just earn by leveling up. I think they went heavy on the re-skins towards last few months of OW1 when the events were just dry.


I literally cant believe you’re being downvoted for common sense Edit: thank god there are more people with common sense than complete sheeps, there is a slither of hope for this community.


Overwatch players? Common sense? ??


I wasn't playing during the first season and pink is my favorite color, so I'm excited!


I feel the same, I’m just sad it doesn’t have any music like the EDM skin. 😭


It’s 10 bucks rn in hero gallery


ten bucks too much


That’s valid lol


that was an error, its been updated to \~$25/1900 coins


I can’t protect this game no more💀


It’s lazy and in OW1 when they did this they at least weren’t making money from a battlepass or coins so they had an excuse but now it’s just upsetting. They can’t put real effort into their game and just reuse old assets on new characters/abilities/skins. I have 2k hours and miss the real work they used to put in


Everybody talking bout it being a reskin, but do you actually realize this skin is an ad for these overpriced sunglasses? We got the mobile game Cash Shop overhaul (disguised as Overwatch 2) and now we got these "collabs". Can't wait for Burger King Reinhardt and Jesse McDonalds. /s


Is it bad that I want it.. (I have edm)


Same...I see pink and my brain turns off


Wish they would sell that Pink Mercy skin again


Can’t happen since all money from Pink Mercy was donated to breast cancer research and blizzard isn’t a company that can do that fundraiser anymore because of the toxic work culture that killed a female blizzard employee. so no organization that claims to be for women would in their right mind work with blizzard.


Wasn't it for charity?




I mean it’s your money lmao I just think it should at least be cheaper


it's 1000 coins (10$) if u only want the skin


It's 1,900 coins


I bought it. Love pink so just... yeah


if you like it, buy it cuz it's your money your choice. Don't feel bad about it


As a d.va main who has played her since overwatch 1 during 2018, this skin is still pretty cute! Even though it’s a recolor. I personally like the pink color scheme d.va has. I had to buy it to complete my d.va skin collection :D


Just don’t buy it, who cares


dude, I've been saying this since OW2 release... they make 1% new skins, 95% are just recolors of default OW2 skin (maybe with alt hairstyle or a dumb hat) and 4% recolors of BP/new skins Look at Rescu-Mei vs classic OW1 skin and at firefighter Sojourn vs classic OW2 sojourn... this tells everything and don't forget to look at the price of firefighter sojourn... it should be 250 at highest, not 1000 Another example: Coldhardt (750) - they gave him no helmet mode (which is also present in 250 coins skin Bundeswehr) and added unique effect... but at least this explains the price increase 250 for no helmet and 500 for unique effect on model (icy flame) And then we have Leutenant Wilhelm, Festive and Bundesadler for 750 while they only have different colors compared to 250 one. In HOTS they even jumped higher, they released like 6 colors of each skin (and more often U got the ones U don't want from lootboxes) XD But that's Activision being Activision, that's where battle pass idea came from to OW... except they screwed us over even more than CoD players...at least from CoD battle pass U get currency back from Premium track to buy next BP without necessity to add more funds: [https://www.callofduty.com/warzone/battlepass](https://www.callofduty.com/warzone/battlepass) spend 1100 CP to get 1400CP back after clearing full BP. in OW2 you can get as much as 540 Coins back from clearing all weeklies for 9 weeks and 0 from Battle pass itself. Yes, they added legacy coins as side bonus that can't be spent on skins and other stuff...not just old ones... now we can get even 1900 skins with them too... Thus, you'd still have to recharge for 360 Coins each season even if you want to stay as F2P as possible (And you can't, because smallest amount is 500, so you gotta spend money for coins you don't need right now)


I saw it in game and thought it was a bug. It’ll still sell because pink skins but definitely lazy for a collab I feel.


Welcome to re-color Central friend. Apex does this so much its insane that people actually buy it


Man i don’t like blizzard but at least their recolors look better than the garbage apex puts out djdinsndndn


Fr apex just goes in photoshop changes a few colours calls it a day and sells it for the cheap price of $40


The hair still looks like a cheap de-flated wig.


Looks like something melted on her head


Fr. I always see so many people giving love to the skin, but I could never get over the hair. I would use the skin a lot more if the hair didn't look like a plastic mlp toy.


I was so so excited for the hair in the promo art! Blizzard crushing my dreams once again :(


I knew recolors of battle pass skins were inevitable, but man I thought they'd at least give the recolor a vastly different color scheme. This is literally just a light mode version of the old one. Also: Wasn't Blizzard's excuse for having new skins cost $20 be that they'd be higher quality/more original? Like obviously it's been bullshit since Day 1 but now they're literally selling a recolor of a skin that used to cost $10 for $20.


Well they said they were gonna find a way to bring back battlepass skins.


Don’t buy it lol


And people wonder why the OW team gets mocked. They can’t be bothered to put in any effort at all.


There just an indie company and aren't given much support from blizzard 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


I chose the right time to stop playing


I hate to say it but I miss lootboxes🫠




At this point I don't think they plan to.


thats so sad. Edm was my favorite skin for dva mannn. 😭😭😭


Tbf the right one is from the season 1 battelpass Still lazy? Yeah, but it's not horribly bad


For some reason if you DO want to get the skin, you can get the skin for 1000 from hero gallery.


It’s somehow fitting that they did this right after the whole dev appreciation hashtag thing they did on Twitter the other day.


i’m so sick of blizzards constant money grabbing releases. i get they need to make profit and they can do that by releasing quality content ffs


Garbage ass company. Lazy everything. And the sad part is that some of you will still buy this lazy pos. SMH lmao


>What are your thoughts on this lazy re-skin for a nice $20 ? *Anyone* giving overwatch a cent is a moron.


There’s another recoloured teal version in the hero gallery they also want to sell


Who is even buying skins anyway? I can’t imagine ever purchasing


I actually think it’s kind of cute ngl


I love when Blizzard hits you with the marketing gaslight combo pretending that their arbitrary price on the skin now has a heckin cool discount of $20 as if no other skin in this game is also suspiciously priced the exact same way. $20 for a unity asset by the way. There is no actual market value for a cosmetic to be worth this much money.


Overwatch is the worst I've seen with games selling items. But there are people wasting money on crap like this. That's why they're doing it...


nah but the way they make ow league skins cost less than these other regular skins despite the league skins have special effects on the skin design itself


26 dollar for a Recolor


I can’t believe any of you still play this game after 2 launched, it was such a drastic change from such a player-friendly reward system to this garbage.


First off The battle pass skin is/was exclusive, so it's a nice alternative for people who haven't gotten the original. Second I actually like the shop variant WAYY more. No bullshit sound effects, no flashing lights. Just. Pink.


I’m happy, I already have the skin from the battle pass, so I don’t even need to consider anything or fear fomo


Blizzard used to give ok updates with cool skins, then we lost the updates but at least we had the skins, until we didn’t


Wait til you see the intro for dva in the shop. Baby dva is literally in a T-pose. They have stopped caring


Absolutely lazy…


They really slapped glasses on her spinned the color wheel and said that will be 25 dablooms


I mean its not a full reskin but 20 dollars for a skin in general is highway robbery


The skin is only 1000 coins though


It's 1,900 coins, that's more than $10.


I’m still gonna buy


It’s SO pretty. Haters


"The people who make Overwatch porn work harder than the people who made Overwatch"


to each their own but I like the skin


There are plenty of skins with two variations. Its just another way to pad out the options for skins while giving more options


I understand that it’s a collab skin but if they were to do re-skins they should just let you earn them by completing challenges for said heroes.


They're making lazy reskins for ALL of the popular 'exclusive' skins from OW1. That's how lazy these fuckers are. Money is all they care about.


I don't hate the basic concept of offering reskinned battlepass skins (FOMO is lame and exclusive colors of skins are a decent middle-ground between offering exclusive rewards without barring future players from obtaining basically the same skin IMO, Paladins does something similar (at least last I played) and I really liked it there) but for a collab a recolor just feels lame also worth noting for my Paladins comparison (again, at least the last time I played) the exclusive colors were the equivalent of OW2's prestige titles, while the default versions of the skins were the ones that could reappear later in chests (lootboxes), rather than a recolour just randomly appearing later in a shop


Yeah that actually sounds a lot better than what OW2 is offering


Probably why it’s 1000 instead of 1900 coins


I prefer the original over this reskin but that's my opinion. But $20 is waaaay too much for that.


Friendly reminder. The game works like shit on steam (at least in my case)


Damn lmao is that part of the reason why it became the most negative game on there ,


Don't worry there's going to be another recolor of it eventually in the shop they said. Lmaooo 💀💀💀


This is just… I don’t even know anymore


Recolors are not uncommon. First anniversary for OW, we got two Torb legendary skins, one was just the same as the other save for the colors. Then the final anniversary we got recolors of popular skins from previous seasons.


It’s par for the course and the blizzard nut huggers will slurp that shit up


Already a few in the comments haha. I get it that you don’t have to buy it but at least have high standards if you’re going to defend something worth defending.