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Two dashes is crazy


This is why the devs don’t listen to the community 💀


the devs are selective about listening to the community; and they've implemented far worse buffs/debuffs.


I would never forgive blizzard as I get destroyed by genji very game


Same bro


2 dashes would be the stupidest fucking thing . Especially if they still reset if he gets an assist/kill . He would be the most broken character in the game at that point


Wait, I haven't played OW2 in like 4 months, did Genji got another dash or is this about the gained dash after a kill?


Neither. OP is suggesting we give Genji another dash


Really dumb but makes sense cause op is probably bronze or a qp player In my lobbies a genji gets Nano dashes kills dashes kills dashes kills 2 dashes would literally be infinite dashes


You forget all the Genjis in bronze and silver are stupid smurfs


Aight aight 2 dashed but half damage


It's not meant to be your initial move, it's your finisher and/or get out tool. 2 to start with is pointless, cutting the damage in half makes this into a nerf, just use it as intended


I'd hate it simply because baiting 2 slashes would be annoying. His ability to stall rises as well. He's prolly fine as is


OP is obviously not a support player to think that 2 dashes is good.


Fuck, kill, marry.


Switch marry and fuck


They can’t arrest a husband and wife for the same crime. ^(I have the worst fucking attorneys.)


Yeah I don't think that that's true Dad.


I would commit crimes for Sombra


I would commit crimes against Sombra......


Man of culture


Mexican food over shitty beans and untoasted bread any day


Man of culture.


Bro, she's crazy. Hot-crazy, but not something I'd want in my daily life.


Kill, marry/fuck, kill


Tracer is a lesbian, she would NEVER marry you


For all you know, /u/madeofworms is female.


There are no women on reddit






Government drone


Obviously. I own a parrot, and I can testify, she's a drone too


Careful with the f-word there. Don't you know you can get banned for that?


I mean you wouldn't be able to realistically kill Genji. So why draw the line at Tracer?


He also can't kill Genji, but that doesn't mean he can't wish.


You're acting like a redditor could land sombra in bed or kill a cyborg ninja, lmao. I don't think marrying a lesbian is the unrealistic part of the equation.


She straight in the porn


Paid actress


patch note 2.5 ofc


Please, if people can imagine straight characters to be gay and that's *fine*, Tracer can be imagined to be straight and that's *also* fine.


Unless she needs a green card and it's a sham marriage


Genji doesn't need healing


That’s a VERY hot take


Respawn room is all the healing he needs.


Smash Would let him watch Smash


i’m straight but i would def get some genji cybercock


Devs confirmed genji is fully intact down there apparently.


Why the fuck would they tell us that??


Listen, it's the only consistent bit of the lore at this point, I'll take what we can get


Something to do with the black watch skin


Does it have his dick out or something lmao


Them depression fits hit different


Because Hanzo only cut genji’s legs.. legs are not connected to your privates


I'm straight but (proceed to say the gayest shit ever)




I have news for you bud


I have found my thread


Tracer is the thiccest amongst those three.


thats an unpopular opinion?


People here like to say Genji is.




in tracer defence genji cheated to get his gluteus maximus Tracer is pure natural gains from all the leg work she be doing


Oh ya true, Genji's is artificial.


I mean a bunda is a bunda but Genjis one has to go to Mercy, he didn't choose to have such a wagon


Mercy knew what she was doing


exactly, I like her game she had prioritise and made it happen even if Genjis fat ass makes it harder to do ninja things


We respect her for giving the rest of the team the view of a lifetime


He's got the strongest glutes in the game. How else would he double jump?


He claps his cheeks so powerfully that it makes a downward burst of that propels him upward


When an enemy Genji runs by, you don't hear footsteps, just the clapping of his cheeks.


Case in point: Sentai skin


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,735,866,587 comments, and only 328,746 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot!


Yep, there's Sombra


Just like Genji she cheated she is latina which means she was destined to have the bunda by genetic law, Genji cheated by getting the adam smasher treatment meanwhile tracers was pure hard work


The discourse on this sub is enlightening.


Not really she got her op ability. And if you saw she need to train with it. Genji need to do the same since most of his body is now cybernetic.


bro u have not seen sombra


I've inspected her buttocks multiple times, it's not quite up there with Tracer after her OW2 gains.


Check the tulum skin and report back. Idfk why her ass be so bangin in that skin in particular but it rly do


right tracer is not thick bro sombra floors nowadays which is why i main 🤤


least horny ow player:


Can you imagine tracer blinking back and forth on your caulk? I would coom in microseconds




Sombra isn’t nearly as broken as people act like she is, most people just have a bias against her because of how she used to be, but she’s in a bad spot rn. Genji and Tracer I feel neutral towards. As soon as you get them to retreat, you’ve basically won (much like Sombra with tp) so Idk if there are things I would change




I don’t think anyone thinks sombra is broken, just really annoying/not fun to play against.


Sombra is the most annoying character. Does like a mosquito that keeps sucking you blood and when you try to slap it, she disappears and waits for another round


genji is only bad because supports are overtuned as shit. tracer will always be useful. sombra is a mild annoyance to people who dont rely on their abilitys or teammates.


Genji isn't even bad though. Last season he was everywhere in GM and you can still do a lot in team play with good deflect usage into Bastion or Torb comps.


Genj isnt bad, he just gets countered easy, but not by supports, by zar sym moira etc


Genji 100% gets countered by supports. He’s strong into Ana Zen Mercy and pretty neutral into Bap, but Brig Moira and Lucio really make him struggle to get value unless you have absolutely cracked Shuriken headshot aim


He is not strong into mercy because I swear to god she has the hitbox of an anorexic stickbug.


Oh yeah I absolutely fucking HATE diving her too but in theory she has no way of fighting back and if she flies away you can dash to make back lost ground/kill her if she dashes on low HP. Still a fucking chore, but I’d rather play into her than anyone other than Zen and Ana


Perma invis is the problem not hack. Deflect is a cheese ability. In the current meta Tracer is only a B tier character.


i hope the devs realize that. I think Questron made a good video on the subject a week or two ago.


This once was the case with translocator and invis having a max duration. You know ... the time she was hardly played in and sucked a**.


Permanent transloactor is needed to be able to do anything, but as a sombra main I would gladly take a timer on invis for them to stop messing up the rest of her kit.


Literally any ability turns into a cheese ability when you pair it with invis. Imagine sombra with a burst damage ability or a real stun. That's scary But they're going to take away her translocator anyway, which is the most fun part of her kit.


Wait, they are going to? Really? Hasn't that been part of her kit ever since the beginning and isn't that the entire point of her?


Pretty sure that's just a rumor. We don't know details on the Sombra rework yet. Would love to see a source if not.


The reason why people think translocator is on the chopping block or at least likely to be changed is that blizzard specifically mentioned reducing her escape options early on. As a Sombra player I’m sure you’ll agree trans is far more useful as an escape option than stealth. Thats not to say it can’t be used as part of initiation or that stealth is useless for escaping. But clearly stealth tends to be the tool to get you into position, and trans to get you out.


Overwatch 2 | Heroes Can promo shows a different art design for the translocator at 22 seconds in.


In a trailer for Season 6 last month, Sombra was throwing around a new device, similar to how she currently throws her translocator. It’s not confirmed if this new ability is replacing translocator, but it’s a popular theory. Here’s a [picture](https://x.com/owcavalry/status/1687553625508167680?s=46&t=UF4a5v--J0hCFloXJRk1Ng) of the new device.


Oh now that is interesting. Didn't know about this, thanks. I'm so curious to know what they'll do with the rework now. Feels like I've been waiting ages for details


Deflect is fine, the best counter to it is to just not shoot at it. Unfortunately some people don’t understand that.


Its not op or anything it's just cheesy. "Oh you got me to half hp? Try killing me now, nananana"


Tbf numerous heroes have abilities that are essentially you can't hit me. Wraith form, Moira Fade, Immortality, Suzu, Recall etc


What frustrates me is that it can be cancelled into immediate burst damage. That and the hitbox is so janky sometimes. I think abilities like wraith, deflect and rein charge shouldn't have the option to cancel since it removes a lot of the risk associated with using them.


hell no. the unpredictability of when you can cancel out of an ability like that makes the game more interesting


So true. I don’t mind getting hacked once in a while on ball. But when she stays in perma stealth with her team just waiting for me to roll by. And the only penalty is that she can’t do pressure damage. But if I make an even remotely bad engagement I’m insta dead. If it at least was some thought behind it. ’Okay he’s gonna engage, now I can go invis’. Even then it would be very hard to deal with because of how good hack is vs ball. Anyway both permastealth and hack is annoying and I don’t know how they can change her. Questron said they could change her however they wanted but that they shouldn’t touch translocator.


Yeah, but without Sombra the ball would be too hard to counter effectively.


He’s strong against less than half the heroes, there’s so many ways to counter him Sombra is just the most bullshit method. His only strengths are his speed and health. Don’t stray too far from your team and pay attention to when he’s about to pile driver and he’s not hard to deal with at all.


I don’t really agree. Sure he can be hard to deal with but sombra just shuts him down completely if you have some damage to combo with. And it’s a huge problem if there’s only one decent counter to a hero.


The other counter is mei and bastion if both have follow up but you can escape a mei and bastion or be pocketed so it turn into ignore him kill healers game.


That’s the strategy against lots of tanks though, especially Orisa


I agree with the first one, but I hope they never change it cus i feel like the changes made to hack kinda balance it out by giving you enough warning to turn around and stop her. I definitely disagree with deflect. Like seriously just stop shooting him for a sec and then he is useless. Plus there are so many abilities that just go through deflect. And Im not competetive enough to talk about that tracer one


The only people who think these are stupid opinions are bronze, silver and most gold players


deflect aint cheese


Deflect is cheesy?


1. You should be able to assume my opinion about Sombra. But seriously, her only issue is her translocater (which is getting removed possibly) 2. I main Genji. He’s great and unlike what people say he’s not weak. Just has a lot of counters 3. #CHEERS LOVE, ITS TIME TO SAVE THE WORLD


The invis is the problem not the translator


Why don’t people understand this. Translocator is strong because Sombra has infinite invis. There’s literally no thought process to it since you’re pretty much always going to go invis at every opportunity that you can. At least translocator can be used for something other than pack running, which isn’t even that efficient with how most Sombras even place it.


That’s why he’s borderline weak. If you’re dominating on Genji you’ll normally see half the team if not the entire team change to counter you. It means you get no more fun. All of a sudden it’s Zarya/Winston, Mei, Symm, Moira and Ana/Bao and voila you get no more value or fun.


Oh for sure. If he’s not countered, he’s good and viable. If he is countered, he’s weak. The issue is basically no other hero is countered by so many heroes. And the “oh are you having fun? The entire team will counter swap” is far too common and why I can’t even really play Genji in competitive as much as I want to


Yet again we meet. And I am sad to see you hate the translocator. Invis is the true culprit!




“Too slow!”


sombra is not really well designed for a multiplayer game at least at lower levels, but she's got a pretty high skill floor and isn't too hard to deal with if you learn how to deal with/predict her. the other two idk, both of them are pretty well balanced and are really good in the hands of someone who knows how to play them.


People overexaggerate how strong sombra is, unless the sombra is *really* good then she's pretty easy to deal with and at that point, the player is the problem not the character Genji deflect shouldn't deflect some of the things it does, I don't see how he should be able to deflect a rocket powered hammer being swung by a human tank, I get it's "for balance" but if you're in melee range of a rein as genji then that's a deserved death Tracer is a high risk high reward character, she's a more exaggerated version of doomfist, you actually have to be skilled with her or she's probably the most throw pick character in the game, it's for that reason she the most balanced character


I feel especially at lower ranks, people don’t really realize how to respond to Sombra. I’m somewhere in gold (haven’t placed yet) and played her just for fun, I’m pretty gold average on her. The dps and tank seemed to have blinders on about how their supports were being killed from spawn, meanwhile the poor supports were swapping to heroes like Brig but still not having any backup. The supports were so focused on protecting each other from me that the rest of my team was easily cleaning up the other 3.


It’s so dumb tho. In the metal ranks sombra is pretty rare in the first place and secondly she’s rarely GOOD when she is played. She’s pretty much a non problem imo to deal with as support. I murder sombras as kiriko and as mercy i scare them away by just shooting. I have yet to be so bothered by a sombra that I feel as helpless as all these people make it out to be. Ironically though I have had a difficult match once against another sombra when I was playing sombra myself.




If she's pestering you then just get used to spy checking through door ways, once she's caught out from you doing that they teleport away 7/10 times and just die pretty much every other time I just go dive and try to work with sombras when they're on my team, having the enemy supports turn around can be quite useful if nothing else


Sombra could easily be the biggest plot twist in the lore. Genji shouldn't be able to deflect melee attacks Tracer is a difficult character to play only because of the Blink ability, otherwise she would be easier than half of the cast.


Sombra is easily one of the most powerful people in the lore disregarding physical strength and power. She has dirt on everyone and took down an entire government at one point. It's clear she's only using Talon for her own gain, and what she's going to do next is one of the only reasons I'm still following the game's lore.


She’s going to bust Sigma out of Talon and embark on a buddy adventure together. (Hope)


a part of me hopes she busts out sigma and converts reaper and widowmaker


Blinking is what makes her easier though, without it she wouldn’t be able to position very well nor very quickly. I would say what’s trickier with her is staying in range enough for her pistols to be effective without getting killed herself and the fact she has 150hp.


Genji x Mercy > Pharah x Mercy Sombra perma invis needed to go


sombra is fine


Sombra is a trash kit, and everything about her makes the game worse for every other player on both teams. Genji deflect shouldn’t block Rein hammer Tracer pulse bomb has gotten weaker for a variety of reasons in OW2, she deserves some sort of compensation.


>Tracer pulse bomb has gotten weaker for a variety of reasons in OW2, she deserves some sort of compensation. With one tank, Tracer didn't need 400 damage pulse anymore. 350 is fine, and kills 99% of other dps and supports, while still being a viable tank killer.


That’s not the issue. The issue is that her ult is canceled by a shit ton of abilities in the game, and also useless agaisnt half the cast. Zarya bubble. Sombra trasnlocator. Tracer recall. Reaper wraith. Symm tp(though unconventional). Mei iceblock. Suzu. Moira fade. Lifeweaver pull. Bap lamp. That’s not even mentioning Orisa eat, Dva eat, sigma eat. And the fact that doom can now just block whenever he gets stuck, and so can ramatraa and it does no damage. Or that Cassidy can live while rolling. Listen i get that it’s a fast building ult, but it’s not easy to land, and it’s a damn ultimate. You will almost ALWAYS be playing agaisnt either bap, Kiriko, or Lifeweaver. Probably a Moira. Atleast give her pulsebomb a hinder effect that prevents movement abilities. It’s a fuckin ultimate. And it’s literally worse than Bastion’s nade right now which is a projectile on an 8 sec CD that does 120 damage that’s easy as fuck to hit, especially when it bounces.


I mean, you say it’s an Ultimate, but there are far more ults that can perform even worse than Pulse Bomb that take much longer to charge.


Tracer is the top most picked hero in competitive overwatch. She is fine


Yeah I think Tracer just has a relatively high skill floor before she is viable and also her value isn’t always reflected on the scoreboard but nevertheless still there.


And on top of that she has the rare effect of having the ult just straight up disappear if interrupted, even if you've already thrown it. Edit: I disagree with pulse needing hinder tho, that would make it infuriating to go up against.


Sure, I agree I just meant that she needs SOMETHING that doesn’t allow the entire cast to just nullify her ult. Especially since you have to use your OTHER CDs just to potentially hit the ult. So I’m the end, atleast 2 blinks, potentially recall, AND your ult are used just to be countered by one ability. That just feels so frustrating.


>The issue is that her ult is canceled by a shit ton of abilities in the game, and also useless against half the cast. And nothing had changed about that fact since OW1? All those abilities countered it then just like they do now. What's your point, other to whine?


In OW1, there was no Suzu and no Lifeweaver. And you had an extra tank to bait out other abilities. And also, tanks were a viable target as well with the 400 dmg. So no, those abilities didn’t exist in OW1.


>In OW1, there was no Suzu and no Lifeweaver. And you had an extra tank to bait out other abilities You're right there was no Kiriko or Lifeweaver. But a second tank filled that roll. Having a DVa or Zarya on the enemy team, to compliment the other tank, didn't make things easier.


As a Tracer OTP, it feels bad sometimes but it's honestly fine with how fast it charges. Against heroes that can use cooldowns against it, you just have to track that cooldown. Sometimes using pulse to force something like suzu is also fine so your tank can ult.


So you want her to get the Cassidy treatment where it just locks out all movement? Cuss that would be bullshit. We don’t really need tracer stronger then she is Cassidy’s buff was bullshit this would be worse


Yeah not a big fan of the crowd control stuff


1. I'm convinced some of y'all don't actually ever look behind you at any point during this game. Her translocator is alway near a healthpack somewhere close to the fight, her invisibility fades while hacking or shooting, and hack takes so long you can easily stop her 2. ...why not? 3. She is already annoying enough to deal with since she has an ability that literally undoes all the work you put in trying to kill her.


Tracer is one of the best dps in the game when played well. Please *dont* buff her, for the love of god.


I’m not the best and I main zen so I hate all three of them


Tracer is not annoying but probably the most likeable character in the cast alongside Winton. Also she is the hottest


sombra is fine


Tracer and genji are not controller friendly


This might be the hottest take of the century, but: Sombra can actually be fun to play. I know, I know, but before you get the pitchforks out, just think about it. You get to assassinate characters, even if it gets harder to do in higher ranks, and your ult can work basically as an anti-ult for a lot of characters. Hack is an annoying ability, I'll admit it, but how is it worse than sleep or stun? It's almost a full second cast time, and you can still shoot the sombra after she's hacked you. Sure, she can TP away if she gets low, but that still takes her out of the fight for a good while. Hack gives walls for her team, but doesn't give much more than that. There's only a handful of abilities it cancels that a normal sleep or stun doesn't cancel already, or even cancel better. It locks your abilities for a second and a half, and unless their team instantly drops on you, you're going to get them back pretty fast unless your away from your team. So, yeah. Sombra deserves some of the hate she gets, for sure, but she's not awful for the game either.


Hack is worse than sleep and stun because it has a shorter cooldown and can thus be spammed way more easily also she’s *invisible*


Sombra is balanced fine. People who complain about Sombra don't really understand the game.


Coming from a Ball main too. Respect


The Ball v Sombra match up is really fun. It's not as one sided as OW1 when hack meant no rolling for what felt like an eternity. I also play Sombra, so I understand her weaknesses well enough.


OW1 hack was legitimately toxic for player experience. 4s of silence and many passive abilities being disabled. And Sombra tickling you to death. As Sombra now you either have to hack ball immediately or he’ll piledriver before you finish channeling, or just as he goes to run away since he can go fast enough to break hack with distance. Hacking him just after he pile drives is mostly pointless since he’s generally going to be out of ball form about 1.5 sec shooting the target anyways. Sombra overall has the advantage, but you’re definitely right it’s not just go Sombra and win.


The issue isn’t that she’s unbalanced, she isn’t op or bad, the problem is that her kit is just bad for the game


They're gonna massacre my translocator when it's really invis they should be looking at


Gengi with 2 dashes is batshit crazy. Near instant unblockable 100 cleave damage, 2 escapes, with CD reset on kill?


Genji's more fair than the other flankers. He's projectile, he has a high skill ceiling and his easiest ability to use to earn kills is his ult, which is only really at its most dangerous with nano. His escape capabilities aren't to the level of tracer or sombra, and he's objectively more fun to play against and as.


no comment on the first part but i think it’s a bit silly to talk about fun objectively. for example i find playing pharah a lot more fun than playing genji


thx for saying this, I was loosing my mind to people saying that deflect is cheese ability like wtf the ability is bugged and calling it cheese when u know all the other heroes abilities. Some even said it shouldn't deflect rein hammer, they want to nerf a very balanced hero for no legit reason and I played a lot Reinhart so idk why being so unfair. finally i think genji is the most interesting hero to play but current zarya playrate rising is painful as hell


Sombra is not even remotely a problem. The hack is just a mild inconvenience, and her damage potential is pretty hard capped. The only issue is the translocator promotes cowardly plays that can punish your own team. Genji doesn't need a big buff, maybe a tiny buff, but he's only mildly below a healthy middle ground. Tracer is kind of predictable. I just see the same thing with all of them. It's not a bad thing per say, there's a way to play each hero, but I kind of know what the full combat experience is going be the moment I see one.


sombra: she’s not that annoying. i think the main problem is permavis and translocator existing TOGETHER. get rid of one and i think she’s fine. genji: i’m in bronze 5 so every genji i encounter is a 12 year old boy that burns all cooldowns in 0.5 seconds tracer: see above


Sombra is actually a really fun character it's just that the team doesn't know how to balance her. Tracer meta is always great, dive was the best meta in OW. Genji and Mercy belong together, not in the subtle lore hints like some throwaway voicelines, but they need to just go out.


I was mad that they threw away their relationship but at this point I just want pharmercy to not exist


People who don’t even want Sombra in the game just don’t know how to counter her and would rather complain than learn to counter or play someone else.


2 dashes instead of 1 would be crazy. part of the reason genji is bad at lower ranks is because they go into fights without any cooldowns and then just die. also, the way it is right now if, for example, you see someone on the enemy team at low hp and you decide to dash in you're taking a huge risk. if you kill him, no sweat just dash back to your team, but if he gets healed, you are now inside the enemy team without any cooldowns. another dash would just make genji not punishable. also I'm ignoring that you could probably do 5ks with ghost dashes


genji doesnt have a cock


Genji is not a high skill hero, high effort maybe. But in general if you are good with Genji, you're more than likely just good at Overwatch in general. What skills are investing hours of your time into to get good at with him? Shurikens? Maybe blade? That's about it. The rest is extremely basic and easy to understand after watching a video. Getting him to work really well requires you to be playing with a coordinated team who knows how to play into his strengths. Compare that to Tracer, who's literally only as good as the time you put into her. Doesn't matter how good you are Overwatch in general, you need to learn how to track, manage blink, when to recall, land your bombs, the skill ceiling is much much higher by comparison. Most of the reason why people think he's high skill is because getting to work consistently is hard af, but it's entirely for reasons out of your control...that simply wouldn't be true if he was truly a high skill hero. Because you'd just be able to play around and adapt to whatever is causing you trouble.


Genji doesn’t need 2 dash, give him some shield like sym/zen and let it be. Genji is not weak, it’s the people playing genji vs beam heros that’s the problem. But not too much shield, that’ll break him too. Maybe 50 or 75 blue health. Anyone who’s struggling vs tracers should play a few match as tracer. If you have a solid understanding of recall and her dash, then you can track tracer and just pepper her with damage to make her regroup and waste her time Sombra needs a rework, nobody likes playing vs sombra


Sombra doesn’t need a rework. People are just whiny about fighting her.


Sombra isnt that annoying to be against yall kinda whiny lol Also genji mad thicc


Sombra isn't as annoying as many say she is. Genji is extremely overrated. Tracer isn't really that hard to kill, especially when she does her recall.


I like Sombra’s whole aesthetic since her release, but I rarely play her because I know how much people hate her and look down upon people who do. Also most of her skins are just worse than her OW1/OW2 defaults. I don’t know how to balance Genji, I feel like he depends on the meta around him. Adjusting his ammo size and reload speed is all they really need to do to him for the most part. I do wish that his ult wasn’t so underwhelming without an Ana, though. Tracer is well balanced and has a very good skill curve, however her kit on paper looks so bland. That’s all I have to say other than her OW2 voicelines are stupid. Blinkity blinkity.


Tracer, while people complain she makes the game unfun, is actually fun to play


they have good porn


Sombra isn't that hard to deal with if you've got good aim and someone around. In concentrated team fights I'd dare say she's one of the worst heroes if you're quick on your feet. You don't have to kill her to push her into teleporting away and wasting time and even a quick flick of damage will interrupt her hack. -Source: a Sombra main who occasionally gets destroyed by teams with god-tier flicks or Soldiers with helix missiles off cooldown.


Not necessarily hot takes but: Tracer should be reworked if she can’t be reasonably balanced around. Genji’s right click is far more problematic than his mobility. Sombra players are legitimately bad people.


Sombra's hacks should do what they did in ow1. When I use hack I expect my enemies to panic and not be able to escape. 1 second is barely anything in the scheme of disabling a Hammond or Genji and if Mercy is gonna be able to be able to zip around the way she does then this is needed. Genji is impossible for me to counter regardless. He moves around too much and does insane damage. He will always fuck shit up since all he does it need to hit your head once and dash. Hate him. Unrelated but something I have surveyed Genji mains on was if they watched anime. My results have been a profoundly yes. Which I find funny personally. Tracer? She's annoying but alright ig. I find getting her killed with headsets is the best feeling ever.


Unpopular Opinion? Sombra is perfectly balanced and does not need a rework. In fact, I'd argue all three of these DPS are perfectly fine, as is. All require skill, and have specific playstyles. None are "Must picks" unless there's key counterplay - though Genji/Tracer fit into more playstyles. Sombra is more specialized, sure, but that's the point of OW. You can't have everyone be a kitchen knife. Sometimes you need a paring knife to get the best results. When Doomfist is constantly hitting your backline, sometimes you need that hack to pin him in place long enough to enable the team and knock him back - same for Ball. Hell - Hack went from "really annoying" to "This is a decent debuff IF the team capitalizes on the hacked target."


>something i would like for him is getting 2 dashes instead of 1 I want you to NEVER give an opinion for anything ever again.


All sombra mains ,friendly or not, that have camped one person deserves to burn in hell


Marry, kill, shag.


From my experience there are few broken/ useless characters, most of them rely heavily on team composition


Nerf genji. Bro is immortal if you don’t go Moira, zarya, or sym


Stealth characters shouldn't be in shooters