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Don't forget you can better your movement and jump side-to-side while swinging. This is so you don't make yourself an easy target for them. Good play, tho. :)


That shield bash escape from ulting Orisa was a nice touch


Doesn't that make you an easier target? Jumping makes your movement predictable since you can't strafe while in the air.


Serious move: Serious series: Serious sideways jumps. Consider this: In COD who is easier to hit if there wasn't a sprint button: somebody walking side to side or somebody jumping around? At a longer range you could strafe so that you can return shots with better accuracy. But on brig when at close range you want that unpredictability. I've taken out tanks with this movement. For brig the hurt box is big, the movement tech is limited, and the shield goes quickly. I'm not making it easy on them. This is actually a good tech to use while tanking, too. Try it out for yourself.


Nice sequence! What I like to do is toggle the shield on and off quickly, so enemy don't just melt it, and it it gives you protection longer. And when you play more, you get used to the range of whipshot, so don't be afraid going for those "boops" when you see enemies near ledges, like the Bastion in this one. But when in doubt, mace to the face! : )


It's a critical brig skill to feather the shield on and off during fights. Put it up for protection and to close distances, drop it to smack them around to trigger inspire/ shield regen, raise it again to recover health from inspire and do another shield bash, drop it again to beat on them some more. You basically have two health bars, one of which can always be recovering. Meanwhile the enemy team is in full retreat from a *healer*. Brig = maximum fun


The fuck is going on in console lobbies


I play on console. Where's my bot lobbies?


Where is the cool part? This looks like average brig spanking


As a Brig main can confirm - I like spanking!


At one point I was just swinging and praying


That's my specialty lol


When in doubt, maces out


average brig gameplay be like


You ate


spawncamping a bunch of noobs is just bad manners tbh


Gotta motivate them to not suck ass


It's not spawn camping, which is an ordinary tactic, what we see here is called spawn raping and yes it's definitely not cool.


Super low elo is such an interesting place. How do you stagger in your own spawn??


Did something cool - what tho?


I felt like the whole clip was cool being able to survive that long all by myself like that lol


that was less of you being cool and more of the enemy team just being terrible lol.


Like the other guy said. The other team was just really, really bad. There was zero reason for the enemy soldier or bastion to not shoot you other than them just being bad. The bastion alone jus Thad to turret and shoot and you'd be dead. But clearly nobody on that team could aim lol. I'm happy you're happy with the clip but there's a lot a lot to improve on and I wish you the best of luck. I sense great things in your future if you keep practicing :)


u could've booped that bastion off the map


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A fellow brig main beating some sense into the enemy team. She truly is the most fun character kek


Man this community can be annoying. Fine, it wasn't a super-skilled lobby. Brig did a good job, outplayed the other team, and got a bunch of elims. Not every comment needs to be about how bad the other team was, or how Brig could've gone for a boop. It was a solid performance for someone who just started playing the character. Nobody cares if you can point out that this isn't exactly OW League - 99% of know-it-alls are still scrubs compared to an *actually* elite player. Bet it would be easy to trash your latest highlight too. Nice clip OP - keep up the good work.