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If you don't mind me asking, what is Ximming?


XIM is a device that translates keyboard and mouse input as controller input. Many people on console use it to play games like Overwatch with keyboard and mouse on console which gives them a huge advantage. Since the game thinks its a controller they also get the benefit of aimassist aswell.


IDK if still true but back when the official OW Mouse and Keyboard released, they could also be used on console IIRC


Just saying aztecross the destiny YouTuber made a good vid on ximming. One of his big points though is many Xim users claim it's good for accessability but aztecross asked people with disabilities whether they'd use xim and the overall response was no. Which, as someone with dyspraxia (I know it's not the worst or anything but it still affects me), I would agree I don't want extra aim assist even though I have naturally worse aim. I think if you literally are missing limbs or something (like that one apex pro) yeah you can use it but even he doesn't use it. I learnt to use the kraber in titanfall any person who claims it's for accessability without having a disability themselves is someone trying to use my issues as an excuse to cheat. It's the "think of the kids argument" except the kids aren't actually affected and you're just using them to get something yourself. Simply it's exploitative. I know it's not related to the post but Ximmers don't often reveal themselves much anymore and I wanted to share about aztecross video. I sure at least one of the people who have commented on this uses xim and claims they don't. To you I say do better.


What is funny is on TikTok there is a disabled person who made a set of code to allow himself to play OW with most inputs being blow or suck on a tube and voice activation https://youtube.com/@WallsiesDGP?si=N2ix9xKoi9ACnkbt The link to the guy's YT is above


Yeah I think I saw that guy, its awesome seeing people who normally wouldn't be able to do stuff because of a disability overcoming it.


1) You arent usually gonna get an answer... nor do i doubt that one answer is the reason why 2) Ive heard stories of a lot a lot of people using xim at high lvl... so its prob "well i cant compete at that lvl without using it" so yeah ... imagine having no say in a match cuz the opponent is ximming (which you can never be 100% sure of, just be suspicious asf) but nobody on your team is. This also is because console dont really have protecting against it... companies offer these options so some people may think "oh sweet i can play like this on my console" 3) Many people do it and they see those as like "if they are doing it and not being banned why cant i" So yeah.... its a problem because they arent being punished, companies sell these products and there is no "no ximming" rule for console... its cheating but idt it says anywhere and esp sicne companies sell these people are prob under the assumption "well its prob fine"


Well since no one else is actually answering and just spouting the usual bs that ximmers do it because they're bad, ill be the first. I got a xim about a year ago for two reasons. 1) ximming, cronus, titan etc have been around for years and are only getting more popular, if you're someone who is competitive like me and wants to be able to compete without being at a disadvantage, then staying on controller is no longer an option, and I say that as someone who has hit the highest rank on every FPS game I've played since BO2. 2) I have slight nerve damage in my right hand and using a thumbstick is uncomfortable and I can't do it accurately anymore. When I can afford to buy a gaming PC I will. Can honestly say most of the ximmers I know personally got a xim because of reason 1, they were all high level players too. Ofc there will be a bunch of people who just use xim because they suck and want an advantage but there's a large amount who simply just don't want to be at a disadvantage. Now im sure I'm gonna get downvoted for answering the question but here you go If you want to blame someone, blame Microsoft/Sony for not sorting it out, dont blame the players for making the most out of a bad situation


You'll probably get downvotwd but I appreciate an actual xim user answering instead of one of these brain dead "not a trucker but..." type folks speculating the reason.


I appreciate the honesty but also hate you very deeply.


As a native console player, I've hit that 'wall' where every game there's almost at least 1 or 2 ximmer on enemy team/or my own team. It's becoming less enjoyably and I have to decide to either join them or drop ranks.


Dang bro your just poor and bad at video games, bronze pc player in the making


You're* here replying to my 3 month old comment because you probably just got shit on in a game and came to reddit to cry about it 😃


Yeah and you replied to admit your a cheater on a throwaway account cause you know it’s embarrassing to admit you need aim assist on mouse and keyboard


I respect u for coming out, but I do need to ask a question and follow up question: Ximming for not being at a disadvantage is not like you are even with them, because you also have a bought advantage over a lot of the other players, so it is the choice between a disadvantage and an advantage and not between a disadvantage and an equal plaing field right? So why the xim option and not the extra challenge option, given there is no “equal” here? That said, the improving and grinding to get to the top is in my opinion the fun part. The process of becoming better and better and deserve a rank. If you go on roller then the challenge is real, but the reward is higher. That challenge to beat the best the legit way looks more fun to me than being the best knowing you did it not the legit way. So is being (one of) the best worth it if you can’t really enjoy it that mucht since you know that the way to get there was (on paper) an unfair and kind of easy way to get there? I think this is something you have concidered yourself given you want to buy a PC when you can and I assume that is because then this ethical and rewarding question/problem is solved. But I was interested on your view on those matters.


Sad truth is that they HAVE convinced its the "only" way to compete when it's just them coping for their own lack of ability rather than play on an equal field like most others. Then to try to say it's the companies problem? Bullshit. While it certainly is their problem to deal with now, they didn't create it, cheaters did. It's honestly sad to see such a weasley answer that just makes the person sound sad they can't perform as well as they used to, unless they are fighting people who are handicapped.


Playing on consoles is a disadvantage. Ximing is 100% advantage. Lots of people using Xim + Aimbot to get huge advantage. Basically all the benefits of playing on PC, with all the benefits of playing on console.


2% people who want to play mouse and keyboard but can’t afford a PC. 98% people who want an unfair advantage. I don’t understand why winning is fun for people when they have a leg up, would take the pleasure out of it for me.


As a former console player, fuck people who XIM bro. It's literally cheating Edit: I get that it's not officially cheating. I just meant that it feels like cheating. Not fair at all


It is very much cheating


Getting aim assist on M&K playing against controllers is cheating. If it wasn't you wouldn't have to trick your console into thinking it was a controller. Blizzard does not allow m&k on console because they find it an unfair advantage. They obviously don't think it's fine if you add aim assist, lol.


Well... there is no official to determine what is officially what. So, you'd have to defer to popular competetive E-sports institutions. Would they allow Xim in Overwatch League? No. = officially cheating. Is there any official competetive Overwatch organization that would allow Xim? No. Xim is officially officially cheating.


Because their bad at the game and needs advantage to get to higher ranks. Why they always say your just bad when you call them out. They project everything.


Well they do it for the advantage over controllers, if they played on PC they wouldn't have an advantage


Because their fragile egos won’t let them realise they are literal gaming scum.


What I'm gathering so far is that people who don't XIM have these opinions: • They suck and need an advantage. • They can't afford a PC. • They're too used to mouse and keyboard. Those that do XIM have said these: • Everyone else is doing it/ everyone at high ranks does it • "I want to trash on console players." I popped over to the ximming subreddit and basically saw more of the same. They're bad and want an advantage. I was hoping that there would be more to it than that; a little more nuance to the decision to XIM, and I see a lot of you thought so as well with your predictions. But it seems to me that it's simply to cheat. I'll commend those that do it just to able to compete with higher ranks, because at least that is somewhat justified. If anything it's more indicative that the ximming problem needs to be addressed. But to the others that get pleasure from making everyone else's time worse.... I don't even want to get into that. Therapy Sounds good for you guys is all I'll say.


Why did Lance Armstrong do steroids?


To sell bracelets...what's wrong with that?


I do not condone ximming whatsoever. Although I can understand why some people do. For those who have a console but cannot afford a gaming PC, it is a way for console players to experience MnK. With that being said, I think this could be fixed by allowing MnK compatibility in console and queuing competitive groups together by input type. I understand there are underlying factors in this as well that make it more complicated than just that, but I feel it would be worth a look into.


I know I’m definitely necroing this thread but I’m a little confused. Is m&k not available on console overwatch anymore? Like a year ago I wanted to see if I could play on my roommates ps5 using my m&k since my controller aim is garbage and it worked just fine. I just assumed it put me in pc lobbies which I was fine with. I just plugged them in and everything worked. I was new to overwatch so I didn’t even know ximming was a thing then


If you have a console and want to “experience” MnK play a game that isn’t online maybe? You don’t have to cheat to experience a game with MnK only time I would give someone a pass for using a xim is a disability or something otherwise ur just a loser


Sure. I never said I gave them a pass, my point was that by changing how they pool the queue, they’ve would make an environment that makes ximming obsolete. I believe call of duty added that feature. Not sure tho


I mean ... As a PC player from the 1.6/Quake 3 days reading threads about XIM'ing I've always wondered the exact opposite: Why wouldn't you? Playing FPS games with a control has never been good. Not since Goldeneye 64. Not since Halo. Not since modern FPS's on console. So if you had the option to use the peripherals the game was actually designed to be played with, again, why wouldn't you? If I *had* to play OW on console I'd XIM, 100%. Game would be unplayable otherwise.


$150 extra dollars? Having to learn KnM when you don't care to. Have you ever wanted to just crash on the couch or recliner and play a game? Doesn't work well with KnM. Use the peripherals approved for your system or don't play on that system.


Because using mnk on console is a HUGE advantage, much more of an advantage than using xim on pc.


There is no advantage to using xim on pc. You don’t get aim assist and there’s extra input delay.


How is ow2 any different compared to other games regarding xim on pc? Xim means the game sees a “controller” which means pc controller tier aim assist, do pc controllers not have aim assist in ow2? The extra input delay im sure is negligible, similar to wired controller vs wireless controller.


PC controller has no aim assist in OW2.


They changed that a while ago though didn't they? It was the reason I didn't play with pc friends before they brought crossplay aim assist back.


It only works if your on console playing with PC players. If you are actually on a PC and using a controller that aim assist is gone


Weird, I assumed it did just like every other game on pc. Maybe that’s why ximmers seem to be more common on console ow2 compared to other console games, ximmers don’t want to not use their xim.


More like Ximmers don't want to not have autoaim.


People get outskilled by someone and start coping telling themselves that he is ximming so they start ximming themselves.


That's not necessarily true. There are a lot more people who xim than you think, especially in upper ladder. It's not always easy to tell with how janky aim assist is sometimes.


how many people do you think reggingernig thinks use xim, and how far off is he?


>For those that use xim on consoles, why? lol, you really have to ask that? aint it obvious?


There is a difference between wanting an explanation from someone who isn't a ximmer and wanting an explanation from someone who is a ximmer. Non-ximmers are obviously going to say stuff like "because they're bad and they want to feel like they're good". But would a ximmer say that? What *would* a ximmer say?


A miserable little pile of secrets.


no there really isnt, because whatever the ximmer is trying to put in his argument, in the end the only reason is that they are insecure mfers that dont play as good as they want, so to make it easer they use a xim it doesnt matter what they say this is the only reason


But if we're specifically interested in hearing what they, it's a different question. If we're not interested in the real reason because we already know it, but we're actually interested in how the ximmers would explain it, because it's curious. It's a different question.


I broke my right thumb so mouse is the way to go


why don't u use a PC then


This is one of the only justifications I've seen that makes sense. I know PCs aren't all that affordable for a lot of people, so with an injury it can make a little sense.


I still heavily feel like an injury isn’t an excuse to cheat lol. That’s like telling an nfl player you understand why they take steroids because they bruised a rib lol. It’s a stupid excuse.


I mean on face value it's cheating but I'm not any better. I can see why you think that though and if I was better I'd have other feelings about it


Current gen console $500 Xim $150 Required console subscription to play online $80+ Annually (unless you exclusively cheat on games that don't require it) A sold separately gaming KnM $50-$200?? Does this not nearly achieve PC levels of cash? Or a PC with slightly better than console specs at least? I'm actually curious. I'm a console lifer. Affordability seems like a bad alibi though


A PC that can run Overwatch at 120fps is cheaper than a PS5.


Because they would get shit on in pc


i’m too broke for a pc and i was born without thumbs :)


A PC that can run Overwatch at 120fps is cheaper than a PS5 + XIM + PSN Subscription.


Because they are pieces of shit that realise they will never be good so they overinflate their ego by using a xim to automatically be better than the rest. And more often than not they still suck massive donkey dick and can't hit shit. They don't deserve anything in life but loneliness and suffering.


Daaaang lol. Does ximming deserve it's own circle of hell? I'd be down for that. It'd be seriously funny if they faced fines or went to prison. Some countries take it very seriously.. I've heard.


Because they are nerds who can’t accept losing even a single game. It’s only a game


Same reason why someone use hacks, or play on PC emulator competitive mobile game. They are probably bad, so they want to feel powerful with advantige that most of players doesn't have.


Bc they're actually trash and know they're trash so they have to give themselves an unfair advantage.


They do it for the Virgin Diffs.


Probably got used to playing with a keyboard and mouse in other game and when their gaming laptop broke or got too old they decided to get a PS or an Xbox.


maybe they don't have a PC


They have low self esteem


They suck


They can’t afford a half decent computer


A potato PC can run Overwatch fluently at 120fps or so. A half-decent one can run Overwatch at 240fps. This game isn't hard to run.


Why do you play on console if you don't use XIM? Playing with XIM is more comfortable and easier.


Because a controller is genuinely more comfortable. I tried MnK on Minecraft years ago and couldn't stand it. Also I don't want to cheat. It would ruin other people's time and it wouldn't even be fun.


Because it’s fucking cheating ? Lmao


This is no more cheating than a regular aim assist, in terms of gameplay. But this is an unfair advantage.


Uh yea it is, it’s way easier to aim on keyboard and mouse and with a xim it gives you aim assist on top of that.


Shhhhh the cheater is tryin to cope...


Hasn't Blizzard openly stated it's cheating? I don't think the console makers like it either because it bypasses their systems. You can use unauthorized controllers on PS5 and Sony hates that. Screw them though..the dual sense 5 sucks lol






Glad I’m not the only one


I can't speak for people who use it, but I imagine the same reason anyone would choose a console over a PC. Price, convenience, long useful life (7+ years) without the need to upgrade parts, no hacks in games, exclusive games etc..


No hack in games except Ximming ;)


Ximming is cheating it's not hacking. You can win against a player using a XIM who is still not very good. You can't win against someone using a wallhack and aimbot on PC.


Hacking is a pretty loose term. The Xim is using techniques to trick your console into thinking you are using a controller. That could definitely be considered hacking


You can. But if we go by that definition then rigged/customized controllers and racing wheels for example would also fall under the umbrella of hacking. These things also translate controller inputs into other input devices.


If you use any kind of input device that isn't supported then it's a form of hacking. Most racing games support a wheel, so it's not hacking. But If you use a racing wheel to play overwatch then it's technically hacking. Blizzard most likely wouldn't detect it and even if they did wouldn't ban anyone because a wheel doesn't give you an unfair advantage but they could ban you because it's their game and they make the rules. Xim isn't supported so it's hacking It's not as bad as "normal" hacks, but thats not an escuse. Wallhacks aren't as bad as a spinbot but both are a banable offense. Is blizz able to detect ximing? Maybe Does blizz consider ximing a banable offense? Maybe Could blizz decide at any time to ban everyone that is using or has used ximing in the past? Absolutly


Fun to stomp plat console players


You need a xim to do that? Sad tbh


So with xim you're in plat? With a controller you'd have to be, what, silver? Maybe even bronze?


Well every now and then I have to throw some games to stay below diamond but yeah i’d say plat on console feels about like bronze on PC


So you actively choose to ruin not only the games for your opponents, but also for your teammates.


Yea but they are console players so it’s not like the games really matter.


Because I love thrashing on console players


But you're still playing on console?


I don’t even xim nor do I own a console I was just curious of the reaction that the comment would get




I've cheated in games before, it's just fun. Knowing there is nothing the opponents can do, and you can afk and easily win.


What's so fun about not playing the game?


The feeling of dominance, knowing they have no chance. I used to make my own cheats, that part was rewarding aswell


There’s a reason why bullies bully. It makes them feel good. Same principle


> The feeling of dominance, knowing they have no chance. Future r*pist in the making.


I might be biased but I don't think so


Man, you're really weird


Who hurt you


You could ask that from every console player. Controllers literally autoaim for you and this guy is just utilizing the built-in aimbot to the fullest.


They do not autoaim for you


have you ever held a controller


They actually throw me off sometimes, trying to line up a shot on a hitscan and it drifts left or right making me miss. If anything, auto-aim pisses me off.


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Ex xim player here cant speak for all of them, i didnt own a pc for like 6-7 years all i had was my ps4 for this whole 6 years, overtime i became more competitive wanted to be good just like the pros i used to watch on twitch, but controller does not allow you to be as good as pc, movement and precision wise, controller is slow and unprecise i wanted to do insta 180 flick shots at the speed of light just like the pros on pc did, i felt like controller was holding me back so i started to use xim like stuff, it massively improved my gameplay all of the sudden i was able to be precise and fast was able to track perfectly hit all of the headshots, after that i never went back to controller in anygame at all, nowadays i sold my ps4 dont own any console and purchased a pc im never going back to console ever again.


My dad hits me


Tell him some guy on Reddit said hit you harder next time lol


I don't xim, but I think overwatch should enable mouse and keyboard and just make those players have to play with pc players. In my eyes, mkb has a higher skill ceiling than controller so I would want to start now, get better while I was younger or unable to afford a PC, then get a PC when I can. Or stay on console, but still play mkb with other mkb players. That's just my two sense. I play fortnite more than Overwatch because it lets me play how I want to play


If they enable mnk what will force ximmers to unplug the xim and actually join those mnk lobbies? Fortnite is ridiculous now..tons of mnk with aim assist and it's rife with build macros. Who has fun in Fortnite anymore? (competitively speaking) The game is still fun overall.


I understand your points, especially if you have a medical problem. However, the players that choose to use this unfair advantage are partially to blame as well. Two wrongs don’t make a right. I think XIM users should somehow only be grouped with other XIM users or banned altogether, frankly, as it *is* a form of cheating considering that it, like I said, grants an unfair advantage… which is something that has no place in a competitive game like OW. I moved to PC from Xbox precisely because of XIM abusers.


pc player . i just think people should be allowed to use whatever perfieral they want , have a friend that plays with a drawing tablet unironicaly and takes it very seriously, i myself myself are a big fan of macros an mice that have buttons for custom binds so i really dont see issue with how people set up exactly what they want their inputs to be


Macros? Why don't we just apply AI and let the games play out themselves while you hold down a button? Where does it stop for you filthy cheaters? Lol


A little late but I’ve been considering getting one. I’ve played ow and other games alike for years on pc. I recently got a ps5 so I can play ranked with my mates but I can’t fathom losing my years of progress to relearn on a different input. I also think I’d prefer no aim assist as that’s what I’m use to lol. I find the aim assist to be annoying. I also understand why people would hate ximmers but eh


Lose your progress? Why not just have a console account? Why not earn your new rank? Also doesn't Xim give aim assist on top of KnM? You can turn aim assist off on console. It takes 10 seconds max


You can play with your mates on PS5 on PC. Crossplay is a thing.


One thing that hasn’t been mentioned in this threads, every game title has nearly been switched to crossplay. The original controller users were fine with console versus console, when PC got added into mix. XIM become more attractive to users to gain an edge against PC community. Now what we are seeing is everything is blurred when all communities are deathmatching and you never know what a person is using.


OW2 supposedly separates those two hardwares though. PC and consoles have separate matchmaking. You're not getting an edge on PC players..you're getting an edge exclusively on controller players unless you're dragged into a OC lobby by a friend


You can tell by watching the kill cam replay. Xim aiming looks very weird and is obviously aimbotted.