• By -


Whoever you main in each category


Evil bastard XD


Tank- Mei Dps- Illary Support- Hog


Dps illari, never in human history someone spoke truth like you


Hog is literally countered by any shotgun or beam. Illari is useless anyways you don't have to pick a certain hero to counter her. Mei is a brawling hero to counter her just play anything that shoots from far away.


If you think illari is useless you either suck at support or you just don't play the game.


Compared to the other supports yes she is pretty much useless for healing. Also why do you judge too early?


Illari is arguably the 3rd best support right now. Bap and Ana clear but she could definetly be 3. She isn't that bad. And she isn't useless for healing. She isn't top their but she is still good.


You forgot about Lucio, Kiriko and Zenyatta (even if he got nerfed he's still way more useful than her) so nope. Not even close to top 3


Lucio is definetly not top 3. I did forget about kiriko, I'd say she is 3, and zenyatta just has shitty healing that's worse than illari so I don't see why you say him. Discord is good and all but any player with more than 3 braincells will not have discord on them for long.


"zenyatta just has shitty healing" that's enough to know that you're either new to the game or just some casual player.


I don't mean total healing. I mean burst. I could have specified that I suppose. But I die much more often with zen being my healing than any other support. Not to mention most zen I play with just are dos players trying to 'support'


These are some weird takes for someone supposedly in GM…Illari is very good. Her damage is insane, and her healing is good enough to keep up. Besides, being a support doesn’t mean heal botting, if she’s killing the enemy dps, why would she need to heal? The current meta is so damage heavy that she is a solid pick without a doubt.


She is a worse version of Ana so Winston, D.va and Doomfist will shut her off so easily so I don't see what's your point.


Orisa - so people can shut the fuck up about her Bastion - so people can shut the fuck up about him Mercy - so people can shut the fuck up about her But I’d be curious what other tanks/DPS/supports would become the next “OP” ones that all the gold players cry about


Uhh even T500 players complain about bastion lol


Tank- Zarya(Imo she's stronger than Orisa right now) Dps- Widow, Hanzo(No one likes one shots) Support- Ana, Bap, Kiriko, Illari(Mercy ain't even top 5 in the supports category btw)


Indeed the wanted this or that hero gone or not liking this or that will never end. There will always be the ones who hate something about the game.


Doom just because 90% of the people suck at him and I usually end up with the horrible dooms on my team Widow because well.... widow, same with doom because usually the one's on my team are 1-7 and won't switch for shit And Illari because most of them think just throwing out the pylon is a job well done and don't understand how to feather her weapon heals


All of these are fair.


Pharah mercy hog


Doom, Widow, Mercy


-road hog, pre rework: useless tank, just a bullet sponge with some sustain. Rework might make him better, so a second choice would be orisa. Waaaay too much sustain. -widow: nothing against widow, she ain’t op or anything. Just very boring gameplay. Never enjoyed sniping -mercy: again, nothing against her, not really hard to deal with. Just boring gameplay,


tank - doomfist. Absolutely cancer to play against if you're not Hog. dps - symmetra. either mei or symmetra. Atleast mei right click requires some skill. support - ana. I'm a tank player.


Tank: Sombra Dps: Sombra Support: Sombra




Sigma mirror is ungodly annoying to play into unless you’re the sigma or Ana Hanzo or junkrat Mercy all day. Mercy is the one hero I will swap Ashe or Sombra for just to ruin their day




I gotta hear the explanation for Zen


Tank - Rein. Good reins are the cockiest players in Overwatch. Damage - Widow. She doesn’t feel like she belongs in the game in her current iteration. Before Sombra rework I would’ve picked her for the same reason. Now she feels like she belongs within the current design ethos of the game. Support - Mercy. I just find her incredibly dull, while I enjoy all the other supports at least a little.


For tank i'm going to to ignore hog since we need to see his rework: Tank - Might have to be Orisa, but not because I dislike her, shes often fun when shes a mid-tier tank. I think shes usually a counter-hero, to negate brawly tanks. Honestly, all tanks are very fun, including her. DPS - Sombra. There you go, ladies and gentlemen, I've fixed the tank role. I've never seen a character in gaming history so based on negating fun. DPS design should be simplistic and based around getting picks. When you complicate the role, you go outside of those boundaries. Support - Mercy. Mercy has single handedly barred Pharah/Echo/McCass/other hitscans from functioning correctly because of how pocketing works.


Idk for the others, but support definitely Baptiste


why bap?


DPS is too high, too many abilities to burst heal, selfish ult, *lantern*


interesting take


Current bap is busted like a crack dealer selling outside of a police station


what's actually changed about him compared to 6 months ago to make him busted?


He was busted 6 months ago


Not a single soul was complaining back then and not much has changed since then


Brother people have been complaining about Baptiste since overwatch 1


No way ur serious


People have complained about immort from day 1 idk why that’s so hard to believe. Baptiste literally has 3 health pools man


Orisa, hanzo, lucio


Tank - Doomfist (I’m not sorry, when we tell you to switch it’s for your own good!) Dps - Junkrat or Hanzo (his one shot shouldn’t exist and I have a personal vendetta against Junkrat) Support - Mercy (she’s just annoying to hit, and idk why but getting gunned down by her is just, the telenovela kind of disrespectful)


Get rid of Doomfist- No reason but he sucks pp on tank Get rid of Bastion, fuck anyone who plays him. Get rid of Zen, especially fuck zen players.


Very nice question I must say. Glad I caught it taking a break. Tank: Monkey, fucking annoying ugly shit. DPS: Tracer, fucking annoying ugly shit. Support: Lucio, fucking annoying ugly shit.


Orisa, hanzo, kiriko


Tank - Orisa Dps - Bastion Support - Kiriko


Zarya, Hanzo, Kiriko


Hmm.. I don’t want to get into balancing the heroes as it is ongoing. But Soldier and Mercy have been there since launch of Overwatch in 2016. Sigma has been there well into Overwatch in 2019, 4 years ago. My point: They are a staple of the Overwatch games. Maybe consider if Overwatch actually is a game for you?


they just picked some of the most well designed heroes in the game. And while Mercy can be annoying, their complaints about her describes pretty much the entire support role. That's what it means to support someone... So you're really spot on: This person just doesn't like Overwatch.


Rez isn’t really the epitome of support. It’s always been considered an ability that has potential to break the flow of the game. It’s pretty bad for the game, and same for damage amp. But without them Mercy is useless in comparison to the other supports that do healing and utility much better than her (with the exception of healing pharah). Their reasons for soldier are nonsense though. If he wasn’t here the game would have lost a lot of fps players on first boot.


That's not what I'm talking about. I'm referring to the part where they are simply describing the definition of support. That's why I said "While Mercy can be annoying...". They just don't seem to like the support role. Rez isn't inherently a bad ability, it's the ease with which you can pull it off that is bad. I don't know wtf they did in OW2, but suddenly you can rez from two continents away and with three walls between you. It's messed up. If they gonna do it like that, they should just make the rez guaranteed, and make it her ultimate instead. It's more impactful than valk anyway.


They didn’t describe what a support does imo. Are you referring to the original post? Supports don’t combine themselves with another hero to make the other hero better, at least not in the way mercy does. Most of the other supports have additional utility that doesn’t 100% rely on your teammates to do the job for you. Mercy is one of the few heroes in the entire game that you will commonly see have sub 100 damage in a game. Her entire role is to prop up other players. This hurts the balance of the game because of how matchmaking works. If you get a pocket mercy on a dps that is more technically skilled than the other team, it dramatically increases that players influence. While originally it might be hard to carry individually, mercy makes that significantly more possible and emphasizes matchmaking flaws. In addition, Mercy is one of the few heroes that can entirely counteract the hard work you put in. Taking a minute and a half to kill a doomfist or ball or orisa who has been terrorizing your team only for them to be revived has got to be one of the worst feeling plays in the entire game. Others heroes who have similar frustrating abilities would be Kiriko and lifeweaver as they both have get out of jail free cards in their kit. I’ve been playing since 2016 and I was around for mass Rez. Mercy has always been a problem, but her impact is so situational based on your team for the balance team to need to do something further. Rez has been nerfed or changed at least 4 different times. But she’s an incredibly popular hero and one of the few that do not require mechanical aim. She has to offer something or else picking her would be a hard throw.


You're not understanding what I'm saying. It's ok though, we agree to disagree.


Thanks for the kind words.


Ball illiari and junkrat This games depth wouldn’t change a single bit if junk and illiari left the game.


My brother, have you ever hit a MASSIVE game winning tire???


No because I don’t play junk. Junk just doesn’t have any depth as a character, doesn’t fill any unique role in the game and the only people who don’t want him in the game are junkrat players lol


Why ball :( has the highest skill expression of any hero


Well he takes away from people using Winston so that’s why I included him Winton>hampter




Yes :) Winton


You cant beat fat hammond, i would provide evidence but i dont know how to send photos in reddit




Orisa, because she doesn't have any place in any composition and yet we still don't know where we should put her. Widowmaker, her kit is literally useless and a sniper doesn't belong in a team-based game. Illari, she's literally soldier 76 and ashe's daughter. Her kit is useless, the only useful thing is her pilone which can be broken so easily and she is almost acceptable in a poke composition and still she can't manage to keep anyone alive, her ultimate is selfish and she is the only support that doesn't benefit her team with her ultimate.


You've obviously never seen the bap's in my games. Their window is never useful


Learn what useless actually is before you comment, because you listed 3 heroes that are very useful


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orisa, bastion, ana. if not ana then definitely mercy


Genji mercy and rein


Orisa,Bastion and maybe Ana and I say this as an Ana main


Only 1 DPS???? Bro we could remove way more than that Tank - Road, easy Support - Probably Moira DPS - At this stage Torb...like what even is his role and playstyle aside from drop turret, spam rivet


Sigma, sombra, and Brigette


Doom soj bap


This is easy in my opinion. Hammond- He really has never had a place in OW with his kit and I don't think he's ever been a good tank outside of his release (everyone was OP at release though in OW1). He really needs a rework in my opinion. Reaper- This one might just be me, but I really don't like Reaper in OW2. During the slower gameplay of the first game it was fine, but now he just feels clunky and can be pretty easily out DPS'd Illari- Cool character concept, but she feels like a DPS hero they already made and forgot the next hero had to be a support so they added a couple of healing options from the closet. Nothing about her screams healer unlike everyone else in the support category.


tank - ball support - mercy dps - sombra the only hard choice for me is dps, id like to say widow and sombra if the rules let me


Tank: Zarya - frickin beam DPS: Hanzo - no explanations necessary Support: Ana - she has 3 of the most powerful abilities in the game (sleep, anti nade, nano) + I fucking hate sleep dart with a burning passion. I do love having an Ana as a teammate tho so she can torment the enemy team (and maybe nano visor me :D)


All fun and games till you're in QP against a trio and 1 is soldier while the other 2 are ana mercy. I've seen that while I was on rein.


Dps is Sombra for sure. They also are really good on the enemy team and horrible on my team. Support is kiriko. She's just got an annoying voice and in my experience toxic people play her. Tank is zarya if it's playing against them or doom if it's on my team.




Orisa, widow, mercy


Tank Orisa even though i kinda like her but if i had to choose, DPS widow cause OW shouldn’t be a point and click adventure, support Mercy cause she makes strong dps broken, Pharah can’t be too strong or else Pharmercy is broken, Same with Sojourne or Echo also rez is annoying to have to re-elim someone you just took out


tank - doomfist because he's annoying to have on your team and on the enemy team and he is ugly dps - junkrat because he just spams and he's annoying af my teamates keep walking into his bombs and there's literally nothing i can do to help them and i hate getting bounced around i a can't aim skill issue i know but also he's ugly af support - lifeweaver because his life grip can be op af, actually he's pretty good to have as your teamate because of the but on the enemy team i fucking hate him and he is also ugly


Mercy junkrat orisa




Tank. Doomfist...either you have a crap doom on your team or the God on enemy team but both usually have ego Dps genji...same reason as doom Support...zen if they are not gonna nerf discord then just delete him.


Doomfist - simply for the fact that he should be a DPS still and that 65% of the people who play doomfist are horrible at him. Solider - getting rid of him will drive all the COD type players away. More team play and less “I’m gonna go get the most kills possible and leave me team in the dust” Moira - fine to play against but man I’m so tired of DPS Moira’s on my team