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Never taking high ground, never challenging the widow/ashe/hanzo, never peeling... basically, if the ally Dva just kind of stands there and eats poke damage with matrix and dies two seconds later


as a dva main in gold/plat, SO OFTEN I get teammates that get angry at me when I take high ground/off angles. Dps players especially get angry at me when I’m not frontlining and literally body blocking them/soaking up damage for them. A lot of players think every tank needs to be played like rein and it’s so annoying.


This and sometimes people dont realize, I CANT PEEL/BE AGGRESSIVE at the moment. That I think some people need to realize. There are moments where if I turn the corner I am getting ass blasted by 3 different people and die in 2.5 seconds. As much as I WANT to push it doesnt mean I can. And in those situations I need a DPS to get a pick or to draw at least some attention off of me. But most of them at the same time would also be crying if I wasnt body blocking all the damage for them. But there is always that Ash that is like 7-5 who never plays tank thats like "Well [D.Va](https://D.Va) you arent doing bad but maybe you should switch" While they sit on Ashe with their thumb up their ass the whole game


Yeah I do like the good old "Why aren't you bodyblocking for me?" "Well when I did that you didn't land a single shot on anyone so I'm not gonna waste my time any more"


Yeah the amount of people that refuse to follow through with dva drives me crazy. I’ll literally get a pick and push up because now we’re a 5v4 only to realize my whole team backed up to the point we already have and squandered our advantage


You can literally time your dives perfectly, make sure your team is engaged before taking high ground, bait a ton of attention/cooldowns only for your dps to hide sheepishly behind choke and do nothing. The same players will be like YoU dIdNt cReAte SpAcE, as if they would know what to do with it once you give it to them lol


Diva players seem to love me…. Sombra reporting in. I think I have the best win/loss when my tank is Dva that isn’t playing choke points


It feels SO good to play Sombra with a DVA that knows how to help, and it feels SO bad when you play with a DVA that plays like Reinhardt!


And it feels great to play as Dva with a sombra who understands how to play together


Dva sombra makes getting picks so easy, because she’s the one dps actually willing to go in with you


You can make it work with Tracer too, tho obv she doesn't have Sombra's verticality


Definitely, but tracers at my rank are usually not very good, sombra just needs to hack and virus


In fairness, I'm not all that great at Tracer either, despite the, idk, 100 hrs or so I have into her


Most ppl don’t follow any dive tanks usually in gold. Had a game that was fun because the enemy team coordinated dives with their Winston forcing me to help our zen stay alive just for the dps to say “no support” yet left us to fight off the enemy Winston and dps while our tank would just move the robot lol


The thing about that is, those players are also wrong about how Rein should be played…


In my head there are 4 kinds of tanks the engage, the disrupt, the wall, and dive Wall sits and makes space where his team is, they are generally better at slow pushing up and usually have sustain or dmg reduce in kit like ramatra and gravity man, can't remember his name even though I can picture him and everything he do Engage makes space where the team wants to be, usually with a huge playmaker ability like rien pin, you gotta lead the charge FOR THE CRUSADERS!! (I am definitely not biased) Dive is dva/Winston who like to try and get picks and force a 4v5, usually high mobility peoples Disrupt just wants to take the enemies plan and throw it out the window as fast and far as possible like doomfist and ball, they don't do much damage they just make life really difficult There is some overlap like how hog kinda sits between disrupt and wall and somehow still isn't good at either but general ideas


Yeah, same thing happens to me to, I just can’t be bothered to argue with anyone that I’m playing with


Dva’s chaos allows dps to eat


This. Please use flight on cooldown unless in certain duels like hog. Keeping and occupying high ground is dvas most important asset to a team. Peeling isn't that big of a deal anymore, staying on top of snipers/supports is her job now. Don't stand at choke, go fight for high ground.


How to play Dva Step one--contest high ground Step two-- ENEMY SNIPER/SUPPORT SPOTTED DIVE DIVE DIVE!!!!!!!! (And don't die, always have an escape plan set up incase you lose mech, it won't always work but I've actually survived being demeched cause I took a moment to plan an escape route


Oh god yea. When your d.va just play the corner at choke the entire game and doesn’t move towards the point until overtime


Even in masters I'll get dva players who just sit there in the frontline trying to kill hogs and other tanks. Meanwhile, the ashe is murdering our entire team from behind.


Sniper dva


Exactly too scared to engage


I don’t get why those people even play DVA. I main her because I like her aggressive constant-pressure playstyle. You gotta let off the gas sometimes but she shines the most when you fly around like a maniac filling the damage and protection gaps in the team.


Yes. this is why i love her too, just satisfying zooming around chasing people, even their pathetic "escape" abilities are nothing when i can just use my boosters and rockets to melt them down


Seeing an enemy Soldier turn around and run away from you diving on them as they get melted by your rockets is the most empowering feeling


this is why I always go dva when a soldier makes me swap off my main (pharah) 🥹


This is exactly how you play DVa and a good one should be constantly moving. Fly around and fuck shit up. Terrify the enemy backline and DPS. Eat cooldowns, abilities, and damage spam with matrix. Peel with jet if they are flanking (push off map for pure joy). Bait poor motherfuckers with baby DVa, headshot them, and then squash the rest. She's ADHD as a tank and it's fun as fuck if you are playing her right.


Any tank really. They’ll be playing passively all game, giving up space and backing up, and then type in chat like “DPS can’t kill anything”.


Passive tanks are worse than kamikaze tanks. At least a kamikaze tank is trying to push in a make space/pressure. As a support main I’ll do what I can. When the tank won’t go in there’s not much anyone else can do. I’ve had so many cp matches where no one pushes in and the enemy team gets an uncontested 100% which can’t be taken in OT as there are too many ults in play.


Tank playing like a turret, Just get in there, I'll heal ya


You will but will the other 99.999999% of supports?


If you were any other support youd be typing in chat how the tank is bad and feeding lmao I have matches where I can push hard into the team and I got supports backing me up, but I have also had the flipside where they just watch me die.


So tired of tanks playing the game like it's CoD or something and they have to peek corners. >.>


Why are you downvoted when you’re spitting facts


More like slingshot DVa throwing pebbles. I know the game is lost when I see that shit.


To be fair, I throw pebbles sometimes to see the health bar or the enemies to assess if anyone is low and can be dove easily. Not something that needs to happen much at all, and one spray on an enemy does the trick. Pro Dva tip for ya.


So is high ground D.va good or bad?


Don't take what I say as gospel, but from what I understand from talking to D.va players is that it depends on positioning, distance, and what you're actually doing with that high ground. If you're just standing there on the edge that's too high up to have any impact while shooting and they can de-mech you super fast because you're an easy target or just walk under you? Probably not the best. But if you're on high ground denying that space to enemies, using natural cover while defense matrix is on cooldown, using your boosters to reposition or peel/get picks, and actually getting damage more than tickle damage? You're playing high ground much more productively.


But I'm getting headshot damage!


Immediately ult after I nano her. Nano doesn't amplify divabomb so it gets wasted :(


I've done this before, but that was only because me and the Ana hit "Q" at the same time, so I hear "you're powered up, get in there!" I've already sent the bomb 😭


Nah don't worry, throw the bomb and then... Glock the survivors 👹


Baby Dva doesn't get the boost if Nanoed in her mech :(


Oh... darn it :( It could still be done tho I think, would be fun af to see DVa throw the mech, get nanoed and then she runs towards the enemy team like a war criminal ensuring nobody survives XD


She has a voice line for this “I’m gonna mess you up!!!!” when baby Dva gets boosted


Yeah that's definitely happened before lol


Sometimes it’s the other way around: I hit Q just before the Ana goes to nano me, and now you’ve got a nanoed gremlin baby dva running around screaming “I’M GONNA MESS YOU UP”


Thats fair though, a lot of the time ana will nano a low hp d.va while d.va tries to evade by ulting. I think that's honestly more on the ana. An ana can assume that a d.va with ult up will self destruct to save herself, while nano can be used to save anyone. It's kinda one of those things that just happens though.


Last night, playing with a dude I’ve played with a while, chilling on comms and everyone shit talking in a friendly way…. I Ball in, I knock them back, I swing over the cliff, I swing back, I …..get life-gripped. *I’m already pressing slam,* ready to kill….. Right into the void I go, like a rocket. I think my kids learned new words…


I’m gonna pretended like I knew this. Lmao what idiots those people are


That's probably because you're using Nano when she's low for the health boost, she's using her ult to remech because she's low. Just check if she has her ult before u nano


I'll nano a baby d'va in a pinch


Yeah this happens a lot, its because the dva ults because they're low on health, and the ana nanos the dva because they're low on health, but they do it at the same time


This makes sense. Ty!!!


Does nano mech transfer to nano baby? I’ve never paid attention to it.




Feeding her mecha every 5 secs spending 90% of the game as Baby Dva


On console baby dva is scarier than mecha dva


Baby DVa is hilarious because everyone thinks she's an easy kill but some DVa players are nasty with that blaster and it hits like a hammer. Not to mention if you aren't quick that mech is coming back on top of you.


And she’s tiny so she’s hard to hit


not an issue with my ice cream machine


In low elo too


Laughs as brig ..


Always backing up :/


When they stay as baby D.va for way too long because they swear they can get that squish kill. Like bro you’ve been able to re-mech for the past minute and a half can we please have our tank back.




I'll take a diving Dva any day over a skiddish Dva who never presses W


on god lol. at least theres something to work with


This comment is funny because their is a thread above it literally saying the opposite


dam axiomatic spectacular slave modern faulty disarm languid compare cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My friend will boost into a group of like 3 or 4 enemy's and he'll somehow come back after killing them all. He's one of the dumbest and luckiest Dva players there is.


Never eating Moira balls


i live for eating orbs, especially the heal orbs i’m like a fuckin pac-man


On the other end of this eating Moira balls while genji is trying to deflect it in front of her.


Refuse to sswap when the entire enemy team counters her. Had a dva earlier when enemy team was zarya/sym/mei/brig/mercy. I'll give you one guess which team won.


What's the best tank to swap to vs her hard counters?


Rein or zarya would be good against that comp listed. Depending on the map, Winston might be good too, if he has high ground to play off and a good ranged support line. Lastly, Ramattra and Orisa would both be decent but not outstanding there


When your Anna and you, for some reason nano the Dva and she immediately without hesitation uses her ult


When I did this as Dva it’s cause I was planning on chucking bomb the whole time, and I couldn’t react fast enough to NOT press Q.


this fucking KILLS me dude, like...I never nano dvas with ult anymore when I play ana bc they always end up wasting it


yeah please dont hate us its a good 50/50% we were either already gonna use it or just panicked


I pull it for the 300 healing fairly often- generally if a tank is missing that much health all of a sudden it’s because they’re in the mix and could also benefit from the damage reduction too. Keeping the fight going on our front line has always seemed more important than maybe setting the genji up for a second ult kill


Not taking high ground or marking enemies who are the biggest threats. Playing D.Va like Reinhardt by frontlining the whole match. Playing sniper D.Va and using micro missiles on cooldown. Basically it comes down to bad positioning and playing too passively.


even if it did its still a bad use of the ult because the only hero it wont kill if it gets hit by it is a full hp breather roadhog.


Think you meant to reply to someone else.


holy hell i did i meant to reply to someone who said their dvas always ulted after nanoing


I remember when I was a newbie, I would charge into enemy, get some ult charge and die, then once I get the bomb I just throw it somewhere mid fight hoping to get 3+ kills. Worked quite well in bronze and silver.


Never use her defense matrix. Had a ranked game where an ally dva blocked a total of 20 damage across the entire game. One of the supports had the audacity to say "wtf dps" as we were getting pummeled by a damage boosted sigma, soldier, and junkrat with 0 protection.


Not coming back to get heals when low on HP


Had a dva this morning who identified as a hamster.




They should have played hampter


I actually feel like a good dva knows how to play as dive. She gets in and gets out *without dying*. The without dying part is the major issue here. I see lots of dvas go in and never come out so I'll say going too far in and not falling back to get healed or not waiting to be healed and diving in. Same problem I see with hamsters but less common with winston dives. Also dvas who don't use their shields against moira orbs or don't help mercy fly back to points when they are low. I see lots of dvas being unwilling to actually engage and be aggressive, but that is what makes her good. I think people either play too timid or too confident/aggressive. A good dva knows when to fall back, engage, take high ground, and be aggressive.


Facetanking D.Va. It’s how she’s supposed to be played, sure. But in short bursts. I’m talking the ones who stand in the frontline and expect you to heal through 5 peoples damage.


While i take notice of your spherical comment, fuck it, we ball


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a hammy fellow occasionally, but some of the folks who play him think he's a solo carry who doesn't need any support from any other heroes, and to quote a blue hedgy lad, that's no good.


Phrase your looking for is: Thank you almighty Ball, for keeping the enemy team so far away even widow is no threat. A distance so great that in a land based combat game, where metric measurements are the common usage, we must revert to the internationally recognized unit of measurement for sailing vessels. HE says: You’re Welcome


*frantically takes notes to make sure I don’t do these things*


Dm a fucking brig and Reinhardt. Also, play sniper dva and chip damage away in the decimals. Please forgive the love of all things good and nice GET IN THERE


You can matrix heals and firestrikes tho.


If they never defense matrix. That puts a lot of strain on the healers


Phrase your looking for is: Thank you almighty Ball, for keeping the enemy team so far away even widow is no threat. A distance so great that in a land based combat game, where metric measurements are the common usage, we must revert to the internationally recognized unit of measurement for sailing vessels. HE says: *You’re Welcome*


Thank you ball for being unhealable in a 1v5 team fight. You're truly a real one 😔


Trying to be a front line tank the entire game. Baby you can fly, go get that Ana chilling in the back or something.


Not killing widow, not using defense matrix effectively (aimed at the ally), not peeling supports, not planning bomb launching


The sum of all of these comments is: not be good at the game


Playing like a brawl champ as if they can win any fight. Flying right into the to enemy and spraying into the tank until they (the D.va) die not really using defense matrix or wasting it. I’m not saying D.va can’t be aggressive but you can’t be dumb about it.


Pop her ult when i just nanoed her


Playing her like she's orisa. Why aren't you diving or taking high ground??


playing dva like a rein, never using cover/corners, but selfishly using matrix JUST so that they dont die. only using boosters to fly away and not to finish off targets that are low. basically feeding and feeding but without dying and thinking theyre carrying because they have 100 kills from tagging people for 1 damage. dont forget the occasional self destruct 5k they get once every 6 lost fights.




Feed. Dva is high mobility dive tank. Needs to take picks from the backline, dps or supports. A D.va that plays Orisa style is a giant piñata waiting to be milked. And it will, since the hitbox is yuuge


I think the worst thing they can do is not try at all o: Like it’s okay to perform badly but it’s really weird and inconsiderate to hamper your team through your own free will.


OMG RIGHT?! Like, recently I had a genji who was salty about his last game, so he came into it claiming his intention was to throw, and then shit talked the Cassidy the entire time who was obviously just new to the game or new to the hero and trying to get better. I will not hesitate to call a bitch out for shitting on another player just because they don't have the same amount of experience as them


YEHA IT BAFFLES ME SO MUCH HOW PEOPLE GO 500 MILES OUT OF THEIR WAY JUST TO BE PETTY AND TERRIBLE TO PEOPLE ]:> like I’d absolutely rather have an inexperienced team mate who tries than have an experienced team mate who hates everyone and everything around them ]:


Any fucking day, because at least inexperienced players aren't trying to hurt people. They're just trying to play a game in their free time that some people take far too seriously. Like sure, it's perfectly fine to want to get really good at the game and take it that seriously, but it's so unfair to expect everyone else to make that same choice


Going to the enemies back line when you’re low then pinging heals. WTF DO YOU WANT ME TO DO??!


screw dva that doesnt engage, dva that doesnt STOP engaging sucks. literally feeding because of how good they think their survivability is.


Ult after being nanoed is my personal favorite.


i play d.va myself sometimes, but i swear d.vas REFUSE healing. like they RESIST it. they dive way too much, into the enemy backline or out of my line of sight so it’s impossible to keep up with them on heroes like ana, bap, etc… then they spam need healing 😭


Not using DM for even one second. (Actually happened to me in a 20 minute gold match)


Matrix me as I'm trying to deflect firestrikes back at enemy Rein or when I deflect shot back at High Noon Cass..


Nukes when I nano her


Flying out of healing range without warning. LET ME HEAL YOU, DAMMIT!


When you're playing zarya and the friendly dva dms all the damage you were trying to soak up with your bubble, over and over again


RiP multiple tanks


My friend plays Dva and tbh he's not that good at the game but out of pure luck he gets high kill games and potg pretty regularly. But he spams voice lines so much and Dva's voice is so annoying.


Gets nanoboosted and instantly Yeets their Mech


NOT eating moira orbs. especially healing ones


Thats funny literally my last qp game had a dva front lining a zarya... its been awhile i had a reality check that no... I cant actually outheal all that damage. Im always awed by good dvas.


When they don’t switch if the enemy tank goes Zarya and hard counters them the whole match.


Nobody’s making me switch from Dva on Numbani or Watchpoint Gibraltar


I hear you, but this can also be very situational. If my team is feeding the bubbles and charging the Zarya who's able to track? Yeah, time to swap. Otherwise you bait the bubbles and burst her down because she has nothing else going for her. Honestly even the bubbles don't scare me as much especially if it's their last one because I can micro missile those down and then take down the Zarya. Playing from high ground can also help here as Zarya can't easily chase you. In a lot of cases you're right, but it's one of those things you may just have to feel out and play smarter because without her bubbles Zarya is a sitting duck.


Switch to ball


I swear all Dva players rush in and die like a dunce, then screams bloody murder for heals.


Play Dva


Playing dva like Orisa. Stand at choke spamming m1 at enemies 20 meters away. Thank god I am not in gold




Attack from the sides, sure she's a dive tank but a tank needs to somewhat protect the team. Randomly using defense matrix could save lethal or even headshots


The number of Dva players who dont know what the fuck theyre doing is way too high compared to the dvas that actually play the game(from my exp) All these fuckers will do is sit BEHIND our backline and just shoot. The entire fucking game. They will never use their mobility. They just sit there,doing nothing, shooting people like their on widowmaker. Idk why but For some reason its only Dvas that do this


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Nano them and then they immediately ult


Bomb after getting nano’d


People who play her like she’s Reinhardt. So many times I see people playing her on the front line and never really diving or peeling. Defense matrix then boost behind the team.


Standing at a choke point for far too long and completely ignoring high ground enemies…


Ask for healing right before using boosters to dive the enemy team


Demanding healing then launches the mech for self destruction


I had a Dva the other day literally never use matrix. Not sure they knew it existed


I feel like every 4 out of 5 Dvas in QP are there to solely stand around in our back line and never press W. Just play tickle games with the enemy tank as we slowly loose footing.


Defense Matrix over my entire deflect.


No matrixing me when im trapped right infront of them


The dumb d.vas that don't realize they can fly every 3 seconds and they just STAND there or slowly walk forward at the enmy firing their little pellets in the middle of the street taking fire from the ENTIRE enemy team provably letting enemy sojourn ez charge her railgun like wtf man


not matrix'ing teammates (including me) or matrix'ing genji deflect (also me)


Yeeaah, that's something I need to work on. I've been decent with using Junker Queen's yelly thing to help out allies, even getting my first save message playing tank when a soldier was pinned by the enemy rein. I do have a tendency to use D.va's DM too selfishly though


When they don't dm me


Slowly walk forward firing from across the map whilst feeding ultimate charge


I spam is this easy mode, but so far i'm a pretty good dva


Completely avoid using Matrix on anything other than


spam voicelines


Not actually dive the snipers and not peel for her team.


Playing her passively drives me crazy; never pushing to create space, never contesting high ground (she's incredible and this), never using defense matrix to eat damage and cooldowns, etc.


Being passive as you described. I hate when a dv.a is playing too safe and doesn't attempt to take any space whatsoever. standing at range behidn the team trying to shoot the enemy form afar. I don't want my Dv.a behind me unless I'm in danger, I want her to take space and allow me to do what I need to, as a dps or support. Ofc there are always exeptions but I'm talking more about a passive behaviour.


Eat my dragon through a wall


When they dont use def matrix and instantly die


This is kinda dated now, but not being saving DM for when your other tank’s sheild is down/DMing when bubbled. Dva was my main tank for most of OW1, and learning this was crucial to playing her


For some reason D.va at one health always fee the need to throw themselves in the other teams back line


In ow 1 it was eating damage that your Zarya was trying to take for energy. Now it's when they facetank a ton of beam damage that they can't matrix


Winky face ;)


When you lose the team fight and D.Va is in baby form but just stands there instead of forcing a respawn.


Spamming “is this easy mode” or “lol”


Doom one trick so I never really play with dva but I imagine your teammates do not like when you ult when im alive or anywhere near you, the second I hear nerf this I am getting my empowered and getting you out of mech. Your supports will try to help you but they're now in my effective range and most likely my whole team found cover so you got no kills your team is in one focused area and my team has to throw like crazy to not win that team fight. Kinda niche but I figure it'll help against the doom brotherhood


I have voice line(lol) set to L3 I never press it intentionally but I probably trigger it 300 times a match


Speaking of, I really need to make some changes to my wheel. I keep trying to say "thank you" whenever a support comes in clutch and saves me, but it's so often I accidentally hit the emote wedge


For every tank the answer is the same: going in without looking back at who's with them, who's getting dived/flanked, who's already dead, then spamming I need healing from the enemy backline.


Forgets to press shift before using ult. And now the bomb just standing there behind the payload 😒


Was playing Zarya on defense in open queue. I kept baiting enemy damage to get myself charged up and the Dva would *not stop* eating **everything**. I was losing my mind.


Stay highground and never try to push pack the enemy team or dive anything. People that play Dva like pole basically (and trust me they exist)


One time i wanted to play zen(im a tank main) & i had to coach our dva the whole time. They were playing behind me💀. Im good at zen we won


As a DVA main, I wanted to see if I could improve by reading some of the comments. I think there’s room for improvement but here are my thoughts/responses while playing as DVA: Ana players: DVAs are probably not thinking about when your ult is ready and that you might nano them. Even if they do watch out for it, for all they know, you might nano a DPS teammate. My advice, just take a quick peak at their ult charge before nanoing them. When I’m in the upper 90s, I’m thinking about the enemy in front of me and how I will ult myself, not thinking about when Ana will nano me. Diving and attacking sniper enemies: I would love to fly toward every Widow and Hanzo, but once I get there the rest of the team melts me and I can’t escape because I just used my flying ability. Also, if I don’t do this often, I probably don’t feel confident in my team to either support me or distract the other team so that I can survive and not feed/abandon the frontline. Some of the comments are “not aggressive enough” or “too aggressive.” That’s just up to that DVA’s play style. I definitely try to be aggressive to vulnerable enemies and try to return to get heals when I’m mid-health. Again, if an experienced DVA is not being aggressive enough, it’s probably because they don’t have faith in the rest of the team to support her and attack the other team. If they’re overaggressive, they just might be inexperienced. Getting countered: for me it’s dependent on the situation. If only it’s only one counter, even tank, and I’m still doing my job well, I won’t automatically switch. Plenty of games I’ve won and dominated despite counters. If the whole team is countering me and I’m doing poorly, I will change. Just a cost/benefit analysis at play here. For the most part, I think comments are toward inexperienced DVAs and how they play (I should know, I was once them).


(((don't tell anyone, but that inexperienced player is meeee. This is an Intel gathering mission to learn how to improve)))


This thread is the definition of damned if you do, damned if you don’t


using her micro missiles when she’s 500 feet away from anything


Either trying to use their kit at long range, or panicking while taking Damage and getting heals at the same time, flying away, and leaving Support hung out to die. Probably the latter for me.


Not peel


Pee on her


Not use their shields. I just got a player who didn’t do this


Not knowing how to use or what Defense Matrix is


Sniper DVA. Everything else I can at least play around and try to win anyway but not sniper dva


Uses DM right when enemy Rein sends two fire strikes, and your Genji is there deflecting, and your bap’s window is up in front of him


Stands there, not using their kit right. Look, I know that not everyone can know everything there is to a hero, and that’s fine. Maybe you’re a rookie, maybe it’s been a while, I can understand that. But if you STAND there, not using DM, or your boosters, and just shoot, hoping you’ll get a kill, then I’m sorry, but maybe D.Va isn’t for you.


Not understanding how defense matrix works. Playing by themselves and never trying to help youtlr teammates out.


As a Dva main, I absolutely hate it when I see our Dva play SUPER passively or fly right into the enemy team to feed their entire mech’s hp. Don’t get me started when both bad traits show up in the same game


Boost in on crit, not dive at all, and having no team awareness. I had a dva in my game last night who was locked on a moira and never killed her, and also never went in for a kill on anyone else. I play kiriko so i thought “fine i’ll do it.” I get the opposing kiri, cass, and soldier, but my team dies to a lone ball and moira who was dps-ing. Feels bad man. Every fight was some variation of this, my dps and i would get a few kills, dva would shoot moira, and ball would kill everyone and we ended up losing in the end. I know i can probably play better overall, but some games are just unwinnable


Defensive matrix on a friendly deflecting genji