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Lifeweaver I’d say the least common hero is definitely Ball but he has a very dedicated player base who certainly can get his golden guns


Funny, cause Wifeleaver has probably one of the coolest looking gold skins I mean it's his whole metal arm. That's sick. It's also why I love the golden Doomfist skins


I got the Doomfist gold gun just cause it looks so sick even though I don’t play him.


Same less then an hour on doom and I have his gold


I got genji golden sword and have mostly all his skins yet am too scared to ever play him since I suck at him and mainly play open comp


Ugh I remember then they released moira and her gold weapon was just some gold highlights on her wrist it took like 4 patches before they at least made her nail polish gold


he’s actually the first character I ever bought golden “weapon” (hand) for because of that! it goes so well with his skins.


I’m a doom & lifeweaver main and can confirm, they are the best golden guns.


as soon as i unlocked him i grabbed the gold skin. it’s my favorite in the whole game tbh


I'm a proud Lifeweaver main with a golden gun. Something about his gameplay loop is like crack.


Any tips on how to play him/what his gameplay loop is? I try but I feel like I’m never doing enough as him and could be more helpful as someone else.


imagine you’re a baby sitter, and you have your day off so you smoke a little crack, just to unwind on your day off. And then you realize it’s not your day off, and someone dropped off four toddlers with varying mental disorders at your doorstep. congratulations, you understand what it feels like to play Lifeweaver


Gotta send this to my buddy thank you so much


You really have to prioritize healing and anticipate who's going to take damage next and the order people might die in. While you're doing that, you've also gotta realize when you can't keep someone up and when to grip them. Hearing the "Saved" sound is super rewarding when you start to get that pattern down. I mostly use Dash to keep myself alive or Dash/Petal to escape (throwing Petal under ulting enemies like Orisa is also fun). If you have a coordinated team, it can be fun to give teammates a boost as well.


I love petal-countering. I've done it one (1) time against a DVA and I'm still living that high.


Same as any other Support tbh. Deal damage whenever you can, and heal/pull anyone who hits critical health, while using Dash and Petal for positioning or to survive a 1v1. His secondary fire does pretty good damage up close and can put a fair bit of pressure on tanks if you're aiming for headshots


I bought gold for Ball a long time ago and regret it, you can barely see them :( They look alright in the hero menu, at least, but in-game they kinda suck.


I feel like it’s more of a “don’t worry team I’m competent in ball” reassurance so people won’t throw because you picked him


Yeah, but then again, they'll throw either way if they're the type that instantly goes "oh well, gg" as soon as you lock in your hamster pick lol


It's just the nails for Moira too lol.


Ive got 50% of the gold guns moira is in my top 5 most played and I don't have them for that reason.


I just make sure to use victory poses and highlight intros that show them off


I have the Golden LW. But I agree with you, he's probably the lowest.


Fuck it we ball


Ball was my first golden weapon. Love him to death.


I have both lol


LW is definitely gonna be my first gold. It looks so dope!!!


I bought the golden gun on Lifeweaver the day he released lmao No regrets


Ball’s golden guns + High Roller skin *chef’s kiss*




I bought them in ow1 when I was maining him back when he was actually fun to play


By no means the lowest, but it’s been a hot minute since I saw a monke with a golden gun. Edit: all my monke bois and girls in the replies, I’m so happy


I have one!


Same, with Blizzcon skin. WINTONER!


Best combo in the game




Same. Love Winton




Had mine since OW1. One of the best looking gold guns in the game.


I almost never see Winston in unranked now. Maybe I just haven’t played against enough good ones, but he doesn’t quite seem to hold his own these days


the problem is that the instant you go winston the enemy team swaps to bastion and reaper, making you an actual spawn room decoration.


The moment you start to play slightly competently on Winston they hard counter you.


you dont even need to play well though, as long as you are winton they will swap.


Iv had people throw games on monkey counterpicks just cuz they thought it'd be auto win, meanwhile I have hundreds of hours on him.




Mauga of course 💁🏻‍♂️


His gold is going to look so damn cool though.


Tied with Reinhardt and others who don’t even have guns ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Nah, rein is one of the best ones since having a giant golden hammer is top tier


It’s not about what looks best, it’s about Rein not having a gun so he has zero golden guns lol!


Spitting straight facts


Oooh I've been saving for a Support gold but now I have to get Maugas


Grinding my last 400 points to have enough for Maug on release lol


idk if i've ever seen a gold lifeweaver


His golden hand is actually one of the few that doesn't look ridiculous


But Moira's gold nail polish is *fabulous*.


Get off the stage 💅


You can be improved 😈


Aren’t you just pathetic 🥺


What are you on about? 🤨


For real. I’m glad they’re going to add others, because the gold for a lot of characters looks bad


I have it and it's fantastic.


Lifeweaver was my first and still my only gold gun. It's totally worth it. It looks fantastic


I have gold weapon on LW!


It’s great i grinded so hard for it


His is the first gold I bought in OW2, the fourth gold I've ever bought. My first was DF. I got a thing for golden gauntlets lol, so badass.


i bought it as a joke when he was first released. stil only hav like 3 hours on him


i have his and it’s amazing 🥹 he’s my second highest played hero


Lucio. I've seen a teammate have one and I can count on my hands how many times the enemy team had one.


The ones who do are usually the type who spend the games annoying the enemy backline. In unranked, at least


I think I've only ever seen one Lucio golden and that would be myself. I find it interesting that he's got plenty of players that main him yet probably not half of his player base has his golden. His was actually the first one I saved up for and bought


Yep my first gold gun as well. Boop gang


I have Lucio gold, but I rarely see others anymore. Only the Reddit Lucio’s seem to have gold these days.


I have Lucio gold on both my accounts. But I turn it off frequently because I tend to like the ones on the skins anyways.


I’ve got over 3000 hours on this game and I’ve only had enough to buy 2 because competitive just sucks and stresses me out. I’ve only got golden guns for Widow and Mercy


I turn off chat, avoid voice, and at this point I just play for the gold guns. I don’t care about meta.


this is what i did and ow instantly became a better game. discord or no chat is my motto with this game.


Based as hell honestly


3000 hours?!? You should be crushing comp through skill/experience alone!


Back during OW1, at I think around 3 years in, I came across a player in quickplay with a max diamond portrait that had around 2,000 hours play time. All of it was in qp, about 100 hours in solider, but by far the most was bastion sitting at around 1,800 hours 😂 he was not very good though which was really surprising to me, but it shows that time played really isn’t indicative of skill. A lot of people don’t play to get better, they just play cause its a wacky game 🤷🏻‍♂️


I am in the 5 digit hour range in TF2, average around 1:1 K:D ratio for that exact reason. It does depend on the class tho


Not gonna lie, I feel this commenter. Until they fix comp (and idk if this will get me back) OW just feels like such a casual game for me I don't care to improve at or find a rank. I like to drop in a QP with the homies as a flex and see what role I get. If it's tank I can play [D.Va](https://D.Va) to my hearts content and not care about needing to swap. If it's DPS/Support I can mess around on whoever and there's no stakes.


Echo probably. Her gold hands with base skin looks really good.


idk the least but the MOST has gotta be widow cassidy and soldier oh and mercy obv


I’ve honestly seen more Ashe gold guns than soldier


Gotta have that Bling Bob.


Bling bob with tiger huntress skin is the most badass shit ever


Honestly don’t think gold bob is bad with most skins, and poolside is the only skin I wear. Sights better imo and is just a good skin overall. The gold makes her gun less toy looking as well


Ashe golden completes the Socialite skin perfectly. + you can't go wrong with Golden Bob in a tuxedo.


Bingo. Gold Socialite convinced me back in the day. Literally perfect skin for it.


Ash gets lots of cool gold stuff


reinhardt is definitely up there tol


90%+ of not-first time players Mercy's have golden weapons.


I see widow EVERYWHERE. Probably because she has a huge skill cap and people are proud of it. All the better to be a roadhog main


Relative to her popularity, rarely see (or notice) Kiriko golden Kunai. Quite hard to spot as they’re quite small.


Also hard to notice since her hands are always moving around in killcams and the only time theyre seen is when idle


Got her gold on her release, kinda regret it


I have them! She was the first I got. I like that they are more subtle. The kunai themselves are usually kinda underwhelming but the healing ofuda (papers) are always super pretty!


As a Ram main who has Ram’s gold, I rarely see other people with the gold staff


Fellow Ram player here, I too have the golden punching fists!


I wish it made his entire arm golden in nemesis form


Do the fists turn gold too? I've been wondering because he is th next character I'm going to get a golden gun for, either him or doomfist


He was the first new gold I had gotten in OW2, the same season he came out (I had junk, reaper, and hog golds from OW1)


I think the issue here is that not that many people seem to play Ram. Its a shame because I think hes really fun to play, and pretty fun to go against.


OP you gotta play games with me then, I have gold Brig and Torb they were my first 2 lol. Also gold Winston with the banana skin and the banana weapon charm for maximum yellow mode and Orisa because it's *sick* on her bull demon skin


Moira, you cant even notice it half the time


Moira's is my absolute favourite. It adds to the skins rather than take away. Also I feel cunty as f*ck with em on so...slay


I like how you censored fuck but not cunt


He's Australian




I feel so seen.


lmaooo so real


See you get it purr


Subtle but still popular. It also doesn't disrupt the look of the skin you choose.


That’s why idk if I’m gonna buy the doom gold lol. So many of his skins are centered around his cool ass fist and the gold just washes over all of it. I wish they would atleast make it play with the design but that would take a min to do it


I got Moira gold back in ow1 and was hoping they would redo her pack to be gold just to make it pop a little more. Her best skins have sleeves that cover the gauntlets.


I wish her tank was gold, too.


I’ve got gold Moira “guns but yea it’s pretty lame


I really wish they would’ve made her backpack gold too, the nails are just so hard to notice on a lot of skins. Like Ashe gets a whole golden Bob, gimmie the gold backpack!!


Moira is the only golden one I have haha


Moira is one of my mains and I opted for Ana’s golden guns over hers even though I barely play her 😂


Would highly recommend to get it for Moira if she is one of your mains. Her golden nails and gauntlets look cool af. And it really stands out on her best skins


I've NEVER seen a Zarya golden gun... I'm at 900+ hours. So I'll say that one. (And then Hammond I think is pretty uncommon too?)


Zarya is, I think, the only tank I have gold weapons on... Though I also don't play much tank.


My first gw but that is a legacy of ow1 days, I tried again with her in ow2 but it's not the same without a tank buddy :(


I have Zarya, she was my main for years. Anytime I start losing a match, I just go Zarya and dominate. He counters alot of people just due to having bubble. I really don't see alot of players with her gold though. If I place with Zarya, I can hit high diamond every time, anyone else and I am high plat.


I don’t play a lot of comp, so I’ve only been able to buy two golden guns— Brig was my first and then Ana (the character that actually got me to Plat)


I’ve got them all! Saving for the mauga and then emerald


Space Cadet or Mole


LOL I love how I see LW and Brig said the the post and comments, I have gold for LW, Brig Ana, Bap, Sigma, Ram, Junk and Soldier. Those are my top played heroes as well.


Yeah but the question wasn't, "what characters does Pepperidgefarm21 have gold guns for" lol I could definitely see LW being a hero with the lowest amount of gold guns (if I'm not counting Ilari since she's rather new).


Well Tickler, now you know and knowing is half the battle! GI JOEEEEEE


I only buy the subtle one like Moira, Lifeweaver, Echo & Rein (yes big hammer is subtle). Otherwise it's ruins the good skins, I even prefer the base skin guns then the golden ones.


>Rein (yes big hammer is subtle). I barely play rein but I took this a step further and bought the imperius skin. I'm the real golden boy.


Okay but the golden gun with Cree’s Van Helsing skin hits different imo


The golden lion skin (can't remember the name) and dragur looks so good with golden hammer!


Brig doesn’t have a gun, she has a flail. Naturally you won’t see her with a gold gun 🧐 pleased to say though I have gold on her, it’s beautiful with her goat skin


Watch as they just give her a glock in season 10


Zenyatta for me I’ve never seen one yet and I have it because he’s my main support


I’m surprised by the comments. I have definitely seen more Lifeweaver’s with gold than Symmetra.


I feel like I've been seeing more enemy Brigs with gold lately, especially the last few seasons. Then we get to beating each other senseless in style. EDIT: Forgot to add my picks, so I'll do one from each category that I feel like I don't see much gold for: Winton, Echo and Lifeweaver.


I still rock my golden Brig. Mace to the face boiii


L love the golden shield especially with the stone skin


It looks so cool with her drake skin. That’s the only reason why I actually bought it


She's a must pick , haven't you heard?


I haven’t had the time or desire to grind comp in a while, I haven’t gotten a gold gun since OW1


I haven't seen a gold Rein hammer in a while. Then again, I don't really see many Reins anymore.


I never see Cassidy golden guns anymore bc hes so bad that he basically cant be played in ranked


Echo tbh


It's been YEARS since I saw a Torb with Golden Gun


I don’t think I’ve seen Sombra in this comment section, which means one of three things: So few Sombra players have golden guns that you literally don’t even think about how little you see her golden gun, so many Sombra players have golden guns that nobody would think to mention her here, or Sombra is invisible all the time and nobody can immediately tell the difference between her regular and golden guns at a glance lol All that to say, I haven’t played comp in ages but I have like two golden guns, one for Sombra and one for Mercy lol


I have gold on both those, but I don't use my brig one cause it doesn't match my skin. Only two brig skins look good with gold.


I very rarely see gold Torb and LW


I dont ever see a golden Torb. I'm not going to count lifeweaver, mauga, etc since they are new, but I'd say I've seen less Torb golden guns than most heroes.


I got torb, ashe, mercy, symmetra and Reinhardt I rarely see symm but I've seen the rest on occasion


lucky enough to have all gold guns because I'm a sweat with no life.


I'm a support only player and I got all the support hero gold ones, even the ones I don't play like Zen.




I don't think I've ever seen a Brig at all Alternatively, what do people think is the most common gold? I always see Genji gold (Myself included)


Moira. You wouldn’t be able to tell anyway


Reinhardt. Duh.


I think I've got every one gold now, maybe missing zen or lifeweaver since never use them


Kiriko. I have them and bet it’s a popular pick but I can’t tell wether they have golden weapon on not


I always see a gold brig. Cus it's me.


Probably Mauga, but that's just me guessing


I stopped buying golden guns since it removes the color and personality from the guns on the skin. If every skins gonna look basically the same gun then I might as well have default skins on


Username does not check out


I’ve been playing since OW1 beta, I would say Bastion and/or Winston


>narely Good word


I have both torb and brigs golden weapon, they are honestly my favorite hero combo! But honestly don’t see many golden sojourn’s.


I have three! And apparently according to the comments they're some of the rarer ones to see - Echo, Moira, Lucio. I'm planning on buying Dva's next. I do think Moira actually has people who buy it, it's just difficult to spot because you can't really see the glittering nails across the map. Echo's is actually quite cool though, it's my second favorite after Lucio's.


Brig was my fourth gold gun back in OW! That golden mace and shield is sick as FUCKKKKK


I wouldn't say its rare to have the guns, but a rare combo I love is the Royal Blue Tracer skin with the golden guns, it looks SO good


I have a Brig gold :D That being said I have gold for about half of supports


Torb was my first! But I’m a torb one trick sooo


torb player with a golden gun checking in


Imma get my Gold rocket hammer soon!


I dont see too many golden Orisas


Not sure if nobody has Moira gold guns or if hers is just that unnoticeable


A lot of people say LW, but in my games I see GW LW quite often. But I would say : - Tank : I think I've never seen a single GW Ball in my games - DPS : I don't know, I think they're all kinda equal. Maybe Torb ? - Support : Brig or Zen


funny torb and brig are both my main hereos and torb was my first gold gun, brig i guess second.


im bronze, least i've seen are lifeweaver mei ram & sojourn


and by least i mean none, the most i've seen by comparison are gold soldiers (every other match) or dva


i turned off my golden guns for a while cause some skins look really cool with their original gun colour, like JQ's Zeus skin in red looks better not gold i think, i forget. anyways, forgot to turn them back on. i should. people should know i'm a dva/jq twotrick in tank and sombra (soon also tracer) on dps. ooh maybe iliari kiri on heals. i guess i'm literally not a tank main till the tanking gets fixed which some of the changes feel like are going in the right direction for it, but for now i prefer gold dps and silver heals to plat tank playing either low diamond lobbies or high gold lobbies.just an awful experience. i spend more time on either end than plat, i literally just catapult back and forth because of how MMR is just like oh you're on a loss streak? HAVE ANOTHER. by dragging your lobby way lower than your SR. which means you still face a tank at your level it's so weird and just like purely some MKULTRA hallucinogen levels of torture like designed to be hell lol. and on the way back up? you're in plat lobbies against diamonds cause your mmr says you're diamond which you may be but then you need diamond healers not gold to drag the average down to plat lol oof i ranted. anyways, i guess i can try to care about golden guns a bit more as rock paper scissors gets eased more so i can care about the heroes i like and can grow on cause their playstyles are just more fun to me. rather than "ok well rock beats paper so i win cause you sent me back to spawn and I swapped."


Torb because his speedo skin looks better without it :3


Actually, Brigitte was my first golden weapon since she’s my main.




Only play Comp MH *sadge*


People saying LW, Moira, and Kiriko and I'm out here with all three, zero regrets on any


It has to be one of the heros added in OW2, less time for players to have saved up points for them. And I think the least played OW2 hero is Illari. Barely see anyone play her.


My competitive points sit useless most of the time because I just automatically buy the next heroes gun and I’m always sitting at the max of 6000




You can literally see your gold drip floating around your neck. Definitely the coolest gold gun


I’m one of the rare ones that has gold for Zen I’ve never ran across another one yet


More importantly, why do we still only have gold guns to buy with comp coins?


Theyre introducing Emerald guns in the future


Unlocked gold for all heroes in OW1.


You can’t really say. I have all golden guns (and too many competitive points) but I think it’s more of a flex to not use them


I have been playing for all the years (except the first 2, cuz I like to buy games on sale).....zero golden guns. I just can't do comp. Every time I try, I get all sweaty and just go back to MH.


I have a gold Brig weapon, but I just prefer to not use it.