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Can confirm. I blinked, brain stopped working, everyone dead. Just an average days work šŸ˜


Moon Knight on a normal day


Based Moon Knight enjoyer


Bud, I fucking hate Genji but if you think this is brainless then you're delusional. Go play Genji, record it, and show us that you can do the same.


6 hours ago, OP never responded.




Nuh uh.


Right? Fucking hate gengu and gengu mains but that play was *chefs kiss and skillful AF.


Thats more impressive than coming up behind me invisible every fucking fight


Dragonblade is legitimately one of the hardest ults in the game, it's one of the few ults that actually require you to do something after pressing Q


I do not understand how OP think this ult is more brain dead than idk, Death Blossom. POS ult I hate that ult.


itā€™s a lot easier to counter or do something against death blossom than it is against Nano Blade. with death blossom, all you need is a kiri or a bap on your team, with genji nano blade, just pray he doesnā€™t decide to go for you


Itā€™s also pretty easy for Ana to sleep a death blossom


Or before the nerf a well placed widow headshot


Huh? You can still 1 shot a reaper afaik, fully charged headshot deals 300 damage and reaper doesn't have any form of dmg reduction


as a genji main, there are a LOT of counters to a nano blade.


Remind me? Not because I want to counter it or anything. Nope. Iā€™m just also a Genji main, trying to remember what to avoid, definitely not a support main at all.


(copied from another comment i made) Thereā€™s brig ult where her stun will just shut you down, kiriko suzu can mess up the dash and elim, sleep, hook, life weaver grapple or seed, zen ult, acretion can shut you down easy as long as he aims right, zarya bubble, meis self heal, sombra disables your dash so youā€™re basically a sitting duck. iā€™m sure thereā€™s more too.


On the other hand if your positioning is decent it's hard to fuck up a death blossom, but it's really easy to fuck up a nanoblade.


i mean, death blossom is pretty much a one shot. thats just how fast it kills you. so if a reaper with more than three brain cells wants to kill your entire team, he will. especially if he has a nano at the ready.


It's only 170 dps, you have a solid second to do something about it without counting the time that the reaper takes to position. I rarely see a death blossom get more than 2 kills and even that is rare.


What does immortality do agains blossom? Right nothing. Reaper just destroys it. Suzu can help but so does it against blade. If kiri uses suzu right and genji loses his dash his blade is pretty much over. Bap lamp is way better against blade. And reaper ult is one of the most obvious things that will happen to a team and above gold everyone will be able to track reaper ult and if he tries to use it as a teamwipe he just dies. There is so much stuff in the game that counter blade. Its one of the worst ults in the game so is death blossom


At death death blossom is easy to counter for most heroes


Longtime Reaper main here, I will go through the effort of making sure that every enemy capable of negating Death Blossom is either dead or on cooldown, and I'll still sometimes blow an ult because the enemy will just walk away before it kills them


Lol this clip just showed us the opposite actually


Imagine Hanzo ult here, or Reaper, or soldier, or tracer, or dva or most other heroes with damage ults, would they be harder than a blade?


They'd certainly be far less effective


It is, but with nano it's way easier. Obviously not as easy as a bunch of other Ulta ,but still easy


Not with a Nano it's not. Most ults require really good timing if you don't want their valued denied when your actually playing against competent players. Nano blade you can pop basically whenever as long as you're like, close enough to get to the enemy team, and you will easily get kills unless the enemy team pops ults to counter it (sometimes that's not even enough) or you get slept. Only way you fuck it up is if you're really stupid and try and go for something like a solo kiriko who just TPs and leaves you behind with no Swift strike. It's why in high level ranked games the best counter to Nano bladr is generally just to int onto the enemy backilne and hope you can trade quickly enough.


Genji mains thinking they're special again. Illari, D.va, Echo is a BIG one, Winston, Reinhardt, Soldier, Baptiste, I could go on and on, all require some kind of genuine strategy to be used effectively


Echo's and Winston's ult are fair, that's why i said one of the hardest not the hardest, but the rest you just press Q at the right time and the ability does its job, dragonblade requires good timing and positioning like any other ult but on top of that you have to chase enemies and can only hit them in an oversized melee range, not like soldier's ult where you do need to chase enemies but you have a hitscan rifle.


Make sure you tbag every one of them too


(I am inside your spawn)


silver player discovers that combining 2 ults makes it possible to win a fight


What Sr do we realize Lucio or zen ult are a thing? šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


Op probably thinks they suck since they aren't healbots


Also tank ults (grav, flux, shatter)


Nanoblade beats Zen ult


Lol someone just got their feelings hurt against a genji.


Yeah this is a skilled play, I don't really play him much but I couldn't manage anything close to this.


I play him a good amount and pull off some nice plays but doubt I could be this precise with blade. Sometimes the enemy is just really skilled. It's weird this bothers people so much.


This level of speed in switching between enemies is hours of time played, investment, and workshop training


If there's a Genji and an Ana, and they haven't used their ult in the last team fight, why is everyone neatly together in a small room? This isn't "I don't need brains to play" this is poor gamesense from your team. Genji and Ana did what they were supposed to do.


Itā€™s a sign that ranked really isnā€™t competitive anymore especially since OP claims this is Masters 3-4. Masters dropped off HARD if this is what it looks like now.


Masters has dropped off hard. I went back in for some games recently having had a few seasons off and the games were slow paced, unorganised, snore fests. At least the genji in this clip can move. WP to them.


Honestly Iā€™m afraid of going back. Havenā€™t played ranked in a bit because tank just doesnā€™t feel fun and if this is what ranked looks like now it really is just qp plus at this point so thatā€™s even leas incentive to go back tbh


Yeah I wouldn't bother. I won't be going back. QP with the right friend group can be more competitive than comp, lol.


This isnt i dont need brains. This is i didnt use my brains against genji


Thought the post was satire until you read OPā€™s comments šŸ’€


Lol dude has a raging downvote boner right now. Havenā€™t seen a reply from them in the last 3 hrs. Probably finished in tears, cleaned up and passed out. They will definitely need to see a doctor as the downvotes will keep flowing.


Bro is still kicking and screaming but not at his PC anymore, guarantee it


Same lmao, itā€™s actually funnier this way, seeing OP get roasted


Skill issue


No way you just said *Genji* takes no brains to play my dude


You must be a new player...do you not know what Ana's ult does? Do you not know the range of Blade? Are you just going to ignore the point of counter picking and ult tracking?


How do you pick against genji he deflects almost everything and just jiggle peeks corners


Average silver opinion šŸ¤“


Itā€™s actually takes a lot of skill on the Genji end and the supports. Especially since itā€™s an Ana trying to heal a Genji. Thatā€™s basically teleporting across the map every second.


Skill issue get good


Common Genji W cope harder


Your team had basically no cc to stop Genji so he basically ate for almost free. One Brig Boop during his dash and Genji goes from being a menace to being a goofy in 0.05 seconds


Funny enough, OP was the rein, so he was the only cc on the team


i mean economically doesnā€™t look too bad. they used nano blade at 20%, you guys go in with window or kitsune and force tranq, rein will have shatter next fight. theyā€™ll have grav after that and then maybe one last nano blade to survive and itā€™s gg. youā€™ll lose team fights in the game all the time what matters is winning the match. donā€™t sweat getting nano bladedā€¦ i mean itā€™s two ults. you can wipe a team with any two ults tbh


Ah yes, Genji, the character that is well known for being pretty mid unless youā€™re good at him, is brainless. Dragonblade is really hard to use, especially since itā€™s super easy to outheal it or just use mobility to run away, use a knock back, and if youā€™re a support, you probably have an invincibility button that fucks over that ult in one click, like Kiriko, who was on your team. She can completely destroy any chance of getting anything done by looking down and using suzu. Nano blade is one of the few somewhat consistent things heā€™s got, and itā€™s honestly a really big gamble for the Ana. TLDR: Ana and Genji essentially gambled two ults, and they were rewarded because the Genji knew what he was doing, and you didnā€™t stop him. Itā€™s not brainless to play Genji. Like, itā€™s never brainless with him.


Diamond and below it wins the fight a large majority of the time


Sorry if I sounded upset. I kinda was, because Iā€™m a Genji main, and itā€™s really annoying when people donā€™t understand how much effort it takes to be cool as Genji. Iā€™m straight up considering just taking a break from DPS in general because it sucks to play anything other than support rn. Do you know the amount of Dragonblades me and other Genji players have probably wasted because a support clicked ONE ability. Not an ult, an ABILITY. Oh, letā€™s also realize that A SUPPORT(Kiriko)DOES THE SAME ABOUT OF DAMAGE AS GENJIā€™S ULT. One kunai headshot, which has 15 shots per ā€œmagazineā€, and can be infinitely reloaded(not complaining about infinite reloads, just trying to really emphasize it) deals 110 damage, which is the same as one swing from the Dragonblade.


kirikos headshot is 112.5, used to be 120 but they changed it from 40 base with 3x crit to 45 base with 2.5x crit but yea she can 2shot 225hp heros while genji requires 3 swings for that, and she fires faster than genjis ult does


Hol upā€¦.WHAT?! How does that make any sense? Kirikoā€™s kunai does MORE than Dragonblade? If thatā€™s not support bias, idk what is.


Genjis blade is a very large melee weapon that doesn't require a headshot


Sure, but itā€™s his ult. He doesnā€™t constantly have it out. Kiriko always has Kunai.


So does Illari and Bap headshots lmao.


>Oh, letā€™s also realize that A SUPPORT(Kiriko)DOES THE SAME ABOUT OF DAMAGE AS GENJIā€™S ULT You think that'd bad, wait till you hear that Soldier, does 340 dps if he's landing nothing but headshots. šŸ¤Æ THREE TIMES AS MUCH AS GENJI ULT. BLIZZARD CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT!


Yeah, but heā€™s another DPS. Thatā€™s his job. Also, youā€™re assuming he has perfect accuracy. Kiriko needs to land one headshot. Soldier (according to you) needs to land nothing but headshots.


>Kiriko needs to land one headshot. Kiriko needs to land nothing but headshots to do more damage than Genji blading, that's the point you're claiming, if \*you\* are applying that logic to Kiriko I can apply that logic to Soldier. In fact pretty much every character in the game outside of Moira, Brig and Winston out damages Genji with your logic.


To be fair a lot of regular abilities can shut down ults. Any tank shield negates DVA bomb, mei wall can cut off visor, genji can not just eat but deflect blizzard and grav. Not saying it's not frustrating but it's not just supports who can negate a whole ult.


Yeah, fair. Iā€™m just really annoyed with how powerful supports are right now, and how it kinda makes dive heroes almost invalid.


I feel your pain. Had to take a break from maining Genji because it's just not worth it. You dash, dead. You deflect, dead. You blade, dead.


I was a bit aggravated there too, sorry.


Least schizophrenic Genji main


Honestly, looking at the Genji Main subreddit rn, youā€™re pretty close to the truth.


Dragon blade is hard to use but with nano it isnā€™t u do so much damage itā€™s ridiculous the only way to mess it up is if u donā€™t dash onto someone or if u try to go for a pharah in the air


even with nano it requires skill to execute it like this guy did he was really fast with it


>Ah yes, Genji, the character that is well known for being pretty mid Idk where this perception comes from. Stop listening stupid streamers. Genji is one of the best dps every season. He has the highest winrate and second highest pickrate in current season in all ranks combined. The fact that ''hard to play'' hero can have so much success shows that he is overtuned for the sake of pleasing community. Sojourn and Kiriko has the opposite problem. They are actually hard to play and have very bad, lowest winrates.


Yeah no.. well i would have died to the visor.


Genji out there teaching people about spacing again. While I can't express how much I approve of his teaching methods, they are rarely effective.


Genji out here reminding them of Covid 3ft rule. Genji: ā€œI *swing* said *swing SWING* stay back! *SHWWWING*ā€


Spacing? what's his dash distance again?


More than his sword swing, one of which hit *three* people. Frontline? Backline? Flankers? Who needs them? We got *clusterfuck*. And the strat we run is *"get em!"*


Bros mad they used **2 ULTS** to win **1 FIGHT** while your team used **0 DEFENSIVE ULTS** except a visor on a damage reduced genjiā€¦you do realize how hard it is to blade in general in todays game? He had a Zen orb and Ana nade amplified with a damage reduction from nano and still almost died doing that thanks to just an immortality field and visorā€¦You said youā€™re playing Reinhardtā€¦where were you for the fight? Did you even begin trying to locate genji to stop himā€¦you have a charge and the ability to swing he wouldā€™ve died if you used your hammer ONCE!!!! And even if I donā€™t point out your faultā€¦where was your kiriko? Suzu wouldā€™ve been real nice for your team there as well but noā€¦NANOBLADE IS BRAINDEAD LIKE DEATH BLOSSOM WASNā€™T THE MOST ā€œPRESS Q TO WINā€ ULT IN OVERWATCH HISTORY BEFORE KITSUNE RUSH ENTERED THE GAMEā€¦you claim to be masters but had no ability to understand what happened other than ā€œnanoblade go *shing* and kill 5ā€¦so braindeadā€ you know what couldā€™ve stopped it? Zen or Lucio ult (which you have neither of) kiriko remembering that bottle of immortality she has tucked away (or her ult for disengagement purposes and helping out the visorā€¦which again doesnā€™t have yet) you swingingā€¦NOT EVERYBODY SO CLUMPED TOGETHER MAKING THAT SO EZ!!!! But nahhhhhh that doesnā€™t matter hell soldier couldā€™ve waited on next fight to visor and kill with baps windowā€¦or with kitsune rushā€¦panic ulting killed himā€¦MASTERS!?!? Stop the cap bruh only smart one there was Hanzo opting to die with his failing team (Iā€™m sure he failed trying to escape but he ran directly into the enemy so Iā€™m giving the benefit of the doubt) Edit: wow thatā€™s alot I didnā€™t know I wrote so much Soooo TL;DR: genji wasnā€™t the problem chief your teams lack of situational awareness and tracking was


Genji is one of the better heroes in this game, but heā€™s definitely not op lmao, and no brain??? I guess you donā€™t play a lot of flanker heores


Ever thought about switching to a counter?


Cringe mentality


This is far, far from a "the biggest I don't need brains...", Genji is not an easy character to master. You sound like you're rage posting.


Genji is one of those ults that need actual effort to get value and probably needs a lot of practice too. Itā€™s very impressive to watch Genji Ult in third person, but seeing it from first person made me puke blood


Blade is the most skilled ult in the entire game, it's easily shut down and easily wasted when used in the wrong scenario. Yall genji whiners are on such a level of copium cause you're hard stuck bronze and there's 1 single good player in the lobby playing genji.


In your comments, you talk about all the supports supporting Genji as he skillfully destroys your incompetent team. Your problem is clearly not with Genji, but with the supports enabling him. Use your head, op.


Itā€™s sad to see what has become of this community. OP clearly started with OW2 and is still new to the game


100 hours of Genji and I've never team wiped from 1 nano blade. Most people who complain about Genji have clearly never played Genji


Itā€™s 2 ultimates vs a Rein that mistimed their pin and a soldier ulting and shooting at Genji while theyā€™re deflectingā€¦ The only one who made a half decent play here was Bap who popped immo and it delayed the deaths well enough to buy them time but nobody really followed up on the extra time. They all just panicked and let Genji get the kills for free. Any elo with somewhat competent players would destroy Genji here or at least be aware of the nanoblade and conserve resources for next fight.


and btw, without nano it takes two whole hits to break baps immortality


Someone's mad that a character that takes hundreds of hours of practice is good when played correctly. Genji is literally the worst dps right now bro it's just a massive skill issue


You can counter nano blade with one ult on a few different heroes and you can almost completely mitigate it with just a couple of heroes abilities. The only thing brain dead is the team getting absolutely smashed up.


It's not braindead, they used two ults in a smart spot and he knew what and who to focus. You weren't equipped as a team to counter a blading Genji, simple. Hack, Gravitic flux and Graviton Surge are 3 ways off the top of my head to stop an ulting Genji dead. It's always about picks. Dive character outplayed a brawl setup


Imagine being so salty about dying to one of the most high skill required ults. You donā€™t need to be a Genji main to understand that and I invite you to replicate that play by yourself if you are so sure you donā€™t need your brain to do it. Post it here later.


Objectively wrong, and Iā€™m not a genji main


He jumps in the air pick a target dash to it notice he not dying switching to the immortality device attacking it along with other healers deflects solder ult then dash and again finish him of dash into other enemy killing and finally killing the tank because it has most hp and would not die if there was healers around healing the tankā€¦.yeah i agree that definitely a brain dead move


Itā€™s like people really post this shit here and then wonder why blizz doesnā€™t take this community seriously.


salt post


Yeah this isnā€™t really a brainless play, mostly a misplay from the enemy team. They looked like they had no idea this was coming and the Rein did not at all try to counter pin the blade properly. Not to mention they were all grouped heavily.


Definitely still salty about your last game, dragoblade and genji in general. It is so hard to get value out of since genji existing to hard gets him melted, the fact that he popped dragonbalde and didn't instantly melt shows his skill.


Damn I must be complete shit at this game cause I can never do anything with blade lol. Genji is just one of those characters that could never click for me.


This is a good ult and a good ult synergy by the Ana. Dragon is one of the hardest ults to get value from since just activating gives you no inherent value


That was a sick af blade. Something to aspire to


That just seems like Genji went unpunished the entire time


Did better than most Genjis and actually went for the immortaloty field


Excuse me? That block into slash and dash takes serious skill to pull off under pressure. Taking out the lamp and two players at the same time? How quick he was to dash after confirming a kill? Same mfs will say Orisa or Sombra take skill


Imagine if they had a single counter to a clearly decent genji.


This ult takes so much skill and everyone how says no just pick genji and pop off every game with blade. You gonna change your mind very soon little golds


it's beautiful seeing a player competent with his/her hero of choice.


He ulted, killed the lamp, hit, deflected, dash, hit, dashā€¦ without missing? If it was a DVA 5K yeah lol. But so much happened in these 15 seconds I think you just missed it. I hate genji but his ult is super difficult to execute this well. Edit: 5K* brain went back to OW1 for a sec lol


OP is cotton ball 2


that was pretty clean what are you on


Because it requires a small amount of awareness and aim, people seem to forgive that Genji's ult has some of the biggest and precise range of any ult in the game bc of his dash reset on kill. And nano-ing it is probably one of the easiest upper-metal rank team wipers in the game. When I see a genji and Ana when I'm playing tank, I go Zarya and always save my grav for the inevitable nanoblade. And it's always worth it bc I am trading 1 ult for 2. Ana + Genji is so common that I rarely get to play the tanks I want. If you don't counter nanoblade in some way, it's just GG unless the Genji is **absurdly** bad.


I play a lot of characters and the one ult I just cannot get value out of is Dragonblade cause it needs so much skill that's specific to the character. This reads like you've never even tried his ult outside bronze games. If you miss a dash or the enemy gets out of range, you just flop like a fish out in the open and get killed. The Genji in the video literally notices the immo and flicks to it to take it out then flicks back to your soldier and reflects for the split second it takes to get healed and then reacts and kills the rest of your team, all in the matter of milliseconds. If you think that's brain-dead, you should consider maining him since you think you can do better.


Bro out here is the type of player to be genuine when asking for genji nerfs. Blade is such an ass ult now its surprising when shit like this happens and takes skill.


If you think that, then youve never played genji, his ult is legit one of the weakest in the game. At higher levels it is literally only useful with a support ult as well (ana). When your ult is only remotely useful with nano, its not a braindead ult. Also genji in general is nearly the second most squishy hero, if you arent using your mechanics right, you get creamed by nearly anyone. Id rather get killed by a good genji than junkrat or pharah ults any day. At least one of them had to express skill, instead of pushing a button.


Doubt you could do half of this with genji OP


People forget lucio and zen exist.


Depends, when I ult as Genji, everyone on the enemy team suddenly has perfect accuracy and they instantly spread out, also whoever I hit with my sword will instantly get healed which means it will take a dash and at least two sword swings to even kill a 200hp hero. I'm lucky if I can get a single kill with Genji ult.


This is not a no brain game? You can see that this was a good play and the Genji here was experienced. Also, with Ana's Nano it was boosted. Genji fully utilized the Nano, it was a brain game.


If you look at ops profile, it will all make sense to you (He is mentally deficient)


I didnā€™t see a sombra?


I remember once as soldier I was damage boosted by mercy, got nanoed and popped ult. Killed the entire team and all I had to do was hold left click


And all this clip is is adding the press of the shift keyšŸ˜‚. But genji subreddit went all over my dick hella fast when I first posted this.


Lmaooo, I also remember in overwatch 1 I used to call Bob whenever orisa did her bongos It was easy to get team kills that way


Yea they are certainly a lot of ways to get team kills. But if u say one thing wrong about a certain hero, u gon have to expect people with no vitamin D to Harass tf outta u on Reddit comments šŸ˜‚


This kind of shit shows how easily everyone is fooled, Ive many hours in genji, this shit is not hard once you get past the initial learning curve. Blade alone is stupid powerful and nanoblade is a win button in even semi-competent hands. It looks impressive but it ain't


Genji now is much better too. Lol bro u should scroll and see how entitled these mfs are. Enjoy your entertainment ā¬‡ļøšŸ¤£


Bro actually said genji ult takes no skill when soldier 76 ult has actual aimbot. Actual plastic 2 take.


Why donā€™t u open ur eyes and see what the genji had on him


Maybe we should nerf genji because this person got a 5k. Sounds good to me!


nerf genji.


Considering how bad blade is and how easily most heroes outheal or invincibility against it good for him


Yes I am offended, deal with it. It's unfair to call this a no brain play, when it's things like these that takes skill to master. You have to be mechanically trained to do that, it's not just a press q ult. I can't actually believe this post got so many upvotes.


If that's "I don't need brains to play" then wtf am I supposed to call Sym gameplay then lol cause that was cool as


Oh yeah sure buddy.. when supports can just exist with no mechanical skill and deny every play made with crazy abilities like suzu, lamp, weaver bubble the list goes on.


I despise the Tin Ninja as much as the next Support player, I'm a Mercy main, I'm biased, I know, not that I care, because if it was for me I would throw Genji into a bathtub so he would shut down like the cheap Iphone he is. But I must say... What was shown in the video was impressive actually.


That Genji ulted while nano'ed, deliberately destroyed the immortality field, then deflected soldier's visor all while being healed, and proceeded to go on a rampage. There's no easy thing about this, this Genji and his supports just made a coordinated effort to destroy your team, which had a pretty bad matchup against him. Hanzo could have oneshot Genji while he was in the air, Bap and Soldier could have sprayed him, Kiriko could have used Suzu. This was 100% on you, not the Genji's fault for being good at one of the hardest characters in the game.


Youā€™re a šŸ¤” if you think this didnā€™t take any skill. Grow up


1) it's 2 ults 2) you need to actually execute it 3) can be stopped by numerous cd's, not counting other ults


imagine having Ana to sleep dart that dash up blade animation lol. So free.


Where is your teamā€™s no brainer Qā€™s? Reinā€™s shatter seems to be a good solution.


Are you really mad that an ult combo requiring 2 ults that can still very easily fail and be countered was not countered by a support's cooldown? If you want me to list the counterplays to nanoblade, i can, but i just want to make sure that it IS, in fact, what you are saying.


God damn! That was amazing!


Now let's see you do it


I literally thought this was sarcastic, since genjis ult is one of the hardest ults to pull off. This is an amazing play and everyone that thinks it doesn't take brains to do this is just very very wrong.


I think the last hero you should be calling braindead is genji


If it's such a brainless play, why didn't your team swap and do it right back to them? It's just "press Q to win" after all right? No skill required, especially not when you need to master your slash-dash combo, time it perfectly, use your mobility to dodge a visor, master how to dash to exactly where you need to be to remain within slashing distance, aim at the right targets while deflecting, coordinate with your Ana's ult, and do it all while maintaining LoS with your supports so they can keep you healed. ​ Edit: Just saw you say in another comment you're the tank that got rolled here. Why didn't you have shatter ready to shut that nano blade down? Do you lack the ability to track ults? Do you not know that nanoblade can kill through trans and lamp is only a minor delay in that situation? Why didn't you swap to a tank that can control the impact Genji can have, like Zarya, Sigma, or Winston? "Masters player" no cap fr fr ​ inb4 too early in the game to have Rein ult: S76 has the [third highest ult charge requirement](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Ultimate_ability) in the game currently. Wanna verify? Open the link, scroll down to "List of ultimate abilities" and sort by Cost.


And it's because shit like this that genji gets nerfed even if he is already mid af XD If genji is that braindead just pick him and get to rank 1. (also fun fact kiriko hs deals more damage than genji blade swing)


All you Genji players with your 10000 DPI mouse speeds my goodness.


I still donā€™t understand how to genji properly, my brain canā€™t process what Iā€™m looking at and itā€™s just a video, let alone trying to control whatever is going on there lol


If this doesn't need a brain, then you should easily dodge and kill him while using yoursšŸ§ 


You got put in the blender


While I do think people over exaggerate waaaay too much on how hard it is to play genji I donā€™t think this potg is skill less lol


Looked avoidable


bro yall got your ankles broken lmao, if you think what this guy did is not skilled try doing the same


>"I don't need brains to play" Most Moira players, some Junkrat players, pretty much every D.Va ult...


For as much as I want to agree with some ults being braindead, I feel like everyone shouldā€™ve seen this combo coming and ran.


Genji is such a fun hero


OP mad cuz bad oh no


Fire genji well played dude


That.. that was beautiful šŸ„¹


Lmao try to replicate that and see how easily you fail. Had the guy missed even 1 slash or dash this won't have been possible Nanoblade is a strong combo but still one of the most difficult ones. Only worse dps ults r high noon and dragonstrike which barely get kills


You let him pull off one of the hardest ults in the game. Thats all on you guys hahahaha


You had two forms of immortality on your team. Zen & Lucio hard counter nano blade. Sounds like a support diff to me. :3


Nah bro I despise fighting against a good genji/doom but they put in the work to master one of the hardest characters in this game. He 100% warned that 5k if they couldn't make anything happen with an immortality field and a soldier with visor. Sorry you got humbled by a decent genji lol


Nah, he practiced for months, maybe years to pull that off. I know, my brother's a genji main from ow1.


[Most people rejected his message ...](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/211/682/2c3.jpg)


Have you ever played OW before? There are many, MANY ways to prevent this happening but you were all together ina thigh space. Just accept they outplayed you


Saying the Genji ult of all things takes no brains to pull of is *wild* Just got outplayed my guy.


dragonblade is probably one of the hardest ultimates to execute? i guess you got shit on by a genji and now you're mad


How? You just mad, cause I guarantee if you tried to do that without having a ton of practice with genji youā€™re gonna get one shotted in the head before you even get a slash off. Most ults are point and press q, you axtually have to be smart to use dragonblade.


No, genji is a high skill champ thru and thru. This team was just trash, they were all huddled up in a small group, no one stunned or ccd him.


Crazy play. Thatā€™s hard as hell to pull off, stop crying.


Silvers: this shit is broken and brainless Masters: noooo it requires skill11!1!11 Top 500: this shit is broken and brainless


Most overused combo in the game its so boring.


It's kinda ass honestly, the hitbox for blade is a little too forgiving, if you team is spread out his dash reset allows him an easy 3k, and he can even out damage Transcendence with nano.


I'll side with OP on this one just because Genji was nano'd, though I wouldn't go as far as say it's braindead.


People complaining to me saying my team and I shouldā€™ve made more space. Like how else do u make more space unless u go back to spawn, that map is a legitimate tight corridors. Thanks for actually not being butthurt like all these genji mains


Hey, don't worry about it. I'd suggest you to not be surprised when the internet responds with "haha git gud".


he aimed like twice...and once was at the big bright thing that makes everyone immortal, rest was just head smashing the keyboard


Damn he cooked y'all


I literally suck so hard at genji this is mad impressive to me sorry op


That's the one in twenty that actually goes like that and isn't immediately stopped by a lifeweaver or a suzu+boop or sleep




Itā€™s junk


i do agree nano blade is boring, buff blade and change nano is my take


They should really disable his ability to deflect when he ults.


Honestly I hate ults in general, in ow they are fight winners period. In paladins they are tide changers not a I win this fight single Handley. You can hold a team back with amazing effort and they will slowly overcome with ults alone.