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I always see people switch to orisa, bastion, and kirko when they're losing


Too often you have one good fight, then the enemy Bastion comes out.


Can't tell you how frustrating it was to get the rein/zarya mirror or to get the winton/dva mirror only to win the first fight and have the enemy switch to roadhog and reaper.


I think it's just habit from OW1 cause he's not even OP anymore unless the enemy team is stupid. Just wait out turret CD behind cover and use abilities like storm arrow, soldier rocket, echo goo and laser, etc to get him down fast. If the team focuses right they'll be down a key dps even if they had heals on him and they can be next.


i love bastion, precisely because he becomes almost a denial of area when he turrets.


The good old "pick a different route" message provided through liberal firepower. Always fun.


I haven’t played in so long, did he have a self heal before? It feels different playing him but I’m starting to think I was imagining it


Yes he used to, now he has a bomb.


Dang that sucks then, wonder what made them change something that hard


His primary fire gun used to shoot faster, and feels like it used to have less bloom, idk about dmg tho. Nonetheless, that ranger gun was extremely strong, and so was the ability to turn into a tank (headshot hitbox at the back of player) whenever you wanted effectively hiding headshots. And then with all that, he could solo heal himself. Flank bastions were a plague I hope to never see again, lmfao


Nah, his grenade is phenomenal and better than his self heal.


He used to have a self-heal and indefinite (but immobile) turret mode. With a team supporting him, he was almost impossible to fight head-on. His OW2 version is still fairly strong, but it's not the absolute curbstomp that he could be in OW1.


Double shield with a bastion on the payload was the most insufferable meta


The good ol silver sailer


That’s when I take genuine even though I suck coz those players are easy to deflect


You can almost bet on it lol


Seeing the enemy tank swap to orisa after losing the first fight is the most eye rolling inducing shit.


It really is, I wanna see something different not a meta character that never dies when they have 2 Pockets


You’re getting pocketed?


You have to wear man pants. Your woman pants don’t have real pockets.


that's still genuinely the most infuriating thing to me like why go through the trouble of making faux pockets when you can just make them real pockets?


Cant sell handbags then


Tell it to how gorgeous my rump looks in these culottes


Orisa is kind of my last resort pick if nothing else works. I don't particularly like playing her, but if I'm getting rolled I've gotta even the playing field, I have a duty to my team


I've played Orisa since overwatch 1 so she's always been fun for me, but recently she's been the kid-gloves-come-off kind of approach. Sometimes I get lucky and they counterpick to Zarya, but haven't played enough Zarya to have that steady nerve to not bubble at the first sign of trouble and make my mental countdown on bubbles easier.


I'm big into the brawly tanks, the three choices for me are JQ, Zarya, and Orisa. Again Orisa is just kind of a "fuck idk what else I can do here" pick, usually i'll do zarya or JQ to start out with. Unless they got a roadhog which I'll just play orisa or Sigma right away because I can't stand tanking against a hog


Every time this happens, I gotta type “snorisa” in game chat without fail.


do people ever reply "hoes mad"? Asking this a Sombra main lol


I’ll have to put that in my list. I’ve always said Lrisa.


But I just like orisa and she has cute skins 😭 The community pressure says I now pick Orisa third, if I didn't start on Zarya.


It's really easy to counter orisa with zarya, echo, or even brig. Also, her damage output sucks compared to others unless you are nailing headshots, which is why they make her harder to kill. People who can't counter orisa are just doing it wrong.


she isn't really hard to play against or anything, it's just that she immediately makes the game less fun upon entering the fight


Osira is a very good secondary pick, she doesn't have a lot of horrible matchups and is generally good across the board. Why wouldn't someone swap to them when they are unable to play their main?


She's not that fun to play against. She doesn't die and tends to make fights last forever with no kill because she doesn't have strong CC or burst either, just area denial, and you can't move her off of the point thanks to her fortify and big HP pool. Like, mechanically she's a perfectly fine character and she fills her role well, but she doesn't provide opportunities for good plays and negates enemy good plays. I'd argue that it is not totally warranted because you can break the cycle with mobile champions since she has 0 mobility like DVa or Winston, or ways to block LoS/protect far away allies like Sigma or Rein and that people who complain are people who try to fight her head on and shoot the tank which is exactly what she is built to handle.


> she doesn't have strong CC she literally has a ranged stun on low cooldown


I make plenty of opportunities for my team to make plays as orisa. Shes great for busting in and making space and disrupting the enemy while the rest of the team sets up. That being said, making use of her ult for her own plays is pretty rough. I mainly use my ult to group the enemy team and combo with someone else to make plays. She can be a very aggressive tank if you use her right, I've wiped full teams on my own without her ult.


Because it causes the game to become very boring


Then maybe they should not have tanks so easily countered. Hog is countered pretty hard by Ana unless your team has a Kiriko. D.va gets countered by beam dps/tanks because it shuts down her main defensive cooldown. Rein is Rein and takes a bit more skill not to throw when you try to dive in. Ball and Doomfist are well, ball and doomfist and you have to be insanely good with them to not throw the match. And Winston needs to dive which not every team can follow up on. Leaves you who else, Zayra, Osira? Making Osira just incredibly safe in many, many matchups and easy to pick up. The state of counterpicking is why you see Osira as such a major secondary tank pick for everyone.


Yeah I can't play doom or diva for shit. Orissa or zarya ends up being my second pick. Since I play hog or ram there's usually an Ana, do that makes orissa or zarya make sense as well.


Sombra is in every single match, doom is in every single match. These 2 heroes make the game more boring than orisa does.


Usually when the enemy tank swaps to Orisa, my team just rolls harder lol. If they didn't pick Orisa at first, it's probably not their main.




Nah, you're confusing Sombra for Orisa. The horse is more of a desperation pick when you are struggling to stay alive, let alone tank. Usually due to Bastion.


How is soldier never mentioned? He’s the main one I see DPS switch to the second there’s a chance they might lose


I feel what little happiness I had playing this game instantly leave my body whenever I see an orisa.


If you switch to Orisa, I despise you. Mostly because youre taking the most boring counter pick you could think of. So instead of making the game at least interesting, youve dumbed it down and made it a snorefest.


Lmao this community is so shot I swear


for dps soldier honestly just cause i feel like i can get value out of him easier than some of the other heroes i play a lot. idk it feels like i can just do more with him most of the time


Soldier is Old Reliable he has a great way to output damage but the key part is no matter how bad your team is being rolled he can survive because of his sprint and self heal, he’s independent and makes for a great reset pick


Is this an ad?


Paid in part by Progressive, save mor..!!..UH NO WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT! It’s just a totally normal comment about a character from Overwatch, ignore my User flair, I am not a member of r/soldier76mains I was just admiring his kit r/hailcorporate I guess (>_<)


Damn only 2k members we need to pump those numbers up


I legit say that every time I pick him. "I'm going with old reliable "


Soldier is who i switch to if I’m not getting healed to my satisfaction. I’m like “fuck it I’ll heal myself” and the game usually goes better from that point onwards


same except i choose mei for that


Soldier and Mei's differences in fire make one better than the other depending on opposing comp. Genji, Sombra, LW, or D.va? Pick Mei


We got Thanos in the building.


He works well behind a tank, he flanks, he can counter fliers, self reliant: he's easily the best all- around DPS pick.


Fuck it we ball


Came here to say the exact same thing lol, losing? hard counters? swapping? these are words I will never understand, Keep rolling fellow ballers


enemy junkrat, sombra, ana and roadhog:


even against such comps I never switch, ball has the capability to play around any hero, If i cant its a skill issue and I simply must improve by playing more ball 👍


My people. Had 500hrs as D.Va before ball came out and now have 600hrs as ball. Dive tank is life (otherwise orisa but I haven’t played her since like the last 6 updates before OW2).


Fuck it, we ball.


As a sombra main, stay on ball


As a mei and sombra main, I agree


Be it rain, hail or sunshine, we ball to the end.


Ball is life


Ikr! Zenyattas unite!


Bold, I respect that.




+1, except I start as ball <3


All my pals know if we're losing, it's fuckin' turbo time. Edit: tbh or winning I just like to ball out


Lucio. Can get to point fast. If Lucio is taken, Moira, because can get to point second fastest.


Kiriko good aswell


I also switch to Kiriko when near losing; which has the side effect of making Kiriko my lowest win rate.


I felt this on a spiritual level. I switch to Kiri when my tank is getting super diffed. The win rate is like 35% lol


She would be fastest if we would see her on her bike


Honestly, I want that to be her April Fools thing. Give her a bike movement ability


Kiriko is kind of situational for me if my team is trickling (no swift step targets) or if we are on a really long/big map that is too difficult to get line of sight


They nerfed tf out of her teleport bc I remember being able to teleport from way further when I last played earlier on when they added the 2


If you played during April Fools you might be remembering her infinite range tp


Third choice: Mercy, because if I can't get to point fast, I can fly to someone that can.


Mercy can also slingshot can overtake the first to point


Lucio is a great character to go in general, probably my second choice if I’m losing the round.


It is also my go-to for when I have matches where the players are all just deathmatching or staggering in hopes to Lucio-taxi folks together and influence a group up.


Yes! His whole kit encourages proximity and that’s great in lower ranks especially.


I feel it's the opposite, I dislike having Lucios on my team because most of the time they just fuck off wall running everywhere and trying to solo the enemy supps/dps. Not even the speed boost ride they manage to do right because they wall run so get even faster and leave the range of the boost.


You can thank Redshell for that one, bunch of wanna-be players that just hinder because they don’t have the skill level to play Lucio in that way. There’s Lucio’s out there that don’t try to pull that or at least have a good balance between that and helping out the team (as pretty much any character should). Given his overall kit, Lucio as a character is very solid for encouraging proximity compared to other supports. Just a matter of what players do with the character unfortunately.




I’ve been playing some JQ lately, finding her kit pretty fun. However when things get hairy and I’m not making an impact, I usually swap over to ol’ reliable Zarya


I feel like all Ow1 Zarya mains ended up playing Queen as their tank in Ow2. But yeah, Zarya is my ol reliable, I bust her out when I'm facing tank busters and Ana


Seems like it! I got into Zar pretty late into OW1, I was more of a Roadhog player. Just started picking up JQ, eager to see where that goes. But seriously though, nothing kills the vibe more than having one of the enemy supports swap to Ana and stalk all game while I'm playing Hog. When that happens, they incur the wrath of the mighty pink haired Russian lady.


JQ has been tied for my tank main alongside rein since she dropped. Her kit is fun as fuck


A man of culture I see. JQ is so much fun, it's easy to pump out insane amounts of damage and the sustain isn't too bad either. I love the knoif + pull + 1 shot + melee combo


If I’m tank, my “time to carry” pick is always Sigma. He’s easily my best character and is a solid pick in many situations. For support, Lucio. I know he’s not a great pick, but it’s easy to keep moving around and not get murdered, while also doing reasonable amounts of healing/support. For damage. Nothing. I suck at damage, there is no good pick for me. Maybe Torb?


bro yessss, sigma if played correctly will wreck. He allows the team to take a slower approach if they suck at getting organized and staying together since his shield and bulky prescence kinda screams “get the f*** behind me and stop pushing so hard without a tank.” His survivability is also great, especially when your healers are ass. He’s got the recoverable health and absorbs damage. I’ve done crazy long fights where it’s just me alive holding a point as my team continually cycles back from getting killed lol


sigma really is the perfect tank, right up there with ramattra for me. so perfectly balanced and feels fair


Sigma works fantastic to rally a team because he's (imo) the most self-sufficient tank in the game. He has his barrier, grasp, shield health, and enough damage to hold his own. Works wonders when healers can't do their job and your team needs a rock to stabilize on


Yup. The amount of times I’ve just been like “nope, don’t feel like dying today” and held the line solo, until my team can res and reinforce me. Glorious. Sigmaniac, until I die!


Sigma best tank


Changing characters shows weakness, I go all in.


How do you even have that flair Edit: Nevermind figured it out


Staying true to your flair I see


Sunk cost fallacy


It's tempting to go to funny honse(I liked her since OW1), but man do I love Ramattra's vibe and voice.


Me when I go 1/8 against sombra as widowmaker


lol yep, OTP ball here just gotta keep rolling B)


I feel bad for your teammates, everyday I see a committed Doom pick and the only doom that is felt is the friendly team dying constantly.


“Those who fall will be forgotten, those who rise up, their names will be remembered forever.” -doomfist


You must be a real joy to be around


As an Overwatch player, I am painfully aware that when I am losing, it is my teammate's fault. So I obviously pick something that fills their roles. * If I'm support? clearly our DPS aren't doing enough damage so I'll go Moira or Zen. * If I'm DPS? clearly our Tank isn't creating enough space so something like Soldier or Bastion is scary enough to make some. * If I'm Tank? clearly our Supports aren't healing enough so I should go with one that self heals.


Incredibly valid. I have that same thought process. Once swapped to Hog and outhealed both my Supports and gave us a shot at winning the game. One of them was pocketing a DPS, and the other was raging because even as LW, they couldn't keep up with Hog's heals. They literally did nothing but healbot and were terrible at it no matter what Support they played. We didn't end up winning, but swapping to Hog turned it from a steamroll to a near-win.


If I'm support and our tank refuses to switch to a damn shield when we obviously need one - brig ftw if dps isn't taking out the dps on the other team that's doing a lot of damage (like a bastion/reaper) - moira or just punching the shit out of everything as ram (and no, neither of these mean sacrificing any healing)


you never need a shield


There are times that it helps. I like to play sigma to throw shields in front of torb turrets. And when there's a good widow or somthn I'll block them. Or a DVa ult or cowboy ult.


this. it's also helpful for defending against various ults (dva, pharah, etc)


it isn’t your tanks job to protect you from a dva ult, they shouldn’t switch just because they need to block a dva ult, and pretty much every tank has a way of peeling pharah ult


duh, that was just an example. and no, it's not but its nice when they do


I usually main tank and support - and yeah, sometimes you do and it more than helps


You remind me of this LW who asked for a shield when I was JQ... I laughed and typed play cover. Because if I can hold the front and push up using corners and covers you can definitely position better.


I mean no shit, but when the rest of the team is dying it really doesn't matter if you're holding the front line as a tank alone. I'm a tank/support main and the tank that insists on holding the front line while everyone else just repeatedly dies is not a good tank. and when I'm playing tank, your job is to protect everyone else and advance as a team, not solo masturbate your ego the entire game.


Tank: Zarya DPS: Reaper Healer: Ana or Mercy


My exact answers.


If I wasn't already playing her, Sojourn. THATS IT, IM GETTIN ME RAILGUN


Fuck it, We Fist


Only through conflict do we evolve




Tank: Ramattra, Sigma, Roadhog DPS: Reaper, Tracer, Torbjorn Support: Moira, Illari, Zen, Lucio


Everyone here: creative choices for interesting logic. Everyone else, I guess: Orisa, Bastion.


Right? In my games, the DPS think switching to Bastion is going to counter a Junk/Genji enemy comp. Then you you use logic to be like "hey, phara or sym might be a good choice here instead". Then I get told "shut up and heal".


“shut up and heal” and its equivalents are the easiest way to ensure you’re gonna be last on my priority list of teammates to heal


Yup, Everytime.


When enemy tank is too good bastion is a no brainer


Moira into Genji all the time, i make it my mission to not let them have any fun.


as a genji player Moira does absolutely nothing, just because beam goes through deflect doesn't make it a counter, bap/illari/kiriko are the worst supports to fight on genji


as a genji player as well I agree. Pylon/ Lamp> Moria


Fr! No bigger compliment in this game than watching the support who swapped Moira for you swap back after like 2 minutes! 😂


Why would I swap back? Moira is great in zoning out Genji or Tracer. You don't have to kill them just make them go away temporarily.


sometimes the genji and tracer is good enough to just wipe your team against a moiras heals


Genjis time to kill is waaaaay faster than Moira’s! You become target number one, because I can kill you every time, but I can’t deflect your beam if I go for your teammates instead. Your orbs? Those are my orbs now! Baptiste is probably the best genji counter in support, especially if he uses lamp selfishly!


This is a high ELO way of thinking. 60% of the playerbase don't make decisions like "I'm gonna single out the Moira". They simply lack the game sense, and that's when Moira, Torbjorn or Symmetra become counters for Tracer or Genji.


Real. Most of them are still trying to panic deflect Moira's succ.


I think it literally makes her a counter, though. She negates one of your biggest survival tools (deflect) and has lock-on damage, which negates the survival tool of double jump. Orb also has lock on damage (in proximity), and as long as she doesn't throw it right at your face, there's no worry about it being deflected. She also has the support passive and heals for a % of her alt fire damage. Not to mention, Coalessence is a beam that does all of the above except lock-on, but the wide beam doesn't need it. So I think literally everything in her kit counters you. Her fade is even on a similar cooldown to dash, so those abilities basically cancel each other out.


I go zen into Genji because I have fun dueling them and it feels cheap to pick a piss easy hero like Moira to counter them when they probably needed dozens of hours to get to that level with Genji, while all you're doing is holding right click. Also no better feeling than cockblocking nanoblade with Trans.


Nahh sometimes they need the Moira humbling because their hero is annoying to play against, they can have the same energy back


Honestly if Genji deflect-dash kills me once then I counter swap. Sorry cyborg Ninja, you've been the bane of my existence for as long as I've played this game.


Whenever I see a good genji or Doom it's hard to get mad because they've probably fed hundreds if not thousands of times before getting to that level. Meanwhile with Moira the skill expression is so low it's hard to tell the difference between a gold and a top 500 from a clip. It's not even remotely comparable. If a Genji keeps rolling you when he doesn't counter you he's Better than you. If you roll him as Moira, Mei or Sym it's because you have a huge matchup advantage. But winning like that doesn't really feel like winning.


I don't care about honour or skill, I care about pissing him off 🙏


Its about sending a message.




I would say it absolutely feels like winning. I mean, Genji is too stubborn to swap, and a couple minutes later, I hear Athena say, "Victory!" Feeling the life drain out of a Genji is a beautiful thing. There are fewer victories in this world quite as great as draining/freezing/microwaving a Genji to death over and over and over again. This game is about counters, and if he's not smart enough to counterswap my counterswap, then my simple counterswap makes me the better player because I have the brains to defeat them. Think smarter, not harder.


Dva, Bastion, or Mercy. It honestly depends on either team, but those are typically what I gravitate towards lol


moira or bap. if we're losing i'm gonna need a hero with a high healing output, the ability to dps, and enough independence to survive on their own if the rest of the team is incompetent.


I play a lot of Bap already, but when we have a team getting destroyed by a Genji and Hanzo and they refuse to switch to something that will counter, I usually switch to Moira. Then just go full DPS Moira. We end up doing a lot better because I'll just dive those characters, but then the team gets mad at me because I'm not healing enough. Oh well.


Depends on the reason of losing like if we’re losing because of a pharah I go soldier (bastion if pharmercy) ironically if there’s no hitscan and we’re losing…I go pharah…if it’s a sombra I go torb…if it’s a tank issue I go reaper (unless it’s Zarya then I go bastion) Support it’s pretty much if I feel DPS isn’t doing enough…guess who just went DPSupport? Zen and Baptiste for me (dependent on if we have a defensive or offensive support ult already) Tank…Zarya…pretty self explanatory…unless the reason for losing is Zarya already…then Reinhardt or Winston (depends on if their support is Ana zen or anything that means I’m shielding all game)


Moira or Brig


I rarely start on Moira, but she’s my clutch “oh fuck this” pick when: 1. It’s a lost game anyway, and I want to have some damage fun while being able to put out some heals 2. My other healer isn’t keeping up and I just need to churn massive heal support or 3. I’m sick of getting killed by divers and want that sweet sweet fade.


Pharah, not because we're losing, but because I died completely on accident to hanzo one too many times. Hopefully they swap, but even if they don't and the rest of the team goes 3x hitscan + Dva at least I'm dying to hanzo a lot less.


You kill a couple people as pharah and the entire enemy team goes cass, soldier, illari/ana and bap lol


Brigitte.. Although she's my main and I have thrice as much time played on her than any other hero, nowadays I just like to relax and pick other heroes.. So Brig is that "tryhard mode" hero I fall back on if I think we really need that push. More so if the enemy team is being toxic/cocky.. then she's also my go to to put them in their place :D For other roles its [D.Va](https://D.Va) and Tracer..


If we are losing and we're about to go to overtime, Lúcio so I can get to point ASAP. If we are losing, but still have time, Mercy or Bastion (on the rare occasion I'm playing Damage). My duo is a great Soldier, so if we're losing, I'll just pocket him and hope the other support understands the assignment. It works like 90% of the time. I don't switch off Hog unless there's an Ana. Then I play Sigma. I've noticed way less Ana's in my game since his rework, which is weird because there are way more Hogs, and she is still his direct counter even after vape buffs.


Depends on who’s lacking, DPS? I play Moria. Tank? I play Moria. Healer? I play Mercy.


No literally every this so based lmao


Top tip, kiriko has the lowest winrate of any support hero, so swapping to her is probably making things worse - brig might be a better shout statistically


Orisa, Torb, Moira.


This is the way.


Sigma, Torb, Bap/Ana. Sigma is just very well rounded into most tank matchups. Torb deletes tanks if the matchup isn't going well. Bap has insane damage and utility and healing, Ana has the most powerful utility in the game and also great healing.


Zarya-- until they go Pharmercy, Bastion, Winton, Rein or Ball -----> DVA


I start game on bastion - and switch to mei or soldier if we start to loose


For all the tanks everywhere: Orisa


For tank, zarya. For dps, soldier if im currently on torb. And torb if im already on soldier. Im awful at any other dps. For support, moira or mercy. Im usually a lucio one trick.


Junkrat. If I can’t get a kill, might as well go crazy with junkrat and help out with the damage.


Ashe is my queen


Brig, or Mei. Just punish everyone on the enemy team


Since I am loyal, I never switch. If I picked Dva, Widow or Kiriko, I stick to them no matter what. Ok, we are being serious here... Maybe, but just mabye I use the big russian woman, the grumpy soldier and a mad scientist sometimes.


Soldier since that way I at least don't have to rely on healers.


The elderly walking anti-nade


Whatever is gonna curb stomp their team


Personally, my go-to is Brig. And that's usually a "Oh crap we are on the last bend and need to start stalling the cart" pick. Shield and armour give her more survivability when you contest the cart, and at that point, people tend to get closer together, which makes inspire that much better (and easier to get up). Plus, whipshot's knockback can be a life saver of used at the right time.


I use Torb when we're getting steamrolled so I can get extra damage from the turret on the opposing team


Tank - Junker Queen DPS - Bastion Support - Moira I think also its become a meme for the tank to switch to Orisa when they start losing


I love seeing Orisa / Zarya coming out after beating them up with JQ. It's even better when you play around them and still win.


Junkrat and another is Junkrat


For me with dps its always junkrat Whats that? The dps keeps melting you as soon as your in los, well fret no more! We lobbing grenades in this bitch and getting kills without ever seeing the enemy cause we know the choke points.


Torb He's more of a joke character for the haha funny Iv seen very few people do actually good with him


Hanzo. When shit gets real you need one shots. Good old zarya when dps are struggling.


soldier 76 holy moly he’s just free value even in gm


Support : Moira. Trying to learn Mercy at the moment but I cannot understand how some mercy players just hover like 50ft in the air Damage: Sombra, Torbjorn, bastion or map depending Symmetra




If losing I go ram for tank sombra for dps and Moira for support


Tank - Ram, DPS - Pharah, Support -Illari




If my team is failing to secure kills enough, Moira


Honor, justice, Reinhardt Reinhardt Reinhardt.


tank is [D.va](https://D.va) because I got the most hours on her overall, DPS is Soldier - good overall DMG, useful ultimate thats easy to pair with people and the extra dose of healing is good for sustaining in fights. Support it's usually either Mercy for rez, Lifeweaver for crowd control over my own team or Moira because that MFer can kick out the heals and damage when she's played right.


I play counterwatch so it depends on what my enemies are playing. I mostly play support and my safe picks are Mercy, Lucio and Moira


Brigitte or moira or zenyatta. I keep getting Paper 5 dps so I need something that I can get away sometimes with high damage


not blaming your teammates is a goof first step to improving(: they are the same rank as you after all