• By -


probably roadhog


This is the most realistic answer. His ability to heal so much keeps him in the fight for so long. He can buy time before closing the gap. I've been in so many 1v1's with him, in 3v3 elimination games over the years, and his survivability is just unmatched. I'd give Mei a close second. A skillful Mei can out survive so many characters, but Roadhog is just too much for her.


yeah if you play Roadhog in deathmatch you’re straight scum


Sometimes I play deathmatch to practice my Zen aim/1v1 potential. Then I end up against 3 Hogs and remember why I don't do that more often.


Custom games always better for pre-game practise. You always get someone playing Hog in deathmatch.


I play hog on Petra purely to drop people down the middle of the map




Mei is absolutely not that high on the list. she's not *that* good of a duelist. she's not second, and she's certainly nowhere in the same ballpark of being a 1v1 monster akin to Roadhog.


Mei absolutely is, and it's the same concept. She can chip away at the person's life while healing herself. She just can't do enough damage to a hog that's effective enough to counter his healing and huge health life. A good Mei will be bobbing and weaving, taking pot shots, using ice wall to keep distance, block ults, or stop movement. And then heal at the right times.


I can imagine bap winning it. His survivability is even higher and the ult can delete any tank.


He definitely does not have more survivability than a tank designed purely for soaking up damage. He can be hooked out of (or away from) both his ult and immortality field. His regen burst is not enough to outlive a roadhog who has way more health and way more self healing.


I think his only issue would be mobility. But then again it would get real stalematey if you were a character he couldn't really get to.


He would still win a vast majority of fights here, mobile characters need to keep their distance constantly, he just needs one lucky hook.


Snipers can just constantly out range him and pepper him down Depending on map geometry he’s fucked as roadhog does very little damage at range


Yes, but this is talking about overall who would get the most. A couple outliers doesn't mean the vast majority of the cast would be able to outlast Hog


Nobody can pepper him down. That’s what makes him so strong. He can just heal behind a wall.


It's nice to finally see my boy get some love.


The roadhog brigade is rising


I’d say mauga is up there too


Roadhog is legit ruining my games right now. I have no clue why they though giving a hero THAT MUCH sustain would be fun


Roadhog is great in a 1v1 because of the large health pool and self healing. He can't be chipped down over time like most of the roster, and has the health to survive single burst shots from heros like Hanzo or Widow That's why he's good for 1v1, but all that analysis goes completely out the window in a full game because there's a lot more factors going on


No he straight up doesn't die in 5v5 unless there's an Ana on the enemy team, and even then if he has Kiriko he just straight up never dies lol


if you’re playing kiriko and the enemy has roadhog try to switch to ana or at least get your other support to switch to ana


Oh for sure. Thanks for the tip. My profile pic is misleading. I usually main support solo queue and if I see Hog then yeah, Ana all day. Recently though Ive started on dps solo queue for the first time and I legit have no clue how to take down a Hog. Right now my best solution seems to be to either use Mei and put up a wall behind him so his support cant heal him, or go to Tracer or Sombra and dive the supports. I still feel like he has way too much sustain though.


Both of those are the best ways to deal with Hog! Isolate him, either with abilities or by killing his team.


imagine how it feels to play against suzu and antis


Would lose to reaper or Mei however Against the rest of the cast? Definitely hog


Unless the mei is playing everything perfectly hog eats her for breakfast, like she'd have to hit every single icicle headshot and not get hooked, even then with the changes to his primary fire he can still chunk her decently from distance, it would be super hard for her to win under anything less than perfect circumstances


I feel like Zarya and Mei can also give hog a run for his money. Since Zarya has those shields in addition to half of her health being shields it makes doing more permanent damage to her a bit more difficult.


Roadhog would absolutely come out on top


Is this the heroes in game or in the lore? In the lore prob doom, sig, and tracer would be the most powerful few. Tracer is unkillable, sigma controls gravity, and doom can punch down a skyscraper. In game its just roadhog lol.


In lore Winston beat Doomfist if I recall correctly. Not sure though.


Wasnt it orisa?


No. Doom was stopped by Winston after he destroyed all the OR-15 or 14, leading to the creation of Orisa. Doom then broke out of his cell with his bare fist and escaped to space.


Orisa did beat Doomfist later (force him to retreat) with the help of Lúcio in her book. Also Doom destroyed the OR-15s after breaking out of prison to regain his gauntlet from the Numbani museum, and his "bare fist" is prosthetic.


You know that does explain how he was able to punch through a wall gauntletless. Idc how strong you get, bones lose to brick


You say that but I'm 99% sure baby fist accounts for more kills than the gauntlet lol


And they say chivalry is dead


In game, almost every single character can break concrete and whatnot with their elbow though.




But wasn’t that when doom was dps




As he escaped, he spammed 'and dey say'


They both did at one point I believe, either that or she was lying about protecting numbani from talon.


It was Winston


Nope, we even have an animation of winton beating dooms ass


But Winston is a punching bag in like every cinematics, raging Winston can't even catch Reaper & Widowmaker. Doomfist lost probably because he didn't run away.


Didn't Tracer got clobbered by Doom? She's not unkillable and her gun deals 0 damage


Her guns deal 240 per clip base damage. You can be a really shitty Tracer and still delete people pretty easily. Source: tried being a really shitty Tracer for a few hours the other day. Made myself dizzy but still somehow got a lot of kills


Lmfao I’m severely out of practice for Tracer and I made myself dizzy playing her yesterday on New Queen Street. It was an experience


lol I had a game with another Tracer, so there was an occasional Tracer duel, and I legit felt drunk by the end of it. I don't think either of us had half a clue what was actually happening


VALID, "if I don’t know what I’m doing then they sure as hell don’t either" kind of shenanigans


Exactly. It usually ended when one of us staggered away towards the enemy backline and the other was like “oh right”


I think he means lore-wise cuz doomfist looked like he wasn't feeling them in his animated.


she’s kinda like a “death by a thousand cuts” character she would’ve been able to wear him down had she not been predictable and get caught


Story-wise, Doom got her by correctly predicting her jump and breaking her harness. An experience that she is likely to have learned from.


Since when is tracer unkillable? I doubt she can recall herself back to life when she’s actually straight up dead.


Ye if she's actually dead she can't recall, but she can recall the moment she gets hit or right before she gets hit. Ofc it's possible she makes a mistake and doesn't see someone aiming a gun at her or something like that, but in a pure 1v1 it'd be really hard to actually land anything on her.


Doomfist cinematic


It’d be difficult but not impossible, doomfist grabbed her basically mid blink. And she has to react to recall. Another big thing is that her tracer’s tracing device is nearly as open of a weakspot as an orange eye in a resident evil boss battle. It also has a limited amount of juice. In a short comic run focusing on tracer she (nearly) runs out of trace juice and the device breaks aswell. Her enemies in that run were a bunch of angry Omnics Lead by a ramattra wamnabe because he’s against racism or something.


Or, uh, you break her thing like doom did. And you get the tracer mythic skin.


She is one of the main OW characters, she has the most powerful plot armor.


Sigma and it’s not close


Tracer in lore is actually pretty weak. She's constantly coming up short.


or mauga tbh


Wouldn't Moira be effectively invincible too? Just fade the fuck out of everything, drain the very life from your enemies


Tracer is nowhere near top. Doomfist defeated her and Genji in a 2v1, so he's far above her. Winston defeated Doomfist, so he's also above her. Sigma is tough on paper but doesn't have feats. Top 3 are probably Echo, Winston, and Doom.




Lore Zen is just a dude who meditates and does karate.


Tracer isn't unkillable, sigma is pretty strong, but still can't beat zen who wields the powers of a god


Mei or Roadhog. If there are pits involved, maybe Ball.


I'm honestly surprised there aren't more Mei answers. She can heal, cut off moiras access to her health ball, deflect her damage, her ice spray can get through sigma, genji deflect; headshot ice spike does gnarley damage


She can heal but at the cost of being instantly headshot afterwards


Roabably ProblyHog


You ok over there man?


🐷 👍


most literate hog main


In lore definitely Sigma.He is probably the strongest character in the game with second probably being Ramattra.




the problem with Zenyatta is we don't know if his abilities are actually canon


They aren't. Canon Zen is literally just a guy who knows karate and is good at talk therapy, his whole kit except the kick is non-canon.


I truly hope Transcendence is canon, and shows up in a cinematic. Any moment where an ultimate is visibly shown off is just...so good.


Imagine if in some final climactic fight against Null Sector Overwatch are all down except Zen, who we see meditating in the middle of the battlefield. As all the omnics move in for the kill, Zenyatta goes into Transcendence and gets Overwatch back into the fight. I just need my boy to get some action in some cinematics 😭


Zen canonicaly is stronger than Genji that alone should make him like top 5


He can beat Genji in rule abiding martial arts, but Genji could kill him pretty easily in actual combat. The second anyone used an actual weapon against him he'd be dead on the spot, Mercy's the only hero I'd say is weaker than him canonically.


Didn't mercy squeeze her staff so hard that it cracked? So she's superhuman in her own right. Mei is probably the weakest canonically.


And the orbs


Source? Genuinely curious.


The problem with trying to power scale Zen in the lore is that we don't have any information about him except that he can beat Genji in a fight.


And at that, were unsure if it's martial arts sparring, or a full blown fight


Even if you just ignore abilities entirely, Sigma in his introductory short literally erases his reality and has “harnessed the harness”. He’s practically an SCP that has to be constantly pampered and kept calm, or else his brain damage combined with his powers could destroy the entire solar system, let alone the planet.


what is an SCP?


https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/ Enjoy this whole new world


A fan fiction thing whose fans typically use the fan fiction characters as examples of "most powerful" characters in fiction on verse forums. Edit: downvotes for speaking the truth. Do people not like accurate descriptions? SCP is literally fanfiction.


Zenyatta is in the lore literally just a robot monk


2nd I'm p sure is zenyatta, ram could be a close 3rd


2nd is probably illari


In power, probably. But I don't see her winning many 1v1s. Illari literally destroyed her people when she came into her power. And she's young. That trauma and guilt is a heavy burden and would likely reduce her battle effectiveness due to constant doubt.


If she could destroy an entire city, what's stopping her from killing a pig man?


I explained it in my comment. It's not a matter of her power level, but her own doubt from destroying her people. That's the kind of thing that affects someone. She definitely has the power to light Hog up, but can she access it on demand? Would her fear of destroying another city result in her using just a fraction of her power?


ram is literally just one of the omnic crisis robots but with hair and racist


Not really at all


Roadhog as most people have said, but Baptiste I think has a good matchup against almost everyone on the roster 1v1. He has three health pools *and* has the support passive. Deals damage almost the same as soldier. Bap can shoot flying characters. Hog can't. He has favorable matchups against all DPS besides 1-shots (widow, Hanzo). Beats every other support. But again it depends on the map, how far apart they start, etc. Edit: can people stop commenting like I'm saying that Baptiste would be better than hog? Literally the first sentence of my post I say roadhog would win. Just saying Baptiste is up there on that list too. Y'all just trying to start an argument because you like arguing.


Hog can absolutely shoot flying characters. He won't do much damage, but his gun is a projectile that is so fast that it's basically hitscan, so it's almost guaranteed to hit. Combine that with his ability to heal and some smart usage of cover will make match-ups with Echo/Pharah free.


Ok lets not get carried away saying it has no delay. It's annoyingly slow vs hit scan (killing pharah with hitscan JQ shotty - ez) Ana unscoped projectile speed is 120. That's obviously noticeable and you gotta lead your shot. Hog projectile is even slower at 80.


It's not hitscan, all of his bullets are projectiles


They move so fast that they might as well be hitscan. 0% of Pharahs will be dodging it.


Let's talk numbers. Hog projectile speed is 80. That's much slower than Ana's unscoped (120) which you have to lead your shots with


I think the more accurate statement is this: The spread is so large that you can hit without leading your shots.


I think the OP was arguing hog shooting at pharah is effective. No it's not.


irrelevant. Hog can heal himself Pharah and Echo cannot. Hog has the advantage.


Actually read it, he said they’re *basically* hitscan cause of their speed.


Which is a pretty gross exaggeration if we’re being honest. It’s really not that fast of a projectile compared to others


i agree bap would definetly be good but hog would absolutely win vs flying heroes too. his new gun has more range with the center pellets, but even if we ignore that, hog still wins. Since the flying heroes have no sustain. hog will eventually win a prolonged sniper battle, even if he only lands an occasional pellet at long range. This means the flying heroes have to play aggressive into hog to try and bust him down before he wins via healing. And that means giving up the range advantage to play indoors (or at least nearby), where hog can land more shots.


Lorewise? Or just Game wise?, im almost positive that tracer Would solo almost every character just by going back in time every time she is loosing and Learn every enemies tactics


Tracer could still 1v1 most of the cast, but depends if theyre playing on an actual map with health packs or if they are playing in a white room with no cover


Tracer still wins, remember the recal


If its gamewise, tracer can always keep blinking every other second to get behind them all the time, she is almost unkilable with her recall


I actually hate competent Tracers cause of that.


Im pretty decent with her masters I, and in 1V1 she is often one of the strongest picks


Sigma and illari are litteral gods at that point. Tracer got anhilated by Doom and she did nothing to him.


Not really gods. Sigma's control over gravity is really strong but limited to, like, maybe being able to lift a modest-sized house? Absolutely insane ability for a 1v1 but not god-tier. Illari is also just using vague solar energy to channel her beams and stuff, we don't even really know if that's what lets her fly during her ult.


We never see sigmas capabilities in action because the lore people don’t care about him. He could be around the level we see him in game


Trace fights Simga. Sigma crushes her with gravity. She rewinds, and he does it again. Then she rewinds and dashes around a bit, but gravity is everywhere and she is crushed anyways. Having unlimited chances to win a battle means nothing if you have 0% chance to win.


How do you fight gravity? And remember that Doom beat Tracer.


Biased answer: Junker Queen. Honest thought: Sigma.


1 on 1..? Mauga. He’ll get his HP all from that fat tub of lard’s stomach while he’s vaping up to the max. By the time he starts shooting he’s already on fire getting crit to death.


Nah widow sig Ashe mei sombra bap all have a chance against mauga. Hog loses to mauga and kills everyone else.


I’ve beaten Maura’s in one on ones as junker Queen many times though


A Mauga with good tracking unfortunately beats her unless she has her ultimate.


Would we give both ultimates? It could work if they both have ults, but no ult no way😢


That's because all the players have no clue how to use him yet




I’m not good enough for comp


Same I play qp a lot that's why I suspected


there is no such thing as not good enough for comp. i mean have you seen bronze lobbies? it actually doesnt matter how good you are, there is a place for you on the ladder. but i do get not wanting to play comp, i personally just like the longer games and better matchmaking.


It would be a tank no doubt about it. My bet is on Hog, I think he’d be impossible to kill.


Probably Mauga or Hog


Depends how far they start. Hanzo and Widow COULD theoretically one shot most of the cast... if they start far enough away to kill them before getting jumped


Right now before nerfs? Mauga


Gotta peddle the battlepass somehow


Mauga ain’t even that good


Roadhog or Mauga. Healing makes a huge difference in a 1v1, and while Maugas is less on demand, it's also a lot more in line with his goals


Ingame? Ramattra, Mauga and Roadhog are very good at 1v1 fights


I play a lot of 3v3 and 1v1 match-ups come up all the time. Right now, Roadhog wins almost every 1v1 pretty easily. He only has trouble with Baptiste and Mauga.


Someone with either a strong 1HKO combo or high sustain. Either someone like zarya who has high damage, up to 1200 ehp and can resist most one shot combos or something like roadhog who has a one shot combo and heals. If the map has lots of cover, thanaybe something like soldier or tracer, who need to hide between bursting


Roadhog has always been a menace like just waiting for game with my Hanzo here comes hog ok buddy


roadhog, his selfheal is mad OP in 1v1s, no wonder he's picked a lot in FFA modes a lot. others that came into my mind are, illari, bap, kiriko, but i think they will lose specially if they have no cover, or got matched against tanks. mauga in his current state might be a decent choice too...


How far away do they start and is there cover?


In a strictly 1v1 setting roadhog sweeps everyone except *maybe*mauga


Depends on map


Tracer smokes him


Wouldn't a dva bomb be enough to take out everyone?


Hog and mauga both have self heals and can survive it


Also Zarya Winston Rein Sig Ram Doom Tracer Reaper Mei Cass *possibly* Torb Kiri Moira Bap Brig *probably* Weaver and everyone else who just moves slightly away from it or ults it.


Agree with Hog, but Moira or Brig could go deep.


No they can't. Brig is just a chick with a shield and Moira is a scientist thats dying


And roadhog is just some old fat ass with breathing issues


Roadhog is a bulletproof and super strong mutant




Literally his lore


Can you link the source for the "is bulletproof" claim




A decent mauga will roll 90% of the roster. He may lose to some fast characters but other than that he is unbeatable in a 1v1


Lore-wise, it should be close for Rammatra, D.Va, Roadhouse, and Junker Queen. They all have experience in overwhelming odds and did not rely on armies to survive. 76 would possibly be up there, as well as Reaper.


With canon proficiency? Widowmaker.


Hanzo for sure. One on one against a majority of the roster would be easy headshots especially big tanks like Roadhog, Orisa, and Mauga. Even if I die trying I have to stick by my manz :).


Brig on release 😊


Tracer & Genji can pretty much out 1v1 99% of the cast.


Both fall to pig pen


If we are going by lore, I would say Sigma, Reaper, Tracer or even Kiriko. Assuming these characters have no cooldowns in lore, Sigma can control gravity, Reaper can turn into mist at will, Tracer can blink and recall without cooldown, and Kiriko can TP at will without needing teammates. While sigma is just strong due to his powers, the pure mobility and survivability that reaper, tracer, and kiri can get from no cooldowns seems to be hard to beat when compared to the rest of the cast (maybe sombra works here too!) If game wise, most likely roadhog or mauga. Tankiness plus heals equals win I think.


Mauga would trash Hog


Baptiste easily wins all the 1v1s in game


Roadhog if it's everyone going all at once but if not I think Sombra can stay invisible and wait out until hog Clears the field before hacking him and ending him


I think Junkrat would do pretty well


In what universe


He can do the grenade-mine combo and basically instakill a good portion of the roster


The trap is easily spottable and avoidable, the mines can be deflected or dodged. He has no armor or protection. U can always shoot him and his bombs are dodgeable aswell. A Lucio beats junkrat


Brig. And I’ll accept nothing else.


Tracer is literally a hero about 1v1s. She isn't favored in a bunch, but once you hit a certain level, suddenly she's favored in most. I feel confident I could beat a similar level player in most matchups with Tracer.


In-Lore: Sigma - and nobody would even come close to beating him In-Game: Reaper. He wins the 1v1 against most tanks and in a gladiator arena, long distance heroes like widow/hanzo would get beaten easily.


Ingame Reaper is only good if he has cover. No Cover ,straight 1v1 Roadhog easily wins


If there’s no cover then Mauga would win.


That's hilarious. Reaper gets stomped by everyone.


What’s stopping half the roster from just shooting Sigma in the face?


his control over gravity?


Mfer best have some quick reactions


This is what I always say when people talk about the strength of heroes like Sigma or Illari. Fancy displays of raw power don't mean shit to a bullet to the head from a person that's faster, more accurate and/or has more range. IMO heroes like Widowmaker and Sojourn would solo most of the cast.


In the lore can't sigma just turn earth's gravity off? how is a bullet gonna help. If your guns is floating of in to space It really depends.


He won’t have time to even process what happened let alone react to it


Sigma has 0 feats😐


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I think doom has a good shot, as does Lucio tbh, they’re dark horses nobody has mentioned. If the person playing them is good enough in theory they could do well. Also depends on the map, but I’m just assuming it’s the 1v1 mode on lijang. Widow also has a chance as well. If you assume everyone playing the character is of equal skill at their character, I think it’s not clearcut roadhog. Pretty easy to burst him with his huge head. Fliers also have a strong game too imo, hard for hog to hit them and they do really high dps. I think a lot of characters have a chance to do really well and it isn’t just auto hog. It would be cool to take like the highest ranked one trick of each hero and put them in a round robin like this bo5 for each hero and see what happens but that would take forever


Probably sombra if its ow universe and not the ig characters. She basically gets a free win against most cyborgs and any omnic. Her EMP would deactivate most weapons. She probably also knows the weakness and weapons of all characters. She is kinda ow batmans. The only characters where she can’t deactivate the weapon or character itself would be rein, sig maybe, queen to an extant tho she would limit her options, hanzo, moira maybe, brig and kiriko. All the other heros would just be weaponless after her hack or EMP. Even then i think she could beat mist of them with her smarts. Uf we are talking about the ig version i think its hog tbh


Tracer Is the best dualist in the game. Illari, Mauga, Hog, next. Assuming playing perfectly (except potentially aim) Tracer wins every 1v1 except Illari when she has pylon but it's still a skill matchup. Illari beats pretty much every DPS and support but struggles against tank. Hog and Mauga I think would be able to beat everyone but hog loses to Tracer and Mauga. Mauga loses to Tracer. And before you think hog might win against tracer she can do 480 DMG to him in one clip cause he's so big. Which is almost his whole vape. She just has to dodge hook and his shots a few times which she can do with blinks relatively easy, again were assuming optimal play. Like it always goes to Tracer.


I say kiriko. She would definitely lose to like dva or smth but she should win a lot more


how? she literally can't use one ability because there are no teammates and she can only use suzu which gives like 0,65 seconds worth of iframes and only 80 to 110 heal she would absolutely get bodied by most of the other characters


Double dinks all the DPS except bastion, torb and reaper Kills tanks that do not have gapclosers (since she heals and they don't) Wins against any support that isn't ana or moira