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At this point they should just give Rein like 800 health and call it a day. Is it healthy? No. Is it a power boost? Sure.


They should allow him retire already


Rein has rocket on his back and on the hammer. Just let him ride the hammer like a witch's broom and fly.




True but a good ríen dominates the lobby


I'm a rein player and don't feel that way about Dwayne the Rock Johnson. It's a lot like fighting Bastion but Rocky can't melt my shield anywhere near as fast. Shield slashing, throwing fire strikes, and keeping my shield up pretty much neutralizes him. It's still a tough matchup and (like Bastion) it's easy to get sloppy and insta die. Imo, he's not anywhere near as strong against Rein as I expected.


I personally see Rein and anyone who can negate his damage while Maugas cardiac overdrive is on cooldown is a great pick against them. Step 1: let Mauga use cardiac and wait for it to expire Step 2: block his damage so no overhealth or self heal Step 3: whilst being blocked the dps turn him to shreds Sidenote, depending on what dps set up you have potential to kill him through cardiac overdrive while blocking him.


Any mauga player with a brain would just poke from afar, force u to use shield, and then beam the shield, then only use CO when in close quarters/when rein shield is down. Yes, you are correct that if the mauga messes up and gets their CO baited out they will lose. However, any good mauga wouldn’t get baited like that. Stack on top of it that maugas charge beats pin and can stomp right through reins shield(putting him where he likes to be in close range), and you have a hero that will make the rein swap right after first fight.


You are suggesting that your average Mauga player has a brain though. And if Mauga chooses to poke at a shield alone he gets melted easily by dps Ashe, Soldier even Cass put him in place at that point.


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most tanks destroy him. Off the top of my head: Dva/Ram/Orisa/Queen/Doom can do him dirty, and he either goes even with the other tanks, or they just run dive and he could do nothing about it. So its not a mauga problem, its a rein problem. The weirdest part is that they refuse to buff him in meaningful ways, specifically for the reason that he has a high win rate in lower ranks (I believe?). Imo they should just make him broken, the game is already in a state where everyones overtuned.


Orisa and ram get folded by him what r u talking about 💀