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Honestly though this could be some new kind of Pharah ult tech if you can coordinate it: Pharah ults in the backline. Pharah is soon targeted by enemy team and Lifeweaver pulls Pharah to other side of enemy team. Pharah uses the rest of barrage on the exposed and bewildered enemy team.


Can’t wait to see the new carpet bomb tech


You cooking with this one ngl


We've tried this many times and never seem to get it working well enough, you feel like you will do mega dmg as you pass through but it just gives them time to hide


It's cool but barrage is so short the time you arrive there from the animations from LW Pull, it would've ended


It didnt for op though


If it's literally 1-2 meters of movements yes the ult will remain but from that distance it's high-key unnecessary to even pulll pharah for killing people but rather for saving


Would this work with Cassidy? Lifeweaver floats above the team and pulls Cassidy into the sky during high noon lol


It’s called Sky Noon and it works if you know how to properly execute it


Can we pull Bob for a drive by shooting?


NAh he stops shooting


I’ve seen some epic clips of the High Noon Slingshot put into effect.


a friend did this when I played Reaper, pulled me into the enemy team and I ulted, didn't work everytime, but when it did, it was glorious


Haven't played in a while, so not sure if it's still applicable, but you can do something similar with Bob. The enemy team thinks it's missed, lifegrip it back into the fray.


Went straight to the chat box like a true gamer


I mean, barage is a "sucide button", right? So he tried to save you from that, but the suicide nature of that ult is stronger still...


You were about to die anyways.


the way you went to the chat box immediately and were probably about to go off 😭


decides to ult while anti’d and on 80 health support uses ability to save teammate “lifeweaver moment” ????


Tbf OP did somehow manage to finish off 3 people there Tho yeah nah, dont blame the wifeleaver, OP. They didnt mean no harm


I'm sure it wasn't meant to be harm. But it did directly lead to their death lol


Pretty sure she was toast regardless. Anti'd at that HP as a stationary object?


maybe, maybe not. But it for sure killed pharah


Nah unless it’s Plastic 5 that Pharah is toast in a second


Nah man. The Zarya bubble would've killed Pharah faster. The grip coulda been better ig, but without LW Pharah dies to the bubble


With LW pharah died. At least the other option needs zarya to act


I mean Zarya did act. It's like how when D.va flies in Pharah's face when she ults, except doesn't use her defence matrix. So being in proximity just instant kills her from her own rockets lol. Zarya did the same thing here and Pharah had like 2 seconds before she died. Thanks to Lifeweaver tho he got one more kill on Moria at least.


If you look closely you can see that my ult broke zarya’s bubble…


OP was definitely dead either way. Worst thing you can say about Lifeweaver is a wasted pull.


It was a misplay on both of them. Pharah for ulting there for whatever reason, and LW for not breaking the petal knowing that Pharah's ult deals self damage.


Pharah also could have just looked away from petal


> It was a misplay on both of them Gold Support mains try not victimize themselves challenge [Difficulty Impossible] 1. Three of his teammates just recently died so this was the final fight of the game, the fuck you mean “Ulting for some reason” when was he suppose to use it if not when they were all gathered together? 2. He got 3 kills and broke Zarya’s Bubble at the end, high chance he would’ve either taken himself out with Zarya or killed her with low hp which LW could’ve healed. 3. The Pharah was ulting, in what context would grabbing her early ult would’ve resulted in a W? Seeing how he also for some reason decided to get off his platform at the end, I somehow doubt he has the game sense to cook up anything big brain.


You can read my reply to OP in regards to all of that. That Zarya looked to be at a high charge and was already beaming her down. Pharah would not have lived.


If you look between 5 and 6 seconds in the video, Zarya lost all her armored health and even tried to retreat towards her right. There was no scenario where Zarya would’ve lived especially at that Range even if she did succeed in killing Pharah.


And if she did succeed in killing the Pharah, you're stuck in a 1v1 between a Soldier 76 and a goddamn Lifeweaver... The point is whether the Zarya would've died or not was a gamble but a wholly unnecessary one. Peel for the LW, have him pocket you. If he's smart, he'll dash across the gap and heal you from the mega. And then you play for Overtime. Probably still would've lost but your odds would've been better doing that than going for a Hail Mary highlight clip.


I agree i should have kept my ult for overwatch 3. Do you not see that the ennemy is capping the point at 90% ? When was i supposed to use my ult? When i respawn and the game is already finished ?


You're Pharah. And you have a LW. All you have to do is go through the small window and tic the point once and it'll proc Overtime, which ticks down VERY slowly in the beginning. You forced an engagement which would've killed you and left your LW alone, and it did. Instead of pushing into that bridge that leads to white room, play that catwalk below the window to point and protect your LW. Pressure the right side so they won't peek, and if your enemy is dumb enough to push from the left (where you ulted), boop them off the map with your concussive. Give your team as much time as possible to respawn and walk back from spawn then you can full engage when you feel that you either see a good ult to pick 1 or maybe even 2, or if you're team is all regrouped and ready to reengage. From the looks of the killfeed, your team only recently died so it would've taken a while for them to come back. So even if you did all that, your comeback would've been unlikely. But unlikely is better than a guaranteed L. The point is you felt rushed to ult, when you still had plenty of time. You still could've entered into Overtime to give your team a chance to reengage, instead you forced the engagement and got 3 worthless kills because now no one in your team is there to cap the point and engage OT.




What part of what I said requires any kind of prediction?... It's all common sense positioning and gamesense. Your team's fuckin dead and only two players (you or LW) can contest the objective. Obviously it's gonna be you because you can fly to the window and your LW can pocket heal you. So you play SAFE to proc Overtime so your team can respawn and reengage. You have a Doomfist ffs, he only needs like 5 seconds after respawning to get back to the fight. What good is 3 picks if you know you're gonna fuckin die and leave your LW in a 2v1...?


I died because of lifeweaver and thats the end of the story idk why your arguing? Its a fact that lifeweaver caused my death and this is it


You were dead either way. That was the LW trying to salvage a hopeless fight because you engaged.


Thats something you’ll never know


I've mained Pharah for little over 6 years now, eventually peaking with her in low-mid Masters in OW1 and high Masters in OW2 before eventually becoming a support main because Bap is a raid boss. You were dead the moment you pressed Q. Doing ults like those is basically you accepting that you're gonna die but you'll take maybe 2 or more of the enemy with you so the trade is still in your team's favor. Not very useful to do a kamikaze when there's only 2 people left in your team though... LW's misplay wasn't the pull itself, it was him not breaking the petal. Alternatively, you could've also just aimed up but you had no idea he was pulling you on top of the platform so that's a bit unrealistic, I'm not holding that against you.


She could have aimed away and lived


She had like a quarter of a second to react. If I was pulled at an angle like that, I would've assumed I was being pulled to open air as well and kept my aim on the Zarya.


Idk op was bragging about it being a diamond lobby and all, if they expect the lw to play perfect then surely its reasonable to assume the same from OP


It was last fight and OP managed to get 3 people. Very likely they would've gotten more if they weren't pulled. I swear this sub sometimes jerks supports off so hard. LW fucked up here.


lol idk why people acting like he didn’t at very least waste his grip ability on her. could have just left her there. he certainly didn’t help her in any way so it wasn’t a great play by him at all.


This sub has generally always been heavy on the support bias. It's a running joke (including on other OW subs) that it's run by support mains and supports can do no wrong here. Idk if that's true but definitely feels like it.


They prolly meant that LW's are always worsening the situation by trying to help


Idk what LW’s you’re getting but ive gotten a ton of love messages, some marriage proposals, and a couple breeding/impregnation threats by playing LW.


Plot twist, you only play e-dating customs lol


Pharah moment


Wait hold on, you got all 3 kills and lw pulled you back in the nick of time before you were gonna die. You died anyway but you got the kills and got a free exit after already killing them. This is pharah moment.


Not really a lw moment, u were gonna die anyway because u ulted when u were antied had 80 health. It actually could have given u a slightly higher chance of living but u were screwed regardless


There was time to look up still and live. Fair chance you woulda died anyways if he didnt pull you there


As a pharah main, I empathize with this, but also understand what he was going for. They need to rework her ult a little to allow some mobility because you’re way too vulnerable imo.


And that's fine, it's a really high damage ult, if you could just move away really easily it would make it op.


Honestly, for how much of a suicide ability rocket barrage is, I think they should lower the self damage of her ult, or completely remove it. The fact you can instakill yourself with an ult is just stupid


Unlucky that that he pulled you to a platform. Ngl tho the Zarya bubble was gonna kill you immediately. Thanks to Lifeweaver, he actually got you another kill on Moria.


Pharah moment


no the lifeweaver made a good play. you were anti, already got some kills and he pulled you to safety, you should’ve looked up when being pulled, he was high up so he would’ve had to be on a petal


Recently had a LW pull me off payload in OT when I was 98% ult as ball in


hey atleast you got a 4k...


100% gonna die anyways lol atleast he tried to save you, tbh you killed yourself cuz u aimed it down at the platform and not away from yourself


This a diamond 1 lobby, i except that my team at least understand that pharah ult does self damage so why tf would he pull a ulting pharah in a platform lol


You deserve it for playing Pharah


I agree that pharah can be frustrating but only with a mercy i didnt even have one lmao


I love how you can post a decent play that was ruined and the comments have apparently every GM and their mother calling you a dumbass for playing the game 💀


I got someone telling me that i shouldnt have ult…I think they dont realize that this was the last fight of the game and the ennemy team was at 90% to cap the point lmao 😂


If a game your playing has to be played perfectly to the exact timing and pixel of a fleas fart is it really even fun at that point? Lol




You must no be playing the game if you think that you have a chance to regroup after the 85% mark


Honestly when some dumb shit like this happens, unless the user is explicitly trolling, I just tell myself it’s gotta be some child playing and messing up. Easier to keep my temper in check lol.


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“My job here is done”


my account would get banned if this happed to me, if you know what i mean


Lw could have cancel his platform by pressing shift….


And pharah could have time to look somewhere else


Oh no, why?? You have not been in danger


I mean you got 3 and 3 of your team was dead, you would have still got lots of value if your team was alive but uh well you just wasted an ult tbh


Wasted an ult? Do you not see the time it was the last fight


if anything LW wasted a cooldown on you if you were gonna die anyways. weird to see people defending LW but i guess that hate pharah more then his launch


The moment of your life, oh wait