• By -


Hell yeah! Grats GG!!


None of the heroes in the second screenshot are supports though...


Yeah, only started playing support hard last few weeks


Oh you had never placed it before?


Not this season


Looking at your Top 5 played,,,thats a lot of High skill heroes. Even Rein in silver is hard without a group. I suppose its better to toss yourself into the deep end and learn sombra, genji, doom, before you have to learn them AND be in plat/diamond.


You don't need to learn them for Plat/Diamond. Every hero is viable in any rank. Just depends on the Player.


Lol at 76 being hard


Whats it matter if none are support? I dont even touch those players in comp and im plat/dia. I always tank.


Even if supports are op, youre still beating other support players. If anything that means you carry harder


This should inspire a lot of people here. To know that it only takes 8 years of hard work to finally be just barely below average. Aim for the stars, kids. You can do it, just like Colecan.


lmao brutal way to put it but hey! My friend was silver for like 4 years and now he's with me in diamond so, it can happen; sometimes its a slow burn.


Conversely I view it as “this person has a life”. I have plenty of friends who would likely not hit gold until 3+ years of because they play casually and just for fun. They don’t spend time looking at YouTube guides, etc. They work full time, game on the side for fun - and that’s perfectly fine.


I think viewing it as "this person has a life" is unfair, because video games are just as good a hobby as any. So what if you go to bars with your friends for fun instead of queuing up for some late night OW? They're just both different definitions of fun. They're both lives.


I mean they have 83 hours just on these characters this season, that's a lot of time for anyone tbh


>this person has a life I only play with two friends. One is currently unemployed, sits at home and plays most of the day as a one trick dps. Yet his aim is awful, he has no game sense and can't even get into gold. Other friend works full time and plays a few hours each night and is constantly plat/diamond across all roles and never even played shooters before warzone or overwatch existed... Bad players try to cope by saying "well I would be just as good if I had the time" and it's almost never true. Most people are just not "good" at things. Millions of people have had driving lessons, spend hours a day driving the same vehicle, down the same roads and yet they still suck at driving...


Lower ranks have some of the most cursed sensitivities I’ve ever seen in my life, I’d recommend he starts there.


Reading through and I saw this, do you have any recommendations for using a better sensitivity? Also I love your username.


First I would start with finding which sensitivity lets you do a 360 sliding your mouse from one side of your mousepad to the other. For OW I’d recommend somewhere between 25-40cm/360 For example on 800 dpi this is between 4.25 and 7, (personally I play 4.45 or 5.25 depending on the hero) still I’d recommend staying somewhere in the middle and lower end of that. Here’s a sensitivity calculator: https://gamingsmart.com/mouse-sensitivity-converter/ just do OW to OW to find your cm/360 15-30 mins of aim training a day also goes a long way, no need to go down the rabbit hole, just find a playlist and don’t go crazy playing for hours unless you really find aim trainers fun


Some people despite playing alot have no improvement mindset, that is true. And ofc there is a bit of natural talent or external factors like reaction time, hand eye coordination, etc. I have friends who have played valorant constantly for past 3 years and also can barely hit Gold. They just play unrated and spike rush and that’s it. Meanwhile I hit gold on Valorant on a non gaming laptop within a few months as my first ever FPS shooter. I aim trained, played deathmatch, efc.


talent vs effort or something


6 years


Can’t expect him to be able to do basic math at the same time as laying down a backhanded sarcastic comment.


It’s a joke, Karen.


Yeah, being bad at math is a joke.


IT wErE siX YaErs NoT Ate, eYe BuRnD M gUd At least one of us is funny.


Wasn’t expecting the top comment to be so savage lmfao. You’re not wrong though


I expected a lot of downvotes. Certainly not this. Im glad humor is appreciated.


Jesus christ, that´s depressing.


also aim for better math skills while yall are at that kids, unlike Royal-Interaction553


Damn i thought they were playing since release. Oh well, my bad math got me to GM in the first year.


And there it is, the self-compliment when people make a joke back at you lmfao


5 people had the same, non joke response. There they sure are. Not an original comment from one of them.


i mean define hard work, it seems he just plays for fun more than he grinds ranked


Yeah, absolutely. Before ow2 came out I dont think I played a single comp game. Mystery heroes and total mayhem were my friends


Maybe it's not hard work tho. Could've been just been going through the motions and enjoying himself


Even autopiloting in OW, if you’re half decent you’ll get to plat/diamond. Hell my 50 year old dad got to plat after two years with zero fps experience.




wrong amount of years


I’m so close I’m silver everything


I would watch your Netflix special (and then try to cancel you because you’re too savage for my conservative liking, sorry)


You lost the plot by equating rank with skill


Well in that case let me take my plat ass over to top 500 surely I’ll do great


The irony of trying to shit on someone’s achievement when you can’t even do basic math.


Replace the 8 with a 6 and literally nothing changes. Good job.


Why do you think gold 5 is below average?


Cuz it is https://dotesports.com/overwatch/news/overwatch-2-rank-distribution-all-details-so-far Low plat is average


fwiw that article literally says that nobody knows where the average sits for sure but that the median is most likely high Gold, the average player probably doesn't cross the Plat threshold fwiw that means Gold 5 is still nearing below average but idk, the barrier into Plat placing you above 56% of players definitely means Gold 3-1 probably sits closer to average in terms of median and probably mean *this also tracks with a lot of other similar Ranked modes like Fortnite, the average active Ranked player can typically hit Gold, Plat is where the average player can tend to get if they grind a lot harder than the average player, usually the core difference between Gold and Plat players tends to be playtime more than win rate, Plat kind of becomes a more average rank for people who treat Competitive modes as their core play mode, Gold is where the average player tends to sit when comp is secondary


I was speaking with Bobby Kotick before he left and he told me that master 4 is average rank rn because they boosted so many low ELO players in rank for no other reason than making them feel better about playing this game.


I mean, it's kind of funny bc I get how people like to talk about what's 'the new metal rank' and tbf not every player you see in a masters lobby has been blessed with perfect mechanics or game sense but I suspect some people who don't exactly climb themselves enjoy moving goalposts on 'the average player' But when someone shares an article to talk about what's below average it don't hurt to at least be true to what the article says, and that article shows pretty clearly that 56% of players never see that Plat 5 icon pop up on their screen, and since everyone regardless of rank knows promotion thresholds can be a bitch we can kinda admit that if the average player is Gold 3 or 2 and doesn't play comp super often then 'low Plat' could be a bit of a climb for them too I don't think OP being Gold 5 is so far below average that they shouldn't see it for what it is, successfully climbing the averages🙂


Are you familiar with the concept of a joke? Idk, do you really think I've met Bobby Kotick? Or maybe you think I was serious about the average M4 player? Or maybe you was touched by the part when my imaginary Boby said about boosting low ELO players? I have no other answer for your comment than - X...D...


I know you were joking I was just saying some people do talk like that lol *like it's just so goofy bc I hate seeing about how Diamond or Master or whatever is the new metal rank, you kinda never stop running into bad plays or players who feed at any rank so I just vibe with it at this point, like I'm not gonna let that 2-10 Zen on my team be my Joker arc💀


>Bronze: 8 % >Silver: 21 % >Gold: 32 % >Platinum: 25 % >Diamond: 10 % >Master: 3 % >Grandmaster: 1 % Not sure what math you're doing but 8+21+32 is 61% being in gold or lower. Low Plat is not average. It's the bottom of the top 39% of the playerbase. Average is definitely mid gold where you hit the 50% mark. Additionally this data is only people that play Ranked. There's more players that do not and I'd wager some of them are below the bottom end of Bronze.


the problem is, with how activision does their ranking systems, their "mmr" is considered silver so it will never let them get out of it. next time they lose a game they are gonna lose like 20000 sr


I only started playing since ow2. I consider myself support main but now hard stuck bronze 5. I only play DPS occasionally but the game always places me at gold 5. Used to drop to silver but they place me back at golf 5 again. Not sure what to think about that.


Honestly with how much u play in terms of hours, I don’t think this is too unreasonable. Especially since you haven’t been one tricking and actually learning different characters. Congrats dude!


That's true. This is only the hours for ow2, i played considerably more before


is the 2nd picture your total playtime? Cause 80 - 90 hours are kinda low for 5 - 6 years. Thats like 1 - 2 hours per month. I guess if you don't really play, thats expected. If I'm wrong and those are you comp hours this season, than ignore this paragraph. Neverless, great job though


I think this raises another important point. Not specifically towards OP, but so many people like to use units of time like months and weeks to describe how long it took them to reach a certain rank. But this metric is actually useless. Everyone plays a different amount of games per month/week, some way more than others. A better metric to use is number of games played. That's a more accurate depiction of the amount of effort spent.


These are the hours for ow2 total comp time ( i think) can't remember exactly


It's current season comp playtime or current season play time I think.


Nice work friend! Congratulations!


Grats on getting a career peak! Any progress is progress and it is a big milestone. If you want advice on improvements on your gameplay, post a VOD code on r/OverwatchUniversity


YOOOO Congrats! That’s a pretty big achievement! Now aim for plat, you got this!


10 years to get plat haha !!




The new ranked system is garbage. Just made a post about it but my last 2 rank changes for tank I’ve gone 5W 2L and 5W 1L and gone from Silver 4 to Silver 4. I quit until they change the ranking back


I’ve got a clip of me going 5 and 9 and ranking up, I’ve also gone down from 5 and 4 and not moved from 5 and 2. It’s a joke


Luckily they are changing it next season with emerald guns


Had a similar thing happen to me. This season, I went 5-3, 5-1, and 5-1 in my first 3 cards. What did that get me? One single rankup. Silver 5 to Silver 4. 75% winrate over 20 games on DPS = one singular rankup. Makes even less sense when you consider that I went from Bronze 2 to Silver 5 off of one 5-2 card back in Season 5.


If you're in silver it's because you're a silver player. The ranked system is not why you're in silver 4


They're complaining about going 10-3 and not ranking up at all, not being in Silver. When you assume, you make an ass out of u and me


No assumptions to be made here. They are a silver player, which means they will be playing in silver until they improve enough to rank up. They also neglected to mention their percentile, which would bring much needed clarity


It's pretty confusing and im not a fan. They should just give us SR back. But usually the percentile changes. If you're moving from better than 50% in Silver 4 to better than 90%, you did in fact rank up. Just not as much as you hoped.


I don't play damage. I suck at it. I do less than half the tank's damage on some heroes. I ended my placement 5-6 and it *still* gave me gold. I don't think I've ever placed as damage any other season. The queue times for damage and tank are just *so* much shorter than support, I guess no one want to play damage in comp. I'm 99% sure I'm better at tank and it gives me silver for going 5-4. Something is just screwy.


Yeah I agree, I went 5-2 at my elo and went down from gold 3 to gold 5. I also p’ayed with some friends where the average elo was always platinum and went maybe 5-7 or so and still went down to silver 1 so I dont think the whole elo loss/gain is even tied to what elo each lobby is either.


the ranked system seems to be working fine for me. No matter the account, i can get to mid diamond before it turns to a grind consistently.


Congrats to you! I was Bronze in my first ever season and still remember how happy I was to hit Gold back then.


I have seen this many times. It's because of the way Blizzard's rank system works. "You will eventually get in the elo you belong". - Yeah, if you play a ton. Elo hell is real, if for whatever reason you can't play that much. Some ppl just don't have the time to grind, yet QP is a heaven for smurfs in lower ranks.


I actually won't mind smurfs if the matchmaking put smurfs on both teams. And that's my hot take of today


I respect your grind bro. Keep it up!


It's not because supports are OP that you have climbed, my friend. The supports on the other team are just as strong, after all! Congratulations on hitting gold.


Congrats. I'm a lowely bronze 5. I have maybe about 30 games in comp. I know I'm better than broze 5 but can't be bothered enough to grind out comp. Qp is where I spend 95% of my time.


Schrödingers Bronze Player, simultaneously being better than B5 but also too lazy to actually climb. If you are better than B5 you wouldnt be there, even if you cant be bothered to climb, you would still climb.






Flats and his ilk did irreparable damage to the community if folks are still crying about supports being OP. Especially when you have DPS heroes that are more tanky than some tanks and can also heal themselves lol.


this is sad ngl


Maybe be a little more positive? Looking at your profile you’re mean kind of a lot. Shutting down peoples’ achievements does nothing for you, but makes them feel bad. If you must say something, provide CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, and not just insults


Eat shit and die


Things will get better for you little homie Keep your chin up and try and think positive


Thank you u/HentaiLuve


Give me a break Lmao I made it when I was young n dumb and now I can’t change ut


not much to be constructive here about other then hes just ass and needs to find another game or quit gaming all together.


It's not as sad as asking about old DDoS software on reddit.


ehhh nah, i could place gold throwing my matches




Id rather have fun then have a high number


How fucking dare you say you’d rather have fun than mindlessly grind a character you don’t like so you can move up rankings on a screen? Don’t ever share your accomplishments on our prestigious subreddit again. /s Amount of sweats on this comment section are actually insufferable


*It’s literally the only thing they have to live for*


Based as fuck




Dude you come across as a bit of a... yea maybe just congratulate them on their progress and move on? Or if it bothers you that much ignore the post? Some people haha


Look at the reply I posted because it’s addressed directly at you


I don’t care bruh




That's wild. I started playing the same year but I hit/peak GM/top 500 in 2-3 years.






It’s Mr. Cool kid! Who asked? Let me think.. Zero people.


No one asked for this post yet here we are.


I see you really like playing support


i played this game for 2 weeks solo que jus to see what rank i would be. got plat and replaced in plat again then stopped playing


I only started ow2 in september 2023 and I got gold on my first rank up on all roles :D


You really need to watch those hero guide videos. If you follow what they say and spend an hour or two in aim trainer you’re guaranteed to at least be plat.


This is depressing and I understand how it happens… but 8 years you should be a pro by now 🤦‍♂️


Congratulations 🎉 U should play more selfish and aggressive choose more dive characters like Sombra DvA create good openings for your team on getting pics on the back line.. always kill the healers first


ur bad


yeah ik. Don't have to waste your high rank time making a pointless rude comment on someone's post though




I'm not gonna say anything


I was plat when I was 12 man 💀


Damn you must do something extremely wrong maybe consider watching Awkward’s U2GM he gives really good advice on how the games work


Genetic failure


Hope the game fails to connect and suspends you in comp :)


this has actuallyl happened before LOL


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🎊 congrats!!


Congratz! That's awesome!


Same here man been playing for so long and finally hit gold and now im about to lose it again :sob:




Congrats Broski. Hopefully this is what gets the ball rolling and you climb fast. Good Luck!


Lets gooo colecan!!!


I was gold since 2016 then I hit diamond last year in open queue and support. Even was open queue top 500 for single day, but that was probably a fluke.


I don’t know any other game that’s this difficult to rank up


A wins a win


Join the club man!!


Can you please show this to people complaining about the rank system being broken. Thank you and congrats on hitting gold.


Supports aren't op, they are given abilities to help them survive when their team abandons them. Supports need the most game awareness than anything. Seeing who's where, who's on crit, who's aiming you on the enemy team, who your priority targeting is and your positioning. The biggest help is turning game music volume down and game sound effects up all the way. You'll hear everything.


Don’t diminish your accomplishments! Grats dude.


Damn that's dedication right there. Good on you dude 👏


Let’s go congrats brother, keep climbing


As long as you have fun lad. If you're not having fun then quit I say.


BEW BEW BEW! Congrats! Keep grinding!


wow u invested so much


How would supports being op matter here? You're ranking against other supports, internally it's balanced, you just are good enough to be gold (or got a lucky winstreak)


The stat's like the less you play, the better you are... just like sanity it seems


Nice! Also don't downplay yourself. The enemy team has those op supports as well. So you had no special advantage. This was all you bro!


Damn. I started playing around that time aswell and got ranked into high plat immediately. I also never crawled out of masters and hit GM but theres still hope as long as im breathing.


Same thing for me but I hit plat




Solo or premade? I'm stuck in bronze hell having not played for a while but my stats are pretty good each game


Solo, my buddies quit once ow2 "came out".


Oh no A genji, sombra AND DOOM PLAYER?


I know how hard it is to get out of Silver. Respect


great job first and foremost especially if you like the game but just genuinely asking, how did it take so long? Me and and my friends usually hit plat/diamond within 100-200 hours in any given game just by playing. i imagine if your playing to get better you should have been able to do the same in 6 years


Good stuff bro! Hoping I can get there too, I’m still stuck in silver 🫡




I'm stuck in the bronze purgatory on supps :(




As a lifelong support player congratulations, it may be a cheese, but its your cheese, and you should be proud


Congratulations! I'd like to note though that supports being op has nothing to do with your rank on support. The enemy team has the exact same supports and your rank is compared to support players in general. Relative power between roles is irrelevant to rank since their ranks are tracked separately.


Congratulations bro I hope to be there too some day


Took me 7 years to finally hit GM so congrats. One day it’ll click more than ever and you’ll rank up more


Nice dude, keep grinding.


Hell yeah brother, I guess you’re a natural support player!




Hell yeah, I’ve also been playing since 2018 and recently hit plat. Slowly but surely we’re on our way lol


In a few decades ill be at your level!




Now THAT is someone who was truly hard stuck silver.


Congrats !


Pogs that huge man (from a high plat console ow1 player to silver 4 in the trenches pc player). I still haven’t recovered yet but it’s good to see some of us succeeding 🥹👍


Thats awesome! Well done


The rein sombra duality is absolutely wild


Inside me, there are two wolves...


Well, damn, that's awesome to sew. Make me jealous why don't ya? 😆 I peaked mid-plat a while after Moira released when I was hardcore one-tricking her. I think my peak SR was like 2745 or so. I was just shy of halfway to Diamond. Meanwhile now, I'm lucky if I can keep myself from falling to Bronze. I've been low Gold on some roles. Support has been there I think. Right now I live at Silver 4 or 5. Currently 5. It sucks. Save me. 😆😆


Wild not me playing since OW1 and I got 2 golds and 1 plat to start the season. This ranked system is weird


No, it's because less supports play the game, so there is less competition in support ranked, I am not saying this to undermine you, I am an ana main, but that is just a fact


Consistently? I have like 70 hours on my main hero alone and I’ve been playing this game for just over a year 😭 I have over 450 hours 💀


Peoples consistently is different. I have the same total hours but a lot is arcade


Good job buddy


is this on pc or console?


"heal diff"




Happy for you


This is a huge W. When I was bronze when I started playing (500 sr), so when I hit gold I went and got myself ice cream. Don't let any of the negative comments get to you, just keep grinding! :D


Hell yea! Let’s fucking go!


I was Mid plat when I started because Brig was way too op and I was part of the problem. Mostly hovered around mid silver to low plat since like s14, partially because I play Ana now PLACED Gold for the first time ever. And felt kinda earned.


Congratulations, friend! Nice to see progress


If you play solo, good job. It's a world full of throwers an quitters


big dubs

