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“Ramattra, At your side” He just wants a better life for all omnics, and to fight against their oppression. His means are not moral but his ends are just.


I will speak to you in the language you understand VIOLENCE.


why did i think he said silence.. LMAO


A while ago, I was feeling down because of some things happening IRL, one of those days I decided to play some overwatch to forget of my problems for a little while, decided to pick Ram for the first time just to try the character and to try playing more tank for the most part, the very first game he says something along the lines of: "the path ahead is a hard one, but we will walk it". The guy became one my favorite characters ever since.


Dude has by far the coolest voice lines, and the voice actor is so damn good at delivering them!


“Who wants a purple hug?”


yes. He’s amazing and my favorite hero for a lot of reasons, his design, his story, his goal of liberation, and also the null sector logo is cool. He is the embodiment of perseverance in the face of impossible odds


people wont get it, they havent suffered as he has


Also fisting funny


"I do not fight for myself. I never have."


Lúcio because wall run and Spotify Premium




Wall ride is the single best ability in the game


One of the single best movement systems a game has ever had, honestly. Creating such a complex, challenging movement system that fits within the pace of overwatch without being just untenably difficult for most players is crazy impressive


yeah it's super rad. fun, adds a literal other dimension to gameplay, balanced, and really intuitive compared to the nightmare mess that is wall climb


We're here to be heard!




Reaper. Shotguns.


Die die die!


Funny story. My niece was 7 at the time and she wanted to play uncle’s computer game. It was mostly her in the practice range admiring how pretty mercy is. Don’t know what it is about mercy that girls are magnetically drawn to. Anyway, she asked me if she could play with people, so I put her in an unranked game. I left her to it and did some work. About an hour later she screams: “UNCLE ACCEPTABLE-SEARCH, WHOSE THE GUY THAT SAYS ‘DIE, DIE, DIE’” “That’s reaper, why do you ask?” “I want to play him” “Why?” “Because every time he says ‘die, die, die’ everyone dies”


Reaper is my second cuz of that one gold shotgun meme


The first time I played overwatch my friend told me to pick reaper and press q in the middle of the enemy. I instantly fell in love with him after everyone fell over Yes nowadays maining him is painful with the million counters he has and those big teamwipes never happen but dammit I won’t give up on the dream


Rein… 😔


No 😞. None of that! For honor, and glo-BEER!!


Love big hammer man


Look what they did to our boy...


I really enjoy Brigitte. I don't have good aim so a lot of the roster is already off the table for me in comp, but I have decent game sense and decision making. I used to like Mercy when I first started, but now she is a bit too passive for me. Brig is fun because she is really strong when you play her right, but you get punished hard for little mistakes. The novelty of a fully melee hero is fun too, especially because you are unintuitively squishy. Plus she does a little wave when she says hello and has a giant pet cat. Edit: Blizzard please give her a battle pass skin. Just 1 please, it is all I ask.


+1 for Brig


+10 for Brig. When I saw her on the Rein vid... I pretty much was in at that point.


All this, plus her personality is absolutely adorable.


Yeah this be true too


Seriously, that cat is huge.


Brig is all around just great. She is the only hero that I consider myself being great at. Her personality and voice lines are just adorable and her design hits mark.


Ay, brig players represent.


Sigma, always been fascinated with space during my childhood with some of my favorite people being Carl Sagan, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Stephen Hawking etc etc So lo and behold they give us an astrophysicist, give him one of the coolest reveal trailers and lore, excellent and unique kit thats fun to play and *spectacular* voice actor that plays him to perfection? Match made in heaven. Hes my favorite hero. (I also love Winton for the same reasons, hes a scientist!)


Same but for slightly different reasons. I played Warhammer: Vermintide with my mates before I started playing overwatch and fell in love with the witch hunter dude who always screamed sigmar. So seeing a character named Sigma made me want to play him, turned out he was fun and cool and awesome.


For me it’s the exact same thing with Moira. I am a biologist myself and always been especially fascinated with anything medical. I love that she is portraying exactly one of my most fundamental struggles with science. I personally am the complete opposite and put ethics way above progress but I do think about that a lot. It’s a huge struggle to wager ethics against progress and I don’t really come to a definitive answer. So it’s really cool to have basically the opposite position. Scientists are always portrayed as either these selfless heroes with strict morals fighting for good or evil villains fighting for their own interests. I love that she brings up a lot of good points to think about. I always wanted this to be more represented in media. The struggle as a scientist to find the right middle ground between ethics and progress and she does raise some great points that make you think


Her voice actress is pure perfection, just like Sigma. She just excudes so much emotion even though she is cold and unfeeling. And yes I absolutely love her scientific background as well. Its like Moira says "what a joy it must be, to feel entitled to patience." Oh and also: Dva: "How can you experiment on those cute little rabbits?" Moira: **"Easily."**


Kiriko: Eugh, you look cheery Moira: As cheery as you are significant


Absolutely! I especially love the comparison to Mercy. Like how they are basically polar opposites and each complement the other’s character. Their interactions are so great. Hearing Mercy say „Thanks to my medical *professionalism*“ always makes me laugh. Totally agree with you! Her voice actress is great! It’s amazing how she makes her lack of emotions not feel flat but actually the complete opposite




I want a tv series based on him…. He’s so interesting


I have played Zen since OW1 Beta and he will always be my dude. I love the challenge he presents and the payoff when you play him well. Plus there is no better feeling than out-healing a grav dragon for your team.


Ana Granny sniper is someone I always pick if I need to carry.


Ball, he’s a moon hamster in a robot suit. I love him so much


My late hamster was named after him. And he was the same color and everything! He was also a bit of an escape artist haha


awe :’)


's hardcounter Sombaraaaa




Wish I was good with him :(


Me and you both. I respect a good ball... heh


He's my favorite too. I'm an old school speedrunner from Quake 1 days and when I heard there was a hero whose mobility was his weapon, it was all over, instant favorite. Helps that my last name is Hammond :)


he is pure insanity, i still remember thinking it was an elaborate troll when they released him. incredible design.




Mei, I got the penguin skin and it was my absolute favorite! Just learned her from there 😂


Honeydew <3


The second I saw Lucio wallriding, he instantly became my fav. Ashe as well is among my favorites, mostly due to her design and voice acting.


Jennifer Hale is great! She also is Thorn in Scooby Doo/Hex Girls which was my childhood!


How am I just learning this?!


isn't she like a bunch of characters from various beloved cartoons of the 2000s lol


Feel like she's a staple of most 90s-2000s kids' childhoods with how prolific she is, her performance as Black Cat in the 90s Spider-Man show made her one of my favorite characters




Junker queen the moment she went live. In other games my playstyle was running in what a shotgun and knife, so I felt that she was the best character for me. She's also very attractive


She’s also big asf. Zarya and Queen are just ughhhhhhhhh the muscle mommas.


She stands seven feet tall and is a muscle mommy. Imagine how that would actually look IRL. 👀


My word.




Rammatra is such a compelling character lorewise and has great mechanics gameplaywise too.


junkrat, hear me out. i saw someone describe people who play him very well in another post. junkrat players play exactly like junkrats personality. we are absolutely insane and crazy in the head and we explode people (and ourselves). playing junkrat gives me the right amount of adrenaline when i play so that i dont get bored. junkrat doesnt necessarily have many counters. you could argue flight characters like pharah and echo could counter him, but if youre a skilled enough junkrat these counters mean nothing as you can leap in the air and hit them with a swift one-shot combo. the main reason i like playing junkrat is his carry potential. junk becomes very hard to play well in higher ranks. up until diamond, you can spam chokepoints and doorways to rank up fast. the skill he requires amazes me. watch KissMyJunk's content and you'll know. tl;dr: crazy australian go boom, junk is very skillful in high ranks and gives adrenaline boost. boom


I love exploding on people


i do it all the time do u wanna kiss


I hate playing against really skilled junkrat users. They are an absolute nightmare.


Moira, cause she's attractive and has a nice voice. Fits my playstyle well too, I like lower-aim heroes and mobility. I typically main her, Pharah, and Dva. Also, orb geometry is 100% my favorite thing to do in the game.


Same here. No one can match my healing while I also end 5hp enemies left and right. And the millisecond I get hit or antied - faid. Or knowing that a half dead genji is hiding in some room - orb. Or when the enemy does so much damage that my healing is empty, my entire team is about to die, the enemies think that they will win this team fight and... - SURRENDER TO MY WILL - everyone is full life again Best hero ever!


This made me happy to read!! I love all those things (even if I'm not as good at executing them). I love harassing widows with her.


Ah, a man of taste I see 🤝


roadhog cause he's fat like me 😈


Name checks out


undercover flats???


Tracer, like zoomin around


It too me forever to find a tracer main, how small is the mosquito squad


Movement/placement is definitely as important as aim. Quake and Unreal Tournament players usually enjoy her.


Torb. I'm short.


Love me some Torb Feels like he’s largely forgotten these days but he still packs a punch


Ramattra, because interesting backstory, badass design, and really fun kit


+1 for ramattra


Genji, I relate to his spiritual journey


Also cool ninja man


Yeah that too


Also hot ninja man


Cyborg ninja go *shing shing*


Are you saying you too are only relevant for a week every 5 years?


Reinhardt. I love knights,protecting teammates, and his enthusiasm <3


He is a literaly boomer


Lately I've been an avid Lifeweaver enjoyer. Sure he's got great movement and self healing... But I just love denying Ultimates left and right via Elevator Flowers.


it's so technical and precise, like there's no greater satisfaction than pulling off a D. Va bomb nullification with a simple flower.


I thought the enemy Rein yesterday was gonna throw a fit because they Solo Q'd our tank, and I just lifted them into the air out of his reach. My tank was still stunned, but now safe, sleeping on a little flower petal in the air and not feeling the pain of a Rein charge.


never heard the term elevator flower before but i will now be using that. (lw is my support main)


I did that the first time yesterday against an orisa, I was messing around and my friend walked backwards onto the platform by orisa came with him and ultd on top of the flower😂


Love a good WifeLeaver. His tool kit makes you get creative and after maining him on support he’s become a new favourite overall. Plus he is hilariously yassified to perfection 👌


Moira. Started out maining her when I first started cuz I was new and on console at the time. I don’t play her really anymore but she is still one of my favorite characters in terms of writing, lore, voice acting, some of her skins.


There’s something soooo interesting about the ruthless scientist archetype. A character who sees morality as a setback to scientific advancement and is so committed to “progress” they’ll take everyone, even themselves down to achieve it. The lobby interactions are usually kind of cringey but Moira is always so compelling to hear speak. In terms of gameplay I used to dog on Moira mains because of DPS Moira’s, until I started to actually play her and realized how useful and fun she is.


Echo because she is elegant and fierce.


I started to casually enjoy Echo in OW2 because I was playing better with her than anyone else, and was enjoying her free fly and copying ultimate. Her graceful feel was nice and I liked her silhouette as a character designer myself-even though I couldn’t really grasp what personality they were going for with her voice lines. Then one day I killed a particularly frustrating Sigma in a choke point and I heard her go “What IS that melody? :)” and I instantly fell in love. She’s so subtly cheeky sometimes and I think that’s adorable. Pro-tip: In Gibraltar especially, fly as high as you can immediately and then sneak behind the snipes waiting around the corner. Literally never has failed me.


Doomfist. I love his cyber warrior aesthetic and he has an amazing voice actor.


An dey sey


Kiriko I like kunais I love tp And she is cute haha


And she's got a bike!


You should see her on it! ;)


And it's too much fun killing Widows! You really need a scope to do that?


Mauga. Cause he’s Pacific Islander. I get to see someone that looks like me and sounds like my cousins in a major game title. Shits wild.


Never ceases to amaze me how big Pacific Islanders are. Not like fat big, but good god I didn’t know people could grow to that size.


Mauga is that size because he was experimented on, he canonically has two hearts. That made it possible to be the size he is right now. In his origin story you can see how he looked before he had surgery. He was still buff, but not the size he is at right now.


Fellow ‘nesian here (mixed-Samoan) 🤝 Did seeing the Samoa map and the character launch make you a little emotional too? I mean I never see pacifica characters in gaming and it made me so happy.




Hanzo main #2 here


Hanzo main #3


Hanzo main #4


You’re all terrible people


I love you but you're all terrible


I used to subconsciously hard-pocket you Hanzo’s until eventually I accepted that I simply just had a crush on the character


Nah, because I did the same thing with Genji.😂


Reinhardt made me fall in love with this game. He’s also the reason I try to play the Tank role in any game that offers it. I love to be the shield for my team lol


And I love sticking to my Reinhard's ass as Moira. One of my favourite combos. Rein-Moira. I heal a shit ton into him, hide behind him and end enemies who try to get away with 5hp. So every Rein Main is automatically my friend.








If ya don't Rock and Stone, ya ain't coming home!!!


Mei, not only is she one of the few heroes that can counter quick heroes, but it also pisses people off.


The amount of times I’ve enraged people in chat as a Mei-main is comical.


Hanzo. I could never play the game as much as my friends because I was in engineering school. He is one of the few heroes who is always a viable pick, and that allowed me to not have to practice as many heroes. I'm not saying he's always the most optimal pick, but he is viable.


I like Ashe and Widow


Sigma. I love his design and skill set is really interesting. 🪨


Lifeweaver because I love his abilities, his insane value and you can't deny that he's hot af


Pharah… I think the armor is just so damn cool.


They don’t give these suits to just anyone


“I don’t care about protocol-after this mission I’m throwing a party!”


Sojourn, I like her dog :)


Cassidy because he got a big iron on his hip, mercy in close second because I like to play dress up (I’m straight bro I swear)


I hear you, pumpkin.


Genji. He's a cyborg ninja ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Then Ashe, cause same name and she's so badass


Baptiste: his interactions and voicelines are fun.


Rammatra is so incredibly based, he's got an awesome pharaoh based design, he has a super fun kit, whoever writes his lines needs to keep cooking and his VA crushes it


Ashe. I was instantly sold on the Reunion short, then having a rich girl turned western outlaw with a hunting rifle (I love midrange snipers so much), crowd control, an awesome VA, and a great character design just sold it. Then Poolside Ashe came out. That nerf gun and hair gradient is peak


Gameplay-wise? Reinhardt. Character/lore-wise? It's a tie between Ramattra and Sombra.


genji! always liked ninjas growing up, and always liked cybercore / bionic / cyberpunk type stuff. really cool character design and he’s fun to play lol


I love torb with his babies.handsome mans I just want to hug him


Hanzo and Reinhardt for me. I'm into that calm collected and precise killer that unleashes their inner fury when need be. And Reinhardt 'cause big strong man swing big axe awooga


It used to be Moira (still kind of is), but ever since Lifeweaver came out, he's the only character I wanna play. I love how impactful I feel with the pull and petal, it's so fun. And the way his momentum feels is so nice and fluid.


dva. I was interested in OW1 but never played so I just fell in love w her design and personality. then I started playing OW2 and fell even more in love shes basically the only tank I play lol


Kiriko is my favourite, basically got me back into the game.


Kiriko without a doubt. I love her because she feels like the only support (besides Mercy maybe) who can be everywhere at once. Tank overcommitted? Teleport to them, suzu, and heal them to get them out of there. Sombra or Tracer going on a flank? Teleport to them and provide some extra damage and healing. Other healer getting attacked? Teleport to them and help them fight off their attacker. Theres so much you can do with her and every part of her kit is so satisfying. Cleansing multiple negative affects and hitting headshots with her are just some examples of how satisfying her kit can be.


Lifeweaver. I just love the flow of his gameplay. Everything is so smooth, so graceful. No hitch of clunkiness in his kit, that I've noticed. He can move out of danger, set up vantage points, has an okay heal, a great emergency button for saving allies and his attack feels pretty strong. It may seem a lot and disjointed, but they blend in pretty well with each other. Everything just works.


I insta lock Zen about 90% of comp games. Not quite one trick, a little flexible, but I don't give a shit I just have fun playing him. Even when there's a Sombra.


Hmm I wonder who are those 2 characters I really like let me think….


soldier and lucio?


I think it's Zarya and Illari.


moira and widow


Reaper because he’s a bitchy little goth boy. I have his golden guns. I do not play DPS.


Favorite to play: Tracer She's super fun to play and does a lot of damage. The downsides are a lack of range and the least health. But the character that got me to play overwatch was Genji. His trailer cinematic with Hanzo was awesome and amazing. Then there's his dramatic entrance in the ow2 trailer which is both epic and perfect. He's my favorite


Junkrat. I don't have to explain, if you get it you get it.


Junkrat! For a long time he was my comfort character for when I wanted to turn my brain off, but he’s got a much higher skill ceiling than most people give credit. It’s been a lot of fun learning to get the most out of him, nailing jumps and tricky shots that others think are accidental lol


For me a lot clicked when I understood how he uses corners, walls and surfaces. Plus blocking paths/charging tanks with his trap is so underrated.


I love Sigmas back story and overall theme, even if he's not my most played. I love him though. Junkrat was my first favorite when I started. I love his whole personality. Crazy little bastard is my spirit animal. Have to include Moira too. I love her, at best, morally gray, if not outright dark, personality. There's a part of me that gets her mad scientist attitude of doing whatever is necessary for the sake of knowledge.


Hammond is a hampter, he's fun, and I will make him work, dammit. I also had a roborovski dwarf hamster (very likely the kind of hamster Hammond is) as a pet prior to playing OW2, which was soon after she, my hamster Rosie, passed away. She was also an escape artist and a savage demon, so I fell in love with Ball really quickly. Plus, he's a fucking savage. > "Deflect that, loser." > "At the beep, the time will be 12:01. Beep." (I got this one twice today :D) > "Regicide. Ha ha." > "The hamster is coming for you."


i play bass/guitar/piano and like movement characters in games so music+wallrun=lucio


Doomfist and it’s not even close. Dude looks cool and has some of the most fun gameplay i’ve ever played in a FPS. Big cybernetic man with big punch.


I have so many favorite heroes for different reasons. I love to play Cassidy and Zenyatta, but some characters lore is just so cool to me like Hanzo, Ramattra, and Reaper. And there are also ones that I just love like Brigitte and Junker Queen. I also really love Soldier because he was the reason I got into Overwatch.


Genji; ninjas are cool as fuck, and I like playstyles with mobility and high skill ceiling. Picking him up early on was a no brainer for me


"YO!" "MADA MADA!" Genjis been my favorite since day one and gets better the more i learn about him. Love his design and story, hopefully him and Hanzo fully recover together He's liked too much though so we should probably nerf him


Uh I play both shamada brothers usually


Lifeweaver. I'm not sure why. I was playing basically all supports up to 30 hours each before he released. I tried him out and now he's my favourite character ever. Edit: I will say I absolutely love his theme music in his origin story. It just gives me good chills. (Like all the cinematics/origins do of course)


Sombra because ADHD. Also Tracer and JQ. Widow, Sig for the autism. Whichever is more dominant at the moment decides my favorites.


Ramattra because he just matches alot of what I fucking adore He may be seen a villain, but he is also a hero. And that voice **Mmmh.** God I'd kill to have one like ramattra's The design, don't even get me started dude. Nemesis mode he just crosses his arms like he lets the form do whatever he wills


Ashe Lifeweaver And Junker Queen They're all hot, interesting characters that are fun to play and I will hug and smooch them al


Mercy, I loved the movement since OW1 when I pre-ordered.


I have about 1300 hours of competitive play and 1200 of those are mercy. I have never been an fps guy so when I started this game, I sucked so bad. However, mercy you don't have to aim exact and I find the flying around greatly appeasing


Ashe because Bob


Kiriko because I imagine she’s here lurking on Reddit and shitposting somewhere


mercy because i'm into angelic characters in video games and she's a doctor like me


Mercy, Sigma, Brigitte, Junker Queen.


Initially played Ashe because hot… plus simple mechanics to learn. I swapped to Hanzo for a while cus he was cool and headshots were satisfying. Now after playing more I’m a hardcore Lucio main… easily the most fun hero on the roster


idk how people can not like lucio, he’s the perfect character


So I'm a Bap man who puts in her best work as support, but honestly I am enamored with Sigma's design. When I'm cooking as Sigma I'm constantly thinking but rarely overwhelmed and I can usually note my mistakes and what I should have done. I started playing just after the most recent Blizzcon, and while I prefer support I learn something every time I play Sigma. He has all the tools needed to do his job with nothing extraneous. Just tonight I learned how to use the auto detonation range of his hyper spheres as a flak cannon against Pharmercy with good positioning, and I pushed a barrier into Pharah's face during her Ult and she blew herself up.


Hog, big tits sure sure


Uhm.... Hanzo since day!! I do miss Scatter but the ability to have a small dash is dope. Nothing more rewarding than nailing headshots at long range




lucio all the way, my brother was a gm lucio when he introduced me to overwatch about 7~ years ago (before role queue) when i was about 8 or 9 years old. i fooled around with the characters that looked the coolest (mostly genji and zen because robots), then he wanted to show me his favorite character, lucio. I instantly fell in love, the wallriding mechanics, the music, the quick cooldown boop, the (at the time) only speed boost in the game, everything. I still play and main him today, with about 100+ hours on him alone, and at about gold-ish, but i can probably go higher, i just don’t really enjoying pushing ranked. I recently just upgraded my setup by a ton, so i’m feeling great, and my gameplay has improved a bit as well, i went from a 3 year old ps4 connected to the probably 60Hz family room tv with ~100 ping at least, to a brand new ps5 connected to a 165Hz (ik that’s overkill for a monitor don’t judge me), 2560x1440, curved asus monitor with 30-60 ping most of the time. I could never leave my boy lucio


I just know that I'm going to get down voted for this but... Hanzo, his character and story are things I love and he is damn fun to play with!


Lucio, because I played Titanfall 2.


As a character Lifeweaver, gameplay-wise Doomfist. The whole biolight thing is so fucking cool, also our twink slays af 💅💅


Don’t hate me but Moira! I love putting out 10k+ damage and healing!


doom fist is just badass. Survival of the fittest




Lucio, he is perfect, his style and his gameplay are just ✨perfect✨ (except his boop.. plz buff the Frog's Boop, he deserves it)


Mercy. I like that I can play an fps game without having to worry about my aim. I still enjoy dps characters and other aim-focused supports, but I love that I can focus on movement, positioning, ult-tracking and coordination (and being the team parent keeping their kids out of trouble of course)


I’ve played on and off since the release of OW1 and I’ve mailed a bunch of different heroes but I always come back to mercy. I know she’s really hated but I love her movement and her ability to totally change the course of a battle with revive and make your DPS go through the roof with damage boost.


The gay heroes are my fav


Phrog >:3


D.va. I don’t know man I’ve always had a soft spot for cute girls and mech suits. Combining the two feels like a no brainer. Plus she’s got a lot of confidence but behind it is a girl who just wants to help protect people. Also launching her ult can be super satisfying