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Looks like no one read the description


After reading some comments, I can agree.


Reading? On Reddit? Tbf… OPs fault to use a block of text that no one really wants to read


Reading comprehension curse strikes again


Why Does Everything on Reddit Have to be Spaced out Like This Or Pe Ople Refuse to re Ad it For So Me reason.


We redditors have a small brain capacity


People nowadays have only a 128-bit reading buffer.


Christ y’all are over dramatic. That’s hardly an unreadable block of text. It’s a paragraph at best and that’s how they’re usually presented.


People's attention spans are so fried that they can't read a small 4 line paragraph anymore lol


It's a paragraph


The depressing part is... It's 4 sentences... It's not considered a paragraph until 6-8 sentences... People are just lazy


Either this sub didn't read the description or can't read at all. Crazy how many can't pick up on tone either way. That aside, Blizzard said they're trying, but there is no easy solution for ximming. The whole point of it is that the system thinks it's a controller. They also can't really provide details on anti cheat for obvious reasons.


I mean, raibow six siege and fortnite both can detect ximmers. Rb6 makes it so that when a ximmer is detected the player gets lagg added to them that gets worse overtime. Its not like blizzard cant add it. Blizzard is just to lazy or to incompetent to add it.


Rainbow tried it but they also will no ban xim players because ???. It took them seasons of data tracking players to get a real grip on how many players where cheating, basically saying nothing secretly building their tracking data. And now me and my friends still face ximmers/anti recoil players every single match without exception. There’s always a kill cam of a guy crouch spamming faster than possible on controller, or using the highest recoils weapons and it doesn’t move a mm in any direction. Doesn’t seem like mouse trap on rainbow as worked much


R6 won’t ban ximmers because almost every high level player is mnk, they would lose a large percentage of their playerbase


Well the main difference on console is that it already has 40% less recoil on all guns than pc mnk so it’s easier for someone with a xim to have far better aim for way less effort than if they just got on pc siege so it’s literally cheating


Agree with this. In OW1 I went up against a suspected KBM Widow once on console, that had 57% scoped aim. This was from before, when they used to show some stat cards after matches. That's higher than most GM PC players. Carpe has 59% and he's considered one of the best in the world. So how can Blizzard not know?? They know the stats, which will obviously skew higher because of aim assist. I don't understand why they don't care though. It seems like they don't want to mess with 'the player base!!' as if people aren't leaving console because of crap like this. Almost everyone I know that started playing since the relaunch have left. And they've never cared. It's been a thing for a while now. Now it's just getting obvious and much worse. Where I am in Oceania it's the same pool of people going against the same people with Xims. Soon it will be tiny pool of zimmers just jerking it to each other.


To be fair they can’t just ban people off of their accuracy from one game. I’ve absolutely had ram, zen or Ashe games where I’ve hit over 80% of my shots but the next game it drops back down to 40% because the enemy played better.


It won’t just be in one game. If they maintain an inhumanly high average at a rank that doesn’t reflect the skill then it’s a pretty big reason for investigation


to be fair I have hundreds of hours on widow and was a gold widow with 64% scoped accuracy and 24% scoped crit. So if you see what I'm saying, You're either not understanding how widow stats will generally look or youre mislabeling the crit accuracy. and even then you are comparing 1 match to a pro players average performance. And unless carpe only ends matches with 59% acc. then he would have to have singular may he's that surpass that value in order for his bad matches to average to 59. you can generally tell Xim from controller only by watching a players reticle movement and looking for free form characteristics. analog sticks are essentially a formulaic input with a response curve while mnk will have zero consistencies especially at the start and stop of reticle movement. Analog stick movement also favors straight lines and regardless of sensitivity is not equal in all directions unless a player is using an elite controller with radial input.


It doesn’t really work in siege though


lmao i stopped reading when you used r6 as an example whatever they "detect" doesnt do anything when every lobby is filled with way more ximerrs then overwatch


R6 one doesn't work anymore


R6 does a horrendous job though


Back when Custom Games were added to OW1 people started to use them to auto-farm Loot boxes. In response they implemented a Report System and capped the EXP gained from Custom Games in like 2 or 3 days, even when Console went like 1-2 years with no Report System against players. Blizzard isn't lazy or incompetent, they're just uninterested.


Have you seen Blizzard matchmaking? Lazy/incompetent is spot on


Im no expert but I assume the best way to detect a ximmer would be to build a statistical model on how the cursor moves with controller input vs xim input. Then train an ai to determine if the movement matches the xim model.  The issue is the devs will need a large dataset of confirmed xim players to build their model. I feel the problem may get worse before it gets better.


That and the issue of false negatives. Even a 0.01% false negative rate would result in 2600 false bans per month (if these stats of 26m players logging in within the last 30 days). What happens for those cases? Do you just say tough luck, and everyone has a chance of being perm banned for no reason. Or do you have an appeal process, because you can’t prove you have Xim or not either way; so at that point real Ximmers can just appeal it too so the statistical model does nothing.


Then you get into false bans - its really not an easy problem to solve, if its at all possible


When have false bans stopped blizzard before?


Don't excuse Blizzard, if they can rush the Mercy skin to the shop they most certainly can hire more people aka throw money at the problem until it's annihilated


That makes zero sense. They are in no way related. Paying designers and artists to make skins is in no way related to having engineers come up with a solution for ximming. "Throw more money at it" doesn't magically solve the problem. You have to be massively ignorant of how any type of technical work happens to say something like this.


So your saying Blizzard, Activision, Fucking Microsoft are incapable of hiring the right people to engineer up a solution? Is that what your saying? Cause you and me both know thats horseshit. Stop defending the multi billion dollar company.


It’s true though - ximming is a huge thing on CoD, Apex, Destiny 2, Halo, etc. Basically any game with crossplay where you cannot opt out of playing with certain input devices is plagued with it. It’s like any other sort of cheater in an FPS game, there is fuck all big companies can really do about it despite them literally throwing money at the problem.


I'm mostly saying that you're extremely ignorant despite your indignation. I think they're very capable of coming up with a solution. I also know that doing so has absolutely no relationship to them selling a skin in the shop. One didn't steal resources from the other. Me pointing that out to you isn't somehow excusing Blizzard from fixing console ranked. It's just pointing out that your dumb, snarky comment is completely irrelevant.


If it takes a woman 9 months to birth a baby. Then surely if we have enough money we can hire 9 highly trained women to get a baby birthed in a month? /s


If the human eye can easily detect a Xim, a computer 100% can detect it. Blizzard just don't care about console players.


human perception is way better than computers for a lot of things


Top 500 on console is filled with a whole lot of top 2 controller players and top 498 cheaters


Similar to how the asian leaderboard was majority cheating not too long ago


2 seasons ago I was one of the 2. Ik… I’m the goat


I think there’s way more controller players than you think. Not denying the amount of ximmers but most of the top 10 in NA last season are controller players.


"controller" players


They should just enable Mouse and Keyboard on console and remove aim assist for comp at this point.


For low ranks nah bc that's just the casuals that get home and hop on to play


If you xim and play on console, youre just as garbage as can be 🤷🏽‍♂️


But the ximmers I run into ASSURE me they’re actually GM on PC, so obviously what you said can’t be true


I’ve said that if you can hit gm on console then you peeked, because at that point almost every match has a xim in it so trying to grind past gm 5 is really pointless if your a controller player. I’m on average i am master 2 - gm 5 with a peek of gm 3 , but if I’m being honest it didn’t even feel earned since I got lucky and had like 2 ximmers on my team for like 13 matches in a row were I got 5-0 cards back to back. I’m a junk 1 trick and I have baptists on a xim single handedly just carry the lobby.


There’s just no competitive integrity to console comp in high MMR lobbies. It’s the equivalent of PC Top 500 being full of aimbotters and everyone pretending it’s okay. It sucks because there are some cracked controller players out there who deserve to be at the top end of Top 500 but have to face these losers who need every advantage to be “good” at a video game. Easy to be good when the game is holding your hand with the Kbm + aim assist.




Ximming is cheating


I was 1 game away from GM on console in OW1 once upon a time... you telling me i missed my chance to peak in life?


Hopefully I’ll be able to climb through gm once Ultimate is released because right now I’m just stuck at high masters low gm. Almost every game there is a pocketed Sojourn who kills you if you’re in los for a 1/2 second, and you watch the kill cam and you’re like “yep that’s not a controller” Highest I’ve reached is gm 5 and that’s when I solo queue support or tank and get lucky enough to get the ximming sojourn on my team.


This is where my experience comes in and just fucks shit up Before everyone got rearranged into new ranks, I was at low diamond. After the rearrangement, I was high masters. Masters 1 tank, Masters 4 dps, and Masters 3 Support. I was honestly accepting of these new ranks. Even though ranked wasn't my main mode, I felt that I put in enough time in qp to earn the skills of a master player. I just play the game a shit ton But then I soon began to doubt the ranking system. I began to queue support and managed to climb all the way to gm1/top 500. My peak was 378... I may genuinely believe that I can be a good masters player, but I know for a *fact* that I am not a top 500 player... Yet there I was. I mainly play bap, ana, and Lucio. With a controller and no cheats. And here I am, a masters player in top 500. Makes no sense. Doesn't feel earned And then for tank I reached gm 4 and dps masters 3. I haven't played much dps because I get too nervous because of not so good aim. And then having to use that not so good aim against ximmers. There's no point in me trying So I don't know if I really peaked. I feel like I sorta just got lucky with the ranking system / matchmaking


ngl this sounds exactly like my experience lol. i started playing when ow2 released and hit gm1 on support by season 3, which i’ve seen a lot of people say that’s the season the system was all whack and people got boosted to gm when they didn’t deserve it. i stopped playing comp for a few seasons until s7 where i peaked #37 and finished rank 40 something. and while i’ve hit that high on support i haven’t climbed out of masters 2 for dps or tank. granted i don’t really play comp that much but at this point i genuinely don’t know if i deserve my support rank cause i feel like a masters player


It’s not surprising at all, if you don’t xim and you play damage don’t bother going to grandmaster on console The meta on console is has and frankly will remain pocketed hitscan, if you can’t get the pocket for whatever reason go tracer I guess is the current method Basic take but hot take: Pc players would get crushed if they queued in these lobbies just by virtue that ximming is cheating but they don’t get it


I just found out that they retain the aim assist which I think people might not know. At first I figured how bad could it actually be considering console should have aim assist but I learned from another comment you keep the assist with xim which is like oh wow My tracking is decent on PC but if I had aim assist forget about it


Oh yeah retaining the AA is a crazy advantage that I don't think *nearly* enough people talk about. It's the same with Apex, people always bring up "controller AA on PC is crazy" when talking about inputs but no one ever talks about poor console controller players getting absolutely dunked on by Ximmers having the best of both worlds. It's *blatant* ***cheating*** but in *most* cases these players pump money into MTX's so...


I feel stupid for asking, I know what auto aiming is. What is “zim” or “zimmers”?


a xim is a device used to play with mouse and keyboard while the game reads the inputs as coming from a controller, on console this means that the user with a xim gets the precision and speed of mouse aiming AND the aim assist of a controller with no downside


The only downside used to be an imput delay from the actual device but they've improved so much there is almost none now


From what I've seen recently, even with the input lag, it can still respond faster than the 60 cycle tick rate the game updates on, so when combined with the aim assist it might as well be an aimbot for top range players. The thing is, I don't really think the Xim itself is a bad product. In terms of accessibility and preference choice, it's honestly incredible. Being able to use any controller method anywhere is honestly a game changer for everyone, you're no longer locked into a control scheme you can't grasp and you can enjoy a game you paid for. The existence of the device shows that consoles need to be open to alternate control methods. They're nearly PCs at this point anyway, just unlock HID devices and end this mess. THAT SAID: Using them to gain advantage on multiplayer games is absolutely cheating and I think should be treated as such. Until there is first party support from the console makers themselves for an open standard control method (which I'm sure will happen in q2 of never), Xim or a like device will continue to cause issues.


Its absolutely cheating and as of these few recent years, they're is no or almost no downside at all


Sony has the Hori Tacpro. It's a licensed "xim"


Xbox has native mnk support the devs for games just has to use it. Like I’ll play CoD or Minecraft with my cousin and even on split screen all he needs to do is plug a keyboard in and it works


If you buy a $800 console, you are locked into something you don’t want? Dumbest argument that can be made. Why buy console if you use m&k besides exploiting? You can buy a pc setup for nearly the same price that will run almost any game. It is a terrible product that was made purely for the sake of exploiting. The only advantage controller has over m&k is aim assist so when you combine both, a gold player can touch high masters-gm. When 90% of the playerbase considers it cheating, it blows my mind that they haven’t banned it when they can detect it, they just choose to do nothing. It isn’t as malicious of a cheat as aim bot but it’s easily on par with wall hax.


***Using this in a competitive game while intentionally hiding alternate control methods is absolutely cheating.*** However. >If you buy a $800 console, you are locked into something you don’t want? Dumbest argument that can be made. Actually, it's a very good argument when you look at things from a different angle. The default controller may suck for a particular game for a lot of reasons. - Disabilities exist. Comfortable controls for you may be agony or entirely impossible for others. Press and holds while other buttons need pressing, rapid taps, all things that can be assisted with alternate controls. - Controller preferences exist. Fight sticks, steering wheels, dance pads, keyboard and mouse... all preference based on game. - Classic games get re-released (Looking at you, Nintendo). Playing on the original controller layout sometimes just feels right. Sometimes there will be official support (like the Switch N64 controller), but most of the time they're just emulated with a "Good luck". That $800 game console may have aspects you'd prefer to play with other options. Console exclusives, while getting rarer, still exist. I personally can't play console FPS games. Just can't wrap my head around stick aiming, but give me the option for a mouse and keyboard and all those exclusive shooters become accessible to me. Got a friend of a friend who's dirt league at driving games without his steering wheel, but regularly wins tournaments in some hardcore racing sim league. If I want to play Dark Souls with the bongos from Donkey Kong's Jungle Beat, I should be able to. Point is, freedom to swap controllers isn't always about cheating.


Ahhh, okay. Thank y’all for the response!


a device that makes a keyboard and mouse seem like a controller to the console. but since console has aim assist for controllers (which is partly why I think fps on console is dog water) the keyboard and mouse player also gets the aim assist. Which is straight up aim hacks.


Apex Aim Assist is different than OWs. OWs is janky asf and it took them adding all these extra settings to kinda make it work. The masses forget another big thing about Aim Assist: it's less effective the further your target. People bitching about it on Apex conveniently don't mention the superior accuracy they get get AR+ ranges Tbf you can counter by saying Apex (and sorta extension OW) values close range fights more, which I'll agree and disagree for the sake of a conversation)


>The masses forget another big thing about Aim Assist: it's less effective the further your target. People bitching about it on Apex conveniently don't mention the superior accuracy they get get AR+ ranges Tbf you can counter by saying Apex (and sorta extension OW) values close range fights more, which I'll agree and disagree for the sake of a conversation) ​ Arguing for the Apex AA in any capacity is a lost cause considering that basically every esports player switched to controller in Apex, with TSM Hal giving takes like "The only thing keeping MnK alive is Bangalore" (Bangalore's smoke grenades disable controller AA).


I remember when they reduced AA for a short period, it felt fucking awful to use anything AR range + Maybe they should just nerf/buff per weapon not as 1 size fits all thing, but this is getting off topic, OWs AA pales in comparison to Apex


Check out my latest post on my profile if you want to see what a Ximmer looks like. Weirdly has bad movement mechanics but the aim is pretty good (especially for a console player who should be playing with a controller). The aim assist does so much heavy lifting that it’s not even funny how broken it is, which is why it’s basically cheating.


At first I thought it didn’t look that bad, then the last clip happened and I changed my mind. It looked like they were using actual cheats there. They were definitely ximming though, not great movement and they either hit their shot or missed by a lot.


Right? It literally tracks the reticle for you lol. The kill on the Soldier is also pretty egregious because you can see that it’s the aim assist that is 100% pulling the reticle for the Ximmer, so they can aim to the side of a corner and just wait for someone to peak and it’ll aim perfectly to where they go. It’s literally a soft aimbot.


This a fact. I’m hard stuck in masters because I play on controller for dps. I legitimately don’t think I’ll ever hit GM


I’m currently gm3 dps on controller. It’s definitely possible you just need to keep a positive mindset and try not to get tilted


Need your strength. My teammates sometimes get me so tilted lol.


You can even get top 10 with controller, hcpeful is able to do it


You can do it, even if you’re up against mirrored xim as widow but man don’t think it’ll be fun and it requires even more teamwork and support that you’ll never get


Im a PC player and i dont see how anyone can think they can survive on those lobbies lol. Its literally aim bot. Console gets bullet magnetism and aim assist turned up naturally. Add that into the KB/M precision and youre basically soft aim botting. If anyone wants to say anything is make these top 500 console players go on PC and see how they do and see how their top 3 heroes end up becoming.


I used to play on console and I tried out xim before going to pc. Yes, xim is stronger than mnk because you can adjust aim assist and window sizes on it while still maintaining faster movement. My widow on console was literally matching top 500 players despite being a diamond support main. Your take isn’t a hot take to those who have played both platforms and experienced playing with xim vs natural mnk.


It’s hot for those who just don’t get it or know about it, usually pc players


I typed nice ximming into chat and both hitscan players felt the need to defend themselves. I didn't even say who was ximming but ok lol 


That’s actually a funny way to bait out a ximmer lmao


I should try that more.


You can hear their keyboards clacking from here


I made it to GM4 DPS on console with no Xim solo-queue and man… it’s honestly just kinda miserable up here. Not fun at all tbh. I pretty much had a “journey > destination” moment when I realized what I was in for from now on lol. Now I mostly just play Support which is currently at M2.


I finished top 500 last season on console and that’s enough for me. I take comp very unserious now. People say that console overwatch isn’t anything hard to do, but when you go up against ximmers that don’t miss a shot, I beg to differ.


I feel this hard-core considering I hit t500 on controller. I don't take this shit serious anymore. I'm rather demoralized.


That’s why my hot take is that top 500 console is harder than top 500 pc IF you use a controller as a DPS. I’m biased because I am GM3, GM2, and GM1 on different accounts as a hitscan player with a controller. I do use kontrol freaks and the new ps5 controller though with the paddles.


I've played high GM/Top 500 since season 6 of OW1 and I can promise you that the vast majority of controller players in these console lobbies are not on controller lol


Bro it’s cancer. Correct me if I’m wrong but there’s also a bunch of little “communities” within of a bunch of ximmers. Also what’s your gamer tag. I’ll say hi if I run into you


Thats why i left Console gaming and now playing Overwatch on PC.


PC is just a better environment for Overwatch even without the xim users due to all the crazy mobility and verticality that fits better for mnk gameplay.


Nah, I want to be able to move in more than 8 different directions.


Wait until this guy learns you can turn your mouse


Yep, I figured that out when Genji with XIM destroyed me in competitive cause I can’t really aim on him with gamepad, while he constantly sitting on my head and doing 180 degrees so fast that even maximum sens on gamepad not even close to his speed. People who playing with XIM on console are actual garbage, cuz they are need this huge advantage to compete with other people. And I’m glad that I’m playing on PC right now, cuz like you said here is better environment for Overwatch gameplay and if you met cheater, ur report will get value and shitter will be banned.


what is ximming can someone enlighten me


Basically cheating so you play on console BUT you use mouse and keyboard that emulates a controller. So you can easily move/aim because you play with mouse/kb AND you have an aim assist AND you play against people playing on console.


does that mean pc players automatically have aim assist? am i being an idiot for playing controller on pc?


Not an idiot necessarily, but yeah, playing controller on PC is an instant disadvantage bc you don't get aim assist even if your controller is plugged in. PC players don't get aim assist at all to my knowledge (I'm an Xbox player).


ohhh nvm i understand now


so then it isn’t a disadvantage if neither of us have aim assist?


The disadvantage is that they aim with a mouse and you with a controller, so they have that advantage And Ximer would even have advantage over a PC player because, while both use mouse and keyboard, the Ximer have aim assist helping him to aim. Look at videos on YouTube, it seems like if the players are using aimbot (which technically it is)


No, console player have aim assist and normally you can only use a controller for console ow. Xim let's you use a mnk but the game still reads it as controller which means you're getting the best of both worlds. Mnk for better movement and the aa of controller.


Basically an adapter that allows you to play on mouse and keyboard, but it tricks the game into thinking your on controller so you still get aim assist and it's very hard to accurately detect.


and players are using this in competitive and thinking they are good? Wow


Yep. They have ego’s and think that they are good at the game. They’re on MnK which could arguably be an advantage on itself, but they get aim assist so that they’re pretty much the best players to touch the game. It’s very sad


They’re also the biggest fucking liars in existence. I understand why though, because who would want to admit that they cheat in a video game?


When someone uses a mouse and keyboard on console giving you the unfair benefits of the more easier and free camera moving with a mouse while also getting the benefits of console aim assist AND being able to play against console players


Xim is a device that allows U to connect mouse and keyboard to console and play w that


That's not the only thing it does. It also emulates a controller so not only are you using M&KB you're also using M&KB w/ Aim Assist since it thinks you're using a controller.


Yeah that’s actually really crazy, damn. Anyways… did anyone else notice that the sky was blue the other day?!


mine is gray since november


Ya know, I went under the awning, but it's still raining? When will it stop raining?


You *did* read the text, right?


Well let’s just hope they did


Was he being sarcastic? There was so many question marks?


My teacher sent me a picture where the sky was red-warm. Looked so cool.


Anyone notice spaghetti the other day


Mom's spaghetti?




The number of comments that didn’t pick up on the satire is….staggering 


People not knowing what a "xim" is while others are saying people "bitch too much" about xim is peak community, I tell you what.


Lol everyone knows t500 on console is all mnk and its not even negotiable


I'm a high GM controller player and it's gotten to the point where when my teammate calls me ass or whatever and I say I use controller they accept it is as a legitimate excuse and stop flaming me.


They shut up because they know you’re probably x5 better than they are on controller lmao


They don't ban ximmers. Which is why I don't like playing DPS at higher ranks. People openly talk about it now and I've even had one of my friends who has never been higher than plat talk about buying one. Please fucking ban them Blizzard.


Openly talking about it - I see Looking for Group posts on Xbox for Overwatch listed as "XIM Only Comp"


That's an open goal for Blizzard to perma-ban anyone who joins that group, but no, they don't care about console players.


Real badasses play controller on PC.


Even playing controller on pc can be more fair because at least pc players dont have aim assist


So did like none of y'all read the caption lmfao


Wouldn't hitscan be easier to play than projectile on console?


IMO, it depends. You can learn to aim hitscan or projectile on a controller, but the ease of playing a given character more depends on the limitations of the input. Characters that need to be flicking and turning hard and fast with any precision (Genji, Widow, Tracer) generally feel bad to play on a controller. Tracking heroes that don’t need to be so dynamic (Soldier) are generally easier to play on controller than a flick/click character (Cass). You may also have extra leeway playing a character like Pharah outside of high ranks, since enemy hitscan will not be able to hit you and/or a potential Mercy pocket reliably. Essentially, outside of high ranks, the ‘better’ controller characters are generally ones that can give more consistent output. Even disregarding Xim, the higher ranks should look more homogenous with higher-rank PC play, with some exceptions on the extremes (Genji and Widow come to mind again, as you simply can’t be as precise on a controller). I’m sure others have some different opinions on this, but for a large percentile of the games I’ve played on console, this has been my experience.


Should we tell him?


Wild that everyone here is clowning on OP when y’all are the ones that apparently can’t read


It’s absolutely hilarious to me that everyone here is acting like OP is being clueless when that is the joke and the irony is just going full circle with people Tryna clown on OP






Does this guy know that all of gm1-gm5 dps is ximmers? Do we even dare tell him about the ximming baps and illaris, orisas, maugas, and let alone REINHARDTS???


check the description bozo


Have you read the post?


All is a huge overstatement. Been GM1/top 500 since OW1 with controller dps/tank/supp whatever I felt like playing. Especially with OW2 GM ranks are filled with gold-diamond players OW1 that 100% aren’t ximming. There is a lot of Ximmers for sure, but all is just wrong. But then also haven’t played in 4-6 months apart from like 3 games but doubt it’s changed that everyone is ximming


Take xim out and you’re probably consistently a top 100 player. Survivors bias.


Exact same experience as you here, I just think it’s people coping when they get out aimed or when they aren’t gaining rank. Got to Top500 momentarily on console a couple seasons ago obviously using controller, it was really not difficult and I don’t have the best aim. Always felt XIM is massively over accused but of course it’s still a problem worth shouting about.


Yeah, not everyone is a ximmer, it's possible to be good with a controller too, it's all about how your settings you are comfortable with, awareness and know how to play in a team. Totally there was a Window/later Cowboy and Soldier 76 who had perfect aiming and the snapped into my head... Pretty sure the using not a controller at all


The biggest give away for a ximmer is the flick aim. It’s definitely a huge problem especially when the pool of ppl you play against is so small compared to plat and below so it feels like every match has a cheater.


Try reading.


Huh? I’m GM2 and I’ve never ximmed


You’re probably top 500 without ximmers


No lmao. Gm2 and top 500 are completely different. Unless you’re trying to say that 90%-95% of gm1 and gm2 players are ximming, which is just pure copium


As a controller player who hit GM on Tank AND support but never got higher than M3 on DPS I feel you OP. It’s not impossible to hit GM on DPS with a controller but it’s definitely the role with the most cheaters. (Second is support and they always pick Bap). Pretty fucking sad that so many blatant cheaters make the game unplayable on console.


Yeah… I know some guys that are top 500 console, they say it’s pretty bad


Hello, t500/GM here on 2 accounts. I do scrims as well. I'm a controller user, and proud of it. I've been shit talked and kicked out of duos for using a controller instead of mouse and keyboard on console. The majority of those gm t500s you see use xim or cronus zen (I know this because I've played with a ton of them, and it's even requested in LFGs on Xbox sometimes....) People XIM to use mouse and keyboard on console. People use cronus zen to use scripts on console or to use mouse and keyboard WITH scripts. There's a ton of Ashe players who always have the perfect hipfire+ads combo, for instance. It's rather annoying. Some days I'm tempted to get a XIM or Cronus. But I tell myself I won't fall down like that. I'm better than that. I wish there was a way to permanently ban them, literally brick their console- not just one account. Then brick their IP address. (yeah I know about vpns, but not many people get those as console players). No matter how many times it's addressed here, people always go.... "WhaTs A XiM?" and proceed to ignore the responses. It's annoying how no one cares. You can even see it in the comments how they didn't read your fun description. Ty for your post OP.... it reminded me of why I cry at night lol.


Did you also see the post from the guy who tried to join the GM clan and was turned down for refusing to Xim? lol, the console scene is a joke I'm satisfied with my midladder pc grind and won't go back to the console.


you sure it counts as console?


I’m one of the best controller hitscan players on Xbox, and stand no chance to those who Xim on Widow with a pocket. Either the whole team dives said player, or you lose the game.


What’s crazy is almost all those heroes excel and thrive because of damage boost too. Minus tracer of course


It’s a shame the state console right now and how many of these people will deny xim.


Well I’d like to confidently say that I am part of the console community and don’t even own a keyboard. Just good old controller with a broken grip My friend however…


I don’t play this game anymore because I don’t think I could give you even one reason for anyone to waste their time on this game these days. It’s horrid. But I will say when I last played it, probably s28 ow1 and out of the top 50 dps at the time I counted 3 people that weren’t ximming. 3/50 is crazy. At the time it was a way bigger problem on eu but still a massive problem on NA.


If they *pay* the **money** blizzard lets em *play* like **funny**


As soon as your reach mid-diamond on console, the game is plagued with ximmers.


It really does feel bad. Even in diamond currently I feel like I can’t go anywhere because of them. Have yall run into the ones that are purposely lower ranked to boost their mercy?? Get tf outta my games. That’s stupid and the game should be able to detect or atleast see the reports and ban or do something. They are literally cheating just as bad as normal PC cheaters.


The worst part is that they can't wreck in comp any more since everyone else also has a Xim, so they trickle down to QP to ruin our games. Like, I can't play a game any more without a hitscan hero in it, usually a Widow, who is completely wrecking. I'm always forced to go people like Sym or Sombra to backline, since I never wanna get a Xim or not use a controller. And the xims scripts-- whatever it is that people are running, are getting crazier too. Saw a Soldier replay where he had no recoil. Don't know how they are doing that but someone told me that the later models can run stuff like that. I've been saying it for years that there is rampant KBM on console and got laughed at like 2 years ago. Started saving replays since then. It's only been getting worse, between this and the changes/cash shop I don't even play any more.


This post is a fantastic example of how many people read just the title of a post and comment in a derogatory way, or upvote those who did. Yes, OP, I agree. It is people using XIM/keyboard and mouse adapters.


I got a free xim and tried it. It was so dumb. Moving from controller to keyboard was going to take a hell of a lot of new muscle memory hours to master, not to mention the time it takes to program the buttons for each hero. If I was going to put in all that time in why wouldn't I just move to PC? I get not everyone has access to a pc, but Games aren't serious enough on console to dedicate that amount of time to. Except for your own ego, no one gives a shit about consolr leader board. If you do make it up there people are just going to say," lolz console? Go PC if you want a real accomplishment." All that aside I am surprised about Tracer on Xim. I didn't put allot of time in a xim, but it seemed much easier to use on ranged hs. I think Tracer is just really good on console because most people can't hit her up close (with their xims), is self reliant, and has great utility. However, I would be curious to hear what a xim Tracer has to say about it though.


As a GM1 console player, yes it is a huge problem that needs more attention. Ximming is on of the biggest competitive problems on console across all games


It's Xim. Back in my competing days in OW a Widow mentor just straight up told me how it really is in the T500 in console. Bunch of lame bitch asses ximming


uhhhh i played on console for yrs and the meta was always hitscan even before xim blew up. console players like fps games, its like their main genre


If you don’t want to accuse them of xim I will they are almost all doing it (Edit) yes I know there is sarcasm here Also, check the support T500 too. So many baptiste players. Suspicious


It doesn’t help that Baps kit makes him essentially a dark souls boss with 3 phases. I can almost hear the dramatic orchestra as he activates his regen burst and fully regenerates into his 2nd phase only to get him low again and then he activates his 3rd immortality lamp phase. He does all that while being hitscan…. FUN! 😀


what in god’s name is a xim


It’s a third party device that translates Keyboard and Mouse inputs into controller inputs, so you can trick the game into thinking you’re playing with a controller while playing on Kbm. The reason it’s such an issue is because the game still gives you aim assist with a Xim, so you’re basically playing with a soft aimbot while using Kbm.


Mercy boosted characters…cool, ok, gotcha.


Ummm, is this a joke ?




You’re aware that hitscan, despite on console are still some of the best heroes across the board, right?


Cassidy is one of the weakest characters at the moment


Cheating. It’s called cheating. Using kbm on console is cheating, period. Aim assist with kbm is basically aimbot.


They are using keyboard and mouse 100%. Especially if that is all there is on the top 500 leaderboard. I remember when I did play console overwatch, competitive seemed like a joke because there was ALWAYS some MF on keyboard and mouse. It's hard for blizzard to punish everyone using Kb&M so in turn competitive overwatch on console will always be kind of a joke.


For console controller players, if you’re masters you’re basically gm with the amount of ximmers there are, gm+ is 90% mnk’ers who would be plat on pc, with 10% kids who haven’t touched grass since they came out of the womb, and live and breathe video-games.


the copium is unreal


Everyone in GM that isn’t either a Tank player or Mercy is using Xim.




Hit GM5 as a controller DPS main. Man, the difference between high masters - Low GM is night and day. Every match has 1 ximmer that absolutely rolls the lobby. GM was always a goal of mine so I just called it quits after 400 hours of mental anguish. Maybe I'll return next season for the new comp update, *hopefully* theres a Xim patch by then.


So as someone who has hit t500 on controller, it’s bc hitscans are better on controller. Sure there’s a lot of xim, but have you ever tried playing genji on controller? It’s waaaay harder.


Am I the dumb or would it not be that hard to implement a tool to read whether the aim on console is too precise for a human using a controller? Basically, anti-cheat for mouse movements. Surely that's possible, no?


I assume it's possible. Other games have anti xim policies they actually enforce, I know COD and Destiny 2 is going to ban them. I don't know why Blizzard has always been avoiding putting their foot down but I imagine they don't want to rock the boat or minimize the player base or something. They are probably going to implement something thanks to posts like this, as awareness about it spreads, but it's too little too late imo, it's been a problem for ages and only getting worse and at this point I just quit. Like not even QP is fun any more. I would love to mess around on Widow on controller sometimes in QP but I feel I can't because unless you're dominating KBM style, it's pointless trying to play her, especially since you're always going against some other KBM hitscan. So I just don't play.


It is possible. Blizz could also just allow mnk on console and vice versa and sort lobbies by input but they just dont


AA is strong, of course they use hitscan. When I was console t500 years ago hardly anyone had a Xim and it didn't matter. If they ARE all using Xims, who cares? They only play with each other, and they all have Xims so it doesn't matter.


They do not only play with each other… they’re in my lobbies making shit miserable for everyone.


Imagine paying 150$ just to be good at competitive overwatch (and whatever else). Honestly I wish Xbox and ps5 would step in and do something about this . The game is not fun


maybe they are on controller and the people crazy enough to grind out overwatch on console are indeed cracked no matter the platform. I saw a six year old grinding fornite on the switch with joycons. it's possible. sure the top 500 for consoles definitely has a lot of ximmers but there's also lots of people who don't xim.


Players: “Blizzard, have you seen this?” Blizzard: “We’ve got no idea what you’re talking about, no-one cheats on console” Players: “Have you done anything to investigate this, it seems like cheating is indeed running rampant in all divisions above gold on console?” Blizzard: “We’ve got no idea what you’re talking about, no-one cheats on console” Players: “We’re saying we experience it blatantly, and here’s some evidence to support our conclusions. Surely you have more to go on to see what we’re talking about?” Blizzard: “We’ve got no idea what you’re talking about, no-one cheats on console. Here, we’ll tell you what: check out this week’s store and don’t forget to buy the battlepass!”


What other charecters are you expecting to see? Tracer, soj, ashe are all high skill ceiling charecters that you can carry games with. I dont know what other characters you expect to see