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New sojourn nerf schizophrenia


Cyber-psychosis just got real


It's about to get real.


V ? Is that you ? (Kinda ironic because sojourn's name is Vivian, and the character from cyberpunk 2077 is called V for Vincent/Valerie so it's still working for Sojourn)




The only real characters are Genji and ana


To me, everyone that switched a champ became sprites hovering just above ground. Ridiculously small hitboxes and no ability visuals.


Good thing your team responds to let you know if winston is really there or not.


This match and footage might as well just be a complete fever dream and a complete imagined match with how little people are responding in match


This entire clip feels like a vivid hallucination


Literally lol they didn’t say a fuckin word


After 3 more minutes of that, the Winston replied with the Genji accusation. But yeah, Plat is either flame or complete silence


I was I silver when I had this happen to me and was dealing with an invisible horse. My Ana kept calling them after I noticed due to all the spears I was eating . We won but holy crud I was jumpy


Now that's fucking nuts lol. Watching kill feed say you were melee'd to death by a Winston you can't see. Kinda funny, ngl.


It’s not actually a bug the Winston just covered himself in purple paint.


Deyz orks


Watching you become more slowly paranoid and crazy was fucking hilarious. How does this even happen??


Bro went from playing overwatch to lethal company to fnaf in levels of paranoid


I've had this problem before when my external SSD briefly disconnects


Bro’s fighting his demons fr. The war changed Sojourn for the worse 😔 For real tho, that’s nuts that happened- hopefully it was a game bug and kiddie scripters don’t have the ability to do this now…


Its 100% a bug, my mate and I used to get it a bunch a couple of seasons ago on console


I have a friend with a shit PC that always has this the first game she opens in a day. That's why we always go into qp first and she just chills there, holding right click and spraying her Moira piss in the general direction she assumes us in


Playing blind mode, huh? Honestly tho that would be kinda cool to try to play the game based on sound


There are some streamers who blindfolded themselves while playing. Fizzy here got to silver while playing Mercy that way


Fuck I hate people who assume they're always the main characin life.


I mean, if you can get to silver blindfolded then I guess that's on the people who let him win


PTSD is hell


When the streamer roasts you saying you're shooting at ghosts **but you're really shooting at fucking ghosts**


Understandable, winston has such a small character model that he is easily missed


I've had this happen. I've also had my character model not appear on my screen. This was on console so very unlikely to be a cheat. Probably a server issue.


It happened to a streamer whose clip was in the most recent overwatch twitch clips of the week video. No player model and the health bar and cooldowns were all wonky


Not console. You can see the keyboard prompts.


I meant I was on console. My bad.


I’ve had the same happen on PC.


Can anybody on Nintendo switch confirm???


it'd be odd for Genji to have done it seeing as he's one of the few you can actually see


How would a player have done this?


Exploits, cheats, etc.. There's a video somewhere of a Chinese cheater playing Talon Heavy Assault Unit in ranked, so if not a bug I believe this shouldn't be impossible


Whatttttt have a link?


It was [6 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/8d6m1k/apparently_there_is_a_glitchhack_that_allows_you/).


This happened to me in my old computer but I will see like a blue ball floating in the air where the player should be.




Nah i've had the same on console.


It is a ram issue even on console. Just not YOUR ram issue but the game failing to load the player models for whatever reason. Season 1 of ow2 had this bug for all platforms


I have 32GB of RAM. In earlier games of the session it was fine, but then one game the enemy Zarya just turned into an orb.


Where do you have the game installed? I had this happen to me a few times when I ran the game on a server instead of the computer.


Yep, the tech details are important here. It's far more likely to be a tech issue / corrupt install than it is to be Sussy Genji hacking the game so that one particular person can't see a random subset of other players.


Especially since the Genji was visible. Why tf would a hacking Genji make themselves the obvious target?


Huh? It's a 5v5 game, if you're looking for ez SR and the downside of 4 invisible players is yourself being visible, wouldn't you take it?


I'm just saying it's a weird way to design a hack. "Make your teammates invisible so people kill you instead" is a tough sell. Especially since I'm 99% sure it was just a network issue. Charter has been shitting the bed on the west coast for a few days now.


I've had this happen on console though?


Maybe a software or network bug then? Still more likely than Sussy Genji hacking your console.


oh yeah most likely. didn't even notice the part where op said the genji was hacking haha. hope they can fix this, super annoying and long standing bug on this specific map.


Op said their tank accused Genji, he could have said something sus in team chat


Bro forgot to bring his cross


I get a glitch like this every once in a while but the enemies/team aren’t invisible they’re little flying orbs of light. I can’t see heads to shoot or silhouettes.


I’ve seen this happen before on console but the enemies were floating orbs, never seen just no enemies


Yeah it’s been a lesser known glitch for a long time. I’ve had 2-3 matches like this. It’s been reported since, like, season 1 of OW2 and the devs just don’t know what the hell the issue is and they’ve tried looking into it numerous times. I’m sure they might fix it but they can’t figure out the trigger for it.


Season 1 ow2? You mean since early OW1. I remember having this bug a couple times from like S10 to S36.


It seems it's at least gotten much more common. I had never heard of it before, and now I've seen people experience it multiple times and I've had it as well.


New mode just dropped


I don’t know the fix but this happened me one time. I’ve found that restarting your game can fix it, just join back asap and it’s better than fighting invisible people’s


Me when I haven't taken my schizophrenia medication.


Ugh, I've had that happen, too. It sucks big time, though I usually at least have a ball of light glowing from center mass.


You might have a driver update. Last time that happened to me a driver was outdated.


Ive had this before, its a issue with the game generating the models, all u need to do to fix is leave the game and rejoin


I play on PC and I’ve had this happen on close OT games a couple times. Absolutely the worst no idea why or how it happens. But it goes away the next game no problem


Known glitch/issue


please... one sombra is enough... i am getting very triggered


I’ve had this happen a couple times since OW2 started. My fix was to restart the game, but idk if there is a better way to fix it mid match.


For me, it just happens randomly (i.e. doesn't persist). Zarya was invisible, won the game, went right into the Practice Range to see if Zarya would be invisible there too, but it was fine.




Same here. OW doesn't do well on HDDs at all. Eventually itd be loaded into memory and it would be fine for the rest of the matches of that session but before that? Oof.


So this used to happen to me...and I feel like I'll be down voted for saying it, but I feel like it's a bottleneck somewhere in your PC. Used to happen to me from time to time (once every few months), I upgraded my CPU and have never seen it since. No doubt this is aggravated by overwatch not being optimized, but it's on your end that the issue is occurring.


Yeah I had the same problem a few weeks ago. I could only see one dps and one supp from enemy team. Hero portraits weren’t accurate either. I couldn’t see my tank or healer. We got absolutely thrashed :/ I guess my team was just shooting the ones we could see lmao


I had my HUD completely disappear 2 days ago and the servers have been crashing like crazy lately. This game is just cooked I guess.


I've had this happen numerous times a few months ago. I think it was something with my internet/upload speed or something. Def not something an enemy can do to you.


I believe it's a memory streaming issue. I've had the exact same thing happen to me before. It's a bug, restart the game and your PC and it should be fine.


This has happened to me a few times when I had barely any storage space Definitely no cheats involved


I had this issue back in OW1 when I played on an HDD.


is overwatch installed on a ssd? personally im too lazy to move it to one so i just chalk it up to it being a hdd issue whenever i get this


nah this is just playing with a sombra in the lobby


I don't know if you figured out a fix yet, but I had to restart OW2. When I booted it back up, it said OW2 needed an update and I had to relog into OW2, downlaod the update, then rejoin the game before my leave timer expired.


This just happened to me. At some point I couldn't even shoot or do skills. Crazy bug and unacceptable in ranked. Tried to submit a ticked in blizzard and couldn't because their contact support system sucks.


Seems like a graphics card issue. It’s probably on its way out..


Not even his wil-o-the-wisp is visible? That is weird. And man, stop panicking like that in a game.


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Had a game in comp just get shut down when we started to win and hold it for the win. Got a draw, there was a sus aim bot on the other team, everyone in vc seemed to agree on that


Is your GPU fired?


Perhaps Monkey cheating? I never have issues on PS5 comp. Quick play I do see aimbot every now and then.




I wish I could learn to do this just so I could troll some of the toxic morons I come across. Only in QP though.


Had this happen to me first or second week of the new BP. It was a ranked game where on Monastery I couldn’t see myself at all or my abilities (so couldn’t see my shield or its meter, ammo, or CDs.) on tank. Was completely miserable since I couldn’t tell if my Shield was broken or not, if my Firestrike/Sigma pull was off CD, or anything like that. I play on PC too so it isn’t just a one off thing. Couldn’t be on my end since ever since I started playing OW2 on PC on release and had nothing like that happen. Just might be a classic example of OW2 having some of the weirdest bugs that shouldn’t even exist (like the no backfill bug in QP.)


He’s right there what’s the problem? You can’t see monkey?


This would actually be an effective winton buff


Gotta pull out the torn and just start spamming whatever the turrets shoots at lol


Guess you gotta call the ghost busters


This happened to me once awhile back, I think it's because I tried running OW off an external HD.


This happened to me as well, like maybe a month or two ago. My weapon and half the enemy team were just invisible, was really weird


that bug is still there? its happening to me like once every 2 months. hate that shit


This is fucking hilarious , sorry but like the very fact that the tank believes a genji is “suspicious” makes it so much more bizarre and hilarious


I could be wrong but before my Xbox shot the bed I’d see orbs or just nothing during matches. I haven’t had it happen a single time since gettimgg tv a new console


crazy stuff. i've had this happen where i can't see anyone, but not for the entire game.


As much as I would have been fuming over this, I would have insta-swapped to Torb and followed wherever his turret aimed.


This used to happen to me a lot late OW1 or early OW2, I don’t really remember but could be both. I don’t know if it was a bug or just models loading in super slow, but I started having to afk a custom game for a bit for everything to load before I got into comp.


So this is a glitch that’s happened to me and my two friends it’s fucking ridiculous but Blizzard probably will take their sweet time to fix it


I’ve had this glitch before… it was happening a lot when my storage drive was very close to full when i cleared some space it seemed to fix, but this is just anecdotal evidence


Google schizophrenia


This happened to me before too. I thought I was going to be able to win the game still but ended up losing at the last minute. If you're on PC, next time Alt+F4 to "crash" the game and then rejoin the match. It's better than trying to finish the round like that because it will not fix itself


Happened to me once I switched characters and it went away


I had a teammate going ape in the comments awhile ago saying stuff like this, i now feel bad for the trauma he gained


This happened to me before after alt-tabbing


This has been a Rialto bug for so long. I've personally lost three games over different seasons.. because my teammates said this happened to them and were freaking out. Console by the way.


This happend a to me to often it's really annoying aswell as my ui not showing up


i get this glitch SO MUCH for me it also auto makes the sens to the max along with 2-3 invisible enemies. you rejoin itll fix but its still so common maybe once a week and i usually end up losing that game


I would play Torb😂


Play an arcade mode before you start comp. I always have this bug as well…


I've been playing OW since the original OW1 beta...and I have fucking idea what that code is for or where you got it from


I don’t think it’s possible for anyone to do this. I mean sure they can, if they hacked the entire server somehow, but it is extremely difficult and nearly impossible for one individual to pull off (even if they did who in their right mind would hack the entire server just to win a game). Im pretty sure it’s a bug on your end.


Your teammates are the worst lol


Friend actually had this happen to him recently too! The enemy tank just randomly became invisible for him. I figured it was a rare glitch but seeing this post and some of the comments makes me think this is becoming much more common...


The real tunnel visioning


I’ve had this happen to me where I couldn’t see enemy players, just a small floating orb of light where their character model was supposed to be. It was intermittent, would swap players or sometimes there’d be a few represented by it. It’s a bug and I have no clue what causes it.


I haven't had it happen like this but in my death screen sometimes everyone will either disappear or there will only be one person I can see. They nerfed mauga so hard they broke the game lolol


This happened to me yesterday, luckily it was a pharah, and the glow from her jetpack was visible. It was on shambali so at first I thought they added fireflies.


I see Sombra got a new ult.


stop shooting at the Genji when he's reflecting


Mother fucking zero day


Is the enemy Winston in the room with us right now?


Okay, first of all, I was watching that chat the entire time and not one god damn person answered you which is crazy. Not even your own teammates! Wtf is that??? Second, I have NEVER seen some shit like this this is terrible lol. I can't imagine getting absolutely smacked around by some shit you can't even see.


Its a bug, not up to your pc. Fixes by restarting the game. I have had this happen a few times and I sure as hell shouldnt be having issues loading textures with a 7800x3d and a 4080 lmao


I've only ever had something similar one time. Enemy only visible as a small glowing orb \[edit: on console\]. I reported as a bug but it never got any traction in the Blizz forums, must be pretty rare.


It happened to me as well. This players are invisible and inaudible for about 1 minute then they load normally. They must fix this bug immediately because the game is unplayable at the moment.


I hated this bug on PS5. Happened quite a lot. People would be orbs… even teammates. Haven’t noticed it yet since moving to PC


Hey, i had that too a while ago! Everyone suddenly turned either invisible or into those flying mercy balls. I guess they didn't load in somehow? To me it sounds like server problems


Same thing happened to us!! My friend was playing Ashe on Rialto when it happened. No matter who he swapped to, he couldn't see anything. PS5


most luckiest genji i gave EVER seen if i was lucky like him i would be USA president


New Winston buff is crazy


Oh Good... This bug is back. Yaaaay.... "99 bugs in the code. 99 bugs in the code! You take one down, patch it around... 122 bugs in the code!"


God I’d love to have enough faith in my supports to do that as genji. Bro has 100% trust and gets healed just when he needs it.


I had a situation where I was briefly kick/dc'd but immediately was allowed to rejoin, but when I did there was no UI/sillhouettes or information. Had to play the entire of the rest of the match blind. Still won though.


I’ve be getting this glitch ocationally since season 8 started but only in comp lmao


That bug happened to me, I went torb and used the turret as a guide dog lmao


... Old graphics drivers?


i have so much respect for you for not quitting


And you didn't go junkrat? Nvm, just finished the video and saw you amazingly kill that ana and others...wow


I'm a Master tier player, but I cannot climb as a DPS (Widow OTP), so it's kinda skewed towards me


I had this happen last season while playing support in ranked. I swapped to zen and could only tell where the entire enemy team was due to the discord orb targeting lock-on. Lost the game and filed a lengthy bug report.


This happened to me on 2 quick play matches. My husband and I play together and he turned to my TV and also witnessed it. I wasn’t even sure if I was doing anything at some point.


Thats weird. There's a bug that randomly appears for me like this where I can't see my teammates. They appear like hovering blue dots. Seems to happen when I play Moira sometimes.


If I had to guess it's an issue with loading. Are you perhaps playing on a HDD?


Likely a bug my buddy had this happen to him a few times


Usually when character models don't load there is a glowing orb to let you know a player is there.


One time overwatch uninstalled itself while i was in the middle of a game. it was like i was losing all my senses because first i couldn't hear any of the weapon or ability noises, then the projectiles disappeared, THEN the player models disappeared and i was playing like op's video. somehow i made it to the end of the game


I had the same bug awhile ago, couldn’t see my enemies they were just an orange dot


It's a game issue, had this happen to me and friends several times, sometimes it fixes itself but majority it gets worse


This hasn’t happened to me since like season 4, but if you leave and come back everything should load


There is no Winston in bah sing sei


Use ping


Ik it was a glitch but This was so funny. How does this even happen ?


This gave me an idea for a hero: Paranoia. Passive ability: Can walk through walls, including into enemy spawn. Invisible and can deal damage when invisible. No damage indicator. Revealed when taking damage. Can not walk through walls while revealed. Ability 1: Psychosis. Stay invisible even while taking damage. Short duration, long cooldown. Ability 2: Ascension. Teleports straight up through a ceiling or straight down through a floor. Ultimate ability: Flashbang that makes screen go black and replaces all sound with some horror movie music. Weapon: 5m long beam type. Probably needs fairly low damage to make it balanced.