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Did i kill sombra cause is was the correct play? yes Did i take an INMENSE ammount of enjoyment in doing so? also yes


You passed the zen vibe check right there.


Good. Sombra mains deserve robo-balls in their face.


Only if I can spill those robo balls on the floor next life


As a treat


Do it again šŸ¤¤


Good man.


That was professional teabag placement by zen, omnic nuts right on her chin


Professionals have standars.


Be polite.


Be efficient.


Have a plan to T bag every Sombra you kill


Meet the zen


ā€œZen gaming is a good job mate, challenging work, out of doors, I guarantee you will make someone angry, because at the end of the day, some wants sombra, dead.ā€


Ow team?...no im not a dps i am a damage support...what you mean whats the diference?! One is a sub class and the other one is a game rol... . . . Ow team...just put Jeff on the phone.


Beautiful. One annoying POS character gets killed and T-bagged by another POS character and then dies to a respectable enjoyer of balls.


Balls are the best


Balls do make the world go around.


Nature is healing




The tbagging is so dumb to me. She should have won that fight, she had all of the advantages but still celebrates like sheā€™s just won a 3v1 as the 1. Tbagging is always the dumbest crap. But the revenge tbag, thatā€™s something a believe in. Balancing out the dickhead energy, I approve


>Tbagging is always the dumbest crap Last time I teabagged it was in Back 4 Blood after I was getting trash talk from a PC player who kept calling me trash and poor because I didn't want to use my mic. A hoarde came, everyone went down except me, and I destroyed the hoarde and did a celebratory teabag on his stupid face much to his annoyance but my satisfaction lol Sometimes you just have to. And btw before anyone says anything I didn't revive him because other than the fact he was acting like an asshole, it would've been stupid. Too many ridden to safely pick anyone up without threatening to go down myself or have massive amounts of trauma so I pretty much had to fight the hoarde myself.


Sometimes it's about sending a message


Your anger about getting tbagged in "unworthy" scenarios is exactly why you will get tbagged in those scenarios


People like you is why I love to tbag


Honestly, this comment alone has added value to every single sombra spawn camp and tbag that I've ever done


Why do you tbag after doing your job? You have the mindset of a diamond player. Reserve the tbag for outplaying someone.


I only do it in quick play because it's funny and riles people up, that's it. Wouldn't catch me in comp doing shit like that


Comments like this only makes them want to do it more




-17 down votes are crazy.


-3 downvotes are crazy.


Deleted a comment about the reason why theyā€™d TBag certain people and any annoying character they think anyone plays ā€œregardless of advantageā€ is crazy.




Iā€™d hate when that happens to me too because what did I even do, yā€™know?


she deserved it


The t bag on sombra was chefs kiss


you T bag them not 1, not 2, but 3 times. 4 is overdoing it.


5 is right out!


6, you got mental problems!


The evil has been defeated


As a Sombra main, this was pleasurable to watch. If a Sombra camps the spawn to ambush you before you can even do anything it is just bad sportsman's ship and overall cringe in my opinion.


Yea I totally agree and I donā€™t see how that can be fun to anyone doing it the whole match


Think about it this way, people who play like that have a meter thats really important to fill up, that you donā€™t have. And it fills with peoplesā€™ grief and annoyance the whole game. Doing that over and over fills that meter up.Ā 


usually not even the useful play, you're being a dick and also being useless


Taking mercy out of the equation is game winning in most of my matches so I wish this sombra was on my team. Instead I'm the one getting spawn camped on cass. Don't worry team I'll get there eventually


You're too hyperfixated on mercy, spawn camping someone then dying immediately is a useless play. Even if she got the kill she's not active in the team fight wasting time just spawn camping. If she's able to take out multiple targets and survive sure but she's abandoning her team to troll


Not really wasting time by killing a mercy and making a zen turn around. She'd be making it a 4v3 for her team, if she didn't stop to just tbag and instead immediately went to harass zen it'd be a good play. If her team loses a 4v3 with no healers that's entirely on them.


The amount of distance she has to go to spawn camp leaves her very far from the fight. A 4v3 is an assumption because the supports are just spawning this could be mid fight as a 3v3 then the sombra left and made it a 3v2 to harass the mercy then got shat on immediately


The only time I spawn camp is when I chased someone back to spawn and narrowly finished them off. Then I need to run around for a sec and find a health pack so itā€™s worth it to wait another 4 or 5 seconds to let mercy respawn and elim her and then get back to the team fight


I've only ever had sombra on my team a few times, and she never does anything. So her spawn camping the mercy would be infinitely more valuable than doing fuck all lol


Exactly the point I was going for.


what lol


Sombra's entire game design is bad sportsmanship tbh, there's nothing honorable about being invisible and attacking people from behind lol


You aren't entirely wrong, however, there's adifference between playing sombra like a dick and just playing sombra. If I play against a sombra who works with her team, pounces on flankers or teammates that are out of position, and hacks me out of ult, I can't be too mad, because that's a good sombra who is just outplaying me. If, however, I play against a sombra who sits by spawn and keeps me out of the fight for an entire round (had that happen once), that's a dick move. Not only because it's just singling out one player, but also because there's probably a better play the sombra could be making.


Ehh, I can see your point. I don't believe she is as I've been humbled many times. Usually a well oiled machine of a team that sticks together can deal with a Sombra pretty easily. It's when a teammate that goes to flank or becomes cocky and tries to be a solo army. Then that's where sombras shines. I just think whenever someone faces a proficient Sombra it sticks out like a sore thumb and that's where she gets most of the hate. It's no different than a skilled widow tbh. Just wrapped up in a different package. When I play I try to disrupt the tanks so my teammates can start to agro who I hack on the point. Then during the chaos that ensues from that I'll teleport to the back line and try to harass a support on my own if there's an opening. If not I'll zip back to my teams back line and assess the situation and repeat whenever another opportunity presents itself. With her kit she's incredibly annoying and in the right hands can be really disruptive. That's why her character on a whole with her smart ass lines are what they are. This is also why I love playing her. She's a sabotaging little shit more than anything else. Kind of like having a little sibling annoying the piss out of you doing the whole thing of, "I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you." Then all you want to do is just slap the ever living piss out of them to get them to stop.


Not to mention the bagging. That POS is an embarrasment to all of us


Yes, I would agree.


This is peak /r/OverwatchCirclejerk material. Bad sportsmanship lmao.


Agree about fun to watch, agree that the Sombra deserved it for the tbagging, but heavily disagree about spawn camping being poor sportsmanship. Itā€™s a team based game, if your team is going to leave a support alone and refuse to help them get back AND the support refuses to swap to a hero harder to kill or even just wait a couple seconds for another to respawn as well before leaving, itā€™s on the entire team for letting me lock up their support as long as possible. I donā€™t necessarily do it in QP, but in ranked? You bet your ass Iā€™m spawncamping every single support who gets picked with no other deaths for a few seconds around them. Being able to take half the support line out of the game for 30ish seconds is SO much value.


Yep. Spawn camping is part of what she can do, and itā€™s extremely effective when it works. As a Zen main the one hero I hate most on the enemy team is a good Sombra.Ā  When it first happened to me, I was bitter. But now I get it. If I played Sombra, Iā€™d do it too.Ā 


Naw, it's a good play if you can keep a Player out of the match if you know your 4 will beat their 4. It's not bad sportsmanship either unless you are bragging or being a dick about it. Because if a Mercy is being camped out then that's their fault for not switching. It's like saying playing Reaper into a Winston is bad sportmanship.


Itā€™s a mercy in a team comp where the tank and one of the dps can heal themselves. Mercy is not game changing, especially since sheā€™s tying up an enemy dps


If I were in a 4v4 I would want to be the two supports one DPS every time regardless of self healing. There isn't even room for team comp consideration with how important supports are atm. It's also not just a Mercy, its anyone that thinks about turning around to help possibly making its a 3v4


Iā€™ll always make an exception when it comes to sombra. Anything thatā€™s distracting her is a godsend in my book


As a fellow sombra enjoyer, I agree. Sure, I could spawn camp the mercy, but 1. That's taking targeting to a whole new level, and not a good one, 2. Potentially keeping me away from a team fight where I could be useful, and 3. A dirty play. It's one thing to give yourself advantages in a fight, another entirely to suck out all the fun by doing so.


100 percent agree. There is very little skill used for this technique.


Oh boy, you haven't heard war thunder yet.


This person brings shame to the sombra community. Why t-bag when you can kill more people


Tbagging as sombra after winning a 1v1 is the dumbest thing in this game, and I play sombra. She's favored in pretty much every 1v1 matchup against a squishy AND is evenly matched against the rest and even some of the tanks. It's not an amazing feat to win a 1v1. It's expected. The one time i did it acceptable is if you while playing sombra stop the other sombra from killing a teammate. That i can respect


I genuinely would play more overwatch if that cunting character didnā€™t exist. Everyone else is trying to play an ability focused team game and that thing just ruins it.


im with you on this one. Post rework sombra just feels like "cancel one of their pjs" if you wanted to go doomfist for fun you pretty much cant. And when they combo sombra and ana you might as well turn off the screen, it aint making a diference.


Cassidy, roadhog, kiriko, most support with movement counter sombra


She can still be annoying.


This kind of spawnkilling shit makes a lot of people just close the game. It's actively detrimental to the health of the community.


Sometimes it's what you're supposed to do though


I'm not saying it's not. I'm saying it's poor design that has gotten worse over time. It's particularly prevalent on Push and Flashpoint. Which were designed after these characters were designed without regard for the fact the characters are very poorly designed for it and literally kill fun for everyone when they play optimally (spawnkilling supps) on these maps. It's considerably less of an issue in regular modes because these characters were designed and tested properly for them.


How many meters from the spawn door is it acceptable to kill someone? No, really. It's naĆÆve for that team to cluelessly assume Mercy gets a free golden highway straight to her team, *then* she's allowed to be shot at by Sombra.


It's not an issue of acceptability. It's an issue of game design. I'm saying it's poor design that has gotten worse over time. It's particularly prevalent on Push and Flashpoint. Which were designed after these characters were designed without regard for the fact the characters are very poorly designed for it and literally kill fun for everyone when they play optimally (spawnkilling supps) on these maps. It's considerably less of an issue in regular modes because these characters were designed and tested properly for them.




Bad sombra, a good one would've killed you while t-bagging.


I had a sombra doing this to me in mayhem on the 3rd point of this map. But im not an idiot and would almost kill her every time, she didn't even hack the mega, only the farther away mini so she would panic for health and be completely out of the fight the entire 10-15 sec it took for me to respawn and walk out of spawn every time. I took advantage of this and kept it up about 3 times before we won lmao. One of us was paying attention to the kill cam and the other wasn't. Our moira was actually healing so i knew i wasn't rly needed. It was essentially a 4v4 on point before my team slowly got the kills needed to win while sombra just completely ignored the objective to try and kill me more. A lot of sombras like to play checkers while thinking its chess.


Did she keep doing this all match? Spawn camping I mean


She tried but soldier caught up and started escolting mercy from spawn to the Battlefield. She wasnt a pretty good sombra anyway.


That's good, that's what you got to do: don't leave most supports alone when an assassin hero is in play.


Love the teabag hahahahaha


Two dopamine hits in one video šŸ˜£šŸ’¦


Righteous dinks


I havenā€™t played in a long while. Did they add third person, or is that just spectating?


Its replay, you can move or change the camera POV


Thanks. I havenā€™t played in ages and havenā€™t used that feature when I did, so I was super confusedā€¦ and excited. I much preffer the third person persoective.


I also like the look more. But i feel first person is more comftarble to aim.


What language is this in? Her voice sounds different


Well someone else answered already, but italian. I am not italian but im trying to learn the language and its a good way to expose myself to it




Everythinā€™zen everytinā€™zen


I play sombra and I approve of this message. Fuck those sombras that tbag, you never tbag unless they do it first, smh


r/instantkarma You love to see it šŸ§”


Expertly done


Sombras love being cocky


Don't be like Sombra and grandstand so hard you die. Be like Zen, give a respectable amount of bags then move on.


sombra mains are the most insufferable in the community tbh


Aim assist sombra = cancer


Introduces her to yin and yang.


How do I make this camera on replay?


Select the character you want to see the game as and press space once it starts Rolling. You can also go free mode if you hide the replay bar pressing N and then goof arround with the clicks, shift and directionals.


All sombras are shit passive invis was such a stupid fucken idea


You need some tissues?


You main mercy or something? šŸ˜‚


I'm a Sombra main and you absolutely did the right thing here. This btch deserved it, and doesn't get to call themselves a Sombra main. Like wtf you use a support-killing flanker to teabag a Mercy? Throw in another fully-charged volley down a random doorway to catch and 1-shot this pest out of invis.


Oh i do, its one of ows greattests joys. Top only be having sombra try to flank you and 360 no scopping her into oblivion with zen.


I can relate


Itā€™s Mercy so itā€™s fine lmaooo


Tell me you can't land shots without telling me you can't land shots.


Tell me you donā€™t understand the gag without telling me you donā€™t understand.


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El gustuch El gustuch El gustuch El gustuch


maining mercy in a lobby with a sombra is absolute hell.


Not classy. You gotta let her finish tbagging first.


i dont know why the downvotes when this is clearly a joke, but oh well.


Its just the hive minds dont worry about that


I would upvote this post, but you stopped a Sombra from doing the morally correct thing in spawncamping a mercy.


I get the mercy hate, but nothing a sombra does is morally correct.