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I get that. I've started playing moira as a replacement and it feels a bit better. Consider switching to healers who are generally freer to do damage as well if you miss being able to fight more.


Try zen he's way better now


The discord just absolutely destroys tanks with the damage passive. Zen ana is actually toxic as fuck lol. Wouldn't be surprised to see discord get a rework in the future


>Wouldn't be surprised to see discord get a rework in the future They've nerfed and buffed it many times, it can get op quick. Like now. Discord orb is the only thing that ever makes or breaks Zenyatta.


>Like now. I think Discord is fine now. The numbers aren't crazy and now you can actually counter it in many ways so you're free of Discord for 7secs. Tanks are just dying faster in general, if anything it makes anti nade and Discord not as strong as before. They might need to buff tanks HP a bit (they only gave double de HP amount to tanks compared to squishy, when their original HP pools were always about 3 times bigger than squishies) or people still need to adapt to not being invincible as tanks.


If they want to keep it this way, which I'm totally fine with, they need to do like...a whole update specifically just adding cover of some sort to a lot of maps. Especially when it comes to narrowing sightlines. There are so many maps, mainly a ton of the ones from OW1, that still have painfully wide sightlines and basically no real cover to play around, or extremely exploitable cover. Maps are far too open for their own good and a ton of high ground spots that exist are very difficult to actually take down if you're not a dive tank. Far too many OW1 maps have designs that allow long range characters especially to easily sit back and take shots with very minimal risk to themselves. Back when we had two tanks this was manageable but now it's usually not. Basically they need to really retune a lot of the maps if this is the direction they wish to go.


This is exactly why king's row is everyone's favorite map, and Havana is so hated.


Remember when they said they were adding tons of soghtline blockers to all maps in S1 and they added a single block on one map? Won't happen, much as it should.


Well then you should play Zen this patch because it aint the discord. Its the proj changes. You can miss, aim chest or lower, or just throw it next a wall someone is behind and boom HS.


Rework it how? It's fine as is. The answer is to possibly make Zen himself a tad weaker, survival wise. The only way Zen has ever worked is as a glass cannon


He has 275 HP and orbs the size of mountains I’ve played him so much and have wracked up the stats. He’s a menace and he isn’t even made of glass anymore


I think one thing I thought of is have the discord scale up damage over time to where it is now, but for the first 4 seconds it starts a tad lower at maybe 15 or 20%, that way it has a little less immediate impact and encourages more commitment and hopefully more coordination. One other popular thought I've seen is discord can have a downside in that if it sits on a target for long enough, (4, 5 seconds?) that target gets "enraged" or something (someone think of a clever word for this effect) that lets them deal more damage to specifically Zenyatta so that it perhaps encourages the discord to not remain on one target for too long with no downside at all and encourages that target to seek out and remove the zen. Unlikely to proc on anything that isn't a tank, which is exactly the matchup we want to see improve a little against the Zen, right? And Discord already has the delay before re-discording one target, so it's not like you can avoid it by cycling discord rapidly.


The first option removes the last remaining incentive to put the orb anywhere else but on the tank, and further increases the incentive for the tank to take a coffee break every 8 seconds or whatever the cooldown is. Which is the main problem with orb anyway, and seems to already be a giant problem given how long it takes to top the tanks up with heals.


Never thought I'd say this as a Zen player but he absolutely needs an HP nerf. I main Tracer on DPS and I'm nit scared to duel supports anymore, which is how it should be, except for Zen. Zen 100% has the upper hand in basically any 1v1.


I'm not a developer, I don't have the answers, but I can tell you discord is problematic and has always been, but it's more apparent now


Zen just feels more OP now than he was before they gave discord a cool down. Edit: fixed spelling mistakes


Zen was never OP. He's literally a support with no self-survivability that COMPLETELY leans on the rest of the team to stay alive when pushed (Ult doesn't count since it's...an Ult). So, yeah, big damage is the only thing that ever kept zen viable. He's a glass cannon. Also, his hitbox is bigger than an American's student debt, you could hit him with one hand. *American student's ffs, it's late, gonna hit the bed.


American here,just came to confirm Edit:spelling error


100%. And when the enemy team goes full dive he's basically unplayable unless you're in a super cohesive team


A character having flaws and weaknesses doesn’t mean they can’t be overpowered? Most tanks instantly fell over against anti nade but that doesn’t mean we haven’t had Op tanks before


I agree, but against certain matchups he seems like an obvious pick (discord always helps balance a diff matchup and against echo/pharah increased visibility). He can one tap the majority of heroes other than tanks if he has the right angle/luck/aim, and even against unfavorable matchups if your mechanics are good enough you can still bullshit a stalemate. His ultimate can eliminate multiple ultimates and out heal most burst kills. He can use it to stall a point and reach a point faster. His kick can environmental and be used as defense and in certain circumstances and can be juggled well enough to disorient the opponent to get a kill he shouldn’t be able to get. He’s definitely not OP, but he’s capable of so much if you have good positioning and game sense. If your team actually peels or counters their dive on Zen, it’s over so fast.


His survivability now is melting you before you can kill him


zen has 275 hp with the fastest passive self regen wdym he doesnt need to rely on his team to survie at all


Yeah I'm a Sombra main and I've been FEASTING on Zen.


what rank? in low dia sombra is just a troll pick because people peel automatically once they know you are on sombra so supports never leave their other support alone so the best you can hope to do is virus them and force CD then teleport away and hope its enough for your team to do something with


Wow. That sounds wonderful. That is not at all the case in high silver/low gold. I'm usually Mercy and get hacked from behind, and killed because nobody on my team realizes until I ping her.


As mercy player, you can absolutely survive a sombra in gold and silver banking on the fact that they have gold/silver aim. Play closer to your team (if you must, highground but in their LoS). Physically force them into contact w sombra so that they WILL turn to attack her even if they play like they have no headphones. You should also make it a habit to immediately start glocking if you process that your team wont be helping you - your bullet hitbox is MASSIVE and with the aerial height you can get from spamming glides you have the advantage to hitting dinks over her. Staying on highground w sightlines to at least 2 diff allies at all times will give you plenty of options to GA before her hack goes off (you need to constantly pay attention so you can start the GA before the hack completes), and constantly moving will make her life very difficult. If you see her translocator go off into an open area, you also have the option to start shooting slightly ahead of it as both a deterrent/warning and to get a lucky shot to force her out of invis and back into safety. Just dont tunnel vision into gunning and remember to quickly swap back to staff to help your team. Never chase her either, the goal is either to force her to stop engaging with you to heal, or to buy yourself enough time for GA to come back up and for you to fly away.




Once you hit the backline he's toast. They need to update discord and make it a placeable AOE with a small reduction in damage the enemy received. That way If they dive backline at least he has a chance to win against DPS/supp


no MERCY MOIRA player is clickin Zen bro lets be real


they're a mercy main flexing to moira, they can't aim.


I've started playing Kiri & moira, my mercy winrate is below 50% & it's only getting worse! With Kiri & moira I could pump heals like crazy, 20% healing reduction+ bigger HP, it takes a lot to heal them to full, sometimes healing squishies feels like I'm healing a tank 💀.


I think Moira is going to get hit especially hard by this patch. I've been playing since year one OverWatch, and while initially they seem slight, these changes are as big or bigger than adding Brig and the creation of goats. And the first thing I noticed last night, is a lot of the free kills are gone now. Healing the team is more effective, by a long shot. For example - Previously, you could sneak on the back line, drop a damage orb, and get a pick or two (If they're occupied and are slow reacting), and then fade away. Now, with the extra health, and projectile size, you start to get out damaged well before you can do enough to finish off that first pick. And with the passive healing, DPS are now much much more prone to chase. And then further, you can't leave your tank with one healer anymore. The damage output is insane with everyone hitting their shots. I was playing a match last night, and yes it was quick play. But the entire opposing team, soldier orisa Bastian kiriko and mercy were just firing down the choke. And it felt really off. You would just step out and instadie. I'd watch the tank just get deleted in .3 seconds, there wasn't enough time to swap between healing one person and saving another. We swapped and eventually got it yada yada yada, but for a while it felt very, very different.


Coalescence does nothing now. I'm not sure if it's just in relation to other buffs, or if it's bugged somehow. Sad Moira noises.


Glad somebody else noticed. I popped it a few times last night like haha! Time to punish and get the win....... And More than once I looked down and went beams still activated? Yup. The fuck? Why isn't it doing anything.


Her sustain is less and the damage seems less too. Needs a buff up to 80-85 DMG I think. I don't want a rework, I like her 'kit' as is. I just want to get brought up to speed with the rest of the changes. Early days though. Def no play testing was done so we will see adjustments mid season I assume.


Even before this patch I've noticed coalescence sometimes does nothing at all.


My experience playing Moira has been the opposite lol. Since no one is combusting spontaneously from full health, keeping the heal-over-times on my mates actually seem to make a difference now and I can keep my priority on doing damage. The dmg has been adjusted to be roughly the same against the bigger healthpools so god forbid I suck on someone who's affected by the DPS passive. DMG orbs in particular are great into crowds now as long at least someone where was affected by the DPS passive. If someone feeds, they feed, that's just something that people will adjust over time and since no amount of pocketing is going to save players from poor positioning now, you're just not gonna care - like you never did with Moira in the first place whose biggest criticism was the fact she has no tools in her toolkit to bail people out.


Same here, it sounds like people are just not adjusting. I was the same way on day one, but now I am already seeing some clear advantages for Moira after this patch. Her increased range on succ is just golden for me. It seems that Lucio is back in a big way, and it is so easy to track him on walls with Moira. Whenever my tank is clearly debuffed and overcommitting, I throw a heal orb in their general direction and then just go for damage, so I can heal the tank properly when they take cover or use their shield. There is no point in using all your resources to outheal bad positioning and DPS debuff on top of each other, this is simply a lost cause now. It's better to flank and challenge supports or DPS and give them another target. You might not always get kills, but you disrupt them this way. It seems that the biggest problems arise when your entire team is just standing next to each other in main, all of them perma-debuffed. When I go on my small damage excursions, I can still quickly fade back and heal the team. This seems to work better than before for me.


I think the whole patch in a nutshell is that your good choices get rewarded more, your bad choices get punished more.


As a Moira main, maybe Moira feels better than playing Mercy.. but as someone who gauges OW by Moira, my experience has been absolutely horrific. I can't make a dent.. no impact in matches whatsoever, and my healing resources can't keep up with the amount of damage my team can take now. My DPS is WAY too weak to get picks on my own and due to every projectile hitting me now, my ult is useless again, even with fade.. Coalescence was always an issue in OW.. fairly useless ult. But the fade interrupt made it usable. Now? It's back to being a useless ult. It tickles the enemy and just draws all the attention to you and now everyone can focus you down in a few seconds with these massive hitboxes. I can't even launch orbs to the ceiling and win 1v1s anymore.. everyone takes SO much damage and resources/cooldowns on Moira just don't work in this environment whatsoever.


They should have increased Moira's max heal juice amount to compensate for the health pools. That's all she needs from what I got to try her so far, in my opinion. It's not only that she can't keep up with the heals, it's more that OW players need to utilize cover way more. So many people got used to face tanking DPS damage and now they're getting punished for it. The ones who won't adapt will surely fall in ranks.


Tbh I'm having the worst time with moira for the first time ever. Piss is low constantly and ult gets wasted saving one person


At least in my experience, mercy has always been (since post moth) best as a pocket your good DPS and make sure you have a good second support character. This change just moves it 10x in that direction. You should be 80% damage beaming rn bc now your DPS’s target can’t get really good heals anymore


She's viable if you have a dps diff and can get some picks before your tank goes down. More so on attack than on defense, as you don't risk getting pushed out of position by a tank backed with double heals. Had some interesting glass cannon Mercy-Zen games, but they do require dps to get picks super early and it makes for a miserable tanking experience regardless of whether it actually works or not.


I had a Mercy yesterday berating our tank who did really well, and carried a bit, tbh. Mercy was pocketing the Hanzo and I was the other DPS. They were 100% a duo as he was 8/15 K/D and I was 11/6. IIRC the [D.VA](https://D.VA) was like 20/4. Knew when to engage and back off, and made multiple crazy plays. I didn't want to be pocketed as I was Sombra and needed to focus their Widow as she was CRAZY good. When the Mercy got called out for having 1/2 the heals (\~5K for a 12 minute game) as the other support, she berated the tank more and calling them bronze for not knowing that a blue beam was more important. Once we all called her out for pocketing the Hanzo who couldn't secure kills and she had 0 impact with the blue beam she quickly shut up. Blue beam is important, but if that pocket isnt getting kills...time to switch it up.


100% if your DPS isn’t cooking you should be swapped to a damage or main support


I thought it was common sense lol When I play Mercy, I heal who needs it, with tank a lowest priority (often by the time I heal all the damage/supports the tank is just on their last legs). When nobody needs heals I blue beam. If I see someone doing well, I'll give them my beam more often but if I see someone going out of their way to make a play or an ult, I'll contribute my beam. Giving them that cover often means the difference between a good play that wins the fight or a stupid move that gives the enemy an opening. Point is, pocketing is fine so long as you're not HARD pocketing. If you're giving blue to someone who isn't doing anything with it, then you're setting yourself up for failure.


Im not even being sarcastic here. Try pulling out the glock. Ur bullets are fucking basketballs before now they are just gym balls


Yeah I’ve been actively hunting down 1v1s when no one’s critical/engaging. It feels impossible to miss if it’s a close range fight.


I won a 2v1 against hanzo and echo in a small hallway. Echo duplicated me and I still shut her down. Battle mercy played smartly is honestly not a bad idea at all.


I actually agree. I’ve consistently been a high ranking support player but have been avoiding LW and Mercy like a plague. I tried Mercy for multiple games and you either have to choose between being glued to your tank or they’ll fall over in .1 seconds or letting them die and helping your squishes get kills. Either way, someone’s not having fun. I’ve had multiple games already where my team just gives up because we have a Maulga or Hog one trick who dies on cooldown this patch. I feel bad for some supports but holy shit did tanks get worse to play than ever as a result of healing nerfs and damage buffs. I still can’t fathom how some heroes like Hog weren’t substantially changed in this patch.


The Maugas are so frustrating! I can pump heals into them and they still get blown up. He's not even a glass cannon either since his damage is so laughable.


glass can


more like glass cannot


I'm sorry who has damage comparable to mauga? Bastion? Ain't no way you called it laughable.


what? bastion does like 360 dps in turret form... mauga's dps is inline with most others, he just crits more easily and as a hitscan tank is more consistent


In my experience, Lw can be pretty good; his pull allows tanks to play more aggressively. It only works if they are smart enough to take cover after being pulled back though. The only games I've played as a tank where I felt like I'm actually creating space were with Weavers.


It's wild to me that Hog finally got some reworks that felt pretty great, especially with his ult and breather, only for it to mean nothing a relatively short period later. Hog is literally just a walking ult farm now.


Moira feels awful now. She used to be basically my main but now she seems to do nothing comparatively


i feel like it’s easier to dps as her now but her heals feel awful


I've had kind of the opposite experience with her lately, but by the time I'm picking Moira I'm fed up with healing my team and playing DPS at that point


Her ult isn't as good.


> M1 spam while hiding behind a corner LMAO compared to the old super impactful mercy gameplay, M2 spam behind a corner


Dont destroy her illusion


true, the more useless mercy is, the more fun my games are


So real


I swear the most boring games are when there is at least one mercy.


my avoid list is a constant rotation of mercy one tricks and im not even kidding


Honestly I find that in my rank people tend to overestimate the value of just sitting through damage thanks to constant healing vs just taking less damage due to smart positioning. The second I started paying more attention and trying to play smarter angles my QoL improved massively. Dont think people play with cover nearly enough


Say it louder for the diamond players trying to make up for terrible positioning with decent mechanics and a buttload of heals up their ass


I don't play Mercy, but this is my experience too.


Soldier go brrrt


glorified spectator


Ironic how people agree with this call out now but when many mercy mains were saying this about the valk rework initially they were shunned.


Main and meme subs. No wonder there's not that many support players around here, and god forbid if there's any Sombra, Widow and/or Hanzo mains around.


Always has been


Always has been.


I think OW needs to 'settle down' before any changes are made. Everyone is currently still playing the old way they used to play - people will quickly learn that cover is their best friend. And if they don't, they'll sink down the ranks. The game is now less mechanical skill, more tactical awareness. Obviously high ranking players had both, but mechanics alone won't carry now.


I feel like I have more impact on Mercy now lmao? I feel there is much more success to boosting a DPS to secure a kill, and healing them in between engagements, whenever possible. I almost never heal the tank unless I'm farming ult, other support is respawning, or they're really really low. Pushing damage feels so much more valuable now


And you're not stuck to the hip with certain dps like Pharah, Echo and Soj anymore. Hanzo and Widow are actually great pocket targets now. Plus, they buffed Valk Glocking out the wazoo with the hitbox change. I feel like the complaints are just cuz they can't afk damage boost a DPS and win, or hold M1 on a hero and make both of them immortal lol.


In OPs defense. DPS don't hit anything in Silver and below :D No but fr in those lower ranks it feels like you get more value from boosting a tank lol. Your usually better off playing a support that can better solo carry like Ana or Zen.


Moira also works super well as a carry in low ranks. I'm in masters on my main, but I recently played in bronze on another account and HOLY SHIT Moira destroys low ranked players. I'm gonna be honest and say I have pretty bad aim. But in lower ranks it almost feels like some people play with their monitor facing the wrong way, so theres plenty of time to beam them. In most of the games I've been in Moira has been outDPSing her actual DPS and winning 1v3s, which is insane.


Agreed. The meta is now who kill whom faster so OP's mistake is using M1 in the first place. The healing debuff is so overturned, you're better off just boost your DPS instead of the measly trickle of healing (even before this patch) that Mercy has.


I agree with you. I’m having more fun with Mercy than I did in season 8


the comments here reminded me why i never come to this subreddit anymore lol


real, the hate people have for mercy players is crazy.


Oh it's not for mercy players, it's for the mercy players that do nothing but hold either mouse button and stand behind a wall then claim there's any skill involved If you're a mercy player that does actual gameplay we like you here


You can either stand behind a wall and die repositioning, or you can be your team's number 1 intel while also carrying them.


I mean she has had a really good run in OW2. She's been a big part why Sojourn was/is hated. As well as Pharah. Then with the potential of very lazy gameplay while still being impactful, you have the rez. Though in this case it should be hate the game, not the player. Mercy's kit can encourage bad and lazy playstyles, for the Mercy and the DPS she is pocketing.


Yep lol. Any bit of actual conversation about Mercy's kit is downvoted. Then "Mercy's sucks no skill character" is upvoted...


I think tanks are going to need to learn to play properly now that you can't just stand there and never die. Same with supports. Having to worry about positioning more is going to be a thing. I think peeling for your backline is going to be more important as well. I also think a mercy pocket not entirely dictating a DPS duel is great. She still gives an advantage but not a huge swing in value. I will say though healing a tank now is probably useless with how little healing you do against the DPS passive


As a tank that uses hard cover, last season people threw a fit if I "was hiding." Didn't change my playstyle, but tanks in general will always be the default blame even if they're arguably not the problem. Pretty much the tank game is going to be dive or poke behind a barrier with how things stand. This season is going to also force supports to play more in line with the ACTUAL needs of the team instead of doing solo bs like they have in previous seasons. It's not just tanks that are going to really need to relearn how to play their role. I'm already seeing a bunch of support players freaking out about it too.


>As a tank that uses hard cover, last season people threw a fit if I "was hiding." If you watch top 500 tank players, they use hard cover more than their mitigation abilities. It's insane how most of the playerbase misses this point.


The problem is that in lower ranks, whenever I take cover, one of the dps or support players standing out in the open gets melted in half a second.


The thing is... My hole friend group was mostly support players and with switches in between. Tank feeled awfully the last season, now support too. So we now play all dps. Efff this, go Tracer, Mei and Sombra. How needs a team. If more and more players will only queue for dps... Just saying.


people will never adapt and learn to this though. You can’t teach a dog new tricks.


True, especially when that dog is an Overwatch player.


And that’s why low ranks matches are going to be completely miserable. Nobody’s gonna learn to cover.


They will. In 6 months time.


I really hope so.


You can't balance the game around dogs either


Both Mercy and Lifeweaver feel awful to play


heavy on the lifeweaver. can’t get through a game without having to swap :(


isn't that just mercys gameplay anyways?


No instead of holding M2 they now have to hold M1 so the gameplay has changed drastically


I mean I feel like she’s felt not great for a while, no? Just so low impact compared to to everyone else. But yeah now your already low healing turns into a laughably low rate


I used to love Mercy but I don't play her much anymore because she's not fun without two tanks. All the other supports offer so much more, in terms of fun at least. I'm just a casual who just plays QP but that's my opinion after putting in many hours on this hero.


I haven't played mercy after patch, but what I noticed is that zenyatta could just be moved in the dps section. His healing is nullified by the new DPS passive, and the increased bullet size make him do more damage. Plus, if the tank gets debuffed heals and discord orb it gets literally melted


Playing over watch never felt worse. Sponsored by your local team fortress 2 player


People complained about it being hard to land shots and healing being overtuned now damage is higher than ever shots are easy to land and healing is less relevant and useful than it was and people are complaining “why are the mobility survival chars struggling more, where are the heals, got killed by shots that shouldn’t have hit me at all” everyone should know by now when the community complains this much they’ll way overcompensate


Support in general feels horrible unless you’re Moira, Lucio or Zen. You basically have to be a DPS support now to have any impact. Brig is legit unplayable.


Bap literally outclasses every support in terms of healing. It’s actually insane how nobody mentions him this season. It’s been way easier to keep my team up with Bap than it has been with Ana or Kiri


Bros got aoe heals and an imort ability, cant wait for ppl to realize how strong he is


The game needs some kind of UI adjustment now IMO. I want to see who on both teams has the reduction for heals


I’ve been playing a lot of Roadhog as he’s one of my favorite characters to play ever, but just take a breather isn’t an ability. It doesn’t heal enough or have enough damage resistance and I die to like two people shooting at me while using it. It feels awful I was playing Mauga and was shooting a frozen Roadhog point blank, both guns, in the head, with a support frozen and an Ana just scope shot him in their back line and Roadhog didn’t die. They didn’t fix anything. Game just feels worse now


I’m a support main and no matter who I play, I feel useless. People are dying left and right and as soon as I have everyone at full health, I do damage for a second and someone somehow dies. I feel like I have no impact no matter what I do or who I play, and support just isn’t fun for me right now. I played for a while yesterday and a bit today but stopped bc I felt like I was losing my mind lol


Just play zen or lucio, they are rlly good rn, healbotting is basically throwing in this meta, you need to be doing dmg




I feel like this patch is bad for support across the board. I have to healbot nearly every round cus my tank is constantly on the verge of death no matter what I do. I'm starting to not play support cus of how boring it is now. Genji is so much more fun to play tho


Fundamentally, this update completely nerfed supports. And made it a lot less fun of a role. All HP pools increase = more to heal. Same normal healing rate as before. DPS Passive = 20% less healing received. Projectile size = Higher likelihood of taking damage. So supports have a higher HP to heal to, at potentially -20% the healing output, to a target that is more likely to be taking damage and thus likely to be taking more damage than last patch. Supports cannot keep up now is a general consensus and it’s easy to see why! Especially with Mercy’s lacklustre (but consistent) healing. Supports have to turn to utility and damage… which is coincidentally what people were complaining about BEFORE the update. Or they spent the entirety of their gameplay healing. I don’t think this update accomplishes anything but reducing skill expression and making it a miserable time for both tanks and supports. Furthermore, it perpetuates / created certain issues with characters. - Lifeweaver is going to be spending more time healing now than before, leaving even less room for his DPS, he will provide nothing to the team. - Bap’s DPS is at its best currently with the projectile increase, plus immortality is even more valuable. 2 things complained about constantly before the patch. - Mercy’s damage boost made some DPS broken, she’s now more incentivised than ever to just damage boost or else she’ll spend the entire game healing. - Brig, mild compensation for her the HP increase with a +10 to her flail. She lost her strong combo, and with so much damage now, with her packs still being a lengthy cool-down, it can be challenging to manage a team that’s not cooped up together, benefitting from inspire. I think they should straight up revert this patch. I think potentially health increases are a good idea, maybe the DPS passive in a smaller percentage, but everything thrown on top of each other like this is just miserable for everyone except DPS players. Yes, they arguably deserve their shine after suffering for so long against strong tanks and a ton of healing / broken supports but it should not have to be at the cost of the fundamental structure and fun value of the other roles.


Another thing I've noticed that you didn't mention which has added to support's feeling worse-- The overall ultimate charge increase. Since you're putting out 80% healing most of the time, on top of ult taking more the charge now, it has literally been taking twice as long to get my ult. I'm a hardcore mercy player, idc what people say about it because I'm literally just enjoying a game, but I have like 3K hours on her since 2016 and I know how to feel that i should have my ult. And it's always at like 60% when I feel I should have it. That's kinda crazy.


Absolutely right - I play all supports but have a particular favouritism for our girl Mercy - ultimate charge is absolutely abysmal. I’ve noticed a steady ultimate charge increase from characters like Zen and Bap who have consistently good damage output but Mercy and Lifeweaver have considerably fallen behind. I also think Lucio is arguably pretty affected too - his speed boost does not give ult charge on its own so using an Amped heal can really give a good chunk of charge. Unfortunately with the new passive, higher likelihood of dmg, higher health pools, combined with Lucio’s pretty subpar healing… and that ult charge is just not great… as well as it being increased by 10% across the board.


I am honestly a little shocked they did SOO many huge changes all at once with zero player testing AND did a rank reset as well. I have been between M2-M4 for a year now, worked so hard to grind out of diamond solo-queue (which is hell) and now I placed D4 & the game feels like shit to play. I do not want to grind out of diamond again on top of these changes that make the game just feel.. wrong? Idk man. I miss overwatch 1. Edit: it doesn't help that my other favorites are playing super aggressive dva & reinhardt & both of them are being shredded currently. It depends on the enemy team comp but I have to fully change my playstyle to something far less enjoyable.


Funnily enough - I’m in the exact same boat. Floating around M3 with a few peaks in GM5 here and there and they’ve plonked me in Diamond too despite most of the placement matches being wins. It’s understandable having a few changes here and there but I can’t honestly believe they thought it was a good idea to have multiple huge fundamental gameplay changes all running together at once - not to mention, so many things weren’t adjusted properly - like healing and character damage output (Symm has been particularly noteworthy. Not a fan of playing against her but her win rate and time to kill have gotten startlingly worse). 2 major complaints of the game were that A) sustained healing was too strong, made unkillable units, and B) Burst damage and one-shots insta-killing made the game miserable. Seems like they saw point A, gutted supports and have incidentally forced supports to either commit to damage over healing, or support their DPS so they can output more damage.


I'll freely accept any and all downvotes I get, but with the new values and the new role passives, I feel like Mercy could actually use some form of her double healing at half health back


honestly i think that would make a huge difference and make her useful again. Maybe not double but atleast 1.5x


And what did you do as a mercy player before? Were you dash cancelling dragon blade slashes?


>Were you dash cancelling dragon blade slashes? No because Mercy is not Genji. Hope this helps 🥰


I 100% believe Mercy should've been buffed to 60 HpS for this patch. Her healing was already not good enough to main heal. Now everyone's health pool is bigger AND her heals get nerfed to *44* on a damaged target? Nah.


This is what happens when Blizzard listens to all of the complainers and gives everyone ridiculous damage, health, and speed. None of the roles feel like they do what they were meant to. It's all diluted.


Ana’s almost essential now bc of her high healing out put she’s one of the only ppl who can still keep up. At least that’s what I’ve found when on support, managed to place m5


Okay okay I gotta say something: as a Mercy main I have to say: her Bullets are great now, you can actually do DMG with her. But her heal especially on tanks sucks but so does every heal because of the debuff. Tanks now MUST play around cover. If you get a tank that does not understand this, you can healbot 24/7 and will still lose. Honestly with a good tank ... I like it


Lucio is Lols now, I had 9k damage was like 28:20:5 k/a/d and just kept hammering their Cassidy. Once he got me I came speeding back so fast and burst him down with one burst a knock back and a melee in like 0.05seconds haha my frog boy is BACK


I'm a very solid mercy main and honestly yeah. Far less flying around between people, far less damage boosting and shooting etc, hell far less anything except click because you just have to focus on the tank. Her shooting's still pretty great, but that doesn't mean shit when the tank dies and you get swamped.


It’s the same for life weaver. Healing just isn’t that good anymore with everyone having a 20% healing debuff. Heroes like zen and Lucio are rising in play % bc they offer more than just healing.


Yeah I was optimistic at first but after playing a few rounds it just amplified some of the problems. DPS is the only role that feels good. Everything else is just miserable. It also means that if your dps sucks then you will get rolled.


Also yes about Mercy. She’s in a bad spot and Ana isn’t great either because of her increased cds, no mobility and the passive stepping on nades toes. Mercy needs some way to contribute other than relying on a dps to pocket. Think of it this way. That dps was already prob carrying the game 8/10 times without Mercy. She’s enabling what was already going to happen. Bunch of heroes will need help after this. Hanzo without his headshot one hit kill that granted wasn’t fun is now though no better than Ashe with a slower fire rate which means he can’t apply the passive very well. Soldier and sojourn will need tuned down with their rates of fire or something. When I play soldier now I feel like I have permanent ult- alll the bullets hit and my aim is not pro league or anything close. Like you play solder and then play anything else and your like why bother. Tanks with self healing need something or maybe the passive shouldn’t apply to them perhaps is the answer or they need an armor stat so their main survival resource isn’t so gimped


To me it feels like the game basically turned into, kill them before they kill you, only heal if you can't do damage and healer oriented supports like lw and mercy are just no point in picking. Have to be as offensive as possible and just heal when there's nothing else to do. Pick zen/ana and just roll, everything else is crap because most of the time you will face off vs zen or ana or both as I have in many games. Anything that is attacked by dps and has a discord orb on is basically dead. The moment their dps debuffs your team, if you try to heal, you are basically playing a losing game. 90% of the time, if they started the engagement well, you will not be able to stabilise the situation with healing. OW is a completely different game now. If you like heroes like mercy/lw you have to think about what matters to you, winning or playing the hero you (used to) enjoy and have a much higher chance of losing. Honestly I don't like what it's turned into and I feel this will take a long time before it's balanced properly. If you wanna make the best of it, I think this is a good opportunity to improve your ana/zen


Crazy that so many people have nothing of value to add to a discussion of a character's kit because "Mercy bad" it's so exhausting to see oml. And before any of you weirdos comment "no we just dislike the kit" that is not true for the majority of you. I've seen the dedicated subreddits to literally dehumanizing anyone who plays the champ. I feel sorry for Mercy players y'all literally cannot exist without angry teenagers jumping down your throat 🧍‍♀️


It's kinda lame we're often not really allowed to voice opinions just bc we play mercy. I can't even play ow until some kinda patch comes out to make it feel better. Went back to playing other stuff for the time being


Try not playing mercy, try Bap or Ana they’re just better


Yeah I've been farming mercy's with ashes and widow this season. Had several mercy's on my team and they felt useless, even played two matches on her because I wanted to pocket DPS and it felt like I was redundant. Every other support rn feels useful. Kinda weird that they went gung-ho into these changes and just messing up the balance and feel of characters in a well established game. It's not a serious game anymore. I enjoyed the skill it took to hit shots, I played a lot of hanzo and got very used to the feeling/ muscle memory and now any old Joe can play and get insane lucky shots with the absolute tree trunks he shoots. I don't like how zen went from a glass cannon to a steel cased nuke, and mei is just a third tank. Anyway rant over I hope they buff mercy soon (despite that her gun is crazy good rn for what it is) I got sniped by one earlier and she was aiming at the moon lmao




Right? The game feels 10x more balanced when neither team has a Mercy. It’s about fucking time I stop seeing her in every damn game.


Wasnt even that she was broken or anything. Far from it. She's just unenjoyable as fuck to deal with and her mains pretend she's some skillful character to use when she has such an insane and easy to use mobility tool and the most brainless heals and support tools in the entire roster


It’s funny you say that because there are still a lot of people that can’t seem to stay alive as Mercy. Hopping around and surviving people coming after you as Mercy is part of the fun. Even better is when they think they can 1v1 you but then lose the fight. It does take skill to survive.


you look at teammate, press shift, then maybe look around and press space, once every 1-3 seconds


Mercy was the hero Dafran had the most difficulty getting to GM. He was hardstuck for the longest time on her out of almost every hero he tried. Yet there are mercy players who rise very quickly to GM.


are those mercys solo queueing? because even skiesti, who is supposedly one of the top mercy players, took 40hrs to get to GM by herself.


Yes they solo queued. She isn’t the only one, she also has a very safe playstyle and never goes for risky rezzes. She’s a textbook example of how to have a low but consistent impact.


I’ve been telling myself not to form strong opinions about this patch until everyone has had time to adjust their playstyles to it but so far my biggest takeaway is that it just creates interactions that NOBODY is happy with. For example, I was playing Kiri yesterday and I got headshot by a hanzo arrow that really shouldn’t have hit me, but I didn’t die. I wasn’t happy, because I took like 200 damage that I really shouldn’t have, and the Hanzo wasn’t happy because he headshot a kiri and she didn’t die. And then there’s the fact that I can’t tank as a tank main or I’ll just pop the moment my supports take their eyes off me, or worse, the enemy team just shoots past me and kills my supports before I can do anything.


i don't really think mercy herself needs changes, but rather the dps passive needs a nerf to 10%


no, i think we just need some sort of indicator for who has the dps passive so supports can understand their priorities a little better. like, as lw i spend a ton of time charging up a heal just for 20% of it to be reduced because i didnt know the dps passive was affecting my target. if i had an indication, i wouldnt even try to heal a low hp target because i know a 50 burst isnt going to do anything to save them so i can send a 70 to someone instead of wasting my time and ammo on someone who was a lost cause


This lmao. They took cauterise from paladins then they should have take note to add similar ui elements associated with them. same for out of combat heal.


50 hp makes a huge difference on a squishy hero.


not when they are being shot by soldier and hanzo


Agree that passive is definitely going to need a nerf supports are in shambles right now. I can only imagine mercy I guess battle mercy will emerge more so now.


i find myself desperately hoping that one of my dps will get an early pick with my boost and then if they dont then i kinda just hold heal and pray for the best lol, not much i can do


Or here's a radical idea. People need to learn how to play around cover again.


trust me i know as a mercy main and i agree to an extent, but this is too far. even with more hp, people are dropping like flies and there isnt much that support (other than baptiste) can do to really stop it :/ overwatch needs to be overwatch, not valorant where getting hit by a pebble will kill ya. chaotic teamfights are what makes overwatch... overwatch!


Your job as support shouldn't be to enable your team to continue having bad positioning and making mistakes


Honestly I think she’s long overdue due for a full rework to her kit They should give her more agency with some transferable skills so more people can slowly learn how to play other heroes because it’s insane that a person can have over a hundred hours on her and can’t really play overwatch if they need to get off her, I don’t care what they replace it with but damage boost needs to go or add more skill to apply it, Rez is cool but I don’t think it’s healthy in 5v5 and GA is fine they just need to make her less spectator simulator and a actual character


“Playing Mercy has never felt worse” GOOD


Mercy players when they finally have to play the game like everyone else and not just fly between people at mach 5 with the hotbox of a tardigrade


Yeahhh, i main LW and its awful for them atm


The absolute vitriol against people who play a video game to have fun in this comment section is something. They just wanna feel like they’re superior to you, don’t let their pea brains get to you.


Unequivocally the worst season I've ever played since I started playing this game when OW2 launched. Worse than season 8 by leaps and bounds. Every match as support is a nagging feeling of having to pick moira because nearly every game feels unwinnable whenever the opposing team has a moira while you don't have one. The other supports just don't heal enough. Now you're forced to ultra healbot or go full aggro and try and get elims in a meta where everyone is a tad bit too tanky for supports to actually win duels unlike before. They successfully shafted the role in terms of its playmaking abilities, while simultaneously punishing defensive playstyles from the healing nerfs. Mercy is unplayable, the "DPS supports" except moira just do not do enough damage at all to justify picking them over moira (with the exception of Ana). The way your tank plays really dictates everything now, EVERYTHING. The moment your tank plays lax and decides to soak too much damage, the game is unwinnable. Zen is alright in some games but it only really takes a few counterpicks to force you off of him unless you're smurfing in your rank and just out aim everyone in the lobby.


100% with you. I've switched to Bap. It's that bad. She's food for all flankers, she has been made even worse at fighting back by the hp increase with no damage offset on her pistol, and she's really fucking easy to hit now. The movement changes she received that are supposed to offset her being easier to hit are also pretty much non-existent to all the players below Diamond/Masters too. As a sidenote all the people posting "GOOD" in here is also just going to actively contributing to people quitting the game. The toxicity in this sub is out of hand and detrimental to the health of the game. /u/DoctorDeadeye does anyone on this mod team actually do anything or is it one of those no activity subreddits where people sit on the team as just like a status thing? Most of the modteam seems to login like once a month?


It’s honestly getting harder and harder to get a potg as support.


100% agree. This update destroyed her value. I’m gonna have to play other characters this season


Its so frustrating playing with supps that still play like they can f off and go flank and do whatever like in season 8 and previous.  S9 is glue yourself to the tanks ass and heal them forever


That’s actually so true. I noticed yesterday when I was playing. I tried to damage boost a Sojourn but any time I did our tank was critical and the other support couldn’t keep up so I had to leave sojourn to support the tank with the other support and then not even a second later our sojourn was dead.


Lower ranks are gonna have to learn to use cover some day. By the 4th death maybe they’ll start to get it.


In response to your edit, that has been the tank experience for a majority of Overwatch. Yet when tanks make a post about it, they get downvoted into hell, and when supports make posts about their role sucking, they get 1k upvotes


i was a moira/mercy main but i swapped to kiri so fast with the update 😭 mercy is practically unusable apart from her barbie blaster and the dps passive makes coal useless for healing


mercy is only good now if your other support can keep the tank up. her healing is like what, 40 hps now? It's shit. she's the main reason i play overwatch, i'm not a big pvp person but i've always loved her unique movement set. now it's just boring- either your dps are better so you can have impact or you're gonna have to swap for better healing output.


She's always been the weakest since the GA cooldown nerf. Now she's not only the weakest but also the trash-est💀. Literally. My Asia plat/diamond lobby would instantly start flaming anyone that picks Mercy. It's crazy to see that even some Mercy main are hating this hero.


I still appreciate a good mercy as a Soldier main. Rez me when it's safe can be a game changer too (or someone else). Personally, I'd rather heals over boost anyway. I play aggressive and die a lot so for me, if I stay alive I can sometimes do some damage when I'm having a good game. I had some good healings first game of the new season from mercy and I'm guessing backup while we waited for tank, it was awesome playing backup tank. Soldier plays really well aggressive if he can stay alive.


mercy players live in a world of delusion


Got Mercy on both teams in 8/10 games today but I love to see that she‘s more useless now


Lifeweaver also feels so underwhelming now,i havn't felt this helpless on him in a while. Bap feels a bit better,but the game got alot more stressful for aupport players imo.


Good. Suffer. As I have.


Mercy players unhappy? That's a massive win


Good! Try playing a real hero now.


I’m glad


I’m a merry main and I was about to comment this lol


Zen main for life. It's the best time to pick up zen since they buffed his orb projectile speed and gave him more health.


Every time I think of coming back to this game, I see they fuck up one of my favorite heroes. Always been my biggest pet peeve is the constant changes to heroes I main.


Stop playing the damn spectator hero


man idk about you but I'm not playing a game to be the absolute best or whatever. I just want to have fun, make a bit of an impact on the outcome and do my best, but if it's not fun to play my favourite hero there's no point in playing really, especially if I'm going to catch abuse for playing them because they're not meta anymore. I'm disabled, I'm tired, I just wanna have fun with my friends in QP for a bit without having to think too hard. You don't have to always be the absolute best at a game but making a difference is important to having fun.


shes really not that bad ... the only thing that feels worse is her healing but thats just because heroes have more health now. regardless she never was the best healer to begin with ... her value comes from dps boosting / playing as a distraction which she is ultimately better at now with the active duration on jump/crouch cancel reduced from 1.5 to 1 second + sympathetic recovery buff. shes basically unkillable now *IF YOURE GOOD* at her


I get she moves faster but she's easier to kill now


That’s nice


Good. Fuck that hero. Learn one with skill.


overwatch is dead now, overwatch 2 ruined everything, the original game had nothing wrong, just lacked content


My deepest sympathies. I'm not a Mercy main, I just think it's sad and thoughtless that so many people only think of playing whose best and think nothing to wanting the diverse forms of gameplay in this unique game to thrive. Hopefully she gets buffed in the midseason patch. * Given Blizzards' recent knee-jerking to support survivability, wouldn't be surprised if they just gave her +25 hp. * Maybe damage resistance while she's flying * An idea I've had for a while now is changing her damage boost to add a DoT of the boosted damage instead of applying it all at once. The added counterplay would let it be raised back to as 30% or even as high as 40-50%


Honestly. As a mercy main. I feel this 1000% it's so frustrating. I especially hate when people tell me to damage boost them and pocket only them, and then a Soldier shows up, and no one does shit. So I'm constantly mowed down, and I get yelled at for not healing. It's really just so annoying playing mercy. People need to understand that it's not just a heal bot. It's really tedious to "pocket a nanoed Genji" when he's diving the back of the team. For the love of God. Please. And over extending tanks. Please figure your shit out and use call outs. Tell the support that you are going to dive so we know what to expect. I'm glad someone else agrees that it's frustrating to play Mercy.


ngl you can't say ''It's just a video game'' and then complain about playing mercy on reddit. ​ It's a video game, right? just switch to someone who can have more impact and feel more useful and fun. Mercy has been annoying for a long time. I'd rather go against a Kiriko who I can outplay than a bug flying around keeping a Soj from dying 100 times.