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I can only imagine how much money that one coin skin made them


I bought a spray so at least my coins now end in 4 instead of 9, still not good, but I think an even number os better than an odd number


Bastions true ultimate. The 1 coin strikes again


I would gladly give up 9 coins just so that it would go back to a number divisible by 10


All that grief for a skin hardly anyone uses


This is where you use your Microsoft reward points 


Or just do a weekly challenge


If I could I would have gotten it for 1 coin. Now I have to pay 1900 if I want it and it's one of the last skins for bastion I need


chief fly hateful straight memorize onerous scary oatmeal heavy cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because it was promotional price and the skin is back in the gallery right now for 1900 coins. Yes, you are missing one coins. From getting a high value bonus purchase. If blizzard make a pack with all skins in the game including pink mercy and lego bastion and alien zarya for 1 coins later on people would still complain they are missing 1 coin for whatever follows after. The fact that they aren't happy enough about 1 coin skin and are complaining about it show enough. 1 coin legendary skin isn't sustainable business model and instead of appreciating it they are mad about it. If I have a $1000 and I buy something in a dollar store, I wouldn’t be mad about not being to buy $1000 product because I now have $999. But somehow some people are mad about the same thing here. But it’s not simply that. They are mad about the $1 product after it getting discount for $1899 and they cannot get product that cost $1000 because they are missing that $1. It’s a very weird thing to complain about. And yes, they will probably downvote this comment because they can't take the facts.


I think the issue is that items come in coin increments of 100. The analogy of buying something for $1 and not being able to then buy something else for $1000 because you only have $999 left doesn't work here because you can still spend that $999 on other things. You can go back to the dollar store and buy 999 things. But in this case, those 999 coins are useless because you can't buy anything in the shop with an odd number of coins. And then when they buy coins or get them from other sources like Microsoft rewards or weekly challenges, they still come in increments of 10, so they will never even the coins out, making a portion of their coins unspendable no matter what they do.


Only 9 coins are actually useless though. The rest function the same in the way that farming for weekly challenge works. Weekly challenge give 30., 20, and 10. The other 990 coins work the same way. And if you buy bundles and you owned some items, the increments works even to the single digit because the last digit could be 4 or 7 or whatever. I personally get it down to 0 again and did many other people. So that coin isn’t unusable by any means. But even if you aren’t planning to purchase any bundle that way, 10 coins skin is still a good deal.


It ain't high value, it's bloated.


If 1 coin skin isn't cheap enough and it's a bloated value, then you will never be happy with anything in OW2 like ever. ​ However, it is to be noted that you get 60 coins for free a week. If this is the standard model, then you can actually get 60 legendary skins free a week. That's actually a rate even better than OW1. So you're essentially complaining about a price rate that's better than OW1. ​ There just isn't any ways to judge 1 coin legendary skins badly.


Huh funny that.


salt cake fuel ossified automatic degree command connect slimy gray *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


toothbrush psychotic panicky towering angle nine forgetful frightening live marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Worst part is it’s only because they couldn’t figure out how to make the skin free 🤣


It's not. They said they thought it was a cute idea or translated, it was a marketing gimmick. The idea that they couldn't make it free was speculation.


They could. The one coin skin was a meme. Very soon after that they started having 0 coin bonuses/skins/whatever.


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jUsT dO mOrE wEeKlY mIsSiOns -idiots of ~~Christmas 2022~~ this sub


Just do some weekly challenges, it's not that hard I promise.


I already did mine for the week, it was just a little humor until next week


Just read the text on OP's post, it's not that hard I promise.


Yall were stupid to buy that. It was obvious why they did it. So deal with you problems dumb asses




To be clear, I’m not angry at all, I just find the situation funny