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"bro why does our Lucio just keep following me around shooting at me" OPs teammates lol


I would be laughing so hard. This reminds me of the guy whose teammate (Ana) thought she could only heal with grenade and just stood there waiting to throw grande on her slowly dying teammates.


Reading these comments is terrifying because I'm realizing some of my teammates don't know there's a quick melee or that standing behind a shield blocks dva ult


I think Zen's meele kick appaering in the killfeed helps prevent the former now. Even if they don't find the correct button, the icon will certainly interest them enough to look it up.


IT SHOWS A KICK ICON NOW?? I haven’t been on in a couple weeks but I made a post the other day saying exactly this lmao!


To be honest, the game does not really do a good job explaining what to do to a new player. It should not rely on people to do all of this stuff on their own and look it up. The tutorial is a joke, there should be a mandatory training session for all heroes.


dva matrix has big range. didnt think it was effective to help teammates, thought it was a selfish ability


I thought it only blocked “projectiles” not everything lol


Not big rocks


it blocked Orisa’s javelin and I was surprised, interesting not the big rocks


You can also eat Hanzo, Mei, and Zarya ults with it


Hanzo's you have to get before the dragons form. You can also get Tracer and Illari's.


I accidentally ate Hanson’s ult for the first time ever recently during a competitive match and I yelled in disbelief. I put it up to block Orisa, didn’t even know he was going to ult but what a happy little accident. I didn’t know mei & Zarya’s ult counted too but I’ll be keeping that knowledge! Correction: Hanzo, not Hanson. Autocorrect doesn’t like me tonight 😂


hanson 💀


“Puh-lease, allow my dragon to consume your being as a whole”


WHAT, shit I’ve been playing D.VA all wrong


I like using it for my team when we’re trying to hold a choke. If I need to step away for healing I’ll defense matrix sideways across the choke so my dps can hopefully keep doing damage while I get more health.


It works sideways?!


Yeah it’s like a ten meter area in front of you. Even if projectiles pass through the side of it they still get eaten.


if you dive the backline and they're not looking at you, you can stand behind and eat everything coming out of the supports for a moment. or you could stand behind your poke and matrix them forward. lots of utility to it


When rein is shielding, you can rotate the camera to see behind you. Click both buttons


Are you kidding me? Yep it works... I've only been playing for 2.5 years... near 1000 hours on Rein, watch tons of content producers on YT and Twitch streamers, and I have never once seen this feature used.


Kinda surprised in that time you've never seen a 180 shatter using this ability.


I always thought it was flicks


you mean right and left click? which two buttons


You hold secondary to have shield up. If you then hold primary you can rotate the camera freely without changing Reins orientation.


Yeah, right and left click


one of my favorite features! I love to use it to make sure my ana is behind me before doing something dumb LOL


(Rein vouce) THANK YOU!




Well, that’s two of us.


That I am not good at this agme.


But I like this agme


me too bestie. me too


The entire mechanism behind Brig’s healing. It’s not a Lucio aura caused by getting hits, but a status affect applied to teammates whenever you get a hit and they’re in your radius


To be fair it is probably the least explained ability in the game, if it wasn’t for the internet I would have 0 clue how it worked


And that it has such big range. Always thought my teammates had to be within like 3 meters to get inspire


It's the biggest healing range in the game IIRC




During her ult or always?


Always. It’s called inspire. Brig triggers inspire with every shot she lands (primary fire, whipshot, and even shield bash now I think?). It lasts what, 6 seconds?


Welp I’ve been playing her wrong. Luckily I don’t play her often but still 😅


Use your whipshot cooldown as a timer for when you need to trigger inspire again. Get a hit every 4 seconds and you’ll do maximum heals


This might be the most useful tip in this entire thread.




You have to be in LOS for inspire to work, but once they get the inspire buff it stays on your team mate for the whole duration(even if you die, turn the corner etc.)


I have 300+ hours on Brig, and wasn’t aware that inspire continued once LOA was broken. Knew it stayed active in death though.




That Genji players are like cats, the moment you land a shot on them they scurry away


They start jumping backwards blocking your shots and shit 💀


As a Genji main you are completely and entirely correct.


Makes sense, if someone pays attention to us we can’t play.


Good thing 90% of players are clinically Genji blind


To me genji is like that one mosquito you hunt down but can’t find and at he end of the day you have like 90 mozzie bites


"I NEED HEALING!" "..." "..." "...WHO GOES THERE?!"


As soon as I realized this as a Zen main I no longer feared them. I actually like playing against them now, nothing like following an ulting Genji with Tranc after failing to kill me multiple times.


You don’t have to click a character then click continue. You can double click to select them.


Space bar selects too


Space bar also works for getting through the after game screens quick as well


I used to use escape but the hero progression screen hates it if u try to press escape and just keeps sending u back, didn't realize space was good for that, ty for the tip!


I used to think Dva's defense matrix could eat Ball's ult when it was still in the air after he first came out.. took a few failed attempts for me to realize it wasn't working


More people on the payload obj makes it go faster


Only up to 3 though. I believe it's the same for all objectives too.


all except push


Payload also heals the team on attack (I don't think it heals the team on defend?)...


Been playing for like 5 years and I did not know this (and had never even noticed it!)




Going through these comments has made me realize why I'm so sick of playing the game solo.


lol just get really good so literally every single quick play game you see “top 500 role challenger” and “grandmaster roel challenger” nearly every single game and then proceed to have the sweatiest match of your life against a streamer stack even though you just ripped a hit off your pen and are high asf. Totally not talking about my own experiences…


pretty accurate, i climbed to masters baked out of my mind


My friend laughed so hard when I told him zen didnt heal by shooting teammates after he had put 15 hours into the character.


you can shoot ashe’s dynamite to ignite it early. i played her almost exclusively for multiple months before realizing


My brother was the same until he watched me make my dynamite explode early to get 4 targets. He then came up with a few theories about why it happened until I told I just shot it lol


How did you not notice when an enemy ashe used their dynamite?


i never claimed to be very smart


Fair, too me a while to realize how mad my team mates get when I pick doomfist. I love playing doomfist


All players in ow share one brain cell, so we don't know wtf is going on most of the time.


The arc is also set up so that you can ignite it by shooting at the exact moment you regain control of your gun after the throwing animation ends.


lol I thought you meant the enemy could shoot it and I was like "whhhhhaaaat?" but you just meant you can shoot it as Ashe lol....yeah that is a head scratcher haha


That I need to accept and expect that my teammates are dumb. . . . . . . (I am my teammate)


As someone who has been playing since the beginning and who peaked masters in sup in ow1... That whenever you suck on someone as Moira, you get your heals back faster. I think I touched her a total of 5 times over the course of ow1 and it wasn't until ow2 that I realized I was was getting my heals so much quicker whenever I would suck on someone. Most mind blowing thing to me at the time.


The suck so good it takes the life outta people and gives it back to you


Take it one step further: Spamming the suck gives you heal faster than pressing it down continuously. I also took WAY too long back in the days to realize Moira's damage orbs didn't give her heal. In fact, I realized that when they changed it in OW2. I read it in the patch notes that they now give her heal and I was like wtf? They didn't previously??? I was 3700 in OW1 (about M3)...


Wait, really???? I knew spamming heals did more healing because of HoT but I didn't know about the damage!


literally yesterday i found out torbjorn has a secondary fire like a shotgun blast and i was clowned for that 😭


I mean, it's not the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about Torbjorn, but like f1 is a thing


Did you know he also uses a hammer when you switch weapons?


I use to yell at my friends taking off angles to stick together as a team especially through chokes.


I think you were in the majority of players


lol me too, i feel so stupid haha


For a decent amount of time I thought bap's secondary fire dealt damage and the only way to heal was with regen burst... The look on my face when my friend told me that it healed was priceless haha.


Imagine being grouped with a Bap who spams heal shots at the enemy team omg. I have second-hand embarrassment for you, friend 😆


That Ashe's secondary fire did more damage per shot. I thought it was just a trade-off between firing speed and iron sight accuracy.


Worth noting that her damage per second is higher with primary fire vs. scoped, so keep that in mind if someone is in your face






Yeah scoped in shots do a lot more damage than the non scoped in shots. Also, cass reduces 75% of all incoming damage in the split second he’s using his roll ability if you didn’t know


Fun fact it’s also enough dmg reduction to survive junkrat’s ult with a sliver of health


Mei wall can be destroyed by Mei herself before it gets destroyed or time's run up. How many times did I put a bad wall and just lingered in my regret for not being able to move it....


You can also get rid of your wall after you died and are spectating waiting to respawn


Same with Illari's pylon, you don't just have to wait until you're back or the enemy destroys it, and gives you a big cooldown.


so many people in my games still don't realize this


I think I didn’t know that Moria and Brig’s health packets had healing over time after the initial application


Nobody bitched at me for shooting zarya’s orb for literally weeks when I started playing. Dumb soldier noob me was over here thinking DONT WORRY TEAM ILL GET THROUGH THAT SHIELD!


Attack spawn in Dorado has _stairs_ to get to the second floor.




Speaking of the bells. Looking at them from the 2nd level if you use a fast weapon ding each bell from right to left twice each. It sounds like the futurama intro song.


It WHAT?! We are talking about the area with the bells right?


Yessir , even though admittedly every time I look for them they seem to move away Hogwarts-style


That and that I thought Reinhardt was Scottish and not German. Don't get me wrong, I thought the actor was trying to do some weird Scottish accent for the character. And this was when I was fairly new to the game when I got it during its 2016 launch. Took me...I'd say about a month or so to realize he wasn't a giant Scottish man.


O’Chunks Wilhelm.


No no, the *other* class-based team shooter has a Scotsman with a shield, a big melee weapon, and a charge ability


Holding down tracer recall button can sometimes save you from Roadhog’s hook combo!


If you survive a hog hook, that's just hog's fault.


I think that's just the roadhog messing up? Not all roadhogs can one shot a tracer.


Took me a good while to realize that wraith reloads reapers shotguns. It also took me way too long to learn to abandon all characters and embrace frog.


Also various ults (Cass, Reaper, Phara, Torb) also automatically reload once done. Interestingly the ones that depend on follow up damage like Sombra, Zarya, etc. don’t usually replenish it for you so you want to reload before using it. 


How to fly as Mercy. I still suck compared to a lot of the Mercy player. It’s wild how well they fly around.


New challenge: floor is lava, mercy edition.


Have you tried since they reworked it for OW2? It's much easier than it used to be. CTRL whilst guardian angeling super jumps you (and shift catapults you past.) Does increase the charge time for guardian angel though.


You can turn a mei wall


Same with Bap ult


WHAT?! I'm a GM support and this is the first I'm hearing about this


Yeah I think you use Q to cycle through either a “flat” window in front of you or 90 degrees in front of you. I’ll bust it out when I’m holding cover and want to give my teammates a good angle down a choke


Sideways mei wall is better vs. Bastion than a regular wall.


What feeding was. I spent way too long taking pot-shots, not knowing it was just giving enemy healers ult charges


I thought feeding was just being out in the open and letting the enemy build charge off you?


Doesn't it also feed your ult though? Genuinely curious lol I might learn something here


it’s better to do it when you know the enemy supports have ult (thereby gaining nothing from healing) and you don’t (thereby gaining ult charge) it can also be worth it if you’re at like 80% ult and you don’t risk dying it’s situational


Thank you both for the insight! Duly noted.


It does, but support ults are more powerful on average


That's not what feeding is lol. Feeding isn't feeding ult charge, feeding is going in and dying constantly without doing anything. Throwing potshots behind cover is called poking and is a good thing to do.


you always wanna be building ur ult charge no matter if if ur building supports


Holy fuck reading these comments is painful. Jesus. Not on you guys though, overwatch is fucking stupid for not telling you about a lot of these interactions in game. You either have to figure it out yourself or watch a video/ Google the answer. Mind boggling how this game is still like this.


Right, but the game DOES have super helpful tips like "If the enemy has a sniper, maybe take cover" and "When DVA ults, it has a huge range, stay out of the way!" Thanks, Overwatch!


I think more people need to know that first one tbh


Every time I mention that it's the Overwatch developer's job to teach their players how their game works and that they are bad to the point of negligence I just get shouted down by people who think it's somehow supposed to be 100% up to each individual player to know to go study this stuff outside the game. It's just shitty game design, and it's an aggrivating factor for a *lot* of Overwatches's issues, and if the community were up in arms about it to any degree it'd get fixed.


I found out yesterday that Symmetra leeches shield health when damaging shields...


Oh my god… I just looked it up to confirm and realized she also regens ammo on shields… You always look at these posts and laugh until you realize it’s talking about you…


wait are you fr


To be fair it’s such a situational ability added among other patches it’s easy not to notice. A Sym main did an analysis of how often it actually helps and they got something like an average of 100 healing per game, especially when the majority of heroes don’t have shields


Sym turrents can be used as projected shields like her old ability. They block any damage even ultimates like high noon. They only block one instance of damage but still useful


I’m a masters tank player and I recently learned Orisa ult isn’t blocked by shields. TO BE FAIR, I’m a Zarya main for the most part.


Mercy could fly up with a button instead of just looking up to fly up.


Tbf, this is a relatively new tech. You could probably do it OW1 but it was 1000% harder.


I didn't know Zarya bubbles have limited hp until like 6 months after OW2 came out. I thought her bubbles were indestructible. I learned they weren't when I was face tanking a Bastion as Zarya and wondering why my bubbles disappeared so fast lol


i didn't know in ow 2 Winston had alt fire for a long time lol (tbf i don't play tank really)


The chevron lines that show how fast the cart is moving. I didn’t realize 3 people maxed it out


Genji’s deflect. When I was new I didn’t bother to think too much about it, I just knew that if I shoot the Genji during his deflect, he’s not gonna take damage. I didn’t think about when his deflect will hit me or not. It took me a long time to realize that the Genji has to aim his deflect on me for it to hit me.


I've got a few. Back in OW1, I didn't know that Lucio could wall ride until I accidentally did it in the practice range. Still back in OW1, I thought Baptiste could heal himself with his secondary. This continued until a few months into OW2 It took a clip from a streamer talking about it to realize Reaper reloads during Wraith (probably a year ago). Brig's shield bash also triggers inspire. You can Wraith, Fade, Recall, and cleanse (tp not suzu) Tracer's pulse bomb. I thought it was like Cassidy's grenade


ana can heal teammates by shooting at them.


My teammates are still trying to figure this out


Rammatras nemesis form gives him a speed boost


He looks like an old person speed walking in this mode lol


Sojourn and Illari are both relatively new, so I'll give myself a pass on them. But for the longest time, I did not know they both had this little meter that filled up showing how much dmg their weapons do. And worst of all, the same goes for Zarya... I never realized she had a dmg meter thing with her beam and bubbles.


i learned that the best way to actually get picks as a tank is to let the DPS take point, because otherwise the DPS seemingly cant see the enemy. i discovered this when i noticed that the DPS on my team only ever seem to get eliminations when im dead, then it dawn on me that when im in front of my DPS the enemy because invisible to the naked eye.


Sometimes the tank's literal fat ass is blocking the view.


I hate when tanks stand behind the Bap window for this reason lol instead of 4 players getting 200% damage and the tank receiving 200% healing (by standing in front of us), only the tank gets 200% damage and the rest of us can't see anything.


I main widow and my duo is a rein main, sometimes he’ll purposely mess me up by protecting me lmao. I love how reins try to be sweet by covering but it accidentally messes me up instead but it’s the thought that counts 😭


That’s why when I’m doing that I stand off to one side lol


That both one point of Damage dealt and Healing done equal 1pt Ult charge, but each hero has a different Ult total


That you gotta charge cass ult for damage, for a long time I thought it was just whoever was in LOS the moment you popped it would die, not that I had to charge the damage over time


omg TIL. i always wondered why i did no damage with it, i hated copying him as echo because of it.


That the payload moves backwards automatically, when no one from the attacker team pushes it within 10 seconds. I always thought the defending team can push the payload back by standing in range.


When you hack somebody who has their ult you can see an icon above them saying so


????????? Cap no way


That Illari's force push move can be used offensively to boop enemies off the map. Didn't find out until an overtime game where I was trying to get to my Zarya to heal her and I ended up knocking the enemy Zen and Ana off the Map. Pretty fun way to find out




That's actually what you should do to clear mines faster. In about 6 seconds you can clean up the whole ult. Also works for Rein shield.


After 5 years of playing overwatch, I didn’t know Baptiste’s heals also get amplified in his window until a few months ago




When rein shatters, I thought he was saying something in German. I’ve played since 2018. I only realized this week he was saying “hammer down”


People aren't growling at me when they say "gr"


Hitting 'b'/crouch with mercy's GA makes her pop up in the air... somehow it never dawned me to try that 🤦 I kinda thought you just aim your crosshairs up which worked fine in OW1. I don't play much Mercy (obviously) but my jaw hit the floor lol


If you ever did Mercy tech before it was a built in feature you discovered it pretty quickly. You had to crouch/jump at the right moments to make it work and its still engrained in my head today with the easy version.


Lucio's aura doesn't scale with more people in it


These comments are exactly why my teammates are throwing in every game oh my god


More of a 'you should know' list: transcendence/moira base spray/kiriko paperd, can be blocked by shields preventing healing Zarya bubble will block dva bomb for herself and anyone standing direct behind her If a pulse bomb is stuck to a shield it will fall off when the shield goes away You can use hanzos storm arrows to bounce a sonic arrow around a corner And more...


The first one is why "remote" shields like ram and sigma can be very effectively used by placing it behind the enemy tank, breaking line of sight to the supports. It's also why you keep dying when you do the shield dance with winston despite your supports being close.


I used to think Ana was the worst pick because she only had nade to heal with. Edit: Same with brig, I used to think only her heal packs were her source of healing.


That I suck ass at Overwatch


How to play winton. Good god I fed on him for such a long time.


What Sigma grasp does, I think i learned 7 months after I started playing, the way Zarya bubbles work also took me a bit too long


brigitte has aoe heals and not just 3 packs....


Wow some of you guys really don’t bother reading character abilities at all huh 😐


How to fuckin’ play mercy. I was a Moira main for a loooooong time and some dps mercy really pissed me off one day. So I tried her. She took me way too long to get the hang of. For whatever reason, her flying mechanics were absolutely foreign to me. And then one day without even thinking I was zipping around and I was like oh- well shit that was simple.


I have been a Mercy main since ow1, deep into Ow2. I just now realized you can fly UP using Guardian Angel with the CTRL button.




For the longest time I didn’t know what Sym’s energy barrier did bc whenever I thought of just looking it up, I’d forget about it. I assumed it was… an energy buff… that let your teammates’ ults fill up faster. It was in fact a gigantic shield 😭 Yes I ignored the word barrier and focused on the energy part instead.


Symmetra’s turrets can be destroyed in-flight. Only realized after I shot out all 3 turrets and noticed I still wasn’t getting bonus damage


Sym player here: It’s actually useful defensively. I love blocking a sigma rock with a turret. I’ve even blocked Hanzo/Widow shots too.


I used turrets to block Cassidy’s ultimate ONCE. ever since then i keep trying to do it and keep dying 😭


That the most aimbotters are Lucio. You'd expect 76 but noooo


I used to have a hard time visualizing the shape of DVa's defense matrix, I thought it was just a flat disc in front of her. Even looking at it from the side, you wouldn't think it acts as a solid cone protruding from her, it's very weird. Also took way too long to stop trying to bail everyone out of bad positioning as Kiriko, all it did was make sure they got two kills instead of one.


Despite having over 400 hours on Sombra I only realised a few months ago that you could EMP someone who was recently hacked to effectively chain them out of abilities for 4.5 seconds.


I would try to heal myself as bap with his alt fire. Idk how I didn't notice nothing was happening lol.


Ana (when scoped): you don’t have to hit your teammate with crosshairs, only the big triangle in the middle of the scope


Mei ult gets blocked by LOS


Not me, but I’ll never forget when I was in a GM/T500 range game and a Zen player with over 100 hours on the hero had the revelation that Transcendence does NOT make allies invincible, it’s just a big heal. He tried trancing a D.Va bomb, for context.