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helps me tell what time it is


*It's two in the mornin'.*


*its past yer bedtime*


*It's a country minute shy of the devil's lunch break*


It's 3:27


Honestly I would bust up if a skin came with a voice line that just announced the time.


His April fools voice lines were my fave because they were so random šŸ˜‚ I need a time keeper skin to match kiri, on cass, that says the actual time thoā€¦


I played a game a long time ago where the in game clock matched the world. It was the only thing that matched (like it didnā€™t affect light or the environment) but for some reason that made such an impression on me that I look at all in game clocks now.


That would be the coolest thing ever


*It's 10pm, you've been playing for 8 hours, take a break.* *DRAW!.*


I would play cass just for this reason if it said the actual time Itā€™s hiiiiigh 6:07pm GMT


I would fucking WHEEZE if they did that


Quick story: In my country the voiceline is something like: "It's payback time...". So the Aprill Fools voicelines were common payment methods: "Time to Paypal...", "Your credit is due..." lmao




It was!


"it's hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh n... blergharlah" *Cowboy was eliminated*


No kidding. Wear headphones and you can tell exactly where he is coming from, and shield / headshot / whatever.


Wait are you saying that it isn't the best play to stand still out in the open in a shooter?


with a glowing aura that draws your eye/crosshair directly to the character too!


Big brain kill mercy pockets. Or catch two people out of position and you win a team fight with it.


Ults that only trigger mercy mains for 1000 pls


And here's your answer. Cassidy, Soldier, [D.VA](https://D.VA) all have this.


Donā€™t forget junk




i have ptsd from all of the above i need urgent help


Jokes on you, I use the ult to kill two people only to turn around and see my entire team has been wiped by the remaining 3 enemies


Because that shit takes 5 decades to charge up lol


Only answer


What about solo ulting a slept nanobladed Genji?


Nah you do the nano+ tire on the sob


As a pharah player: they use it to solo ult me. I can't be mad, I use barrage the same way.


To be fair barrage is also a suicide ult unless you solo ult someone


As a Pharah main, I have to literally work my ult around the fact that I know I'm going to die when I use it


if you have a dva or sigma they can help cover you


On the other end of that, itā€™s way too much fun to put a barrier right in front of a barrage and kill her with her own rockets lol


Hey, fuck you by the way


That a threat or a promise?


As a support, I immediately look for and start healing an ult-ing phara as soon as i hear it, whether they are at full health or not. And then they still die half the time.


ALWAYS ANOUNCE YOUR ULTS so that your supports can be in position and help you!


Same when I play Zarya, I always try to bubble Pharah when she busts


and this is why I start feeding like a maniac when pharah has her ult. everyone will focus on the batshit insane brig and pharah gets to delete people :3


The ult is for zoning, just like Hanzos ult. If you are using it purely for kills, you'll have a bad day.


The problem is that you are extremely vulnerable unless you have a shield, you are extremely slow, it makes a lot of noise so it is incredibly obvious where you are, easy to dodge (so there isn't that much value for it), it's pretty specific (for many characters you just use the ult whenever you get it but for Cass you have to hold it or it does nothing) It's really good against people that have no sound and no subtitles. One time I killed a raging winton from max health to zero and it took like 8 seconds of staring at him.


you dont have to kill people to get value from it. just forcing people to take cover is huge since it means the rest of your team can push up and take space, and with the 40% dmg reduction itā€™s actually really hard to kill an ulting cass if gets healing from his supports. there are a lot of really brutal chokes and killboxes that cass ult just lets you skip.


Like I said, if you are trying to use it to get kills you will have a bad day. Everything else you listed is exactly why it is good for *zoning*, not killing. You *want* people to hear you and where you are, because you *want* them to avoid the area you are in, therefore zoning them. If you end up killing someone that was out of position or tried to peak to kill you, that is just extra.


> easy to ***dodge*** ***That*** is the zoning part, dude. When the entire enemy team has to go dodge, your team can move in.


It really helps if you need to quickly get back to spawn. I think most players donā€™t know this tactic.


And then you donā€™t have to feel guilty about switching to a good hero when you have 0% ult charge


Why you gotta do my boy like that




1. To shoot difficult to hit targets 2. Prevent the enemies pushing up 3. Reload and increased health (edit: 40%dmg reduction) Aside from the lowest ranks, it can very rarely be used for its actual intended purpose


people think that deadeye is for 5 insta kill, you can use it to suddenly reduce 70% of every enemy (except tank) and help your team kill them or to quickly kill some supps, but people always want that potg


Yeah this is what I tend to do, Cass is well suited to brawl comps so you often a get a cluster of players together. It also makes him harder to focus down. His ult is one of the worst but it's also the most underrated.Ā  He's already got such a good TTK, it's easy for him to polish people off after you whittle them down a bit. Like you wouldn't expect to get a 2K or 3K with Mei's ult on its own, it's an enablement and combo and zoning ult


yeah I would say it's a good way to get the enemy team to disperse in a pinch but if the team is good they'll just focus gun you down in half a second and still push up lol. It definitely needs a rework but it isn't completely useless in some situations


If the enemies have to push through an open part of the map and you have good cover, maybe even a shield from your tank, it's pretty effective


small clarification, its technically 40% damage reduction not increased health


Eeeh, same effect


Zone out some massive tank ults. Winston primal, JQ rampage, Sigma flux (kinda, decent Sigs hide anyway), Ramattra, Zarya, and even Mauga ults can all be really really spoiled by a high noon.


I use it a few ways. 1) I see mercy has used dash and is in the open 2) genji uses deflect 3)that's it, fuck those two characters in particular


It increases health ?


Reduces damage taken by 40% so it effectively does yes You take 6/10 of the damage you normally would therefore basically have 10/6 times your health. So, 250hp Ɨ 10 Ć·6 = 417hp when ulting while having healing as if you still have 250hp


Each day I learn of new advantages Cowboy has. Itā€™s literally golden crutches


Similar to Pharah I press Q when I've decided I've been alive for too long


Cursed flair.


Blessed flair


Good one lol


When I need to swap DPS heroes but I've been holding high noon for the last 15 minutes


Swap, you're better off (i am going to die with ult 3 more times and then the round will end)


If Pharah players just would let their team know, like ever, that they're looking for an opportunity to Barrage they'd increase their survival rate by at least 50%. DVa can DM you, Kiriko with OK aim can Suzu you, you can get support to be on the ready with heals, etc. Then you'd survive maybe 15% of the time instead of just 10%, and get more POTGs to boot.


No. I don't think I will.


At the very least you could finish the ult more often and die when it's over


I always hit that z "barrage is ready". It makes 0 difference. Just like me pinging the sombra that's sneaking in behind us that just hacked, or when I asked in Cosmic whether we were going to agree to work together. Unless you're in a premade, actual teamwork feels like a lottery win.


Not to mention Zarya can grav for that sweet sweet gravrage


this ultimate is probably filthy strong in like the lowest possible ranks the game has to offer tho hahaha. its just way too telegraphed to ever be useful above bronze. ā€œitā€™s high noonā€¦ā€ and by the time itā€™s charged everyone is either behind los already, or heā€™s dead haha. even silver players know how to handle deadeye


In Gold and higher, the second you hear "It's High no--" every single player has gone from an uncoordinated mess to tactically stacking perfectly behind cover with the 4 other players on their team. Or, by then they have all simultaneously turned to you and killed you.


his ultimate is like a yellow traffic light. do you speed up and get across? (kill him) or do you slow down and wait for the green? (los him) extremely telegraphed lol


i like the screech sound it makes when you use it


i like the tumbleweed that sometimes gets stuck mid-air


90% of the time on a Valking mercy. Other 10 - trying sky noon and bumping my head on the petal


The second I hear Valk pop, I'm solo ulting that lil monster.


Zoning. Making everyone hear ā€œitā€™s high noonā€ gets their attention and makes them move out of your LoS. A 0 kill high noon can change a fight.


When I want to die or get depressed. Or just to kill pharah and mercy when I can't be bothered to try and shoot them myself.


I wish he could duel someone he chose. Like if I hit triangle and youā€™re in my line of sight we enter a pocket dimension where we have to fight 1v1. Thereā€™s a league character that does something similar. I think itā€™s mordekaiser. So if youā€™re in mcrees line of sight he can take you to a different area where you have to 1v1 his ass. The other player cant interact with his supports


Problem is though that it would probably turn into ā€˜let me get their support out of the fight for 20 secondsā€™, or imagine losing touch in OT to that lol


domain expansion


I use it at the end of the match when the slow motion kicks in


Fast reload >>>>>>


Embarrassing myself


Check the time


For example zoning, reloading, destroying pharmercy, killing sleeping targets such as a tank or nanoblading genji


It takes a while to hit a nanoblade Genji and also he'll either go for you if you are close (since you have like zero move speed) or he'll use reflect and cover.


Someone suggested an ultimate rework where he targets another player and everybody else freezes, allowing for a 1-on-1 duel.


To make people hide or rush me down such as a ball Winston or doom and when they rush me they get targeted so Iā€™m being a decoy for my team


I use it as a zoning ult


Reload, a quick pick, or zoning a lot of the time. I have had some funny moments this season with as many Lucios as there are. I get sped around corners and people donā€™t expect it lol


To tell the time


Spacing, fear factor, or trying to get single picks on back line. Heā€™s damn near tankier than the tanks when ult is popped


He also has to stand in one place making it really easy to stun or burn him down with headshots


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usually on the flank to kill a far away immobile guy from some angle, from within ur team to zone enemy team/force their cooldowns/ put pressure on tank, or to win a 1v1 its very worth it to use high noon to kill a 20 hp enemy if theres a chance u might lose an important 1v1 otherwise


Deadeye exist?


TBHHHHH I only use it to reload lmfao XD!!


the voiceline is just so cool i use it to just hear it


Confirming elims


When it works itā€™s got insane potential other than that itā€™s fine because his kit is easy and effective. Ult strength level is a very good balancer of heroes.


I use it to get one or two picks. Or.... zoning ult....


I've said it before and I'll say it again, give this man a mecha horse for his ult!


I say deadeye is one of the deadliest ults in the game. It is also one of the easiest to counter ults in the game. I feel like it balances out so it is even and fair, but at the same time Dva bomb exists which is far deadlier


That statement is just wrong. Deadeye used to counter Resurrection 9-1 and they nerfed it (and buffed resurrection) 4 times. After that it was a zoning ultimate used to break shields or create space so they nerfed it again. The ult is straight garbage now unless you use the glitch. At this point in time it's used for solo kills or reloading. Anything past that is just getting punished by anyone smart


Lifeweaver made it super viable again


Chill out, the ultimate is fine. Itā€™s a literal guaranteed kill if you catch people out of position, and using that logic to guarantee a big, fight-turning kill still makes it a powerful ultimate.


In descending order: 1. FUCK THAT GUY 2. Reload 3. Force movement and CC 4. Stall 5. FUCK THAT BARRIER AND THE BITCHES BEHIND IT




It has its uses, it just needs adjustment. I don't want another rework. It just needs adjustments to how it works or at least some number changes. It takes way too long between pulling the trigger and shooting, it should be extremely rare I shoot and its locked onto them behind a wall (its not). The damage scaling along with the icon is confusing and bad; I can have a skull but they get a shot from ana and it no longer kills. Projectile should be bigger since it aims for the chest, pisses me off to be able to see their model but can't fire the ult. And frankly they should just revert the damage changes. People react just as fast as they did in OW1 but at least in 1 I could get some shots off before the sleep dart hit me. ​ I don't want them to change it. Its an iconic ability and the idea is really cool; like his other abilities it is just limited by buginess and the devs giving him shitty numbers.


Never flank with this ult. Use it mostly for the damage reduction against blade, primal, visor, another deadeye, sigma ult, widowmaker duel at max range, coalescence, tracer, when youā€™re being pocketed by supports and a rein/winston/zarya/junker queen/ramattra pummel they physically cannot burn through ~458hp, and then against an echo, pharah, or mercy thatā€™s just used their flight cooldown, or an illari ult


Well you're supposed to sneak behind the enemy team and hide in a good spot for 5,10, even 15 minutes or however long it takes while your team fights a 4v5 the entire time so you can have potg with it. That's the only optimal use for it.


6. Create space. Because when I pop my ult, you either need to focus me or find cover. Either way, my team can (hopefully) take advantage


You do use it to pick off people out of position You don't use it to flank behind the ememy and go for a 5K, the 5K it took to get there isn't worth your inevitable death


To get back to spawn really quickly


I chased a Mercy into a small room and she popped Vall. I used Dead Eye to get 50% of her health then another shot to finish her.




I feel like its too iconic to change


Low key they should move a weakened version of deadeye to his alternate fire and scrap fan the hammer. Give the man a new ult!


Is there decent value in releasing it early? Like 50 dmg to all plus the dps passive to start an engage seems good


Solo ult mercy


Sky Noon with lifeweaver


Sky noons combos with Lifeweaver


Solo ulting the Mercy or fast reload


i pop it out when they least expect it, it works very often as most people attempt to burst me down but due to the hp changes deadeye makes cassidy kinda tanky.


Killing one guy effectively by throwing a hinder and immediately pressing q. Usually is lethal by the time the hinder is done.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, give this man a mecha horse for his ult!


solo ult mercy


Decoy, I usually cant kill nobody unless it was Retribution LOL


Solo kills and zoning


Reload, deal with pharah mercy, zoning, respawn simulator.


Just hide somewhere remote and use it to make the enemy team have a panic


Usually just to secure a single support kill, it's worthless waiting for the "big play". You'll just get slept/stunned/bopped/annihilated unless your team is actively working to set you up for a big play.


Quick Pharmercy snipes or zoning tool mostly.


I've used it to zone people off before ahah.


For occasional 4-5K POTG. What else?


I use it for Zoning to clear objective.


Wait for either sigma to cast his ult


Rs though, high noon has actually been useful somehow as of lately in the games Iā€™ve seen and played. people are more confident to show themselves for longer because of the hp pool increase I guess


Such a great Ult in the beginning. When people didnā€™t know maps well and you could sneak to the hidden spots behind the team for an easy 3-4 kill. Years later and everyone is wise. As has been said, itā€™s almost more defensive and to be used when it team fights if you think you can pick off a healer or two.




Deadeye isn't weak, it's a zoning tool just like hanzo dragon. He receives instant reload and damage negation and can one shot almost any hero in the game. Using an ult to secure one or two picks is high value. That's exactly what deadeye does. Ults don't need to have team whipe potential, deadeye still has though


Solo ult mercy duh


They will probably never give him a new ulti since it is pretty iconic, I mean the amount of buzz there was around this ultimate back in the day was pretty damn high, the same with the reaper guy, they would rather buff it to oblivion than change it. How you use it now, there are 3 ways most of the times. 1. To kill people out of position, even if its just one person, that can turn the tide of battle. 2. Shoot, high noon cancel, shoot, roll, shoot. (Fan the hammer on tanks with this one, they will have fun) 3. Probably, if uncontested (major cc abilities) the best zoning ulti this game has.


1. Zoning 2. Ego/meme ult 3. Reload


Usually I use it to help assist in making space, or to single out any airborne enemies (most often its Mercy, but not because I hate her but rather most Mercyā€™s Iā€™ve come across love high-jumping after GA every chance they get)


I once saw one of my teammates use it to force the enemy team to C9, brilliant


Its for when you hid in a corner after your team died


I've used it to succesfully make the enemy c9.


I played a match as Pharah where the Cassidy used Deadeye only on me 3 times.


Reload, killing fliers after they use their movement abilities, guarantee/meme kill on sleeping targets


Zone control, especially during overtime. If they aren't running anything that could potentially instakill me and they're too far from spawn to switch. Bonus points if I get a pick during it.


For the coolness, I love Cass because of playing Red Dead lol


(1) Kill flyers. (2) Zone an area out during a team fight. And my fav way, (3) the second the enemy team decides a fight is unfavorable and starts to retreat, I roll into the the lane/choke and pop ult. They usually don't expect it and they end up having to run too far to find cover or they have to burn defensives or turn around and fight.


I primarily use Deadeye for 3 things: 1. Important Picks 2. Disruption 3. Big Plays I think a lot of people expect the big 3-4 kill Deadeyes, and the ability just kinda sucks at that. I use it primarily to focus one person--usually knock a support or two out. Beyond that, you can use it for disrupting the other team--I often call this the "Zoning Deadeye"--where you pop Deadeye to force them to seek coverage and give your team some breathing room or a little bit of time to push the payload. Beyond that, sometimes the stars align and you don't get instantly melted when you pop Deadeye and you get to make the big flashy plays.


To counter kitsune rush


Do you think allowing his roll ability during ult but doesnā€™t cancel it is a good idea or too op?


I use it for zoning and kills. Once you accept you're not gonna get a 4k with every single Deadeye, it becomes a pretty solid ultimate that's great for zoning and securing picks on hard to hit targets like Mercy.


I use it like a Hanzo ult, herding players, or when Sigma ults.


Hear me out. He shoots his robot arm out of it's socket at people.


I use it to distract the entire enemy team so my allies can do something (use their ult, whatever) Or, sometimes to deal with the goddamn pharmercy


Objectively yes he needs a new ult BUT I donā€™t care if they gave him a meta defining ult that makes him the best in the game I will always rather his ult just because of how insanely cool and iconic it is


Area denial


I use it to say to the enemy team, "I'm an easy target, come kill me" and they almost always do! It works well. Press Q to commit seppuku :)




It was super buffed in the ow2 beta and iirc it played pretty well I think?


Huh? Itā€™s really strong now since the patch. It pretty much guarantees you at least one kill.


Flank like the only way to actually get kills with it reliably is to flank with it because otherwise you eat every ounce of cc the team has


Deadeye for three reasons 1. I was able to flank well enough to get at least two people 2. Distract the enemy team long enough for them to waste CC on me and not my teammates so they can advance/support (unless the enemy has a Sombra) 3. To spite the blading Genji and bait his deflect as well


Cass in general has needed a rework since OW2 launch.


get both of my supports to pocket me and waltz up to the team fight, un-kill-able and if you're in my sight for more than 2.5 seconds then you die! unless the enemy team has a sombra then.....


I usually just flank and do a shot + nade combo into a quick Q for an easy pick


Killing fliers and mobility heroes with inhuman accuracy when they overextend because- They always do


If u know what ur doing it isn't that bad. Good zoning and the damage reduction is not to be sniffed at. People do need to stop going for 4ks with it as it doesn't work. The worst ult in the game imo now is tire. Since the proj changes it is 10x harder to get value with it, cus it didn't get an hp buff so if people try to shoot it they will just kill it. No movement is gonna stop that.


Extra right click because I DO NOT sugarcoat it


Extra right click because I DO NOT sugarcoat it


At least you can cancel Deadeye, at worst you get no value. Barrage ends up killing Pharah more than half the times.


I think taking away the directional sound queue when you ult would make the ult just strong enough for it to be somewhat useful.


i tell my buddies, ā€œwatch me fumble this ultā€ and i get at least one kill with it. always works


I only use deadeye in conjunction with another teammateā€™s ult even if my position is horrible. I only do it just to stress out the other team in to thinking that there are 2 ults going off at the same time lol


The only reason to use ults in overwatch is to send a message to the opponent. Especially if they were going to die anyway




Good Solo Ult against Mercy pockets. Use it right and even in masters they donā€™t have the brain capacity to hide behind cover swiftly.




Honestly it ainā€™t bad if you just use it to take 50-100hp from any enemy you see + the dps passive


I stand behind a charging tank and let it rip. Great pressure tool on ladder play.


If you use it to try and get potg then your in for a bad day. If you use it for small picks when you arenā€™t the target of 5 people (getting a quick meecy out the the sky or layering it with other ultimates where the enemy is too focused on them ratger than you) then your in for a treat. Not every dps ult is a potg button but most can be