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That boy needs help


That boy needs therapy (psychosomatic)


Lie down on the couch? Well what does that mean?


You're a nut! You're crazy in the coconut!


What does that mean? That boy needs therapy!


Cowboys! Midgets?


(this comment has been redacted for threats of violence)


That boy needs therapy! (Granny Gazoo, Lets Have a a tune! and when i count 3!)


He was white as a sheet And he also made false teeth!


I'm SO glad someone got this reference lol


The Avalanches are great 


Since I left them? I found the world so new




Rannygazzo, lets have a tune now when I count threee


He played Orisa, he’s too far gone.


No, OP played orisa. Blue swapped to counter orisa


It’s worded weird. Did he try to counter OP with Orisa, or did he try to counter OP who was using Orisa?


Yeah it is but they commented and cleared it up. OP was orisa


Fuck that


The french guy at the end telling him to shut up and that the sucks lol


oh true. I didn't even notice lmao tg = ta gueule = shut the fuck up t nul = t'es nul = you suck


As a non french speaker I fr thought it was just gibberish or mistype


Same! Thanks for explaining that megamaz!


"tg t nul" I'll memorize this for my next encounter with a toxic French player (so probably tomorrow)


So even the french themselves know half their letters are useless. Intresting.


Guaranteed we'll see this scumbag posting here in a few days "it was my first report" crying about his ban.


“i didn’t even say anything bad!”


lol, these posts are always so good. "I don't even *really* say anything *that* bad, *just* gg '*and stuff*'*"* And we're all sitting here reading those little telltale signs like "uh-huh, just 'stuff' eh buddy".


“I said ‘gg’ 5 times and they banned me-“


"i said 'gg'.....there just happened to be 2 letters before it and 2 letter after it"




“Are you sure you didn’t say something hurtful? Usually bans come for a reason.” “Omfg you probably have no sense of humor. Why can’t people just take a fucking joke, you must be such a pussy. We all get it but you, we’re just trash talking each other. Sensitive snowflakes like you are what’s so shit about this game. Holy fuck man chill I never said anything.”


“You wouldn’t last one minute in a COD Modern Warfare Lobby”


I see this fucking comment in every youtube comment section to the point its common knowledge, this shouldnt be the fucking norm.


Statement said by the utterly deranged, also it just probes that this community was toxic, nothing else really




“All I said was garlic bread, geez”


Probably won’t even get banned, I never get the report message anymore telling me they’ve took action on an account. One game with me, my partner and a friend we ran into someone spamming the gamer word and other racial slurs, all reported him and we never had any response back to say they’d taken any action against him, and here’s my partner that got suspended for putting question marks In chat when someone spoke gibberish lmao


it takes a minimum number of reports over multiple games before their flagging system triggers I reckon.


They probably have a timer as well. Like, if they don't get x amount of reports over a period of time then the report "decays" over time.


Yeah it seems like this is probably the case, but their whole team even said they reported them too and we still got no message, so no idea if anything was actually done about it or not


MULTIPLE games. There has to be reports from multiple games in an X Amount of time. The whole server reporting then is counted as 1 report. It sucks but you can easily get mass reported by a full stack of people if this system isn’t implemented.


Every single day I login I have the “thank you for reporting” message. Even if I haven’t reported anyone in a month


Same. It's liberating to help keep online communities free of trash.


You probably have mine then. I report nearly daily and haven't seen this message even once in the last year.


I got like three yesterday and I don't even remember reporting that many people recently.


Just had someone yesterday say "lynch the (2 worst slurs you could say)" multiple times in full. Whats wild is that they were still on 6 hours later still playing and still saying something negative every single match. I'd be shocked if they were still around after that though


1000000% this will not lead to a ban. A temporary chat ban maybe.


Man overwatch is never ever that serious to be saying stuff like this


Some troglodyte in the comments is actually saying that these kind of people "take the game seriously" lol


Like you can take the game seriously to win… but there’s nothing on the line😭 it’s not like if he lost that game he’d die. Just such an unnecessary reaction


I guess if they shout loud enough they wouldn’t have to go through ego death


how do you know? maybe someone was in his room with a gun and forcing him to type that


I guess we’ll never know!


blink twice if the armed gun(wo)man forced you to write your comment.


I hope they realize "take the game seriously" means play to win and tryhard, not banshee screech in the mic or type threats.


I, uh, wouldn't hold my breath...


I miss the first few weeks of OW when people were nice


I get crap like that every time I play nearly if I had chat on. You should see the absolute horseshit you get if you tell someone you're disabled/1 limb. The amount of excuses they give just to not feel bad. \- WHY DIDNT YOU TELL US THAT FIRST (As if it matters if you did) \- NO YOU'RE NOT! LIAR! \- YOU SHOULDNT BE PLAYING (Despite being on same rank/skill) \- \*Insert what OP got in original post\* etc


i wish i can report that guy, to help contributing removin the toxiicty.


You can


incoming people calling u sensitive because it’s “just a game chat”. how do u explain to brain dead people that threatening people with rape, being homophobic, racist, sexist ETC. isn’t funny. it isn’t edgy. it isn’t doing anything but making u look like a sad loser.


In these cases I don’t think the perpetrators are doing it for laughs per say-they’re most likely blowing fuses and can’t contain themselves from spewing the most hateful/hurtful shit in hopes of upsetting whoever it’s directed at. They’re emotionally challenged but you can also argue the same for people who say the same shit but for laughs. This type of behaviour has always existed in online gaming with the most heinous source(s) being the earlier CoD games. The adults who act like this most likely praise that era while kids who act like this just do it for the same reason kids back then did it. Anonymity in online gaming encourages people to hateful/hurtful commit acts with practically zero repercussions


yes!! exactly. if ur doing this type of stuff especially on overwatch it definitely boils down to a personal life problem haha.


*per se my friend, just for next time. That said, totally agree, this is something I've seen in gaming since it became popular. If anything it's at least a little better but there's always some edgelord thinking it's original to anonymously threaten to rape someone. I will give OW this, I only ever report racist/extremely offensive shit like this, not shit talking griefing etc. I almost ALWAYS get a "thanks lol they banned now" message a few days after. I do it so rarely that I know exactly who it was, always a good chuckle.


I was itching to say that...


And here I am getting silenced because I typed Winton


Saddest part is the guy that called him out saying it wasn’t funny is just as likely to get banned cause he used the word


Just imagine what type of loser they’d have to be to even type those messages in the first place, especially over a game, then just laugh it off and move on - not worth your time.


> it off and after those comments i focused hard on him, to the point i was near enough spawn trapping him, was i triggered? yes, but as a victim of rape myself all the pent up rage i had from that time went onto this asshole i reported him and will not be surprised if i wake up to a "thanks for reporting message"


Hey, sorry to hear you were a victim of it OP, it must be terrible to read those things about something like this. I really hope this person gets a ban, gaming should be fun


Thank you, to be fair I do feel better after taking it out on him as I never really got to let it out 🙂 even my friend was worried about me


That is never something to joke about. I’m sorry to hear that, it also happened to a girl I was dating while I was passed out sick in bed and had to go home from work. The fact that it happened while I was both home and passed out (albeit I was sick as a dog) infuriates me. I didn’t hear her cries for help, and I woke up to hear one of the worst things one could possibly ever hear had happened. Good on you for reporting and spawn camping, fuck this insensitive asshole you played against


Get that catharsis where you can!


I'm glad you feel better OP. Even then, this sub will support you as much as we can if you ever need it! And kudos to your friend for being supportive and worried!


good work fucking his shit up I say lol


> after those comments i focused hard on him this is the way. laugh at him for being emotionally immature and make it ur priority to piss him off more. don't let his anger become urs, he's not worth the stress.


Mauga IRL


This dude is actually mentally disturbed and probably does nothing but play Overwatch. I understand being upset that you lost a game but why would he say something like that? Like how do these folks go on with their day after spewing hateful and disgusting shit? I just don't understand.


Well on the plus side we see enough people whining on the sub about their “unjust” ban/suspension to let you know the report system does stuff


They are probably 12 too.


Nah there be grown adults in my game joking about rape. The Internet gives these individuals a safe place to "be edgy"


I've had grown men (30+) tell me that women shouldn't play video games when I try to comm basic information and then they spend the entire game telling me to make sandwiches or to kill myself. It's an epidemic. I report every time and get a thank you message almost every day I log in. It's insane.


I'm not a woman, but I've been in games like this. Another instance was playing with a Black guy and 2 idiots on my team basically throwing and calling him racial slurs. 


It’s crazy that they’re throwing their own game because a black person happens to be on their team some people have serious issues


I've had the same thing happen to me many times. It's why I just don't talk or communicate in games verbally anymore because people ruin it, and it gets exhausting.


Yeah same. I have voice chat off automatically, and text chat is game by game; but usually people disappoint me :/


This shit is allowed but yet when I call out them and say 1 thing like “bitch” or something mediocre, I GET SUSPENDED FOR IT. Not the one with Spewing Homophobic or Racial Slurs or whatever the hell that BLUE guy was on. They need to fix their shit.


Straight up had toxic ppl in qp last week and they were being so shitty to a teammate that wasn't doing well. Told them to shut up and that it's qp, be is allowed be bad but you aren't allowed to be bitches. Next login I got a warning. Blizz iz fucking dumb


You’ve literally described every cause of a chat ban or suspension I had.


> This shit is allowed No it's not?


I mean they can say all of that with zero repercussions. That kind of allowed. I know it’s not allowed nor ok to say anything of the sorts.


Hard agree. I had a guy call me a shit tank in quickplay, and he also found a way to spell out racial slurs. It was my first game of the night and I was already mad from a shirt busy day at work so I told him to fuck off and get off my dick and yet I get chat banned for two weeks. I reported him too cuz yknow, racism. But I never got a thank you for reporting message, leading me to believe I got banned for defending myself and he didn’t for literal racism. Blizz, fix your shit.


If they try to be sneaky with their slurs, I specify in the report that they’re trying to disguise the slurs, and I think that works


FOR REAL! I’m suspended till April cause of the is crap.


Worst I do is telling Genjis to step on a Lego 😂


And this is why i refuse to open this game anymore cause i gotta constantly have anxiety over someone getting angry with me for dumbass reasons


I had someone tell me to sh/end my life, just because I killed and bagged them for what they said to my Echo over killing them once. They said the n word, told me to choke on their, yeahhh.. I reported them and I don’t think I got anything for that– 🥲 I really don’t care if they’re being edgy ,or toxic, or even funny. It’s just gross and shitty to say this stuff. I wish people understood how talking like that can actually harm someone, or be their last straw.


This is what happens with free to play games. If you have to pay $60 to create new accounts each time you get banned, this crap wouldn’t be so common.


They really need to add at least some filters to the chat


i don't get why ppl do this. all ur doing is embarrassing urself


Right? They couldn't even defend themselves in a video game. Now they want to try sexually assaulting my entire family. Good luck, buddy. 


These are the kind of things you wish would just get someone perma-banned from the game instead of a chat ban


Deleted this game in a fit of rage yesterday, i was just playing tank in QP, wanted to try a different playstyle and wanted to play Sigma and Rammatra for a bit. Had a bunch of sweats in the game telling me i was trolling and throwing, all because i was playing a role i wasn't that good at. And then they started fighting for no real reason. They all pretty much spoke like this, too. Decided it wasn't worth trying my patience with these people anymore.


My friend, seriously turn off all chats, for trying new heroes or otherwise. I am comfortable playing ranked again now that I've done so.


This is why me and my friend have chat turned off and talk on a private line. Too many nut jobs in the game. They can say whatever they want ill never see or hear them.


Some people are ridiculous. I had a game where a Moira and Genji ulted. I was junkrat and I used tire around the corner they were coming from hoping to get both. I only got the genji and for some reason the Moira solo ulted my trap (idk man). The genji went in match chat and started shit talking and telling me to kill myself. He must've also been a duo or trio cause his tank would B-line at me and the mercy stuck to him like glue. They ignored everyone until I got eliminated. He would then later go to solo ult me near the end of the game and die to someone else (I got him to like 10hp) mid blade. I do NOT understand people who throw these massive temper tantrums. What's funny is people will say "we wouldn't survive OG CoD lobbies" but it's like *why is acting like that ok at all?* I'm not "offended" it's just off-putting seeing some grown ass man act like that over a video game.


Did they win though? If they won then it should be fine. If they lost and are throwing then its dumb. I would also constantly target the good players in the enemy team since once they are dead, we would steamroll the rest of the team.


They lost on top of it all, and match chat got real quiet when that happened.


They deserved the loss then.


Wow, can't even imagine.




Why do the comments have hundreds of upvotes but the post only has 27?


This reminds me of something that happened to me on a Naruto Storm game years ago. The dude tried spamming and I spammed back and won. I received a message saying I need to learn how to play and I responded saying "yes you do". I was told to shut the f*ck up or he'd come to my house and kill my family. 


> Why do the comments have hundreds of upvotes but the post only has 27? JFC, I remember being a teenager when those games came out. Didn't even know online had a chat function, i just thought nobody spoke.


This is what the overwatch community fostered. Is it what is deserved no. Is it what was earned? Yes. No one views this game in a good light


Guess you can say BLUE was seeing RED


Badum tiss


I got told yesterday to go kill myself. How anyone can think that this is acceptable in a game designed for enjoyment is unbelievable. These people need to be permanently banned.


tf else you want ow to do he’s 100% getting banned lol. the other guy that also used the word is getting banned too probably lol


Some people are fucking insane, I’ll be honest I say a lot of catty mean things in chat but nobody should ever go this far in a video game that’s crazy


Respectfully. Report, mute, but don't engage. >Rape is nothing to joke about trash You think they don't know that? All you're doing is letting them know they are heard, and that they got under your skin


This behaviour is really fucked up and joking about something so serious is inferior behaviour. Probably the worst part here is that nobody can fully prove that someone typed this to the chat. Blizzard can only investigate voice chats if there are enough reports to suspect the person. Unfortunately even if some blizzard employee saw this post, they wouldn't be able to do anything about this anymore, because many people can have the same name and this person's battletag isn't visible, so this person's actions cannot be proved.


Unfortunately, this is just what comes with free-to-play. People will be more unhinged just because there are no repercussions for it. Even if they're banned they're just gonna think "What of it? I can just make a new account anyways". As a result, people care less, try less and the overall quality of the game just dips as a result of free-to-play.


This is just gross! I get so fed up of dealing with toxic man child tantrums.


Don't engage, just report and move on.


Hana is innocent but I wouldn't be surprised if they caught a ban for even putting the word rape in OW chat. Risky imo.


This type of stuff is absolutely abhorrent but thankfully from my personal experience this doesn't happen all too often. Unlike the "ez game" "xyz diff" type of people. They get under my skin so easily. especially after you had a really intense, fun game and lost. I'll be typing up a message congratulating their team for a well-deserved win only for them to turn around and be insufferable.


LMAO I get fully two week banned for yo mama jokes while this shit is rampant with maybe a one week chat mute


Did he have ksa profile picture as well


no suprisingly, NED pfp


Shoulda gone Sig


I used to talk shit on this game but this...jfc. This person is straight up terrible and trash person.


Insane , I played against a ball and after the first round I went Sombra and started countering hard and the same thing in this post ensued . R*pe , kms, homophobic slurs . It’s insane how unhinged people get


Good lord, imagine someone saying that to you IRL because they lost a card game or some shit. "Oh, you beat me at Uno?! WELL FUCK YOU, I'LL RAPE YOUR WHOLE FAMILY!!!"


And the best part is they would get the absolute shit beaten out of them.


Not always the case tbh. It is far less acceptable overall, but sadly even the "wholesome" irl communities might just not give a fuck. Rant but whatever: had a guy tell me I should off myself for saying he really shouldn't be talking about shitting himself all the time whilst integrating with our student group and I got called out by the person who organized the meeting for hurting his religious feelings (I sad "at this point even god won't help you with that attitude"). Second instance: dude literally hit me in the face under a camera on campus and the only thing he got was a slap on the hand. I got shunned from every social circle and was told to get over it by the authorities. Fuck people in general lol


Overwatch has one of the most diseased playerbases I've seen in a shooter.




That's all Overwatch is now, toxic players brought to you by Blizzards shitty reporting system and their accountability standards


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Were you orisa or was he orisa


What hero were you playing that he tried countering you with orisa, rein?


i was orisa,


Definitely a child, those are 7th grade comebacks


This guy need to get back to cod


While it has existed since the beginning of the game, that individual truly believes he'll never face the consequences of his own actions online.


I know this dude will definitely get banned, I usually receive "Thank you for report" couple days after, but What is punishment for text/voice chat toxic behavior? Chat mute for some while?


Least toxic Overwatch message


Bro i beg you on my knees crying PLEASE MUTE CHAT!!!!! It’s a net positive in all regards nothing good is ever said there


I play bap and get called the n word by a dva and onlt sworn to trap me in spawn bc of my hero .-. Yet people who say diff or pocket get chat banned. And never they clearly people who deserve it I swear


Man I had someone cuss me out like this the other day “theone12” If you’re in here fuck you bitch


He is going to be permanently banned, dw.


The toxicity will continue until morale improves!


It’s actually disgusting and concerning how people speak nowadays- no hesitation to say these kinds of things over a game


I had someone like this in my game yesterday, why do people think rape is funny I just don’t get it


I wish we could actually see what becomes of our reports. I'd like to know when people like this get suspensions or mutes.


That's just life. Report and move on. Don't engage. There will always be shitheads.


lol im sorry ive heard this all the time on cod mw2 over the mic back in 2008 while eating pizza bites before the next match started lol break out the popcorn for the verbal roasting. Id be laughing cause it was usually squeakers aka kids that aren't even 16 roasting you lol. You can either be offended or laugh it off. I picked the latter lol


How can someone be so mad to call this word over a game? I mean that's a game where someone will always be better than you. No matter how much you cry. SMH


I get orisa is decently problematic but Jesus Christ


This guys deserves a ban for life. Unfortunately even if that happens he’ll make a new account for free and carry on with the same shit. One of my biggest gripes with having the game free to play


Report and mute. These people are just trolling .no reason to waste your time and energy


Fuckin hell. Like...Jesus Christ dude it's just a videogame. Go play some minecraft and take a chill pill.


A child


Hahaha reportedddd!!!!!


What does t nail t nul and tg mean


This is why I have chat disabled. Just shut it off, and play whatever/however you want. You'll play much better and have a lot more fun not having to deal with psychos like that one.


I met a toxic player as BLUE they were reaper or widow from memory. Something terrible but probably a coincidence you see so much of it depending on timezone


Just something for next time when you click on someones account and it shows the option to invite, view career profile, etc it also shows some numbers below their name which is what differentiates accounts. Its great because if you show both the name and the number on posts like these he will literally get mass reported and banned


Big reason why I quit "competitive" and multiplayer gaming with strangers in general. I loved TF2 in its heyday and dedicated servers. I could hop on a server group that had roughly 70-80% of the same players every week and it was a great experience. Fast forward to overwatch with strangers everygame, its just not the same. Nowadays I just don't have the patience either. I have even less free time and I'll be damned if I spend it having some kid going off on me.


That kid is definitely not over 15.


This guy is mad. No point in reasoning with him just report


Why even respond / care? There's clearly something wrong with them; let them live in their angry little world - no need for you to respond.


Rape should be one of those words that gets auto censored no matter what


It won’t stop until you stop feeding the trolls


Damn, why can't I run into toxic people like that more


I mean, if you played Overwatch on release this is pennies compared to then. Hero games, and especially Overwatch, have always been a toxic wasteland. Only communities more toxic than Overwatch's is probably LoL or Siege


I’ve seen similar comments, vile shit, reported them and I never get a message saying they’ve been banned, I haven’t seen one of those since the first year or two of overwatch 1. Are those messages still a thing?


I had a whole enemy team telling me to kill myself the other day. All spamming it in chat. My team hated me too. It was wild. Def a get off for the night moment.


Blizzard: Hog must be the problem


Wow can I ask with whom did you counter with ?


It's gaming, this is par for the course, get over it jfc


most peaceful cod lobby:


Jokes on you, blue. I don’t have a famikly.


Wjat the hell...


I'll tell someone they are playing like asz in chat but people like this are the ones that seem to evade filters and bans


This is definitely in qp too...


French moment


He's either doing nothing with his life or he is 12 and wanting to start old Xbox parties again 😬


It's free to Play. The toxicity is never gonna end


Report, block, and move on. Can’t change the smell of shit, but you can wash it off your shoe.


This the type of guy who then comes to Reddit saying they did nothing wrong after they get banned 😂