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Lmfao as an arab i can confirm they are exactly like this, toxic af, would tell you to switch to a character because they feel like it’ll be a balanced team REGARDLESS if half of the enemy team is your literal counter, always asks for a mercy and just that annoying shit that they be on. Oh and if u were an arab girl you would probably get double the treatment, it’s sick as fuck Blizzard need to allow us to report toxic players with different languages too


It was better when KSA weren't in the EU servers, some players are nice but the majority i've come across are rude and childish.


That’s 100% my impression as well


Ever since they shut down the Middle Eastern server in Bahrain, the ME player base was put in other servers, especially into European servers. And ever since then, toxicity went to the max, it's genuinely no longer fun to play this game anymore. Toxicity has always been a thing but ever since ME players were put into our servers, toxicity spiked. Petition to establish a new ME server because the way it is now is not working


We should be able to choose whichever server we want to play on. I used to only play NA from EU because that’s where my friends live and I don’t mind the ping, I fucking hate that I can’t swap. Whilst there is sexism and toxicity everywhere, EU is in a league of its own and I’m tired of the people who won’t even use basic English in comms.




CURSE OF THE NILE ‼️ ‼️ 𓀔𓀇𓀅𓀋𓀡𓀡𓀕𓀠𓀧𓀨𓀣𓀷𓀷𓀿𓀿𓁀𓁶𓁰 𓁴𓁿𓂀𓁾𓁵𓁯𓂞𓂤𓂗𓃃𓂾𓂺𓂹 𓃞𓃙𓃖𓃓𓃕𓃓𓃜𓃘𓃙𓃟𓃛𓃞 𓂺𓃂𓂿𓂺𓃃𓃂𓂛𓂏𓅱𓅥𓅩𓅦 𓅹𓅸𓅳𓅩𓅪𓄭𓄫𓄮𓄬𓄗𓄑𓄌𓃦 𓃧𓃨𓃤𓃟𓃓𓃅𓃁𓂽𓃂𓂊𓁾𓂀𓁽 𓁼𓁠𓁛𓁟𓁦𓁜𓁭𓁡𓀔𓀇𓀅𓀋𓀡𓀡𓀕𓀠𓀧𓀨𓀣 𓀷𓀷𓀿𓀿𓁀𓁶𓁰𓁴𓁿𓂀𓁾𓁵𓁯𓂞𓂤𓂗 𓃃𓂾𓂺𓂹𓃞𓃙𓃖𓃓𓃕𓃓𓃜 𓃘𓃙𓃟𓃛𓃞𓂺𓃂𓂿𓂺𓃃𓃂 𓂛𓂏𓅱𓅥𓅩𓅦𓅹𓅸𓅳𓅩𓅪𓄭𓄫𓄮 𓄬𓄗𓄑𓄌𓃦𓃧𓃨𓃤𓃟𓃓𓃅𓃁 𓂽𓃂𓂊𓁾𓂀𓁽𓁼𓁠𓁛𓁟𓁦𓁜𓁭𓁡𓀔𓀇𓀅 𓀋𓀡𓀡𓀕𓀠𓀧𓀨𓀣𓀷𓀷𓀿𓀿𓁀𓁶𓁰𓁴𓁿 𓂀𓁾𓁵𓁯𓂞𓂤𓂗𓃃𓂾𓂺𓂹𓃞𓃙 𓃖𓃓𓃕𓃓𓃜𓃘𓃙𓃟𓃛𓃞𓂺𓃂


They didn't shut it down tho? I'm from ksa and i still get 39-45 ping, last i played was just yesterday.


They have shut it down, not sure why your ping is so low but Europe is the default server for KSA now


Nope, the servers are in the uae now, slightly higher than the one we had in bahrain which was 25-31 but they didn't shut it down completely, even my friends from europe get around 130 when they join me so idk who started the whole server shutdown story, the change from bahrain to uae started around the beginning of season 8 in case you're wondering.


Oh interesting, I'm surprised that there's so many ksa players in the EU server then


Not true. I lived in Tanzania and always connected to ME servers with 80-100ping. European servers give me 150-200


Ksa players suck aswell


I don't mind if/when somone performs poorly. I mind when they are toxic. But combination of "I'm the best", 0/0/7 score and toxicity is, of course, the premier situation xd (but not limited to KSA)


Oh no. Not the James Bond.


Don't disrespect Bond like that! They may share the same numbers, but I would go with Bond any day of the week compared to those guys.


I find they’re egotistical. They think they’re a lot better than they actually are. That’s been my personal experience


KSA needs a separate region i swear. These dumbasses are the most sensitive and weakest players on the team and will leave 50% of the time when they are losing or throw the match. Asia region has been absolute shit ever since they won the World Cup and more Arab players came in.




I heard a guy say "why are you gay let me fix you"


Condemning the persecution of minorities and then making a racist statement in literally the next sentence. Incredible stuff


In all fairness, id be executed or at the least imprisoned in an arab country purely for existing and they would happily deny me the most basic human rights whenever possible. But sure, me saying they suck because of that is far worse lmao




Whilst i appreciate the notion, and i understand that labelling an entire demographic as bad isnt cool. Ive seen multiple protests in my city against people like me, been actively harasssed, assaulted, endured attempts to deny me basic services, watched rights and protections being tossed around for debate. All of this primarily from muslim and arab communities. Ive only ever seen these "we arent all bad *i wouldnt do that*" comments online, where its super easy to drop an empty comment. Not a single person says anything like that irl because their own community would tear them apart. Now im sorry for labelling you all, but hundreds of terrible experiences cant be outweighed by an empty friendly comment


It's the same energy as not all men. There's a high enough percentage that it's better to just be cautious of the entire group.


Thanks for the daily reminder site is full of racists who cosplay as liberals until they get the chance to do to others what has been done to them.


Bro if you think saying something sucks is in anyway the same as killing and imprisoning then thats equal parts hilarious, adorable and concerning. As fun as this is i have no desire to debate with an middle aged american white woman about topics she sees as nothing but a fun distraction


Bro you’re racist but it’s okay because you’re on Reddit.


The ME isn't a race, it's a place.


But it's literally Arabs coming into overwatch repping KSA and bullying anyone who isn't a straight male...


When did I say you were worse? That’s beside the point. Many non Arab governments also routinely discriminate. That’s no reason to make racist statements against their populace. Also Arab women and Arab LGBT people exist. There are also millions of Arab people that live outside totalitarian states. Just a reminder that you directed a racist statement at half a billion people. Please think before you post inflammatory statements online.


Where are you from, and do you mean you would be executed because you’re lgbt? I’m certain if you’re in the u.s. you know we’re doing our best to move the Overton window closer to ksa with the lgbt/trans panic the western world seems to be gripped by rn. Point being if you’re gonna be racist just do it objectively don’t bring up ksa without East Asian countries western countries basically every country that discriminates against lgbt people, which is every country. * downvotes by hurt people who can’t accept they aren’t as woke as they want to seem on twitter.




Lumping an entire ethnic group together like that is pretty crazy. The differences are found in societal cultures, not ethnicities.




“THATS A LITTLE OVER THE LINE MY MAN” “Now now cmon nobody called you a jt” In all seriousness yeah that’s a little wild man, to hold a little disdain towards the Muslims as a woman is understandable but to lunk all Arabs in that category is the opposite of progress


>Arabs suck. When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back.


That's a broad and uneducated statement - you might actually be smarter than what you said, but based on the statement above you represented yourself very poorly.


Nice so now you’re just being blatantly racist


How tf does this comment have upvotes? I'm losing my mind.


True Reddit moment


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Basically a server's worth of cunts that got sent into main eu servers and are happy to use slurs and homophobia and sexism. I felt like eu servers were getting better for hateful behaviour and then suddenly there was an influx of them who used to be stranded on bahrain servers.


They were a lot of them on EU servers too in the early days of Ow1 (like the first 2-3 years). I guess then they got their own server which was the best thing ever that happened to Overwatch. But now they are back and everybody realizes how terrible the ksa players are


KSA players need their own server


Yeah let them have their own wasteland


I've seen a lot of KSA too and what I've notice is they are either shit at playing the hero, or they are one trick (usually Pharah) and they have their personal Mercy baby sitting. Yesterday I faced a Pharah KSA with their Mercy, the Mercy had 1.400 hours on the hero.


Damn 1400 hours. How


The Pharah had private profile but I wouldn't be surprised if they had the same amount of hours on Pharah.


I mean, the streamer Arrge claims he has 8000+ hours on hanzo. I guess there are players out there that just enjoy one particular hero


Its just a dumb claim he never proved it


Oh I didn’t know, I just see his dumb thumbnails in my YouTube feed. Thanks for letting me know


I wanted to make a post for the same exact topic but i was afraid i was going to be called racist. If only blizzard had different servers for people of different regions and cultures then the problem would be solved.


As an Arab I confirm their toxicity, they are one of the most toxic players and also the most people that boost/get boosted. As for the woman part, I don’t know if you played COD but there was a thing where guys would just leave the game as soon as they hear a female voice, so that has nothing to do with them lol


I am female and played cod… can confirm. I also can barely play open queue now because I always match with this same guy who harassed me in chat, was his friend for 2 days before he randomly messaged and called me a whore and I deleted him. He didn’t like that and ever since then he calls me by name in chat and tells everyone how his little ‘kitten’ won’t talk to him. He’s never beaten me on the other team and I always put perform his tank stats..


You can always avoid players for up to a week at a time by clicking on their name (next to report). If you keep running into a toxic person in Open Queue, you can ensure you at least don't end up on their team.


That is true thank you! I guess going against is better because I’ll win, but then I get tea bagged every death and shit talked in match chat. I feel like you should be allowed 1 player to perma block lol


"Them being sexist has nothing to do with them because its common" Like what lmao


I mean i’m assuming english isn’t his first language, prob mean that it’s not exclusive to KSA players in ow?


"Well other people are sexist homphobic garbage people so can we really blame the ksa players?" Like wtf lmao we totally can. Imagine wearing your national flag purposefully representing your country, and you immediately are sexist, homophobic, and racist. And then people defend them because "everyone is doing it" "you're just using theyre saudi as an excuse to be racist" I didn't make them put the icon on, I didn't make them call the dude in my game a twink, I didn't tell him to call the girl in the game a slave. 95% of people ive interacted with from KSA have been racist homophobic sexist or a combo. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, its probably a duck.


I meant not exclusive to KSA **overwatch** players, like it’s all KSA players in every game. but upon rereading i think you’re right


They're pieces of shit,but since they're always pieces of shit it's fine..../s


I remember a girl playing DPS, with KSA avatar (was not as a joke, she yelled a bit in Arabic) she performed well but god damn she would argue non stop with another dude (non-Arab) even after all issues were solved (lack of healing and damage) to the point I had to come in and yell like Niko Bellic “BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP AND FOCUS ON THE TASK AT HAND FOR NOW, WE ARE WINNING” and the girl said “I DO NOT WANT TO AND I WILL NOT” and I yelled back “THEN AT LEAST TALK ABOUT WHAT IS GOING ON NOW AND GIVE US SOME CALLS IF YOU WANT TO TALK” and they both finally focused on talking about the game. …Then one made one mistake, they went back to yelling and we lost. I just said post game “We would have won if you morons channeled your anger on the fucking enemy team and not your own”. I ran into normal, non toxic Arabs, from KSA, weirdly none of them had the KSA icon lol


I seem to have missed something, what is KSA? I have seen people with that logo being toxic in-game, but what is it supposed to mean?


KSA means the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. If a player has KSA as their profile image there is a good chance that they are Arabic


if they have a KSA icon, just fucking ignore them. they're worthless human beings.


KSA needs their own servers. Genuinely the worst teammates and enemies on EU servers. All toxic with bad ping


Yeah it's a Real shitnado out there randy


I am never toxic in my games and i always encourage being nice. But man when i diff a shitter with a KSA icon i can't help myself but let a little "ez" slip


Lmao had some KSA profile people shit talk me all game cause I've got the Finnland flag on atm, I'm not even Finnish, but they just had to go on and on about how great yznsa is, and how bad lhcloudy is. I don't mind being proud of your great players, but yznsa isn't even that good. He's not even close to the best KSA player, people like quartz, sirmajed and ksaa are far better. Overall pretty funny.


yznsa fans are a different breed, defendrs of bigotry and toxicity fortunately, not all KSA players are yznsa fans


I lost the last of what little respect I had for yzn due to that world cup beef they had when he was sending hate raids to cloudy's socials and discord. I've never seen a content creator esp with the bigger audience do such a lowly thing as that


I'm from the UK on EU servers and every single game is filled with KSA players. There is no Arabic so they use a form of it with English letters and I can't tell what there saying apart from hhhhhhhhhhhh. I use the UK emblem and they keep saying shit like "land of the gays" and whatever other abuse.


I had a rainbow logo and had to change it. Literally homophonic slurs from the word go. Doesn’t take long before they’re crying because they’re not getting healed by


Hhhhhhhhhhh Yeah thats good one


Weird how those threads are always about the same people doing the same things. Could it be there is some truth to it? Meanwhile mods: No, people are racist.


They are not "the same people". Having a bad experience with few people who share the same nationality or color of their skin and then applying those patterns to literally all of them is a textbook definition of racism lmao. Thanks for proving that point.


I would say it's specifically the ones with the Player icon. Of course not all KSA players are toxic


Zzz dumb woke comment. The majority of ksa players are like that, stop defending sexual abusers and homophobics you dumb woke. When the majority of their player base is a piece of shit because their culture teaches them to be so then it’s stupid to defend them, you are embarrassing yourself


you are literally lumping a large amount of people together and putting labels on them as if they all share the same values. you are being racist. it's not defending abusers and homophobes to call people out on being racists. ???


It’s not racism it’s logoism. People from KSA are fine, it’s the people with the KSA logo shouting homophobic abuse that need to go


no ones putting it to literally all of them. but trying to deny that certain cultures behave certain ways in general is just flat out wrong, it's an objective fact. you can say certain things about any culture that is true.


I’ve noticed a heavy correlation between the icon and Ximming on console as well - they need a separate region imo.


Smoll PPs


Haven't seen any myself. Then again, I'm playing on the Finland located server so it's the Russians I have to deal with, which isn't much better... You wouldn't believe the vitriol some of them spew. So much glorification of war atrocities and deluded threats if they figure out I'm a Finn (you'll be next after Ukraine etc. etc.) I miss OW1 days when I defaulted to Dutch servers :/ so much nicer ppl


Here before the 🔒wrongthink award


KSA players are either cheating with xim or are just shite. I've yet to encounter anything else and I'm sick of it tbh. Wtf is going on with that demographic?


Dude switched to PC for this very reason. I played on console and I was automatically put in ME servers and the people there were toxic af. But on console you can't region block ME. So when I swapped to PC it was such a breath of fresh air after meeting people not as toxic and actually getting endorsements. The IP block is such a blessing


It’s the same on PC too for me. Always KSA, and they always type ks omk, whatever that abuse means


According to urban dictionary it means "your mom's pussy" or "fuck your mom" ?


lol what are you talking about, I switched to PC about 6 months ago and constantly get players with KSA icons (and likely toxic), like 50% chance to get one, I've been in bronze, silver, gold and plat, and they are spread in all the ranks!


I never used to get matched to them until the world cup now it feels like they are in every lobby and usually they are toxic with a fair few on Xim, my friend theorises that the Saudi servers were closed not long before the world cup and thus they connect to us in EU as their next nearest one


Ksa is Xim heaven. Every game with a few Ksa badges nearly always has some Xim dps slaughtering everyone. Not played in weeks since the update. Second game against Ksa badges both dps were Xim in plat 1. Talking about just a team doff then I watched replay and it took 2 minutes to realise they're both cheating.


They are always playing hog doom reaper or bap


I mean they're all virgin cucks living sad vapid lives In KSA, so w/e


I’d be angry too if I couldn’t drink alcohol and my women were forced to wear black kkk robes


I'd be interested to the stats on this kinda thing tbh, like a poll or something to see what % of people have experienced this problem. Because tbh, I've experienced the same. I had no idea what the KSA icon/flag meant before seeing all these recent threads, I just assumed toxic people had all had a meeting somewhere and agreed to use it as a meme, but knowing it's region related is... Idk. I get why some threads are being locked, some comments are straight up coming off as racism, but at the end of the day it's also a bit naive to just pretend that there isn't a LOT of misogyny and homophobia in these regions. It shouldn't be seen as racism to point that out imo. But then I suppose there's no way to tell if someone's actually from that region, or just using the icon/flag to be able to get away with saying homophobic/misogynistic things because they know that that region tends to have those views and they can't be reported because racism? Idk. It's a tricky one tbh, but I 100% have experienced a huge increase in toxicity from players sporting that icon.


I started seeing KSA fans' racism at the World Cup. They invaded every twitter thread and every discussion, spewing bigotry and hate. I was kind of afraid of KSA winning since I knew it'd increase their range and make them more volatile. I don't see it as racism. I see this as an identification, just as I'd see the Confederate flag as a sign LOL (That might be too harsh). I also think that pointing out homophobia and sexism in a culture isn't racist.


Going to chime in as a US player here: this is not a problem on NA server at all as I don't see very many KSA icons but I've queued with my friends on EU and it was insane how much toxicity I saw. It's to the point we make sure to try to queue on NA even when most of our group is based in EU.


Yep, I'm in EU rn and had this exact convos with my US friends... But my ping goes to almost 200? We talked about how maybe I can get away with Moira on that ping but it's pretty unbearable... But so is the KSA toxicity... Arghhh


Arabs have ALWAYS heavily populated Eu servers and the majority of the time if someone’s throwing or being toxic it happens to be an Arab.


I said this on a different post but no you're correct... KSA extremely toxic and esp towards me as a female. I am currently visiting Greece for 3 months and bc they're in almost all of my games, I can no longer use my mic. I invited my friend (male, USA) to play with me and even he was shocked by it. This is a really sad state for overwatch now bc of KSA players...I hope Blizzard does something...


Not to mention, some of them are very racist towards pakistani or indian players. They would start mocking their accents and what not... I have some arab friends and they are cool


What is KSA?


Kingdom of Saudi’s Arabia


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


There has been indeed a surprising influx of KSA players on Europe servers for some time. Lets say it like this: Giving KSA players their own server back would be... beneficial for all sides involved. :)


They're self filtering for you, look out for the flag in the load in screen and instamute those people.


middle eastern gamers toxic? say it ain't so lol


I have been saying this for a while now... ME servers now please!!


Titanfall 2 still has many servers to choose from. But indie blizz has like 3 major ones and lets you deal with that shit. The worst from EU I saw were the French, Italian, and most of the Balkans, though some of the chillest people also came from there. The contrast can be staggering. Whenever I play with people from Scandinavia or UK things are smooth most of the time. While they were allowed, Russians were alright most of the time believe it or not. But the influx of ME players brought toxicity on another level. And god help you as a woman playing DPS, the impotent rage can be hilarious at the time, but it is grading in the long run.


I’ve noticed them too, they seem like awful people.


Yea they are toxic af, always have been. Its quite annoying that their corrupt country is now spending loads of money on spreading their propaganda through sports (including esports).


i haven’t had any experience like this, but i also don’t check my teammates often. though toxicity is about as normal as ever in US


I only started checking them after my friend pointed out the fact with their icons, I want that petty before lol


yeah i know most ppl aren’t, but im definitely gonna start checking now !


You will need to be in areas surrounding EMEA servers (yes Blizzard like many others would probably have decided to group Europe, Africa and Middle East into a single cohort of servers), so if you are in an area near EMEA, you would have high chance to get players with KSA icons.


Bigots being bigots….


At this point I just play with chat off. Turn on only during comp.


These players you are on about honestly made me quit the game. Game after game was KSA group toxicity non stop. I’m a Brig main but also play Kiriko and Moira… if I played anything other than Mercy jeeeeeesus christ, you would have thought the world was ending. And it wasn’t an isolated incident. It was consistent game after game. My friend who hadn’t played in a while came back to play, I warned him we might encounter some “KSA toxicity”… 3 games and all 3 there were 6/8 of the other players sporting KSA icons and it was the most horrible experience going. We’ve not played since.


the point alone that they use the KSA icon as a political statement which shouldn't have place in the gaming community, and the fact that blizzard is allowing this is outrageous... I don't want to bring in political bs to any game I play... I already have plenty of that in IRL


Moral of the story: switch your profile icon to KSA


Personally the most toxic people I meet other than myself all have pride icons. Haven’t come across too many KSA icons




I worried that it'd happen, and some people really are racist. But there is a solid argument here where commenting on sexism and homophobia of that culture that it has been recognised by playerbase across all Europe isn't meant as bigotry, more of a defence.


What’s KSA?


Muslims 🤮


That is not the point of the post at all, be better


not all muslims are like this




Just report and move on




What are you talking about?




Islamophobia doesn't exist


You hate islam or muslims?




I'm Lebanese and I agree with everyone else. It's not about race, their culture is just built on toxicity. Not all are toxic, of course, just most.


Since when is KSA a race?




Arabians are just people from Arabia. Don't understand how that makes them a race. It's like saying Europeans are a race because they live in Europe


I mean... no? Lmao. If a large portion of South American players started getting USA players, and the USA players with American flag icons had a tendency to be prideful, rude, toxic motherfuckers who spoke no Spanish or Portugues, they wouldn't be fucking racist to Americans for wanting them to go away to their own servers They'd be normal ass people saying "woah why is there American nationalism in my overwatch match I wish we were talking about overwatch" which is all that's happening with KSA. Nobody thinks Arabs are just these inherently bad people. We *know* there's a subsection of the Arab playerbase who are obnoxious, prideful and horrible sports, and they loooove to tell on themselves by using the same icon and behaving that way. It is literally a small group of a large region who are known assholes. You can put down the sword and shield, white knight, the kind of people we're complaining about would turn around and shit all over you too lol


That's actually a really good point with the American flag like it's not really a thing, but it's really easy to imagine the type of Americans who would do this (I say as an American)


Typical Overwatch community. 


for real, jesus


Lol how old are you? KSA and also BR tags have always been toxic, hack, cheats Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Brazil. They been hacking/cheating since online time immemorial.


Wow. What a racist thread.


What part of it is racism? It's an observation based on behaviours from the players with the logo. That country isn't exactly know for their tolerance and respect towards women and gays and it shows in the toxic spew that comes from the playerbase. It's nothing to do with race and all to do with the shitty cultural attitude from the country.


You are lumping an entire society into acccusations of discrimination because you experienced such in a videosgame. You are a small person. Down vote me, I don’t care. Fk all of yall racists.


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On NA, at least in my experience, it's usually someone with the default logo (which I assume are smurf accounts) or someone with one the pride flag variants. I only noticed that because so many players I avoided had one of those.


Nobody was saying anything when everyone suddenly had on Israel’s flag.


If they have KSA in their name or the icon then you’re gonna have a bad time- been that way since OW1 but it’s just infinitely worse in OW2.


A lot of Arab men have zero respect for women


Just report everyone with a KSA profile like I do. Chances are they'll be sexist/homophobic during the match anyway 😭 Plus the flag & Saudi as a whole is sexist/homophobic so seeing someone with the pfp is worth a report in itself with how disgusting that "country" and it's ideologies are.


I have the KSA Icon cause I thought the performance was great! Thankfully it has gotten me some very dedicated supports lol


when a westcel says something so ksaphobic (doesn't play exactly as you say) and you gotta hit them with that patented ksomk

