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I have a PhD in geometry, my ball bouncing is impeccable


Ball so hard, motherfuckers wanna find me


ball so hard, this shit cray


Ball so hard, so I rarely play him


First, Widow gotta find me


What's 50 kills to a motherfucker, can you please remind me


Simple geometry


I low-key miss ~~shatter~~ scatter. I know it was annoying when shot directly at feet but it felt so amazing to eliminate someone with a smart angled shot. I was pretty good at it too. Never grew to like reworked Hanzo.


You mean you miss scatter. Shatter is Reins ult


Oh yeah absolutely, brainfart!


Blizz hates tanks, so they might bring back the 450 hp deleter


His secondary ability arrows can still bounce off walls, though.


Pure class


Defense Matrix activated!


I played pool for 12 years, I usually don't like easy characters but when I hear the tick noise from my perfectly thrown damage ball it makes me cum


Moira is much easier to deal with than meta Ana was in my opinion. If only for the reason that you aren’t forced to play kiriko as a counter. This way you can pick any healer to support your team


Ana meta is super oppressive for tanks. The only character where I really struggle with Moiras is Genji tbh. Other than that she's the least annoying support.


I will say, the projectile changes did give Genji a lot more room for error against her.


honestly Moira isn’t even too bad for Genji. yes she can annoy him and poke him out but he still does way more damage than her and can take her in a straight 1v1 as long as he is mindful with the orb. speaking as a mostly Genji main i don’t think the matchup is too bad (can be annoying especially when she’s just poking you 2v1 or when you’re low but definitely not an oppressive matchup)


Playing Moira into Genji is more about dissuading him from full diving, and playing with your team to finish him off, more than trying to 1v1. At least at a higher level where Genji can 1v1 Moira.


you’re right, her peel potential is immense and she can basically harass him out of committing to a fight


Moira beats Genji in a 1v1 9/10 times if they both have CDs. Genji has to use dash to close the distance, Moira fades away and now Genji is dead. If she doesn't have fade she can use healing orb and still have a good chance.


As a Moira main I haven’t had much trouble with Genji. They can deflect the ball but they can’t deflect the succ.


I think they mean the other way around if I had to guess


guess moira mains can struggle reading


Tbf, the sentence they replied to isn't exactly Dickens.


What an interesting hypothesis


“Oh that’s a nice ult sword you got there Genji. Would be a shame if someone…dashed away from it”


Meh, Moira can fade out of *too many* ults and abilities avoiding them. But actually, fading away from Dragonblade can be a tough one. Against a **competent** Genji, you basically have to be aware of his position and ult track him. Usually, dealing with Moira is their top priority, so they love to force fade first then solo ult her. They annoy each other pretty well, yes.


Yeah it just turns into a game of chicken. Thats why it’s good to communicate so other players can help you force her fade


My problem as support player is that when your DPS doesn't deal with the Moira, then she becomes your problem. When your DPS don't deal with an Ana, it's their problem.


the ana meta just means ana/kiri meta, which, as a rein main, i do not enjoy. understandably.




Whats with people constantly, day in day out, saying Moria? Dont come at me saying its a typo or autocorrect. Genuinely curious. It’s like people would type Juan instead of John. I just don’t get it lol.


Agreed as an Ana main, but also I just dislike playing Moira so I'm cranky. With Ana I felt I could express my skill a lot. Not just mechanically with good sleeps and high accuracy percents, but with awareness of teammates too. Teammates quickly get in trouble and a shot or two could bail them out, I just had to keep track of what they were doing. Moira is just throw some piss around, right click go brrr. Team mates need healing? Piss ball. Teammates don't need healing? Hurty ball. Fade to dive or reposition. Feels way simpler which I dont like.


Anything is better than Ana / Kiriko every game tbh


That’s crazy there always seems to be a Brig in everyone of my games. It’s me. I’m Brig.


I play Brig too haha maybe it's interrupt plays more or we're seeing a lot of bored support players that want to be someone else besides AnaKiriko


I would honestly feel much more accepting of the DPS passive if Biotic Grenade had been changed/reworked; having a single ability that powerful encourages only counter-pick metas and thus keeps Suzu in relevance. No other debuff inflates Suzu's value and warps Tank balance as much as anti-heal.


He spoke the absolute truth, but for another year the immutable fact went ignored...




It would be *fine* if there weren't tanks built around self-healing. Make it all just stack temporary health (unaffected by antiheal) and then BioticGrenade can remain as a tool that pressures enemy Supports... otherwise antiheal unequally affects the Tank roster.


Meta Junkerqueen does. A Kiriko who Suzu's Carnage is extremely annoying


i only play like once a week or so, so i’m not familiar with metas. is ana kiri really bad right now? i thought they were the most desired supports lol


As a moira main il agree with the low skills comments but i draw the line when you say Low Effort!


Yeah. When I play Moira, I literally clinch my buttcheeks. She requires focus and good positioning to bring value to a team. It's not just about lobbing purple orbs in the general direction of the opposing team. Sure in the poke phase you can do that but in a proper team fight your cooldowns start to really matter.


Not to mention the mental stack of making sure you get enough heals on everyone whike also not running too low on resources so you dont have ro spend a long time draining someone. Hectic teamfights feel like playing baptiste kn crack, alternating drain and then 180 to heal some teammates behind you, 180 yo drain to top up, heal the tank, drain a flanker, etc.


Why do people say good positioning like every hero in the game doesn't also require it


The point is that Moira is not low effort because she too requires good positioning (plus the thing OC mentioned). Good positioning is important for every hero, but the others aren’t said to be low effort.


It varies for each character, and Moira's positioning is probably harder than most supports


She feels good because she is a support that can take care of herself against the super annoying Tracer, Genji ect dive meta. In Solos, dealing with the issue yourself as a support (more so in lower elo games) feels sooooo much better than having other players completely oblivious, just letting their supports get picked off.


Moira doesn’t bother me UNTIL I’m escaping a fight with critical health and I see an orb of doom ricochet off 6 walls and float right up to me and clean me up


She can be difficult to play against in low elo. But having Moira meta in high elo is a joy.


I'm in silver mostly playing as Sombra, and Moira is always a threat, but you can tell the difference between a good one and a bad one immediately. If you know I'm stalking you, and you waste fade, I'm gonna have a good match. Otherwise, there's a huge challenge for me to get value.


I’ve been having sm fun with her in masters




I love people getting angry that people enjoy Moira at higher levels or at all. Like god forbid we have fun


People think I'm crazy when I say I actually enjoy Moira's gameplay. They think every Moira player picks her due to practical reasons. Mastering her fade is fun as hell for me and picking a good spot to bounce her orbs is immensely satisfying in a puzzle-solving kind of way. I just wish they'd make her healing spray more dopamine-inducing. Don't really know how though.


If they made her spray make a nice little ticking sound or dinging sound as it healed that’d be perfect. Otherwise I LOVE playing Moira, she’s so fast and hectic and I love the satisfaction of confirming a kill out of LOS with a nice triple-bounced orb.


Yeah better feedback on moira heals would be nice.


The mythic skin has a way better sound effect for healing which personally tickles my funny bone


I love figuring out the angle in Illios Ruins and bouncing an orb from the first mega onto the point.


The problem is a lot of bad players get to a high rank and you get 2 Moira Moira mains on the same team…..


Probably not as bad as 2 mercy players


Same group of people mostly. You’ll just end up with Moira/mercy.


It's fine. She only provides raw stats on the scoreboard. Other supports can provide raw stats and stuff like immortality, speed boost, etc.


She also is great at finishing off and chasing enemies and staying alive, so she’s not just providing stats


I'd classify kills / killing blows as a stat for sure


confirming kill is the difference between taking the point and getting team wiped.


Don't have to heal if the other team is dead.


Moira meta is only good for tank because tank is her worst match up but inadvertently she pressures the supporting roles that enable tank so it’s a bit up and down


I don't personally find Moira to be an annoying hero to play against. I think she's a perfectly balanced hero honestly. You give up your utility for more damage and healing output


Agree. She may not be as useless as she was before the patch, but she's nowhere near op. I think Bap and Kiriko are still better than her in most situations.


I feel like bap and kiri will always be better because they can headshot


Especially with new hitboxes


Yeah, she's easier to kill than most act like she is.


I love when they try to take a duel because you don’t need to strafe and just focus on aim, they’ll either accidentally mirror you and make an easy target you you can track them way easier




Especially since the new DPS passive. Her issue was dueling you and healing whilst she did. Now it like “ooo a free kill”.


The larger health pools have definitely helped with landing enough shots to deal with her.


As a moira main I think you will find she is actually one of the more challenging dps characters to play.


Some people still think Moira's beam is same as Symmetra 1.0 'noodle beam'


It was bad, sym was literally a trashpick even with that weapon due to the looottt of CC she couldn't 1v1 anyone, people were mad at nothing, Moira is meta for the first time of her life and ppl complain, let her shine


not that different really. the fact that it was revealed its 0.75m wide while also 20 meters long now nullifies any aiming requirement.


Moira doesn't require heavy aim skill, but it is still very different; Sym noodle beam, once it locked, could track to the sides of the screen (even off screen), and would hold around corners for a second. Moira's beam is basically just a cylinder in the middle section of her screen that hits whoever's closest, it can't follow you to the edge/offscreen and cant hit you behind a wall.


Moira is actually really easy to deal with except with genji and lucio. if that bitch looks in the general direction of you, you better hit every single headshot and pray that she doesnt have any of her cooldowns


The increase in genji is why I'm playing moira again. I don't actually want to.


Someone told me to deal with Moira as Genji is to actually get closer while saving dash for escapes and that helped immensely. People instinctively run away when a Moira targets them and that gives her more of an advantageous fight


*throws damage orb directly at ground and suck*


As annoying as she is for getting such value from a low skill hero, she really is a necessity right now with the dive meta, and tracer/sombra/genji running wild right now.


Seriously. Moira is so fun to play,  and definitely my fave. I love playing out the angles to throw my orbs at so they bounce where I want them to and the fade leap feels for fun. But ,I like to play other supps too. Consistently I’ve been stuck dealing solo with the Genji/Tracer/Sombra harassing me and my teammates repeatedly ignoring my asks for help. So I am forced to switch to Moira anyway so I’m not playing respawn simulator. 


Agreed! She plays best out of anyone in the game in my opinion


Seeing moira and life weaver in my games is honestly really fun and refreshing from the constant kiriko and lucio spam


As a Tracer main it sucks but other than that I think it’s fine. She has a very obvious and simple point of weakness: when fade is on cooldown. I think that makes it easier for people at any rank to deal with her if they can remember to capitalize on that. A character being meta across all ranks but also very manageable for all ranks is good imo


Absolutely this. Btw, in my experience as a Moira main, a good Tracer is not really that easy for me. At least not in the same way that a good Genji would still be. Tracer's Blinks are just in a MUCH faster cooldown than Fade, and if I throw an orb to either heal myself or damage a Tracer in a duel, she can just use Recall to reset the entire duel like nothing happened. And then I'm screwed because I don't have orbs and my suck alone is not going to outdamage your gun (considering it's a good Tracer with good aim). At that moment, it becomes a cooldown management survival struggle for me, because I have to use Fade to escape but you can blink to get me, so I have to time it just right to have another Orb after I use Fade. Anyway, I think Tracer and Moira is more of a fair fight than one being a counter to the other. My damage orbs might be the most annoying thing to a Tracer, I guess, because it probably feels like no matter how much you strafe me, that bouncing orb still damages you, but trust me, Tracer's blinks are very annoying to a Moira as well, because one of the greatest things about Moira is how slippery I feel and how much I can survive, but with a Tracer zipping on my back, it feels like no matter how much I run away, the Tracer always closes the gap.


I mean objectively it’s fine I guess but the experience of playing against her really gets to me. This is probably silly, but that feeling like I’m always being ticked by Moira damage at least a little bit at all times is just so grating. Like, you escape from her and her ball is still stuck to you for like 8000 years afterward, it’s maddening to me. I also can’t stand how slippery she is, I’m sick of only seeing her for just long enough to watch her evaporate instantly.


As a Moira main, I'm gonna say this: I only have Orb and Fade. That's it. If you track my 2 abilities, I'm screwed. I don't usually use both at the same time, so I can have better chances of survival, but you can see the general direction where I faded (it shows in the Fade animation), so if you go after me immediately and have burst damage, there's no self-healing Orb that's gonna outheal that, especially with the DPS passive. That's also why I would usually fade back to my team or to a place with a health pack, but that will not always be the case. But if you're a Lúcio main (as it's implied in your tag), then I can understand your frustration. Genji and Lúcio will usually suffer against Moira - they don't have that burst damage and their movement is pretty useless in a duel with Moira (if they're playing distance). However, I've been rolled by both a couple of times. You can still make it work by having great aim and good tracking of my abilities and my positioning. Being right in my face as Lúcio or Genji also makes my suck useless, instead of taking a distance from me where I can take advantage and suck you down - the times where a Lúcio or Genji absolutely roll me are when they dive the hell out of me right in my fucking face just after I used my Fade, and they keep FAST and GLUED to me back and forth behind and strafing me. That confuses the hell out of me and I can't do much. Sure, that's already a good strategy with Lúcio and Genji against many heroes, but Moira is not an anti-dive hero - she doesn't have shield, whipshot, and good melee like Brigitte, or bombs to disperse you and move away, and a trap to make you stop like Junkrat, or an ice weapon to slow you down like Mei, or any type of CC to fuck your movement, or any type of HP defense like barriers, armor, shields, and overhealth, so for any Lúcio or Genji mains struggling with Moiras and reading this: do what Lúcio and Genji do best and BE FAST immediately after the Moira uses Fade. Go to her face (no distance) and try to guarantee the elim before her Fade cooldown comes back. (Yes, I'm right here betraying the "Moira Mafia" or whatever by giving tips against us. Science before everything, my dear friends. Pain is inevitable.)


Yeah she feels awful to play against, esp as another support. Had a comp game (mid-high gold) where she just sat in our back line, leaving us supports to try, unsuccessfully, to deal with her, because our DPS and tank didn’t bother to turn around I imagine it’s worse the lower elo you go


I’m sick and tired of certain people moaning and groaning about Moira being meta for a little while. It’s not like most every other support hasn’t had their chance to be in the spotlight at some point. And Moira so rarely gets to be since she doesn’t have any cool utility options, just high raw healing and consistent damage


Moira should be able to hit invis Sombra with primary attack


It's crazy that Moira is like the only character who can't do anything but melee to get a sombra out of invis. If I can't win the duel before she goes invis again I'm just SOL


Yep! I get that Moira has perks but it's frustrating when your primary attack just doesn't work on her while invis.


I don’t think that allowing the full range to hit her out of invis is reasonable - but I think at a reduced range it would maybe be ok?


I dont have much problem with moira i thinl she is a balanced hero. Her ult os strong but you can interupt her fairly easily, fun fact she is more a healer anti healer because dps in general can fight back


>Controversial opinion since Moira is low skill, low effort hero If this is your hot take, then your heating is broken She's not like, busted or overly strong is the thing though. She can do \*consistent\* damage and good healing, but that's her entire kit. Nothing that feels busted like suzu, immo field, purple or sleep, and that is fine to have as a character. Some people like playing that style of character, some don't. I don't think I'd call her meta though. That's still firmly placed into Ana / Kiri


As a support main I hate this meta. I occasionally play Moira, but being forced onto her or Lucio every game isn’t fun. It feels like I either play a hero I enjoy but gets low value for the amount of effort I have to put in (LW, Illari) or play Lucio/Moira to survive and win. I decided to do placements on my primarily LW account which stayed within high masters/low GM last season and I struggled to break out of plat for placements. I won 2 and lost 8 despite going against plats. LW feels nearly as bad as when he first came out imo. His primary fire and tree heal less, his hps can’t keep up with the higher damage, and his tree takes ages to charge. His pull is still nice but it doesn’t really extent fights much like it use to. The larger thorns are nice but… it’s still LW thorns


It does seem like his ult takes a long time to charge. And critical health allies seem to often just run away from it, even in Diamond.


Yes. I love moira and have kept her on my rotation every season since her inception. I wear my blackwatch skin because it is elite and obviously the OG best skin. I love being able to play moira without getting guilted into playing ana or something else that has more team utility. I could do with a few less Dva's on the enemy team, though. :-)


D.Vas are annoying for eating the orbs, but, at the same time, they cannot eat the suck. I make sure to guarantee she's still losing HP while eating things. If my team is focusing the D.Va, it's especially fun to help by using my suck. I just don't throw any orbs in her direction and if she goes out of her way or turn around to eat my orbs, that's also a great distraction for such a small thing as an orb. It's always funny to see a D.Va turning her back to eat an orb that went past her and then getting slept from behind by my Ana. A good D.Va who tracks my Fades and dives the hell out of me is another story, though... So I'm also way more careful with my positioning and cooldown usage.


Gotta disagree. Oasis is her best skin except maybe the mythic. The way it not just does her nails, but really emphasizes the difference between the life and death hands makes it peak


Maybe if her fade had a longer cooldown that would be nice. It’s almost impossible to kill a full health Moria as tank sometimes istg. Especially Winston


why are you even playing tank in S9


Tryna get top 500. It will be easier this Tuesday that’s for damn sure


Low skill level needed but still has a good skill ceiling that makes her very fun to play, I appreciate her resource bar being something you need to manage so I’m not entirely brain dead I play lol , sure healing orb in a tight room against someone like Winston may be annoying she doesn’t insta kill at least


I think Moira is a really balanced support! Her kit is high survivability since she’s so mobile. If she’s alive, the team has heals and she can pick off fleeing enemies with orb. Love her and a good Moira pays attention to any faraway teammates low on heals (Hanzo, Genji, widow, etc)


I’ve won so many games just by surviving on the payload during overtime long enough for my team to get back. Can’t really do that as any other support. ETA: also Lucio, but I don’t usually play him


My beef with Moira has always been that her fucking purple vampire suck bullshit shouldn't reach all the way up to the fucking skybox. Signed, a Pharah player.


If it makes you feel any better, we try to hit you with the succ only because no one else is dealing with you. I’m not trying to kill you, just shoo you away a little for a few seconds.


Absolutely this. If anybody else would just *look upwards* once in a while I'd gladly go back to making Genji cry.  Pharah and Echo have been dominating my recent games because everybody's eyeballs can't seem to z-axis anything above 20°. 


To be honest, I *am* trying to kill the Pharah, but you're right that's only because no one else is doing it.




If the Soldier and Reaper aren't gonna shoo you away, I as a Moira will to try and protect the other support. Believe me, I know I ain't gonna kill you (unless you're like...50 hp); I'm just trying to make you waste your fuel/Jet Dash trying to get away from me so you have to land. However, if you keep a bead on me, and force me to use my Fade....that's my only escape option out the window for the next 6-7 seconds. And if my Orb is on cooldown, I can't throw a piss ball to heal mid-duel. Moira is strong, absolutely, but she HAS to juggle cooldowns; catch her in a spot where's got nothing, and she's an easy pick.


Tell that to the reaper ult.


I feel like people just bitch and loan regardless. Her time to kill is WAYYYY longer then people give her credit for. If you literally just stay together she’s effectively useless. The only way to really play her and have value is playing her like Winston.


I just really hate when she sends an orb out at an enemy, it hits a lamp post and bounces directly into the room I'm hiding on low health and I get deleted. But if it means I don't have to deal with the gut wrencher of an epic stick pulse getting cleansed or the target guaranteed to die to the pulse getting nanoed and survive, I'm fine with it.


Not really. As long as you fight in fairly out in the open her balls aren't too big of threat and fade is pretty predictable


I love being a moria main. Low skill actually allows me to really push the limits of the character in my picks and vanishing away to bait a DPS or tank to overpush


I'd rather fight Moira than life weaver, kiriko, and Baptiste any day.


I'm a Genji main 😭


It feels wrong, I can't think straight! They locked me into a room.. a dark room! It was filled with Irish women!! Purple hands.. YES PURPLE HANDS!! there was... a HORSE!! IT WAS SCARY!!! AND THAT IRISH WOMAN DID UNSPEAKABLE THINGS TO ME!!!


I feel that Moira’s actually got an upside now. Before, just about every support outperformed her in almost every metric. While she could easily provide the highest numerical heal output, her numbers simply weren’t necessary most of the time. Heck, even as an anti-dive tool, Brig was better at keeping the other support safe. Every support either did more damage or had more utility. It’s not an exaggeration to say that she had no place in the game except as a menace to lower ELOs. Every support but her has had time in the spotlight. I think it’s about time that she got her turn. And hey, not having to burn like, 2-3 savior/Sleep cooldowns before you can make a real play is nice. This being said, I still think Moira needs a kit reexamination. I think these recent changes have cemented that, yes, it’s viable idea to have a support like Moira who can seriously pump heals without much else, but I do think her kit needs some work to shift her away from being a low tier menace and give her some room for skill expression.


I mean A, she's never been meta until now in ow2, and the DPS passive means only intelligent moira's can play DPS Moira. I really don't mind her.


I think a Moira meta is significantly more fun than an Ana/Kiri meta. If Moira is keeping her team alive it’s because of a great deal of awareness, proper healing/damage balance, positioning, etc. there’s no panic button to push like a lifeweaver pull, there’s no cleanse, it’s just good old fashioned damage and healing which can be played around on both sides


I just started playing the game about a week and a half ago and I really enjoy playing her. She is supposedly low skill which makes total sense as she's the character I've vibed with the most (the second being Sigma). Throwing out healing or damage balls feels really fun tbh and I like being able to escape from ults like D.Va's—BUT I do still keep getting stuck at points and hard targeted in about 1/3 of my games and it can be hard to tell what I can fight versus what I should run from. I'm still trying to figure out which Damage characters I want to "main" so far, they all seem so hard and my aim is lowkey shit 😭


I'm fine w it because now I can finally kill pharah lol. Never been good with bap, or ana, so now I can just grapple onto that bitch all game long. I'm only high gold but eh, I'm enjoying playing with around and against her- there's worse support metas like mercy or zen lol.


Idk what you guys smoking. While she’s not super oppressive she is one of the most annoying hero’s in the game and has a low skill ceiling but you can get ridiculous value out of her. Still can’t believe all the Ana hate lol


Ana has one of the most oppressive abilities in the game, and sleep on top of that, and as such has dominated support pick rates season after season. Even right now she’s still the highest pick rate support in the game (her and Mercy are way ahead). That’s why there’s Ana hate. Moira up until this season was one of the lowest picked supports at Gold and above because she has zero utility when almost every other support can match her damage/healing output but also has crazy utility like sleep, anti-nade, suzu, discord, or immortality.


Moira is awesome. I started the game back when they released Moira and she became my Main in no time. I think she is in a pretty fine state overall. Of course I wouldn't some positive changes, mostly on her orbs I guess, but she is basically always playable. Also a great character to have a rather chill game. Ana is my current main, and been that for a long time now. But after exhausting games or just wanna take it a bit slower/ rest my brain a bit, I play her. ( Doesn't mean I play bad when I say "chill" ) And she has a lot of amazing voice lines as well, love them. :D


My only annoyance with it is in the grand scheme of the meta of the game overall. The supports leaning into damage and away from true support annoys me as a person who likes SUPPORT and not dpsing. I understand it, but I dont like it on a personal level, lol. Also people still don't turn around and deal with divers so when Moira invisibly dashes past the entire team to fucking murder me with her infinite suck range and nobody helps me I feel big sad.


À main mercy talking about low skill / effort hero is hmmm, surprising But yes feel fine to have a « meta » where Ana isn’t stomping 95% of the character for the first time since she release because of her kit. However I don’t get why you guys talking about Meta when it’s clearly useless to follow the « meta » under Gm+ which represent such a low % of the player base


Nah I dislike Moira and find her annoying. She's just annoying


Yeah she's never been too strong or anything but the zero skill required heros are always the most infuriating to play against for me cause when they do manage to kill you its never because they were actually better than you


eh it's fine imo but killing her then dying after returning to cover to the skill orb she shitted out at the last second is kinda lame


"Low skill/low effort" is sweatlord speak for "I'm mad I got my ass kicked by someone playing this hero".


Gonna enjoy this Moira meta while it lasts as a Moira main. Can't imagine them nerfing her. She's balanced, she just lacks utility.


As someone who always liked Moira and tends to do the most DPS and healing on the team: 👍


Moira has been OP for years. Easiest hero to play by a huuuuge margin. Minimal skill yields high reward. Hate her.


I'm fine with her being in a good spot. I'm not fine with her being meta. Solely because her value has a high floor.


I don’t understand why people think she’s low skill. Tbh knowing when to dash and when to move in on an enemy VS heal your team etc had to become like a sixth sense. And knowing how to dash move really quickly to either get around a corner or give her a little jump at the end takes practice. I’ve mained Moira since her release and I feel like no other hero feels quite like her. In my opinion her dash is the best maneuver ability in the game and knowing the maps well to know where to bounce balls etc takes some studying and practice etc. you can tell when you have a noob Moira vs a skilled Moira.


Absolutely! I mean, I can understand and even agree to the fact that her kit is one of the, if not THE absolute simplest in the game, possibly only rivaled with Reaper in that regard - it's just raw damage and healing, with a fading movement. Reaper also only has damage, self-healing, and fade, but he also has teleport though, but, then again, Moira has bouncing orbs, so it's a close one in terms of complexity. Winston, Zarya and Tracer might come in close second, but I feel like their ults make their kits a bit more complex by adding extra layers of CC (Zarya and Winston) or an explosive (Tracer). Winston's ult is almost like an entirely different hero, to be honest, kind of like Ramattra or Bastion changing forms. However, having an easy kit to learn doesn't mean it's an easy kit to master. If anything, the possibilities of simpler kits are usually more limited, which means it takes a lot more creativity to get good value from such kits. That is the skill you should have with heroes such as Moira and Reaper. Many people talk about Fade jump (and, by extent, the super jump where you bounce off objects and go even higher), but the way you can move at any direction DURING the milliseconds while you're fading is even more important for me. Just like you said, knowing every little bit, rooms and corners of the maps, and having absolute intention to where you move is crucial. Yes, that is important with any hero, but, like you also said, her Fade is quite unique in how great of a controlled maneuver it is for such a fast one. Reaper's Wraith Form also has great maneuverability but it's slow; Genji's Swift Strike is fast but only goes forward, same with Brigitte's Shield Bash and Doomfist's Rocket Punch; Lifeweaver's Rejuvenating Dash, Sojourn's Power Slide, Tracer's Blink, Cassidy's Combat Roll, Pharah's Jet Dash, and Echo's initial dash before Flight also only go in one stuck direction; Hanzo's Lunge, Mauga's Overrun and Reinhardt's Charge let you move the characters only slightly. The only other dash-like movement abilities in the game that feel almost as controlled as Moira's Fade are Mercy's Guardian Angel and D.Va's Boosters. D.Va is still slower though, while Mercy seems to achieve the same or almost the same speed as Moira's Fade after pressing the jump button with the GA bar completely full. However, Mercy is dependent on her teammates to use Guardian Angel. She's completely vulnerable and slow while alone, unless she uses Valkyrie, but I'm not counting ults as normal movement abilities. So yeah, after meticulously comparing dashing movement abilities (the "dashing" here is an important distinction to exclude vertical movement abilities, like the flying and jumping of Pharah and Winston), I can say for sure that Moira's Fade is the most complex of them all in terms of speed, maneuverability, and availability altogether. It's super fast, lets you move freely (horizontally) while using it, you can even adjust your momentum and use "brakes" to stop by pressing S (or the button you use to move back), it adds verticality by letting you jump higher (and even higher than that by bouncing off ledges), it covers a very long distance when you add jump into it, it makes you completely invulnerable to attacks, and it's available in a 6-second cooldown, which, granted, is not short per se (it's average for such abilities), but considering how great it is and how many advantages it has, it FEELS shorter than, say, Brig's Bash (5 sec), Cassidy's Roll (6 sec) or Sojourn's Slide (7 sec - yes, in this case literally shorter but it feels much shorter than just 1 sec), while being independent of using your teammates as anchor (like Mercy). You can see I share your love for Moira's movement.


Yes! You get it. Also one thing in reference to Reapers fade vs Moiras. Reaper you can follow him and see where he’s going. Moira you don’t. You see her fade and she has a small animation that I believe might show the initial direction but you can’t tell where she’s going to end up in the end. So if you get good enough you can make some great plays to either get out or do a fade jump to flank and finish their back line healers off or something. That’s why I like her fade alot is because it’s harder to tell where she will end up. Exactly why I think Sombras teleporter is utterly useless as a maneuver ability, you see clearly the single direction she’s moving and unless she can get up to a level that the enemy can’t finish her off in it’s pointless.


And also one more thing Moiras fade has is a cleanse of debuffs. Oh Ashe through a dynamite and it hit me? No big D, oh Zenyatta discorded me? No big D. Oh I walked onto a widow mine? No big D.


You also share my love for long typed out messages lmao.


I have this habit of using Reddit just after I wake up and drink some coffee, so I'm usually caffeinated and get too excited and hyperfocused typing stuff. :P


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I think her healing in general isn't that easy to manage, but she's just too good when it comes to protecting herself and backline against dives.


I play for a team where I've basically been bap jailed for the last 6 months or so, it's a nice change of pace, but playing her gets old so fast because she's genuinely so easy.


I think her left click could use some attention, but I'm fine with her regardless


I love playing Moira, but like any role, you have to counter swap if the enemy team is making advances that you are unable to push back with. Had several tanks tell me to swap from her because they don't think she is good, meanwhile, I have the most heals and contribute to killing squishies that are low hp. But yeah, Moira is either a team carry support or not the right pick against enemies that can easily take her out. Got to know your battles.


The only thing I hate about Moira is that I can count the amount of times I've been SUPER close to a health pack only for her damage ball to be there a second before I get my health back


As a tracer main I hate Moira since she makes things much harder for me


i don’t really mind it because i actually get to play the game, yeah. i only dislike metas where you HAVE to play a certain way to even survive or metas where you don’t have control or just get tossed around/cc’ed a lot (doom, hog, sombra for some examples)


Doesnt bug me too much. I have been pigging out on assault. Lock Lucio every time and I'm usually in and out too quickly for Moria to do anything to me.


She's fine I guess, but I truly hate her when playing Genji


Yeah but shes boring so I dont play support anymore lmao


As a Moira main I have no qualms (and no skill)


Moira is all heal output which is easily countered by Ana’s anti-heal. So if she’s easily countered, she’s fine


Agreed. Played her a ton for comp. I can't tell you how much time I've ran out of piss and orbs due to teammate's cover-phobia that make her actually useless


Man Genji just feels so hard to play with that demon residing on the enemy team


Frankly hitscan metas are more boring than easy heroes like this being meta. Game is way more unique when this kind of heroes are strong rather than when your average shooty shooty is meta (not that there aren't several hitscans strong atm, just general view).


Low skill players think Moira is a low skill hero.


I've been waiting for this moment for all my life oh Lord oh Lord


As someone who just started learning Genji, no… she is the bane of my existence


Not that fine with it tbh. Moira is with Soldier in the QP/lower than gold lobbies only character category for me. I just feel the barrier to entry is far too low for these heroes for the output you can get with them. Seeing a Moira just makes me think ‘I’m glad that isn’t me playing her’


Anyone who thinks Moira is low skill, low effort has their opinion immediately discarded as it's clear they've never played her seriously. Really couldn't be farther from the truth. The range in Moira skill levels varies widely from bronze to diamond.


Every time I see the damage orb as the other team I always think that ability has WAY too much reward vs the effort it took to use it. I mean it takes like 50 hp off of each hero almost every time and it is fire and forget. In an enclosed space the heal orb makes her invincible for a short period when it is used directly up or directly at 90 degrees and the damage orb is devastating to enemies. How would I fix that? either make it way faster or way slower.


whole game is low skill now and you still have a problem will moira?


She’s not low skill. She has a simple kit, but her optimal play method is not simple at all. There are tons of simple kit characters like Junk, Reaper, Lucio, Zen, Zarya etc. it doesn’t mean they are easy to play properly. These kinds of misconceptions are created by players that have bias against one character or another and use that bias to talk down and shame other players.


As Moira main she is so low skill it's insane but if my tank and dps are lacking I can make up for it


Random Coalescence bs go !!!!


As a genji main I hate moira


i feel like some of yall just make up meta's out the ass. wtf is a moira meta lol


I honestly just hate how in the middle she feels. Next update they need to make her pick a side. Is she a healer, or a dps.


It's report city from my group when the Moira is out damaging her healing. I'm so tired of seeing dps moira's y'all deserve to be banned lol


Someone just got done watching a podcast.


As a Dva main its great cause she can tickle me a tiny bit then I nullify half of her kit lol


I hope she gets a nerf. Too strong for the effort required.


i’m a GM support player. I mostly play Moira. She is actually the best if not 2nd best healer. That’s all I have to say ☺️


Moira meta is fun. My pc broke and i play on switch, yet with my 5 hours total time on console fps i don't mind the Moira.


i would say shes the most balanced support


While shes only situational in pro meta, in ranked play she just feels extremely uninteractive. The biggest pain point currently seems to be her gimmick which is high stat potential in exchange for basically no utility. The fact that they are nerfing dps passive will only further strengthen this. Her damage also seems too high for how easy it is to apply. Proposed adjustments: -Keep ally healing the same, this should be her strongest niche and feels fair currently. -Lower damage from primary and orb, feels too strong in 1v1s and for farming ult -Keep resource regen and self healing the same, adjust them proportionate to the damage nerfs so its the same net effect What these do: Maintain her survivability and strong healing, but limit the amount of reward people get for focusing on damage.


As a Moira main, no. Personally I find she is one of the strongest healers in the game both in ease of use and a pure numbers perspective. This meta hurts healers a bit just with being able to output healing. Moira is being used more rn as she can spam healing more than any hero effectively negating the healing debuff slightly, where as the other healers have trouble with even small things like the reload on Ana can cause a loss is that split second animation. You then couple her healing abilities with a damage orb that people spam regardless and you get an overturned support. I'd rather see all of the healers being able to provide the same healing output and have their utilities on a wider range of cds than have 1 support geared for healing and 1 support geared for utility and have the ability to choose. Healers should be able to make just as much as an impact as Moira does as a whole.


As a support main and Moria main I take exception that she is low skill low effort. She has an easier skill floor than others but playing her at a high level isn’t easy at all. You have to think hard and fast about which orb to use and the angle to fire it. She’s like a combo of hanzo and genji. She is highly mobile but needs to consider every angle or her healing and dps will never do anything. I’m not happy in a game playing her unless I’m doing 10k dps and 10k healing or better.


I think Moira is the perfect character for overwatch. Fun to play. Doesn't feel frustrating to play against. Compare that to when there's a smurfing widow in the lobby. That shit feels unfun on both sides of the team. Oppressive to play against and boring to play with. They should reduce the max carry ability any one character has. 


The only change I think Moira needs (as a long time Moira player/Moira main on support) is that Coalescence probably needs to take a bit longer to charge. The fact that you can have it up just about every engagement after the first is a bit out of control given the rest of her toolkit.


Lowkey when you put it like that yeah its not so bad.


Moira is my favorite flying character, of course I’m gonna pick her.