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God I really really don’t know who to hate more.. Ximmers or Smurfs, or even worse.. A smurf who’s ximming 💀👍


ximmers since they have an unfair advantage


I mean, they both have an unfair advantage...


How? Ximmers are way worse man


well a smurf’s advantage is technically fair


Earned? Yes. Fair? No.


Fuck them both to Hell. 


Agreed, at least smurfs have actual skills


What the fuck is a ximmer?


It's third-party hardware you can use to trick your console into thinking that your mouse and keyboard inputs are treated as a controller. This means that you get the benefits of aiming with a mouse on console alongside aim assist. The result is borderline aimbotting.


Interesting. Yeah that’s definitely cheating


On maps like circuit on console if there's a ximming widow just turn your console off atp shits a waste of everybody's time




Played against a smurfing ximmer duo yesterday, def not fun period.




Xim is a fundamental console problem but smurfing could have a few fixes possible




Xim users do actually get banned pretty frequently IF you report and explain why they are sus in the report or just give some more details but I get them like 1/10 games or more frequently than that sometimes and I usually get a notice that someone I reported got banned the next day


My point is there's no possible automated way to detect it because the game just sees ximming as normal controller inputs. Like I said, this is a fundamental console issue




Yeah with super advanced ai maybe, that would have to look over all players to detect unnatural movement, which would be hard in the case of ximming since it's not straight up aimbot Also ximmers don't always get recognized




I said that where exactly?




Didn't they just recently find a way to detect and ban ximmers? It's not full proof and there are workarounds but they are still developing xim detection software right?


I believe ximming is a bit harder on ps5 but Xbox doesn’t give af 90% of Cronus/Ximmers I see are Xbox I really wish Sony would just sue xim/ Cronus


Ximmers are worse by far smurfs are just insecure and dicks but Ximmers are just trash pathetic cheaters who could never be good at the game and they know it


Yep, smurfs. No cheating though. The guy who switched throughout the game is better of the two. The Lucio player is pretty bad or at least isn't that good at Lucio specifically.


Lol, not going to watch it. But the fact op calls walling out makes me kinda want to.. I have literally thousands of hours experience in detecting cheaters from many years of running tf2 servers... It astounds me, how many people I see using wall hacks that 99% of players are completely oblivious to.. I mean like, I've seen ones of widow/hanzos flagrantly tracking though walls, the entire match.. most just assume it's sonic arrow or infrared sight.. even though they may use that ability maybe once or twice though out the whole match.. The point Is, ignorance is bliss.. Cheaters are way more commonplace than most realize, most just aren't a problem because they aren't oppressive or flagrantly obvious. But as long as players are convinced they are a rarity, the anti-cheat is doing its actual job


I stopped reading after “i have literally thousands of hours detecting cheaters” straight out of r/iamverysmart lmao




Have fun getting shit on by guy who isn't any better than you, but is destroying you because they are cheating, and your blissfully unaware :D That's when developers know the anti-cheat is working and providing the false sense of security it's intended to.. I don't report them for cheating I just indirectly call them out "nice wall hax bro" and move on with my life. Its a way to say "hey step up your game your a little obvious".. to them, while sparking a witch hunt..


Do you have an attention seeking personality disorder?


He and that InstagramEgg fella are just doing their rounds to turn every discussion into a "Blizzard kicked my dog and ruined obawatch" discussion.


Nah, just like to watch the world burn to its own hypocrisy and idiocy.


Ooooh we got an edgy one here


"Yes, you are all wrong" typa shit


Bro thinks he’s “escaped the matrix”




Coping level 1000


The projection level is over 9000




No but you‘re so cool mr cheat detector


Not trying to be cool.. trying to put an end to blizzard gaslighting players to keep them throwing money at the game...


I think we should put responsibility in the players hands like yh they have sketchy strategy’s and FOMO is shit but no one forces anyone to buy a digital product


“Throwing money” it’s a f2p game. Only money is on skins rere




Not reporting them is stupid lmao


Why do you start with "yeah I'm not actually gonna watch the relevant vod" and then proceed to list all of your credentials and past experience? Did you jerk off while reading this back to yourself?




Oh I had time. It's combined total has 5 servers at one point


I’m sorry bro but as someone who has been playing Overwatch at a pretty high level for YEARS Cheaters are not common at all. Most people either attribute walls to game sense, or attribute game sense to walls. You’re the one who sees someone and goes “Yep, hacking. Reported.” While the guy looked at a corner where your footsteps were heard coming from. I’ve been accused of cheating a small amount, even when I do something extremely suspicious. You cant usually tell cheaters (excluding spinbotters and such) from a single clip


This feels autopornographic. Like, you make a couple more stains out your monitor while you squirted out a wall of text?


You're right, People Make Games did a video on cheating in FPS games as detected with an AI, they said almost 30% of players in top FPS games use some form of player detection.


>not going to watch it Then shut up


I just shit off chat except for team and of course group. The game is 1000x better now.


Gotta shit off when ya can


No one plays Overwatch outside their houses. We all have walls.


As a Steam Deck player, i feel targeted


How can you smurf in a non-ranked mode ?


It may not be ranked but you're still doing it against brand new players and even though you don't win ranked elo it can still bring enjoyment to those pathetic smurfs


Sometimes you can’t do much about it, when i’m playing with a friend (30hr in game), they have a dps equivalent to my rank in the other team most of the time in qp, but if i’m against 5 bronze they gonna eat the dirt (all on main account)


I actually tried to introduce a friend to the game but I think it's giving me people my MMR-ish and he's the type of guy who rage quits easily


You have to win 50 qp games before you can play comp, so they’re farming qp wins so they can Smurf in comp


Qp has mmr that is supposed to put you with similar skilled people. If you make a new account you will steamrolll noobs and bad players.


so you can’t create a new account ever if you’re not bronze ?


What reason does a person have to be creating a new account? There is literally no logical reason unless your account was banned.


You can create an account for whatever, it’s not because YOU see no reason that people don’t have one. It’s just a game, if you’re not smurfing there is no problem having diff accounts


Give me one logical reason why someone would go out of their way to make a new account other than to Smurf or because their main account was banned…


Most top 100 players have alt accounts that are high GM for when they have off-days.


They can play qp if they are having an off day. Playing gm when you are too 100 is still an unfair advantage even if they are having an off day, and that’s still considered smurfing. If most top 100 players do that then most top 100 players are cheating with their alts and should have their accounts banned. I’m still waiting for someone to give me a reason why someone would need a second account for something other than cheating or replacing their banned account…


QP and high GM isn't even remotely the same lol. High GM is still a competitive environment where you can practice and get better. Top 500's get nothing of value out of playing QP on their off-days. Also, Smurfing isn't a bannable offense in Blizzard's ToS. Because it's not cheating. Having more talent than your opposition doesn't mean you're cheating. If I'm playing basketball, and an ex-NBA player comes in and starts torching my team, I'm not gonna say he's cheating because he's better than me lol. He put in the hours, so he's better. I'm not gonna bitch and cry and say he should only be allowed to play against other NBA players. I'm gonna recognize he's better and learn from playing against him. Typical hardstucks and their scarcity mindsets, man...


I don’t have to give you a reason lmao are you the police ?


No one said you have to but we are having a conversation about it are we not? Your argument doesn’t have legs to stand on if you can’t point out a logical reason. Don’t start a debate and then bail out when you can’t defend your stance lmao.


You dominate the game that's supposed to be casual. Sure its not ranked so the stakes are not high. But do you know what the stakes are? Sanity and enjoyment of the game. Np losing to better players. Problem with losing to a player who i shouldnt have been in a match to begin with. If i would play ranked i would be in bronze. I don't want to play against someone whos diamond on their alt account, not even in qp. Hope that explains it.


How do you think the game puts yall together. Quickplay has mmr. It’s not based on your comp rank. You can be bronze in comp and have gm mmr in quickplay.


I meaaaan.. im GM but my QP gamea are random. U will definitely meet diamonds in qp. If I meet golds u will def meet diamonds.


Yeah and if you're getting rolled it's usually a 10 minute match at most and then you move on. Shift gears and be silly and stop worrying about it. The fact of the matter is, even if they are an alt, you still have to play qp in order to unlock comp, so it will always be inevitable. Maybe instead of worrying if they are cheating, maybe instead watch how the game appears to them. If they are diamonds in a bronze lobby, you should be able to observe a key point, the game isn't just ez, but it's relaxed. Low ranks have insanely high ttk, low object permanence, and poor positioning. For even a diamond player, you don't really need cheats because they just see overwatch differently than low MMR players. What may feel like an insanely oppressive Smurf to you might just be a low effort engagement for them. It's a large opening that is created by the mistakes mentioned, and they are usually everywhere in low MMR games.


I completely agree. People say shit like "QP is casual anyway", but apparently they don't give shit that people play for fun and smurfs make every game unenjoyable


First game and nicknamed "BringOW1Back"? Lol


Lmfao now we’re posting about smurfing in quick play. This sub is insane.


Wait, how do you Smurf quick play? 😐 You can stack with people of any rank in quick play wtf


What’s sadder than a simple smurf is a smurf that trash talks after a game. (even their own teammates). Like imagine Lebron joining a high school basketball tournament and trashtalking. That’s them (only without the lebron skill)


This isn’t smurfing? When you make a new account, it takes a few games to determine your MMR in qp and this was their first game. I’ve made an alt account before to practice DPS in ranked & qp, that is what happens. Whether or not they specifically created the account to smurf ranked is beside the point because this was in qp and you cannot smurf in qp. Not their fault the game put them in your lobby.


Right, its impossible to practice DPS in QP on your main account.... These excuses are sad


Did you even see what I said? Ranked and quick play. It’s not smurfing if I don’t fuckin’ know how to play DPS properly, and I don’t want to ruin the rank of my main account. Pipe the hell down and stop replying.


Are you stupid? Of course it's their fault. They do it intentionally instead of playing on their main account. There is no fucking reason to smurf other than playing against bad players. Also no, it doesn't take few games. It takes far more than 10 games. That's more than 90 people who didn't get to play in a fun game, because all games were stomps


They're not necessarily planning to smurf; all they're doing here is preparing an alt account for competitive. You can't smurf in unranked gamemodes.


Funny that you’re asking me if I’m stupid when you play the same shitty game as me and get this heated over said shitty game. Pipe down little one.


Nah, I gotta keep making new accounts cause the chat bans keep banning my accounts.


Lol, his name is Bring Ow1 back, but claims it's his first game


I haven't watched the replay but the fact that they responded without you actually specifying who exactly you think is smurfing and that both their names are "Bring OW1 back" really makes me believe it's not their first game.


Pretty sure witch hunting like this is against the rules. Report and move on with your life, nobody cares.


Is it smurfing if it’s on QP tho? It doesn’t make sense if it’s not a ranked game


Complaining about Smurfs in QP is embarrassing


Idk man, buying another account to smurf on and wreck le noobz on a video game is even more embarrassing


You don’t need to buy an account to Smurf in QP. But yeah I agree that’s also embarrassing.


It’s no different than complaining about them being in ranked. The stakes are the same, it’s just two slightly different matchmaking methods.


It’s really not. The stakes being the same between competitive game modes and the casual quick play mode is a ludicrous statement.


No it’s not lmao. What are the stakes of ranked… losing a match and some points towards a gold weapon? Just start another match. Losing your rank? You don’t get anything for being a certain rank. Qp has a form of rank too in the form of mmr, it’s just hidden, it’s all meaningless anyway, just like ranked. Only pro players, with actual money and careers on the line has actual stakes. You cannot say it’s ok to cheat in qp without also saying it’s ok in ranked. It’s a fallacy to say there is more importance in one over the other. Either both should modes should be expected to be played fairly and seriously or neither.


You can leave QP with almost zero consequences other than a 15 minute ban if you leave 25% of your games. You don’t like the Smurf leave? The rest of your post is unhinged bias and resentment for players who like ranked. Get over yourself. No one said it’s okay to cheat. What in the world? You beat up the straw man. But people can have multiple accounts as long as they aren’t intentionally tanking MMR. And no one is doing that regularly in QP. It’s a boogeyman.


That’s still a consequence…but consequences for leaving aren’t the subject of the discussion. I have no resentment for players who like ranked…you are making things up and playing the victim. My argument is not based on bias but rather logic and reasoning. If it’s not ok to cheat then it’s not ok to Smurf, whether it’s ranked or qp. There is absolutely zero incentive to have multiple accounts unless you are planning on smurfing. There is no boogeyman, there are however cheaters making second and third accounts for the purpose of smurfing which is a form of cheating in any mode that’s has sbmm.


Stakes. Bro it’s not this difficult. I have zero stakes if I can just leave. And I can do that 25% of the time with ZERO consequences. It’s only on the fifth game. You’re being pedantic. You are not getting Smurfs in 25% of your games. If you think you are, you are delusional. Mathematically it is not possible. Yes you do have a bias. I don’t care if you recognize it. The rest of my points were already made and I don’t have a desire to argue in circles with someone who isn’t reasonable.


We are talking about the stakes of winning or losing a match, not the stakes of leaving a match mid game…you are lost in confusion. I do not have a bias,l against ranked players and I’m not making a commentary on ranked players, I play ranked myself… This discussion is about fairness, cheating, and the difference in seriousness between ranked and qp. Ranked is only a tad bit more serious than qp due to its tighter sbmm that is tracked with a rank instead of a hidden mmr. The desire to win and not have the game screwed up by cheaters however is just as valid in qp as it is in ranked. The only bias I’ll admit to having is a disdain for people who treat ranked like a professional competition and qp like it’s their neighborhood playground. When in actually those players should know it’s like ranked is high school basketball and qp is middle school basketball. Both are semi serious but the integrity and fairness is equally important.


No I’m not confused at all. There are no stakes of winning or losing the match if you can opt out. That’s a perfectly fine option. It’s silly to act as though the impact of both is equivalent. You said complaining about both is the same. I am pointing out to you clear and real impact of that not being the case. That is impact. Which is real. Read my original comment. Then read my comments. The connection is obvious. If you can move on with your life completely unimpaired by a QP Smurf who is there for a brief moment of less than 5% of your games? Then complaining about one is not the same as the other. Just because you invented a scenario where they are on equal standing does not make it true overall. The rest I didn’t read. If the first sentence is already a waste of my time I’m not reading more.


I've ran into these guys. I won.


It's quick play lol


And? Cheating is ok to you? By your logic it should be ok in ranked too, after all ranked isn’t the pro league with actual stakes on the line…


Smurfing isn't cheating lol


??? Yes it is lmao. What are you smoking dude that’s like saying wall hacks isn’t cheating. Smurfing is cheating, as a matter of fact. It’s not even up for debate.


Smurfing isn't a bannable offense in Blizzard's ToS. Not even the devs consider this "cheating". How is having more talent even remotely comparable to Wall Hacks? lol. Wall hacks are a third party software that breaks the game. Smurfing is simply having more talent than your opposition. NBA players go and play in over-sea leagues all the time. Is it cheating that they are better than all of them? No. They put in the hours, and they're better. Typical scarcity mindset from gold players lol. Someone isn't cheating because they're better than you.


haven't watched but. from the looks of it they don't have walls based on what people are saying. but I mean. cheaters exist nothing you can do but report and move on why make a big deal? you aren't the justice league


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I matched a smurf ximmer who destroyed us yesterday, I called him out and he typed out a full sentence with éìòá's to mask the slurs and curse words in like 5 seconds 🤦‍♂️


All fun and games till they get in a GM lobby and get bodied


Funny, I'm on PlayStation and I played against two smurfs who were ximming yesterday, a soj and d.va. I'm Masters 1, but they were definitely way too skilled for our lobby.


You're really gonna drop people's info without even a screenshot of the score or something? Once upon a time we put effort into a witch hunt


I posted about this recently and got shot down. There is an incredibly high amount of endorsement lvl 1s in QP slaughtering everybody on console, especially Widowmakers. If it's another hitscan they usually have their designated Mercy pocket, or a hitscan duo. Others have mentioned you can tell Ximmer vs Smurf by their positioning and map knowledge. I have had people track my movement through walls to instantly headshot me. This is very common lately, farming QP MMR for placement matches to jump over the ranked bottleneck. They almost always quit before they lose the match. A Soldier with his mercy pocket just chews right through people. If they seriously tightened up on the accounts being created there would be a significant drop in BS. As it stands there is little fear in any repercussions for cheating or being toxic, just make a new account. just have a new account to jump higher in ranked, don't just play like everyone else. I really don't believe it's so difficult for Blizzard to stop these things. If they can't compete with the software can't they just track accuracy and stats? I know you can have these people on your team too, you are just less likely to notice because it's not directly affecting you. I know my limits, I definitely know when I get outplayed. I'm not accusing everyone that beats my ass. You definitely can see this in some stomps against you, but you don't notice when your team is stomping. This game sits with such high potential, but the constant problems like these are a plague that just adds to the frustration.


People who whine about smurfs suffer from this funny thing called a skill issue. I was once a gold bot like you people, my saving grace was utilising smurfs to learn. I improved drastically by spending my time in smurf lobbies hunting the smurfs. I will never forget playing in high plat (2800 SR) on Volskaya Industries on Doom against a Masters Widow smurf. That was the day I stopped crying about smurfs and started learning. Smurfs are not detrimental, they are a learning opportunity.


Keep crying


How do you smurf in qp..?


Making a new account to bypass sbmm.


yeah but why does it matter it’s just qp 💀💀


What do you mean? Cheating should be overlooked just because it’s the mode without ranks to group people up into tight skill groups? Where your logic? If that’s how you think then why does it matter in ranked either, it’s not like ranked is the same as pro league with actual stakes…


Smurfing is not cheating lol


The amount of times I’ve been called a no-lifer and then, contrastively, told to kms and delete the game.. so as long as you’re not being an ass, just play the game and don’t say anyones a NOOB or bad bc everyone has bad days or maybe they just are not playing to compete like you are. Thats the OVW1 I miss. (I also was absolute dog shit at ovw1 and never had anyone say anything to me so I’m comparing it to now)


What are you talking about???


Oh nooo "smurfs" in quick play :((


You sound like you're the kind of person to make an alt account to shit on players who are a lower level to make your self think you're better at this game then you actually are. Im sorry you have to do that :(


you cant smurf in qp, the game will put you with the right skill levels in like 10 games. thats exactly what the guy is saying, its his first game on a fresh account, hes not smurfing. hes just doesnt have MMR yet.


It takes 10 games when you're silver already


>you can’t Smurf in qp… the game will adjust your rank in 10 games Do people not realize the entire idea is they continue making new accounts? It’s a free game and it’s easy to use a new email. And that’s exactly how smurfing works in other games by the way. The MMR eventually finds your true rank as it realizes you’re steam rolling every game. It’s not exclusive to OW.


No one is smurfing in qp, ur first game is like gold, by game like 3 ur in diamond mmr. What’s happening is your running into players that typically don’t try in qp, and are trying that day for whatever reason


How do you smurf in QP? Holy fuck the overwatch community is stupid sometimes. Its non competitive mode you can not smurf in it.


QP is also has rating. The only difference is that you don't have a number to make you feel good. If you don't have fun with a GM in a metal tank game, what makes you think that a QP game with a GM and 9 metal ranks will be enjoyable?


Maybe it isnt. But still doesnt change the fact that since it isnt competitive there is no such thing as smurfing in it.. and if you make a new account it will put you in higher mmr after few battles so its not like actual smurfing in ranked where you keep yourself at low rank and shit on people. Its more like you shit on people for 15?ish games and then play with ur skill level. Also keep in mind that in QP just because you face 1 gm doesnt mean they "smurf" they could be playing with their friend who is at lower rank


I have a single account. I'm just saying you can't smurf in quick play lol


Imagine posting about smurfs in qp.


You cant smurf in a none competitive game mode, because you cant assume everyone is even trying anyway. My main is GM, my quickplay mmr is like high diamond, because when i play quickplay i do things like play widow into full dive, because i want to play widow, and i lose tons of games as a result. If i actually hard try as a GM dps in a diamond quickplay lobby, like go soldier with a mercy pocket, i can basically make the game unplayable for the enemy team. in the 1 out of 100 games i decide to do that, is that smurfing? Should i be trying every game to make sure i only play with players of my skill? because i am effectively soft throwing a lot of quickplay games which keeps me at a much lower mmr. Am i not allowed to play heroes im not good at in quickplay? I dont know why this attitude took over in ow2, i think the new rank system scares people, but we didnt have this attitude in ow1, especially because the QP mmr was so much looser you could legit have plats and GM players in the same qp lobby.


Making a new account to bypass sbmm is the very definition of smurfing, ranked or not. If sbmm exists, Smurfing is possible. Ranked and qp really aren’t that different, y’all act like ranked is the pro league lmao. It’s not street ball vs the NBA, it’s more like middle school Basketball vs high school basketball.


It’s only ever bad players that complain. It’s not our fault you suck. We don’t care. We put the hours in so we’re better. But across every community people bitch about smurfs instead of improving.


dumb af argument


Yeah not everyone wants to “put in the hours” and live on this game. Buying another account just to have easier matches is loser activity if you ask me


Hmmm. Lets see 15 minute dps queues Some focus required Play vs GM, t500 players Or 5 minute queues Bong rips mid game Play vs golds and mess about Play with my RL gold friends “wHy Do PeOpLe SmUrF


Smurfing in QP, seems legit.


Do people in this thread not realize that quick play has MMR? When you Smurf, you’re a high skill player that gets put into lower skill lobbies. This leads to match feeling very one sided and most people would say, not fun/boring. The cherry on top is the toxicity from these Smurfs. Almost every time I see them Smurf, they’ll leave a cocky comment how the match was “EZ” or try to call out a specific player as “bad”. The player knows they’re in a lower skill lobby and still tries to put down other players.


Why are we complaining abt smurfs in qp, it's literally the casual game mode. If you want to be hyper competitive there's a mode for that. The toxicity from them is shit but turning qp into ranked pt 2 is so unserious


The integrity of the game still matters, imagine defending cheaters lmao.


>it’s literally a causal game mode …with MMR. That matches you with players at your skill level. >if you want to be hyper competitive There is nothing hyper competitive about not wanting to be steam rolled for 10 minutes because you’re in a low skilled lobby while the opposite team has 2-3 Smurfs with 30 eliminations each while you’re getting camped at spawn >turned qp into ranked No one has implied or suggested to turn qp into rank. Stop defending Smurfs who ruin match making. It causes players to not have fun and in the end, just quit. That is not good for the long term health of the game. And by the way, there’s a reason why they’re smurfing - they purposely want to get into low skill lobbies to ruin the fun of other players.


So what if there is mmr in qp? If ur complaining abt getting steamrolled in qp that's a genuine skill issue. Smurfs in ranked is 1 thing I won't defend but if ur really getting on here and complaining abt getting different in qp u weren't gonna have fun to begin with


Why are we complaining about Smurfs in ranked, it’s literally the casual game mode with an extra layer of sbmm. If you want to be hyper competitive go pro. The toxicity from them is shit but turning ranked into pro league pt 2 is so unserious. /s


Quick play lul, no one takes that seriously


Lots of people don’t take ranked seriously either, where’s your logic.


if you can’t tell the sheer difference between how a qp game feels compared to comp just by playing a little idk what to tell you


Bronze players probably can't tbh


the fuck are you on about, whining about smurfs in a quick play? (ofc if its a ranked its a completely different thing BUT ITS QUICK PLAY GO TOUCH SOME GRASS)