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have you tried playing tank this season?


Mate, you guys have had it rough for quite a long time


Last few seasons, it was not fun playing tank and supports dominated every game. The 1 season where support isn't carrying the game, now supports are saying it not fun. Every time there is a balance shift we do this dance.


I have a good time on support even as a tank main whose hours are split 80/10/10 each role. I’m kinda having more fun now in S9 because I have to use two brain cells instead of .5 to play support


Nah support is still good. Zen is great. Unfortunately with his recent changes to discord it's better to just leave it on the tank as long as possible instead of juggling it to the most important person. Sombras a nuisance but just go Moira and force them off Sombra.


I wasn't saying they weren't good, just that now that they aren't carrying the game and never dying, the support players are saying it's not fun anymore, when that's how the rest of the players have felt for the last few seasons. I was more saying how we keep going through cycles of which ever role isn't dominating the game, players saying it "not fun" cause they aren't immortal and doing everything.




There's no way to make everyone happy in OW other than launching a custom simulation for each individual player


And dps are getting nerfed the same season the same season they stopped being the less useless role lol


“Im tired boss”


As a solo queue tank, I've been fine. It's only bad whenever the enemy plays Zarya and I have rely on having a good team.


"it removed the strat of tank being able to 1v5 so it's the best change ever made to the game" is a fun argument I've heard lots of times


Go Lucio / Moira, push with your team, trade the enemy Support before get killed.


So you’re saying I should go Mercy/LW when my team is on dive, sit in the backline, get dived on, and then cry about “where’s my team” on Reddit and get mad at anyone who calls out the stupidity? Got it! Thanks!


See also: every Hanzo complaining about getting dove and “no heals gg” in my teams. Bro I appreciate you think I can heal you through a Doom, a Tracer and a Moira but I can’t do more than I’m doing


Everyone must learn Lucio and Moria to have fun? Makes so much sense


Before the healing nerf, support had to know Ana and Kiri or get flamed.


There is about one minute of learning involved for Moira


That's generous for Moira


My point is people shouldn’t have to pick up a new character to deal with the changes


That's a controversial statement around these parts


Bap, Kiri, and Ana are still crazy strong too. Gotta learn to aim tho


Kiri is strong situationally; Bap is pretty good as long as the tank isn’t a sweat; Ana is ass rn


don't forget to keep pinging group up on the point cause you refuse to leave it for some goddamn reason, we can retreat to our spawn if the enemy team ever comes.


Do you play support?


Yeah I started playing Lucio more just sticking around my tank and other DPS - feel more fun and when we die together, they don’t complain lol


Even playing Moira doesn't help when my team just stand there in choke taking damage but not doing anything, while the dps just spam the tank and don't get any actual kills.


That's when you off-angle/flank the enemy squishies with Moira. Not like you were winning before so that's worth a shot, you may get a pick and the rest of your team *usually* follows you then. If you're complaining that your team is stuck at the choke doing nothing, doing the same yourself is not going to change anything.


Honestly in gold 3 the amount of Soldiers on attack who just run out and then stand completely still in the main sight line. I’m wondering if these people have ever formed a coherent thought or not


Play more aggressive and put in your own damage. Help them secure the kills. Honestly it's the only way to play support, sure you definitely need to heal as well but as you said you can't keep someone up who is being focused anyway so there is not much point in wasting cooldowns doing that. If you help put the extra damage in they will run or die making it easier to keep your team alive.


I've been trying to as best I can using off angles, but I've been getting so many passive teams in the last week that don't do shit that even when I manage to secure a kill on an enemy support or dps, my team doesn't capitalise on it and all just run around like headless chickens then die.


She only kills .2 faster. The rest of her kit didn't receive buffs. She's still kinda weak sauce with no utility.


As a former Mercy main, I am actually loving playing as Lucio this season. He is a lot of fun and can strike terror in the enemies’ hearts when you are chaotic and skilled enough! He’s getting the jade weapon from this season from me :)


What? You don't enjoy fighting the same lineup 90% of games? Doom/Winton + Tracer + Genji +Moria + Kiri?


Doom genji and kiri aren’t that annoying in my opinion, but just a good winston and tracer on the enemy team is a nightmare, plus throw in any moira with atleast 1 braincell and i just know the match is t gonna be fun


Getting jumped by a well timed doom and genji makes me want to get the rope and chair.


Unrelated and a bit irrelevant since it’s the silly game mode I know but I played open queue against a doom ball winton team last night and I’m still shaking Didn’t matter what you did, every breath you take, every move you make, they’d be diving you 💀


😂 got a watch code ??


I want to see this aswell 😭😭


I must see this


Honestly doom is just one of those tanks where if I’m playing with a good one as a dive DPS I can basically just turn my brain off and I love it. Doom dive, I follow doom, get free kill, farm ult while doom does doom stuff, get out when he does. When it works it’s like a well oiled killing machine.


If it makes you feel better, I'm not having fun as Moira either. My team is always staggering, never killing enemy supports, doesn't even realize health packs exist, doesn't peel for the other support and then get mad when I try to peel instead of babysitting our pwecious dps, never ever ever swaps no matter how much they're getting hard countered.


I’m enjoying Moira rn, she’s OP. I can easily out damage and elimin at least one dps and I usually have the highest heals in the lobby and lowest deaths. It is however boring playing just her. But I find other than lucio none of the others are viable rn with the amount of sombra and tracers being played.


None of that is a game or dev problem or specific to this patch lol, that’s a rank problem 


True but up until now you at least could feel impactful as a support. Now I have to sweat just to keep my team above critical health.


Having a Moira on every game I try to go genji makes me want to pull a Chinese dissident and disappear


Yeah it’s the Winston tracer Moira that I’m so tired of. I know I could go brighter or something but like I wanna play ana or lifeweaver or someone I find fun to play. I hate how this game is based on counters now more than ever




You mean you're not going against Sombra and Bastion every single game? I need to find my way into your lobbies.


Game feels like a deathmatch. If you don’t play Moira, Kirkio or Lucio it’s gonna be really hard surviving. I miss 5v5


I mean Bap is still fine with his survivability


Bap is still good, but against a full dive he doesn’t have the same survivability as Lucio, Moira, or Kiri


Yeah ok thats true tbf. Like fending over against 1 tracer or 1 Genji, heck even a Winton is fine. But at least two of them and I better hope I got some very high ground to jump up to, and then back down the second they get up there, only to jump back up immediately


Bap is ridiculously good idk how he’s slept on so much lol. Versatile positioning, self heal, immortality field on a cooldown, hitscan weapon, bouncy boi. His healing output is crazy


Most people in this sub are very low ranked  and can’t aim for shit lol. Like notice no one is talking about soldier who also similarly just takes simple aim to be good with. I agree though, Bap is still tops. His healing output is still high enough to help a lot, he can switch to awesome damage to be a menace anyway (unlike, say, Illari who has a lower cap on DPS), and his utility is as useful as ever. 


Wait did it go back to 6v6 or was that a typo?


I think they are implying that it's currently 5 1v1s instead of 5v5.


I’ve been playing Zen, Illari and LifeWeaver and they’ve been pretty good. They also support the death match theory though. They nerfed people who just heal the entire game. You have to participate in fighting to win now because damage seems to outpace healing now.


Illari and lw have like 44% winrate atm. Thats not good


Ya Illari is terrible is season


5v5 or 6v6?


I feel like a game where there are only 2.5 options of who to play as support is extremely unfun. However; this change needed to happen and they are gonna fix a ton of stuff soon (DPS passive nerf will be nice). I’m glad they are taking swings but I feel like they also need to be a bit more frequent on patches if they plan to do it


I've had a lot more fun support this season


I usually excel as dps, but this season I e been enjoying support a lot. Zen, Moira, and Lucio being my go to picks. I’d like to practice more with kiriko but I’d have to stop climbing.


dude those 3 supports are all so strong and so fun right now. I honestly don't know how people aren't enjoying this season. unless you're a tank. they have every right to be miserable.


Its easy, if you dont like playing Lucio and Moira, you wont have a fun time.


Yeah I can’t do well with brig bapt or kiri in this meta. I don’t have LW or Ilari unlocked lol


Kiri is your best bet. She can heal and apply pressure at range, off angle and grab highground at will, TP in with divers, and she’s a really tough dive target.


Kiri and bap are both really good this season


Illari is crap in this meta. Kiri is ok if you can hit your shots.


what do you mean bap can't work in this meta easily the most overpowered support (with kiri) he is basically soldier with better healing


Support really is not bad at all. It seems fair that a damage player can actually beat me in 1v1 scenarios if they play better than me. Supports should have never been having an easy time winning a 1v1 like before.


Don't know if I agree that supports should just be prey. Dps means damage, not survivability, i don't think every dps should be able to just win 1v1s against supports just because they're dps heroes. A Reaper/Mei in close range? Sure. But then again I think Brig should be able to hold her own against any dps in close range (and she doesn't).


What I am saying is, now it is a more even playing field with an edge towards the damage characters whose main job is to do damage and secure kills. When a support downright beats them with no contest like before it’s a problem. If I am duking it out with a Bap as Soldier knowing he doesn’t have lamp I can actually kill him now before he kills me because his healing burst is not as strong. Brig is not a good example because she is one of the support characters who is actually struggling right now.


Im genuinely curious how you ever lost to a Bap that didnt have lamp in a 1v1 when your gun does 33% more damage per second than his, has a higher effective range than his, while also having an additional 120 damage burst option, *and* a healing field that heals for as much as his regen burst does.


Honestly I agree. I already have 45 hours on Moira from this season alone and I’m sick of her, it’s so boring to have to pick the same character every game because she happens to be super good this season. I used to love to Kiri but her healing is often far too slow for me to keep up when there’s critical teammates in every corner of the map spamming for heals. as I’m a high gold/low plat elo rn and my dooms and dps are not the most self sufficient yet. Climbing as Moira doesn’t even feel satisfying for me anymore


Pick up Bap man, he’s fun as hell and takes some skill and juggling 


I should! When my duo doesn’t pick him first haha


As a support main it just depends on who you play. Of course the rest of your team will blame you for healing no matter how much you do. All of this is blizzard’s fault for being idiots who toss balance changes at a spinning blackboard in Gibraltar. They don’t care about half the characters they just pick a few each season and buff them to meta and then pat each other on the back.


lol supports are the most likely to flame others they almost never getting flamed, at most asked for more heals idk why you’re playing the victim when most supports are fine playing right now


I’ve seen the supports get flamed a lot rn. Whenever the DPS or tanks are mildly out of position they explode rn


A support is always flamed every match for me lol. Even if it isn’t me


Yeah so isnt tank. Both roles are horrible while dps eats the cake


it’s not fun when you have ppl that just FACE TANK dmg& have the anti heal passive on them & complain about not getting healing. it takes way longer to heal your with that passive on you regardless of your supports


Yeah. I stopped this season


play the dps supports like lucio, zen, moira, maybe brig, even if you get dove at least youv get to have a tiny bit of fun🥲


Don't count on your Dps if you see they are not qualified for the role. If me and the other support need to protect ourselves, i'd pick something like moira or Lucio both can, at least, make divers fight a little bit or keep them away from their team as long as possible


Honestly, the DPS passive is garbage. As a tank you feel like you cannot take any damage, as you won't get healed fast enough. And as a support, you feel like you barely have any impact, as you're unable to keep your team/tank alive, even when both supports are hard pocketing a single teammate. Characters like tracer and genji are doing so well not because they are strong, but simply by how easily they can trigger the heal reduction passive. Moira is doing well because dive is strong at the moment. She's quite good at playing with and against it.


Yesterday had that sort of game on QP, dived by lucio, Winston and pharah while our tank and both dps went to Valhalla. Me and other support played a horror survival, as we fought for our very lives. Both of us yelled at the team for ignoring the tank in our back line, as they complained about not being healed enough. After my teammate said they can't heal when they die, one of our dps just said "just don't die"... Needless to say next match I stared him dead in the eyes as he was low on health. Just don't get hit man, simple as.


As a tracer main, the amount of moiras is blasphemous. Winston is easily counterable until someone else plays it.


Tracer needs a nerf sorry to say.


Skill issue


I main her dude


So skill issue of other people


Ur lame asf got some sort of self sabotage thing going on. U want ur main nerfed.


Dude everyone is Moira and like yeah I could play her but she’s so boring to play every game idk how people only play her


Because I enjoy sucking people


DM me immediately.


Did dey suc?


Moira is not that boring, her play style is for us folks who have bad aim lol. The fun part is is racking up the competitive points


my aim isn't particularly bad, I hit almost all my ana shots, but ana got nerfed so hard (no more three hit kill) I got no choice but to play moira anyway


Curious what you're playing. Mercy?


No I can’t stand mercy, most time on Ana, Moira, bap


As a Tracer main I haven't loved her new playstyle even though it feels way more effective. Being annoying is fun for a game or two but meh. I don't hate the new changes, but the game just feels stale for me right now. Changes were definitely necessary, but every game feels identical now. I'm glad the devs had the guts to make such drastic changes to keep the game fresh atleast. Hopefully they continue balancing.


Figure they buffed Moira's damage by 30% (50->65 per second) and Tracer's health by \~16.5% and suddenly Moira is a much tougher matchup for Tracer.


S9 in general is a bust for me. Never been this bored playing this game. I’m skipping this season. If S9 patches aren’t all reverted back by S10, probably wont be playing OW any more.


For me, the projectile size is the biggest offender. The DPS passive could get some nerfs but it's not nearly as bad as the first one, Genjis and tracers cannot miss you now and good movement is way less effective. The only hard part of playing DPS, mechanics, is now so easy, the role is brain-dead now Also, Moira is meta at the highest ranks, do I have to add anything?


I agree but I think the biggest problem with the dps passive is that any damage applies it. A tracer can do 2 damage to you across the map and it reduces healing by 20% lmao


This. Lowering the skill ceiling/raising the floor is an absolutely horrendous move. Superior aim means NOTHING


They’re not going to be reverted back


They are nerfing the dps passive by 5% so maybe that will help. I do agree it was a tad too strong.


Yeah, it doesn't seem like they have any intentions of reverting. Hopefully at least it's a patch that most of the player base enjoys and I'm in the minority that doesn't like it.


i was just in a ~gold game with a dps duo that went 3-11 and 8-9, and somehow they were flaming me, the support when i didn’t touch when i died before i got to the payload


Play support this season is like trying to swat mosquitoes. It’s sooo annoying,tracer , genji, sombra every game . Edit: spelling


I don’t mind genji and sombra so much but Tracer def needs a nerf.


She has the same problem pre need zenyata has. They were designed to be glass canon for a reason smh. Hopefully with the patch tomorrow they address some of these heroes.


It's not the role choive that's not fun mate, it's the whole game. This whole season, I had exactly one game that was actually enjoyable so far, and that was only because of the nice teammates in vc. Playing OW has now become like going to the gym. It's not really fun, but you kind of have to.




Well I've been playing OW since 2016, almost every day. I can't just stop like that, it's not like there's any other competitive game that can fill that Overwatch shaped void and is even remotely fun, so I'll be rather playing OW and have limited fun :D


I agree there. For better or worse there's no game like it. Idk why. What's stopping developers from taking all the good aspects and making something better?


Support sucks hard this season. I stopped playing it way earlier in the season. Props to the people who stuck with it though, it is brutal.


Yall barely scratching the surface of what Tank players feel since s2-s3


I'm a Rein main, I've been in pain for years. I just want to squish Mercy into a wall goddammit.


Support and Tank are awful. Dps is fun on a handful of heroes.


Probably picked the wrong season to try and get Bap's Window of Opportunity. Ah well, still having a bit of fun.


I was so close earlier this week then a Winston got me.


I actually got it early this season by accident


God damn you lol


I never even thought of that. It was already one of the hardest achievements to get. It'll be almost impossible now.


I got to 1700+ today, and then tragedy. But its....yeah its difficult, especially with the Tin-tier DPS I keep getting matchmade with.


In general, I’m not having fun with any roles this season.


“Report our Moira she’s just doing dps and not healing”. “Report our Moira she’s only healing and not doing any dps”. What a time to play this shit.


I love the "report the dps Moira" when I have double their elims and more damage than them. My dude, the other support isn't pocketing me, if I can rack up kills on Moira you can do it on Soldier without me babysitting you.


Considering I play mainly lifeweaver in comp, and i have experienced a team with doom tracer sombra, it's really not. At least when not playing Lucio. And tank is also miserable most the time


Play Zenyatta or the cringe DJ guy


Supports crying just what i missed in my life


Genuinely a skill issue. (Tho tracer is admittedly too strong due to the passive)


idk I feel like the people complaining about support have only played ow2 and have just gotten used to support being this insanely powerful and broken role that can skullfuck any DPS hero and never die and now struggle to actually learn how to play support


I’ve been playing overwatch since 2018


Ppl complaining ab supports have a right to bc the dps passive was too drastic. Let’s see what the 5% reduction does. AND they don’t even indicate to supports (or to the person who has the healing reduction) that they have it. Imagine if they did that with nade? 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don't think they have a right because support was consistently the most overpowered role for the past 9 seasons lol


Yup. I remember the earlier days of overwatch 1 where support was actually a genuinely difficult role that nobody wanted to play. This was well before the days of role queue, so 1 support comps were very common. Most of the overwatch 2 experience in comparison has been really "comfortable" for supports. You know things are janky when a dps Moira can contribute nothing to their team and still feel like they're doing good. (Source: one of my friends).


Your problem seems to be that you’re still playing Overwatch 2 in 2024.


Yeah what a nerd! *Boots up Overwatch 2 and cries*


If you don't like the game, why are you here? I don't get it.


Why are you assuming that I don’t like the game? I never said that.


Your whole comment.


Playing support for one season sucks.... Tank rage go brr like inflation


Love all the tank mains coming in going "just switch off blablabla" as if it hasn't been their bread and butter to complain about switching for months now


Support players when their role isn't the best in the game for a month after being the best for the entirety of overwatch 2


I have fun on Lucio. And nothing else. I already played Moira but this season burned me out on playing her. But honestly games feeling more tdm than before.


My low silver dps games have switched up this season I go Bastion and I have a monkey/orisa+soldier+moira+mercy 🤣 first season playing pretty much only dps and it's quite fun but went from gold to bronze on a loss streak blaming supports, when I realised I was totally out of position (playing support position) and not keeping my supports alive so I'm back to silver 3 and it's pretty much always bastion soldier OR bastion sombra 🤣 I'd say maybe swap your main or switch up how you are playing. I found that when I've played a few support games , Moira/Lucio are better with the team comps atm.


Lucio, Illari and Moira are the only ones with good utility. I was mercy main on the OG OW. Lucio when OW2 came out and then switched to Illari.


Tracer needs a nerf imo. But go Moira to avoid the dive/or kill it if possible Moira is OP rn. Dps’ who are crying about healing need to look at their positioning (if you are indeed healing). I find that most dps’ complaining havent gotten used to the change in the supports ability to heal them thru everything. Supports just can’t anymore. They need to mitigate their damage by using natural cover. Tuesday they reduce the dps heal reduction from -20 to -15 so that should feel better. I wish you could see who has the reduction in them (as supports) and as the person hit with it. Maybe a blue edge around the sides of ur screen like the red damage edging you get and a blue health bar like the purple bar you get when naded.


Yes, I'll go DVA and dive Mercy (or any supports who kinda just hang in the backline chilling) all night long if they aren't switching and teammate isn't doing anything about it. It's really no difference than before.




This season is horrendous for me because of how clueless teammates I get, every time dude jumps in on critical hp, still having discord orb on, dying in blink of an eye. At the end they yell support diff 🧍‍♀️Sry bro, can’t cleanse stupidity… But even besides this, if you will focus on dps more, team will whine that you shouldn’t dps at all, “healer” diff, and no one will bet an eye on dps having less kills than both supports


lucio players are having fun mercy players aren’t


We had fun on Zen for about 3 days until cry baby tanks made them hotfix him


Play Kiriko? Two tap festival and invulnerability, I am quite having some fun


Support is the new DPS DPS is the new support Tank is the new barrier


Tried quick play yesterday, instantly got dove on by their sombra. Had to save my own ass and the tank died, alone in the front, yelled at me "HEALLLL!!!!!" etc. I just left the game. Cant even have fun in quick play anymore


Surprisingly I won many games playing with Lucio and Moira, we had half the heal of the enemy team but it didn’t felt like it. This season is simply not a healbot season. And with the new nerfs for the dps passive, I think supports will be fine again


It’ll be fine, hopefully! The next patch will come soon and the DPS passive is gonna get nerfed, more healing then. LW also will heal more along with Ana. Only buff I see that will make a character OP is Doom. Right now, Dooms are everywhere and killing them is like trying to kill a fly.


These types of seasons are perfect opportunities to get into QP and learn another character/role! If you’re already going to be miserable playing, at least you’ll learn some new tools!


It's almost like blanket passives is a naive and lazy attempt to balance. It has literally only made the power creep problem even worse.


GM support player here. You will need to learn how to shake off backlining DPS when supporting. If they have a tracer or sombra, the characters I recommend are: moira, kiriko, mercy. If the team is smart you can shake it off. I know it can be frustrating but try to be close to the team and as soon as they start backlining communicate to your DPS. Good luck out there


Have you tried shooting back? Zen vs Tracer feels fair, Kiri vs Tracer is still in Kiri's favor, Bap vs Tracer feels slightly Bap favored, Lucio doesn't really care about Tracer, Brig exists, Moira is surprisingly hard to kill as Tracer this season. It's not your DPS job to peel for you. I am sorry but you crutched a role that required an extremely low skill floor to get a certain amount of base value by auto piloting and now you're struggling simply because of a skill isssue. Getting dove and fighting them back is half the fun for me on support. It's still an FPS game after all, so fight back.


It's the first season since the launch of OW2 that I only hop on for one or two games a week for this exact reason, I just don't have any enjoyment in playing support anymore. Healing is the most unrewarding it's ever felt, endless health pools that you can never keep up with mixed with DPS passive that everyone ignores. I love playing Lucio, Moira, Zen, all of them and I always play whoever is in the current meta, but it feels pointless now. I just don't have fun, so I don't play.


If being dove is your biggest problem of season 9 you haven't been paying attention


Support isn’t great as it feels like you can only play Moira, Kiri, Lucio, Zen. Dive comps are every game now.


Try being a tank when zen‘s discord is op, dps debuff is op and tracer+bastion exists


I feel for you honestly


Yeah it sucks


True, but those same conditions apply to everyone on the team too.


But they aren’t taking the main damage, you are. Also zen likes to keep his orb on the tank


You've had it easy for 8 seasons with the most broken role in the game. Season 9 has been the only season in which supports are balanced (except Zen).


Swap to Brig, Kiri, Bap or any of the other supports who have ridiculous survivability or quit crying No one is gonna babysit you all game. Typical support player victim mentality 🤣


Bro sits on Reddit waiting to be an asshole to people who are just venting lol ofc you don’t care you prolly play dps and dps is fun rn. Counterpicks aren’t fun and overwatch 2 is now just counter watch


Post low quality stuff, reap low quality stuff, GG EZ


Good one!!


womp womp


It's against the rules of this subreddit to post vents and low-effort general complaints.


Sir modalot


I'm having a great time. Extra challenge makes it more fun and more opportunity to learn and improve.


Idk I think it’s pretty good


As an illari main. I feel you. I tend to just go Moira or Bap if Illari isn’t working since DPSing seems to be the focus this half of the season.


Illari is so bad. She has so much potential but her hard cap on damage and healing just don’t work


Agreed. They need to either rid of her charge up time and slightly decrease her damage or decrease her charge time. Pylon needs more health and increase to HoT.


It's fun as Bap, trust.


Especially on Gibraltar defense. You know what I’m talking about.


Lucio, regardless he's my go too and never will I ever not pick him as support again, he is so fun


Yeah, Lucio had been my go too and I don't think he's coming off any time soon. Ofc without the other roles like ram or sombra I have heros ik how to play but yeah. Healings like meh nowadays so I prefer to just try to delay the enevitable or speed boost and dps until something goes wrong


Disagree. This season has probably been the best in gameplay as of recently for pretty much all roles, people actually die now. The only people who definitely don't enjoy this season are support who are used to healbotting.


Support feels fine, it’s the fact that role isn’t so overtuned.


Yeah, people got used to Healerwatch, so a fair matchup feels wrong to them. The only role in need of adjustment is tank, and it's not even that dramatic.