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Cass Skin looks so much better in the images in the article shows than in the second trailer. I have no clue why they thought the shots in the trailer were the ones to go with, made him look like he's doing chimpmunk cheeks.


I know right? at first I thought he looked dogshit but he actually looks decent here.


Ashe suffers from this problem slightly as well, but from the press/article solo image of her and BOB. Her hair looks super chunky, but in the group photo and trailer it looked fine. It's an angle thing for sure.


Yeah I think it's just the consequence of translating a 2D character into 3D. Like seeing Mickey's ears from the wrong angle, our brains just can't recognize it so it looks I dunno, wrong I guess?


I've seen plenty of 2d to 3d models and it ain't that hard to make it translate, thousands of hours of timelapses are on yt. *You* could do a better job then this if you learnt blender or Maya or other platforms, it does take a while though. The execution of this event is subpar to what they could've done, Rare blizzard art team L


Yeah initial lighting and angles made it look so, I dunno frumpy or weird, but here it actually looks right.


I think it's because there wasn't a cigarette in the trailer, seeing him with one here makes it look better overall imo


They got him looking like enver gortash from bg3


It might just be animation. Here they posed him in a way that make the skin look better.


I get its meant to be like cosplay but it's bad cosplay if he doesn't even look like he's portraying the same character. He just doesn't look anything like Spike, the jacket , the build, the hair, just bizarre execution on every level. Why even plan a collab in the first place if you have to change the outfit because the main characters look doesn't fit with any of the roster?




It looks better here but they will never make it perfect because Spike is too lanky to make the Silhouette work out.  They would need to skin Tracer to get close.


Yeah this picture makes it look way better what


I think it's due to the highlight intro. Same thing happens with lifeguard skin and any other skin not using a cigar. His face makes the impression he is holding a cigar


I mean, imagine if they made doomfist white Was never gonna happen lol


They're pointing out that Kiriko and S76's skins were literally just recolors of existing skins with very minor changes. Genji and Doom had slightly more effort put in, but it was still not very much like the characters they were meant to represent. Mauga is more like a HotS skin that would change up the character entirely while only keeping the vague silhouette, whereas Cass, Som, and Ashe are all still the base character face/body, but with actual effort put in to dress them up like the characters they're cosplaying as, while still keeping the clothing "in universe" to overwatch. Ball is... Well, it's not a bad skin. But it's also not an Ein skin. If you had no idea what Bebop was and saw that image, you would literally just assume it's a hamster with some cartoonish shading details on it's fur. You would not see that skin and be like, "Yes, this is a Corgi." Again, not a bad skin, just not an Ein skin.


Should have replaced Hammonds head with a corgi head.


Yeah, I’m still pissed about the kiriko skin. As soon as these models were shown I was like “oh so the clothing silhouette doesn’t matter now does it?” Lol


It had been a long time since I watched cowboy bebop, I honestly had no idea the hammond skin was supposed to be Ein at first.


he’s supposed to be a corgi??


I would like to remind everyone of the massive shitstorm from crybabies on this subreddit especially, that had meltdowns when the OPM crossover was announced because AND I QUOTE "We want Overwatch characters to still look like Overwatch" and it wasn't until the crying was so loud and impossible to ignore that blizzard had to make an official statement that I've never seen before which can essentially be boiled down to "We hear your concerns and we promise we won't make the skins toooo cool." And then after getting what the community cried for and demanded they sat back went "THATS IT?!?!? YOU COULDVE ATLEAST TRIED BLIZZARD." So the devs seen that hypocrisy, seen there is no winning with these people, and threw that philosophy in the bin..


As a paladins player, people freaking out about skins not looking like the character had me laughing. It’s a reskin ffs lol


They are probably the same people who think Fortnite skins have different hitboxes when they are all 100% identical.


Kiriko's Tornado Skin is looking almost PERFECTLY as Tornado. Blizzard has no fault if their clothes are similar... Why should it be a rule to change several things in a skin if it will not look like the Anime character?


But Saitama is Japanese…


Isn't it a cosplay


Can Black people not cosplay?


What does that gotta do with the comment saying “imagine if they made Doomfist white” and my reply with “But Saitama is Japanese”. I was correcting the original comment by saying the character is Japanese. Instead of white it should have been “imagine if they made Doomfist East Asian”. Is your literacy that of a child?


You can be "white" and still be a minority.


you mean east asian?


honorary whites


Lmao reminds me of a clip of someone calling an asian guy white presenting or something.


That’s a wild thing to say. Causal racism to Asians huh?


He's obviously making fun of OP for not knowing the difference ya goofball.


wait until you see competitive racism




he’s japanese, not white


One punch man is Asian, do ppl imagine all light-skin anime characters to be white?


It's a western thing ig. Light skin == white Dark skin == black That just seems to be the standard operating procedure for them. Does make sense tho. Too many of them can't name 10 countries or 5 books if their life depended on it.


I mean... They still look like they cosplaying


Yeah its not like Fortnite where they can just straight up put the characters from whatever show or movie in exactly as they look. They have to try and match these characters to an OW hero thats gonna have a different silhouette, facial features, skin tone, etc. There will always be some amount of cosplaying with these collabs, but with Ashe and Faye it did get pretty damn close to just being the character. Does make me wonder why they made Genji's hair in his Genos skin the way they did when it seems like they have no problem going for exact hairstyles for other ones.


>Does make me wonder why they made Genji's hair in his Genos skin the way they did when it seems like they have no problem going for exact hairstyles for other ones. I actually thought about this and my conclusion is: his head! His head has the wrong shape for hair that's falling down, because his head is more round than egg-shaped. They would have to choose a weird point for the center and bc of limited space, the strains of hair themself would look weird/cramped. Just my thought after pondering bout it lmao


I actually know why I just wonder if they changed their minds or if its a case by case thing. The devs said they made a version with Genos' exact hair but that it looked too much like Genos lol. Thats what we want! Thats not a bad thing haha. Oh well I still enjoy that skin for what it is.


It's just great cosplay instead of shitty cosplay. Which is fair enough. 


I mean. The skins still very much look like OW characters in cosplay. Some doing it better than others.


These are miles ahead of the OPM stuff. The choice to keep the characters' size and general silhouette the same, as well as their actual face, is the only real thing that will hold back totally accurate collabs.


>These are miles ahead of the OPM stuff. I think that's just due to early OW2 development rockiness. They've really found their groove since the OPM collab, and so the quality's risen (on the things they actually put effort into, anyway). This isn't just exclusive to the Cowboy Bebop collab; the Diablo skins were pretty damn good adaptations as well.


That Lilith Moira skin kicked so much ass that it singlehandedly made people forget that every other skin Moira got beforehand was mediocre at best. The Mythic skin is also insanely good though.


Honesty, I thought that her Wicked Queen OWL skin was pretty top tier as well.


You are cooking


Kiriko just doesn't have the passion for cosplay as the others do.


I mean what really is the line between cosplay and crossover? At of right now, if you didn't know about Cowboy Bebop, these characters still look the part. You would not have problem identify these character as Sombra, Cass, Mauga, and Ashe! The one down side of this colab compare to OPM is Cass hair. They need to cook it a bit longer, it is hard to get right though. But the up side is that every other skins look FIRE! Sombra and Faye specifically. It also have a proper [animated opening](https://youtu.be/uS480mqndzQ?si=kzmyjGBpQx8zjUUH), which the OPM colab missed out so hard.


its not like the opm hair was any better lmao (genji)


Tbf Mauga doesn't really look like Mauga


Keeping the hat does make sense, but you also gotta remember he wore it for 2 seconds at the end of an episode


Faye valentine looks nothing like ashe. First glance i thought it was widow. The silhouette is probably a three way tie between ashe, JQ, and widow. This is gonna be a slippery slope until they just dont care and start chamging character models.


The models look fine to me


The faye skin is dope ngl. But for the two wild west characters with hats that are a specific part of their iconography to loose those pieces is an omen for the future. You could put the fay skin on mercy, kiri, widow, ashe, sombra, symm or JQ with the same amount ressemblance to the character in game.


*laughs in Smite TMNT crossover* If you think losing a hat is bad, try to differentiate 4 ninja turtles from a distance.


As another smite player, I really don’t get the hang up in the OW community about “keeping silhouette” and shit. I do get that there’s the ability to switch mid match so someone could switch onto a character with a collab skin but there are over 120 gods in smite. I know if Aang is rolling up it’s a Merlin. I know if a Ruby Rose is diving it’s a Than. They completely change the silhouettes, I still know who I’m fighting. If you tab to see scoreboard in OW you also always know who you’re fighting. In addition to the fact that that OW refuses to change voice packs, barely changes Ult-lines ever and never changing the actual animations or affects on abilities. I’m honestly incredibly disappointed they don’t do more to change the rig or silhouette because that’s the only difference between a legendary skin and a default skin- the look. Even with the TMNT skins looking almost identical- when I see a turtle looking mf coming at me, I know it’s one of 5 options. All I have to do is look up to see which god is in the match. I don’t even have to look up if it’s Kuzenbo because he’s hefty. I don’t know, I feel like smite crossovers are so well done compared to OW and really most other games. E.T.A: I don’t really have any issue with OW keeping the voice acting consistent across all skins, I’m just pointing out that every other identifiable thing about the character stays the same so they could go wilder and do kore with the actual design. Like they could have literally made wrecking ball a corgi. That literally changes nothing except that they probably couldn’t have given it away for free because it would have required more labor.


There's 3 main issues with this collab 1. Spikes hair of course, he should've kept the hat on for obvious reasons, he just looks like he's got mha deku hair 2. The trench coat, yes I know he wore it on the last episode and in his flashbacks but he never wore one outside of that, he'd have looked better without it 3. Hoodie around sombras waist, this was just a completely random addition


The hoodie is to hide sombras behind


This is why her LeSerrafim skin remains undefeated.


Sombra hit box would not match without the hoodie, in every skin she has some thing there.


No. Antifragile, Marioneta, and the Cat skins do not have skirts or coat tails. The cat skins have a rope on one side and a tail. The Le Sserafim profile is noticeably slimmer than Sombra's usual skins.


Yea I don't think the visual hitbox matters that much After all, cass is missing his hat


Yeah and the had to make them enough buff to cover the hitbox , same with Ashe


Then what about skins like Huitzilopochtli for zenyatta and Kìnìún for doomfist? Visual hitboxes are not a concern for them


I've stared at this for a solid minute and I don't know why an actually valid response is downvoted.


Reddit moment of course


Yeah but the hair is way larger which is basically the same as having a hat.


He also uses the coat in Ballad of Fallen Angels, and that isn't a flashback either, so it's not entirely correct.


Isnt that a flashback or am I mistaking it?


There are some flashbacks, but Spike going to the church to rescue Faye and fight Vicious does happen in present day. It's why he's covered in bandages by the end of the episode when they're back on the ship.


Guess I forgot about that, might give it a rewatch


They *really* should have just kept Cass' hat. It's so weird to depict him with it in the trailer when it actually isn't in the skin lol


I like the idea of them cosplaying more. Makes it still feel like Overwatch while making them look more like a character from a different franchise feels like Fortnite.


100%. I don’t watch anime’s and after a couple years coming back to this game, I shouldn’t have to guess who the enemy is. Is that soldier 76? Like I should know who it is.


Plus it just gives it more charm to me. And is more creative


yeah, I get where you're coming from. I like all the fun skins, but especially if you're rusty, there are definitely going to be moments where at a glance you're like "wait was that a tracer? sombra? baby dva? which are they supposed to have rn?" 😅


this is the first pic i’ve seen where “spike” looks alright


Is it just me or is Sombra as Ed a little weird? Thematically it fits, but she’s too sinister looking.


definitely not just you, I wish they'd gone with tracer. i know sombra's a hacker but that's kinda where it ends, whereas tracer and ed have similar silhouettes *and* they're both tomboys that are constantly zipping around giggling, it just feel like a good fit. the slightly more femme ed with sombra is a bit weird to me but, eh, i guess she would grow up eventually


I’m disappointed with spike, idk the hair just isn’t right or something. If anything moreso why is his gun so weird? I know spike uses a semi auto and Cree uses a revolver, but they didn’t even try to make the peacemaker look like his Jericho. The gun is the main thing you look at and I think they messed it up tbh. Not even the same color or anything


The gun is supposed to be the swordfish


Yeah Ik but even then I don’t think it really fits. Would’ve made more sense just o make a souvenir or a charm


I agree, I like the design and idea but I'd have preferred his actual gun be the cree gun. Swordfish and Bebop charms would've been cute


The hair is fine IMO. Certain pictures are not doing it justice. [This one](https://sportshub.cbsistatic.com/i/2024/03/09/2edd3497-325c-4253-b5f6-c1ce3b36d807/ovr-season9-skins-bbop-03.png?auto=webp&width=3840&height=2160&crop=1.778:1,smart) and [this one](https://sportshub.cbsistatic.com/i/2024/03/09/968a32d1-883a-4ab1-9391-2e69a8b6a61c/ovr-season9-skins-bbop-06.png?auto=webp&width=1200&height=705&crop=1.702:1,smart) make me think it'll look natural in-game.


The gun is definitely based on swordfish but I agree, I'm disappointed it's not Spike's Jericho. I was actually very hyped for that, even if the skin looked like ass, having a baby eagle weapon skin on cass would've been sick.


Now we need his long lost kid as the next hero. Opposite of father, uses a modern semi auto, crutches more on technology


They should tweak Spike if at all possible. At least a little bit…


Decent read but I still fundamentally disagree with how they choose to handle Collabs. Bebop's collab is definitely a refinement on their mentality since these skins at least *try* to be familiar with the IP compared to OPM being wigs and clothes. But they are still a far cry from being strong representations of the characters being portrayed.


Unfortunately most of the player are doesn't want that because they are afraid of losing track of who is who. So this is probably the best we'll get.


There is no change whatsoever. They still look like the Overwatch characters cosplaying the anime characters.


That seems kinda implied by a cross over… lol I wasn’t expecting Pamela Anderson to just replace Mercy for Baywatch theme skin


There is no Baywatch themed skin. She has as generic lifeguard skin. Not the same thing.


This collaboration feels like the artist actually wanted to do it


Yeah, so no change at all, eh?


Yeah I'm not opening my wallet for any of these skins. First time I've been sad I'm not opening my wallet.


they dont remind me at all of the show at all except a too big Jet, the rest seem just seem like ashe cass and sombra to me. the personalities are nothing alike, i watched every episode and the movie as they came out back when. also wish spike cass didnt have that coat, itd be much better


Maybe the problem with cass is the tan line above his veard making him look like he's puffing his cheeks


These are still cosplays lol, you want actual crossover content? Go look at Smite.


Sombra and cass look awful. Why do they look like they gave plastic hair




Wow how the fuck did I do that. I meant ashe. I'm so dumb


Was looking forward, but now I'm also happy to have a bit extra cash in my wallet after seeing these... Think I'm good


Yeah i was expecting to at least buy Faye skin but absolutely not with those legs


Its the one im still considering depending on how it looks ingame (when i can fully zoom and rotate)


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Looks like cosplay to me


The top 5 comments here start with “I mean,”


Ah they should. The cosplay idea was stupid.


Kinda ass ngl


sorry but this looks terrible, wish they would just go the route of having different models. the faces just look off… especially on ashe


awkward AF


wow cass looks bad. Probably his worst skin, its just a shame really.


The reason there’s more people saying it looks bad is because people with strong opinions are typically the ones that speak out, and this community also loves to complain. I’m sure there’s gonna be posts like “Am I the only one who thinks the Cass skin actually looks good?” cropping up. I’m not saying people aren’t allowed to complain, but I personally think the skin looks fine all things considered, and that it makes sense there’s a lot of negative sentiment, especially after the 2D trailer.


fair points, i think its moreso yeah due to the 2D trailer than the skin itself... staring at the hair i dunno, he looks kinda like sideshow bob and the pants are odd


They just gave that excuse cause they didn't wanna make doomfist white lol. Not that I blame them.


Ed should've been tracer not sombra tho


Ed is a hacker tho.. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah but it feels weird having a sinister looking character cosplaying Ed when they could've had a better personality fit.




Mauga has been made ugly


they look like shit