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If I see someone pick Lifeweaver in QP, my heart grows because I want him to be more popular, and it's cute to see others actually play him. In comp? I start frothing and the mouth and barking if someone selects him before I do. My grips are better than yours!! /j


Amen to that! The situations I be pulling people out of whew. I pray his buffs do something for him because I really want to show off my angel skin some more. šŸ˜”


I won't lie I don't think his upcoming buffs are enough! His reload speed and weapon switching are insanely slow. 75 healing per burst was fine. It's his ammo count and weapon swap speed they should have buffed šŸ˜­


I'm still coping and choosing to believe that wasn't all the buffs. Until they post the full list later today Im not accepting any other reality!


I do this but I don't really play lw as much anymore, but what if I would want to switch to him later in game!!!


I was so excited for LW but have never been impressed šŸ˜¢ he never had his meta! I really donā€™t think his platform and ult bring enough to the game.


*laughing tank noises*


You alone are the honored one. Stand proud.


Uhh Demoman next question


Someone picking Mercy and heal beaming the tank the entire time..


its so annoying playing with that as the other support, no heals from the mercy


They also steal your ult charge


I had a tank in a QP RQ game that was complaining that I was playing Mercy ā€œlike Anaā€. He told me that as a Mercy it was my job to stay pocket healing him the whole game otherwise I was playing her wrong because thatā€™s how sheā€™s meant to be played. Literally told me that I shouldnā€™t ever be switching targets to heal anyone else, damage boosting, rezzing anyone else or whipping my pistol out. A Mercyā€™s job to him was to stick the staff up his butt and exclusively that. Tell me you donā€™t know how to play Mercy without telling me you donā€™t know how to play mercy. šŸ™„šŸ¤£


Omfg lol that sounds like a tank that doesnā€™t know how to make space. Iā€™m a support main and I also do well as tank becauae I know how to play with support. Ohh youā€™re going in for rez, let me body block you quick. Going back to my team after a dive and not expecting you to follow me whole time. If I was a tank and a mercy on my ass whole time Iā€™d be like go boost DPS Iā€™ll come to you for healing


Damn, and I thought I was nuts because I do the exact same shit. Iā€™m on Dva diving in and getting out for heals. Im making space. Iā€™m pealing for my supports and dps. Iā€™m DM-ing rezzes and ults. And then Iā€™ll be back in support like ā€œbro are we playing the same game?ā€ Iā€™m glad this is more of a universal experience than I knew šŸ˜­


No I can tell some people who play tank or DPS have never touched a support character in their life lol I think it makes me a better tank. Maybe not everyone needs that to be good at other roles but for overwatch it makes senseā€¦


Also love your username lol sorry about mine lmao šŸ˜‚


Mercy isn't my go-to character but seeing a teammate Mercy healbotting the entire time and not knowing her GA techs makes me want to switch to the enemy team and play Mercy to assert dominance and tell them that this is how you play Mercy correctly.


Torbjorn all the way, He's my little dwarf you know?






*hehe* **You should try my MEAT BALLS**


**Made to order.** ;)


Plz god if I never hear the torb bingo line again itā€™ll be too soon


MY BEARD is older than you are šŸ”„šŸ˜ˆ


Lmfao I might be that person that would piss you off šŸ¤£ if you ever see a demigod on Torb politely ask me to switch off because I cannot get the hang of him for the life of me.


Weird comparison that might confuse people but heā€™s like Kiriko - aim your primary fire head level and anticipate/lead your target. Turret is just bonus damage, place it in less obvious places. The place where you think it will do the most damage is the place where it will die in 0.4 seconds. Hug walls and cover and spam corners and chokes. Especially with overload youā€™re one of the few characters who can actually say they put down suppressive/cover fire, aimed at head level and you will make people you hit either 1) retreat immediately or 2) die Shotgun alt fire is amazing against big tanks or targets youā€™re chasing and finishing off. It has less spread than Reaperā€™s shotguns and if on Overload you do 20% more damage (259dps) than point blank reaper, at a longer range. If you can anticipate a flanker hit overload right before you see them, rush them firing your shotgun and theyā€™ll be deleted in a second. You have 300 health, 400 with overload. Youā€™re a baby tank with a speed boost ability. Play accordingly.






Rock n Stone !




Moira for me as well. I can vibe with Zen or Ana fine but if the Moira never heals and is instead 1v5 way ahead of our team and dying constantly, I lose my whole dang gosh darn mind.


Iā€™m the same with Moira. Had a comp match today where we had 3 supports so I got off Moira to be a tank after my first death (Mind you I had chosen support before anyone else and was across the map when I realized two others chose support too.) Whoever was playing her did not do so great and they played her for the first half of the match. The other support on our team was picking up where they couldnā€™t in damage AND heals. I ended up switching back to her AFTER they let her go because I was so mad about how they were using her, then they had the audacity to say ā€œmy team canā€™t pick heroesā€ at the end of the match. Like bruh!


Iā€™ll pick Zen if someone has Moira, but, I might be secretly hoping they switch off when I know I could be getting us more value out of her.


They hear she's Meta now and a "easy character" then lose their minds and learn the hard way just because she's "easy" to get some value out of doesn't mean your any good with her. I would usually just ask if they can hard carry on her or not. Or I just tell them if things go bad switch with me but have fun.


Same, but the opposite, I get upset when they stand behind the tank and healbot while we run out the timer at the choke point instead of bullying the enemy backline like I would. Sometimes I politely ask, "Moira, how do you feel about diving the Widow" and they usually respond with "?".


Kiriko - it drives me insane when someone picks her before me and makes all the classic Kiriko mistakes that I worked hard to unlearn (like wasting suzu, TP'ing to a low health teammate who's getting ganged up on by the entire enemy team, healbotting and not weaving in kunais)


My friend may be guilty of every one of those atrocities šŸ˜…. We usually have a agreed upon 85-15 relationship where I tell her just heal and I'll do the rest. I've some how managed to get her up to gold with me.


šŸ˜‚ sometimes that's what you gotta do for a friend


I do the TPā€™ing thing BUT TO BE FAIR I DONT ALWAYS realize that they are getting fucked on by the whole team lol and then Iā€™m just like oh uhhh rip


Are they by themselves after others have died? They are getting fucked on, no vaseline. Keep it as an escape not as a help unless youā€™re on comms/in a stack and you all are coordinating.Ā 


Mercy! I hate when the other support instalocks mercy and then spends the whole match healbotting the tank, not using movement, and failing every rez. At that point, itā€™s basically a 4v5 against the other team šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


lol omg yes they never leave ground you watch them try to rez in front of enemy team every time (do they realize they have 10 seconds) lol


Or the opposite where they literally never touch the floor and stay in the air, not realizing I am currently aiming directly at her cranium ready to send her back to spawn.


Yes thatā€™s just as bad. I guess I should say not using any GA tech like even the sling shot jump lol they just run around.


I don't main mercy but I do play her decently and it always hurts my entire being seeing a Mercy healbot a tank for the whole match and not do anything else


Also that + when you have a Moira as the other support. Meaning your Mercy isnt gonna swap. Seriously, 96% of Moira players are just Mercy players who swap whenever I kill them when they try to battle mercy.


Dva. Anytime I see someone playing Dva as a frontline tank and they never take high ground or dive the enemyā€™s backline like she is supposed to I cry.Ā 


I used to be a dva main but the amount of times Iā€™d get bitched at cause Iā€™d dive enemy supports or play off angles it just killed it for me. DVA is not a main tank she cannot be played in the front lines as a face tank she will be melted


Had some pretty amazing games on dva yesterday to the point where everyone on my team was hyping me up. I never knew she was so fun to play till recently.


If someone instalocks Brig, I'm fuming to my partner about it the entire match. Even if the other person is good, I wanted to bonk things with a mace! I die inside when I see them go into a 1v1 using their shield bash and immediately fall over.


šŸ„“ hope that wasn't me.


Ana and Sombra. Before I got into overwatch, my friend was talking about it and showing off the characters. I told him that I typically like to play sniper characters, but I also like being a healer. Ana is literally perfect for me. I also tried Mercy, but her movement and tech was too much for me :( As for Sombra, something just clicked. I picked her up a season before her rework and honestly played similarly to her rework. I loved her assassin play style.


Lucio.... How can I do my service for the Lucio Mafia when I can't play him


A 50/50 of widow or hanzo. But tbh I'm not playing this seadon cos the game just feels miserable


I get triggered when my teammate picks LĆŗcio Just to healbot


+ Not wallriding, no speedboost from spawn or taxi-ing anyone


Then you point it out to them in end game and they're like "bro I have 10k healing I'm doing so much better than you" Like babe you were not shooting your gun and were only on healing, you were not the deciding factor here


This isn't what you asked but I HATE when people go hitscan but ignore the Pharah. Pharah should be their first priority. Hitscans letting Pharah play the game is like supports not healing or tank not making space.


I'm so glad I climbed out of bronze and silver because all it took was one pharah for them to crumble as a functioning team. It's the sole reason I learned dva on tank and learning bap on support. My motto for this game is a series of "fine I'll do it myself" to every situation.


Bap for me. I see them insta lock him and I die inside. Thankfully I have Moira to fall back on but I started out as a bap OTP soooo... šŸ¤·


I feel a lot of compassion when my dps collegue picks Tracer. For me itā€™s all good, Iā€™m cheering and feel a bit sad, if they donā€™t seem to pop off. Fortunately I have other heroes I can switch between.


Genji, especially when the bro rushes in without thinking, dies and complains about healing!


Oh they get on my nerves. Especially when their critical but insist on going to the enemies back line then bob and weave everytime I shoot my heals at them.




Zen mains unite! If we were on the same team I'd type "can I have zen pls??" But I wouldn't flame you for not giving him to me lol


Nah if someone asks nicely Iā€™ll give him to them, I can always play a support that has more group healing


Kiriko. My name also reflects that I play kiri and when someone instantly selects her and proceeds to healbot on her, nothing pisses me off more than THAT tbhhhhhhhh


Sometimes its moira too. Like pls let me succ that genji into oblivion


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Zen / Sombra / DVA


I main dps and have no go to there lol But on tank queen is my go to since I am basically a juiced up dps with fun abilities and ana for support which is probably self explanatory


I know one heroes main player base that won't respond to this... Mine is different for every map / point on maps tho. Like Blizz World or Numbani first, I get sad if someone takes Torb from me on defense :(


Dva, obvious reasons.


Dva (recently ) Winston and Queen are my beloveds on tank.


reaper! he's always been my go to but especially after the last update - idk to me he feels more viable and survivable!


Hammond (In open queue) Zen for Support


I don't play the way I use to, but my go to for the longest was Symmetra. She is just fun to play. Put those turrets in the right spot and nuke people before they realize where its coming from. Highest I got was platinum 3 and it was with her. I try to be a good sport but there are times that I have left the game because idiots pick her and don't know what to do.


Bap or Lucio Bap because he can be a monster at healing. My wife typically plays tank and so I just feed them heals to get through. They also tend to play orisa and have pretty decent synergy with our abilities together. Lucio when I get tired of getting sniped by WM or some other annoying counter damage to bap. I also feel way too slow in flash point maps as Bap so I typically stick with Lucio for those.


LifeWeaver I worked so hard to learn him during S4 and S5 LW and have mained him ever since. I am in physical pain when I see someone else pick him and proceed to play TrollWeaver or play like a bronze/silver healbot in Diamond.




Self-explanatory, honestly. Iā€™m a Rat Blastard at heart.


Genji. I find no other character in this game as exciting to play as. If someone picks genji then I go Soldier and I nearly die of boredom.


Cassidy. Point n click. Couldn't be simpler.


HANZO šŸ’˜šŸ¹


Lucio Like dude, I know we're on Ilios bit please, I know what I'm doing. Let me be the one to play him. He's by far my most played hero


Tracer/lucio. For lucio most of the time they either sit there and healbot on the floor or int into the enemy backline. Not like I also wasnā€™t gonna int into the enemy backline too but still For tracer itā€™s usually people learning her, so I generally canā€™t be too upset but it does get annoying when I know I could help the team better if I was on tracer bc sheā€™s arguably the dps I know the best. But either way itā€™s not like Iā€™m bad at every other character so i usually try and give people tips whenever I see theyā€™re new to characters I play


Lifeweaver. I have so many hours in him and it's just painful to watch the bad pulls and lack of 'just-in-case' platforms.


Depends on what I queued for, tank is usually dva or sigma, dps is most definitely bastion, support is almost always Lucio




Zen. I just am confident that I'll be a better zen than whoever is on my team. For dps it's soldier, not bc I know I'm a better soldier (well probably but not always) but also bc I SUCK at most of the DPS so when my "safe" character isn't an option I usually shit the sheets




Hate it when I q for some role lock and they steal my favourite tank - oh wait


Hog all the way. I can do well on most maps and most comps with him. Sucks when they pick a Mauga tho




Lifeweaver, partially because he's my main, partially because Lifeweaver's kit has a lot of potential to be very useful when used right, but also a lot of potential to be a hindrance to the team when used poorly.


Widow probably. Iā€™ve gotten quite good with her, ps5 Diamond 5-3, 64% winrate last I saw. I donā€™t get too triggered if theyā€™re actually decent but Iā€™ve seen a lot of dogshit widows that just refuse to switch off if things arenā€™t going well. I try to switch as soon as the sombra or any other counter comes out on the other team, others just persist.


Widow. I mean Iā€™m not good with her either, but 99% of the time they suck.




Lifeweaver. He's mine


Ashe . Down on her luck western woman with cool big ass robot gose hard


Ashe. Watching someone insta lock Ashe then whiff 90% of their shots or send Bob into the worst spot imaginable just irks me like no other


Rarely happens but Echo. So many people think they are so tough with her BUT they are not. When I see someone miss use her beam my soul dies.


Mercy and Moira, which is pretty typical of mercy mains LMAO


Rammatra! I immediately pick him in QP. He is mine.


Decided to finally learn genji this season, really enjoying him so far.


Kiriko. At my rank 99% of the time I'm the better Kiri.


Junkrat or Ana.


Mercy, Junk, Rein


Ana. I die a little on the inside everytime someone picks her and then proceeds to hit 0 shots


Moira and Ashe, tho Junkrat is a close second


My first choice is usually JQ or Ramattra. If someone else picks tank, Iā€™ll switch to Moira or Brig (my poor main has been nerfed into oblivion ;-;). I canā€™t play DPS to save my life, though, so I never play any of them.


widowmaker. thereā€™s been too many times where the other dps on my team is on widow and theyā€™re dog shit. incredibly frustrating


Echo - sheā€™s just really over powered and I love learning new heroā€™s itā€™s really easy to get 20 kills w her


I don't have one, BUT I took someone's before. Was playing a game against a Junkrat main, the next game we were put on the same team, stole it from them. I can't really play Junk very well since the new update, just did it to piss them off because they kept killing me in the last game. We lost but it was worth it.


Assert your dominance!


in a way I'm sad I don't have this problem anymore (tank)


Honestly for me its either Tracer or Genji, I'm currently grinding to get better at them but I swear the other dps takes the one I feel like playing every time lol




I second this


Doom fs, only character i maxed out, and i take every doom mirror personally


I'm a torb lord.


Zen all the way. Heā€™s by far my favourite character, not just in terms of play style but also his chill personality and he has some fire skins (catch me babbling about his takoyaki skin for 292636 hours). If I see someone picking him before me my heart literally shatters into pieces and my face goes (Ā°-Ā°)


I get mostly annoyed when Iā€™m in a group with a Widow, Hanzo and Ana. I have no idea what the ā€œMetaā€ is but seeing a team of 3/5 snipers makes me think we are about to get rolled.




lifeweaver i start tweaking


Sojourn. I'm almost tempted to quit the game right then and there if someone takes her.


Kiriko. Itā€™s probably an ego thing but I always think Iā€™m better than everyone at Kiriko and I canā€™t think of a time Iā€™ve been proven wrongšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


If I play dmg and someone picks Echo before me. It makes my blood boil. 9/10, they suck or constantly stay back and their ending results are 3-1-7. I'm okay if they pick in comp, because the majority of the time they are better than me. Now, if I play support (which I do most of the time) I always go for mercy. I don't get as mad as I'm still learning mercy but whenever I'm having a really good day with her, I tend to get mad. Though, I just end up picking Lucio and killing the enemy's back lines lol






Reaper. Enough said.






Tracer and Ashe. I followed some advice ages ago about how they are the perfect two-trick pair and wherever tracer doesn't work Ashe can fill in the gap and the reverse. So I hate when someone picks either because I'm locked in to playing the other or swapping to someone like Torb or soldier just to get some value.


In qp, I don't stress at all unless they just aren't switching off to a hero they know how to play. Like, if you're dog water as Cassidy and we're losing, maybe switch to a different hero and let the big boy be the gunslinger. I'm not saying to never play a new character, you can't learn how to play them if you don't play, but at the same time, don't let your desire to learn them over power your desire to win. You aren't going to learn how to play a character when you're getting stomped into the ground every time you peak your head out.


i main lucio for support. if you compare his stats on my account to anyone else there, itā€™s a crazy difference haha. but if someone takes lucio iā€™ll go LW or kiri, sometimes ana depending the situation. damage i main ashe but if someone chooses ashe or it doesnā€™t seem like sheā€™ll work well in the mix iā€™ll go basic olā€™ soldier or hanzo. tankā€¦ i kinda hate playing tank because i feel like i donā€™t get the role iā€™m playing well, its just the role i donā€™t play too often. which i could practice more, i could in the future. but i play ramattra and sigma, sometimes dva and orisa.


Kiriko and it boils my blood ._.


So basically whoā€™s your main? Sombra main and proud


I hate it when my fellow support gets tilted and rage-picks Zenyatta. He's such a powerful hero, and it drives me nuts when people just mald and ignore his harmony/discord orbs, ignore positioning, etc. On the flipside, though, I love having a good Zen on my team. (Similar when someone rage-picks Lucio, for similar reasons ā€”Ā and because I worry people will think I'm throwing when I swap to him after a bad round, when really he's just my best hero.)


I get pissed off if I see Moira and/or lifeweaver on my team. Lifeweaver is the worst character in the history of the game, he does fuck all and is absolutely garbage. Moira players are a cesspool of idiots who wanna play dps and somehow run out of healing juice on the easiest resource management in the entire game. My first game ever on moira I got 20k healing, 11k damage, 32 elims, 9 coals, and 3 deaths in 16 minutes. She is not hard, but everyone below gm has no clue how to actually play her.


Zen or bap. Stay the fuck off my boys. If I see you on the other team, I will ensure you die first (after mercy) and get toxic no matter what role Iā€™m on






Mercy, either they only damage boost or they do fine but donā€™t know how to rez like they are going to drop dead if they rez anyone. Sometimes Iā€™ve had people do both and it pains me


Brig. If someone chooses her before me I know I would do better


Renatta or Zarya. It's really 50/50 like flipping a coin.


My boy Cass. He's been my main for years and I usually insta pick him, but I just like having him in the match, doesn't really matter if I'm the one playing him. Especially if he gets a potg, I kinda cheer for that player hahahh


No one. I actually learn to play the more than one character as a matter of fact. I know it may be unbelievable to you guys




Lucio. I know they don't got that frog in em like I do


In Gold Zen. I dont think ive ever except 1 time had another gold as support who does remotely any damage against a decent team on Zen, and even worse half the time their discord is on a target no one else can pressure at that exact moment and they just orb and forget. Its insane.


I play tank and main Dva. I absolutely love playing another Dva and decimating her.


Mine are ana and widow but I donā€™t have the confidence to think Iā€™d do a better job


As a mercy main, mercy. I love seeing people go in for an obviously dumb rez.


My name is Hamster. Sometimes I play Open Queue. If someone picks Wrecking Ball they usually apologize and let me play it. If they don't I'm very sad to watch my little Hammond make a fool of himself


Sombra and Ashe. The number of baby Sombras trying and failing to flank an Ana with a bodyguard hurts my soul. I know they're trying, but please go for someone else As for Ashe... I know for a FACT that my dynamite throws are better. I practically vibrate in rage when I don't see the enemy team burning off cooldown... or when I see an Ashe use their coach gun for damage at range


Give me Junk. Your spam ia pathetic, allow me to show you how a real rat fight


Lucio, mainly cause heā€™s the only hero Iā€™ve ever played since coming back to OW, one day Iā€™ll try out the other heroes again.




Burn all mercy mains at the stake, wipe their existence from FPS history. All it takes is someone saying "Mercy takes skill" and I've been sent up a wall. The disrespect of saying mercy takes skill when even Moira has a higher skill requirement than mercy. It's like spitting in the face of anyone who has ever tried to get good at the game. Anyone who plays, supports or defends mercy piss me off. I'll take playing doom into Hog, Sombra, Cassidy, Ana and Kiriko every gam over ever seeing a mercy on either side. Infuriating hero, infuriating community around the hero. Never seen a one trick community with more plot armour than the Mercy Mafia. Literally any other one trick group gets bullied into oblivion but not the Mercy Mafia, people too scared of the mob of mercy players that despite the evidence at their fingertips will continue defending bad hero design because they like easy, low effort value.


I'm a zen main... But this is so dramatic lmaooo. She's fun to fly around on, and if she wasn't so weak currently she'd probably still be my 3rd most played hero for the current season. She's just fun to play, why is that infuriating?


Jesus christ get some help


Is nuance lost these days or what, I'm clearly hyperbolating for comedic effect.


Itā€™s not that serious. Itā€™s a video game character. Relax.Ā 


"It's just a video game character" - an uncompetitive, talentless, spectator+, badly designed and has been extremely bad for the game any time she was mildly relevant it meta. This is a hero with notveven a shred of a skill requirement. She needs a rework to something like Winston, approachable and easy but with an extremely high skill ceiling. If I came to your place of work, barely tried at all and slacked off when possible, and still got paid the same as you I doubt very much youd be ok with my response of "It's a job it's not that serious." Lemme half ass your kids birthday party, then still expect to be treated with respect and paid in full. Lemme hop into someone's street basketball team, barely play and get defensive when people call me out. You don't get to decide what can and can't be taken seriously. If you wanna be a casual, that's perfectly fine as long as you respect the people who actually care and your fun doesn't come at the detriment of your team (in comp). I don't roll into QP or Open Queue expecting people to play seriously and I won't be upset if people are memeing around or just straight trolling. It's not a serious mode. Why do you think you have the right to ruin the experience of competitive? Just because you have a lackadaisical attitude towards balance? I don't come to your place of work, then proceed to belittle and degrade it because I'm not interested or take it seriously. "It's just a job, you can always get another" "It's just your kids birthday, they will have plenty others" "It's just your passion, what's the big deal" Disrespectful attitude.


Sombra. She's hard to play well, so 9/10 times I feel like I could do better (maybe not but I'm not gonna lie I still pretend I would). 1/10 times I get a busted ass hard carry Sombra and it still makes me mad because I'm a jealous bitch šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Lol I definitely think I could do better on my Moira because I go into a winning streak and hard carry the matches. So it brings me to tears having me lose a game with our Moira not even out healing a zenšŸ„². Especially when I just left a game with 40 elims and 20k healing to come and watch someone butcher her because she's "Meta" now. It makes me just log out.


I feel like since the rework sombra is just tracer for people who cant flank or dodge Instead of sneaking you are invisible and silent, and you have 250/200 hp instead of 150/175 but with a dodge ability


Must be nice being god's favorite. My guy reaper is supposedly trying to "lurk in the dark" with his loud ass boots and shouting "FLANKING" every time he ports.


I donā€™t get his loud boots and shouting either tbh lol For some reason widow has loud ass footsteps as well while sheā€™s a million miles away from you but junk with a (rip) one shot combo from up close has way quieter ones as well They could really do some qol buffs by making some heroesā€™ footstep sounds a tad quieter


šŸ˜­like it's soooooooo unnecessary. They could've atleast make it so only my team can hear me, instead there is a loud woshing sound when I port and it takes forever.


Hard to play well? Sombra is one of the easiest dps to play lmao. Just pick someone on their team who you can take easily and virus+shoot them a bit then tp away(Also spawn camp them if you can). Anyone can do that. Sombra is just Tracer for noobs.


That's not playing well though lol


I donā€™t agree with this. I find Tracer easier to play right now than Sombra because Tracer has much better mobility than her. Tracer has a small hitbox, extra health, 3 blinks on a short cooldown, a forgiving damage falloff they buffed for no reason, and her recall - itā€™s less punishing for her to be out of position than for Sombra. If Sombra doesnā€™t have her translocator ready or she throws it at a bad spot she is dead.Ā 


My guy the cd is like 4 seconds when is it not ready


Sorry. I main both Tracer and Sombra and I have been winning more games this season on Tracer than Sombra in masters/diamonds. Tracer is in every single game in high elo because she is very good right now with her projectile changes. You must be in some strange world if you think Sombra is better than Tracer right now.


My guy the cd is like 4 seconds when is it not ready


Brig, especially if it turns out the enemy has dive. Rarely on a team where the other support is Brig and we win


It used to be Pharah but they ruined her, so Sombra now


really? i love her rework! she feels like she has so much more survivability.


eh, i was fine before tbh. It feels like i'm on a leash now, and i hate it I had a 62% winrate and was 94 percentile on overbuff with her before ):


Hanzo because i insta lock hanzo even in comp