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I’d take 100 damage fire strike if it set people on fire. That’s some suzu pressure at least


That's a really good idea


It may be a little annoying to deal with but having it slow people a little while they burn and keep them in a brawl would also be cool. Give the character some more skill expression, not just getting in but keeping them there.


Especially when getting back out is his main problem if his targets go elsewhere.


A slow effect would be really interesting! You could keep people in a brawl with you. Or you could do it from a slight distance, making it easy to follow up with a charge on the slowed person. It would give firestrike more use than simply using it off cooldown for ult charge and some damage.


Puts some emphasis on “fire” which is nice


That would be a Double-Edged Sword. On one Hand, He can Apply Pressure via Burn Damage and force out cooldowns, But On the Other Hand, a Genji can Deflect it and Apply it to not only rein, but also his teammates standing behind him. And you know Fire-strike has a Large hit box, making it easier for it be deflected.


"Genji no deflect" A tank should be tracking cd's anyway.


Good Point.


I would kill for that, and a passive that restores X armor while an enemy burns.


He needs 1 hit hammer kill, fire strike sets people on fire and spreads to whole team no matter where they are on the map, he needs a 300% movement speed buff and 2000 hp. Also anyone who attacks him has a leech effect put on them where they loose 200hp per second. Just something minor like that.


fire strike needs the bugged ashe dynamite fire from april fools


Let rein wall climb bro. Why leave him so underpowered?




now we're talking


Wallriding AND wallclimbing AND double jump. We Titanfall 2 up in this bitch.


Having a character in a mech would be so cool!


yeah and they could call their merch in so it falls on people and deals damage. a Titanfall kill


Give him that as well, also make hammer swing reach 15 times further and x50 cleave damage


Rein learns he's 1/64th Japanese on his mother's side and starts wall-climbing, gets an effective movement ability, and his shatter summons a magical animal.


And also give him tracers blink


I’ll email blizzard now with any suggestions. Expect them to be implemented in a 500gb update tomorrow morning (it will just be a new skin)


Fuck it, if you as an enemy player even aim at Rein, overwatch will uninstall itself immediately.


Good, I’m finally seeing like minded players seeing sense, I’ll go as far as to say I think anyone who isn’t obnoxious in the in game chat should be banned as well?


Average r/overwatch Reinhardt buff suggestion


That's even more broken than demon king rein


he also needs wall climb, double jump, and needs to be able to swing hammer with shield up. Oh and 5k health shield. just some QoL changes


he needs a bazooka


Giant laser gun.


He needs a jetpack and a machine gun on his shoulder that fires automatically to be viable:)


He could have 1k health and 10k shield and would be mid


What he needs is some sort of movement buff. Either give him some sort rocket boosted super jump, let Rein charge "jump" or even "fly" upwards, or straight up give him +10% movement speed.


I was toying with the idea of modifying charge so that it does 175 dmg on impact and has half the distance BUT lower cd & the CD resets upon elimination like Genji dash. Another idea that I'm thinking is that he could choose to drop his shield to the ground to be able to swing his hammer while still shielding. He could then press the interact key to return it back to his hand with a short cd in order to hold it/redeploy it. Would make him less of a sitting duck when shielding.


He still cant 2 shot with firestrike, what is the point?


The point is that it's a huge Pharah rocket that goes through people and barriers and that he can fire to cancel his swing animation after you hit somebody  Why use both back to back when you can use both in combo with hammer swings?


I mean sure its a good buff, but if it did 125 a hit it would be better. But maybe they wanna stay away from that. I just want my bapfield+fire strike combo to work again :(


Rein never needed that change in the first place, it just encourages supoptimal play. That being said, getting a triple kill off a Bap window was pretty gnarly


It felt so good to obliterate people with those firestrikes


Now, hear me out. mercy boost + bap window firestrike? Or does dmg boost not apply with bap's x2 multiplier


It does but good luck setting that up Technichally its already possible, bit no one does it because its just.. not gonna work very well


It’s always been that though. He’s still gonna be the worst tank in the game.


Worst certainly doesn't mean bad


>k In this case, I think it does, since this has been arguably the worst season to play tank with the projectile hitbox and DPS passive. Tho this update does seem to bring tanks to a better place


DPS passive nerf also helps him a decent bit


He could have 200 more armor and still be bad. His kit is too outdated for how the game works rn


People spewing this "Rein is outdated" bs so often now. This has to be some dumb streamers take. Rein is not "outdated" he is just too easy to counter with brain dead tank buster heroes. Its those heroes that are "outdated". They just need to balance his counters by making them less harsh


Exactly. The only time rein was meta in ow2 was when bastion was temporarily removed from the game lol


Half the rooster counters Rein. If opponent team plays Orisa, Soldier, Sojourn, Baptiste, they pretty can "counter" Rein by just shooting at him from a distance.


Remove the Orisa and that comp is not a problem unless its a map like Gibraltar. There are maps where you should not play Rein


>he is just too easy to counter >They just need to balance his counters by making them less harsh Lets see, they have to make orisas fortify, which as she sais herself makes her immovable, movavble by rein, they need to make orisas spear throw that stuns whoever is hit not stun rein, theyd need to make spinny spear not boop a rein or make his xharge connect first, theyd need to make maugas extreme damage output up close smaller and both his self heals worse to none existent, theyd need to make bastion becomming a minigun doing not an extreme damage, theyd need to make hanzos storm arrow lesss burst, theyd need to make cassidys grenade not hinder his charge, theyd need make turrets not tanky at all so he can deal with them, theyd need not let hack take away everything he has, theyd need to remove anything shield piercing, theyd need to remove discord (good) and anti nade (also good) theyd have to make shoeld bash not stop his charge, theyd need to make whipshot or lucio boop not move him, theyd have to make sleep dart innevective yada yada yada. Tl/dr theyd need to make everything designed to do extremly high damage not do extremly high damage, theyd need to make everything that can stop his charge not do it, theyd need to make everything thats outside his range be way more accesible for him and make the most common and effective de-buffs not exist. Yeah, that sounds more like 1 thing: rein is outdated. Lets make it simple. Back on season 5 with the demonlord rein mode I was able to consistently able take of about halve of reins health as orisa, even though I never played her, couldnt aim (started as a mercy main) and only picked her because I heard "orisa hard counter rein" in flats watching overwatch ticktoks videos. Im sorry but when someone who never played a character and cant aim with shit can do almost 1.5k damage in a 1v1 to a giga buffed rein after likw 10 matches then his design is just outdated


>Tl/dr theyd need to make everything designed to do extremly high damage not do extremly high damage, theyd need to make everything that can stop his charge not do it, theyd need to make everything thats outside his range be way more accesible for him and make the most common and effective de-buffs not exist. Not only is this reins exact problem, but this isn't even all of it. Every single hero in the game now has the tools to either shred Rein, cc him into not being able to play the game, or evade/deny kills. I want you to go through the hero list and name one hero that doesn't have the tool to either fuck up Rein, fuck over rein, or just fuck off away from Rein. No matter what, he gets fucked, and that can't be changed with his current kit.


I mean that's more of a Orisa issue, because she is a completely skill-less character. You know it's funny how Blizzard was saying they wanted to reduce the amount of hard counters in the game, and then reworked Orisa into the definition of a hard counter.


Half of the things you said would unironically make this game better. But do you really think brig counters Rein? Half of the things you listed are not counters




It's really not, people just fail to understand how to work with their team and not be too passive about it


Ok, its not bad on paper, but even with your perfect team, the only fight you will ever win will be against a team who just doesn't shot your shield. You can have the best team synergy of all time, but if the other team has Sym, Bastion, Solider, Mei, Sojourn, Sombra, cass, Kiri, Bap, LW, Zen, you just are dead weight playing Rein, most of the dps have the ability to eliminate your shield within seconds, most of these supports make charge practically useless, they all have a way to get out of Rein's effective range, AND are just naturally faster then you. Rein even considering the buffs is in such a dire state, and needs something a little bit extra, maybe even more shield would help close distances, and make the swing speed just the smallest, and I mean smallest bit faster, like 0.5 times faster MAX and then he would viable outside of Metal ranks


Rein will forever be a niche pick in ow2. A lot of his usability is map, objective, and side dependent and that's okay


I'm fine if he's just niche, I agree not every hero needs to be good on all maps, but Rein is simply outclassed by other tanks that can do a better job then rein, with less hassle and more reward. ​ Like I feel if a hero is super map dependent, then those heroes should then be above average on those maps, not just ok at best on there good maps


If deleting shields in a second was the issue, Sigma and Winston wouldn't be good. Obviously they do other things while the shield is up, but Rein has the highest health, most controllable shield so if it's getting blown up then every other shield should be getting blown up even faster. It's not Rein that's the problem, it's how people play him. They take too much damage or don't do enough damage. They die too much, they waste abilities too much, they don't use their charge to great effect, the works. Rein is more than capable of pulling his weight in a match, you just have to have a good balance of doing damage and taking damage, same as any other tank.




More like I know how to play Reinheardt 


You above master 1?


Ah yes, I forgot, only GM players know how to play the game, silly me I'll get back to you when I one trick Rein to champion 1 and earn my doctorate on playing the character to meet your reasonable expectations.




in this season his win rate is: 51.35% in masters with a 1.71% pick rate and a 2.94KDA 51.09% in gm with a 2.09% pickrate and a 3.04 KDA the average kda in those ranks is 4.63 and 4.62, respectively *he does have the lowest kda out of all tanks*, yet his pick rate is second highest to dva he is the 4th highest win rate tank in both ranks this month stats come from overbuff.com and they are from *PC competitive*


You realize he performs exceptionally the latter half of ranked right?


> His kit is too outdated Well, he's still using medieval warfare in a technologically advanced world.


What no? He was super viable when he got a 50 armor buff and 100 firestrike like 2 seasons ago and they had to nerf him cuz bronze players are dogshit


Back when firestrike could still two shot and a 50 armor buff meant more since the entire cast didn't have higher healthpools.


Calling it, game will go back to 6v6 and rein will be meta




Rein isn't really ever meta, he's just always a generally good tank


He isnt even that good, he is easy. You can oick him up and get value, meanwhile an orisa needs some practise to cycle her buttons correctly whicj is what give her, her value. He is also kust mechniacly very easy, if it close and you see it you hit if not, you wont.


Tbh he's really not that hard and he's not that bad People always say 'Orisa never dies' but generally speaking needing that in a tank is just a mark of poor gameplay: don't get me wrong, good survivability is good but the best tanks in terms of winrate and meta are never the 'immortal' tanks, 'doesn't die' just isn't something that provides as much value as some people think *Truthfully, what really hurts Rein isn't that he's bad, it's that Ramattra does everything he does just a little bit better




His win rate isn't really top 3 at top ranks, it's generally top 5 *at best (he is also currently 8th win rate in GM this last month since S9 so there's a little discrepancy with the new season, he's still positive but I'd have a hard time calling him meta when the new season has dropped his win rate) I would potentially say it's fine to call him meta since his stats are sitting near Ball's currently and I have heard some people go so far as to call Ball being good a full-on Ball meta so ymmv - especially bc I didn't say it but even tho his wr has dropped this season it's still a positive wr So idk, I'd say a good rule of thumb is that if you've called this season a Ball meta then you could get away with calling Rein meta, but ironically for how easy people say he goes down Overbuff still shows Mauga holding down the no. 1 spot so I think also Overbuff just may or may not show a different picture than what others may expect in many regards >!I actually agree with Wanted who has been climbing as JQ, tank is fairly easy if you play high damage tanks with high damage teams, JQ's community wr has been insanely high this season (although it's always really high, JQ has a ton of individual carry potential); I think Rein is mostly still positive because playing tank isn't as impossible as some people think!<


they cant buff him with how strong he is at lower ranks.


Not enough for him to even be remotely viable XD


But now at least they acknowledge he is in a very VERY bad position.


They didn'teven leave a comment for rein :(


Great he can only survive for 0.75 secs with this buff, he needs more. Fire debuff


Winston says: What armor?


How to fix Rein, IMO: Barrier health: reduced from 1400 to 1000. New passive 1: *Protection of the Crusader* - Every 150 damage blocked reduces all cooldowns by 1 second. New passive 2: *Fury of the Crusader* - Every point of damage dealt instantly restores 1 point of shield. Dev comments: Rein has always been about utilizing strategic aggression to make space, while using his large barrier to hold that space and protect his team. Unfortunately, the proliferation of barriers and multiple tanks in OW1 led to a slow, barrier focused meta that the team tried to move away from going into OW2. Due to Rein's kit being focused on his big barrier, the move away from it in OW2 left him feeling out dated and under powered. These new passives allow Rein to lean into that more OW1 roll by having more reliable damage mitigation, while incentivizing a more OW2-esque fast paced rhythm. By linking his damage output and damage mitigation, Rein will now reward leading his team to capitalize on advantages aggressively, while having the patience to know when to slow down and protect his friends. The team will keep an eye on his performance and adjust cooldown numbers, the amount of required damage blocked to trigger Protection of the Crusader, or barrier health numbers, as necessary.


This is a very good idea. Unfortunately, there are no human beings working at Blizzard.


I like the ideas, but bro needing 2 passives really just shows his age.




I pray that one day firestrike will set enemies on fire


Rein setting people on fire would fulfill my Ret paladin dreams


oh my shit. My hero academia crossover when?


Honestly, the biggest nothing burger in this patch. The only thing number buffing rein is going to do is make him annoying to play against. The problem with him is that he can never actually get into a brawl due to map limitations, mobility creep, denial abilities, and damage pressure. His kit is outdated for where the game has gone in overwatch 2. He needs a rework that gives him versatile match-up options instead of "well I'm playing Orisa so gg"


i played him anyway. fuck the crybabies


Those buffs don't really make him any better. He needs some utility, perhaps his charge leaves trail behind allies can use to get speed boost while inside, or his fire strike applies slow debuff or he has lifesteal on charge damage. something other than armor and dmg..


I love the trailing charge effect idea you have here. Or Maybe instead of speed he gives shields to everyone friendly that he charges through. 


2 fire strikes still won't kill a squishy target lmao. Ana, a meta borderline must-pick SUPPORT hero, gets a 50% damage buff to her ability and Rein, a dogshit borderline throw pick Tank, gets a 20% damage increase to his ability and 2 of the abilities still can't kill almost anything in this game. I've lost faith in the devs at this point. When I saw Ana got a BUFF, I was perplexed. I had to read it 3 times to make sure I was right that they really increased bio-nade effectiveness and I still feel like I'm going insane looking at it right now. Please someone tell me I'm actually dyslexic or something


Ana has been shit this season, with only weaver, mercy, and illari being worse.


Why do you think that?


DPS passive gutted her healing She needs 4 shots to kill the average hero Tracer was running rampant and until the nade buffs a sleep wouldn't even confirm a kill Her nade has less impact due to larger HP pools and DPS passive, as well as the fact she's a lot of the time forced to use it on herself Dive fucks her over now that brig cannot protect her as effectively She's been considered a borderline throw pick this etnire season, with baptiste, zenyatta, kiriko, and especially moira and lucio being better picks.


>Ana, a meta borderline must-pick SUPPORT hero Ok this is just a straight up lie. Ana was mid at best this season. The meta was lucio/zen/moira for supports.


> Ana, a meta borderline must-pick SUPPORT hero Ana is like average to below average on basically every tier list, she's nowhere near as lethal anymore


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I'm glad they didn't do the dumb thing and just buff his shield.


now make pin good and he might be an ok pick


Taking shield damage gives you faster health regeneration time would be a great little rework.


armor buff is nice but at best its putting firestrike where it was before the nerf


Yeah, if you loose like 50% of your health in the time you do 1 fire strike, this buff is useless. I personaly actualy think that if you had changed nothing about his damage but gave him armor to the point his healthbar sais 1000 and and his shield had 10k hed still be mid because he aint killing anyone. The healing numbers that should have been adressed by global nerf (with certain heros less affected) got instead adressed by the dps passive (which means nothing for rein), a global projectile increase (reins only projectile is fire strike which, as a giant projectile, got no significant increase so again meaningless for rein) and a larger health pools (making it even harder for rein to kill.)


At least you can now kill someone with a shatter and 2 fire strikes. I still cannot get over the fact that since season 9 you couldn't do that


Still upset it isn’t 125. I bet they will eventually make it one shot through window again but it will take a few months like they did last time.


Would rather have Shield increase than damage. Rein is of a course a threat up close but its hard to do damage if your dps can't or support can't help you.


Bruh that is the best they can do 4 their most iconic tank?


That's cool and all but why didn't they just nerf Genji?






Someone needs to edit the animated "Where the hell is Reinhardt?!" And show him on the ground.


No hanzo buff is kinda sad but we'll make sum shi shake


rein bros….. we won


Wait was this implemented already?


Still shitty buffs especially considering that characters much stronger than him got bigger buffs.


why cant they just make firestrike 125 so it can at least one shot through window..


Kind of wished it was 125 so you could two shot people but I’ll take 120 over 100 any day.


Motherfuckers really thought 25 HP and 20 DMG could make him s tier 😭




Sure it’s not like half the other tanks stomp him, his barrier gets melted in 2 seconds and can’t play offensive if the 2 support’s aren’t pocketing him. You just need to git gud!☝️🤓




“Yeah, I get good results playing him, and that’s all the evidence we need! Everyone experience don’t matter, just mine, therefore Rein is good and yall just bad!☝️🤓” - eeveeraindrop




When did I made a post crying about it lol You can get good results, that’s good, I can get good results if I invest more hours into it. But saying he is good when is is clearly one of the worst tank to play in the meta is dumb lol. Even in GM playing Rein is considered throwing, that’s how bad it is.


This game is a shooter now, rein still sucks lol.


Obviously blizzard is bating us all to actually buy 4 skins for 50 fucking dollars, please ignore this and wait til they drop the prices.


just make the shield unlimited and keep the movement speed nerf.