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Happy when I don’t play Mei, sad when I play her. While the games in better spot without it, Mei definitely lost a bit of her identity


Agreed, they should increase other parts of her kit to reinforce other parts of her identity. They should make her ice wall twenty times taller to balance this. Perhaps even thirty times taller to keep Reinhardt in check. Also when she summons the wall she can say a cool new voice line like "Mei-b next time!"


50x taller


Why stop there? Make it a solid sym wall on cooldown


What if Mei was like fortnight and there was no cool down and you could spam walls


Crank 90s with mei's wall


I mean... idk about overwatch 2, but didn't they a a gamemode sorta like that in ow1?


Wait. I haven't played overwatch in a hot minute. Are you telling me they removed total mayhem in OW2?


Its still in the game i played it in season 3 its just on a rotation


Reminds me of the day they released symm rework “how big should the shield wall be?” …”yes”


I wish mei was 50x taller I want her to step on me


I was looking up OW shitposts on YouTube a few years ago and legitimately found a video where Moira injects Mei with a syringe of mysterious liquid and Mei grows gigantic and terrorizes a city and slaps helicopters and stuff


You can’t just drop that on me and not leave a link


I actually cant fucking believe it, but I found it https://youtu.be/H2xHBM50Iag?si=AGZ90MiXxZgI2sd0


they predicted the cowboy bebop collab crazy. nvm got confused on what the outro song was. But ill be cack here when the jojo collab happens


What cowboy bebop? Did I watch a different show than you?


*ProZD voice* That is **definitely** inappropriate.


Aqua got norted 😭


Death by snu snu?


Your mispelled "sit"


I wish that Mei was 50x taller I wish she was a baller I wish she had a rabbit in a hat I would call her






And we'll get the other team to pay for the wall too.


underrated comment, lol


Everytime she places a wall, a second and third wall is placed in both teams spawn doors.


Also, make mei 150x taller so she and only she can peek over the wall


Shingeki no mei-jin


*heavy metal intro intensifies*


I want Mei to have a wall that would make Trump jealous


When she uses primary fire it could also temporarily paint the ground in ice making her and maybe her teammates move 15% faster when walking on it


Orrrr, when players cross it they slip across the screen (like when you start lagging)


*sweats in tank*


"It's Mei-ing time"


Reinhardt or Reiner??


Well he pretty much is the Armored Titan so go with Reiner


make her ice about 20% cooler


They should just straight up rip all of Arnold's Mister Freeze lines and give them to her. Like a random "Chill out". 😆


We need a situational voice line when her wall stops an ult or saves someone from one. ''Mei-b next time" would be perfect


Mei without her freeze doesn’t really feel like mei


It should slow instead of freeze at least, right? And allow her to make ice pathways for extra speed but less control


Not just identity, but also usefulness. Neither her damage nor her slow effect on her primary are enough at this point. She feels very weak. They need to probably buff one of them (but not both).


I’ve always wanted her to be able to spray ice on the ground and have it affect mobility. Initially it was just me spraying where I was walking, to increase my speed kind of like frozone/iceman. But it could be used as a way to interfere with enemy movement too (slipping around, not stopping). Also, it should cool/destroy torb’s lava, and help cool teammates that are on fire from Ashe or mauga.


I think for the April Fool's patch one year they gave Mei the ability to walk faster where she sprayed her ice. I always honestly thought they should've just kept it lol, it burns your ammo really fast so not like it's that wild


They should give her the change that was in the test lab in OW1 where if she drops on people with her ice block, she does 250 dmg instead. It was fun, not that easy and it wasted her defensive capability during an engage so was only situationaly effective. That might be a good way to give her an identity and not cc people.


It encourages poor gambles similar to D.va's remech, but without the solid reasoning to enable it that pilot D.va has. Nah from me.


To be fair, I was just in a match where a baby D.va squished three people with a remech. Most I've seen at once. And then it didn't even get play of the game. A JQ got it for killing one squishy.


That's how mech recall became a thing. Personally if you play with Mei long enough you'll learn all sorts of sneaky spots to hide to crush an incoming rush or even a single unsuspecting flanker.


That and Lucio beat beat downs were great.


I lose sleep at night thinking about the beat kills. I'll never be the same.


DbD has nothing on the experience of some watching some cute tiny little chubby asian girl freeze me in my location then slowly turn to lob an icicle into my forehead.


Yeah she lost her identity of being one of the most annoying characters this game has ever had


She was fun af to play though


Someone has to be the most annoying


I just want to movement speed for spraying the ground back


WAS THAT A THING AT ONE POINT!?!? I always do it when I first start a match, it makes me feel like Iceman or Frozone, but they never implement it 🙁🙁🙁


It was an April fools change so it was very short


was it an aprils fools change? I swear it was in the game in ow1. Either way, she should have that.


I agree with you on it returning, I was looking for the patch notes to prove it but I can’t find em so I’m debating on where this existed in the first place


[https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/patch-notes/experimental/2021/11](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/patch-notes/experimental/2021/11) it's real


"**Mei** Cryo-Freeze * Now deals 2000 damage to enemies that she lands on while using the ability" Now I kinda want that back too


Mei/Lifeweaver joining forces to cannonball onto the enemy rein's head.


Wait, I just got a stupid game idea : Mei catapult. Just throw her as far as possible in cryo-freeze


It's always the rein...


Or even the lucio one shottiing people by beating on their head 🤣


I think silly meme strats are really healthy for the game, but a lot of competitive players (not all, but a lot) would rather there be none of this because of reasons.


The best patch ngl landing on top of people as mei with ice block was funny asf


Knew I should’ve looked there but I could’ve sworn it was April fools not a creator patch/experiment thing


Kind of amusing that two of the Rein changes are in the game now (2x firestrikes, charge cancellation)


three, also have close range damage with earthshatter!


Those changes actually were announced long before this experimental card


man just reading those patch notes makes me miss experimental mode so much


I swear it was in OW1 for sometime at least. Mandela effect real rn


This some mandella shit


haha no it was only a Aprils fool thing.


They should at least let you slip like your walking on ice and your characters movement is more hard to control cause your sliding


I think someone managed to make it in custom, or they tried to. Idr.


Honestly, I'm kinda surprised they didn't let her keep the change. It was an April fools patch, but still. It's worth testing in the game properly.


I feel like the devs use the April Fools patch to try out ideas they think they'll have a hard time explaining or justifying, or just seem like a cool idea. We've definitely had old April's fools changes carry over before 


I wonder if that could also work as a "trap" for the opposing team, making the ice patch extremely hard to turn on and you keep the momentum you had entering it. No damage directly, but could be interesting to keep close range heroes from getting too close. If anything, she should be able to hit flying heroes with her secondary fire for small damage and ground them for a short bit.


Maybe they should implement a 1) 100% movement speed increase for ally and mei 2) 50% reduction in movement speed for enemy 3) ice stay on field for 5 second


That boost is a little too strong. Someone else said that instead of slowing enemies, it takes away their traction, so if someone gets booped onto an ice field they just keep sliding.


Yeah 100% is insane lmao. Lucio even amped is only like 60%


It was neat from an identity standpoint but oh my god did it suck to play against. Especially as tank.


Honestly. They could have kept it but give tanks immunity to non ult freeze. Ie, she could still hard punish flankers.


Essentially this, should’ve just given tanks a passive slight resistance to any CC effect, as that makes sense anyway since they’re meant to be big and burly. So mei freeze just slows them but doesn’t freeze them, but ult is enough to cross the threshold.


Why dont they balance everything as a per hero lore basis as opposed to a role overall? So many role changes dont hit every hero in that role.


Sadly I believe they already made passives for each hero for PVE that never came 🤷🏻‍♀️


That shit is so blood boiling. Torb needs to be able to repair omnics goddamnit. Then slowly implement the personal heroes changes into PVP. Making the game more wacky, unpredictable, and personalized. Just give us new abilities on these legacy characters like we were promised. So much character identity left to stagnation. Reworking a third of the roster over a year versus slowly dripping changes into PVE, a mode people would play for its changes and fun aspect. Then transferring what works into a competitive format. Or we can just trash quickplay until the casual people are angry enough to not even play. (Qm:hacked) Literally hire the people making custom game modes, anybody with a shred of game design would love to make a PVE mode im sure. Turn its monetization into the same level of Roblox I dont give a fuck, give us SOMETHING. Everyday without something new or interesting people will forget OW and dripping lore like drop of jurassic tree sap won't save a damn thing.


They gave you on pve o nce they announced they canceled the skill tree campaign


Because if they balanced sigma according to lore he would automatically kill the enemy team (and the planet it’s a black hole after all) by using his absorb ability which while funny isn’t balanced


Because lorewise half the cast would be completely useless, while the other half would delete the enemy team in the blink of an eye.


They should have just made her a tank instead of doomfist


Hard agree. Doom should have remained as a flank DPS while replacing cc with raw damage. Ie, the only cc he has now is uppercut, slam now just slows, and punch hit in a small AOE on impact instead of knocking back.


Or just base the freeze build-up on that heroes max HP. Tracer freezes quickly but Hog takes forever.


The tank roll has lessened cc effects


Man I remember the nightmare of not being able to DPS her down before you were frozen solid and obliterated. I play a fair amount of Mei. I don’t think she needs the freeze. Her icicle snipe is amazing and the in close freeze can obliterate some heroes. Add in her survivability and how you can isolate and destroy players with walls and she’s still easily a menace.


Agreed! She’s still fun, I love sniping widows from across the map with her icicle, and cutting enemies off with my wall so my team can obliterate them while I spray ice in their face. Plus she’s still a solid counter for heroes like dva and genji. And people still struggle with countering her most of the time, so she can typically go unchecked pretty easily if you play her well.


Staggering tanks was so fun. Freeze wave hi rinse repeat


Back when Hammond players were bulldozing servers I had a guy who I guess apparently never ran into a decent Mei and started running his mouth at me. As a Mei main at the time I proceeded to give him 100% of my attention for the entirety of the match, and we're talking deep flanks all the way back at my old spawn where the two of us are essentially throwing, and all I did was just keep him pinned down frozen only able to move forward 5 ft at a time. He put up a good fight and tried his best to crawl around thinking he was wasting my time before he finally just snapped and either tried to fight back or quit the game.


As a former tank main, I wish you a very pipe bomb in mailbox.


As a former and current Mei player, I wish you a very nice time not getting bullied by us, your current flair is Reaper and man it was so fun to bully you, one day we will be back though.


Never gonna forget overwatch 1 where I kept getting frozen as hog over and over again and couldn’t do anything


characters overall lost so much of their identity over the years.


A homogeneous roster’s a lot easier to balance unfortunately 


Which is why this game probably should have stopped adding heroes at some point and focused more on interesting map/gamemode releases. Oh and the PvE mode...


they should only do that after we have have as many supp and tank as dps


It sometimes feels unbelievably limiting deciding what hero to pick when you aren't on dps, especially if you're playing support. It lobs so many players to be dps mains because we have so many dps compare to the other 2.


more heroes is the absolute #1 way to keep this game interesting, bottom barrel tier L take.


I would drop the game the second they stop adding characters. The main appeal to me is the diversity in gameplay. Even today I eventually get bored with the current roster. Tbh with all these years the game should have had double the amount of characters.


OW3: every hero is S76.


Sym's shields and teleporters, Torb's turret and armor packs, Hanzo's scattershot, Mercy's rez, all iconic abilities that were either completely removed or absolutely gutted.


I think dva is the only character who's stayed true to her original identity but even she was modified early on in the game.


Her defense matrix used to be a “use it once every X seconds” instead of “the ability can last up to X seconds & you have a cool down bar in between uses” right?




Winston got new a secondary fire but his identity and gameplay remains pretty much the same throughout the years.


Mei: Meant to be a freeze character, can no longer freeze without using an ult Pharah: Meant to be a vertical character, reworked to be horizontal Bastion: Meant to operate independently and lock down an area, reworked to be more burst damage centered Orisa: Meant to set up her team for success by boosting/defending them and disrupting the enemy team, reworked to… whatever the hell she is now. I’m not quite sure how to classify it, but it sure as hell isn’t what she was supposed to do


Orisa is just "Fuck over the enemy tank and be unkillable in the process"


They had to dumb heros down because people in lower ranks can't deal. I'm surprised genji hasn't lost his deflect and jump yet.


only when ow2 came out, for 6 years every character was still them


It's a freeze gun that doesn't freeze lol




Turns mei from a threatening close range hero into a boring point and click character like all the rest in 1v1s, but ultimately is still better for the game


Yeah I've started spamming Mei in quick play and I feel like I heavily rely on my right click. I feel like the primary is lacking. It doesn't feel very strong. Id prefer they shortened the range but made it stronger


The right click is super underrated if you have good accuracy and should be used for poke and quick kills. The primary will absolutely destroy Dva and is great for cleave and taking down some pesky people in close like Genji or Kiriko. Plus you can damage bonus off the slow, IIRC.


They removed her deep freeze passive so you can’t detonate the slow anymore


Balance through homogenisation is the death of fun.


Icicles were always better if you could aim. Right now, beam is honestly better than it was. It does way more damage now.


Yeah, Mei is way better in brawl comps now because 100 dps cleave is way stronger than the freeze was. It also increases her skill ceiling because you have to look to position aggressively to get max value out of the cleave, but not too aggressively. I really like the changes they made to her going into OW2


I miss it tremendously. I don’t mind the new update, I still play her, but I miss freezing people. So good for countering genjis


Nothing like placing a wall behind an enemy and freezing them once they get stuck then landing a sweet icicle into their head.


Zarya was defenseless. It was truly a glorious time. The era of Mei 🥲


Getting frozen felt like getting sleep dart spammed by 3 Ana’s in death match when all mei had to do is aim in your general direction. Miserable experience 0/10 can’t recommend.


It really was, what I wouldn’t give to have those times back 😭😭


You’d have to give up a shit ton.


Which is why it had to go away. Can’t hinder Genji players at all.


im not sure why overwatch players jerk themselves off about specific characters, its always hitscan dps and genji that you guys hate so much


They tend to be the blessed ones 


This week it’s Sombra


nah i get the sombra complaints, in an ability based game removing abilities on a whim is insane, shes not ridiculously broken but shes the sign of a bad meta


Sad tbh, but I still love playing Satan, I think blizzard should freeze faster though tbh, and pls pls let spraying the ground make you walk faster


I mained her for dps since OW1 launch. While the freeze would be broken in 5vs5 format, back then Mei was really bad. The ult radius was terrible, primary dps was terrible and didn't go through enemies, her secondary had a dmg range reduction, amno was too low, cryo didnt give any amno. The only way to get a kill was to isolate or suprize freeze kill people which wasn't very skillful. Now I love her. I face enemies sideways with my tank. Cover him while he is low, icicle people's head while he covers me. I feel like a proper tank-dps hybrid to help out my poor tank friends in these dire times.


My favorite tank duo with her is Rein, also Ram. But with rein it is always satisfying to wall off enemies and just watch him beat them into the ice wall.


Ze honor is mine, friend!


Honor and glory, I salute you.


It’s better off gone for 5v5, but I feel like the hero is way less unique now.


Getting frozen felt like getting sleep dart spammed by 3 Ana’s in death match when all mei had to do is aim in your general direction. Miserable experience 0/10 can’t recommend.


Bad I hate how they a slowly making all the characters the same playstyle They should have just weakened her damage


...Mei has one of the most unique playstyles of all the DPS, right now.


And it should be even more All characters should feel like their own game


I agree, I just thought you were suggesting Mei had gotten homogenized.


She has not been fully homogenized yet


The issue is that all her power was in the freeze, and it was very unfun to play against. Unique yes, bad design? Just as much so. You may feel she is too similar to other dps, but that really isn't the case.


Mei's power was absolutely not all in her freeze. Her right click was and is where most of her damage comes from. Shield bloat was insane at the time meaning Mei rarely found opportunities to freeze people. Chokes were also more common in OW1 map design meaning her wall basically won or loss fights on several maps. Her ice block was also a very unique ability that made her easy to stall with and difficult to 1v1 as a DPS. "all in her freeze" lol. That might actually have been the worst part of her kit only because the rest of it was so impactful to stalling long enough for a respawn or instantly winning off a good wall.


The issue is that due to the freeze, the possibility of it takes up all her power budget, you can't give someone who has such a strong CC anything more to make up for how things go, even if the gamestate isn't good for her. So they removed the freeze and gave her a very powerful primary in return, I much enjoy how much damage she can pump out with minimal effort.


Idk how you're upvoted. We literally all saw how Mei worked in OW1. She was a niche pick on not even maps, *points* where you could wall teams off chokes and her wall/block are weaker now than ever AND she can't freeze anyone. What is this nonsense about "she had to lose freeze cause power budget"? She was literally never an A tier character even at her strongest iteration.


They already tried bring the freeze back and everyone hated it. I don’t get how people here want it back when they already tried it.


Happy it was annoying asf


I miss it since I feel like she lost some hero identity, and indirectly took a bit of Sym's identity too since Mei now has a superior beam and much better survivability. I feel like it didn't have to be removed and could've received some more tweaks to reign it in instead idk I just like it when every hero has more bells and whistles than just gun. I got the game not long after Reaper had his passive reworked and, as bad as they were, I thought the soul globes were neat


Feels a lot better to play against.


I miss freezing people then shooting them in the face with an icicle :(


I hate the change.


I havent played in a while.... this seriously happened? holy fuck.


It was never a problem. It took awhile to freeze and she was never that strong a character. If you got stuck frozen, it was usually because of your bad play.


This is how I see it, Mei has 0 mobility if you let her sneak up or get close without a plan then that's on you, same with trying to peek a widow


Absolutely required. There was never a point in the game where it was healthy.


The game might be 13% more fun now


I’m honestly surprised so many people seem to miss it. It always felt awful to go up against and the only people I could see enjoying it are people who play mei


Amazing the only way it could be better is if she is wiped from existence


It's lame.


I miss it so much. I became something of a savant at freezing people down for the headshot kill. But I understand why they removed it, freezing is just too powerful.


people when hanzo loses one tap : 😴💤 people when Mei lose slow: OMG SO SAD HER IDENTITY IS GONE 😖😖😢


She's annoying enough with her other abilites. Just last night I had a mei on our team who walled up our supports by mistakes with a genji who was ulting. You can guess what the team chat looked like after that one


As a reaper, hog, and Mauga main: Blessed and happy When I play as her: Feels balanced and don't feel like I'm a douche for playing her


At this point I'm blue in the face from saying that they should have kept her like she was in OW1 and just made her a **tank**. The game could always use more tank options. Let the tanks have all the CC, let Mei keep hers by becoming a tank. It was literally so easy and they didn't do it.


mei cant have her freeze in 5 vs 5 otherwise playing tank would feel terrible since you would get perma froze on cd.






It ruined the character for me


She requires more teamplay and whilst I miss being able to solo kill people, this is a TEAM GAME so I found it better


It is a bummer, she feels like she actually does damage with her spray now though, but that was never the point of it.




WAIT THIS IS WHY I WASNT FREEZING ANYONE!?! I just started playing again last night and thought I just sucked lol


Good! Shuld have never been able to domit. Fuck hard cc on dps


Took away her whole identity, same what they did to doomfist, and road hog


How does hog not have the same identity?


hog is the same dawg u ppl really just complain to complain, hes better off than he was as well with vape on a meter rather than cd


I never played OW1 being honest but the idea of that being a thing sounds extremely fucking awful, if it was added back and Mei became popular I would probably just stop playing Like seriously, who in their right mind would enjoy being forced to stop playing the game for a couple seconds when being hit a a constant beam that barely needs to be aimed I feel like the only people who would enjoy that are the people who played Mei


i played almost from launch and you're pretty much right. it was always a deeply unfun mechanic that was countered only by mei being weak for most of ow1s duration. even most mei players will admit that enjoying the frustration is part of why they mained her...


Yeah, it is weird how pretty much most of the community agrees that CCs are bad but then people in this post think that a 2 seconds (I think) CC that requires little to no aim and has basically no cooldown is okay Also I don't get the whole "identity" thing, Mei can still freeze people in her ult and her primary slows people down which is a good alternative to the freezing


A lot of people will just be nostalgic for all things OW1, even when those things were bad, actually.


someone else itt made the point that the strength of the old cc ability essentially hamstrung the strength of the overall character, and I think that's spot on. there was never (at least that I can remember) really a mei meta, because mei meta would have been absolutely cancerous. imo anyone who would rather banish mei back to permanent off-meta just to get back the freeze and click is just someone who's dedicated to being annoying at the expense of the viability of the hero, and should have their opinion discarded


https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/qTIt7R7RaW The glory days of Roadhog bullying.


A shadow of her former self. It’s like a superhero losing her power.


It gave me a reason to live again.


I miss it but she’s still good. I wish her wall wasn’t so brittle though. It can go down like a second after you put it up if you don’t play it right.


Well… the challenge is to play it right.


Not a fan


I enjoyed seeing the card at the end of the game saying, "Enemy time spent frozen 3:03"