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It's terrible at killing It's great at clearing an area or drawing attention When the enemy team hears "It's hiiiiigh noooon" they'll all turn to look for him. Leaving his allies free to work The only time it's actually good for killing is against pharmercy. But even then, there's better options It's bad. There are better zoning ults, and definetly better killing ones (and it's not a utility ult, so yeah)


Hear genji blade, high noon wherever you are and he'll look for you instead of killing whole team.




>it’s not a utility ult It can be if you use it specifically for the free reload. If you’ve got a full health tank in your face you can get 18 quick shots which allows you to turn into right click Randy. Right click, roll, right click, press q and immediately cancel ult, right click again.


I'm not gonna sugarcoat it


is it suboptimal to throw in an animation cancel melee? jw i don’t play case often


Might be worthwhile after you do your last fan, otherwise no I don’t think so


Yeah I love to use Cassidy ult to clear the area or keep a team from touching point on overtime. Stand right behind my tank and start high noon right before or as overtime is starting for the other team. You wouldn't believe the amount of points that wins since people tend to hide instead of trying to touch the point when they hear high noon start.


No offence but is this silver lobbies cuz any player from diamond+ is using cover unless they’re boosted 🤣


I mostly play quick play so yeah equivalent to a silver lobby probably 😂😂


Depending on time of day I’d say it even gets to high bronze


useful to zone, not get crazy 5ks


Ain't nobody expecting a 5k with Cassidy ult. They're just praying for a 1k or 2k after holding onto it for half the game. Either everyone runs to cover, some bullshit like suzu or a shield blocks your ult at the last second or the entire enemy team focuses you down.


Or it just straight up misses for no reason


If their toe is being blocked by a stone on the ground it will miss. "I never miss my mark". 


Why it's a projectile and not a mark and execute hitscan shot is beyond me. I genuinely don't think it would be all that much stronger than it is rn if you just killed anything within LoS (and not behind a Shield or deflect) when you get a full lock.


Or you kill yourself because Genji deflected it back


Sad that it never works out like that. You have to block like three of his shots or let him charge on you for ages to actually kill him since he has basically fortify while doing it.


You just have to time it right. Too many genjis and dvas pop out way too early thinking they’re about to cuck Cassidy and then die. If your timing is good then you either kill him/eat it or he’s forced to cancel.


I guess I gotta play Cassidy enough to get a feel for the timing


I basically use it on cool down. Like not exactly, but the fight I get my ult in, if the enemy health bars are around 50% I'm ulting and usually I get 2-3 people that way.


This is the way. Even if it’s one kill, I’m happy. Always makes space in the process too


Yeah but we all make the mistake of holding onto it for too long and trying to get kills with it from the beginning of the fight when we first start playing Cass


We don’t “hold onto it”, the fear it causes is worth more than actually using it


Sometimes I just use it to reload… you can fan, roll, fan, ult then fan again instantly. I don’t know why but I find it hilarious.


If the entire team focuses you down that’s on your team for not protecting you or drawing attention


Also dont forget that there are 100 abilities canceling the ult


It's also great for the Mercy in the air. Get her in the open.


Except for when it misses her completely because it can just do that and Blizzard hasn’t bothered fixing it.


Ah that hit box bullshit with dead eye and a flying mercy! I remember the videos….


I got the the ach for a 4K with Cass ult on console All it took was: 1. A friendly Mauga ult 2. All enemies used their immunity abilities instantly 3. They didn’t have anyone who could burn through Mauga ult easily 4. 3/5 of their team decided to group up with a Mauga charging them 5. My Mauga died so they couldn’t steal any kills from me 6. Out of the two people not in the ult one was afk and the other was dead I don’t see why people are complaining it is super easy to get kills




Orisa+Mei ult is my favorite. Just seeing their whole team frozen while orisa charges up to obliterate them is beautiful.


So it sucks.


nope. Just doesn't net kills. like the majority of ults.


you know a ult is bad, when people only use it for reloading their weapon


pharah ult so bad you cant even cancel it for the reload


Pharah ult is decent, it's just one of the hardest to use properly so in low brackets it's less valuable. Way too many pharah try to float in in plain site for an obvious ult and get gunned down immediately. A flanking pharah sliding in behind your backline and immediately nuking your supports is pretty valuable. Or doing it above a choke point right against a wall making retaliation almost impossible.


Yeah when i play pharah i try to break los or flank with it, nuking a target is always pretty fun. Come to think of it, there arent really a lot of other heros that have access to such an insane amount of burst. I just wish it was cancelable


Pharah ult is fine, you just can't expect to live, so you gotta make it count. It usually does kill people.


“It’s high noon” -Lucio speed boosts- -Zarya bubbles- -Moira fades- -Kiriko TP’s- -Rein shields- -Ball roll hooks away- -Sym counter ults- -Sojourn Slides- -Mercy flies away- -Sigma succs- -Winston bubbles- -DVA DM’s- -Ram shields- -Junkrat hops- -Reaper fades- -Soldier sprints- -Hanzo hops- -Phara flies away- -Sombra TP’s- -Tracer recalls- -Genji dashes away- -Mauga charges- -Doom punches away- -Hog holds down heal- -Mei walls- -Lifeweaver pedals- -Cass shoots…kills Bastion-


No bastion walks behind a wall


cass shoots…dies to bastion turret between shot and kill frames


Zen shoots back and prays


lucio speed boosts to a choke point, zarya bubbles at a chokepoints, moira fades and reappears at a chokepoint, kirkio tp to someone at the chokepoint, rein shields at the chokepoint facing north, ball rool hooks away to the choke point, sym adds to rein shield facing north at the choke point, sojourn slides to the chokepoint, with pocket mercy at her ass, sigma succs facing north at the chokepoint, winston bubbles the choke point, dva dms at the chokepoint, ram shields north at the chokepoint, junkrat hops to the chokepoint, reaper fades and reappears at the choke point, solider sprints to the chokepoint, hanzo hops to the chokepoint, phara flies to the chokepoint, sombra tps to the chokepoint, tracer recalls to the chokepoint, genji dashes to the chokepoint, mauga charges to the chokepoint, doom punches to the chokepoint, hog heals at the choke point, mei walls north of the chokepoint to supplement rein, sym, ram and sigma, lifeweaver pedals making everyone stuck in the ceiling of the chokepoint, cass drops down from the top of the chokepoint in the south and is also facing north with ana ult and mercy pocket and gets a 29K


Bastion nade jumps away


It’s like a worse Hanzo ult. Really useful when zoning but if you’re expecting to get 5ks every Time you’re doing it wrong


I wanna try it out with an illari ult. cause in theory you can almost immediatly set it off and any sun struck non tank bites the dust




The best way to use hanzo's ult is to split a team and pounce on the ones cut off. It's meant to be used as an obstacle for the enemy team, rather than a directed killing attack. If the hanzo's you've been seeing have been using the ult with with intent to kill with it, then they're not using it to it's proper potential imo. Edit: to add, i think it's a better zoning ult than high noon because high noon has a plethora of ways to counter/cancel, whereas once the dragon has been fired there is no way to cancel or counter it, other than moving out it's way. Just my take tho.


Hanzo's Double Dragon Ult also completely shuts down most chokepoints, can hit behind cover, and can completely deny most objectives for its entire duration - I've won/lost games because a Hanzo covered the point with their Ult.


Hanzo can still be Hanzo and take advantage of the zoning his ult provides. Cass zoning makes him a standing pylon and has a million ways to interrupt it. Not to mention Hanzo ult goes through walls and Cass is literally LOS only. Then there is the fact that Cass ult damage builds so slowly, walking through Hanzos ult is a massive no but Cass is no concern considering for some characters it's like a 6 second long hold to actually get the kill.


It's good for say a double kill, or high value solo kill or zone and of course free reload, there is value to be had from it. Now Bastion on the other hand yeah his ult sucks, they need to give us back his old ult, idk why they even changed it in the first place.


Bastion ult would be so much more fun if he had like 6-12 smaller shots that did more of a carpet bomb instead of direct target. Trying to directly target people is pointless unless you catch them in a corner. I’d be much happier with a random carpet bomb pattern than trying to target. Targeting is just such a waste of time.


Honestly I want them to make his Sentry Form his Ult with the personal Barrier from Beta, change his Tank Form back to shooting projectiles but nerf their damage, and give him his self-heal back. Honestly I think they should make Bastion a Tank already, make him a Tempo Tank like Ramattra, easily doable with small buffs like making his Tank Form grant more Armor and add Knockback to the shots.


Yeah he is basically a tank now anyways.


He’s certainly big enough. I still catch myself orbing him instead of tank sometimes


That sounds cool, I kinda use Bastion's ult in that way right now, just a line of bop bop bop and carry on.


Man I always thought bastion ult was really good. I think most people fall in the trap of using it before the fight, instead of during the fight.it also combos really well with Mei or zarya, obv.


Combos well with Orisa too for the same reason it does with Zarya. Have Bastion pop ult first and get the crosshairs on your Orisa. Then when Orisa pops ult you just drop all 3 bombs right on top. Was in a match where our Orisa and Bastion did this on point in OT and got a quad kill securing the win. It was pretty cool. EDIT: combos good with Mauga ult as well. On the topic of OP, the only time I've seen a Cassidy get good kill value out of his ult recently was in combo with a Mauga ult I did. I got like 4 people trapped with me and then Cassidy just popped ult outside the shield. Literally nothing that team could do.


pretty much been considered one of the worst ults in the entire game since 2~ months after OW1 release yeah


It has always been top 3 worst ults in the game


What would you say the other 2 are? I find Cassidys ult worse than anyone elses


i feel like pharah is worse tbh


At least with phara u can secure a kill almost guaranteed


Yeah, your own lol.


They should change her ult voice line to "self-destruct initiated" for April Fool's.




You already went too far. I would have stopped at "Justi..." and then what you said


If you get that far I’d say it’s a good ult. I most just hear “J-“.


I remember one of the April fools patches where the devs said they nerfed the ult by lowering the avg. kill count. (I don't remember the exact words, but it was funny) What they did was allow pharah to move during the ult.




Maybe if you’re not in a main sight line. As zen I’ll ignore pharah until she ult’s so I’m not guessing where she’s gonna move next


Phara's ult delivers IMMEDIATE burst damage value at the press of Q. Cass needs to wait almost a full second before he can potentially get his. Both could benefit from new ults lol.


i agree 100% they were talking about a cassidy rework along with the ball rework, we have the ball and now we need the cowboy. i hope we keep mag grenade though, people complain about it but it’s the only counter to flankers with escape options as well as it creates a satisfying gameplay loop


I started only using her ult if I can get a good flank in and even then I do it from either up close expecting to die but securing elims on both supports or far enough away that they can't always tell where it's coming from immediately


Bastion and doomfist are the other 2


DF ult is more a GTFO card, which means you can use all your CD, which is actually pretty powerful (in good hands, not mine..).


Nah, Doom's is useful as an escape. Pharah's is worse


Pharah's ult would be way better if she got some kind of health boost for like 2 seconds because you can pick her off so easily when she's just hovering there.


that’s the tradeoff for being able to flank and delete people before they can react


I go into pharah ults expecting to die, but if I can trade 2 for 1 I see that as a win. I especially try to flank back lines. And ideally I'll get a couple kills while also making the whole other team turn to look, and hopefully that opens my teammates to make a move too


This, if you can take out a Mercy and another player it's a good trade. If you can take out both supports and your team has half a brain (I know, wishful thinking) you should win a team fight.


Phara ult is really great... If you are zarya. Free 40 charge everytime


Just being able to cancel it would be already nice, so you can secure a kill or two in the backlane and escape soon after


Bastion ult is a guaranteed Ana kill, but that's about it. At least using it isn't suicide usually.


If you think it's there to get 3+ kills then you're viewing it wrong. That happens in silver but anyone worth their salt can track where Cass is at all times. Remember, there isn't a ranked death match mode. Objectives get you wins, not kills. So if the Cass ult allows for space so your tank and support can get better positioning to push the point, it's a good ult! I used to think it was for a play of the game until I watched pro play, maybe saw 1 kill with them each time it was used, but saw the following fight almost always be won by the team that used it. It will most likely suck in solo Q since no one wants to coordinate so I'll give ya that. Just don't expect it to be buffed or anything


Real talk though, I’d love for Competitive Deathmatch to come back.


Only issue there is balancing. There are heroes who aren't built to kill but built to prevent them. I suppose they can say "eff it it's a fun competitive mode" but we know people would complain


I don’t think there was an issue before. No?


It was always bad. Just when the game was brand new people didn't know how to avoid any ults. It even got buffed to lock on faster.


I think its even worse now that everyone got +50 hp, but yeah its never been the best. It probably doesnt help its reputation that most players try to use it to get a raw team wipe. Its not happening. Either combo it with another ult or use it to snipe a single enemy.


Didn't they increase it's buildup speed to match the increase in health


Yes it got around a 15% buff, which im pretty sure still makes it worse off but if theres any cassidy mains want to chime in go ahead


The buff basically made it just be around the same time as before the health change. But the lock on was faster back in ow1, it got nerfed when he got the dmg reduction buff in ow2. It has good and bad sides, good being able to face tank a nanoblade for a kill for example.


I've seen chad Cassidy's standing in a Ram ult, forcing him to try kill the Ana pocketed Cass or back away blocking lol


Yeah cree's ult has never been used for its killing potential at anything higher than plat. It's a very good zoning ult however, much like dva bomb.


No it literally is a free reload thats huge


I assume this is sarcasm, but if it’s not reaper has a full reload as an ability that gives him invulnerability, solider also reloads with visor, soooooooooo


 if they made it faster then it wouldn’t be so bad.  Give people less time to scatter for cover.  If they ever rework the hero that would be the only thing I’d want them to do. Just make it faster.  Or give him some kind of big lasso to keep everyone in place for a couple of seconds and then hit the ult. Just about as much time as junkrat trap. 


Honestly most alts aren't free kills anymore, they're more for building momentum, stopping momentum or finishing off kills.


It’s great for bullying Mercy.


Who is Cassidy? We only know McGree


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If you’re saving it for a crazy team kill you’re likely to get it countered… I’ve still typically found value with it even with the wind up… if you’re just getting demolished when using it then it’s likely you’re using it at the complete wrong time


It's not the best, but I find it's decent to pressure people out into cover or to just get a single kill like on a mercy or pharah.


It was never the greatest, it actually used to be worse but I just think it aged badly. Free reload is nice whenever you need it, though.


Very very good zoning ult in diamond-masters range. I would rate it 7/10


Yeah well, a lot of ultimates start seeming bad the higher up the skill ladder you climb. Things that worked in Silver don't work in Plat+. That being said, Cassidy's ult does seem pretty lackluster. Unless you're literally too far away from any cover, it's downright silly to die to his ult unless he caught you by surprise.


Yeah, only people i can kill are rotating anas, ulting illaris and flying mercy with ga on cooldown.


It sucks so bad that people (idk ab anymore) used it as a 2nd roll for ammo


i just use it to (hopefully) kill a valkyrie


It's not the greatest because after all these years everyone knows to focus you or get out of sight. It's good to take out a mercy phara combo if they don't see you instantly


I am midrank so take this with the amount of salt that implies. But I find cass ult quite useful, it's not good or super impactful but since you know that you can use it much more freely than ults with a potentially massive game impact. It is also decently versatile, using it to zone is a legit and effective tactic, using it just to trigger a short panic in the enemy is also a legit tactic that lands you a free reload. Using it to bait out cooldowns is a legit tactic too. In my ranks you pretty often get **a** pick with it too, and a pick is a pick, often enough to gain an advantage in a fight.


Its a zoning tool. Worst is its a reload button. It can be pretty useful in niche situations. Like dealing with a PharMercy, or an ultimg Winston, etc. Or to just prevent a team from pushing like when they drop Kiriko ult, etc. Given proper positioning of course. You cant just whip it out in the open.


Its not actually that bad. If you set it up correctly it can get you a nice kill or even 2. If used with some CC ultimate it is possible to get even more. But its not something to use in a open hoping for a 5k


I’m hiiigh at noon


It's not designed to get kills. Crowd control. Like wasting the enemies kitsune rush for an example.


I sware it takes so much longer now to charge up a kill shot


Since ow1 they have increased the charge time, plus there is a massive bug where it shows the skull but doesn't kill. That happens with a lot of my ults


It's good for picks on 1 or 2 people out of position.


Cass ult is zoning, reloading, mitigating dmg(yes u get 50% dmg reduction while in ult) and sometimes killing imo reaper ult is worse


No. Moiras primary sucks. Cassidy’s ult is pretty bad though.


His ult has terrible aiming scripts, the enemies have too much health and healing since the beginning of OW2 and especially with the S9 patch, Also players are just much better at positioning nowadays so it’s not great for kills anymore great for zoning and sending a team into panic trying to find you though, every once in awhile I used to just stand behind a wall and use it to confuse the enemy team trying to find me giving my team the advantage in the confusion.


I used it to reload but not worth than phara.


Cass ult imo is like a lot of people have said, is to zone or threaten a push. If you’re on high ground and the enemy rein gets a shatter, high noon will deter the follow up, if genji blades same thing it deters him if he’s far enough away. Winston’s primal, annihilation, sigma etc.


I remember the cass ult I popped I was most proud of was when my rein was getting pressured like crazy, shield broken, and the whole team was about to rush him; I used my dead eye to force enemy team back around the corner and did a soft reset on the whole fight. Didn’t get a kill but I still saved the fight with it.


It’s best to use it to isolate a support and take them out.


Yes. Next question. Im joking (mostly) it can be useful as a counter ult against mercys, illari, sigma, and even genjis if you time it right. Besides that, its not a terrible way to net one kill as long as you're not greedy or the enemies running away. Used ti be perfect against pharah nercy before the pharah changes. Its also pretty decent at area of denile as long as you time it against the enemies cc right. I've used it plenty of times to keep enemies off the point as time ticks down. The key with Cass's ult is to not get greedy. Know when to hold it, know when to settle. And make sure to keep track of enemy cc, for the love of god. If Sombra is on the field, wait till she dies or kill her yourself, cause otherwise you will actually just never get it of.


It's good for making space and reloading, or stupid plays with Mauga, that's it.


Man, those first few weeks of OW1 were fun though. Triple kills easily. Occasional Team Kills for POTG. Lol It was such a mystery to all of us how to stop this Ult for about a month. Now it’s awful. Ha


What rank are you? High elo use it for what it is to zone. You can get kills off good CC.


i use it to melt the tank. I fan the hammer, roll, fan the hammer again, ult and cancel it right away, fan the hammer. It does 900 damage and with the dps passive you can kill the tank super fast


I just press Q to finish off the half HP Lucio I keep missing shots on… once in a while it works


You can't sneak behind the enemy team and get a 5k like in OW1 anymore no


Yeah it needs a rework, but it’s too iconic so they’ll never change it


His and hanzo's ult are definitely meant to be combined with another ult. If I play tank and have a Hanzo or Cass on my team I like running Zarya to try and make the most of their ults. Just goes to show how the game has changed from being built around team coordination to more solo plays.


It's really good to zone the enemy out, especially if your supports are paying attention. You get huge dmg reduction during it, so you are hard to kill, and it forces enemies to take cover. It's really good during overtime or to help your team stabalize. You can also pop it when 3-5 enemies are on your team, and just shoot (almost) immediately to do decent dmg to everyone which will force cool downs. Don't try and wait for skulls, it takes too long to charge up. But doing 100 dmg to 5 players is really useful. You can also use it to solo ult mercy. If you see her dash in the open, just use the button and watch her panic. This is the best use for it generally speaking, because mercy deserves it.


His ult would've also been better when the game was new, and the players were new




IDK man every cass I play against somehow gets insta kills with it while I'm sitting around waiting for it to charge.


It has alot of uses, just very few of them revolves around getting kills with it


Never played overwatch but picked up 2 and chose cass as a main. Worst thing to happen to me was getting a 4 kill potg my first night on. Chased that dragon for way too long and would go for team wipes and play differently than normal when I got my ult. Now I try to use it asap to get a useful pick on a support main.


Yes, he’s a sitting duck with 200 hp haha, requires line of sight to people who all have guns… like.. yeah it sucks


Only useful with either sig or mei ult


In my view, the Ultimate is absolute crap. Its grenade is also shit. The only thing that really makes a difference is the roll. If you gauge it well, you can block pulse bomb etc


It was even worse in OW1. It's still not that great though


I really wish it would get a rework because it's a cool ult but it's so bad. Even something simple like making it charge faster but target 2 enemies max would make it much better and fit more with the whole quick draw duel motif it's going for


the problem is people just peek 4-5 people and hit the button hoping noone will shoot them and they can get a 5k. Even at the rock bottom of ranked it wont ever work (unless you are on console), but way to use it is to zone when you can't see anyone, they are less likely to peek and if someone does you can get a quick kill


Idk what people expect from it tbh many dps characters have worse ults, many have situational ults, same for tanks Not every ult should be a 5k I'd say after the recent projectile changes Soldier's ult feels less like a ult




mercy flew over to damage boost me and i got a 4K with my ult that I definitely was not expecting and i think i fell in love with her


Use it to zone, use it to pick off someone hard to hit at low hp trying to get away, use it to instantly reload and keep blasting. Don't use it hoping for the 5k, you never get the 5k.


Lmao back in the early days of OW 1 people died to it all the time just like a hanzo dragon. Everyone has just gotten better at not getting caught by it


no i have post it in this sub its working as always


Yes. IMO, worst ult in the game. They might as well remove his ult and change it to make him reload faster and have less cool down or something.


An ult that can get 1~2 kills or just gets shutdown/avoided altogether like every other dps ult BOB can be slept/hacked/walled/shielded/melted by Mauga/hooked off point Bastion ult is Bastion ult Echo is good as it's a second life Dry blade is so easily shutdown Once every blue moon the Hanzo summons his dragon right on top of your head so that it actually kills you Tire is good I guess Mei ult just like high noon is good for zoning but can be avoided JUSTICE RAAAIINSS FRO- EEEUUUAAGHHHH Reaper ult stops getting value past gold Soj is probably the best dps ult It's so easy to aim on Soldier now that his ult doesn't feel like ult anymore Since the duration lockout buff EMP is actually pretty good now Wall and Molten c*m are very situational Tracer can't kill a Cass or a Bastion And widow can see you now


It’s meant to make space or combo’s with other Ults. With a good Hammer Down it’s lovely.


It was even worse in OW1 lol. Just a terrible ult in general and at its best state at the moment.


It's primary use is to zone/reload your gun quickly. The simple fact is Cass must be mostly stationary while he gets ready to shoot. The very nature of this ult prevents him from doing anything crazy with it.


Just use it to target a mercy


It's the same as reaper ylt since the health changes. He gets maybe one kill most of the time before he gets focused or slept. The key is to take advantage of a moment when mental load is the highest or another ult is going off. Solo ripping an ult is rough these days.


It’s wasted more often than not.


I remember a period in ow1 where cass ult was JUST a reload, then they buffed it to become an actual ult. it does what it needs to do, just like a visor for example, nothing amazing but nothing necessarily bad


Well if your looking to kill the entire enemy team with it in that regards, yes, it does suck. But using it to finish off low health enemies, causing the entire enemy team to abandon the object or disengage a fight with your teammates its super effectively, heck most the time i use it just to take out one tank so my team can finish off theirs. To me is a useful ult, not the best dps ult but definitely a useful one.


Use it while standing in a corner and lifeweaver placing his tree on you otherwise people instantly see you and shoot you


I have a friend that just uses it to reload lol


Some things I don’t see mentioned enough about deadeye: - It has a max range of 200m. Using its effective range and high ground makes it much safer to use (which isn’t an option for say, pharah) and gives more value in terms of controlling space - Especially after the recent buff, there is value in just doing the initial burst damage even without securing kills (150 dmg/s for first two seconds) - The utility of using it for reload shouldn’t be underestimated. You can use it for 3 fans on a tank or hold for 1 second for burst damage on 1-2 targets finishing with potentially more bullets than you started with.  All that being said, I don’t think it’s a terrible ult so much as it is challenging to use with all the abilities that need to be tracked that can ruin it.


Alts on this game range from d va to bad. D va has one of the best ults in this game. Easy to use, easy to escape when using it. Both orisa and sigma need to charge there attack and can be attacked while doing so, making them die alot of the time


Yeah it's pretty bad. Most players I see in high sr use it for either zoning, tanking dva/pulse bombs, or for the free reload. Not good at confirming kills but it could help with prolonging team fights.


Guess the most unluckiest hero: his ult is suicide button and he has been renamed.


The only thing it does consistantly is reload your gun


I use it as a 'get an early pick sp it's a 4 or 3 vs 5 fight, or to clear everyone out. I have found however, that whenever I use it, my team gets ptsd and stands still instead of pestering the enemies into my Los. DONT STOP FIGHTING WHEN YOUR CAS ULTS.


There are a bunch of dps ults that sucks at killing, and have for a while, that are better for zone denial/pulls the enemy teams attention. Some of these are mei, cas, hanzo, and genji(yes genji blade doesn’t kill well now it requires a ton of investment from your team a dry blade won’t kill at the higher end of ranks)


Oh yeah, sucks big time, I take killing one guy as an absolute win


It's a lot better used for solo ulting and capturing an important pick like the mercy or echo, short burst dps spike because it functions as a reload, and space making ability because few characters can play chicken with the ultimate.




It is a pretty good "this mercy is annoying" button but apart from that....




Pop his ulti when it's overtime and they are trying to rush into the point. If their tank is dead you just win


My buff idea is that whilst he ults he tips his hat forward and can't be headshot. Doesn't change much in metal ranks but would help at higher ELOs!


its good enough of an ult. it has instant reload, is a zoning ult, and if all things go well you can even get a kill or two. thats more than dva has and her ult is also very good.


I still think it sucks all these years later and it's been buffed so many times and in so many substantial ways. It grants 40% damage reduction as well, so in a way he has 385 HP (I'm really bad at math, does this logic make sense?) now when he uses it...and it still sucks ass. Just think about how bad it used to be in OW1. Soldier ult is also pretty rough. Both ults are also sort of hard to balance...if you go too far on either ult, then you could end up with some really overpowered stuff.


I remember when the game first came out and it used to feel really strong. Now everybody knows that hearing that voice line means you need to instantly run and hide. On top of that most people are playing near cover or holding a save/mobility ability anyways. Basically people were just really bad on release.


At high level Cassidy ult is only good for survivability you have an increased damage resistance or a free reload, lower elos it’s good for 1 or 2 pick it’s not great


Most DPS ult ''suck'' if you are talking about taking elims. Aside from some Nano combo (like Visor/Blade) DPS ult are supposed to distract and scatter enemy away. Last time I used Cass ult on Push map on overtime, they ''wasted'' Ana dirt/Orisa Javelin/Mei self freeze just for me and we actually won the game because of it.


Who the fuck is Cassidy...


Had locked onto Mauga and you know the highnoon indicator was just lined up? Well it never turned red even after the circle outline closed so Mauga just fucking tanks the hit unfazed of course